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By: Atty. Edwin M. Carillo

As the term suggests, Business Legal Forms are the templates or moulds used or required in the ordinary course of trade or commerce.
These templates are usually divided into three (3) patterns, namely (i) affidavits! (ii) deed forms! and, (iii) contract forms.
An affidavit is a s"orn declaration of facts #no"n to a declarant or affiant. $t consists of the follo"ing parts the venue of e%ecution, title,
person&s 'ona fides, the oath, statement, the signature and the jurat. ((ode VeTiPe-OSta-SiJu) )f all these parts, the jurat is the most important as
this is the certification of an officer that the statement "as s"orn 'efore him. *ection +, ,ule $$ of the -../ ,ules on 0otarial 1ractice (,01)
(effective August -../), ho"ever, defines a jurat as an act in "hich an individual on a single occasion
(a) appears in person 'efore the notary pu'lic and presents an instrument or document!
(') is personally #no"n to the notary pu'lic or identified 'y the notary pu'lic through competent evidence of identity as defined 'y these
(c) signs the instrument or document in the presence of the notary! and
(d) ta#es an oath or affirmation 'efore the notary pu'lic as to such instrument or document. (This means that the declarant vo"s under penalty
of la" to the "hole truth of the contents of his statement. 0ote also that the elements of a jurat are connected 'y a con2unctive 3and4. As such,
each one act should 'e reflected in the jurat.)
Republic of the Philippines)
City of Manila ) S.S.
I, RAU C. SA!"#A, of le$al a$e, %a&&ie', &esi'in$ at ()( V.#. C&u*, Sa%paloc, Manila, state un'e& oath that+
,. I a% a license' physician.
-. I e.a%ine' accuse' Fe&'inan' Ra%os at / o0cloc1 in the afte&noon to'ay an' foun' hi% suffe&in$ f&o% intestinal
flu fo& 2hich I p&esc&ibe' %e'icine an' best &est fo& th&ee 'ays.
Manila, ,/ Au$ust -))3.
4S#D.) RAU C. SA!"#A
SI#"5D A"D S6!R"
befo&e %e this ,/ Au$ust -))3 at
Manila, afte& affiant e.hibite' to %e
his Passpo&t 77-))89, issue' on ):
7anua&y -)); at Manila.

Doc. ,-<
Pa$e 3<
=oo1 II<
Se&ies of -))3.
5The passport num'er is indicated here instead of the usual community ta% certificate 'ecause of *ection 6-, ,ule - of the -../ ,01, "hich
>S5C ,-. Co%petent e?i'ence of I'entity @ The ph&ase >co%petent e?i'ence of i'entityA &efe&s to the i'entification of an in'i?i'ual
base' on+
4a) at least one cu&&ent i'entification 'ocu%ent issue' by an official a$ency bea&in$ the photo$&aph an' si$natu&e of the in'i?i'ual<
4S#D) 7UA" C. M5"D!BA
"ota&y Public fo& Manila
Suite -,- =u&1e =uil'in$, 5scolta, Manila
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Until Dec. 8,, -))3
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,3
PTR (C;3:< ,D,-D)3< Manila
I=P -/C3)< ,D,-D)3< Manila
4b) the oath o& affi&%ation of one c&e'ible 2itness not p&i?y to the inst&u%ent, 'ocu%ent o& t&ansaction 2ho is pe&sonally 1no2n to
the nota&y public an' 2ho pe&sonally 1no2s the in'i?i'ual, o& of t2o c&e'ible 2itnesses neithe& of 2ho% is p&i?y to the inst&u%ent, 'ocu%ent o&
t&ansaction 2ho each pe&sonally 1no2s the in'i?i'ual an' sho2s to the nota&y public 'ocu%enta&y i'entification.A
$t appears from the foregoing that a community ta% certificate (also called residence ta% certificate) issued to individuals under *ection 67+
of ,epu'lic Act 86+., as amended (Local 9overnment (ode), is no longer a competent evidence of identity for purposes of carrying out the notarial
acts mentioned in *ection 6, ,ule / of the ,01. The *upreme (ourt&s resolution issued on 6: Fe'ruary -..; confirms this position "hen it e%cluded
the community ta% certificate from a list of possi'le documents that can 'e presented to a notary pu'lic. The resolution reads
Quoted hereunder, for your information, is a resolution of the Court En Banc dated February 19, 2008.
EA.M. "o. )-D3D,8DSCDRe+ -))/ Rules on "ota&ial P&actice. The Cou&t Resol?e', upon the &eco%%en'ation of the Sub Co%%ittee on the
Re?ision of the Rules #o?e&nin$ "ota&ies Public, to AM5"D Sec. ,- 4a). Rule II of the -))/ Rules on "ota&ial P&actice, to 2it+
Rule II
ESec. ,-. Co%ponent 5?i'ence of I'entity. The ph&ase Eco%petent e?i'ence of i'entityE &efe&s to the i'entification of an in'i?i'ual base' on+
4a) at least one cu&&ent i'entification 'ocu%ent issue' by an official a$ency bea&in$ the photo$&aph an' si$natu&e of the in'i?i'ual, such as but
not li%ite' to, passport, drivers license, Professional Regulations Commission ID, National Bureau of Investigation clearance, police
clearance, postal ID, voters ID, Barangay certification, Government Service and Insurance System GSIS! e"card, Social Security
System SSS! card, P#il#ealt# card, senior citi$en card, %verseas &or'ers &elfare (dministration %&&(! ID, %)& ID, seamans
*oo', alien certificate of registration+immigrant certificate of registration, government office ID, certification from t#e National
Council for t#e &elfare of Disa*le Persons NC&DP!, Department of Social &elfare and Development DS&D! certification< o&
4b) .....E
All other la"s requiring its presentation for purposes of notari<ation are deemed amended o"ing to the *upreme (ourt&s sole authority under the
constitution to promulgate rules concerning the practice of la" in the country, including notarial practice that is no" a la"yer&s e%clusive "or#.
This statement, 2ointly e%ecuted 'y the mortgage parties, is used only in chattel mortgage contracts signifying that their agreement is valid
and not for fraud. The a'sence of this affidavit can render the contract void. This is a favorite form among e%aminers, as it "ill require e%aminees to
accomplish four (/) forms in one question.
(hec# the sample 'elo"
-. 4ACG"!65D#M5"T)
65, the un'e&si$ne' pa&ties, un'e& oath 'ecla&e that+
,. 6e a&e the pa&ties to the fo&e$oin$ chattel %o&t$a$e< an',
-. 6e e.ecute' sai' %o&t$a$e in $oo' faith to secu&e a ?ali' obli$ation not fo& the pu&pose of f&au'.
: 7anua&y -))3, City of Manila.
4S#D.) Mo&t$a$o& 4S#D.) Mo&t$a$ee
/. 4JURAT)
Another common s"orn statement is the corporate or partnership certification. (orporations produce resolutions, "hich may 'e certified
either 'y the (orporate *ecretary or 'y the =irectors themselves. *uch certifications are #no"n as the *ecretary>s (ertificate or =irectors& (ertificate,
respectively. $n case of the latter, the =irectors "ho actually too# part in the deli'eration of the resolution shall sign it. $n the case of partnerships, the
managing partner or all the partners sign the certification.
Loo# at the sample certificate 'elo" e%ecuted 'y the corporate secretary
As co&po&ate sec&eta&y, I ce&tify that last ,- 7anua&y -))3 the =oa&' of Di&ecto&s of the AllDSta& Consu%e& P&o'uct
Co&po&ation %et at its p&incipal office in Ma1ati City an' passe' the follo2in$ &esolution 2hich to 'ate &e%ains effecti?e 2ithout
EResol?e' that the Co&po&ation shall open an' %aintain a cu&&ent account 2ith Piso =an1 4Ma1ati b&anch) an'
fun's f&o% it coul' be 2ith'&a2n 2ith the si$natu&e of the P&esi'ent an' the T&easu&e& only.E
Ma1ati City, ( 7anua&y -)):.
4S#D). R!D!F! 5. P!ICARPI!
Co&po&ate Sec&eta&y
Loo# at the sample directors& certificate 'elo"
Special =oa&' of Di&ecto&s0 Meetin$ hel' on
/ "o?e%be& -)); at Roo% ,): A=C =uil'in$
--(, Pason$ Ta%o St., Ma1ati City
All =oa&' %e%be&s a&e p&esent in this special %eetin$ calle' by the Chai&%an.
,. App&o?al of the Minutes+
The =oa&', upon %otion %a'e an' 'uly secon'e', app&o?e' to 'ispense 2ith the &ea'in$ of the %inutes of the p&e?ious %eetin$.
-. Appoint%ent of M&. 7ose Antipuesto as #ene&al Mana$e&.
The Chai&%an app&ise' the =oa&' Me%be&s that the %eetin$ 2as specifically calle' to 'iscuss the p&oposal to appoint a #ene&al
Mana$e&. The&e bein$ a Kuo&u%, the follo2in$ &esolution 2as app&o?e'+
>R5S!V5D, that the =oa&' of Di&ecto&s of PA#DASA TRIDF!RUM "5T6!RG, I"C. appoints M&. =5"7AMI" T.
A"TIPU5ST! as #ene&al Mana$e& of the Co&po&ation.A
>R5S!V5D, FI"AH, that the =oa&' autho&i*es M&. A"TIPU5ST!, 2hose si$natu&e appea&s belo2, to 'eal,
t&ansact an' othe&2ise si$n chec1s, '&afts an' othe& ban1in$ 'ocu%ents 2ith RC=C, Te1titeD!&ti$as =&anchA
4S#D.) =5"7AMI" T. A"TIPU5ST!
The&e bein$ no othe& %atte&s to be 'iscusse', the %eetin$ 2as a'Lou&ne' at -+)) PM.
