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Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

Lateral Thinking

By Richard Santoro

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
About the Author
Richard Santoro has over 20 years of commercial and
financial media experience that spans, sales, marketing,
publishing, operations, tech services, web design,
development and gaming.
He founded his first startup business in London in 2000
at the age of 24, which he ran successfully for 5 years before selling privately to an international media
company. Richard has operated in his native city of London and has had extensive Asia and China
market experience working in Shanghai from 2005 and then based in Hong Kong since 2008. Richard
is also an entrepreneur and been involved with several startups and web-based platforms. Richard has
had management positions at Mccann Erickson and Haymarket Media Group.
1. Introduction
2. Lateral thinking for entrepreneurs
3. Outside your comfort zone
4. How far are you prepared to go
5. Actions outside the box
6. Shape your own future
7. Rejection does not mean failure
8. Planning and preparation
9. Dealing with competitors
10. Building relationships
11. Monetising your life and business
12. Learning and goals
13. Get it right then expand or exit
*Note that this book contains only chapter 1, the full 200 page book is due for publication in
November 2014

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

lat er al
of, at, toward, or from the side or sides.
"the plant takes up water through its lateral roots"


Starting up on your own and running your own business is a challenge that isn't suitable for
everyone. It takes an exceptional person with passion and a certain type of entrepreneurial
attitude. Having the right type of attitude is one of the fundamental keys to success as an

But hang on, there is more to it than just having the right attitude and being passionate about
your idea. How about those who have reached a high level of success by thinking differently,
finding unique and creative ways to solve a problem or create an innovative new way of
doing something that can influence or change peoples life. Those that are successful may be
using lateral thinking without even knowing it.

The art of lateral think is nothing new and it involves solving problems in a creative or
indirect approach, often using a method of reasoning that is normally not obvious and using
ideas that may not be achievable by using a traditional process of logic. The term "lateral
thinking" was originally coined by a Maltese Professor of Psychology, named Edward de
Bono in the late 60's. His famous method has also been described as "thinking outside the
box". Professor de Bono has held faculty appointments at the universities of Oxford,
Cambridge, London and Harvard and is most well known for his ground breaking book, "The
Use of Lateral Thinking".

So by now I guess youre thinking, how does lateral thinking apply to me?

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

Lateral thinking for entrepreneurs

Did you know that if you have held down a job before, or taken a job interview, been a
student or have been involved in a position that demands your attention and have had to find a
way to do something that you are unfamiliar with, then the chances are you may have already
used some lateral thinking methods to solve a few problems.

For example I can remember one of my first graduate interviews before I got my first job. It
was very stressful and to top it off I was thrown a question that I wasn't prepared for when the
interviewer said Can you give us an example of a difficult situation where you had to think
laterally to solve it?. Now that was a tricky question for me as I hadn't thought about this in
advance, what the interviewer was really asking for was me to show my ability to use my
imagination to look at a problem in a fresh way and come up with a fix.

Of course I had been in a few real life situations where I had to solve things creatively and
you might have as well, such as:

A deadline you realised you couldn't meet
A difficult customer at work
Disagreement with a landlord
Student organisation you were in that was struggling
A team you were on that wasn't doing well,
Conflict that needed resolving
Needing to find work experience in a profession you are interested in but know nothing about
Being lost somewhere, mislaying something essential, or having travel problems
Perhaps one of the most important, Running low on cash and needing to come up with a way
to make more

These are real life situations that might call for a creative approach and use of lateral thinking
to solve. Try to think of some situations you have been in before that were heading for failure
until you discovered a different approach that turned the situation around.

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
Another good example is if you have been in a small business or even an existing operation
that is struggling financially, the first logical solution would be to cut costs. However if you
are using lateral thinking you might come up with something completely different, such as
crowdfunding online to raise capital or devise a program to boost affiliates or referral sale for
your business or product. Approach a contact you have made to seek sponsorship. These days
when you read these story's in the media about young entrepreneurs who have won millions
of dollars of investment, chances are they have grabbed their investors attention through their
powers of lateral thinking.

Without lateral thinking companies would be unable to innovate or create new products and
would be in a cycle of churning out the same old stuff. Granted it might be a bit more
efficient or a modified but hardly ground breaking or able to lead the way.

