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I am deeply indebted to my esteemed HOD Dr. N. Panchanathan
Annamalai.University, Chennai (N! "or his #ind and constant
&y %ratit$de is also d$e to &r. &. '. &ishra, &r. (a)endra
'hin*asara, &r.+.P.&andaviva and &r.,ilson David, &r. -o%esh
&ishra Dep$ty &ana%er C.( "or coordinatin% and providin% all
assistance o" %$idance thro$%h o$t my *or#.
I also e/press my than#s to my teachers &rs. .$)atha "or boostin% me
to complete the pro)ect.
I *o$ld li#e to e/tend my than#s to all the respondents *ho patiently
ans*ered to all my 0$eries and cooperated *ith $s and provided me
*ith all the val$able in"ormation that, I needed "or my pro)ect st$dy.
Alka Singh
MBA 2008-
Tamil Na&u
his is to certi"y that dissertation entitled )T"aining an&
D!!l*+m!n$, at 2A'H3(I C3&3N ,O('. ,
2a#heri has been prepared by &iss. Al#a .in%h Cha$han in the
partial "$l"illment o" the re0$irement o" &asters de%ree in H$man
(eso$rces at Annamalai University Chennai (.N.!
I here by declare that all the in"ormation and "act prod$ced here are
based on my o*n "indin%s and st$dies at 2A'H3(I C3&3N
,O('. are ori%inal in nat$re. he contents o" report are a tr$e
e/pression o" my e""orts on the said topic.
Any resemblance to earlier pro)ect or research is p$rely co4incidental.

Alka Singh
MBA 2008-

HI.O(- O7 (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D 2I&I3D
O2D 8I.ION O7 (32IANC3 C3&3N
N3, 8I.ION O7 (32IANC3 C3&3N
&I23.ON3 9 ACHI383&3N 9 A,A(D.
O83(8I3, O7 2A'H3(I C3&3N ,O('. 9
.3P. IN (AININ:.
(AININ: N33D A..3..&3N
(AININ: 9 D3832OP&3N
.A&P23 .I<39.A&P23 3CHNI;3
.CA2IN: 3CHNI;3. U.3.
I$%&'()*%+'$ ', %-. C'/01$2
(eliance In"rastr$ct$re enters into Cement man$"act$rin% thro$%h its
s$bsidiary, (eliance Cement Company Private 2imited. ((CCP2! and
hence mar#s the "oray o" (eliance :ro$p in Cement >$siness. .et $p
in 1??@, (eliance Cement Company Private 2imited aspires to be a
leader in the domain o" cement man$"act$rin% and be a part o" the
Indian In"rastr$ct$re development story.
In the lon% r$n, (eliance Cement Company Private 2imited aims to
carve a niche "or itsel" in the Cement mar#et by establishin% a
capacity o" =? &PA (&illion tons per ann$m! thro$%h or%anic and
inor%anic %ro*th. he "irst t*o pro)ects "rom the ho$se o" (eliance
Cement Company Private 2imited *ill be located at &aihar, &adhya
Pradesh and &$#$tban, &aharashtra. Pe%%ed at = &PA each, these
t*o plants *ill set the "o$ndation "or the $pcomin% pro)ects thereon.
Ho*ever, a %rindin% $nit at >$tibori, &aharashtra *ill be the "irst
operational $nit "rom this stable *ith an initial capacity o" ?.A &PA.
O)& V+3+'$
(eliance Cement Company Private 2imited *ill be a leadin% BNe/t4
:enB cement company, creatin% peerless val$e "or its sta#eholders,
thro$%h e/ec$tion e/cellence, best in class competitiveness,
s$stainability and lon% term (eliance Cement Company Private
2imitedess to reso$rces, th$s becomin% the most pre"erred choice "or
its c$stomers 9 employees
B)3+$.33 D&+4.&3
Cement prod$ction bein% an ener%y intensive activity, relies heavily
on ener%y reso$rces li#e coal and po*er alon% *ith ra* materials,
lo%istics, and plant in"rastr$ct$re. he syner%y o" these "actors
combined *ith 0$ality o" o$r prod$ct *ill help drive the b$siness to
the levels aspired "or.
O)& P&'5.*%3
I6 R.7+'$- C.$%&18 I$(+1
.tate4 &adhya Pradesh
Inte%rated Unit at &aiharC >lendin% Unit at :ondavali and a
:rindin% $nit at '$ndan%an)
otal Capacity4 =.?D &PA
II6 R.7+'$- 9.3%.&$ I$(+1
.tate4 &aharashtra
Inte%rated Unit at -avatmal and t*o :rindin% $nits, one at
>$tibori and another located in North ,estern &aharashtra
otal Capacity4 =.?D &PA
S)3%1+$1:8. D.4.8'0/.$%
(eliance Cement Company Private 2imited is committed to*ards
s$stainability *itho$t any compromise. Principles o" .$stainable
development are inte%ral to o$r b$siness strate%y and "lo*s "rom o$r
8ision .tatement. It covers all the themes a""ectin% the CompanyEs
sphere o" in"l$enceF climate protection, ener%y e""iciency,
environment, h$man ri%hts, codes o" %overnance, health and sa"ety,
labor practices, social initiatives, 0$ality o" prod$cts and processes,
relations *ith c$stomers and s$ppliers, research and innovation.
H+3%'&2 & P&',+8. ', RELIANCE CEMENT
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D *as "ormed
in 1?11 *hen ten e/istin% cement companies came to%ether $nder one
$mbrella in a historic mer%er G the co$ntryEs "irst notable mer%er at a
time *hen the term mer%ers and ac0$isitions *as not even coined.
he history o" (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D spans a *ide canvas be%innin% *ith the lonely str$%%le o"
its pioneer F E D+$ S-1< and other Indian entreprene$rs li#e him
*ho "o$nded the Indian cement ind$stry. heir e""orts to "ace
competition "or s$rvival in a small b$t a%%ressive mar#et min%led
*ith the stirrin% o" a co$ntryEs nationalist pride that to$ched all *al#s
o" li"e G incl$din% trade, commerce and b$siness.
he "irst s$ccess came in a move to*ards cooperation in the co$ntryEs
yo$n% cement ind$stry and c$lminated in the historic mer%er o" ten
companies to "orm a cement %iant. hese companies belon%ed to "o$r
prominent b$siness %ro$ps G atas, 'hata$s, 'illic# Ni/on and 7 3
Din .ha* %ro$ps. (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D *as "ormally established on A$%$st 1, 1H5A. .adly, 7 3 Din
.ha*, the man reco%niIed as the "o$nder o" (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D, died in +an$ary 1H5A. +$st months
be"ore his dream co$ld be realiIed.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D stands o$t
as the most $ni0$e and s$ccess"$l mer%er in Indian b$siness history,
in *hich the distinct identities o" the constit$ent companies *ere
melded into a ne* cohesive or%aniIation G one that has s$rvived and
retained its position o" leadership in ind$stry. In a sense, the "ormation
o" (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D
represents a 0$est "or the syner%y o" %ood b$siness practices, val$es
and shared ob)ectives. he $se o" the pl$ral in (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3DEs "$ll name, he Associated Cement
Companies 2imited, itsel" indicates the companyEs ori%ins "rom a
mer%er. &any years later, some stoc#bro#ers in the co$ntryEs leadin%
stoc# e/chan%es still re"er to this company simply as Jhe &er%erE
he (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D >oard
comprises o" 15 persons. hese incl$de e/ec$tive, non4e/ec$tive, and
nominee directors. his %ro$p is responsible "or determinin% the
ob)ectives and broad policies o" the Company 4 consistent *ith the
primary ob)ective o" enhancin% lon%4term shareholder val$e.
he >oard meets once a month. *o other small %ro$ps o" directors 4
comprisin% .hareholdersKLInvestorsK :rievance Committee and A$dit
Committee o" the >oard o" Directors 4 also meet once a month on
matters pertainin% to the "inance and share disciplines. D$rin% the last
decade, there has been a streamlinin% o" the senior mana%ement
str$ct$re that is more responsive to the needs o" the CompanyKs prime
b$siness. A &ana%in% Committee 4 comprisin%, in addition to the
&ana%in% Director and the t*o e/ec$tive directors, the presidents
representin% m$lti"ario$s disciplinesF "inance, prod$ction, mar#etin%,
research and cons$ltancy, en%ineerin% and h$man reso$rces G meets
once a *ee#. >esides these bodies, there are senior e/ec$tives and
other re%ional mana%ers 4 based at the CompanyKs corporate o""ice and
at its mar#etin% o""ices and man$"act$rin% $nits 4*ho contrib$te to the
development and operation o" the vario$s "$nctions. ,hile these
%ro$ps "orm the core mana%ement team that "rames and %$ides
corporate policy, (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D is pro$d o" its manpo*er stren%th o" abo$t H,??? people,
*ho comprise e/perts in vario$s disciplines assisted by a dedicated
*or#"orce o" s#illed persons. ;$ite a n$mber o" them have lo%%ed
many years o" service *ith the or%aniIation. hey come "rom all parts
o" the co$ntry and belon% to a variety o" ethnic, c$lt$ral and reli%io$s
bac#%ro$nds. >eca$se o" s$ch a cosmopolitan ma#e4$p, (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D can ri%htly be said to
embrace *ithin its "old a "amily that "orms a Kmini4IndiaK.
A S%&1%.7+* A88+1$*.:
he ho$se o" ata *as intimately associated *ith the herita%e and
history o" (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D,
ri%ht "rom its "ormation in 1H5A $p to 1???. he ata %ro$p sold all
16.6=M o" its shareholdin%s in (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D in three sta%es to s$bsidiary companies o"
:$)arat Amb$)a Cements 2td. (:AC2!, *ho are no* the lar%est
sin%le shareholder in (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
his enabled (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D to enter into a strate%ic alliance *ith :AC2C a company
rep$ted "or its brand ima%e and cost leadership in the cement ind$stry.
H'8*+/ = A N.< P1&%$.&3-+0:
A ne* association *as "or%ed bet*een (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D and he Holcim %ro$p o"
.*itIerland in 1??=. In +an$ary 1??=, Holcim anno$nced its plans to
enter into lon% G term alliances *ith Amb$)a :ro$p by ac0$irin% a
ma)ority sta#e in Amb$)a Cements India 2td. (ACI2!,*hich at the
time held 15.DM o" total e0$ity shares in (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D. Holcim sim$ltaneo$sly anno$nced
its bid to ma#e an open o""er to (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D shareholders, thro$%h Holdcem Cement Pvt.
2td. and ACI2, to ac0$ire a ma)ority shareholdin% in (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D. An open o""er *as made
by Holdcem Cement Pvt. 2td. alon% *ith ACI2, "ollo*in% *hich the
shareholdin% o" ACI2 increased to 56.AHM o" 30$ity share capital o"
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D.
