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Anthropometric Measurements

I. Estimating Desirable Body Weight (DBW) for Adults

A. Tanhausers Method (or Broca Method)
1. Measure height in centimeters.
2. Deduct from this the factor 100. The answer is the DBW in kg.
3. The DBW obtained applis to Filipino stature by taking off 10%.

Example: Height 52 =62
DBW (kg) =62 x 2.54 = 157 cm 100 = 57.48 kg
=57.48 kg 5.74 (10%) =51.74 or 52 kg

B. Hamwi Method
Gender Height Calculations
Male first 5 feet Allow 106 pounds + 6 pounds for each inch over 5 feet
Female first 5 feet Allow 100 pounds + 5 pounds for each inch over 5 feet

C. Nutritionist-Dietitian Association of the Philippines (NDAP) formula
Gender Height Calculations
Male first 5 feet Allow 112 pounds + 4 pounds for each inch over 5 feet
Allow 112 pounds - 4 pounds for each inch below 5 feet
Female first 5 feet Allow 106 pounds + 4 pounds for each inch over 5 feet
Allow 106 pounds - 4 pounds for each inch below 5 feet
II. Estimating DBW for Infants and Children
A. Infants
1. 0 6 months
DBW (g) = Birth weight (g) + (age in months x 600)
(If the birth weight is unknown, use 3000 g)

2. 7 12 months
a. DBW (g) = Birth weight (g) + (age in months x 500)
b. DBW (kg) = (Age in months 2) + 3

B. Children
DBW (kg) = (Age in years x 2) + 8

III. Adjust Weight for Amputations
Hand <5% Forearm 3.0%
Arm at shoulder 6.5% Foot 2.0%
Below the knee 6.0% At the knee 9.0%
Above the knee 12.0% Entire leg 19.0%

Determination of Nutrient Requirements
I. Estimating Energy Requirements of Adults
A. Harris-Benedict Equation
1. Males
BEE = 66.47 + [13.75 x weight (kg)] + [5.0 x height (cm)] [6.76 x age (years)] = ___kcal/day
2. Females
BEE = 655.1 + [9.56 x weight (kg)] + [1.85 x height (cm)] [4.68 x age (years)] = ___kcal/day

*To estimate total energy requirements, the BEE (as calculated as above) must be multiplied by an activity
factor (AF) and an injury factor (IF) [i.e. TER = BEE x AF x IF]
Activity and Injury Factors
Activity Factors Bed rest 1.0-1.1 Moderate 1.6-1.7
(AF) Very light 1.2-1.3 Heavy 1.9-2.1
Light 1.4-1.5 Strenuous 2.2-2.4
or exceptional
*Use lower factor for females; higher factor for males

Injury Factors No illness/nonstress 1.0
(IF) Convalescence, mild malnutrition 1.1
Post-operative (no complication)
Mild illness, noncatabolic
Confined to bed 1.2
Ambulatory/out of bed 1.3
Infections and stress, catabolic
Mild 1.2-1.3
Moderate 1.4-1.5
Severe, hypercatabolic 1.6-1.8
Sepsis 2.0-2.2
<20% body surface 1.2-1.4
20-40% body surface 1.5-1.7
>40% body surface 1.8-2.0
Fracture, long bone 1.2-1.3
Respiratory/renal failure 1.4-1.5
COPD 1.4-1.8
Cancer with chemotherapy or radiation,
cardiac cachexia 1.5-1.6
Surgery, minor/elective 1.1-1.2
Surgery, major 1.2-1.3
Trauma, skeletal/blunt 1.3-1.4
Trauma, multiple/head injury 1.5-1.6

B. Short Method for Estimating Energy Requirements
1. Activity Level kcal/kg BW
Bed rest but mobile (hospital patients) 27.5
Very light or sedentary (mostly sitting down) 30.0
Light (tailor, nurse, physician, jeepney driver) 35.0
Moderate (carpenter, painter, heavy housework) 40.0
Very active (swimming, lumberman) 45.0

2. Stress condition
Overweight/weight reduction 20
Nonstress, bed rest 25
Mild stress, bed rest ambulatory 35
Moderate stress, bed rest, ambulatory 40
Severe stress, polytrauma, hypermetabolic, sepsis 45
Surgery, elective/minor 32
Surgery, major, bed rest 35
ambulatory 38
Burn, major, bed rest 45 50
ambulatory 55 60

Cancer 35 45
Predialysis 40 50
Hemodialysis 35
Peritoneal dialysis 30
*Calorie allowances per kg body weiht for different activity levels and stress conditions

C. Estimating Energy Requirements of Infants and Children
1. Infants
Age (months) Kcal/kg DBW
0-6 120
7-12 110
2. Children
TEA/day = 1000 + (100 x age in years)

D. Estimating Energy Requirements for Pregnant and Lactating Women
1. Pregnant women (2
and 3
TEA/day = normal requirement + 430 kcal
2. Lactating women
6 months: TEA/day = normal requirement + 500 kcal
next 6 month: TEA/day = normal requirement + 440 kcal

II. Estimating Protein Requirements
A. Estimation of Protein Requirements of Adults
Protein Requirements
(g/kg DBW/day)
Stress Level
Normal 1.1
Mild stress 1.1-1.2
Moderate stress 1.3-1.4
Severe stress 1.5-1.7
Polytrauma, infection 1.8-2.4
Severe sepsis, major burn, head injury 2.5-3.0
Surgery, minor/elective 1.2-1.3
Surgery, major 1.4-1.5

Protein Requirements
(g/kg DBW/day)
Stress Level
Cancer, malabsorption syndrome, tuberculosis 1.2-1.5
Acute respiratory failure 1.3-1.4
Acute renal failure 0.3-0.5
Chronic renal failure 0.55-0.6
Hemodialysis 1.0-1.2
Peritoneal dialysis 1.2-1.5
Post renal transplant 1.5-2.0
COPD 1.2-1.5
Hepatitis, cirrhosis 1.5-2.0
Depleted protein stores, decubiti, long-bone fractures, draining wounds 1.6-1.7

B. Normal Protein Allowances
Protein Requirement
(g/kg DBW/day)
Infants 2.5 3.0
Children 2.0
Adolescent 1.5
Adults 1.1

Other computations
I. Recommended Distribution for Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat
Nutrients Distribution
Carbohydrate 55 70% of TEA
Proteins 10 15% of TEA
Fat 20 30% of TEA

II. Curreri Formula
Estimating the Energy and Protein Requirements for Burn Patients
TER (kcal) = [25 kcal x preburn body weight (kg)] + [40kcal x %TBSA burned]
Protein (g) = (1.1g/kg x preburn body weight) + (3g x %TBSA burned)
*TBSA total body surface

III. Temperature Conversion
F = 1.8 (C + 32) C = 0.56 ( F 32)

Temperature: Boiling point of water 100C 212F
Body temperature 37C 98.6F
Freezing point of water 0C 32F

IV. Milliequivalents (mEq) Conversion

Minerals Atomic Weight Valence Minerals Atomic Weight Valence
Calcium 40.00 2 Potassium 39.00 1
Chlorine 35.40 1 Sodium 23.00 1
Magnesium 24.30 2 Sulfur 32.00 2
Phosphorus 31.00 2 Zinc 63.37 2

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