Nokia, once the worlds largest cell phone manufacturer whose most noted achievement was
introducing the first mass-market mobile handset. However in 2013 Nokia sold off its devices
division to Microsoft for $7.2 Billion, a small sum in comparison to the $250 billion it was
worth ten years ago. Shake ups do happen and even giants can fall if they cannot compete
creatively. Even the most advanced companies can score big then crash and burn if they
cannot identify the next big trend or idea in the market. Other examples of this are Research
in Motion and their good old Blackberry, Motorola, Friendster, Netscape, Kodak and many
others. The problem is this didn't need to happen to the likes of Nokia if they had continued to
develop into other products. Of course the biggest contrast to this can be seen from Apple Inc,
whose iphone and ipad products have lead the way in both innovation and lateral thinking in
both their products, design and applications.

Lateral thinking is highly prized skill set that is applied in creative industries such as media,
publishing and technology. But did you know its also used across other industries and
professions such as law, management consulting, retail and Information Technology.

Most graduates who decide to take up management position is likely to leverage upon lateral
thinking skills to solve problems and lead a team. Lateral thinking can also be professionally
assessed using psychometric testing. So to recap on this section, using your ability to think
laterally will enable you to:

1. Think in an innovative way
2. Be capable of using a creative solution to solve a problem
3. Overcome difficulty's when an answer is not immediately obvious
4. Do things differently from how they have been done before
5. Find a way to cope in a situation you have never experienced before.

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
Typically entrepreneurs are self reliant and use their own creativity to produce wealth and
income streams. Hover the modern young entrepreneurs of today go that bit extra. Many of
these new, hungry young breed are the type of people who are able to use creativity to unlock
the wealth and potential that already lies within themselves.

They are able to create value not just in physical products but in intangible assets such as
intellectual property, brand, reputation and network. These entrepreneurs are adept at creating
a personal brand and projecting the desired image both online and offline. They also
understand use of Intellectual property, copyrights, patents, trademarks and licences in-order
to maximize the full potential of their ideas. Whats more, the lateral thinking entrepreneur is
not a freelancer.

Freelancers take on paid work for clients and earn their living doing jobs for others. The work
is normally charged by the day, hour or on a project basis. Freelancers think about getting
more work, but lateral thinking entrepreneurs think in terms of crating opportunities,
delivering results and making profits. This enables them to develop, create and invent systems
and business that generate wealth and free up their time for their next winning idea.

Jeff's story

There was a young designer who at high school only wanted to draw pictures. He was into
graffiti, spray painting and air brush art. When he was 15 his dad cleared out a corner of the
garage and gave him a space to use for his studio. Jeff spent most of his time here practicing
and building up his book of designs. During college he went on to study graphic design and
after graduation ended up working at a creative agency.

Whilst his job was good and he was making money from work and also some freelance gigs
from friends - he wasn't satisfied with "designing to order" for other people. He began
licensing some of his designs out to sports, music and urban street-wear clothing companies.
Jeffs' income and level of satisfaction significantly began to increase.

Jeff began to diversify into other areas of media and took on staff to help him. Even today he
still designs all the original artwork for his designs, before his staff "reformat" them for
licensed products including T-shirts, Mugs, animated movies, skateboards and websites. Jeff
became so successful he even launched a magazine that became a leader in his industry.

Now had Jeff continued on as freelancer, he surely would have had a comfortable career. But
he decided to become an entrepreneur, licensing out his art and building his business around it.
Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
Jeff's earning potential is unlimited and his artwork touches thousands of peoples lives, he has
the freedom to choose his own path and has reached the highest levels of success being a
lateral thinking entrepreneur. But Jeff's story is not unique, there are many others who are out
there using the power of lateral thinking to transform their life, become financially
independent and reach all their goals. If you believe in yourself and adapt your thinking you
can achieve this to.

These days everyone is an entrepreneur

I remember after I quit my stable job of 4 years to join my second startup business with my
partners, and thinking to myself that the steady job market and predictable career path have
become relics of the old world society. Working in the financial sector within the publishing
and data industry I had already seen the fallout from the major global financial crisis of 2008
that had brought down nations and some of the biggest banks in the world with the likes of
Lehman Brothers who went bankrupt when on September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter
11. This firmly initiated a way of thinking for me that the only security lies in taking an
entrepreneurial approach to my own career. To move forward by taking responsibility to
develop my own skills further, build up my network and reputation, therefore create
opportunists for myself.

