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Scientific Details of the Linen Frequency Study

In 2003, a study was done by a Jewish doctor, Heidi Yellen, on the frequencies of fabric.
According to this study, the human body has a signature frequency of 00, and organic cotton is
the same ! 00. "he study showed that if the number is lower than 00, it #uts a strain on the
body. A diseased, nearly dead #erson has a frequency of about $, and that is where #olyester,
rayon, and sil% register. &onorganic cotton registers a signature frequency of about '0. Howe(er,
if the fabric has a higher frequency, it gi(es energy to the body. "his is where linen comes in as a
su#er)fabric. Its frequency is $,000. *ool is also $,000, but when mi+ed together with linen, the
frequencies cancel each other out and fall to ,ero. -(en wearing a wool sweater on to# of a linen
outfit in a study colla#sed the electrical field. "he reason for this could be that the energy field of
wool flows from left to right, while that of linen flows in the o##osite direction, from right to
In an email dated 2.0.2, /r. Yellen e+#lained the #rocess of this study0
12requency was determined by a technician 3named4 I(anne 2arr who used a digital instrument
designed by a retired "e+as A56 #rofessor called the Ag)-n(iron machine. *e had a #ublic
demonstration with an audience at internationally %nown artist 7ob 8ummers home.
17ob 9raham, the in(entor, told us that his machine was created to analy,e the signature
frequencies of agricultural commodities to aid the farmer in determining the right time of har(est
growth. "he gentleman identified signature frequencies that identified illness also and had
turned to hel#ing #eo#le get well. 7ob 9raham stated that it was a :signature frequency of that
#lant:s s#ecies identity.: "he mH, is different, we were suggested that it would be the same as
;ose essential oil.
1"here could be better de(ices so we ha(e been loo%ing around for more o#tions. "here:s a
de(ice that a brilliant American agriculture scientist de(elo#ed that does measure the frequency
of <inen and he calls that energy "achyon energy. *e ha(e not yet acquired one but ho#e to
1/r. >hili# ?allahan, a noted #hysician and researcher, was able to #ro(e the e+istence of this
energy using #lant lea(es attached to an oscillosco#e. About si+ months ago, he (isited me in
?alifornia and showed me a new de(elo#ment. He had disco(ered that fla+ cloth, as suggested in
the 7oo%s of 6oses, acts as an antenna for the "achyon -nergy. He found that when the #ure fla+
cloth was #ut o(er a wound or local #ain, it greatly accelerated the healing #rocess. He was also
using the fla+ seed cloth as a so#histicated antenna for his oscillosco#e. "his is the instrument
that he uses to determine energy of fla+.1
Is antibacterial
Is hypoallergenic (recommended for sensitive skin)
Doesnt accumulate static electricity
Causes 1.! less perspiration than cotton
"educes solar gamma radiation
Is used for internal sutures# because the body accepts it
$rotects against chemical e!posure
%hields from &'(s (&lectromagnetic (re)uencies)
Is e*ective in reducing fevers and in+ammation
Is ,-. more absorbant than cotton (ideal for feminine products)
"e)uires ! less fertili/ers and pesticides to gro0 than cotton
- Linen -
The Preferred Fabric for Clothing of Healing,
Healthy Living and Well eing
( co#yrights are at the bottom of this article along with lin%s to all resources, than% you for com#lying with the
<aw and "orah commands.... )
!L!CT"#$%C P"#P!"T%!S
At the electronic cellular level, flax cells are highly complementary with human
cells; producing a benevolent effect on the human organism. The human cell is capable of
completely dissolving a flax cell. It is interesting that flax thread appears to be the only
natural material utilized for internal sutures in a surgical setting.
Scientists have discovered that linen fibers reflect light. The light energy aspect of living
organisms has been measured by many individuals within the Scientific community. Nobel
prize winning r. !ttowarbury identified signature fre"uency numbers of the average human
at #$%&$. 'll results with numbers less than ($ were identified as the signature fre"uency of
chronic disease. 'ny number less than )( was identified with those having a diagnosed
incurable condition such as cancer.
The measurement of linen fabric measures 5,000 signature frequencies. *ow do other
fabrics compare+ ,lant fibers li-e cotton and hemp are not a healing fiber when measuring
its signature energy output. Standard bleached and colored cotton measures .$ units of
energy. The good news is that !rganic unbleached cotton measures )$$ units of energy
which is a /normal0 but not a healing fiber. The sil- fabric measures )$ units of energy which
would fail to support health in the human body. 1ould it be a low number because of its
origin+ Sil- is produced from an /unclean0 insect. 1ould sil- be also use of so many
chemicals that it is an unhealthy fabric. 2ayon measures at )( signature fre"uency.
,olyester3 acrylic3 spandex3 lycra3 viscose and nylon measure zero and do not reflect light.
