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EO 11652

EO 11652
EO 11652
EO 11652
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j --------
JAN 26 1955
'I !" / . d' .., J c.ll -
l . 7 r-
EO 11652
/f',C ,c .N & Z:rf..vcT-.1'
(/ ..!' A /Vf Y I' T ,<.,.+.,- F c1-t':: 1"'1 / /!' C:. eE=
PRESEiil'I' :
11 August 1945
Lt . General Doolittle
Lt . General Twining ,.,.
General Le:lq
Brig. General Kissner
Brig. General Power
Brig. General Harbold
Drig. General
Brig. General Hetzel
I L,
Colonel Irvine
Colonel GrussendDrf
Colonel f:S.ddox
1. General LeiiAY stated that from the t::..m.e of his arrival. to the
XXI .3omber Command in Jal'lUB.ZJ' until o.bout three c.nth::; ' o.go, it we.s not
possible to definitely establish a certain number of couba.t crew sorties .
Present 20th Air Porce policy a crew to complete thirty- f ive (.35)
Cf! missions during his combat tour. General DOOLITTLE propooes thl.rt;r-seven
(37) or thirty-eight {38) miosions ::or Air lorce cr ews.

2. General Le JAY advised General DGO:UTT'LE that present po: ::... cy for
. presentation of Air Medal in 2oth Air Force per.:1its a crew to receive
f5 .Air ":edal and three Oak Leo.f Clusters curing his combat tour of duty. The
procedure is to normally award the Air .:edal after a crew :ms f l orm a min-
imum of five missions, and make a survey ovary t hereafter
to determine elgibility for the Oak Leaf Cluster. This system
upon and is lie be ir. beth the 2oth and Sth Air Forces. CJ"
3. General Le 'AY outlined tl!.at the prese:c.t 20th A.i..r Force prac i ce ;....:
is to award the Dis vingu..:_shed Cros::; wl en ... crew l'aS Buccess.t'ully trt
completed his comba11 tou:r, baced en the fact that such a. crew has , un-
doub'Ledly, dis tj ngu:LsLed themselves in the course of the General
DOOLL''fLE said he did. not t.h:;..r..k the DFC should be awarded autornaticaJly.
It was decided that Ghe present syo t em used by 20th Air Force vtould be
cont inued, however, recipient must have accomplj.shcd E)xtraordinary a chieve-
ment in the air
4. Gener3l PO\VER suggested that a plan be f ollowed. so that crevs
of the 2oth and Sth Air Forces would complete ,L.eil' tour cf duty in about
the same length of tillle. This was agreed UJ?.On.
5. Flow of B- 29 ::..,enlace: ,ent aircrru. t wao by Colo,el m-um.
DOOI,J 'fTLE sta ,ed tl,at it would be pe::.-:aiooable for replace:.. ent air-
craft to ATC ce.rro, -providing there exi3tcd OXlY left-over s .'ace.
- 1 -
t I ,
-- .
General also informed Colonel ITTINE that he felt 8th Air Foree
replacement aircraft should fly strairht through to OkilLawa unless diffi
culty was encountered, whence they "'!ould :::top at Guan Air De::JOt .
6. Plan was discussed to have necessary per:o.onncl at Guam Air De'!)Ot
to handle .fighter aircrv.ft coming through for 8th Ai:r Force.
7. General LeiJA! Generql DOOLITTLE that a C-46 outfit v10uld
be assigned to 8th Air Force for trans-ort use us soon as the Troop Carrier
Squadrons are assigned to USASTAF.
DISTRIBUTI ON: cc personnel present.
A ,.. :::. I I ..... , - 1\ f T 1 A !