Don't get me wrong, taking up a regular job can be a terrific learning experience and huge
investment in your future, but these days you cant assume its going to last forever. In my case
as expat living and working in Hong Kong its even more high risk as we are often seen as
transient expendables in the local employment economy.

Now if you are one of those clever entrepreneurs who values their independence and always
seems to have a couple of side projects on the go, you will probably get board of your full
time job and have moved on well before you get made redundant. That blog that you have
been writing in the evenings has began to grow legs, as well as lading you a book deal your
about to close it has put you in touch with collaborators across the globe. Youre now
convinced you are on the verge of making it big time, but you are going to need a lot more
than dreams to ensure success.

Many young and old hopefuls alike, are out claiming to be an entrepreneur or serial
entrepreneur, startup expert or onto the next big thing. But In actual fact there is an awful lot
of clutter out there, indeed there are some very talented people who genuinely are in the 99th
percentile and will achieve huge success with their entrepreneurship, but the warnings still
keep coming. Have you ever heard the statistics that that between 75-90 percent of all startups
fail, or that 3 out of 4 new startups shut up shop after the first year of business, but for all the
doom and gloom, for those talented few this wont happen and they will be on their way to
bright future with their new business.
Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

There is a great article that was published on Forbes website, written by seasoned
entrepreneur Eric Wagner, Eric said that the 7 traits of incredibly successful entrepreneurs

1. Abounding Curiosity
2. Bursting with Creativity
3. Clarity of Vision
4. Ability to Communicate
5. Leadership Acumen
6. Loving Risk and Taking Action
7. Tenacious Beyond Belief

The cool thing about this is that most of these traits also define lateral thinking entrepreneurs.
Which is great for all of us who aspire to be more creative in our own approaches to success
and problem solving.

Just like the rest of us, some of the most successful entrepreneurs have also faced challenges
and difficulty along the way but have used examples of lateral thinking in their strategy's to
overcome their problems. I have pulled out a few quotes from several successful startup
founders that really highlight this:

As we are now in the new entrepreneur economy, its easy to take for granted that everyone
should be jumping on the entrepreneurship band wagon, scheduling brainstorming sessions
and launching kickstarter crowdfunding campaigns, but the reality is that's how you make
your start.

Mashable Founder Pete Cashmore
"You need space to try things and create. It takes a long time to recalibrate if you let people
pull at you all the time. A lot of stress comes from reacting to stuff. You have to keep a
certain guard [up], if you're a creative person.

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
Sir Richard Branson
"Dont think what's the cheapest way to do it... think whats the most amazing way to do it"

Caterina Fake, Co-founder, Flickr
"So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably
more important than working hard."

Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics
Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldnt be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesnt know
that so it goes on flying anyway. Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

Gurbaksh Chahal, Serial Entrepreneur and RadiumOne Founder
"Many [business] people focus on what is static, black and white. Yet great algorithms can be
rewritten. A business process can be defined better. A business model can be copied. But the
speed of execution is dynamic within you and can never be copied. When you have an idea,
figure out the pieces you need quickly, go to market, believe in it, and continue to iterate."

Evan Williams, Co-Founder, Twitter
Be a user of your own product. Make it better based on your own desires. But dont trick
yourself into thinking you are the user.

Realistic Lateral Thinking Puzzles and Training Your Mind

Now I have talked about lateral thinking so here are some brain teasers that will get you
started with training your brain how to think creatively to solve problems.

These lateral thinking puzzles are inexact, in a sense they are a mixture between puzzles and
storytelling. In each puzzle, some clues to a scenario are offered, however the clues wont
give you the full story. Its your task to fill in the details and complete the story with the right

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
Have a go at these on your own first, or to make it more interesting try solving them with
your peers, colleagues or friends. Perhaps after you have figured out the answers or read the
solutions then try testing your friends to see how they perform. Solutions are at the end.

1. There is a man who lives on the top floor of a very tall
building. Everyday he gets the elevator down to the ground floor
to leave the building to go to work.