Conse0$ently , ACI2 has "iled declarations indicatin% their
shareholdin% and declarin% itsel" as a promoter o" (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D.
Holcim is the *orld leader in cement as *ell as bein% lar%e s$pplier o"
concrete, a%%re%ates and certain constr$ction related services. Holcim
is also a respected name in in"ormation technolo%y and research and
development. he %ro$p has its head0$arters in .*itIerland *ith
*orld*ide operations spread across more than @? co$ntries.
Considerin% the "ormidable %lobal presence o" Holcim and its
e/cellent rep$tation, the broad o" (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D has *elcomed this ne* associati
P81$%3 & T-.+& C101*+%2:
.tate Capacity (&PA!
>ar%arh Cement ,or#s
Chaibasa Cement ,or#s
Chanda Cement ,or#s
Damodar Cement ,or#s
:a%al Cement ,or#s 6.6?
(:a%al I and II!
+am$l Cement ,or#s
'ymore Cement ,or#s
2a#heri Cement ,or#s
&ad$##arai Cement ,or#s
.indri Cement ,or#s
,adi Cement ,or#s
Ne* ,adi Plant
,adi Cement ,or#s
i#aria Cement :rindin% and
Pac#in% Plant 1.51
N.< V+3+'$:
&aintain o$r leadership o" the Indian cement ind$stry thro$%h
the contin$o$s moderniIation and e/pansion o" o$r
man$"act$rin% "acilities and activities, and thro$%h the
establishment o" a *ide and e""icient mar#etin% net*or#.
Achieve a "air and reasonable ret$rn on capital by promotin%
prod$ctivity thro$%ho$t the company.
3ns$re a steady %ro*th o" b$siness by stren%thenin% o$r
position in the cement sector.
&aintain the hi%h 0$ality o" o$r prod$cts and services and
ens$re their s$pply at "air prices.
Promote and maintain "air ind$strial relations and an
environment "or the e""ective involvement, *el"are and
development o" sta"" at all levels.
Promote research and development e""orts in the areas o"
prod$ct development and ener%y, and "$el conservation, and to
innovate and optimiIe prod$ctivity.
7$l"ill o$r obli%ations to society, speci"ically in the areas o"
inte%rated r$ral development and in sa"e%$ardin% the
environment and nat$ral ecolo%ical balance.
1>3 Incorporation o" he Associated Cement Companies 2imited on A$%$st 1,
1>3 7irst >oard &eetin% o" he Associated Cement Companies 2imited held at
3splanade Ho$se, &$mbai on November 1?, 1H5A.
1>3! ,ith the trans"er o" the 1?th company to (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D, viI. De*ar#hand Cement Company, the
"ormation o" (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D is
complete on October 15, 1H5@.
1>44 (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3DEs "irst comm$nity
development vent$re near >ombay
1>4! IndiaEs "irst entirely indi%eno$s cement plant established at Chaibasa in
1>52 8illa%e ,el"are .cheme la$nched
1>55 .indri cement *or#s $sed the *aste prod$ct calci$m carbonate sl$d%e "rom
"ertiliIer "actory at .indri.
1>5 >$l# Cement Depot established at O#hla, Delhi
1>5! echnical trainin% instit$te established at 'ymore, &adhya Pradesh.
1>5! 'atni (e"ractories
1>3 he Associated Cement Companies 2imited incorporated on A$%$st 1
1>4! IndiaKs "irst entirely indi%eno$s cement plant installed at Chaibasa.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D .indri $ses *aste
material 4 calci$m carbonate sl$d%e 4"rom "ertiliIer "actory at .indri to ma#e
1>5 >$l# Cement Depot established at O#hla, Delhi
>last "$rnace sla%, (a *aste by4prod$ct "rom steel! "rom I.CO $sed at
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D Chaibasa to
man$"act$re Portland .la% Cement.
Oil*ell Cement man$"act$red at (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D .hahabad "or cementation o" oil *ells $p to adepth o"
A,??? "eet.
&an$"act$re o" Hydrophobic (*aterproo"! cement at (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D 'halari.
&an$"act$re o" Portland PoIIolana Cement $sin% nat$rally available materials.
An 3co4"riendly cements $sin% an eco4"riendly process.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D ind$cts $se o"
poll$tion control e0$ipment and hi%h e""iciency sophisticated electrostatic
precipitators "or its cement plants and captive po*er plants decades be"ore it
becomes mandatory to do so.
Introd$ction o" the ener%y e""icient pre4calcination technolo%y "or the "irst time
in India.
Commissionin% o" the "irst 1 &PA (million tonne per ann$m! plant in the
co$ntry at ,adi, 'arnata#a.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D achieves a
brea#thro$%h in import s$bstit$tion by developin% and s$pplyin% a special :
type o" oil *ell cement to ON:C.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D develops a ne*
binder, *or#in% at s$b4Iero temperat$re, *hich is s$ccess"$lly $sed in the
Indian e/pedition to Antarctica.
Incorporation o" >$l# Cement Corporation o" India, a +8 *ith the :overnment
o" India.
1>>3 Commercial man$"act$re o" ready4mi/ed concrete at &$mbai.
Commissionin% o" the ne* ,adi plant o" 1.A &PA capacity in 'arnata#a, the
lar%est in India, and amon% the lar%est siIed #ilns in the ,orld.
A<1&(3 & R.8+1$*. C./.$% C'/01$2 P&+41%. L+/+%.('81(.3
IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award - G :a%al *ins Commendation
Certi"icate and Ne* ,adi Plant *ins .pecial A*ard "or Per"ormance 3/cellence in
the &an$"act$rin% .ector, 1??@.
National Award for outstanding performance in promoting rural and
agricultural deelopment G by A..OCHA&
!word of "onour 4 by >ritish .a"ety Co$ncil, United 'in%dom "or e/cellence in
sa"ety per"ormance.
Indira #riyadarshini $rikshamitra Award 444 by he &inistry o" 3nvironment and
7orests "or Be/traordinary *or#B carried o$t in the area o" a""orestation.
%ICCI Award 444 "or innovative meas$res "or control o" poll$tion, *aste
mana%ement 9 conservation o" mineral reso$rces in mines and plant.
!u&h 'aran !arawagi (nironment Award 4 by he 7ederation o" Indian &ineral
Ind$stries "or environment protection meas$res.
)rona *rophy 4 >y Indian >$rea$ O" &ines "or e/tra ordinary e""orts in protection
o" 3nvironment and mineral conservation in the lar%e mechaniIed mines sector.
Indo +erman +reentech (nironment (,cellence Award
+olden #eacock (nironment Management !pecial Award 4 "or o$tstandin%
e""orts in 3nvironment &ana%ement in the lar%e man$"act$rin% sector.
Indira +andhi Memorial National Award 4 "or e/cellent per"ormance in
prevention o" poll$tion and ecolo%ical development
(,cellence in Management of "ealth- !afety and (nironment . Certi"icate o"
&erit by Indian Chemical &an$"act$rers Association
$ishwakarma Rashtriya #uraskar trophy "or o$tstandin% per"ormance in sa"ety
and mine *or#in%
+ood Corporate Citi/en Award 4 by PHD Chamber o" Commerce and Ind$stry
0amnalal Bajaj 1chit $yaahar #uraskar 4 Certi"icate o" &erit by Co$ncil "or
7air >$siness Practices
+reentech !afety +old and !iler Awards 4 "or o$tstandin% per"ormance in .a"ety
mana%ement systems by :reentech 7o$ndation
%IMI National Award 4 "or val$able contrib$tion in &inin% activities "rom the
7ederation o" Indian &ineral Ind$stry $nder the &inistry o" Coal.
Rajya !thariya #aryaaran #uraskar 4 "or o$tstandin% *or# in 3nvironmental
Protection and 3nvironment Per"ormance by the &adhya Pradesh Poll$tion.
Control >oard.
National Award for %ly Ash 1tilisation - by &inistry o" Po*er, &inistry o"
3nvironment 9 7orests and Dept o" .cience 9 echnolo%y, :ovt o" India 4 "or
man$"act$re o" Portland PoIIolana Cement.
+ood Corporate Citi/en Award - by >ombay Chamber o" Commerce and Ind$stry
"or *or#in% to*ards an environmentally s$stainable ind$stry *hile p$rs$in% the
ob)ective o" creation o" a better society.
National Award for (,cellence in 2ater Management - by the Con"ederation o"
Indian Ind$stry (CII!
"irst recipient o" ASSOCHAMEs "irst ever N1%+'$18 A<1&( ,'&
')%3%1$(+$7 0.&,'&/1$*. +$ 0&'/'%+$7 &)&18 1$( 17&+*)8%)&18
(.4.8'0/.$% 1*%+4+%+.3 +$ 1>!.
Decades later, PHD C-1/:.& ', C'//.&*. 1$( I$()3%&2 selected
*inner o" its G''( C'&0'&1%. C+%+A.$ A<1&( ,'& %-. 2.1& 2@@2.
Over the years, there have been many a*ards and "elicitations "or
achievements in ($ral and comm$nity development, .a"ety, Health,
ree plantation, A "orestation, Clean &inin%, 3nvironment A*areness
and Protection.
C'&0'&1%. ',,+*.:
Overseein% the companyEs ran% o" b$siness, the Corporate O""ice is
the central head 0$arters o" all b$siness and h$man reso$rce "$nction
located in &$mbai.
1. >$l# Cement Corporation India 2td (>CCI!
1. (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D
&achinery Company 2td (A&C2!
5. (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D
Nihon Castin% 2td (ANC2!
C./.$% P81$%:
1. >ar%arh Cement ,or#s
1. Chaibasa Cement ,or#s
5. Chanda Cement ,or#s
6. Damodar Cement ,or#s
=. +m$l Cement ,or#s
A. :a%al Cement ,or#s
@. 'ymore Cement ,or#s
D. 2a#heri Cement ,or#s
H. &adh$##arai Cement ,or#s
1?.&ancherial C3&3N ,or#s
11. .indri Cement ,or#s
11.,adi Cement ,or#s
15.i#aria Cement ,or#s
R.7+'$18 M1&;.%+$7 O,,+*.:
A&.1 O,,+*.:
>322A(- COCHIN
RM" O,,+*.:
&$mbai4 'alamboli
&$mbai4 .ion
&$mbai4 +82( Pro)ect
Delhi4 7aridabad
:reater Noida
>an%alore4 ,hite"ield
>an%alore4 Peenya
>an%alore4 Hos$r (oad
>an%alore4 betta Halsoor
'ol#ata4 .onap$r
:oa4 Pana)i
:$r%aon4 Haryana
O4.&4+.< ', L1;-.&+ C./.$% 9'&;3
U$+% P&',+8.: L1;-.&+
2a#heri is a city and a m$nicipality in >$ndi district in the Indian
state o" (a)asthan. &ostly s$rro$nded by a%ric$lt$ral lands 9 villa%es
the most distinct "eat$re o" 2a#heri is a cement man$"act$rin% $nit o"
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D NAssociated
Cement CompaniesO 2td. his plant is the oldest r$nnin% cement plant
in Asia. >$t *ith the passa%e o" time the plant has $nder%one
e/pansions to incorporate the latest technolo%y in cement prod$cin%.
he latest e/pansion pro)ect is bein% completed in April 1??@.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D 2imited is
IndiaEs "oremost man$"act$rer o" cement and ready mi/ concrete *ith
a co$ntry*ide net*or# o" "actories and mar#etin% o""ices.
