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PUMAs Process Notation Palette Process mapping conventions

PUMA - Business Process Modelling Guide

!clusive Gate"a# $%&'( Parallel Gate"a# $AN)(
Activit#* +ork per,ormed in a process
Gate"a#* 'outing -ogic
Pools. -anes / connectors
Naming conventions
Start creating insig0t / map@
2omplete #our process "it0 t0ese attributes
Noun and a Participle or adverb
Department -
process name
proces map
A lane is to be
labelled with
the responsible
The Process ana!er names himsel" in the "ield #Author#
Add the aim o" the Process inthe $ustom Attributes%
Name the specialist department in the $ustom Attributes%
Name the process in #ain Attributes#
Version be!ins at & and in "ull numbers
The intention is to be added at #Documentation#
A !lossar' term must be provided "or ever' new term used
in the models( The input o" the !lossar' term is to be !iven
b' the department specialist(
3eep in mind
An atomic activit' is a !eneric t'pe
o" wor) that a compan' per"orms(
A *ub-process is a compound
Activit'+ havin! subparts de"ined
in the model(
A ,atewa' controls process "low( -ithout a ,atewa'+ all *e.uence Flows out o"
an Activit' are ta)en in parallel( /0clusive 123R4 ,atewa' is e0clusive decision(
Parallel 1AND4 ,atewa' means split into Parallel Paths+ or 5oin Parallel Paths(
A *tart /vent indicates the start o" a Process or *ub-process( A Top-
6evel Process ma' have a Tri!!er representin! the t'pe o" si!nal that
starts the Process7 essa!e 1e0ternal re.uest4+ Timer 1scheduled start4+
or None 1manual start4( A *ub-process alwa's has a None-tri!!er(
An /nd /vent indicates the end o" a path in a Process or *ub-process(
8est to use a separate /nd /vent "or each distinct end state( /nd /vent
ma' throw a result si!nal7 essa!e 1to e0ternal entit'4+ or None 1no
si!nal thrown4(
A Pool represents a participant in a $ollaboration+ an
interaction between a Process and the e0ternal
environment( A Pool can contain a sin!le Process( An
empt' blac)-bo0 Pool represents an e0ternal
A 6ane is a subdivision o" a Process+ t'picall'
representin! a per"ormer role or or!ani9ational unit(
*e.uence Flow represents orchestration+ or "low o"
control within a Process or *ubprocess( :t connects
tas)s+ events and !atewa's(
8oundar' /vents 1attached to an Activit'
boundar'4 are events which can be
tri!!ered "rom the tas)
essa!e Flow represents $ollaboration+ or
interaction between Pools
Represents an :T *'stem(
$an be connected to an
activit' with a dashed line(
Represents a participant o" a
process+ "or e0ample someone
who contributes to a tas)(
Te0t annotation attached to an
activit'+ event or !atewa'7 allows
addin! e0tra in"ormation(
*.uare+ can be used as s'mbol "or
an important event or meetin!(
Rectan!le+ can be used "or
odel the process "rom le"t to ri!ht
;se about ma0( &< activities "or a process( :" 'ou have
more activities+ 'ou probabl' need to use a sub-process
Never resi9e or recolor tas) s'mbols
Alwa's model end-to-end
Document in /n!lish
No acron'ms or abbreviations are to be used in the models
Step-b#-step a process map
)e,ine t0e scope o, #our process
- =ow+ when+ where does the process start
- /numerate process end-states
numerate t0e steps in 0ig0-level map
- Name the activit'
- /numerate the end states o" each activit'
Map #our top-level process diagram
- ap activities "rom step > become sub-processes in the dia!ram
- Pa' attention to start event tri!!er+ one end event per end state
- ,atewa's i" multiple end states or parallel "low
- atch 23R !atewa' labels to activit' end states
!pand eac0 0ig0 level process map activit# in
c0ild level diagram
Add black-bo! $empt#( pools and message ,lo"s.
starting at c0ild level
- Replicate pools and messa!e "lows in parent level
2ontact us ,or more in,ormation
4oin PUMAs BPM communit# @ connections1m#puma1net
Arndt -ieland
8usiness Process Anal'st
?@A A&B> C& ><A&
-e enable the development o" 8usiness Process ana!ement here at
P;A( 8usiness Process ana!ement+ 8P "or short+ brin!s 'ou tools to
!ain comprehensive insi!ht in the wa' wor) is done and how we wor)
to!ether within the compan' to deliver to our customersD needs( Appl'in!
8P also helps 'ou to appl' continuous improvement to 'our wor)
resultin! in bene"its which ma)e us all more succces"ull(
Ale0ander =eeren
8usiness Process Anal'st
?@A A&B> C& >>BC
6abel with a .uestion
6abel the "low

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