,ure wool measures ($$$ units of energy. 4or any individual desiring to be well the best
recommendation from the instructions of the *oly Scriptures is to wear linen. The 5iblical
warning of wearing wool and linen together proved in scientific studies to be accurate6 the
energy of these two fabrics put together 7wool sweater on top of a linen outfit) collapsed the
electrical field as well as wearing of blac- colored fabric. 8here the two textiles measure
(3$$$ signature fre"uencies3 when put together3 these cancelled each other and brought
measurable wea-ness and in some tests even pain to the human body.
2ead 9ore::
H%ST#"%C&L 'S!
Since the earliest times3 flax has been -nown to have healing properties. 2ecent studies
out of ;apan and posted from the linen textile manufacturers confirm this truth. In the <atin
language3 the word flax means "being most useful" and the *oly Scriptures certainly
emphasized this material over all other fabrics for the *oly attire. The original *ebrew
language gives the attire of 'dam and =ve as a linen robe of light 7>enesis ?6@)). In
establishing the protocols /statutes0 of health3 the prophet 9oses received specific
instructions. 1leansing a /leper0 meaning those /incurable0 gave only three distinct fabrics of
attire6 wool or linen or leather 7<eviticus )?6.#%.A). It was emphasized as forbidden to wear
linen and wool together 7<eviticus )&6)& and euteronomy @@6)))
*istorically the beautiful white linen attire of the *ebrew people was with 'lmighty >od0s
specific instructions3 the decisions as given in the instructions /Torah0 as ordinances 7=xodus
?&6)%?)). 8hat special "ualities were in this linen material that would restore life+
1omprising a multitude of household items3 flax possesses truly exceptional hygienic
properties that heighten its value in consumer products and explains its widespread
4lax is an annual of the family <inaceae. There are over @$$ varieties of flax plants that3
depending on the regional conditions and climate. 4lax blooms in clusters of bluish, navy-
blue3 and3 more seldom3 violet3 rosy and white flowers that open up at dawn and close and
fall at around noon when heat sets in. =ach flower blooms for a few hours. 5ees collect close
to fifteen -g of honey from one hectare of flax field. 2esearchers found that one will fall
asleep faster3 sleep deeper3 and wa-e up in a better mood after sleeping in linenB No fabric
outpaces linen in natural strength3 luster and durability. 'ncient healing secrets revealed in
the *oly Scriptures instruct that this fabric is considered *oly attire and part of
the sanctification path. <inen is an ideal fabric not only for attire but for your table at every
meal as a /high energy0 tablecloth and nap-in.
PH(S%C&L P"#P!"T%!S
4lax fabric is an excellent filter protecting against chemical exposure3 noise and
dust. % <inen clothing reduces solar gamma radiation by almost half thereby
protecting humans wearing linen. %4lax fiber retrieved from contaminated soil
appears to be totally resistant to harmful radiation. % inen
underwear heightens positive emotions as well as possessing rare bacteriological
properties. 2esistant to fungus and bacteria3 flax is found to be an effective barrier
to some diseases. 'ccording to ;apanese researchers3 studies have shown that bed%
ridden patients do not develop bedsores where linen bed sheets are used. 8earing
linen clothes helps to decrease some s!in diseases - from common rash to chronic
eczemas. %<inen is highly Chydroscopic" meaning it rapidly absorbs and gives
up moisture. 'dsorbing water as "uic-ly as a pond surface3 before giving a feeling
of being wet3 linen cloth can absorb as much as @$D of its dry weight. This explains
why linen cloth always feels fresh and cool.
<inen does not cause allergic reactions and is helpful in treating a number of
allergic disorders. <inen is effective in dealing with inflammatory conditions3 reducing
fever3 and providing a healthy air exchange. Some neurological ailments benefit from
the use of linen clothing.
<inen cloth does not accumulate static electricity % even a small addition of flax
fibers 7up to )$D) to a cloth is enough to eliminate the static electricity effect.
<inen possesses high air permeability and heat
show the s-in temperature ?E%.E1 below that of their sil- or cotton%wearing friends.
'ccording to some studies3 a person wearing linen clothes perspires ).( times less
than when dressed in cotton clothes and twice less than when dressed in viscose
clothes. Meanwhile in cold weather linen is an ideal warmth-keeper.
#ilica present in the flax fiber protects linen against rotting % the preserved
mummies of =gyptian ,haraohs were wrapped in the finest linen cloth.<inen reFects
dirt and does not get a furry texture; linen and linen%containing articles are easily
laundered in hot water3 may be boiled and dried in the sun3 besides they may be hot%
ironed thereby ensuring maximum sterilization; <inen provides a sensation of gentle3
natural relief. <inen0s smooth surface and matte luster appears beautiful and feels
pleasant to the touch. The more linen is washed3 the softer and smoother it
8hen wearing )$$D linen3 many individuals have testified that their healing was rapid. ,ost
inFury or surgical pain was substantially reduced 7without the use of prescription or over the
counter drugs) when using linen bandages and wearing linen clothing.