4S#D.) R!DRI#! . A"TIMA"!
D&i?e&0s icense "!-D,-8/(C
4S#D.) C!"C5PCI!" 5. A"TIMA"!
Corporate Treasurer
D&i?e&0s icense "!,D(C;3:
Corporate Secretary
D&i?e&0s icense "!,D):3;C(
4S#D.) R!"AD . A"TIMA"!
D&i?e&0s icense "!-D8(C3:)
4S#D.) MA"U5 F. A"TIMA"!
D&i?e&0s icense "!,D8/(C;;
SI#"5D A"D S6!R" to befo&e %e this ,/ Au$ust -))3 at Manila, affiants e.hibite' to %e thei& &especti?e co%petent e?i'ences of
i'entity state' abo?e.

A =eed Form indicates an agreement of at least t"o parties 'ut made to appear as a unilateral act of a person disposing his property or right
in favor of another after his receipt of a consideration. The transaction is terminated 'y the conveyance of the thing or right. A typical deed has the
follo"ing parts Title, Announcement, First 1arty, Consideration, Act or (onveyance, Second 1arty, Signature and Ac#no"ledgment ((ode TAF-
)'serve these parts in the deed 'elo".
D55D !F SA5 !F M!T!R V5FIC5
I, PR!C!PI! C. CRUB, of le$al a$e, %a&&ie', an' &esi'in$ at ,- Apo St., Mue*on City, fo& an' in consi'e&ation of
P,)),))).)), he&eby sell, con?ey, an' t&ansfe& on an >as is 2he&e isA basis %y %oto& ?ehicle, %o&e pa&ticula&ly 'esc&ibe' as
Ma1e+ Toyota Co&olla -)))< Moto&+ 5MC,/8(CC
Se&ial JChassis+ CDC)/-):/, File+ -8/((C;5
Re$. Ce&t.+ /(C;5C, Plate+ UAP 3C8
to RICARD! IM, of le$al a$e, %a&&ie', an' &esi'in$ at - =an$1al St., Manila.
SI#"5D+ 3 7uly -))3, Mue*on City.
6ith %y consent+
4S#D.) Felen H. C&u*
$f the act or conveyance is altered, the deed could 'e converted into another one. The operative statement "ould change depending on "hat
the e%aminer demands from the e%aminee. The common deeds as#ed in the 'ar are deeds of assignment, donation inter vivos, easement of right of
"ay, real estate or chattel mortgage, and po"ers of attorney.
$f you are as#ed to draft a deed of donation inter vivos, do not forget the acceptance of the donee and the donor&s declaration that he
reserved sufficient properties for himself and his creditors. The operative statement that should 'e remem'ered "ould 'e something li#e 'elo"
Efo& an' in consi'e&ation of %y lo?e an' &espect fo& CARMI"A D5 7!HA, I 'o he&eby t&ansfe& an' con?ey by 2ay of 'onationA
(hec# out the sample donation deed 'elo" involving t"o corporations
D!"ATI!" D55D
S! TF5 PU=IC MAH G"!6+
As P&esi'ent an' Chai&%an of the =oa&' of Di&ecto&s of C5TA R5ATH D5V5!PM5"T C!RP!RATI!" 4CRDC), a 'o%estic
co&po&ation c&eate' an' e.istin$ un'e& Philippine la2s hol'in$ office at ,/(- P. =u&$os St&eet, =elDAi&, Ma1ati City, I, C!"C5PCI!" C.
TRI"IDAD, Filipino, of le$al a$e, hol'in$ office at the abo?e a''&ess an' 'uly autho&i*e' fo& this pu&pose, as sho2n by the attache'
autho&ity, in consi'e&ation of ou& continuin$ soli'a&ity 2ith the =aptist %iniste&s, 'o he&eby su&&en'e&, t&ansfe& an' con?ey by 2ay of
'onation in fa?o& of CAHA6AH =APTIST CFURCF, I"C. 4C=CI), a &eli$ious co&po&ation c&eate' an' e.istin$ un'e& Philippine la2s 2ith
p&incipal office locate' at =$y. Cayla2ay, =atulao, "asu$bu, 2ith po2e&s to &ecei?e, hol' an' a'%iniste& p&ope&ties 'onate' to it fo& the
fu&the&ance of its &eli$ious an' cha&itable pu&poses, the pa&cel of lan' 'esc&ibe' as follo2s+
4Technical 'esc&iption)
I 2a&&ant that CRDC has &ese&?e' fo& it in full o2ne&ship othe& p&ope&ties sufficient fo& its continue' e.istence an' fo& its
c&e'ito&s0 p&otection an' I 2ill su&&en'e& in C=CIIs fa?o& all 'ocu%ents necessa&y to facilitate the t&ansfe& of the p&ope&ty in its na%e.
SI#"5D on : "o?e%be& -))C, in Ma1ati City.
!n C=CI0s behalf, I, Fi$h Ministe& R5D5"T!R C. I"A"T5S, 'uly autho&i*e' fo& this pu&pose as sho2n by the attache'
autho&ity, 'o he&eby accept the fo&e$oin$ 'onation of the abo?eD'esc&ibe' p&ope&ty e?en as I e.p&ess the co&po&ation0s since&e
app&eciation an' $&atitu'e to CRDC, its stoc1hol'e&s, office&s an' staff fo& the 1in'ness an' soli'a&ity they ha?e sho2n by ?i&tue of this act.
SI#"5D on : "o?e%be& -))C, in Ma1ati City.
4S#D.) R5D5"T!R C. I"A"T5S
6itnesse' by+
4S#D.) 7!S5 C. AM!S 4S#D.) =5"5DICT! S. PAPA
(hec# out the follo"ing operative statements for the follo"ing specific deeds
$n a =eed of ,epurchase of Land sold under 1acto de ,etro
Efo& an' in consi'e&ation of the a%ount of P, %illion, 'o he&eby R5S5, R5TRA"SF5R, an' R5C!"V5HE
$n a =eed of Assignment
Efo& an' in consi'e&ation of the su% of P(),))) 'o he&eby ASSI#", TRA"SF5R, A"D C!"V5HE
$n an ?asement of ,ight of @ay
Efo& an' in consi'e&ation of the su% of P, %illion, 'o he&eby a$&ee an' pe&%it Ra%on Santos a pe&%anent ease%ent of &i$ht of
2ay o?e& %y abo?e p&ope&ty not to e.cee' t2o %ete&s 2i'eE
$n ?%tra2udicial *ettlement Among Aeirs
Ethe pa&ties he&eby a$&ee to 'i?i'e an' a'Lu'icate a%on$ the%sel?es the abo?e 'esc&ibe' p&ope&ty as follo2sE
$f you are as#ed to draft a po"er of attorney, determine the intent of the principal from the pro'lem. A *pecial 1o"er of Attorney should 'e
drafted if the principal>s intent is to empo"er the agent to perform A(T* )F =$*1)*$T$)0 (sale, mortgage, lease, etc.), other"ise if only A(T* )F
A=B$0$*T,AT$)0 is intended, a 9eneral 1o"er of Attorney "ould suffice.
A special form of deed is the last "ill. $n the a'sence of any qualification 'y the e%aminer, a holographic "ill is recommended to 'e
drafted since its requirements are simpler, i.e. it should only 'e entirely "ritten, dated, and signed 'y the hand of the testator himself . ((f. Art. ;6.,
(ivil (ode) )ther"ise, remem'er the requirements of a notarial "ill under Articles ;.7C;.+ of the (ivil (ode. (onsider the sample "ill 'elo".
It is my wish that upon my death, everything I own be given to my only child
named Eduardo L Montinola, !r
"S#$% Eduardo L Montinola, Sr
&' September ())*, Manila
Dust li#e deed forms, contract forms reflect an agreement of at least t"o parties. The ma2or difference in this form is that contract forms
reveal each of the parties& specific underta#ings. $n using, therefore, contract forms, you must demonstrate the specific o'ligations of the parties apart
from ensuring the presence of the essential requirements of o'2ect, consideration, and consent in all contracts. Ta#e also into consideration the
peculiarities of specific contracts. A contract template usually has the follo"ing parts Title, Announcement, Actors, Recitals, Agreement,
Conditions, Signatories and Ac#no"ledgment. ((ode TAA-RAC-SA)
)'serve these parts in the contract 'elo".
S! TF5 PU=IC MAH G"!6+
This A$&ee%ent e.ecute' bet2een+
T!MAS S. =AATA", Filipino, of le$al a$e, an' &esi'in$ at ,/8( Min'anao A?enue, Mue*on City<
D an' D
7UA" ". =U5TA, Filipino, of le$al a$e, an' &esi'in$ at ;3: C&ai$ St., Sa%paloc, Manila<
T!MAS o2ns a house an' lot at the abo?e $i?en a''&ess an' his p&ope&ty &eKui&es the p&o%pt installation of a 'eep 2ell<
7UA" is en$a$e' by the business of supplyin$ an' installin$ 'eep 2ells to '&a2 potable 2ate& an' has e.p&esse' his 2illin$ness
to se&?ice the &eKui&e%ents of T!MAS un'e& ce&tain te&%s an' con'itions<
ConseKuently, in consi'e&ation of the te&%s an' con'itions state' belo2, the Pa&ties %utually a$&ee as follo2s+
,. T!MAS shall pay 7UA" the su% of Pesos+ Fo&ty Thousan' 4P/),))).))) fo& both %ate&ials an' labo& cost payable as follo2s+
,.,. Pesos+ Fifteen Thousan' 4P,(,))).))) upon si$nin$ this cont&act<
,.-. The balance shall be pai' upon 'eli?e&y to T!MAS of the co%pletely functional 'eep 2ell utility.
