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When distributing n objects to k containers, the objects can be distinct (e.g. different cards) or
identical (e.g. ping-pong balls). Likewise, the containers can be distinct (e.g. labeled boxes)
or identical (e.g. urns). If objects are distinct and there can be more than one object in each
container, the order ma matter (e.g. arranging books on a shelf) or it ma not (e.g. putting
balls in a bag).
Distributing How many objects can eac container get!
n objects
to k
at most # at $east #
at $east #%
or"er matters
e&act$y #
"istinct "istinct k
n k
"(n, k) k#

i"entica$ "istinct
"istinct i"entica$ "(n, i) L(n, i) "(n, k)
L(n, k) $

i"entica$ i"entica$ !(n, i) !(n, k)
Distributing n Distinct Objects to k Distinct 'ontainers a b ((( n bo& # bo&
((( bo& *
%ach object can go to an one of the k containers.
"o number of distributions $ k k ... k $ k
If each container can get at most & object, we first choose n containers out of k containers and
then put the n objects into these containers in n# was.
"o number of distributions $ n# $
Distributing n Distinct Objects to k Distinct 'ontainers i+ Or"er Matters
' objects ( a, b ) can be arranged in * distinct containers in $ $ &' was.
+he easiest wa to understand this formula is to see that each distribution corresponds to a
permutation of ( a, b, ,, , ) where the ' ,-s di.ide the objects among different containers/
'ontainer # 'ontainer ) 'ontainer ,
a b a b , ,
b a b a , ,
a b , a b ,
b a , b a ,
a b , , a b
b a , , b a
a b a , b ,
a b a , , b
a b , a , b
b a b , a ,
b a b , , a
b a , b , a
"ince (k 0 &) ,-s are needed, the number of distributions $ .
If each container must recei.e at least & object, then this is the same as putting & object into
each container first. +his can be done in
was. "o total number of distributions
number of was of arranging n 0 k objects among k containers

Distributing n I"entica$ Objects to k Distinct 'ontainers ((( bo& # bo&
((( bo& *
' identical objects can be put into * distinct containers in $ $ 1 was.
+he easiest wa to understand this formula is to see that each distribution corresponds to a
permutation of ( o, o, ,, , ) where the ' ,-s di.ide the o-s among different containers/
'ontainer # 'ontainer ) 'ontainer ,
oo oo , ,
o o o , o ,
o o o , , o
oo , oo ,
o o , o , o
oo , , oo
"ince (k 0 &) ,-s are needed, the number of distributions $ $ .
If each container can get at most & object, then this is the same as choosing n containers out
of k containers to recei.e & object. "o number of distributions $ .
If each container must recei.e at least & object, then this is the same as putting & object into
each container first.
"o number of distributions $ number of was of distributing n 0 k objects to k containers
$ .
Distributing n Distinct Objects to k I"entica$ 'ontainers a b ((( n (((
+he number of was of distributing n distinct objects to k non0empt identical containers is
gi.en b "(n, k), the "tirling numbers of the second kind.
2or example, the 3 letters (a, b, c, d) can be put into ' identical containers in "(3, ') $ 4
a, b, c d
a, b, d c
a, c, d b
b, c, d a
a, b c, d
a, c b, d
a, d b, c
# ) , - . / 0 1 Sum
# & &
) & & '
, & * & 5
- & 4 1 & &5
. & &5 '5 &6 & 5'
/ & *& 76 15 &5 & '6*
0 & 1* *6& *56 &36 '& & 844
1 & &'4 711 &46& &656 '11 '8 & 3&36
+his table can be generated using the recurrence relation "(n, k) $ "(n 0 &, k 0 &) 9 k "(n 0 &,
k). %ach number is e:ual to the sum of its ;northwestern- neighbour and k times its ;northern-
neighbour, where k is the column number. +his recurrence relation can be explained as
"uppose that we know the number of was to distribute n 0 & distinct objects to k identical
containers, and the number of was to distribute n 0 & distinct objects to k 0 & identical
containers, and we want to know the number of was of distributing n objects to k containers.
We can either/
(i) start with an of the "(n 0 &, k 0 &) combinations and put the nth object into a new
container (there is & wa to do this), or
(ii) start with an of the "(n 0 &, k) combinations and put the nth object into one of the
non0empt container (there are k was to do this).
+hus the total number of distributions is gi.en b "(n, k) $ "(n 0 &, k 0 &) 9 k "(n 0 &, k).
If some containers can be left empt, then the number of distributions $"(n, i), the <ell
Distributing n Distinct Objects to k I"entica$ 'ontainers i+ Or"er Matters
If the order is taken into account, first arrange the n objects in n# was. +hen choose k 0 & out
of the n 0 & possible cut points in each permutation to create k nonempt sets. +his can be
done in was. "ince the k containers are identical, k# permutations create the same
distribution. +hus the number of was of distributing n distinct objects into k nonempt
ordered sets is the Lah number L(n, k) $ , named after I.o Lah.
2or example, the * letters ( a, b, c ) can be arranged in ' nonempt identical containers in 1
a b c
b a c
a c b
c a b
b c a
c b a
If some containers can be left empt, then the number of distributions $ L(n, i).
Distributing n I"entica$ Objects to k I"entica$ 'ontainers ((( (((
+he number of was of distributing n identical objects to k non0empt identical containers
e:uals the number of was of partitioning the integer n into k parts, !(n, k).
2or example, 8 identical objects can be placed into * identical containers in 5 was/
oooooo o o 8 $ 1 9 & 9 &
ooooo oo o 8 $ 5 9 ' 9 &
oooo ooo o 8 $ 3 9 * 9 &
oooo oo oo 8 $ 3 9 ' 9 '
ooo ooo oo 8 $ * 9 * 9 '
# ) , - . / 0 1 2 #3 Sum
# & &
) & & '
, & & & *
- & ' & & 5
. & ' ' & & 4
/ & * * ' & & &&
0 & * 3 * ' & & &5
1 & 3 5 5 * ' & & ''
2 & 3 4 1 5 * ' & & *6
#3 & 5 8 7 4 5 * ' & & 3'
+his table can be generated using the recurrence relation !(n, k) $ !(n 0 &, k 0 &) 9 !(n 0 k,
k). %ach number is e:ual to the sum of its ;northwestern- neighbour and its neighbour k
spaces abo.e, where k is the column number. +his recurrence relation can be explained as
%ach k0element partition of the integer n either contains ;&- or does not contain ;&-.
%ach k0element partition containing ;&- corresponds to a k 0 & element partition of the integer
n 0 &. 2or example, the partitions 8 $ 1 9 & 9 & $ 5 9 ' 9 & $ 3 9 * 9 & correspond to the '0
element partitions 4 $ 1 9 & $ 5 9 ' $ 3 9 *.
2or each k0element partition not containing ;&-, we can subtract & from each part of the
partition. 2or example, one of the *0element partitions of 8 not containing ;&-is 3 9 ' 9 '. We
can subtract & from each part to get * 9 & 9 &, which is one of the *0element partitions of 5
(which is 8 0 *). "o k0element partition of n not containing ;&- corresponds to a k0
element partition of the integer n 0 k.
+hus the total number of distributions is gi.en b !(n, k) $ !(n 0 &, k 0 &) 9 !(n 0 k, k).
If some containers can be left empt, then the number of distributions $ !(n, i).
=ef/ >ounting ?bjects In <oxes

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