Upon returning from work though, he can only travel half way up in
the lift and has to walk the rest of the way unless it's raining!

2. A man and his son are in a car accident. The father dies on the
scene, but the child is rushed to the hospital. When he arrives
the surgeon says, "I can't operate on this boy, he is my son! "
How can this be?

3. A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trousers, jumper,
gloves and balaclava. He is walking down a black street with all
the street lamps off. A black car is coming towards him with its
light off but somehow manages to stop in time.
How did the driver see the man?

4. Why is it better to have round manhole covers than square
This is logical rather than lateral, but it is a good puzzle that
can be solved by lateral thinking techniques. It is supposedly
used by a very well-known software company as an interview
question for prospective employees
Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

5. A man went to a party and drank some of the punch. He then left
early. Everyone else at the party who drank the punch subsequently
died of poisoning. Why did the man not die?

6. A man walks into a bar and asks the barman for a glass of
water. The barman pulls out a gun and points it at the man. The
man says 'Thank you' and walks out.

(This puzzle is one of the best in the genre. It is simple in
its statement, absolutely baffling and yet with a completely
satisfying solution. Most people struggle very hard to solve this
one yet they like the answer when they hear it or have the
satisfaction of figuring it out.)

7. You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus
stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:

i) An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.
ii) An old friend who once saved your life.
iii) The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose?

8. Acting on an anonymous phone call, the police raid a house to arrest a suspected murderer.
They don't know what he looks like but they know his name is John and that he is inside the
house. The police bust in on a carpenter, a lorry driver, a mechanic and a fireman all playing
poker. Without hesitation or communication of any kind, they immediately arrest the fireman.
How do they know they've got their man?

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
9. How could you fall out of a twenty-story building onto the ground and live?

10. Bad Boy Bubby was warned by his mother never to open the cellar door or he would see
things that he was not meant to see. One day while his mother was out he did open the cellar
door. What did he see?

11. There are six eggs in the basket. Six people each take one of the eggs. How can it be that
one egg is left in the basket?


1. The man is very, very short and can only reach halfway up the elevator buttons. However,
if it is raining then he will have his umbrella with him and can press the higher buttons with it.

2. The surgeon was his mother

3. It was day time.

4. A square manhole cover can be turned and dropped down the diagonal of the manhole. A
round manhole cannot be dropped down the manhole. So for safety and practicality, all
manhole covers should be round.

5. The poison in the punch came from the ice cubes. When the man drank the punch, the ice
was fully frozen. Gradually it melted, poisoning the punch.

6. The man had hiccups. The barman recognized this from his speech and drew the gun in
order to give him a shock. It worked and cured the hiccups-so the man no longer needed the

7. The old lady of course! After helping the old lady into the car, you can give your keys to
your friend, and wait with your perfect partner for the bus.

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
8. The fireman is the only man in the room. The rest of the poker players are women.

9. You fell out of a ground floor window.

10. When Bad Boy Bubby opened the cellar door he saw the living room and, through its
windows, the garden. He had never seen these before because his mother had kept him in the
cellar all his life.

11. The last person took the basket with the last egg still inside.

I hope you had fun with these and are starting to get the idea of how you can use your brain
and way of thinking to solve problems.

Why are entrepreneurs big thinkers?

Thinking is the most important thing you are able to do, the power of thought defines who
you are and what you do. It's what inspires you to achieve your goals and ambitions. You do
it daily so why shouldn't you get better at doing it. Take a minute to think how vital it is for
solving problems, planning, dealing with stress and responding to situations generally,
however we spend far to little time using it as a skill. But that's what it is, just like drawing a
picture, flying plane or riding a bike, and we can improve at these things if we put effort and
practice into them. Doing any of these activities can seem alien, awkward or even unnatural at
first, but after we have learned they can become useful and very easy.

Technology is nothing without humans to build it, in the same way that a computer is useless
without software or an operating system to run on it. Our human brain is a terrific memory
mechanism which can be programmed into a thinking machine. Like a computer you also
need "software" to do this. These are skills that can be learned just like installing software,
you can teach your mind how to think in a certain dynamic.

So how do entrepreneurs use these key actionable dynamics and what are they?