3stablished in 1H5A, (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D has been a pioneer and trend4setter in cement and concrete
technolo%y. (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3DEs brand name is synonymo$s *ith cement and en)oys a
hi%h level o" e0$ity in the Indian mar#et. Amon% the "irst companies
in India to incl$de commitment to environment protection as a
corporate ob)ective, (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D has *on several priIes and (eliance Cement Company
Private 2imitedolades "or environment "riendly meas$res ta#en at its
plants and mines. he company has also been "elicitated "or its acts o"
%ood corporate citiIenship. Presently (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D is a part o" the PHolcim :ro$pQ,
one o" the lar%est m$ltinational Cement man$"act$rers. (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D 2a#heri Cement ,or#s is
located bet*een 'ota 9 .a*ai &adhop$r o" ,estern4Central
(ail*ay. Place #no*n "or (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D Cement. he oldest cement plant in India *hich
has still preserved its 1H?= lime #ilns. Plant has already been
moderniIed and the capacity bein% "$rther increased to 1.=
& *ith 1=&, Coal based Po*er Plant d$rin% the year
L'*1%+'$ ', L1;-.&+ C./.$% 9'&;3
F')$(.& O, L1;-.&+BBT-. G&.1% L1;-1
In the "ol#lore o" (a)asthan, a :$))ar named 2a#ha, is credited
*ith establishin% the to*n o" 2a#heri several h$ndred years
It *as an ideal %raIin% spot. ,ell protected "rom storms, and
nestlin% in the hills o" the north4eastern span o" the Aravalli
ran%e in >$ndi District.
his patch o" %reen, covered thic# *ith babool trees attracted
2a#ha *ho raised t*o temples as a prel$de to b$ildin% the
he temples have end$red G silent spectators to the chan%in%
destiny o" the to*n.
Deserted by the nomadic :$))ars a"ter 2a#haEs death, the to*n
*as resettled cent$ries latest by His Hi%hness o" >$ndi, *ho
%i"ted 11 bi%has (ei%ht acres! o" land to the ne* settlers, "or
every so$rce o" *ater b$ilt by them.
oday, the bavadis, #$nds, and *ells o" that era are "o$nd
dotted all over the area.
A journey from 3456777till date
L1;-.&+ <+%- O8( 8+/. ;+8$3 +$ 1>@5
L1;-.&+ 2@@!
.ince the be%innin% o" this cent$ry, other str$ct$res have
come $p to challen%e 2a#heriEs traditional s#yline o" r$%%ed
hills and embattled *alls.
A *8)3%.& ', ,')& *28+$(&+*18C 0+88:'D-3-10.( 4.&%+*18 E+8$3
', 1 081$% 3.% )0 +$ 1>@5 %' 0&'()*. -2(&1)8+* 8+/.C 3%1$(
8+;. 7&+AA8.( 3.$%+$.83 '$ 1 C8+,,3+(.6
It *as this primitive plant, *hich *as converted in to a
cement "actory in 1H1@ o*ned by 'illic# G Ni/on , that
ma#es 2a#heri Cement ,or#s the oldest r$nnin% cement
"actory in India.
2a#heri ,or#s is also credited *ith man$"act$rin% pop$lar
cement o" the times and #no*s as P>>> CementQ or >$ndi
>a%h >rand Cement.
Commencin% operations *ith t*o 1?? PD *et process
'ilns, there a"ter 2a#heri ,or#s has three 'ilns *ith an
a%%re%ate capacity 5.1 2a#h tonne per ann$m
D)&+$7 T-. 2.1& 1>>! 1$( 2@@! L1;-.&+ <13 )07&1(.( %'
12@@ 1$( 32@@ %0( &.30.*%+4.82 <+%- (&2 0&'*.33 ;+8$ <+%-
0&.-.1%.&C C18*+$.&6
P81$% H+3%'&2:
1H?= F 7o$ndation o" 2a#heri started *ith "o$r cylindrical,
pillbo/4shaped vertical 'ilns to prod$ce hydra$lic lime
1H1@ F Installation o" IndiaEs "irst cement plant at barren "oot
hills o" Ara*ali mo$ntain installed capacity o" ?.51 mtpa $sin%
*et process o" man$"act$rin% "rom 5 nos. o" #ilns.
1HH@ F &oderniIation and 3/pansion by replacin% *et process
#ilns *ith a sin%le dry process #iln o" capacity 11?? PD and
raisin% its cement man$"act$rin% capacity to ?.A? &PA.
1??? F >y adoptin% 'aiIens as a *ay o" li"e, otal prod$ctive
maintenance (P&! philosophy, employees innovations and
dedications, he plant co$ld achieve prod$ction to a level o" ?.@
mtpa "rom the same establishment.
1??@ F he capacity o" the plant is raised by more than t*o
"olds to a level o" 1.= mtpa by addin% second strin% o" pre4
heater *ith calciner to the e/istin% #iln *ith replacement o"
%rate cooler and addition o" ne* close circ$it cement %rindin%
1??@ F Installation o" 1= &, capacity hermal po*er plant.
he man$"act$rin% process is s$pported by an economical and
reliable captive thermal po*er so$rce.
P&'()*% (C./.$%):Quality
Prod$ct development has al*ays been an important activity at
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D, arisin% o$t
o" a "oc$s on 0$ality and process improvement. It has been a constant
partner, drivin% research, innovation and eval$ation. In 1HA6, a
centraliIed research "acility G the Central (esearch .tation (C(.! *as
established in hane. he research comple/ no* renamed as
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D hane
Comple/, spread over an area o" D??? s0 m has modern labs *ith the
latest e0$ipment and manned by hi%hly 0$ali"ied scientists and
technolo%ists *ho carry o$t prod$ct development *or# in cement and
allied "ields.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has
e""ectively pled%ed its rep$tation as the mar#et leader in 0$ality o"
cement. &aintainin% this lead calls "or harnessin% the reso$rces and
e/pertise o" the company G "rom applied research and prod$ction to
mar#etin%. (eliance Cement Company Private 2imitedordin%ly, all
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D "actories are
e0$ipped *ith state4 o"4 the4 art process control instr$mentation and
associated 0$ality control and testin% laboratories. rained en%ineers,
chemists and technicians sta"" these. he Central 2aboratory at
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D hane
Comple/ is $sed as a re"erence laboratory "or dia%nosis and resolvin%
speci"ic tro$ble G shootin% cases.
As a res$lt o" this "oc$s on 0$ality, (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D cement speci"ication e/ceeds those
set by >I. by *ide mar%in. oday, all (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D cements plants have the I.O H??1
;$ality .ystems Certi"ication. his demonstrates o$r tradition o"
providin% reliable and consistent 0$ality thro$%h the application o"
modern technolo%y, and )$sti"ies the pre"erences o" a nation*ide
c$stomer base.
man$"act$res the "ollo*in% types o" cement, in addition to *hich,
it provides >$l# Cement and (eady &i/ Concrete.
O&(+$1&2 P'&%81$( C./.$%3
OPC 65 :rade
B8.$(.( C./.$%3
7ly4ash based Portland PoIIolana Cement
O&(+$1&2 P'&%81$( C./.$% 43 G&1(. C./.$% (OPC 43
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D Cement is
the most commonly $sed cement in all constr$ctions incl$din% plain
and rein"orced cement concrete, bric# and stone masonry, "loors and
plasterin%. It is also $sed in the "inishin% o" all types o" b$ildin%s,
brid%es, c$lverts, roads, *ater retainin% str$ct$res, etc.
,hat is more, it s$rpasses >I. .peci"ications (I. D11141HDH "or 65
%rade OPC! on compressive stren%th levels.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D Cement is
mar#eted in specially desi%ned =? #% ba%s.
081$%3 183' /1$),1*%)&.( 53 G&1(. C./.$% his is an Ordinary
Portland Cement *hich s$rpasses the re0$irements o" I.F 111AH4=5
:rade. It is prod$ced "rom hi%h 0$ality clin#er %ro$nd *ith hi%h
p$rity %yps$m.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D =5 :rade
OPC provides hi%h stren%th and d$rability to str$ct$res beca$se o" its
optim$m particle siIe distrib$tion, s$perior crystalline str$ct$re and
balanced phase composition.
It is available in specially desi%ned =?4#% ba%s.
B8.$(.( C./.$%:
F82-13- :13.( P'&%81$( P'AA'81$1 C./.$%
his is special blended cement, prod$ced by inter4%rindin% hi%her
stren%th Ordinary Portland Cement clin#er *ith hi%h 0$ality
processed "ly ash 4 based on norms set by the companyKs (9D
division. his $ni0$e, val$e4added prod$ct has hydra$lic bindin%
properties not "o$nd in ordinary cements. It is available in specially
desi%ned =?4#% ba%s.
P+'$..& & T&.$(3.%%.&:
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has a $ni0$e
trac# record o" innovative research, prod$ct development and
specialiIed cons$ltancy services. It is a important benchmar# "or the
cement ind$stry in respect o" its prod$ction, mar#etin% and personal
mana%ement process.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D is pro$d o"
its many innovation over the years and realiIes that innovativeness is
an essential characteristic o" leadership.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3DEs brand
name is synonymo$s *ith cement . its mar#etin%, sales and
distrib$tion processes are ind$stry standards. he brand b$ildin%
approach to mar#etin% cement *hich *as "irst adopted by
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has proved
to be e/ceptionally s$ccess"$l in respect o" blended cements in terms
o" providin% more e""ective comm$nication *ith c$stomers and has
been em$lated by other companies in the ind$stry.