-. 7UA" 2a&&ants that the 'eep 2ell it shall install an' 'eli?e& to T!MAS shall be f&ee f&o% hi''en 'efects an' a$ainst poo&
8. 7UA" assu&es T!MAS that the 'eep 2ell shall yiel' the no&%al ?olu%e of potable 2ate& fo& a stan'a&' fa%ily of si. 4C).
!the&2ise, the 7UA" un'e&ta1es to &eD'o the 2o&1 at no cost to T!MAS. Shoul' the p&oLect be &e'one that 2ill &eKui&e installation of e.t&a
pipes of at least ,- feet lon$, T!MAS shall 'ef&ay the cost of the %ate&ials.
The 'eficiency of this cont&act shall be supple%ente' by the p&o?ision of e.istin$ la2.
SI#"5D+ ,; Au$ust -))3, City of Manila.
4S#D.) T!MAS S. =AATA" 4S#D.) 7UA" ". =U5TA

Si$ne' in the p&esence of+
4S#D.) 7ACI"T! C. TIRAPA 4S#D.) F5ICIT! F. "A"UM!
Another document that one may draft using the contract form "ould 'e compromises. Article -.-; of the (ivil (ode defines a compromise
as 3a contract "here'y the parties, 'y ma#ing reciprocal concessions, avoid a litigation or put an end to one already commenced.4 Because a
compromise is essentially a contract, the la'el 3compromise agreement4 is altogether redundant.
(hec# out the sample compromise 'elo"
S! TF5 PU=IC MAH G"!6+
This a$&ee%ent e.ecute' a%on$+
ARRH R. UB, Filipino, of le$al a$e, %a&&ie', an' &esi'in$ at ,8 Pineci&cle St&eet, Vista Ve&'e Count&y Fo%es, Cainta, Ri*al<
SUP5RF5M C!"SUM5R PR!DUCTS, I"C., 4SUP5RF5M) a co&po&ation 'uly o&$ani*e' an' e.istin$ un'e& Philippine la2s 2ith
p&incipal office locate' at :JF Pacific Sta& =uil'in$, Ma1ati A?enue co&ne& Sen. #il Puyat A?enue, Ma1ati City, &ep&esente' by its P&esi'ent,
RICARD! R. C!ARI"A, 'uly autho&i*e' fo& this pu&pose, as sho2n by the attache' autho&ity<
RICARD! R. C!ARI"A, 7UA" A. D5A CRUB, 7UA"A F5 C. D5A P5NA, R!"AD! =. 7!S5, an' !"!FR5 #. R5H5S, all
Filipinos, of le$al a$es, an' all hol'in$ offices at =uil'in$ D, 7H O Sons Co%poun', Vete&ans Cente&, Ta$ui$ City, as Supe&he%0s
D Antece'ents D
a&&y file' a co%plaint a$ainst Supe&he% an' its 'i&ecto&s befo&e the Re$ional T&ial Cou&t of Ma1ati City, =&anch C,, 'oc1ete' as
Ci?il Case )CD:;8 fo& a nu%be& of issues a&isin$ f&o% the issuance an' i%ple%entation of a Kuestionable =oa&' &esolution 'ate' ,- 7uly
-))/ that p&eLu'ice' hi%. Supe&he% an' its 'i&ecto&s ha?e since file' thei& ans2e& to his co%plaint.
ate&, the Cou&t &efe&&e' the pa&ties to %e'iation pu&suant to e.istin$ &ules. Afte& se?e&al 'iscussions an' ne$otiations th&ou$h the
pa&ties0 chosen %e'iato&, they ha?e Lointly an' a%icably settle' thei& 'iffe&ences subLect to ce&tain con'itions.
ACC!RDI"#H, fo& an' in consi'e&ation of the fo&e$oin$ p&e%ises, the pa&ties a$&ee as follo2s+
A. SUP5RF5M0s !bli$ations+
,. To pay a&&y the su% of PhPC)),))).)) cash upon e.ecution of this co%p&o%ise on 8) May -))C.
-. To e.ecute a 'ee' of sale th&ou$h its autho&i*e' &ep&esentati?e that 2oul' t&ansfe& its full o2ne&ship in Fen&y0s fa?o& o?e& a
%oto& ?ehicle 'esc&ibe' belo2+
Ma1e Fon'a Acco&'
Mo'el -))/
Type Se'an
Colo& =lue Sil?e&
Moto& "u%be& PAP(DH))((3
Se&ialJChasis "u%be& PADCF:C8)HV-))((-
Plate "u%be& 6M=D333
=. Di&ecto&sDStoc1hol'e&s0 !bli$ations+
,. To Lointly e.ecute a Kuitclai% in a&&y0s fa?o& &eleasin$ hi% an' fo&e?e& 'ischa&$in$ hi% f&o% any clai%, cause of action, o& any
fu&the& obli$ation in connection 2ith his in?ol?e%ent as P&oche%0s 'i&ecto&, stoc1hol'e& an' office&.
-. To assu%e a&&y0s stoc1 subsc&iptions in Supe&he% at its pa& ?alue.
C. a&&y0s !bli$ations+
,. To &ecei?e the a%ount an' othe& 'ocu%ents state' in both ite%s A an' = abo?e.
-. To e.ecute any an' all 'ocu%ents to fully t&ansfe& an' con?ey his stoc1 subsc&iptions in fa?o& of his coD'i&ecto&sDstoc1hol'e&s
consistent 2ith ite% =D- to'ite his co%plete 'issociation f&o% Supe&he%.
8. To e.ecute a Kuitclai% in Supe&he%0s fa?o& an' its 'i&ecto&s an' office&s &eleasin$ an' fo&e?e& 'ischa&$in$ the% f&o% any clai%,
cause of action, o& any fu&the& obli$ation in connection 2ith his in?ol?e%ent as Supe&he%0s 'i&ecto&, stoc1hol'e& an' office&.

D. Co%%on !bli$ations+
,. 6ithin a &easonable ti%e afte& the e.ecution of this co%p&o%ise, the pa&ties a$&ee to Lointly %o?e the Ma1ati City Re$ional T&ial
Cou&t to &en'e& Lu'$%ent in the pen'in$ suit 4Ci?il Case )/D:;8) base' on the pa&ticula&s state' in this a$&ee%ent< an',
-. The pa&ties fu&the& a$&ee to fo&e?e& 2ai?e all othe& clai%s an' counte&clai%s a$ainst each othe& in the fo&% of 'a%a$es,
atto&neyIs fees an' costs of suit.
Si$ne' this ,; May -))C in Ma1ati City.
4also fo& hi%self)
4S#D.) 7UA" A. D5A CRUB,
4S#D.)7UA"A F5 C. D5A P5NA
4S#D.)R!"AD! =. 7!S5
4S#D.)!"!FR5 #. R5H5S
6itnesse' an' Assiste' by+
4S#D.) Fon. RU5 7!S5PF V. 5S#U5RRA, Me'iato&
*ection 6, ,ule $$ of the -../ ,01 defined ac#no"ledgment as an act in "hich an individual on a single occasion
(a) appears in person 'efore the notary pu'lic and presents an integrally complete instrument or document!
(') is attested to 'e personally #no"n to the notary pu'lic or identified 'y the notary pu'lic through competent evidence of identity as
defined 'y the ,ules! and,
(c) represents to the notary pu'lic that the signature on the instrument or document "as voluntarily affi%ed 'y him for the purposes stated in
the instrument or document, declares that he has e%ecuted the instrument or document as his free and voluntary act and deed, and, if he acts
in a particular representative capacity, that he has the authority to sign in that capacity.
From the foregoing, it 'ecomes clear that a notary pu'lic spea#s in this part of the deed or contract. Ae confirms that each of the acts
mentioned a'ove too# place in one occasion.
Ta#e a loo# at the sample ac#no"ledgment 'elo".
=5F!R5 M5, pe&sonally appea&e'+
"a%e Passpo&t DateJ Place Issue'
,. To%as S. =alatan CC,-888) ,D)(D-))CJ =a$uio City
-. 7uan ". =uelta 77-))8/( ,D,;D-));J Manila
They a&e 1no2n to %e to be the sa%e pe&sons 2ho p&esente' the fo&e$oin$ cont&act an' ac1no2le'$e' to %e that the si$natu&es they affi.e'
in it a&e thei& ?olunta&y acts fo& the pu&poses state' in thei& 'ocu%ent.
SI#"5D A"D S5A5D in Manila, ,( Au$ust -))3.
4S#D) 7uan C. Men'o*a
"ota&y Public fo& Manila
Suite -,- =u&1e =uil'in$, 5scolta, Manila
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Until Dec. 8,, -))3
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,3
PTR (C;3:< ,D,-D)3< Manila
I=P -/C3)< ,D,-D)3< Manila
Doc. ,-<
Pa$e 3<
=oo1 II<
Se&ies of -))3.
(Speci! Re"#ire$e%& i% Co%'e(%ce o) Re! Proper&( p#r*#%& &o Ac& +,-. * $e%/e/)
This paragraph should 'e added 'efore the notary pu'lic&s signature
This 'ee'Jcont&act &elates to the sale of a pa&cel of lan' situate' in Mue*on City consistin$ of t2o 4-) pa$es inclu'in$ this 2he&e the
ac1no2le'$%ent is state' an' 2as si$ne' by the pa&ties an' thei& 2itnesses in the left %a&$in of e?e&y pa$e.
