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Daniel Bratanov

Resume: The RESCUER project of the European Commissions 6th Framework
Programme for Research, Technology Innovation and Demonstration focuses on the
development of an intelligent Information and Communication Technology and
mechatronic Emergency Risk Management tool for the improvement of Explosive
Ordnance Disposal, Improvised Explosive Device Disposal, and Civil Protection
Rescue Mission scenarios. The tool will be tested in five selected tasks. The project
output will include guidance for management of risk, which extends the range of
interventions possible beyond those, which are currently considered. The extended
range of interventions will include tasks which are too risky at present to commit
human involvement, tasks where access might not be possible without ICT and
mechatronic support, tasks where such support would significantly enhance the
speed, accuracy or range of tasks/sensors especially in EOD, IEDD, significant
toxic/radiation/flammable/explosive contamination, mechanical failure and other
relevant hazardous situations or combinations of hazards. The paper reviews the
technical concepts formulated during the first eight months of the project.

Keywords: Civil protection, Emergency management, Robotics, Secure
wireless communication, Multi-sensory technology, Explosives technology, Military
technology, Knowledge-based systems, Safety technology

1. Introduction
Today numerous companies from around the world manufacture robots for use
in military, bomb disposal (Figure 1), and surveillance applications. The sizes of
these robots can vary from as small as a shoebox to as large as a teleoperated tank.
Control and traction methods vary considerably. Some are controlled by radio
frequency while others use fibre optic or coax cable. Traction methods vary from
multiple-track tank-like treads to multi-wheel combinations.
Currently the bomb disposal robots are focused mostly on the possibility to grasp
simpleshape rigid objects and to transport them to a disposal place, or to disrupt the
threat on-site. They all have single manipulator arm with a two jaw gripper, a vision
system limited to mo notype view of the target area and joystick control of the robots
motion and handling. The rescue robots are generally of observation type. Only a few
commercial rescue robots are equipped with manipulators, which are similar to the
bomb disposal robots. Half of the IEOD/EOD and rescue missions fail due to the
improper technical capabilities of the applied mechatronic systems. These systems
are not equipped to cope with the complexity, dynamics and uncertainty inherent in
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disaster response cases and cannot be considered as dextrous and robust. In other
words they are targeted on specific tasks and cannot be considered as intelligent.

Figure 1 Examples of bomb disposal robots

2. Definition of the structure of the mobile robotic bomb disposal and rescue
system and its main components
The RESCUER project is focused on the design and development of a system
that will lead to improvement of the emergency risk management through secure
mobile mechatronic support to bomb disposal and rescue operations. This
multidisciplinary task requires integration of equipment, software and knowledge of
different origin and purpose. In general they can be divided into three main
subsystems the mobile mechatronic unit, the mobile control unit (MCU) and the
emergency risk management monitoring and advising system (ERMMAS). Each of
these components in certain conditions has the ability to work as a stand alone
system, but only their symbiosis can guarantee the success of RESCUERs mission.
The mobile mechatronic unit is RESCUERs main instrument. It is the human
rescuers hands and sense. Through it the human operators it is able to see, estimate
and manipulate the risk source. We can call the mobile mechatronic unit an
intelligent telecontrolled robot. This robot participates like human rescuer in missions
that are potentially dangerous for the specialists life and health. Its unique set of two
dexterous arms and grippers improves significantly the remote risk treatment and
reduces to minimum the pressure on the civil protection personnel.
The RESCUER mobile mechatronic unit is a system with complex structure
(Fig. 2).
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It integrates a mobile platform capable to overcome the obstacles caused by
manmade or natural source, a pair of anthropomorphic arms with sensitive grippers, a
system for visualization including stereo vision for the human operator of the mobile
mechatronic units grasping system, and finally, but very important, the mobile
mechatronic unit is equipped with a set of sensors used for civil protection tasks that
independently and simultaneously are used for investigation and estimations of the
risk. Each of the subsystems is integrated to the mechatronic unit through an
integration module based on the mobile platform. The communication and control
between the mobile control unit and the mechatronic device of the RESCUERs
system is provided by a wireless system that ensures the successful functionality of
the mobile mechatronic unit.
The mobile platform is based on an electrically driven tracked vehicle. It has on
board a set of batteries that produce an independent power supply for the vehicle, the
manipulators and to other subsystems of the mobile mechatronic unit. Selected
subsystems, like the CCD cameras, the IED/EODD emergency/rescue sensing
equipment, and the lights have their own power supply. The mobile mechatronic unit
is controlled remotely from the mobile control unit by three operators. The control
system of the mobile mechatronic unit runs a program that protects it from human
errors and injuries to the robot arms themselves or on humans that may stand on the
path of the mobile mechatronic unit.
The manipulator arms are mounted on the front upper side of the mobile
mechatronic unit. They are positioned in a way that reduces the possible collision
between them during motion and at the same time their position is natural for the
human operator who leads them distantly using an exoskeleton system. A master
slave system similar to the exoskeleton is used for the control of the grippers motion
and grasping force. The inherently synchronized manipulation, grasping, and vision
systems enable the main operator to perform the IEDD/EOD and rescue missions in a
human like manner. The stereo vision system helps the operator of the manipulators
to have a natural three dimensional image on the manipulated object. The operator is
able to move the stereo vision cameras with the motion of his head. This allows one
person to control the two robot arms, the two grippers and the stereo vision head
simultaneously in a natural way without the need for external system for
A very important factor is the communication between the different equipment
on board and respectively between the mobile mechatronic unit and the mobile
control unit. All of the equipment used in the mobile mechatronic unit have an
appropriate control and communication interface that allow its integration into the
control unit and the onboard control unit is able to communicate through a wireless
set of channels with the mobile control unit.
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Fig. 2 Components of the RESCUER mobile mechatronic unit