R.1(2- M+D C'$*&.%.:
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D established
the co$ntryEs "irst commercial ready4mi/ concrete ((&R! in &$mbai.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3DEs pioneerin%
e""orts in this respect alon% *ith the introd$ction o" b$l# cement
handlin% "acilities have been responsible "or rede"inin% the pace and
0$ality o" constr$ction activity in metropolitan cities and in me%a
in"rastr$ct$re pro)ects. he ++ "lyover in &$mbai *as the "irst me%a
constr$ction pro)ect in India to $se Hi%h Per"ormance Concrete o" &4
@= %rad.
R.3.1&*- & D.4.8'0/.$%:
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D is the only
cement prod$cer in India *ith its o*n in4ho$se (esearch and
Development "acility. he spra*lin% (esearch and Cons$ltancy
((CD! comple/ at hane near &$mbai has a $ni0$e trac# record o"
innovative research and specialiIed technolo%ical services.
(CD has helped introd$ce some $ni0$e special pro)ects o" immense
val$e to the concrete and constr$ction sectors. hese incl$de repair
prod$cts and %ro$ts and Ancones, a non e/plosive demolition a%ent.
(CD has developed (eliance Cement Company Private 2imitedmar%,
a revol$tionary ne* prod$ct and %ro$tin% composition "or the
constr$ction and repair o" ne* roads and hi%h*ays.
he services o" concrete %ro$p at (CD have been $tiliIed in the
striation o" several herita%e b$ildin%s across the co$ntry, s$ch as the
C. termin$s at &$mbai, ch$rches and royal palaces in :oa, &ysore
and Hyderabad.

S-1&+$7 E$'<8.(7.:
7ollo*in% the massive earth0$a#e in :$)arat, (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3DEs civil en%ineers trained over 1=??
$nemployed yo$th "rom remote villa%es in the "$ndamentals o"
b$ildin% stron%er, more earth0$a#e resistant str$ct$res. his *as the
"irst "ormal trainin% e""ort o" its #ind "or masons. &any o" these yo$th
are no* %ain"$lly employed.
E$4+&'$/.$%18 P&'%.*%+'$:
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D is amon%
the "irst companies in India to incl$de commitment to environmental
protection as one o" its corporate,lon% be"ore poll$tion control norms
and re%$latory act came in to e/istence. he company ind$cted the
$se o" poll$tion control e0$ipment and hi% e""iciency sophisticated
electrostatic precipitators "or cement #ilns, ra* mills, coal mills,
po*er plants and coolers as "or as 1HAA.
oday each (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D
"actory has hi%h e""iciency state4o"4the art poll$tion control e0$ipment
and devices. 3ach o" o$r man$"act$rin% $nits has a separate
environment section manned by a 0$ali"ied environmental en%ineer
and s$pportin% sta"". O$r plants, mines and to*nship demonstrate the
companyEs s$ccess"$l endeavors in %reenin% activities s$ch as
A""orestation, tree plantin%, hortic$lt$re, ve%etable and c$ltivation
apart "rom basic landscapin% desi%ned to enrich and bea$ti"y the
Cleaner minin% techni0$es have helped sa"e%$ard and conserve
mineral reso$rces. In addition, *e have ta#en other positive meas$res
s$ch as top G soil conservation, e""icient *ater mana%ement systems
and the treatment o" the *asta%e, se*a%e and e""l$ents. .ome o" o$r
plants have become near sel" G reliant in their *ater re0$irements.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has
achieved spectac$lar res$lts in the $tiliIation o" t*o haIardo$s and
poll$tant ind$strial *astes G namely sla% "rom steel plants and "ly ash
"rom thermal po*er stations G to ma#e blended cements that help
conserve limestone reso$rces. Over the years, (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has *on several priIes and
certi"icates o" merit "or environmental meas$res $nderta#en at its
vario$s plants and mines.
In partic$lar, "or pro%rams involvin% %reenin%, A""orestation,
rehabilitation o" mines, noise abatement and other visible meas$res
li#e tree plantation and *ater mana%ement.
A forestation and +reening the (nironment8
ree plantation is a re%$lar and committed activity at (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D. 8acant land in plant,
mines and colony at each "actory is $sed to develop %reenery o"
vario$s species. .ome (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D plants (viI. :a%al, +am$l, 'ymore and Chaibasa! have
developed as m$ch as 6?M area "or %reen belts as compared to
stat$tory re0$irement o" 5? M. 3very cement plant has its o*n s$ccess
story o" tree plantation, %reenin% activities, hortic$lt$re, "lo*er and
"r$it c$ltivation and *ater conservation. ree plantation and %reen belt
development pro%rams have been e/tended to cover areas in vicinity
o" o$r plants "or the bene"it o" local comm$nity.
(oc#y areas in mines have been rendered s$itable "or plantation by
overspreadin% topsoil obtained "rom minin% activity. A "orestation
pro%rams have helped trans"orm the once barren and dry ambience
into l$sh %reenery.3ach One G Plant One has been an inspirin%
messa%e practiced by many o" o$r employees. he total plantation
$nderta#en across (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D is more than 5.5 million n$mbers o" trees, *ith an avera%e
s$rvival rate o" D=M and spread over an area o" 1??? acres in mines,
"actories and residential to*nships.
91%.& C'$3.&41%+'$:
,ater conservation is a note*orthy contrib$tion in a *ater scarce
co$ntry li#e o$rs. (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D cement $nits maintain a norm o" <ero ,ater Dischar%e. All
the *ater $sed in plants "or ind$strial coolin% is recycled thro$%h
coolin% to*ers, *ater ponds and tan#s. (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D cement plants have converted old
abandoned mines into h$%e reservoirs by collectin% rain*ater "rom
catchments aro$nd mines.
,ater "rom these reservoirs is treated to ma#e it potable. As a res$lt o"
these initiatives, *e have several e/amples o" o$tstandin%
achievements in *ater harvestin% and in the creation o" reservoirs in
abandoned mines and 0$arries. .ome o" o$r ,or#s have become near
sel" G reliant in respect o" their *ater re0$irement "or ind$strial and
domestic cons$mption.
T&1$3,'&/+$7 1$( M1$17+$7 913%.:
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has
achieved spectac$lar res$lts in the $tiliIation o" t*o haIardo$s and
poll$tant ind$strial *astes G namely sla% "rom steel plants and "ly ash
"rom thermal po*er stations G to ma#e blended cements that o""er
$ni0$e advanta%es to concrete. (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D also pioneered the $se o" *aste sl$d%e "rom the
"ertiliIer ind$stry to ma#e cement. he company is actively en%a%ed
in the promotion o" alternate "$els and ra* materials and in co G
processin% *aste materials thro$%h the e""ective $se o" cement #ilns
as co G processin% $nits. hese incl$de a%ro G *astes li#e rice G h$s#
and other h$s#s, ba%asse, $sed tyres, domestic and hospital *aste.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D ta#es pride
in e/tendin% its *aste mana%ement services to help minimiIe the
dischar%e o" *astes.
H)/1$ R.3')&*. M1$17./.$% 1% RELIANCE CEMENT
H$man (eso$rce &ana%ement may be de"ined as that specialiIed
branch o" mana%ement *hich is concerned *ith solvin% the h$man
problem o" an or%aniIation intelli%ently and e0$itably in a manner
that not only the employees, potentials are developed b$t ma/im$m
satis"action is also achieved by the individ$al
R'8. ', P.&3'$18 M1$17.&FHR M1$17.&:
P.&,'&/1$*. M1$17./.$% S23%./
T&1+$+$7 & D.4.8'0/.$%
E/08'2.. <.8,1&. & 0.&G)+3+%.3
E/08'2.. S1%+3,1*%+'$
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has a lar%e
*or#"orce o" abo$t H,??? people, comprisin% e/perts in vario$s
disciplines assisted by a dedicated *or#"orce o" s#illed persons.
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D employees,
re"erred to as the (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D Parivar, come "rom all parts o" the co$ntry and belon%in%
to a variety o" ethnic, c$lt$ral and reli%io$s bac#%ro$nds. (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D employees display a
stron% sense o" loyalty to the Company and their special stellar
0$alities as Jval$e4addin%E h$man capital are *ell #no*n in the
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D has clearly
stated %$idelines concernin% recr$itment, termination, career
advancement, per"ormance appraisal, pro"essional and employee
ethics and code o" cond$ct. he CompanyEs personnel policies and
processes enshrine e0$al opport$nities to all and non4discrimination
*ith re%ard to %ender, caste, creed, ideolo%y or other opinion, *hether
social, political or reli%io$s. Also ens$red is a d$e process "or
employee cons$ltation and participation in or%aniIational
development and policy "orm$lation.
(ecr$itment in (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D is a very "air and transparent process *ith ade0$ate
opport$nities to loo# "or s$itable candidates internally as *ell as "rom
o$tside. Applicants are %enerally invited on the basis o" speci"ic
advertisements in ne*spapers and *ebsites.
A Committee o" o""icers called the Central (ecr$itment Committee
handles the entire recr$itment process comprisin% screenin% o"
applications, preliminary short4listin%, intervie*s and "inal selection.
3very attempt is made to ma#e the selection process as ob)ective as
possible by incorporatin% tests o" competence. In some cases, o$tside
cons$ltants are retained. All decisions o" the recr$itment committee
are recorded in respect o" each candidate. Candidates are in"ormed o"
their short4listin% and selection immediately a"ter the intervie* or at
the earliest therea"ter.
P.&,'/1$*. M1$17./.$% S23%./:
he CompanyEs per"ormance mana%ement system is in itsel" a
benchmar# that provides ample opport$nities and motivational
incentives to employees so as to re*ard and retain %ood talent *ithin
the Company.
hese incentives incl$de Per"ormance 2in#ed Incentives, :ood ,or#
A*ards, 2etters o" Appreciation, .pecial Increments, Promotions,
Nomination to e/ternal trainin% pro%rams in India and abroad, p$blic
"elicitation and appreciation. .ome plants have >est 3mployee and
3mployee o" the &onth A*ards and reco%nition. Competent
employees and those *ho display aptit$de are invited to become
rainers themselves and receive rain the rainer "acilitation.
O**)01%+'$18 H.18%- & S1,.%2:
Occ$pational Health 9 .a"ety (OH.! is a vital part o" (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3DEs )o$rney to*ards .$stainable
development. .a"ety A$dits are bein% carried o$t in (32IANC3 C3&3N
CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D since 1HH= by National .a"ety Co$ncil
based on the = .tar A$ditin% .ystem o" >ritish .a"ety Co$ncil. here is a
contin$o$s e""ort to meas$re and improve .a"ety &ana%ement .ystems to
avoid (eliance Cement Company Private 2imitedidents.
,e have an Ape/ OH 9 . Committee headed by the &ana%in% Director.
his committee oversees implementation o" o$r OH 9 . policy 3ach o" o$r
plants and man$"act$rin% $nits have Pro"essional Doctors and medical
"acilities "or contin$o$s monitorin% and observation o" *or#place hy%iene
and occ$pational health.
he "ollo*in% are some OH 9 . initiatives at o$r plantsF
OH 9 . broch$res, si%na%es, posters and mailers $sed e/tensively
&onthly .a"ety :ate &eetin%s held at all o$r plants.