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
1 - Present situation and future goals, what am I doing and where do I need to get to?

2 - Perception and assessment, analysing a situation from what is available to you

3 - Creating outcome, setting up new ideas and alternatives

4 - Decision making, choosing from options, reducing selection to a line of action

5 - Moving forward and putting thought into action

Practicing how to focus on these areas of your work, business or general life goals is vital in
making the transition to becoming a lateral thinking entrepreneur.

How lateral thinking is used by entrepreneurs in real life situations

Several fresh graduates who were trying to find jobs using a number of innovative ways of
getting the selectors attention. One for example enclosed a teabag, so that the selector could
take a break with a cup of tea before reading his resume.

Another graduate who was trying to get into investment banking industry, with little success
and who had exhausted all of the standard options came up with a fresh idea as a last resort.
He had 100 postcard sized copies of his resume printed. He then went around City of
London's "square mile", which is the financial district where many of the banks are located.
He then proceeded to place once of his resume's under every top of the range Mercedes,
BMW and Rolls Royce he could find. The following day he had had several phone calls with
senior executives offering him interviews.

A student decided she wanted to intern as a trainee journalist for a local newspaper. She did
some research and carefully analysed the content of the newspaper and compared it with other
competing local papers. She conducted a small field study of readers' opinions on the paper
by interviewing passers-by in the city centre. Using the results of her research, she drafted a
list of potential changes to the paper, wrote a sample article to demonstrate what she had in
mind and sent these to the editor. The following week the editor invited her to meet and
discuss her suggestions - they had a positive discussion and shortly after she was hired.
Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

One New York based graduate who had decided he wanted to work at a 4A leading
advertising agency Googled the names of the creative directors of the agencies and then spent
just six dollars on a set of Google ads that were triggered when the directors searched for their
own names. he adverts said "Hey, (creative directors name), Googling yourself is a lot of fun.
Hiring me is fun, too" Of the five directors he targeted, four gave him an interview and two
offered him a job. Here is the link to the youtube video

The chocolate bar resume. A job hunter made his own resume as the wrapper for a chocolate
bar. It turned out to be very popular with recruiters and was even featured on CNBC's website,
you can take a look here

Through all these cases we can see young entrepreneurs who are using the power of lateral
"Creative thinking" to solve a problem, or find a solution to achieving a goal.

The purpose of using the lateral approach in entrepreneurism is to allow you to cut through
patterns to find new ideas. Just as with any creative approach, your ideas must be valuable
and logical after they are developed. There are in fact formal courses and training that you can
take, these specific programs are designed to enable you to p[practice these techniques to
hone your skills. However hopefully by the time you have read this book, you will have
gained some powerful tools and tips to help you to think like a successful creative

In addition when a new idea is required in a specific area of your business, study work or
project, you can train yourself to switch on your 'lateral thinking mode' and then use your new
creative skills. However don't just use creative thinking to solve problems, you will need to
use it to generate new concepts otherwise you will miss out on new opportunities.

As an entrepreneur you will need to use creative thinking after you have started your business
or had your big idea moment.

Most budding entrepreneurs believe that the first idea they come up with or their first main
business concept requires the most amount of creative thinking to get it off the ground.
Seasoned entrepreneurs will know that the the initial concept or idea is the easy part, its the
follow up and implementation that often requires the most creative and lateral thinking
process. There are dozens of challenges to consider especially if your idea is in a competitive
Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

The reality is a balancing act between creative and logic process, starting and running your
business or launching your idea will require a lot of analytical and logic processing. Whilst
reading up on these things myself I discovered a book called creative Thinkering by Michael
Michalko. which gives some good insights into using creative thought applied to both
business and personal environments and I also found another great article on Forbes website
published by Martin Zwilling. Martin also was influenced by Michalko's book and in his
article offered the following recommendations on how to nurture and build your creative
business capabilities:

Look for familiar patterns in unrelated subjects

Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change

Think the unthinkable

Intention is the seed of creative thinking

Change the way you speak, and you change the way you think

You become what you pretend to be

You cannot make a new idea just pop up out of the blue or a product build itself, but you can
train your brain and imagination to blend and process different concepts into new and original

Lets end this chapter with a few crazy startup ideas that are great examples of creative