This information which would be a little noticed matter except for this research which
demonstrates why it was a necessary part of the path of faith. ' most remar-able testimony
was shared by a Garaite ;ew6 *e testified of his linen tallit3 7prayer shawl) that was precious
to him. This prayer shawl was so familiar to him that it was similar to a well worn *oly
Scriptures whose pages had become regularly touched with use. In "uestioning him as to
why he still had it3 he opened up to share a remar-able testimony. Thirteen years
previously3 his wife was in labor and delivered an infant that failed to breathe. 1alling the
emergency &)) team3 they waited gripped with the inevitable loss of an infant in /stillbirth.0
>rief stric-en3 he grabbed his prayer shawl and held his daughter in his arms for an
agonizing ?$ minutes. *e recited the prayers of faith while waiting for the team to arrive.
Hnbelievably3 according to his account3 when the paramedics arrived3 and had not yet
touched the infant3 there was a dramatic color change for the infant and breathing had
resumedB *e testified that this special child has a brilliant mind and does well in school. This
amazing miracle involved use of a specific linen tallit that would be /swaddling.0 id this linen
prayer shawl contribute to the healing of this infant%% demonstrating the benefits of
obedience to the specific divine re"uirements for linen for religious ceremonies as revealed
above as recorded in the *oly Scriptures+
$n summary, if you wear blac- clothing3 standard cotton clothing3 rayon3 polyester and
nylon stoc-ings3 these will hinder your health by discharging and extinguishing one0s
electrical field light. 8hen put into nature law depletion3 there will be dar-ness. The human
body will struggle with & areas of opened windows within the human body vulnerable for
attac-. The areas of windows in the /nerve bundle0 regions of the human body /lea-0 subtle
energy fields with the reserves of mineral charges. The dead battery effect would drain until
the cellular function would be termed useless. If you have good flax next to wool or other
man made /fa-e0 fibers3 the energy signature will /discharge0 and one will suffer the
conse"uences. This is the law of nature principle. 8hat is at a higher level will come down
to the average of the lower amount unless shielded. If you use cotton3 rayon3 these are not
as strengthening to your body and may serve to -eep your health /average0 with the typical
western illnesses. If you want optimum health and healing and a strengthened immune
system3 you can choose to follow the instructions of the *oly Scriptures in getting your holy
wardrobe -nowing that you have the highest blessings available. 5less the <!2 for this
new -nowledge and see- *IS ways.
Testimonies from many individuals confirm that this 5iblical clothing protocol brought
healing their bodies. 8e would love to receive your testimony too. In"uires I 1ontributions
should be directed to the contact resources the bottom of this article. 8e will post your
testimoies here for others as a witness.. than- you..
%L%C&L "!F!"!$C!S T# L%$!$
%And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright&
'or fine linen is the righteousness of #aints"- (evelation )*&+
The description of the Tabernacle3 which formed the central point of worship for the tribes of
Israel3 the historical record tells us that the curtains were of fine linen. The use of linen was
to have holy garments for the priests of the nation for glory and for beauty 7=xodus @A6@).
!n Jom Gippur the *igh ,riest alone entered the *oly of *olies3 to ma-e atonement for his
house and for the people 7<ev. )K); on that occasion he wore white linen garments. 'aron3
the high priest3 entered the holy place3 he put on a holy linen coat%and girdle3 and upon his
head was a linen cap3 This shows the uni"ue place held by linen in the history of ancient
times3 and the reverence accorded it is further demonstrated in the New Testament3 which
states that when the 2evelation of things to come was vouchsafed to ;ohn3 the seven
angels3 who held in their hands the past and future of man-ind3 were clothed in pure and
white linen; and a final "uotation from the same 5oo- of 2evelation actions informs us that
the garments of those chosen for eternal life and happiness will be of fine linen. The use of
linen for priestly vestments was not confined to the ancient Israelites3 during the birth of the
9essiah3 we -now that linen was a common fabric used by the people and the Temple
because of its purity.
*hat #ro#hecy has been of fla+ relating to the true 6essiah@ AA bruised reed shall he not brea% and the smo%ing
fla+ shall he not quench0 he shall bring forth Budgment unto truth.C ! Isaiah D203 and 6atthew 2020. "hese are
#ro#hecies that would identify the 6essiah to be a light to the 9entiles EIsaiah D20FG.
P"#D'CT "!S#'"C!S
Linen Clothing and Healing Covers *ay be acquired online at+
,i--orah "eshel Designs
email0 infoI,
%$F#")&T%#$ "!S#'"C!S
Latest Testi*onies
Hebre.s Today
J'0 *est Kalley >ar%way, L'0
-scondido, ?A J202$ M8A

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