.a"ety A$dit and P& A$dits carried o$t ann$ally
.a"ety Pro"essionals meets t*ice a year to disc$ss and share
#no*led%e on .a"ety .tatistics and implementation o" sa"ety meas$res
at each $nit.
.a"ety Observation o$rs (.O! cond$cted *ee#ly by all line
>ehavio$ral .a"ety rainin% pro%rammes "or *or#ers at all plants
Incident investi%ations "or all incidents incl$din% near misses (*ith
potential "or in)$ries!. he "indin%s and recommendation are shared
across the company.
HNO HARMI /.1$3:
No "atalities
No disablin% In)$ries
No 2ost ime In)$ries
No &edical treatment In)$ries
No 7irst Aid In)$ries
No Occ$pational Illness
Contractors personnel on site
(eady4mi/ drivers on )ob
hird party contractors on site
8isitors to (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D site
,e mana%e o$r activities in a responsible manner to avoid ca$sin% any
harm to the health and sa"ety o" o$r employees, contract personnel and
,e apply OH9. standards and %$idelinesC provide the necessary
reso$rces, trainin% and ed$cation and meas$re per"ormance "or
contin$o$s improvement.
1. Do not override or inter"ere *ith any sa"ety provision nor allo*
anyone else to override or inter"ere *ith them.
1. Personal Protection 30$ipment (PP3! r$les, applicable to a
%iven tas#, m$st be adhered to at all times.
5. Isolation and 2oc# O$t proced$res m$st al*ays be "ollo*ed.
6. No person may *or# i" $nder the in"l$ence o" alcohol or dr$%s.
=. All the in)$ries and incidents m$st be reported.
OH & S O&71$+A1%+'$ C-1&%
I$%&'()*%+'$ ', T'0+*
rainin% is an or%aniIed proced$re *hich brin%s abo$t a semi4
permanent chan%e in behavior, "or a de"inite p$rpose. he three main
areas involved are s#ill, #no*led%e and attit$des b$t al*ays *ith
de"inite p$rpose in mind. 3very or%aniIation needs to have *ell4
trained and e/perienced people to per"orm the activities that have to
be done. I" c$rrent or potential )ob occ$pants can meet this
re0$irement, trainin% is not important. ,hen this is not the case, it is
necessary to raise the s#ill levels and increase the versatility and
adaptability o" employees. rainin% ma#es the employees versatile in
operations. All ro$nders can be trans"erred to any )ob. rainin%
pro%ramme is important as it lends stability and "le/ibility to an
or%aniIation, besides contrib$tin% to its capacity to %ro*. (eliance
Cement Company Private 2imitedidents scrape, and dama%e to
machinery and e0$ipment can be avoided or minimiIed thro$%h
trainin%. 7$rthermore, "$t$re needs o" employees *ill be ta#en care by
As )obs have become more comple/, the importance o" employee
trainin% has increased. ,hen )obs *ere simple, easy to learn, and
in"l$enced to only small de%ree by technolo%ical chan%es, there *as
little need "or employees to $p%rade or alter their s#ills. >$t the rapid
chan%es ta#in% place d$rin% the last 0$arter4cent$ry in o$r hi%hly
sophisticated and comple/ society have created increased press$res
"or or%aniIations to readapt the prod$cts and services prod$ced, the
manner in *hich prod$cts and services are prod$ced and o""ered, the
types o" )obs re0$ired, and the types o" s#ills necessary to complete
there )obs. In a rapid chan%in% society, employee trainin% is not only
an activity that is desirable b$t also an activity that an or%aniIation
m$st commit reso$rces to i" it is to maintain a viable and
#no*led%eable *or# "orce.
D.,+$+%+'$ ', T&1+$+$7:
rainin% is a learnin% e/perience in that it see#s a relatively
permanent chan%e in an individ$al that *ill improve his or her ability
to per"orm on the )ob. ,e typically say trainin% can involve the
chan%in% o" s#ills, #no*led%e, attit$des, or social behavior. It may
mean chan%in% *hat employees #no*, ho* they *or#, their attit$des
to*ards their *or#, or their interactions *ith their co4*or#ers or their
N..( 1$( I/0'&%1$*.:
3""ective trainin% enables employees to learn to do their )obs better
and per"orm more pro"iciently *ith increasin%ly advanced technolo%y,
contin$o$s trainin% o" personnel has become essential to the s$ccess
o" the or%aniIation. Companies increasin%ly need to provide
opport$nities "or the contin$o$s development o" employees not only
in their present )ob, b$t also to develop their capabilities "or )obs *ith
*hich they may be entr$sted in the "$t$re.
rainin% is the systematic process o" enhancin% the )ob4related s#ills,
attit$des and #no*led%e o" personnel "or the p$rpose o" improvin%
individ$al and or%aniIational per"ormance. It is "$ndamentally
important "or the contin$ed %ro*th and development o" both the
individ$al employee and the or%aniIation. 7rom the point o" vie* o"
the individ$al, learnin% and absorption %o on contin$o$sly thro$%ho$t
li"e. rainin% provides the direction and %$idance "or this perpet$al
learnin% process. .ec$rity and con"idence are additional attrib$tes that
a *ell4trained employee ac0$ires. rainin% contrib$tes to employeeEs
stability in at least t*o *ays. 3mployees become e""icient a"ter
$nder%oin% trainin%. 3""icient employees contrib$te to the %ro*th o"
the or%aniIation.
7rom the or%aniIational vie* point, trainin% shortens the time
re0$ired "or employees to reach pea# e""iciency levels.
he cost o" trainin% is considerably less than the cost o" %ainin%
e/perience partic$larly in the conte/t o" advanced technolo%y and
e/pensive e0$ipment. 3ssentially, trainin% contrib$tes si%ni"icantly in
increasin% the 0$ality and 0$antity o" *or# processed, and red$cin%
*aste and idle time. It is no* *idely ac#no*led%ed that the collective
in"l$ence o" a %ro$p o" *ell4trained employees can lar%ely determine
the s$ccess o" the "irm. An e""ectively planned and *ell mana%ed
trainin% pro%ram is the #ey to hi%her prod$ctivity, cost control, lo*er
employee t$rnover and better h$man relations *ith the "irm.
T&1+$+$7 ':5.*%+4.3:
he primary p$rpose o" trainin% is to establish a so$nd
relationship bet*een the *or#er and his )ob G the optim$m man
G tas# relationshipC
o $p%rade s#ills and prevent obsolescence. he )obs that
employees do are not staticC they chan%e, sometimes *itho$t
necessary a*areness since technolo%y advances are %ettin%
increasin%ly more rapid. o #eep pace *ith chan%in%
technolo%y, mechaniIation, a$tomation, electronic data
processin% etc., trainin% becomes mandatory "or employees in
order to $pdate them, teach them ne*er s#ills and increase their
o o""er "irm competitive advanta%e by removin% per"ormance
de"icienciesC ma#in% employees stay lon%C minimiIin% (eliance
Cement Company Private 2imitedidents, scrap and dama%eC
and meetin% "$t$re employees needs.
M.%-'(3 1$( T.*-$+G).3 ', T&1+$+$7:
rainin% methods are cate%oriIed into t*o %ro$psF4
(1! O$-%-.-5': G On4the4)ob methods re"er to methods that are
applied in the *or#place, *hile the employee is act$ally *or#in%.
O"ten, it is in"ormal, as *hen an e/perienced *or#er sho*s a
trainee ho* to per"orm the )ob tas#s. It is the most e""ective
method as the trainee learns by e/perience, ma#in% him or her
hi%hly competent. 7$rther the method is least e/pensive since no
"ormal trainin% is or%aniIed. he trainee is hi%hly motivated to
learn since he or she is a*are o" the "act that his or her s$ccess on
the )ob depends on the trainin% received. 7inally the trainin% is "ree
"rom an arti"icial sit$ation o" classroom. his contrib$tes to the
e""ectiveness o" the pro%ram. 7ollo*in% are the On4the4)ob trainin%
O&+.$%1%+'$ %&1+$+$7 G Used "or orientin% Ne*
3mployees, introd$cin% innovations in prod$cts and
J':-+$3%&)*%+'$ %&1+$+$7 G .pecial .#ills rainin%.
A00&.$%+*. %&1+$+$7 4 Orientin% Ne* 3mployees,
introd$cin% innovations in prod$cts and services, .pecial
.#ills rainin%.
I$%.&$3-+03 1$( 133+3%1$%3-+0 G Used "or creative,
technical and pro"essional ed$cation and also $sed "or
sales, administrative s$pervisory and mana%erial
J': &'%1%+'$ 4 Used "or sales, administrative s$pervisory and
mana%erial ed$cation and orientin% Ne* 3mployees,
introd$cin% innovations in prod$cts and services.
C'1*-+$7 G .a"ety ed$cation, .pecial .#ills rainin%, Creative,
technical and pro"essional ed$cation and also $sed "or sales,
administrative s$pervisory and mana%erial ed$cation.
(1! O,,-%-.-5': G O""4the4)ob methods are $sed a*ay "rom the
*or#places. 7ollo*in% are the o""4the4)ob methodsF
V.3%+:)8. 4 Used "or orientin% Ne* 3mployees, Introd$cin%
Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices and .pecial .#ills
L.*%)&. 4 Used "or Orientin% Ne* 3mployees, Introd$cin%
Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices, .pecial .#ills rainin%,
.a"ety 3d$cation, Creative, echnical and Pro"essional
3d$cation and also $sed "or .ales, Administrative .$pervisory
and &ana%erial 3d$cation.
S0.*+18 3%)(2 G Orientin% Ne* 3mployees, Introd$cin%
Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices, .pecial .#ills rainin%,
.a"ety 3d$cation, Creative, echnical and Pro"essional
3d$cation and also $sed "or .ales, Administrative .$pervisory
and &ana%erial 3d$cation.
F+8/3 4 Orientin% Ne* 3mployees, Introd$cin% Innovations in
Prod$cts and .ervices, .pecial .#ills rainin%, .a"ety
3d$cation, Creative, echnical and Pro"essional 3d$cation and
also $sed "or .ales, Administrative .$pervisory and &ana%erial
T.8.4+3+'$ 4 Orientin% Ne* 3mployees, Introd$cin%
Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices, .pecial .#ills
rainin%, .a"ety 3d$cation, Creative, echnical and
Pro"essional 3d$cation and also $sed "or .ales,
Administrative .$pervisory and &ana%erial 3d$cation.