(Speci! )or$ o) c0%o1!e/2$e%& )or %o&ri! 1i!!*)
7!I"T ACG"!65D#M5"T
=5F!R5 M5, pe&sonally appea&e'+
"a%e Passpo&ts DateJ Place Issue'
,. To%as S. =alatan CC,-888) ,D)(D-))/J =a$uio City
-. 7uan ". =uelta 77-))8/( ,D,;D-))(J Manila
8. 5n&iKue C. Abe&$as ==:/;((C /D-8D-))CJ Manila
/. Ma&i?ic 7. Cab&on DC-8/8/3 3D,/D-))(J Manila
all 1no2n to %e to be the sa%e pe&sons 2ho si$ne' the fo&e$oin$ 6ill, the fi&st as Testato&, an' the last th&ee as inst&u%ental 2itnesses, an'
they &especti?ely ac1no2le'$e' to %e that they si$ne' the sa%e as thei& o2n f&ee 'ee'.
This 2ill consists of t2o pa$es, inclu'in$ the pa$e on 2hich this ac1no2le'$%ent is 2&itten, an' has been si$ne' on the left %a&$in of
each an' e?e&y pa$e of it by the testato& an' his 2itnesses, an' seale' 2ith %y nota&ial seal.
SI#"5D A"D S5A5D on ,C Au$ust -));, Manila.
4A'' the nota&ial ce&tificate)
(Speci! )or$ o) c0%o1!e/2$e%& i) /ee/3co%&rc& e4ec#&e/ 5( corpor&io%)
=5F!R5 M5, pe&sonally appea&e'+

"a%e Co%petent 5?i'ence of
DateJ Place Issue'
,. To%as S. =alatan, P&esi'ent
of T&ue AllDSta&, Inc.
Passpo&t CC,-888) ,D)(D-))( J =a$uio City
-. 7uan ". =uelta, P&esi'ent of
Ri$ht Pa1, Inc.
Passpo&t 77-))8/( ,D,;D-))( J Manila
1no2n to %e to be the sa%e pe&sons 2ho p&esente' an' e.ecute' the fo&e$oin$ cont&act on behalf of the co&po&ations they &ep&esent an'
ac1no2le'$e' to %e that the sa%e is thei& ?olunta&y acts an' that of the co&po&ation bein$ &ep&esente'.
SI#"5D A"D S5A5D in Manila, ,; Au$ust -));.
4A'' "ota&ial Ce&tificate)
5Based on *ection 6, ,ule $$ of the -../ ,01, only individuals can 'e parties in the ac#no"ledgment process. (orporations cannot ta#e
part in the process even if they are the real party to the contract or deed. If a corporation is a party to the contract, its representatie !ust act for
it an" !ust so in"icate in the ac#no$%e"&!ent that he acts in such representatie capacity' Enless required, it is advisa'le to simply refer in the
drafted deed or contract the specific authority of the corporation&s representative.
(The a)sence of an ac#no$%e"&!ent $i%% not ren"er the contract or "ee" oi" e%cept "hen the la" requires that a contract 'e in some
form in order that it may 'e valid or enforcea'le li#e acts and contracts "hich have for their o'2ect the creation, transmission, modification or
e%tinguishment of real rights over immova'le property! sales of real property or of an interest in it "hich under the la" must appear in a pu'lic
instrument. An ac#no"ledgment, therefore, in these special cases is a must.
A typical 2udicial form ta#es a single pattern and has the follo"ing parts (6) (aption! (-) Title (3) $ntroduction! (/) Body! (7) ,elief! (+)
Attorney&s Bo%! and (8) Addenda. *(ode Cap-TI+RA-A, The caption sets forth the name of the court, the title of the action and the doc#et num'er
if assigned. ((f. *ection 6, ,ule 8, ,ules of (ourt) The title referred here is the title of the document, either complaint, petition, motion, opposition,
ans"er, reply, etc.
The $ntroduction presents the "riting party to the reader. The Body sets forth its designation, the allegations of the party&s claims and
defenses and the date of the pleading. The ,elief 'o% indicates the specific relief sought 'y the party including the general prayer for further relief as
may 'e deemed 2ust and equita'le.
The Attorney&s 'o% indicates the name and signature of the la"yer, his office address (not post office 'o%), his $ntegrated Bar of the
1hilippines and professional ta% receipt num'ers and roll num'er. The latest *upreme (ourt circular (AB 0o. .8C+C7C*(, 6. Duly -..8) also requires
the inclusion of the parties and la"yer&s contact details, e.g., telephone num'er, fa% num'er, cellular phone num'er, or eCmail address in a%% papers
an" p%ea"in&s fi%e" $ith the Supre!e Court. A counsel&s failure to indicate his roll num'er renders the document a scrap of paper. An unsigned
pleading produces no legal effect. A la"yer&s signature is a certification that he has read the pleading! to the 'est of his #no"ledge, information, and
'elief, there is a good ground to support it! and that it is not interposed for delay. 0ote also that Bar Batter 6 :-- dated 3 Dune -..; requires
practicing mem'ers of the 'ar to indicate in all pleadings filed 'efore the courts or quasiC2udicial 'odies, the num'er and date of issue of their B(L?
(ompliance or ?%emption (ertificates, as may 'e applica'le, for the immediately preceding compliance period. Failure to disclose the required
information "ould cause the dismissal of the case and the e%punction of the pleadings from the records.
The Addenda to these documents usually vary depending on the 2udicial form 'eing drafted. )'serve these parts from the samples 'elo".

,ule + of the ,ules of (ourt, as amended, has consistently required that complaints 'e concise enough to contain mere ultimate facts of a
plaintiff&s causeFs of action. The 'ody of the complaint is most important. $n Javelosa vs. Court of Appeals, (9.,. 6-/-:-, -+7 *(,A /:3 G6::+H),
the *upreme (ourt held that 3"hat determines the nature of an action, as "ell as "hich court or 'ody has 2urisdiction over it, are the allegations of
the complaint and the character of the relief sought.4 $n this regard, the 'ody of the complaint usually has t"o parts the identity of the parties and the
cause of action (a statement of the right of the plaintiff and a statement of the defendant>s violation of such right). 0ote that in Manchester
Developent Corporation, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, et al. !9.,. 87:6:, 8 Bay 6:;8", the *upreme (ourt held that 3all complaints, petitions,
ans"ers and other similar pleadings should specify the amount of damages 'eing prayed for not only in the 'ody of the pleading 'ut also in the
prayer, and said damages shall 'e considered in the assessment of the filing fees in any case. Any pleading that fails to comply "ith this requirement
shall not 'e accepted nor admitted, or shall other"ise 'e e%punged from the record.4
The addenda in a complaint are the verification ("hen required 'y the rules) and the certification of nonCforum shopping (mandatory).
,! Republic of the Philippines
"ational Capital 7u'icial Re$ion
=&anch ,8, Manila
P5DR! C. A=!,
D ?e&sus D Ci?il Case+ (/8-
F!R+ Unla2ful Detaine&
7!S5 =. I"A6,
. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D .
.! Plaintiff, by counsel, states+
/! The Pa&ties
,. Pe'&o is a Filipino, sin$le, an' &esi'es at ,/8 Vicente C&u* St., Sa%paloc, Manila.
-. 7ose, on the othe& han', is a Filipino, %a&&ie', an' &esi'es at ;3: Mayhali$ue St. =inon'o, Manila, 2he&e he %ay be se&?e' 2ith
su%%ons an' othe& cou&t p&ocesses.
Causes of Action

8. The pa&ties e.ecute' a lease cont&act on -3 Au$ust -))( fo& 7ose0s use of a house an' lot o2ne' by Pe'&o locate' in =inon'o. A
copy of this cont&act is attache' as Anne. A. Pa&t of the a$&ee%ent is the pay%ent of %onthly &ent in the a%ount of PhP,(,))).)).
/. 6hile initially 7ose pai' his obli$ation, he su''enly b&eache' his un'e&ta1in$ by not payin$ his &ental be$innin$ 7anua&y -));. !&al
an' 2&itten 'e%an's to pay his obli$ation fell on 'eaf ea&s. To 'ate, his unpai' obli$ation balloone' to PhP,-),))).)). A copy of the last 'e%an'
lette& u&$in$ hi% to pay his a&&ea&s an' ?acate the p&e%ises is attache' as Anne. =, 2hile a copy of his latest unpai' billin$ is enclose' as Anne.
(. =ecause of 7ose0s unLustifie' &efusal to hee' his Lust 'e%an's, Pe'&o 2as const&aine' to institute this suit, incu& liti$ation e.penses
to be p&o?e' 'u&in$ t&ial an' &etain the se&?ices of a la2ye& fo& a fee of PhP/),))).)), all of 2hich he 'ese&?es to be &ei%bu&se'.
0! Relief
ACC!RDI"#H, Pe'&o as1s that Lu'$%ent be &en'e&e' o&'e&in$ 7ose an' all othe& pe&sons actin$ on his behalf to+
,. Vacate the house an' lot subLect of this co%plaint<
-. Pay plaintiff the su% of PhP,-),))).)) as unpai' &entals 2ith le$al inte&est f&o% the 'ate the co%plaint is file'< an',
8. Pay hi% liti$ation e.penses an' atto&ney0s fees of PhP/),))).)).
!the& &eliefs Lust an' eKuitable a&e also p&aye' fo&.
Manila, ; Au$ust -)):.
1! SGD.! 2(RC34% B. )3RN(ND%
Counsel for !laintiff
Suite ,-8/ Rich%on' To2e&
5. Ro'&i$ue* A?enue, Mue*on City
Roll of Atto&ney 8(C;;
MC5 Co%pliance Ce&tificate II< (D,,D)3
I=P ,/8//< ,D,:D);< Mue*on City
PTR 3C;;C(< ,D-)D);< Mue*on City
*tate in a chronological manner the facts constituting the plaintiff>s cause or causes of action. $f the action is 'ased on an actiona'le
document, the document or its portions must 'e copied and its copy 'e made an integral part of the complaint 'y "ay of an anne% properly
mar#ed. $n unla"ful detainer cases, a prior demand to vacate must 'e asserted.