, -;
'\ l '- '- \ ,, 1 r: t
\ _ _;..__,.l \; f -- ,. .I'-
- 2 -
2 August 194.5
General (presiding)
Lt. Gen. Giles
Lt. Gen. Twining V
daj. Gen. LeMay
Brig. Gen. Booth
Brig. Gen. Lindsay
Brig . Gen. Tiarbold
Brig. Gen. .Ankenbrandt
Brig. Gen. McNaughton
Brig. Gen. Kissner
Brig. Gen. Power
Colonel Coerz
1. Gen. advised those of the results of his
conference with Generals Tao.ARTHUR and .. CENNEY. Plan of coordination
of flying opera tions among Gen. KENNLY, US.AST.>F and establislled.
Gen. Mac.\RTHUR through Gen. ICll'lNEY will have operational control of
USAf TAF during softening-up phase for probably ten days in \
advance of landing. Basis established for close cooperction between \
Gen. end USAfTAF. Tonnar e etc. for Okinawa units
responsibility of Cen. in order to present united front to
Tenth Army. Advance headquarters to be esta blished on Okinawa prior
to OLYMFIC. "ublic r elations plan was discusr ed and ,cCrary will
meet with Cen. Kllfif.GY's rno as t oon as possible. It was agreed that
50th and 358th Fishter Groups should be assigned to USASTAF. Okinawa
Depot (Bertrandis) will function under oper3tional control of Gen .
KENNEY until lst December; t uereafter, t;S \ f T.JF.
2. Gen. SPAATZ brought up the question of medals, particularly
Air Uedal and Distinguished Flying Cross. A-1 under nen. Kt":NlrEY is
preparing a policy anc USA8TAF will prepare a tentative policy also,
both to be studied in making up a unitorm policy for all . Gen.
to take necer sary action.
:;. Gen. GILES advised Gen. SP I\AT':. of answer to Gen. DOOLI'l'TLE ts
message in which he questioned cont rol of 30lst Fi ghter ' 11ng and
f roups in wing. Gen. DOOLITTLE was advised that he no responsi-
bility for thee units asked if he was prepared to accept
administrative control. 0perationally they to Gen.
until :Zighth ATi' reauires them for miss ion as escort. Cen. KE.Nl1EY and
Gen. DOOLITTL1 to work out and advise
4. Tall Boy Squadrons. Gen. SPAATZ raised question as to whether
we want these squadrons. ehould be made to deter:1ine what
_I!F aervice groups are necessary on Kume and air dromes available t here.
&quadrons scheduled to arrive in October. It was understood that Cen.
wanted one squadron on and one on Okinawa. Gen. lc-
NAUGHTON to take action. --
_ t- ,_
"' J
5. Gen. GILuS advised Gen. SFAATZ that an Operations Summary
is belne worked up and be to his house every mornin at
0800 . ie will wel come any suggel."tions on '"w.nrnary and also
the Radio Log .
6. Gen . GILE
submitted suggested itinerary tor inspection
trip by Gen. SPAATZ. Gen. approved the schedule but requested
that there be no formality interruption of operations in connection
\'lith the trip.
7. Administrative directive tor the Eighth and hir
Forces will be completed in about three days.
8. Replacement for Ioore was discuss ed. Answer not yet
received from fnrep.ardin! Zemke or \ndereon. to be expedited.
. .
9. Promotions for combat crews. iar Department has been request-
ed to dele;:ate authority to . .!'orces to promote deserving personnel
on the spot. It was reco.m:nended that deservine personnel in .509th
Group be promoted . This group is under Air Force, but
different 'T' / "..Je
10. Gen GILZS advised that the building requirements
have bGen sent through and if turned it will be n3cessary to
go to Admiral Gen. BOOTH taking action.
. A- 4.
11. Gen. McNAUGHTON requested that General Stace be assi gned to
12. Gen. will take up proposed organization chart for
Hq USAf'l.AF and letter of ineliruation with Gen. LeMAY.
13. Gen. McNAUGHTON said it was necessary to have twelve addition-
al Quonset auts built by tne 1st of to provide additional office
space for personnel coming from Oahu. A- Z and -3 are in urgent need
ot per soll.Ilel.
