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UN/ECE / FAO Seksioni i Pylltaris dhe Lnds drusore organizon takimin "Politika

Pyjore n nj ekonomin e Gjelbr", n Krakov, Poloni, nga 16 to 18 shtator 2014

Plani i Veprimit Rovaniemi pr Sektorit Pyjor n nj ekonomi t Gjelbr sht miratuar nga
sesioni t prbashkt t Komitetit ECE pr Pyjet dhe Industris Pyjeve (COFFI) dhe FAO
Komisionit Evropian Pyjeve (KEF) n dhjetor 2013 (shih ECE/TIM/2013 / 2 - FO/EFC/2013/2
dhe aneks i saj III, i cili prmban versionin e miratuar t Planit t Veprimit).
Aktivitetet kryesore t Planit t Veprimit Rovaniemi pritet t zbatohet n nivel kombtar.
Angazhimi qeverit dhe aktort kombtar pr kt arsye sht e rndsishme n marrjen e
masave pr t br m t mir t kontributit t sektorit t pyjeve e t nj ekonomi e Gjelbr.
N kt kontekst, Seksioni UNECE / FAO Pylltaris dhe Lnd drusore organizon takimin
"Politiks Forest n nj ekonomi e Gjelbr", n Krakov, prej 16-18 shtator 2014. Ajo do t
zhvillohet n kuadr t ECE / FAO Ekipi i Specialistve pr Politika Forest. Takimi do t
prqndrohet n zbatimin e Planit t Veprimit Rovaniemi n nivel kombtar.
Duke pasur n fokus t takimit dhe shum mundsit e rrjeteve, ky takim sht hapur edhe
ekspertve t vendeve dhe aktorve t tjer t rajonit ECE t cilt nuk jan antar t ekipit.
Megjithat, vetm antart e ekipit do t marr pjes n pjesn formale t takimit (9:00-10:40
sipas programit tentativ q nga 17 korrik 2014), duke prfshir zgjedhjen e zyrtarve.
Programi prbhet nga nj tubim akull-thyer m 15 qershor (19:30), nj takim dy-ditor (duke
filluar nga ora 9:00 m 16 qershor) dhe nj udhtim fush n shtator 18 (koha e kthimit afrsisht
n Aeroportin e Krakow : 13:00). T gjitha informatat relevante pr t rregulluar udhtimin tuaj
mund t gjenden n shnimin e informacionit.
Pr m shum informacion ju lutemi vizitoni faqen e takimit: dhe t regjistroheni duke prdorur lidhjen e
mposhtme: -regjistrimi? id = 3z_Bpp
Nse ju hasni ndonj problem gjat regjistrimit ose keni nevoj pr informacion t mtejshm, ju
lutem mos hezitoni te na (arnaud.brizay @, alicja.kacprak @ kontaktoni.
UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section organizes the meeting Forest Policy in a
Green Economy, in Krakow, Poland, from 16 to 18 September 2014
The Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy was approved by the joint
session of the ECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI) and the FAO
European Forestry Commission (EFC) in December 2013 (see ECE/TIM/2013/2 -
FO/EFC/2013/2 and its annexe III, which contains the adopted version of the Action Plan).

Major activities of the Rovaniemi Action Plan are expected to be implemented at the national
level. Engaging governments and national stakeholders is therefore crucial in taking action to
make the best of the forest sectors contribution to a Green Economy.
In this context, the UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section organizes the meeting Forest
Policy in a Green Economy, in Krakow, from 16 to 18 September 2014. It will take place in the
framework of the ECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Forest Policy. The meeting will focus on the
implementation of the Rovaniemi Action Plan at the national level.
Given the focus of the meeting and the many networking opportunities, this meeting is also open
to country experts and other stakeholders of the ECE region who are not member of the team.
However, only Team Members will take part in the formal part of the meeting (9:00 to 10:40
according to the tentative programme as of 17 July 2014), including the election of Officers.
The programme consists of an ice-breaking gathering on 15 June (19:30), a two-day meeting
(starting at 9:00 on 16 June) and a field trip on the 18 September (approx. return time at the
Krakow Airport: 13:00). All relevant information to arrange your travel can be found in the
information note.

For more information please visit the meeting
webpage: and register using the following

Should you encounter any problem when registering or need further information, please do not
hesitate to contact us (,

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