$n proper cases, do not forget to ma#e an averment regarding the plaintiff>s prior referral to the LE1)0 of the Barangay in
compliance to the Local 9overnment (ode. The 'arangay certification must 'e attached.
$n case the action is 'et"een mem'ers of the family "ithin the meaning of the Family (ode, an allegation must 'e made that
earnest efforts to stri#e a compromise "ere made 'ut proved futile.
VERIFICATION3CERTIFICATION. Ierifications are required only in cases provided for 'y the ,ules of (ourt and other circulars. (Cf. #ection $,
%ule &, '((& %ules on Civil )rocedure". The revised rules on summary procedure for instance require that all pleadings 'e verified. ((f. *ection 3 (B)
($$), revised rules on summary procedure)
(ertifications against forum shopping are necessary in complaints or other initiatory pleadings (Cf. #ection *, %ule &, '((& %ules on Civil
)rocedure). A counsel cannot certify against forum shopping! it should 'e the plaintiff. A certification against forum shopping 'y counsel is a
defective certification. $t is clearly equivalent to nonCcompliance "ith the requirement under the rules and constitutes a valid cause for dismissal of
the complaint or petition. (Cf. +ar Eastern #hipping Copany vs. Court of Appeals, et al., 9.,. 63..+;, 6 )cto'er 6::;) $f the plaintiff is a
corporation, its authori<ed officers should sign it. Failure to comply "ith this requirement is a cause for dismissal of the action 'ut only upon motion
and hearing. The defect is not cura'le 'y amendment. ((f. Barroso v. Apig, Jr., 3-; *(,A 73.) *ince verifications and certifications against forumC
shopping are required to 'e under oath, they are usually com'ined to avoid repetitive process.
*ee the sample 'elo"
I, Pe'&o abo, state un'e& oath that I ha?e &ea' the abo?e co%plaint an' the alle$ations in it a&e t&ue an' co&&ect of %y pe&sonal
1no2le'$e an'Jo& base' on authentic &eco&'. I also ce&tify un'e& oath 4a) that I ha?e not p&e?iously file' any action in?ol?in$ the sa%e issues in
any cou&t, t&ibunal o& KuasiDLu'icial a$ency< 4b) that, to the best of %y 1no2le'$e, no such action is pen'in$ in any of the%< an' 4c) if I shoul' lea&n
of the filin$ of such action, I shall &epo&t it to the cou&t 2ithin fi?e 'ays f&o% notice.
Manila, ; Au$ust -)):.
4S#D.) P5DR! C. A=!
PETITIONS FOR THE RECONSTIT6TION OF TITLE 8 ,evie" *ection 6- of ,A -+ for this purpose.
Republic of the Philippines
"ational Capital 7u'icial Re$ion
=&anch /, Manila
!F TF5 !RI#I"A !F TCT ,-8/D5
RC Case :3;C(
FID5 V. R5V5"5CIA,
. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D .
Petitione&, by counsel, &espectfully states+
,. Fi'el is a Filipino, of le$al a$e an' &esi'in$ at ,3;3 Ma. Cla&a St&eet, Sa%paloc, Manila.
-. Fe o2ns a pa&cel of lan' locate' in Manila pa&ticula&ly 'esc&ibe' in TCT ,-8/D5 issue' by the Re$iste& of Dee's of Manila
as follo2s+
4Copy of Technical Desc&iption)
A copy of the TCT is enclose' as Anne. A.
8. This pa&cel is 'ecla&e' fo& ta. pu&poses un'e& ta. 'ecla&ation /(C;35 of the City Assesso& of Manila, a copy attache' as
Anne. =.
/. The &ealty on the p&ope&ty a&e up to 'ate.
(. The o&i$inal of that TCT 2as lost 2ith the Re$iste& of Dee's of Manila in the fi&e that $utte' the Re$iste& of Dee's last /
7anua&y -))C, a ce&tification to that effect is attache' as Anne. C.
C. At the ti%e of loss of this TCT, no t&ansaction is pen'in$ &e$ist&ation 2ith the Re$iste& of Dee's of Manila.
;. "ot only is the p&ope&ty 'esc&ibe' abo?e in his possession, but also the o2ne&sI 'uplicate of the ce&tificate of title. To 'ate,
no othe& 'uplicate copy has been issue' in fa?o& of anothe&.
3. The na%es an' a''&esses of the o2ne&s of the a'Loinin$ p&ope&ties a&e as follo2s+
A'Loinin$ !2ne&s A''&ess
a. Rica&'o A. Bu%el ,3;C Ma. Cla&a St., Sa%paloc, Manila
b. =onifacio C. #alle$o ,3:) Ma. Cla&a St., Sa%paloc, Manila
ACC!RDI"#H, Fi'el as1s that afte& 'ue notice an' hea&in$, an o&'e& be issue' 'i&ectin$ the Re$iste& of Dee's of Manila to
issue hi% a ne2 title fo& TCT ,-8/D5.
4Atto&ney0s =o.)
!F A "56 !6"5RIS DUPICAT5
!F TCT ,-8/D5 ISSU5D =H
RDC Case :3;C
FID5 V. R5V5"5CIA,
. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D .
Petitione&, by counsel, &espectfully states+
,. 4A?e&%ents in P,D/ abo?e a&e eKually applicable).
(. Fe use' to 1eep the o2ne&Is 'uplicate of that ce&tificate in his filin$ cabinet.
C. 6hile he 2as loo1in$ fo& it, ho2e?e&, he coul' not fin' it 'espite all effo&ts e.e&te'.
;. Fe e.ecute' an' file' 2ith the Re$iste& of Dee's of Manila an affi'a?it of loss, copy enclose' as Anne. C.
3. Fe has not 'eli?e&e' the o2ne&Is 'uplicate to any othe& pe&son to secu&e an obli$ation.
ACC!RDI"#H, Fi'el as1s that afte& 'ue notice an' hea&in$, an o&'e& be issue' 'ecla&in$ the lost o2ne&Is 'uplicate null an'
?oi' an' 'i&ectin$ the Re$iste& of Dee's of Manila to issue hi% a ne2 o2ne&Is 'uplicate of TCT ,-8/D5 in lieu of the lost one.
4Atto&ney0s =o.)
II. ANSWERS. Another common 2udicial form is the ans"er. ((f. *ec. /, ,ule +, ,ules of (ourt, as amended) The 'ody of an ans"er usually has
three parts (a) the admissions and denials, (') the defenses, and (c) the counterclaim. The addendum in an ans"er is a statement of copy furnished
the adverse party. @hen an actiona'le document has to 'e denied, the verification has to 'e added to the ans"er. $f it includes a permissi'le
counterclaim, a certification of nonCforum shopping must also 'e added. *tudy the template 'elo".
Defen'ant 7ose C. ina2 47ose), by counsel, states+
A'%ission an' Denials
State the para&raphs in the co!p%aint that you a"!it or "eny'
,. Fe a'%its pa&a$&aphs ,, - an' 8 of the co%plaint.
-. The &est of the pa&a$&aphs a&e 'enie', the t&uth bein$ that state' in his special an' affi&%ati?e 'efenses.
Special an' Affi&%ati?e Defenses
-Reie$ Section ., Ru%e / of the Ru%es of Court'0

8. The fo&e$oin$ alle$ations a&e &eplea'e' by &efe&ence.
/. The clai% that 7ose b&eache' his obli$ation 2ith Pe'&o is $&oun'less. To be su&e, his &ental pay%ents ha?e all been &ecei?e' by
Pe'&o0s 2ife, Cla&issa, as sho2n by the &eceipts she he&self issue'. 7ose ne?e& 'oubte' Cla&issa0s autho&ity to &ecei?e his pay%ents as the latte&
p&o'uce' a special po2e& of atto&ney autho&i*in$ he& to collect the &ent.
Co%pulso&y Counte&clai%
-1ere, state the "efen"ant2s assertions of fact constitutin& his c%ai! a&ainst the p%aintiff, $hich arises
out of or is connecte" $ith the transaction or occurrence constitutin& the su)3ect !atter of opposin&
party2s c%ai!' *Cf' Section 4, Ru%e /, Ru%es of Court, as a!en"e", A co!pu%sory counterc%ai! if not
set-up is )arre"'0
(. The fo&e$oin$ alle$ations a&e &eplea'e' by &efe&ence.
C. =ecause of the institution of this baseless an' %alicious action, 7ose0s &eputation 2as bes%i&che' fo& 2hich he 'ese&?es to &eco?e&
PhP,)),))).)) as %o&al 'a%a$es. To 'ete& othe&s f&o% filin$ si%ila& baseless suits, Pe'&o %ust be o&'e&e' to pay PhP,)),))).)) as e.e%pla&y
;. An' fo& ha?in$ been co%pelle' to 'efen' hi%self a$ainst this utte&ly baseless action, 'efen'ants a&e entitle' to a PhP(),))).))
a2a&' of atto&ney0s fees, 2hich he ha' a$&ee' to co%pensate his counsel an' to &ei%bu&se%ent fo& e.penses of liti$ation.
ACC!RDI"#H, 7ose as1s that afte& hea&in$, Lu'$%ent be &en'e&e' in this case 'is%issin$ Pe'&o0s co%plaint fo& lac1 of %e&it an'
o&'e&in$ hi% to pay 7ose %o&al an' e.e%pla&y 'a%a$es fo& a total of P-)),))).)) plus atto&ney0s fees of P(),))).)) an' such e.penses of liti$ation
as he %ay p&o?e 'u&in$ the t&ial.

!the& &eliefs Lust an' eKuitable a&e also p&aye' fo&.
Manila, - Septe%be& -)):.
4Atto&ney0s =o.)