14. A new c i art our telecon circuits and tnose available
to us was explained by Gen.
Meeting ad,jou.rned.
cc to present.

General Carl
Lt.Gt.'!lerc..j_ Edmey u.. GU-.e
Gene!'-'ll h. P3dccr
fTig. Gener.:ll ll. C. Lind.sey
Brig. Ch:nercl c. L. Booth
Brie .. N. B. Harbo.ld. _
Brig .. Gcneral .Kenneth P. Mdlaughton
E. s. 1.'et7.el
Colonel Allen
Colonol P. 1.! hitnay
Colonel Kc.rl L. Polii'ka
Colonel J.
Colo..'1e1 H. ?ri:!c: ,
lla j or Han-J
Ur.. jor t..,:r::.h t. . Bat;by
Jaek A.
HG :.:leo the i.GO letter dclteci 13 July l9L:.5, G ::32-4 {ll Ju.l

P.eC:esigautio.n, Assigu:.atrt. lii.ub;J .. ndm.cut of Certtin Air 0
z Force Unit:s .. "
... _
public relatiar.a.
t.ind.oay .>U .. tee t.h:.t before ht) left
AG l<S< !ic further :;th'Ve'-t c.het '1, . C'TY i.: -:..he

o! the e::tr.hlieh::!.6'nt o! a t'elnt.ic:l-3 ? by't he he.d

e. lengthy ciiscusaicn "ffit.h Gemelu.l Sw"lee in .Va::Jhington w<i it
his opi::Lion tbut such a. thing oul.d be Ul advised !ror:1 a
3ta.adpoint o1 1'iD ooblic rcl!lticns I! tte does pr e.ea
!!Uitt.ur it Wi:18 felt tr..::a.t. Surles .dvi:1e GEnercl
?J.:;rshall not to go cl.on.g 'r.i'th the irlea. Gencrcl. Spaat::
ab:out ...ny ciit!'i'.:'Ultieo in USAST.AF c<11.rcying cut ita O\':n public re-
drar.back. Tirr.c st be in gettin
full t.o releaeo :he.t he we.nted to rcleue without cl
It Gi;.nercl Spl.4;&tz' -.>pinion that h., could
tllat, rei'arrlng to t.h.e directive from JCS hie!'! autes thc!t
CIP.CAYP.AC A!UJ GINCPJ.C charged trith the reepon:;i.bill-ty of m.eetillg
CO' subject t o ove-r-.....U
------ _. - - -- .......-
ad::inistrat.ian n.nd internal. j.og,i.atical support o ell f orces a.Dsigned
fu.rt.ller st4ted he did not .find. rwyt!'ling in the direct.ive
(') :
stated 'that U.SASTt.F under or t o .hat they t,:)
put. out through public rel.ntiona. Generc.:l felT. that thi.'J could !"1
bo or it .. st. be cleared U? us to hetber fJSAST :F full
Ganercl. t o roleaee 1tltatiYViPr t 1ey felt be
.. "'

:Jldd he . ould just. aesl!.':lo this re:rnon:iiibi li Gcmerul.