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -


A toasted cheese sandwich delivery firm using mini parachutes. In what may be one of the
craziest (and most fun) ventures to date, the team behind Jafflechutes are taking a love of
melted cheese to a whole new level in some cases seven floors up. They plan to drop in on
New York City very soon. Those who pre-order can nominate the time theyd like to receive
jaffles (aka: toasted sandwiches) and will receive instructions about where to go to await their
special delivery

Grilled Cheesus

Who can forget this weird and wonderful campaign from Kickstarter, circa Dec 2011? The
team behind it crowdfunded to create a GRILLED CHEESUS, an electronic sandwich
press that toasts the face of Jesus onto your sandwich bread! Great for anyone who loves
cheese, religion, or simply enjoys a clever pun! (Source: Kickstarter)

Gnome & Bow: Storytelling Bags

A bag that tells stories whod be keen on that? A lot of people it seems. These concept-
driven mens fashion bags and accessories from Singapore have already received over $20k in
pledges to crowdfund thier business. Not bad for a first-time crowdfunder! And if youre
wondering how the bags tell stories? Each has its own unique story embedded into the them,
i.e. zips that will forever tell the story of the hare and the tortoise.

It is possible to create a good startup with a good idea, but great startups are often the result of
ideas that would have seemed ridiculous if you had heard them prior to seeing them working.

Ask yourself, if you were a venture capitalist pitched one of these ideas, what would your
reaction have been?

And when these now mainstream success stories fist started up who in their right mind would
have thought they would have made it.
Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

Facebook the world needs yet another Myspace or Friendster, except several years late.
Well only open it up to a few thousand overworked, anti-social, Ivy Leaguers. Everyone else
will then join since Harvard students are so cool.

Dropbox we are going to build a file sharing and syncing solution when the market has a
dozen of them that no one uses, supported by big companies like Microsoft. It will only do
one thing well, and youll have to move all of your content to use it.

Amazon - well sell books online, even though users are still scared to use credit cards on the
web. Their shipping costs will eat up any money they save. Theyll do it for the convenience,
even though they have to wait a week for the book.

Virgin Atlantic airlines are cool. Lets start one. How hard could it be? Well differentiate
with a funny safety video and by not being miserable.

Mint - give us all of your bank, brokerage, and credit card information. Well give it back to
you with nice fonts. To make you feel richer, well make them green.

Palantir well build arcane analytics software, put the company in California, hire a bunch
of new college grad engineers, many of them immigrants, hire no sales reps, and close giant
deals with D.C.-based defence and intelligence agencies

Craigslist it will be ugly. It will be free. Except for the hookers.

iOS a brand new operating system that doesnt run a single one of the millions of
applications that have been developed for Mac OS, Windows, or Linux. Only Apple can build
apps for it. It wont have cut and paste.

Google we are building the worlds 20th search engine at a time when most of the others
have been abandoned as being commoditised money losers. Well strip out all of the ad-
supported news and portal features so you wont be distracted from using the free search stuff.
(and then put it back in later)

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -
Github software engineers will pay monthly fees for the rest of their lives in order to create
free software out of other free software!

PayPal people will use their insecure AOL and Yahoo email addresses to pay each other
real money, backed by a non-bank with a cute name run by 20-somethings.

Paperless Post we are like Evite, except you pay us. All of your friends will know that you
are an idiot.

Instagram filters! Thats right, we got filters!

LinkedIn how about a professional social network, aimed at busy 30- and 40-somethings.
They will use it once every 5 years when they go job searching.

Tesla instead of just building batteries and selling them to Detroit, we are going to build our
own cars from scratch plus own the distribution network. During a recession and a cleantech

SpaceX if NASA can do it, so can we! It aint rocket science.

Firefox we are going to build a better web browser, even though 90% of the worlds
computers already have a free one built in. One guy will do most of the work.

Twitter it is like email, SMS, or RSS. Except it does a lot less. It will be used mostly by
geeks at first, followed by Britney Spears and Charlie Sheen.

Out of the box'Outside-of-the-Box'

Lateral Thinking for Entrepreneurs 2014 Richard Santoro -

I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of my
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Copyright 2014 Richard Santoro
All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
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