QPe& Section /, Rule ;) of the Rules of Cou&tR
Copy fu&nishe'+
2(RC34% B. )3RN(ND%
Counsel for !laintiff
Suite ,-8/ Rich%on' To2e&
5. Ro'&i$ue* A?e., Mue*on City
III. MOTIONS ((f. ,ules 67 and 6+, ,ules of (ourt, as amended) The Body of a motion usually has t"o parts the ground for the motion and the
argument in support of the motion. Botions can either 'e litigated or nonClitigated.
*ample Botion 6 (Litigated)
2%6I%N 6% DIS2ISS
Defen'ant 7ose =. ina2, by counsel, %o?es to 'is%iss the co%plaint file' by Pe'&o C. abo on the sole $&oun' that the ?enue
of the liti$ation is i%p&ope&ly lai'.
The cont&act bet2een the pa&ties 'ecla&es that in case liti$ation beco%es ine?itable, >all cases shall be b&ou$ht befo&e the p&ope&
cou&t of Pasi$ City to the e.clusion of all othe&s.A =y filin$ the co%plaint befo&e this cou&t in Manila, a place ob?iously con?enient to Pe'&o,
he ?iolates the clea& teno& of his a$&ee%ent 2ith 7ose. ConseKuently, a p&o%pt 'is%issal of the case beco%es necessa&y.
ACC!RDI"#H, 7ose &eKuests that Pe'&o0s co%plaint be 'is%isse' fo&th2ith.
!the& &eliefs Lust an' eKuitable a&e also p&aye' fo&.
Q5.planation+ Due to const&aints in 'istance an' ti%e, a copy of this %otion shall be se&?e' by &e$iste&e' %ail.R
(,equired under *ection 66, ,ule 63, ,ules of (ourt, as amended. A io%ation of this re5uire!ent 6!ay )e cause to consi"er
the paper as not fi%e"'7 *ee #olar ,ea Entertainent, -nc. v. .on. .elen Bautista %icafort, et al. 9.,. 63-..8, 7 August
6::;. *ection 66 of ,ule 63 gives the court the discretion to consider a pleading or paper as not filed if the other modes of
service or filing "ere not resorted to and no "ritten e%planation "as made as to "hy personal service "as not done in the first
place. The e%ercise of discretion must, necessarily consider the practica'ility of personal service, for *ection 66 itself 'egins
"ith the clause 3"henever practica'le4.
; Ma&ch -));, Mue*on City fo& Manila.
4Atto&ney0s =o.)
4"otice of Fea&in$) @ See =elo2
*ample Botion - (0onClitigated)
2%6I%N 6% R3S36
Plaintiff Pe'&o C. abo, by counsel, states+
,. The Cou&t o&'e&e' the &esu%ption of hea&in$ in this case on -) Au$ust -)); at 3+8) in the %o&nin$.
-. Unfo&tunately, on that 'ate an' ti%e, the un'e&si$ne' counsel has co%%itte' to atten' anothe& case entitle'+ abo ?s. =a2i
4Ci?il Case -8/(C) befo&e the Re$ional T&ial Cou&t of Manila, =&anch /-, the sche'ule of 2hich 2as set befo&e this.
ACC!RDI"#H, Pe'&o &eKuests that the hea&in$ set on -) Au$ust -))8 be cancelle' an' %o?e' to a late& 'ate p&efe&ably on 3
Septe%be& -))8 o& any 'ate con?enient to the Cou&t an' the a'?e&se pa&ty.
Q5.planation+ Due to lac1 of ti%e an' %anpo2e&, a copy of this %otion shall be se&?e' by &e$iste&e' %ail.R
Manila, ,) Au$ust -))3.
4Atto&ney0s bo.)
4"otice of Fea&in$)D See belo2
The ,ules of (ourt requires that the notice should 'e directed to the parties (counsel included) 0)T T) TA? (L?,J )F ()E,T.
)ther"ise, the motion shall 'e considered a sham or a mere scrap of paper ((f. Mesina, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, 9.,.66.:/+, -/ )cto'er 6::/).
Boreover, the rules provide that the motion day and time 'e on Friday at -.. o&cloc# in the afternoon. @hile in actual practice this rule is usually
o'served in the 'reach, you are e%pected to conform strictly to this requirement as a Bar e%aminee. Botions are either litigated or not. 0onClitigious
motions are those that may 'e acted upon 'y the (ourt "ithout further argument li#e a motion to reset or a motion for postponement. All other
motions are litigated and should 'e acted upon after due hearing.
(hec# the sample notice 'elo".
"otice an' Copy fu&nishe'+
Atty. P5DR! P5"DUG!
Counsel fo& the Defen'ant
Suite -,) Ma1ati 5.ecuti?e Cente&
Fe&&e&a St., Salce'o Villa$e, Ma1ati City

The un'e&si$ne' shall sub%it the fo&e$oin$ %otion fo& the Cou&t0s &esolution on -) Au$ust -))-, F&i'ay, at -+)) o0cloc1 in the
*or if a non-%iti&ate" !otion,
Due to the nonDliti$ious cha&acte& of the fo&e$oin$ %otion, please sub%it the sa%e to the Cou&t fo& its i%%e'iate consi'e&ation an'
IV. COMPLAINT;AFFIDAVITS. These forms are resorted to initiate criminal proceedings. $n this regard, recall the issues in the drafting affidavits.
Then see the sample 'elo". 0ote that the usual 2urat has 'een changed 'ecause the complainant or the respondent "ould ta#e an oath or affirmation
'efore a pu'lic prosecutor or any officer authori<ed to conduct preliminary investigation.
Republic of the Philippines
Depa&t%ent of 7ustice
5D#ARD! S. S!TT!,
D ?e&sus D I.S. + ,-8/(C
Fo&+ Violation of =P --
6I#=5RT! =. MAC5DA,
. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D .
I, 5'$a&'o S. Sotto, of le$al a$e, &esi'in$ at ,/8 o?e ane A?enue, PA#DI=I# Fo%es, Manila, un'e& oath, 'ecla&e that+
7In all t#e paragrap#s of t#e affidavit, state t#e facts in c#ronology t#at constitutes t#e various elements of t#e
crime c#arged. 4oo' at t#e sample *elo8.9
,. Respon'ent 6i$be&to Mace'a is a Filipino, of le$al a$e, a &esi'ent of =loc1 ,-/ ot ,; Phase III, Palipanan Site, Das%a&iTas,
-. So%eti%e in 7anua&y -))(, 6i$be&to pu&chase' se?e&al co%pute& pa&ts f&o% %e fo& a total a%ount of Pesos+ Th&ee Fun'&e' Si.ty
Se?en Thousan' "ine Fun'&e' 4P8C;,:)).)))<
8. In pay%ent fo& the $oo's, 6i$be&to '&e2 an' 'eli?e&e' to %e in %y Manila office, a chec1 pa&ticula&ly 'esc&ibe' as follo2s+
Pilipinas=an1DDas%a&iTas, Ca?ite =&anch, Chec1 ,-8/( 'ate' ,: Ma&ch -))( fo& P8C;,:)).)).
/. Upon 'eposit of the chec1 2hen it fell 'ue, his ban1 'ishono&e' the chec1 fo& ha?in$ been '&a2n a$ainst insufficient fun'. A copy
of the chec1, sta%pe' 2ith the p&ope& &eason fo& 'ishono&, is attache' as Anne. A.
(. Despite &epeate' 'e%an's, 6i$be&to faile' to &eplace the chec1 an' pay the a%ount state' in it plus inte&est of ,-U pe& annu%.
As a &esult, I en$a$e' the se&?ices of counsel 2ho 'e%an'e' in 2&itin$ the pay%ent of his obli$ation. A copy of this last 'e%an' to$ethe& 2ith
%y p&oof of se&?ice a&e attache' as =, C, an' CD,< &especti?ely.
C. Const&aine' to institute this c&i%inal co%plaint a$ainst 6i$be&to, I suffe&e' actual 'a%a$es in the a%ount state' abo?e. I also
un'e&too1 to pay %y counsel fo& his se&?ices the su% of P;(,))).)) on top of the liti$ation e.penses I incu&&e' in connection 2ith this case, the
a%ount of 2hich I shall p&o?e 'u&in$ t&ial.
;. I e.ecute this affi'a?it to confi&% the t&uth of the fo&e$oin$ an' to suppo&t %y co%plaint a$ainst 6i$be&to fo& ?iolation of Section , of
=atas Pa%bansa --.
City of Manila, ; 7une -));.
4S#D.) 5D#ARD! S. S!TT!
SI#"5D A"D S6!R" T! befo&e %e this -3 7une -));.

4S#D.) MA#"!IA C. =USTAMA"T5
Assistant City P&osecuto&
5(omplaintCaffidavits or counterCaffidavits are usually s"orn 'efore a prosecutor. The rules, ho"ever, allo" oathCta#ing 'efore a notary
pu'lic. @hen they are 'efore a notary pu'lic, the rules require a notary to certify that 3he personally e%amined the affiants and that he is satisfied
that they voluntarily e%ecuted and understood their affidavits4 ((f. *ec.3(a) ,ule 66-, ,ules of (ourt, as amended)
V. INFORMATIONS . $n drafting informations, one should recall the material distinctions among the various stages of e%ecution of crimes. A
felony is consummated "hen all the elements necessary for its e%ecution and accomplishment are present! and it is frustrated "hen the offender
performs all the acts of e%ecution, "hich "ould produce the felony as a consequence 'ut "hich, nevertheless, do not produce it 'y reason of causes
independent of the "ill of the perpetrator. There is an attempt "hen the offender commences the commission of a felony directly 'y overt acts, and
does not perform all the acts of e%ecution "hich should produce the felony 'y reason of some cause or accident other than this o"n spontaneous
desistance. 0otice that the information does not have a relief portion 'ecause it is presumed that the prosecution "ould 'e as#ing for the appropriate
penalty provided 'y la". )ne need not state the o'vious. For informations, the addenda "ould 'e the list of "itnesses! the recommended 'ail! and,
the prosecutor&s certification.