St.h ;(.,1th Fo. co3 that be(;..'l. He
.further thnt per:let .... 1 frrn.'l . Ht..:.:.a-
e.nd P.:..rkc:r t.hat i oult.i 'te.:.<e t.L.e uni:ta
ho ! clt thr. t this could be away l e;;t, a en Ge .. !lcrc:.l ? 1 Ge!ler<ll
.. Geuert.l Mac-
li ughtoo ... th. :t. far to.!! cir_sion of .ll'..itc ts concerned bet. een
Colonal Hobeon, receut ly tlrl.9 a.:reG
of the 1' 'q
COl.n the li:1e to ec::I_?t...rtie:J ...r.a
Gf!uerh.l !\ichnrmmn ir. c!wr&e<l \'\"ith tckin& aa:uniticr:. off the boz.t.o
fielda. He L.. al o chargd co..."'lf.ri.ructicu of t .. he a:.d
1naintcm:nce. .A3 long a8 he hbS t."lut r srOnA> iie g:!. 'IC

up his tools with -r-hich to curry out tn1.s i!esponsibility. He is
ch.u-ged \'dth this responsibility by the War Depart:rwnt so be:tore a
decision -could be reachea here in Oahu, before any decision can be
"made a directive to be chaneed in ;.achi.."lgton. He suggested
that in S_paatz c"tiscussion Ydth General Richardson scheduled
for in the day that he along line8
.,,ould contimi.e to suppoJ.""'t USASTAF and asked if he w&lted that plan
follm;ed or is USAST.AF v:anted to assume the responsibility.. Genera.l
MacUaughton further stated th.:...t General son i.M v."'illing to
giva up the units if does not have this co.11.tinued respon-
sibility. He did feel, however, that !:.he matter .should be discussed
by General Spa.atz with General R.ichardson for clarificat.!.on.
General Giles felt th&t USASTAF wanted this responsibility.
Genersl Spaatz referred to the basia directive which
that COMG.EllliS.ASTJ.F would be responsible for the internal admi.nis-
tration and internal logisticsl of forces as signed to
USASTAF and asked i:f that 'iid. not include construction of airdromes?
Generd Glle.s said that it is not in the basic 9lan. to build air-
drones, that :naintenence is perforued lli'ter units go in by engineer
troops maintain thuse and he felt these units
should be under USASTAF control. Ge11era.l Spao,t::; felt thi:oJ re-
s?Onsibility is in the basio directive to US.ASTAF, pointing .:::J
out thut other engineer bc;..ttalions would move i'orat!.rd to another
I .
if they were not under US.ASTAF c,Jntrol. General Y; ::.Naughton pointed
out that these engineer avU..tion batt3lions are now in a. pool and can
be shipped out unless is doae a.bout the :uatter. Macarthur
is charged , con::.truction in the B:yuku.s and can move his uni"L3
as he sees fit . General. Parker renarked tht.t. tnere is a prob&bility
- 1..-
. . ,.
uld not.
turJ.l thoDe t o u.::: ..eT.t.F 1 it.hout. ... dirc..:t.:.vo.. It, .. s brought
1n tne (k:neru..t!! tru t C-t:u!:r l Richll' eon ',:, r&-
.::ny 1 ?ther release -:Jt !' resp;mdbil.ity fro:n :.Jl!ID? C
the t .o fro OP!; .. ho .c:re here recently Ot.. c-... kc a do-
al:".::J.1.4."1ition, r.hnt i s t.bcir until they (!f:"t combs
to tho du:n?s , tt i" in-ter. &1 lo&i l. ...;u, ort. It .ill be
mceol.klry for USliS'fAF l.o r:".vo t:ill!i.1lunition co .... p !lies d!d c::t: ic e-x. -!
r.o o the job, un ... ao7i they bcl{ltlg to .lF<-JI!:"? .. C. Gent'lzoW. Linc.!8 y pointed
port or aide to they b '!l,_ng to APlU2 1-C !.!loce
tn.:::in.; i1. l'rom to .-;ou.lJ oe the !'e.Jponsibility of
aa well as !ll.:lintonz.nce of The units for
constructio11 under the base development pl.....n . ould be Eiclll..rd:>on r s
responsibility, 1.m ..1ti.intene.nce basis y,ocld be USl.S'i' . JH s re-
no of tno:!e battc<l.ions. Ccnntrucr.ion in Mn.ri;mas should
be o. JOint l here a civi:.don could 'be m<irle 1re s pointed out b,y
Generc.l Linusuy. Gc:u:::. Giles th::..t <..fter>letion o
t he eosio plr..n, no further basic :a&intenc.nce l.oulLi be re ....ruired,
th!l.t the Seabees were .moving ollt t.he.t he r..:..d no control over them
&t the present time.