C'$,.&.$*. '& D+3*)33+'$ 4 Orientin% Ne* 3mployees,
Introd$cin% Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices, .a"ety
3d$cation, Creative, echnical and Pro"essional
3d$cation and also $sed "or .ales, Administrative
.$pervisory and &ana%erial 3d$cation.
C13. 3%)(2 4 .ales, Administrative .$pervisory and
&ana%erial 3d$cation.
R'8. P812+$7 4 Creative, echnical and Pro"essional
S+/)81%+'$ 4 Orientin% Ne* 3mployees, Introd$cin%
Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices, .pecial .#ills
rainin%, .a"ety 3d$cation, Creative, echnical and
Pro"essional 3d$cation.
P&'7&1//.( +$3%&)*%+'$ 4 Orientin% Ne* 3mployees,
Introd$cin% Innovations in Prod$cts and .ervices,
.pecial .#ills rainin%, .a"ety 3d$cation, Creative,
echnical and Pro"essional 3d$cation
L1:'&1%'&2 %&1+$+$7 G .a"ety 3d$cation and Creative
echnical and Pro"essional 3d$cation.
T.*-$+G).3 ', %&1+$+$7:
rainin% techni0$es represent the medi$m o" impartin% s#ills and
#no*led%e to employees. rainin% techni0$es are the means
employed in the trainin% methods. 7ollo*in% are the most commonly
$sed techni0$esF
A)(+' *133.%%.3
C13. 3%)(+.3C R'8. 0812+$7C V+(.'-%10.3C S+/)81%+'$3
S%.03 +$ T&1+$+$7:
Identi"yin% yo$r trainin% need is the "irst step in a lar%e trainin%
process that ta#es yo$ "rom yo$r initial in0$ires all the *ay to deliver
and eval$ation o" the "inal trainin% pac#a%e. his trainin% process is
called Hi%h Impact rainin% model.
It has si/ phases process that "oc$ses on providin% e""ective tar%eted
trainin%. I" it "ollo*ed, *ill have positive impact on the ori%ination.
I(.$%+,2+$7 T&1+$+$7 N..(
T&1*; '$7'+$7 ,'88'< %-&')7- M10 %-. 100&'1*-
C18*)81%. M.13)&1:8. R.3)8% P&'()*. L.1&$+$7 T''83
A008+$7 T&1+$+$7 T.*-$+G).
T-. ,'88'<+$7 %1:8. <+88 +88)3%&1%. %-. 1*%+4+%+.3 +$ .1*- 0-13. 1$(
%-. 0&'()*% %-1% <+88 :. 0&'()*.(6
P-13. A*%+'$ P&'()*%
16 I(.$%+,2
T&1+$+$7 $..(
:ather and analyIe
appropriate in"ormation
A description o" the
speci"ic trainin%
needed to improve
)ob per"ormance.
1.M10 %-.
De"ine *hat needs to be
learned to improve )ob
Choose the appropriate
trainin% approach.
Detail ob)ective o"
the pro%ram.
A desi%n plan "or the
trainin% pro%ram.
56 P&'()*.
8.1&$+$7 %''836
Create the act$al trainin%
rainin% man$als,
"acilitators %$ide ,
a$dio vis$al aid )ob
aids etc.
6. A0082 %&1+$+$7
Deliver the trainin% as
desi%ned to ens$re
s$ccess"$l res$lts.
Instr$ctor G led
trainin% comp$ter
based trainin% one G
on4one coachin%,
=6 C18*)81%.
Assess *hether yo$r
(eliance Cement
Company Private
2imitedomplished act$al
Comm$nicate the res$lts
and redesi%n(i" needed!
An eval$ation
A redesi%n co$rse, i"
A. T&1*; O$7'+$7
3ns$re that the impact o"
trainin% does not
On%oin% s$%%estions
and ideas that
s$pport the trainin%.
T&1+$+$7 N..( A33.33/.$%:
Need assessment dia%noses present problems and "$t$re challen%es to
be meet thro$%h trainin%. Or%aniIations spent vast s$m o" money
($s$ally as a percenta%e on t$rnover! on trainin%. >e"ore committin%
s$ch h$%e reso$rces, or%aniIations *o$ld do *ell to asses the trainin%
needs o" their employees. Or%aniIations that implement trainin%
pro%rammes *itho$t cond$ctin% needs assessment may be ma#in%
errors. 7or e/ample, a needs assessment e/ercise mi%ht reveal that
less costly interventions (e.%. selection, compensation pac#a%e, )ob
redesi%n! co$ld be $sed in lie$ o" trainin%.
Needs assessment occ$rs at t*o levels4 group and individual. An
individ$al obvio$sly needs trainin% *hen his or her per"ormance "alls
short o" standards, that is, *hen there is per"ormance de"iciency.
Inade0$ate in per"ormance may be d$e to lac# o" s#ill or #no*led%e
or any other problem. he problem o" per"ormance de"iciency ca$sed
by absence o" s#ills or #no*led%e can be remedied by trainin%. 7a$lty
selection, poor )ob desi%n, $ninspirin% s$pervisor or some personal
problem may also res$lt in poor per"ormance. rans"er, )ob redesi%n,
improvin% 0$ality o" s$pervision, or dischar%e *ill solve the problem.
Assessment o" trainin% needs m$st also "oc$s on anticipated s#ills o"
an employee. echnolo%y chan%es "ast and ne* technolo%y demands
ne* s#ills. It is necessary that the employee be trained to ac0$ire ne*
s#ills. his *ill help himLher to career path. rainin% is essential to
prepare the employee to handle more challen%in% tas#s.
Individ$al may also re0$ire ne* s#ills beca$se o" possible )ob
trans"er. Altho$%h )ob trans"ers are common as or%aniIational
personnel demands vary, they do not necessarily re0$ire elaborate
trainin% e""orts. 3mployees commonly re0$ire only an orientation to
ne* "acilities and )obs.
Assessment o" trainin% needs occ$rs at the %ro$p level too. Any
chan%e in the or%aniIations strate%y necessitates trainin% o" %ro$ps o"
employees. 7or e/ample, *hen the or%aniIation decides to introd$ce a
ne* line o" prod$cts, sales personnel and prod$ction *or#ers have to
be trained to prod$ce, sell and service the ne* prod$cts. rainin% can
also be $sed *hen hi%h scrap or (eliance Cement Company Private
2imitedident rates, lo* morale and motivation, or other problems are
N..( A33.33/.$% M.%-'(3:

7ollo*in% methods are $se"$l "or or%aniIational4level needs
assessment and individ$al needs assessment.
M.%-'(3 U3.( +$ T&1+$+$7 N..(3 A33.33/.$%
+roup or 9rgani/ational
Indiidual Analysis
Or%aniIational %oals and
PersonnelLs#ills inventories
Per"ormance appraisal
,or# samplin%
Or%aniIational climate indices Intervie*s
3""iciency indices
3/it intervie*s
Attit$de s$rvey
&>O or *or# plannin% systems
;$ality circles
rainin% pro%ress
(atin% scales
C$stomer s$rveyLsatis"action data
Consideration o" c$rrent and
pro)ected chan%es
T&1+$+$7 E,,.*%+4.$.33:
Any trainin% implemented in an or%aniIation e""ort m$st be cost
e""ective. hat is, the bene"its %ained m$st o$t*ei%h the costs o" the
learnin% e/perience. Only analyIin% s$ch pro%rams determines
e""ectiveness. It is not merely ass$me that any trainin% an or%aniIation
o""ers is e""ectiveC s$bstantive data m$st be developed to determine
*hether o$r trainin% e""ort is achievin% its %oals G that is, i" its
correctin% the de"iciencies in s#ills, #no*led%e, or attit$des *e
(eliance Cement Company Private 2imitedessed as needin% attention.
It is easy to %enerate a ne* trainin% pro%ram, b$t i" the trainin% e""ort
is not eval$ated, any employee trainin% e""orts can be rationaliIed.
raineesE reactions to the trainin% may, in "act, provide "eedbac# on
ho* *orth*hile the participants vie*ed the trainin%. >eyond %eneral
reactions, ho*ever, trainin% m$st also be eval$ated in terms o" ho*
m$ch the participants learned, ho* *ell they $se their ne* s#ills on
the )ob (did their behavior chan%eS! and *hether the trainin% pro%ram
achieved its desired res$lts (red$ced t$rnover, increased c$stomer
service, etc.!.
3""ective trainin% sho$ld provide the trainee *ith a %iven model to
"ollo*, speci"ic %oals to achieve, an opport$nity to per"ect the s#ill,
"eedbac# on ho* *ell the trainee is pro%ressin%, and praise "or
trans"errin% the ac0$ired s#ills to the )ob. rainin% sho$ld "oc$s on
*ays o" orientin% ne* employees, %ivin% reco%nition, motivatin% a
poor per"ormer, correctin% poor *or# habits, disc$ssin% potential
disciplinary action, red$cin% absenteeism, handlin% a complainin%
employee, red$cin% t$rnover, and overcomin% resistance to chan%e.
3val$ation literally means the assessment o" val$e or *orth. It *o$ld
simply mean the act o" )$d%in% *hether or not the activity to be
eval$ated is *orth*hile in terms o" set Criteria.
(eliance Cement Company Private 2imitedordin% to Hamblin (1970)
de"ined eval$ation o" trainin% asF PAny attempt to obtain in"ormation
("eedbac#! on the e""ects o" trainin% pro%ram and to assess the val$e
o" trainin% in the li%ht o" that in"ormation "or improvin% "$rther
3val$ation is o" cr$cial importance in ascertainin% *hether or not the
trainin% pro%ram is provin% to be e""ective and its ob)ectives are bein%
achieved. his is a most critical phase that assesses not only the
0$ality o" trainin% imparted b$t also the trainin% plan in order to see
*hether "$t$re chan%es can ma#e it more res$lt4oriented. As *ith any
activity, eval$ation is important since in eval$atin%, one tries to )$d%e
the val$e or *orth o" the activity, $sin% the available in"ormation. An
attempt is made to obtain in"ormation and "eedbac# on the e""ects o" a
trainin% pro%ram and to assess the val$e o" the trainin% in the li%ht o"
that in"ormation. 3val$ation also enables the e""ectiveness o" an
investment in trainin% to be appraised. :iven the 0$ant$m o" time and
money that is p$t into trainin% pro%rammes, mana%ements re0$ire
#no*in% abo$t the methods o" instr$ction bein% employed, *hether
trainin% inp$ts are havin% an impact on improved prod$ctivity and
ho* e""iciently and $se"$lly trainin% co$rses are bein% cond$cted.