Ta#e a loo# at the sample 'elo".
Republic of the Philippines
"ational Capital 7u'icial Re$ion
=&anch /-, MA"IA
D ?e&sus D C&i%inal Case+ ,-8/(C
F5D5RIC! =. C!RC!!",
. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D .
The un'e&si$ne' p&osecuto& accuses F5D5RIC! =. C!RC!!" of the c&i%e of &obbe&y, co%%itte' as follo2s+
!n o& about ,/ Feb&ua&y -))8 in the City of Manila, the accuse' 'i' then an' the&e 2illfully, unla2fully an' feloniously 2ith intent of
$ain an' 2ithout the o2ne&0s consent too1 an' stole the Pe&sian Ma&iana $ol' nec1lace of #&e$o&io Mo&ales ?alue' at PhP;(,))).)) by fo&cin$
open 2ith an ice pic1 the pe&sonal ?ault 2he&e the nec1lace is locate' to the 'a%a$e an' p&eLu'ice of the o2ne&.
,/ 7une -))8, Manila
4S#D) "ARCIS! ". P5R5B
Assistant P&osecuto&
6itnesses+ Pa%ela =anos, ,- Sin$alon$ St. Manila
T&acy =uyas, ,/ Sin$alon$ St, Manila
=ail Reco%%en'e'+ P3,))).))
I he&eby ce&tify that+ the p&eli%ina&y in?esti$ation in this case has been con'ucte'< I ha?e e.a%ine' the co%plainant an' his
2itnesses an' on the basis of thei& s2o&n state%ents an' othe& e?i'ence sub%itte' befo&e %e the&e is &easonable $&oun' to belie?e that the
offense cha&$e' has been co%%itte'< the accuse' 2as info&%e' of the co%plaint an' 2as $i?en an oppo&tunity to sub%it cont&o?e&tin$ e?i'ence
an' that the filin$ of this info&%ation 2as 2ith the autho&ity of the City P&osecuto&.
"ARCIS! ". P5R5B
SU=SCRI=5D A"D S6!R" to befo&e %e this -; 7uly -))8 in the City of Manila.
7!S5 C. =UST!S
A'%iniste&in$ office&
A notary pu'lic under the ne" rules is empo"ered to perform the follo"ing notarial acts (a) ac#no"ledgments! (') oaths and affirmations!
(c) jurats! (d) signature "itnessings! (e) copy certifications! and (f) any other act authori<ed 'y these ,ules ((f. *ection 6, ,ule /, -../ ,01).
6. The -../ ,01 has an impact on drafting legal documents. 1lease note for your consideration the follo"ing samples of legal documents
that may 'e required pursuant to these ne" rules
A. S$p!e Pe&i&io% )or No&ri! Co$$i**io% (conforma'ly "ith the ne" rules)
Republic of the Philippines
Fou&th 7u'icial Re$ion
ucena City
7UA" C. D5A R!SA,
. D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D.
A'%. Matte& -))(D,-8
Petitione& 7UA" C. D5A R!SA, &espectfully states+
,. Fe is a Filipino citi*en, t2enty ei$ht 4-3) yea&s of a$e, ha?in$ been bo&n on -, May ,:;; an' has been &esi'in$ in the Philippines
since bi&th pa&ticula&ly at 8/8 Te&esa St&eet, Vista Monte Sub'i?ision, ucban, Mue*on 2he&e he also hol's office, 2ell 2ithin the cou&t0s
Lu&is'iction. Fis contact nu%be&s he&e a&e 4)/-)(/)/:;;.
-. Fe obtaine' a 'e$&ee in la2 f&o% the San Sebastian Colle$e in Manila an' ha' been ce&tifie' by the Sup&e%e Cou&t in May -))(
as a %e%be& of the Philippine =a& un'e& Roll of Atto&ney ();C- afte& he passe' the =a& e.a%ination a'%iniste&e' in Septe%be& -))/. A copy
of his ce&tificate of a'%ission to the Philippine =a& is attache' as Anne. A.
8. Fe is of $oo' %o&al cha&acte& an' has not been c&i%inally cha&$e' 2ith, %uch %o&e, con?icte' of any c&i%e in?ol?in$ %o&al
tu&pitu'e. Fe has no pen'in$ a'%inist&ati?e case befo&e the Sup&e%e Cou&t0s !ffice of the =a& Confi'ant. A copy of his ce&tificate of $oo'
stan'in$ issue' by the =a& Confi'ant is attache' as Anne. =. In a''ition, t2o 4-) %e%be&s of the Inte$&ate' =a& of the Philippines 4I=P)
chapte& in ucena City ha?e ?ouche' fo& his $oo' %o&al cha&acte& as confi&%e' by the ce&tifications enclose' as C an' D.
(. Since beco%in$ a la2ye& an' I=P %e%be&, he co%po&te' hi%self as a 2o&thy %e%be& of the p&ofession. Fis annual 'ues 2e&e
1ept up'ate' as sho2n by a copy of the I=P &eceipt enclose' as Anne. 5, in'icatin$ his p&o%pt pay%ent of his 'ues fo& the cu&&ent yea&. Fe
also pai' the &eKui&e' p&ofessional ta. fo& the p&i?ile$e of p&acticin$ his p&ofession as sho2n by the app&op&iate &eceipt attache' as Anne. F.
Fe is, the&efo&e, a %e%be& in $oo' stan'in$, a fact 2hich the I=P confi&%e' by the enclose' ce&tificate it issue' in his fa?o& %a&1e' as Anne.
C. Fe is a ta.paye& 'uly &e$iste&e' 2ith the =u&eau of Inte&nal Re?enue un'e& Ta. I'entification ,,(D3:)D8/(C;3.
;. Fe 'esi&es to se&?e as nota&y public e?e& con?ince' that he possesses all the Kualifications an' none of the 'isKualifications
i%pose' by the &ules fo& the office. Fe also ha' ne?e& been co%%issione' as nota&y public in any othe& Lu&is'iction o& in any place in the
3. As fu&the& p&oof of his $enuine inte&est to beco%e a nota&y public, he has pai' the &eKui&e' filin$ fee as sho2n by the attache'
&eceipt %a&1e' as Anne. F. A''itionally, he attache' in a sepa&ate pape& %a&1e' as Anne. I fo& the cou&t0s &ea'y &efe&ence th&ee 48) of his
passpo&tDsi*e colo& photo$&aphs bea&in$ his si$natu&e at each of the botto% pa&ts.
:. Finally, he has attache' as Anne. 7 a copy of the &eceipt issue' by the %anufactu&e& f&o% 2ho% he pu&chase' the seal he 2ill
use once co%%issione' as nota&y public. 4Cf. A.M. )-D3D,8DSC, ,/ Dece%be& -))/)
ACC!RDI"#H, petitione& &espectfully as1s that+
4a) Upon filin$ this petition, a su%%a&y hea&in$ be set consistent 2ith the p&o?isions of Section / of the -))/ Rules on "ota&ial
P&actice< an',
4b) Afte& 'ue p&ocee'in$, issue in his fa?o& the app&op&iate nota&ial co%%ission to be effecti?e 2ithin the Cou&t0s te&&ito&ial
!the& &eliefs Lust an' eKuitable a&e li1e2ise p&aye' fo&.
ucban fo& ucena City, -3 Au$ust -))(.
4S#D.) 7UA" C. D5A R!SA
Roll of Atto&ney ()C;-
,8 Te&esa St&eet Mi&a Monte Sub'i?ision
ucban, Mue*on
PTR /)-/,(;< ),D,8D-))(< ucena City
I=P (C),):< ),D,8D-))(< ucena City
7UA" C. D5A R!SA, un'e& oath state that, I ha?e &ea' an' 1no2 the contents of the fo&e$oin$ petition that I pe&sonally '&afte'
an' the facts state' in it a&e t&ue an' co&&ect to %y pe&sonal 1no2le'$e an'Jo& base' on official 'ocu%ents a?ailable to %e.
-3 Au$ust -))(, ucena City, Mue*on.

4S#D.) 7UA" C. D5A R!SA
D&i?e&0s icense "!FD-8/(C;3
Issue' at ucena City
5.pi&es on -8 May -));
SI#"5D A"D S6!R" to befo&e %e this -3 Au$ust -))( in ucena City, Mue*on afte& I i'entifie' hi% 2ith his co%petent e?i'ence
of i'entity state' abo?e.
4S#D) 7uan C. Men'o*a
"ota&y Public of ucena City
Suite -,- "olasco =l'$., Pila&, ucena City
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,:
PTR /,--8-;< ),D)/D-))(< ucena City
I=P (/,):< ),D):D-))(< ucena City
Doc. ,-<
Pa$e 3<
=oo1 II<
Se&ies of -))(.
<. S$p!e Cop( Cer&i)ic&io%. (opy certification is a ne" notarial act under *ection /, ,ule - of the -../ ,01. $t refers to a notarial act in
"hich a notary pu'lic (a) is presented "ith an instrument or document that is neither a vital record, a pu'lic record, nor pu'licly recorda'le! (')
copies or supervises the copying of the instrument or document! (c) compares the instrument or document "ith the copy! and (d) determines that the
copy is accurate and complete. (hec# the sample 'elo".
P&esente' befo&e %e by A&chitect "oel asti%oso is his punchlist inspection &epo&t to Spouses Fi'el an' My&a 'e #u*%an, o2ne&s
of the a house an' lot in 3), Matahi%i1 St&eet, U.P. Villa$e, Mue*on City, pe&tainin$ to a &eno?ation p&oLect in the sa%e a''&ess. Afte&
pe&sonally supe&?isin$ the copyin$ of this 'ocu%ent, I ce&tify that this copy, 2he&e this ce&tificate is attache', is an accu&ate an' co%plete copy
of the o&i$inal.