Gt:ner8. Spaatz pointed out under- this basic directive
Cener.l Ric.h::;.rd.son is relieved o! res?on:;;i'cili+.,y !or !::.aint.:d.ning ail'-
dromcs and could move everything to ,-nother e:.::'ea, USASTJU''
'1'1ith nothing. Gcnerd Lindsay inl!uirod t.bout the responsibility foz
tion ork.. If they ooved. USJ.ST.AF P:>Uld d all.
Ge:1er.u JicNaught.on felt it. v ould a b<.:.c. t.alion il wi.og, in dis-
<-'1l<'lZing He .et<=.toc .. t he h.:;. d. pr<:.,>
plms, A end B for tnc iJI"Opo:Jed :nove t.o A proposed
mo viJ18 the ent.ire staff to, Au::. ti..r..istrz..t.iou, Logi::;t.ica, Oper.-s.-
tions end Plaas and !1 en:..J..l here of
a:: .. d logi l:.i th the th:vy .:md A:trFor;.UdP<tc, and .:;;. op!.;:.rationa.l
in the for-.. w-ei area ?!i th ad!..'li.r...i3tr.:.tlon auc. logi.,tis
Vl ithout.
of Gene.ce:.l pl: .. t1.nea, to ,:.nd not;: how ruch rs-

would be focal ct1ntcr of c.ll pl.a.ns W!d n op-er .... -

; .
.. ,en<;}ru odd first tl'.llt he cmted t.o delegat e "o llr
Forcas (8th ar.c. 20t h) to the extent !)OSuible.
ae felt t.hey could control ti.leir opcr .... tious by geuer<ti.
and that. wns tth.:.t he ;muld like t..o lw..vo rune far as orga.rri.:-;a-
tiont.l -nere He rrould exarr.!ise only operational
control in caso o.t combined oper.:..tions of the t o 1orces. He
further stao.ed that he r.oula u.kt= his h!:: .... dcuarters cut coun t o the mini-
. c:u::1 nlll:lber
os:sible Md delegate to the Air Forces a:s n::nch re-
$!)CI18ibility as po:ssible.. 'They JUSt c.S .idcly here
t..s th<-'7 l;ere in Eu-::'Opo, he ob3erved,. tile 15th in Itcl.y end the
8th in Fl"'::ncc W1d ho did not attempt t.o cl .. rect control over
oper;..t.ione because iL r-an L'!to co ;plic .... tios, it -lci;l difficult. ..
He stuted that he liktod the plo.n of UX>ving e"!i-elyt,hi!7.g cxce?t
a stnff in Giles fult this
cecioion r.""s e ono of h::ving a good trcrong hecdc;uc...-ters and
trtaff levels theM eo c.hey ... 'OUld knor. mat wa3 going on; 'rl th m in for ;na.tter s , euch as pro-
ootlons, it would t.:.ko .:;
long t:.Ule for business to
be-t.ween the t 1ro Gener;:l Spa.atz said definitely thr.t adminis-
The large number 11! visitorc to tha for\'iard hea.dutW.rters in
t!.imtlOnf.!a by Gener-.1 Giles. He 3fri'c Gtwm tw.s the
Broaawl1y o!
- .flcD end tha't. grec..t nl.ll:'lbb:r pev:.ile be rc .uired to ehoO
the3e ll.round, to brie.f them H.tC:. eho\1 then -r;ht.t USA5TAF
Gnerc.U. t;tated ? rovi8iond hs.d
heen set U'O ;;.nd t.oul:. aboorb t::1c pf.:rson.'1el that USk.S'l'.AF t.iid no .. need.

He said that ':;hen USAST.J..F' m.ovea fonrard that AirForliidPac would
begin operationc QIJ.d General Soaatz said he would leave in Oahu v.hat-
ever W&D necessarf to take care of administration, supply trans-
portation. With regard to supply, Gener<ll Booth brought up the
that it would be necessarJ to have representatives for
Service Forces supplies.