3val$ation helps mana%ement to *ei%h $p and ta#e a vie* on the
"ollo*in% 0$estionsF
a! Ho* relevant are the pro%rammes to the or%aniIations needs
and ob)ectivesS
b! ,hat chan%es are necessary in the e/istin% pro%rammes in
order to reali%n
them to the or%aniIational %oalsS
c! ,hich are the areas *here trainin% is o" real and lastin%
d! ,hat are the opport$nity costsS Co$ld money have been
better spent on any other activity that *o$ld have yielded
better res$lts in terms o" or%aniIational e""ectivenessS
e! Is the investment in terms o" time and money inade0$ate or
too m$chS Ho* can an optim$m standard be evolvedS
P&+$*+08.3 ', E418)1%+'$:
rainin% eval$ation is the process o" establishin% a *orth o"
somethin%. he *orth (the val$e! merit or e/cellence o" the thin%s.
3val$ation is a state o" mind, rather that a set o" techni0$es.
o achieve the desired res$lts, eval$ation has to based on so$nd
principles s$ch asF
1. 3val$ation specialist m$st be clear abo$t the %oals and
p$rposes o" eval$ation.
1. 3val$ation m$st be contin$o$s.
5. 3val$ation m$st be speci"ic.
6. 3val$ation m$st provide the means and "oc$s "or trainers to
be able to appraise themselves, their practices, and their
=. 3val$ation m$st be based on ob)ective methods and
A. (ealistic tar%et dates m$st be set "or each phase o" the
eval$ation process. A sense o" $r%ency m$st be developed, b$t
deadlines that are $nreasonably hi%h *ill res$lt in poor
M.%-'(3 ', E418)1%+'$:
7ive distinct approaches leadin% to a comprehensive eval$ation o"
trainin% pro%ram.
1. O:3.&41%+'$ 4 Here the trainees are closely observed d$rin%
the pro%ramme in order to assess their behavioral stren%th and
*ea#nesses in di""erent sit$ations. he observation m$st,
ho*ever, be speci"ic, systematic, 0$antitative and recorded. It
m$st be cond$cted by trained e/perts *ho #no* *hat they are
loo#in% "or. his method, the manner o" assessin% the 0$ality
o" trainin% and identi"yin% improvements and de"iciencies is
the most direct.
1. R1%+$73 G he trainin% pro%ramme or system is bro#en into its
vario$s components parts s$ch as presentation, ed$cational
matter or content, a$dio4vis$al aids, trainee interaction etc.
hese individ$al elements are then rated (eliance Cement
Company Private 2imitedordin% to a predetermined scale by
e/perienced and 0$ali"ied raters *ho assess each aspect
independently. >ased on their rated assessments, mana%ement
can ta#e decisions on "$t$re chan%esL modi"ications.
5. T&1+$.. 3)&4.23 G his re"ers to the reactions o" the
participants as to ho* they have "o$nd or reacted to a partic$lar
trainin% pro%ramme. his is $s$ally done at the end o" the last
session *here participants are as#ed to "ill $p a "orm. he "orm
contains in"ormation on the ob)ectives o" the pro%ramme and
ho* *ell they have been achieved d$rin% the co$rse o" the
trainin%. It also see#s in"ormation on contents, readin%
material, presentation, trainerEs ability and relationship *ith
other participants. Additionally, participants are re0$ired to
indicate their e/perience *ith classroom "acilities, boardin%,
lod%in% etc. and provide s$%%estions "or improvement. .ince
trainees may "eel apprehensive or embarrassed to reveal their
tr$e perceptions, they are $s$ally %iven the option o" not
disclosin% their identities.

he "eedbac# received "rom the participants is o" immense
val$e in obtainin% ideas, pinpointin% *ea#nesses and
shortcomin%s and improvin% $pon the problem areas. he
$se o" the "orm "acilitates *or# o" ca$tion. oo m$ch reliance
m$st not be placed on their opinions since they cannot al*ays
be relied $pon to be ob)ective.
6. T&1+$.. +$%.&4+.< G his method is some *hat similar to the
previo$s one *ith one ma)or di""erence G the vie*s and
opinions o" the participants are determined individ$ally or in
%ro$ps by s#ill"$l 0$estionin% instead o" in *ritin%. Here the
e/pert is $s$ally able to obtain more precise in"ormation and
%a$%e the stren%ths and *ea#nesses o" the pro%ramme.
Interpretational ambi%$ities can th$s be removed and ob)ective
and $se"$l recommendations can be "orm$lated.
=. I$3%&)*%'& +$%.&4+.<3 G 7inally the observations and
recommendations o" instr$ctors can be collected and tab$lated.
his may be done both in *ritin% as *ell as orallyC i.e. by the
method o" "illin% $p "orms or by spea#in% to them. heir vie*s
on vario$s components provide a val$able so$rce o" "eedbac#
in ens$rin% that the system is consistent *ith the needs o" both
trainees and the or%aniIation.
P'+$%3 %' :. &././:.&.( ()&+$7 .418)1%+'$ 0&'*.33:
a! Care m$st be ta#en to see that the data collected is
pertinent, ob)ective and error "ree.
b! ab$lation and s$mmariIation m$st be (eliance Cement
Company Private 2imited$rate,
c! It is advisable to $se as many strate%ies as can possibly
and conveniently be employed,
d! ,here tests are $sed, there m$st be valid and reliable,
e! In order to save costs, only that in"ormation m$st be
collected *hich is vital "or prod$ction eval$ation.
A$182%+*18 3;+883 (.4.8'0/.$% 0&'7&1/3 (ASDP):
A"ter the initial common ind$ction pro%rammes the
mana%ement trainees are %iven intensive trainin% in
e/pandin% tho$%ht process 9 analyticl ability in order to
$ncover 9 e/amine problems and there be able to ta#e
decisions in the best interesto" the company.
F'88'<+$7 %'0+*3 1&. *'4.&.( +$ %-. 0&'7&1//.3K
Ind$stry 3n%ineerin% 9 Analytical techni0$es in
prod$ctivity mana%ement
&aterials mana%ement
Process en%ineerin%
3nvironment en%ineerin% 9 mana%ement
M1$17.&+18 3;+883 (.4.8'0/.$% 0&'7&1//.3 (MSDP):
&ana%erial s#ills development pro%rammes are to be
held "or dep$ty mana%er.
M1$17./.$% *'/0.%.$*2 (.4.8'0/.$% 0&'7&1//.3
hese are to be held "$nctions *ise "or4
Corporate h$man reso$rces
In"ormationEs technolo%y 9 system
C&'33 ,)$*%+'$18 3;+883 (.4.8'0/.$% 0&'7&1//.3 (CFSD):
C7.D Pro%rammes li#e "inance "or non4"inance
pro%rammes 9 H( "or Non4 H( Pro%rrammes are held to
provide the partcipants *ith an overall perspective o" the
companyEs b$siness "or achievin% competitive advanta%e in
the %lobal in"ormation a%e.
G.$.&18 /1$17./.$% *')&3. (GENMANCO) :
:eneral mana%ement co$rse *ill be held "or senior
.trate%ic leadership development pro%rams (.2DP!.
he strate%ic leadership development pro%rammes are
to be held "or vice4presidents, .r. Presidents.
S%)(2 A&.1:
he st$dy area is con"ined to the vario$s departments o" (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D 2a#heri. he
or%aniIation *hich is covered "or the p$rpose o" the st$dy pertains to
cement ind$stry.
he $niverse o" the st$dy comprise o" all the &ana%ers o"
(32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D 2a#heri.
S1/08. S+A.:
7or the p$rpose o" the st$dy, the selection o" the &ana%ers is done
*ith the help o" department. he samples are selected randomly. he
"ollo*in% table s$mmariIed the sample siIe in terms o" $nits in nat$re
o" )ob.
&ana%er 5?
otal 5?
S')&*.3 ', (1%1 *'88.*%+'$:
he data *as collected $sin% both primary so$rces and the secondary
16 P&+/1&2 3')&*.3: he researcher collected the primary data by
means o" str$ct$red 0$estionnaire alon% *ith personal
intervie*s, since a "e* open ended 0$estions re0$ire
#).3%+'$$1+&. 1$( I$%.&4+.<:
he data is collected "rom mana%ers, s$pervisors *ith the help o"
0$estionnaire %enerated "or this p$rpose. he 0$estionnaire consists o"
sin%le parts.
he 0$estionnaires have been thoro$%hly disc$ssed *ith the
respondent to clari"y do$bts, i" any, re%ardin% *hat has been as#ed. It
had ta#en the researcher nearly si/ *ee#s to complete the s$rvey
*or#. he respondents have been re0$ired to %ive their ans*er by
p$ttin% tic# mar# across the m$ltiple choice 0$estions and in open
ended 0$estions the respondents *ere as#ed to e/press their vie*s in
their o*n *ords. Almost all the respondents have been contracted and
intervie*ed personally at the time o" "illin% $p the 0$estionnaire. hen
their replies have been received and "$rther clari"ication and
s$pplementary in"ormation considered to be necessary have been
Overall, I have completed 5? 0$estionnaires "rom mana%ers %ro$p
respectively. All mana%ers are s$pplied *ith a copy o" the set o"
0$estionnaire "or "ilin% $p.
26 S.*'$(1&2 D1%1:
he researcher has also collected the secondary data by means o" the
doc$mentary so$rces s$ch asF
Company records
(e%isters "iles boo#lets
A$1823+3 ', D1%1
# 61 Do yo$ a%ree that the trainin% and development pro%rammes
are e""ective in (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?5 1?
A:(33 11 @?
UND3CID3D ?1 5.5
DI.A:(33 ?? ??
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?= 1A.AA
hro$%h the s$rvey *e "o$nd that 11 mana%ers a%ree that the trainin%
pro%ram in (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D
delivered as an e""ective *ay to learn the matters. ,here as, =
mana%ers stron%ly disa%ree *hile 5 mana%ers stron%ly a%ree and 1
mana%ers didnEt %ive any response.
#62 Do yo$ a%ree that eno$%h time *as provided to learn abo$t the
s$b)ect covered in the trainin% pro%ram S
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?5 15.55
A:(33 1? AA.AA
DI.A:(33 ?5 1?
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 5.55
hro$%h the s$rvey 1? mana%ers a%ree that the eno$%h time is
provided to learn the s$b)ect matters covered in trainin% pro%ramme
b$t 5 mana%ers disa%ree *ith the statement .6 mana%ers stron%ly
a%ree *hile 1 mana%ers stron%ly disa%ree and 1 mana%ers didnEt %ive
any response.
;.5 Do yo$ thin# that the trainin% leads to enhancement o" yo$r
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 11 5A.AA
A:(33 1A =5.55
UND3CID3D ?? ??