Si$ne' an' Seale' on ,, Septe%be& -)); in Mue*on City.
4S#D) Maca&io C. Men'o*a
"ota&y Public of Mue*on City
Suite -,- "olasco =l'$., Co%%on2ealth
Mue*on City
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,:
PTR /,--8-;< ),D)/D-))(< Mue*on City
I=P (/,):< ),D):D-))(< Mue*on City
*I agree with Justice Regalado E. Maambong who in his book wrote that the notarys signature is
already adequate without need of assigning a document, age, or book number in the notarial
register because he ob!iously cannot swear before himself when acting as such.
C. S$p!e Si2%&#re Wi&%e**i%2 . Another ne" notarial act under *ection 6/, ,ule - of the -../ ,01 is signature "itnessing. $t refers to a
notarial act in "hich an individual on a single occasion (a) appears in person 'efore the notary pu'lic and presents an instrument or document! (') is
personally #no"n to the notary pu'lic or identified 'y the notary pu'lic through competent evidence of identity as defined 'y these ,ules! and (c)
signs the instrument or document in the presence of the notary pu'lic. (hec# out the sample 'elo".
=efo&e %e pe&sonally appea&e' 7uan C. 'ela C&u* an' p&esente' to %e his passpo&t 77 3:;- issue' by the Fo&ei$n Affai&s
Depa&t%ent in Manila that is ?ali' up to ,, Septe%be& -));, 1no2n to %e to be the sa%e pe&son 2ho si$ne' in %y p&esence the assi$n%ent of
loan p&ocee's f&o% PA#DI=I# in fa?o& of Ms. Cla&ita D. Mali$aya.
Si$ne' an' Seale' this , Septe%be& -)); in Mue*on City.
4S#D) Maca&io C. Men'o*a
"ota&y Public of Mue*on City
Suite -,- "olasco =l'$., Co%%on2ealth
Mue*on City
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,:
PTR /,--8-;< ),D)/D-))(< Mue*on City
I=P (/,):< ),D):D-))(< Mue*on City
D. =#r& or Ac0%o1!e/2$e%& 1i&>o#& &>e ))i%&?* pre*e%&&io% o) co$pe&e%& e'i/e%ce o) i/e%&i&(. Ender the ne" ,01, the
presentation of a competent evidence of identity may 'e dispensed "ith if a party ta#ing an oath or ac#no"ledgment is personally #no"n to the
SI#"5D A"D S6!R" to befo&e %e this -3 Au$ust -)); in ucena City, Mue*on by the affiant 2ho% I pe&sonally 1no2.
(Add the notarial certificate)
=5F!R5 M5, appea&e' To%as S. =alatan 1no2n pe&sonally to %e. I 1no2 hi% to be the sa%e pe&son 2ho e.ecute' the fo&e$oin$
'ee' of assi$n%ent. Fe ac1no2le'$e' to %e that he si$ne' it ?olunta&ily fo& the pu&poses state' in the 'ocu%ent.
City of Manila, ,( Au$ust -))/.
(Add the notarial certificate)
E. Speci! Co$pe&e%& E'i/e%ce o) I/e%&i&(. Because the rules on competent evidence of identity is ne", the 'ar e%aminer might as# you to
draft a notarial act requiring a competent evidence of identity 'ased on paragraph (') of section 6- of the -../ ,01. This rule reads (a) 3the oath or
affirmation of one credi'le "itness not privy to the instrument, document or transaction "ho is personally #no"n to the notary pu'lic and "ho
personally #no"s the individual, or (') of t"o credi'le "itnesses neither of "hom is privy to the instrument, document or transaction "ho each
personally #no"s the individual and sho"s to the notary pu'lic documentary identification.4
For the first situation, the requirements are (a) the notary pu'lic personally #no"s the "itness! (') the "itness personally #no"s the principal party!
(c) the "itness is not privy to the instrument, document or transaction! and (d) oath or affirmation of the "itness. $n this regard, consider the sample
ac#no"ledgment 'elo"
=5F!R5 M5, pe&sonally appea&e' 7ose =. Rical'e 2hose i'entity is p&o?en to %e by To%as S. =alatan, pe&sonally 1no2n to the
un'e&si$ne' nota&y, an' the latte& ac1no2le'$e' to %e that the si$natu&e he affi.e' in the fo&e$oin$ 'ee' of assi$n%ent is his ?olunta&y act fo&
the pu&poses state' in it.
To%as S. =alatan affi&%s un'e& penalty of la2 that he pe&sonally 1no2s 7ose I. Rical'e, 2ho is 2ithout an i'entification 'ocu%ent,
to be sa%e pe&son 2ho e.ecute' the fo&e$oin$ 'ee' an' that he is not p&i?y to o& inte&este' in the 'ocu%ent he si$ne'.
City of Manila, ,( Au$ust -));.
Doc. ,8<
Pa$e -<
=oo1 IV<
Se&ies of -));.
4S#D) Maca&io C. Men'o*a
"ota&y Public of Manila
Suite -,- "olasco =l'$., aon$ aan St&eet, Sa%paloc, Manila
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,:
PTR /,--8-;< ),D)/D-));< Mue*on City
I=P (/,):< ),D):D-));< Mue*on City
For the second situation, the requirements are (a) the "itnesses each personally #no"s the principal! (') the "itnesses sho" to the notary their
respective evidence of identity! (c) 'oth "itnesses are not privy to the instrument, document or transaction! and (d) oath or affirmation of the
"itnesses. $n this regard, consider the sample ac#no"ledgment 'elo"
=5F!R5 M5, pe&sonally appea&e' 7ose =. Rical'e 2ho has p&o?en to %e his i'entity th&ou$h 2itnesses+
"a%e Co%petent 5?i'ence of
DateJ Place Issue'
,. To%as S. =alatan, Passpo&t CC,-888) ,D)(D-))( J =a$uio City
-. 7uan ". =uelta, Passpo&t 77-))8/( ,D,;D-))( J Manila
both of 2ho% pe&sonally 1no2 7ose an' the latte& ac1no2le'$e' to %e that the si$natu&e he affi.e' in the fo&e$oin$ 'ee' is his ?olunta&y act
fo& the pu&poses state' in the 'ocu%ent.
6e To%as =alatan an' 7uan =uelta, Filipinos, of le$al a$es, affi&% un'e& penalty of la2 that the follo2in$ a&e t&ue+
,. 7ose =. Rical'e, pe&sonally 1no2n to us, is the sa%e pe&son na%e' in the fo&e$oin$ 'ee' of assi$n%ent.
-. 7ose 'oes not ha?e any cu&&ent i'entification 'ocu%ent no& can he obtain one 2ithin a &easonable ti%e.
8. 6e a&e not p&i?y to o& a&e inte&este' in the 'ocu%ent he si$ne'.
City of Manila, ,( Au$ust -));.
4S#D) Maca&io C. Men'o*a
"ota&y Public of Manila
Suite -,- Solano =uil'in$
=inon'o, Manila
Co%%ission Se&ial (/8/-
Doc. ,8<
Pa$e -<
=oo1 IV<
Se&ies of -));.
Roll of Atto&ney 83;,:
PTR /,--8-;< ),D)/D-));< Manila
I=P (/,):< ),D):D-));< Manila
(ompleting the required pleading or contract "ill not 'e enough. To ?0*E,? an e%cellent "or#, try to edit your "or#. Aere are some
helpful editing tips
6. Aside from avoiding needless "ords to save on time, use the active voice instead of the passive voice. Active voice is direct, vigorous,
and strong. *ense the difference.
(*el 8as 'illed *y Cain. 4Passi?e) Cain 'illed (*el. 4Acti?e)
-. Ese the right connectives. Kou need the help of connectives or transitory devices to lin# your ideas one after the other and present a
unified thought. Kou cannot assume that the e%aminer can read unspo#en tieCups 'et"een ideas. (onsider the follo"ing useful connectives
Connective )unction
An' Connects t2o i'eas of the sa%e 1in'
=esi'es, 2hat is %o&e, fu&the&%o&e, in a''ition, an'
A''s anothe& thou$ht to the fi&st
Fi&st, ne.t, then, finally< %ean2hile A&&an$es i'eas in o&'e&
"ea&by, abo?e, belo2 A&&an$es i'eas in space
=ut, still, ho2e?e&, on the othe& han', ne?e&theless,
Connects t2o cont&astin$ i'eas
In fact, as a %atte& of fact, Connects the fi&st i'ea 2ith the secon' one that points
it up< the secon' one affi&%s of ?ali'ates the fi&st i'ea
The&efo&e, conseKuently, acco&'in$ly Connects an i'ea 2ith anothe& that follo2s f&o% it.
In sho&t, to su% up, in b&ief Su%%a&i*e se?e&al i'eas
3. Avoid legalese and old ?nglish. Legal clichLs have 'ecome trite and "ea#. To some, they may sound pretentious, unnatural or artificial,
if not arrogant. 1hrases and "ords li#e to wit, instant case, aforesaid complaint, herein method, thereat and theretofore must 'e discarded in favor of
simpler "ords.
/. Be simple. *ome have the mista#en 'elief that they "ill sound more dignified and la"yerly if they use polysylla'ic "ords li#e
3accompanied4 or 3informed4 instead of 3"ent "ith4 or 3told4, respectively. Kour "ritten "or# "ill have the same tone of formality and dignity as
long as it is serious and thoughtful. As a rule, a simple familiar "ord that means e%actly the same thing is the 'etter choice.
7. )'serve grammar rules. $n presenting your ans"ers, ensure that the su'2ect agrees "ith the ver'! you used the proper ver' tenses and
forms! there is proper coordination and su'ordination! and, proper punctuations "ere used.

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