General Giles made the propoBU that 1ri th Generc.l. Spaatz'
ppproval he would like to have General Parker, in addition to
!riB duty as Com.Gen.AirFor:ll.dPac, as CoilllDJ..Jlder of USAST.AF ( All.ITN)
until all of AdJrl.n had :moved t,hen he would recommend that
he. not be USAS1'AF (AlliiN) com:nander. General Spaat.z concurred in
the suggeztion and said Ge.\1.erll Parker v;ould l'lear t't\'0 hats for the
short time as necessary to i'ro:rl! out the separation of the comm.c..nd.
General Lindsov suggested that l Septe:nber could be takm as an ob-
jective <:'lld General Parker said it depend on 11. hen Aom:in would
be able to move forward.
General Sp&.atx commented about moving the 20th Ai:r Force for-
,,u.rd to Saipan and said he woulc .. look into it .,,ith the idea of moving
it and just having USASTAF on C'Uam. Otleral M:c.Naue;hton said that
the o."lly .;;;;.y we 1muld be &ble to get into opora.T.ion on Guam. There
are some ve'l"J good points in f<l.vor of the move, co:unented General
Gilea, if there i3 to be a short -,-rar, it. Troulo. ce best not to move;
-- if it is to be a long war, then the move :.iliould he accomplished.
General. Spaatz felt it was going to :_ long war, other :;ise there
woulJ not be a. use for for:rlng tlsASTAF. Sine e thera is so much op-
, 1""
. ...
position in the 20th Jri.r Force regarding the move, Generw Giles --
mended t Genercl Cp... at.z not make up ID:s ::rilld until he gets to tht:
for;.ard area and looka over the Personally, he st<:.ted, he
.:ls in f3vor of t!'l:0 move. Gener<Jl Lelley atd his staff are opposed to it.
GGneral ho \>.'O'Uld tcl.k the m::.:.te1 crver r.ith liener:lls
enc. 1\-.i.nin.g before a decidon. Gener<.tl
thot Gcnerzl. was in favor of t!H' "WVe_, el.though he had
not oeen out t.o look over t.he . itu ... tion hen he u;He:soed t.L1is
opinion.. Gcner.::.l o: .. i.c he felt bote and Doc-
little likt.'G to run t!-1cir showl!i &nd. v.;ould prob.bly fuvor the
!':'.ove tc Saiplill c.nt! Gener l Giles r ccol!l!"'...eucied th<-:.t the move be
favor:ibly c.on!>iderc:d. Gen ... r l Spao:t.:. did !!Ot feel he r;o1llt.. helve
to urge them to move. The c.f acco.:nmoclaticns at Saip...n
was brought up by Ge:.erAl Linday rzd Gener<:: l Gilee e."tylained
the ft-.cj P !ot'Jlerly uced by the 7f.h A:i.I Force ':'Thich ha.s cow
the u:ove be posnibl.e m. thin a. week. He aloo ;)ointed. out tbat
the conuen:ru.s of opirr>on th<>.t it \mul.c be to do this con-
.,truction or. Saipan ii"li.ltl!:lUCh '-5 it i::: not ;..e: cro1rded. General
UcN<:.ughton presented t.$o t1lanrs tor USl..STAF which he
presented to General Spaatz., one ."as to pla.ct3 ost of the 5'1;>eeial
!Jt.aff functionu undei!-A-1, pers onnel f ...nd. t:.dmini5trc::..tion, 1:ith only
f_- )
five peo."Jle to the vt.-";!.[f, it.h the ;md 7th FL):1tc.r Coa.-
mE"nt!s and. the Uo}:Ot. ope.tsti:.."lg -;;ithout li. service 'fh.e saz:::e
4- tro.le in for the t.h Air Force anc. 30l:!t. Fighter rang,
.hich ll!l on IeShim.c end under control of G.enert-1 Kenny. He
prcpa.rec. 'bnnL"lg Tci}le for A.- 1, - 2, J..-'3 &J.d - 4 hich he preoented
to ti'tc GenerC!.l for eonsiaerJ:.tion.