DI.A:(33 ?1 5.55
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 A.AA
1A mana%ers a%ree that the trainin% leads to enhancement o" s#ills and
11 mana%ers stron%ly disa%ree b$t 1 o" them disa%ree and 1 o" them
stron%ly disa%ree.
;.6 Do yo$ thin# that the #no*led%e and s#ills %ained "rom the
trainin% pro%ramme directly apply to yo$r *or#S
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?H 5?.??
A:(33 1A =5.55
UND3CID3D ?5 1?.??
DI.A:(33 ?? ?.??
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 A.AA
1A mana%ers a%ree that the #no*led%e and s#ills %ained "rom the
trainin% pro%ramme directly apply to *or#. ,hereas H mana%ers
stron%ly disa%ree *hile 1 mana%ers stron%ly disa%ree and 5 mana%ers
didnEt respondent.
;. = o *hat e/tend chan%e in moral attit$de and behavior *as
noticeable as a res$lt o" the trainin% "$nctionS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?@ 15.55
A:(33 1= =?.??
UND3CID3D ?5 ?5.55
DI.A:(33 ?1 ?A.AA
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?5 1?.??
1= mana%ers a%ree that the chan%e in moral attit$de and behavior *as
noticeable as res$lt o" trainin% "$nction @ mana%ers stron%ly a%ree
*ith the statement .1 mana%ers disa%ree, *hile 5 mana%ers stron%ly
disa%ree and 5mana%ers didnEt %ive any response.
;. A o *hat e/tend trainin% pro%ram contrib$te to the company
%oal and employees individ$al %oalsS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?6 65.55
A:(33 1D A?.??
DI.A:(33 ?? ?.??
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?5 1?.??
1D mana%ers a%ree that the trainin% pro%ramme contrib$te to the
company %oal and employees %oals.6 mana%ers stron%ly a%ree ,5
mana%ers are stron%ly disa%ree *ith the statement and = mana%ers
didnEt %ive any response.
;. @ Do yo$ thin# that "reedom is %iven to yo$ to sho* yo$r s#ills
and #no*led%e d$rin% trainin% pro%ramS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?D 1A.AA
A:(33 1= =?.??
UND3CID3D ?A 1?.??
DI.A:(33 ?1 5.55
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?? ??.??
1= mana%ers a%ree that "reedom is %iven to yo$ to sho* yo$r s#ills
and #no*led%e b$t D mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith the statement.1
mana%er disa%ree and A mana%ers didnEt %ive any response.
;. D Do yo$ have a %ood cooperation L s$pport "rom yo$r s$periors
d$rin% trainin% pro%ramS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 1? 55.55
A:(33 11 6?.??
UND3CID3D ?A 1?.??
DI.A:(33 ?1 ?5.55
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 ?5.55
11 mana%ers a%ree that a %ood cooperation "rom yo$r s$periors d$rin%
trainin% pro%ramme b$t 1? mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith the
statement, 1 mana%er disa%ree *hile 1 mana%er stron%ly disa%ree and
A mana%ers didnEt
%ive any response.
;. H Do yo$ thin# that (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D develop employee thro$%h need based
trainin% pro%ramS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 11 5A.AA
A:(33 11 6?.??
UND3CID3D ?5 1?.??
DI.A:(33 ?1 ?A.AA
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 ?A.AA
11 mana%ers a%ree that (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D develop employees thro$%h need based trainin%
pro%ramme b$t 11 mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith the statement. 1
mana%ers disa%ree *hile 1 mana%ers stron%ly disa%ree and 5
mana%ers didnEt %ive any response.
TABLE = 1@
;. 1? Do yo$ thin# that (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D is a learnin% or%aniIation "or the employeeS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 1D A?.??
A:(33 1? 55.55
UND3CID3D ?? ??.??
DI.A:(33 ?1 ?5.55
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 ?5.55
1? mana%ers a%ree that (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3
2I&I3D is a learnin% or%aniIation "or the employee b$t 1D
mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith the statement.1 mana%ers disa%ree *hile
1 mana%er stron%ly disa%ree.
TABLE = 11
;. 11 Do yo$r per"ormance has chan%ed a"ter the trainin% pro%ramS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?@ 15.55
A:(33 1A =5.55
DI.A:(33 ?1 ?A.AA
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?5 1?.??
1A mana%ers a%ree that per"ormance has chan%ed a"ter the trainin%
pro%ramme b$t @ mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith the statement.1
mana%ers disa%ree *hile 5 mana%ers stron%ly disa%ree and 1
mana%ers didnEt %ive any response.
TABLE = 12
;. 11 Do yo$ a%ree that the pro%ram *o$ld have been more
bene"icial i" some more material *as provided in advanceS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?@ 15.55
A:(33 1D A?.??
UND3CID3D ?5 1?.??
DI.A:(33 ?? ??.??
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 ?A.AA
1D mana%ers a%ree that the trainin% pro%ramme *o$ld have been more
bene"icial i" some more material *as provided in advance b$t @
mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith the statement.1 mana%ers stron%ly
disa%ree and 5 mana%ers didnEt %ive any response.
TABLE = 13
;. 15 Are yo$ a*are o" the ob)ectives o" the pro%ram at the time o"
yo$r nomination "or this pro%ramS
P1&1/.%.& N' ', R.30'$(.$% L
.(ON:2- A:(33 ?5 1?.??
A:(33 16 D?.??
DI.A:(33 ?? ??.??
.(ON:2- DI.A:(33 ?1 ?5.55
16 mana%ers a%ree that the ob)ective o" the pro%ramme at the time o"
yo$r nomination "or this problem b$t 5 mana%ers stron%ly a%ree *ith
the statement .1 mana%er a%ree *hile 1 mana%ers didnEt %ive any
S)77.3%+'$ & R.*'//.$(1%+'$
he researcher had $sed 0$estionnaire method as a tool "or collectin%
data and in"ormation pertainin% to the st$dy .he 0$estionnaire
incl$des the closed ended and open ended 0$estions, basically to %et
there vie*s on the techni0$es adapted to meas$re trainin%
development and the di""ic$lties "aced by them d$rin% and in relation
to trainin%.
D+,,+*)8%+.3 ,1*.( ()&+$7 %&1+$+$7 :2 E/08'2..3FS)0.&4+3'&3:
&ore theory less practical.
&iss match o" trainin% *ith *or#.
2an%$a%e problem.
2ess time provided "or trainin%.
oo m$ch instr$ction by the instr$ctor d$rin% trainin%.
.ome times ob)ective o" trainin% %iven has to application at the
*or# place.
T-. ,'88'<+$7 3)77.3%+'$3 &.*.+4.( ,&'/ %-. &.30'$(.$%:
rainin% sho$ld be more practical based.
rainin% sho$ld be %iven as per the needs o" the employees.
rainin% sho$ld be %iven in simple lan%$a%e.
rainin% ob)ective sho$ld be clear.
ime to time "ollo*4$p o" the trainin% pro%ram.
.$pportin% doc$ments sho$ld be provided to the employees.
R.*'//.$(1%+'$ F'& M1;+$7 T&1+$+$7 E,,.*%+4.:
As already concl$ded that the trainin% pro%ram is e""ective in
2A'H3(I C3&3N ,O('. to a %reat e/tent ho*ever, the
researcher had recommended the "ollo*in% s$%%estion "or ma#in% the
trainin% pro%ram s$ccess"$l.
hey are as a $nderF
&a#e learnin% one o" the "$ndamental val$es o" the company.
2et this philosophy percolate do*n to all employees in the
Create a system to eval$ate the development o" trainin%.
here m$st be a so$nd comm$nication bet*een trainer and
D$rin% the trainin% *or#er sho$ld be totally released "rom there
here sho$ld be a proper need analysis "or trainin%.
As per the re0$irement o" the )ob trainin% sho$ld be imp.
CA3:O(-4 &ana%ement .ta""
#61 Do yo$ a%ree that the trainin% pro%ram in (32IANC3
C3&3N CO&PAN- P(I8A3 2I&I3D delivered to yo$ is
an e""ective *ay to learn the mattersS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#62 Do yo$ a%ree that eno$%h time *as provided to learn abo$t the
s$b)ect covered in the trainin% pro%ram S
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#63 Do yo$ thin# that the trainin% leads to enhancement o" yo$r
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33

#64 Do yo$ thin# that the #no*led%e and s#ills %ained "rom the
trainin% pro%ram directly apply to yo$r *or#S
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33

#6 5 o *hat e/tend chan%e in moral attit$de and behavior *as
noticeable as a res$lt o" the trainin% "$nctionS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#6 o *hat e/tend trainin% pro%ram contrib$te to the company
%oal and employees individ$al %oalsS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#6 ! Do yo$ thin# that "reedom is %iven to yo$ to sho* yo$r s#ills
and #no*led%e d$rin% trainin% pro%ramS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33

#6 ? Do yo$ have a %ood cooperation L s$pport "rom yo$r s$periors
d$rin% trainin% pro%ramS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(c! UND3CID3D (d! DI.A:(33
(e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#6 > Do yo$ thin# that (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D develop employee thro$%h need based
trainin% pro%ramS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33

#6 1@ Do yo$ thin# that (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D is a learnin% or%aniIation "or the
employee S
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#6 11 Do yo$r per"ormance has chan%ed a"ter the trainin% pro%ramS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33

#6 12 Do yo$ a%ree that the pro%ram *o$ld have been more
bene"icial i" some more material *as provided in advanceS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33

#6 13 Are yo$ a*are o" the ob)ectives o" the pro%ram at the time o"
yo$r nomination "or this pro%ramS
(a! .(ON:2- A:(33 (b! A:(33
(d! DI.A:(33 (e! .(ON:2- DI.A:(33
#6 14 ,hat are the problems "aced by yo$ d$rin% the trainin%
#6 15 ,hat chan%es yo$ *o$ld li#e to s$%%est "or improvement in the
trainin% pro%ramS


It is concl$ded "rom the s$rvey on HT&1+$+$7 & D.4.8'0/.$%I that
trainin% pro%ram cond$cted in (32IANC3 C3&3N CO&PAN-
P(I8A3 2I&I3D 2td, 2a#heri Cement ,or#s is very e""ective in
improvin% the s#ill and #no*led%e o" the employee to meet the
present and "$t$re re0$irement o" the or%aniIation. ItEs "o$nd that
trainin% place a cr$cial role in not only the development o" employees
b$t also in achievin% the overall or%aniIational %oals.
hro$%h the research *or# it *as "o$nd that employees *ere very
satis"ied by the trainin% provided to them and stron%ly a%reed that
a"ter trainin% their con"idence have increased and their s#ill and
#no*led%e has also been increased and hence, their *as remar#able
improvement in their per"ormance.

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