Components of the RESCUER mobile mechatronic unit:
1. Mobile platform
2. Manipulators arms
3. Three finger gripper
4. Two finger gripper
5. Stereo vision head
6. Sensor for gas analysis
7. Sensor for detection of explosive materials
8. Sensor for detection and measurement of nuclear radiation
9. Device to locate trapped personnel
The mobile control unit (MCU) is a suitable transport vehicle for the remote
control staff and the remote control devices of the RESCUER mechatronic device.
The MCU contains among others the exoskeleton, the master gripper for the two
finger gripper and the glove for the three finger gripper, the mobile control units
monitoring equipment, the joystick for the control of the mobile platform, the
wireless communication unit, furniture, cabling, lighting, etc. The MCU not only
controls the RESCUER mobile mechatronic unit, but communicates with the Risk
Management Centre (RMC). The operators, who operate the RESCUER mobile
mechatronic unit and also work with the ERMMAS also stay in the mobile control
unit. The robot is controlled by three human operators.
The first operator controls the robot manipulators and both of the grippers through an
exoskeleton master-slave system. The first operator controls also the stereo-vision
head of the mobile mechatronic system. The second operator controls the motion of
the mobile mechatronic system. The third operator controls the multi-purpose sensing
system and communicates with the ERMMAS and the RMC. He/she works like a
system administrator of the control and communication system of the robot. The
MCU is used as an intermediate station between the disaster place and the Risk
Management Centre. The components of the Mobile control unit are shown in Figure
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Fig. 3 Components of the Mobile control unit

The devices in the mobile control unit:
1. Vehicle of the Mobile Control Unit
2. Industrial PC together with peripherals for ERMMAS
3. Mobile Control Units monitoring equipment
4. Exoskeletons
5. Master gripper for the two finger gripper
6. Glove for the control of the three finger gripper
7. Joystick for the control of the mobile platform
8. Head mounted display
9. Head tracking device
10. The wireless communication unit of the MCU
11. Communication unit with the RM centre
12. Power supply unit, trailer

The RESCUER prototype is presented on Figures 5 and 6.

Fig. 5 Mobile Control Centre
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Fig. 6 Mobile Mechatronic Unit

3. Conclusions
The RESCUER project focuses on both (a) the development of an intelligent
mechatronic Emergency Risk Management tool and (b) on the associated Information
and Communication Technology. Testing will be performed in Explosive Ordnance
Disposal (EOD), Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD), and Civil
Protection Rescue Mission scenarios.

1. Arz G., A. Tth, D. Bratanov, N. Zlatov, R. Guzmn Diana, S. Burdzhiev, A.
Gasteratos, K. Pereira, Beltran, Delprato, EU FP6 Project RESCUER: The
development of a dexterous robot and intelligent information technologies for
EOD/IEDD/rescue missions, 2005.

Acknowledgement: The article presents a work done under EU FP6 project
Improvement of the Emergency Risk Management through Secure Mobile
Mechatronic Support to Bomb Disposal and Rescue Operations RESCUER IST-

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