. '
General Spaatz favored the plan for USASTAF but aid
not feel that hP. ooula. d.o away uith the Service C.01ll!IWld. &.ch Air
Force should have a Service Cox:cna.nd wns his expressed opinion end. this
Sergice CoiiilllAmd shoula. operata their own depot . It r.aa brought out
tha.t they could do than this, they should include the
engineers in the picture. Each .Air Force should h<1ve o. Service Command.
Th ... t w&s one thing General Arnold used to fore. Gener .... l Spaatz
pointed out . Each Air Force ne:eds its o\'=n Service ColllilliJ1d. General
aid not feel th<::.t USASTAF needed a Service Co!!llll.iiDd but aid
feel i:.l1at each Air Force should. have e. Service The Depots
w.i.ll under that colllillb.nd a.'1d also any other servi..:e troops.
General Parker said he ime, thc..t General Doolittle luid ph.n.ned on
a Service CollUll.:.nd. Gener.:l Giles suia t.he W;l ot w ... s not. a.s-
aigned to the 2Jth Air Force, and Gener.::.l expressed the opinion
that it should. ee assigned to the 20th .Air Force. Gmert.l UcNaughton
pointed.out that USASTAF Headquarters could be f.lerviced by t.he Service
Commc.nd, the l':Ould blo"' up to trel!'.end.ous size.
Parker pointed out this plan for Service for
each Air Force wus in the original set-up but inasmuch as he die. not
lmow General' de3ires, no definite decision had been made .
Ge.uercJ.. stated that each .Air Force would have a Service Command
The other plan proposed by Mcl:Jt.ughton conte:n.plc.ted a genez-aJ.
and special staff, ith 23 people to report to the L'hie.f of Sta.f"f, each -
staff member having executive as weLl as staff responsibilities. The
A- 1 runs actn.i.n.i.str _ tion. He is responsible for getting out aclminis-
trative orddr5 una. with other staf.r' ruerabers l'l<:.S pointed
out by and it is to have ..:.3 people report
to the Chief of Sto.ff l'lhen five coulc. ao tha U."'l<ier the other i'lan.
- ll-
General Lindsay out that hac. i.. en t..:ken in fazhi..."lgton
to acti vc.te a He,.. !or ... ser1ice i'or et.cll Force, .:nC.
Gener&l remL.lked. thtit t .... T/0 for am Farce providos for a.
Service Com::-.nd.
Geaer.?.l Spac.t.t toltl Gt:.:.>'\er l tlw.t in r. orking up
the .numb1.. r o pe-raoonel needea thdt he to cut dom tha total
c..s low Ci8 posnible. Th"" t he to delegc:te as .::ruch re-
s;;onsibili.ty to t.he .Air Forces as a Service CollC.:Ule!
ill.ul 2ro-poscd by Gcner:.J. Mcll8ughton COVered a large he&dc_unrtere, but
he re::"..ark6d thE;.t he could cut it do1'in in plr..cea. It was General
staff build up cror,a so people the existing
facilities on Gua:t. Ger!eral Spav:cz ::rtated that US;.STAF has a certain
authorization for the size cf its - 267 officers and 599
nen were tht: f.ic'l"Ures mentioned by Oenero.1 plun
a1;td.cht:d units. He aloo mt:ntio.1ed he itl a nona letter
unofficial nnnounccruent o! 2.38 more offi,.!er3 as an al.lotz:lent.. A third
plan was built upon T/0 and aci.ded column to run the head-
quurters, but the T/0 & E over a year old c;.nd c:;rtain !unctions
':'!ere a.c!ded t<: hich the table does not csrry. tc.ble Colonel Vihitney
orought f. m table us era> n up General :UcNauehton dit'fers in
c.baut 200 people. