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Desalination AC draft

Good afternoon. My name is Eric, this is my partner, Cedric. We are from

Bravo Medical Magnet High school, and in this debate we will be afrming the
resoltion. !he resoltion we will be afrming is "esolved# desalination is the
soltion to $othern Californias water crisis. !hroghot this debate, we hope to
convince yo as to why desalination is the soltion, throgh the following
paradigms# %ne, water shortage. !wo, economy. !hree, demand for water.
We begin this debate with or &rst contention' water shortage. $bpoint ( is
droghts. California crrently s)ers from one of its worst droghts in decades.
*eter +imrite, an e,perienced reporter for the $an +rancisco Chronicle, has stated,
California staggers toward a third droght'plaged smmer that will probably
inclde rationing and lots of &ghting abot how the state shold se its precios,
dwindling spplies of water Conditions get worse farther north as one goes in the
$ierra and Cascade ranges. !he snowpac- is a paltry . percent of average in the
northern part of the state. He also stated, when all the nmbers are crnched in
a cople of days, they will show this year to be among the si, driest in the states
recorded history. (lthogh droghts are no new thing to California, it contines
present itself a brden and contines to contribte to the states dwindling water
spply. !he crrent droght has broght abot nmeros impacts to the state. /t
devastates Californias agricltre sector, along with its economy. Migel (lmager
and 0aniel (r-in, two 1ornalists from 2BC news, have stated !he historic droght
which Gov. 3erry Brown has called an 4nprecedented4 emergency has
imperiled the region5s 677.. billion agricltre bsiness. /t cold cost the state 68.9
billion in 1ob income and 6:: billion in annal state revene, according to data from
the California +arm Water Coalition, an indstry advocacy grop. Californias
agricltre indstry contines to lose billions of dollars annally de to this droght.
/t is li-ely to diminish as the droght contines to ravage the indstry. 0esalination
is a sbstantially cheaper alternative than to contining to deal with the regions
intense droghts. ( reliable sorce of fresh water is necessary to endre the worst
of droghts. 0esalination o)ers a permanent soltion to $othern Californias
crrent water crisis, along with any ftre droght as well. By tapping into
previosly ntoched reserves of water, desalination provides an nlimited spply
of water; enogh to thrive throgh any droght. <o have a legal obligation to
provide a steady sorce of water, particlarly in the event of a droght, earth=a-e,
or other national disasters. %verall, desalination is feasible, reliable, and
sstainable. $bpoint B is the demand for water. (s $othern Californias demand
for water inevitably increases, new and local water sorces are needed. 2ll, former
lead forecaster for the national weather stated, We have to pt that in the conte,t
of how mch water we are sing now for agricltre, for indstry, and for hmans.
!here is more demand for the amont of water we have than there was in the
:>.?s. By tapping into previosly ntoched water sorces, desalination o)ers a
limitless spply of water to -eep p with the ever increasing demand.
2e,t we move on to or second contention economy. 0esalination will
bene&t the economy throgh two main ways# %ne, 1ob creation. (nd two, by
providing a cheaper alternative to the rising price of water importation. (s =oted
from (BC :? 2ews, !he desalination plant being bilt in Carlsbad, Calif. will help
create thosands of 1obs. !he plant will help many get bac- to wor- that have been
nemployed for =ite some time. !he plant not only creates nmeros 1obs
throgh constrction, bt thosands of permanent, and stable 1obs. 0esalination
provides a mch needed boost to the recovering, bt still sha-y economy. $econdly,
desalination prices have only dropped as time has progressed, and stdies show it
will only contine to become cheaper. Brea-throghs in technology have cased it
to become a viable alternative. +rther investment allows s to contine to develop
the technology, allowing desalinations cost to become progressively cheaper. (n
intensive stdy on the costs of desalination, made by Waterese association, has
conclded that, !he cost of desalinated water has decreased signi&cantly over the
last two decades; and, all indicators are that the costs associated with the
technology will contine to decrease as technology and efciencies improve. !hey
have also stated that, Most of the water tilities in $othern California crrently
prchase imported water from the Bay 0elta and Colorado "iver at a rate of @$
68.A? to 68.7B per :??? gallons, and the cost of these water spplies is very li-ely
to increase by :BC or more throgh 8?:B. 0esalination has contined to see
downward trends in its overall costs, and it will contine to decrease. /mportation,
on the other hand, has contined to increase de to its increasing demand and
water =ality re=irements. %verall, desalination is a very a)ordable alternative
compared to not having a local spply of water.

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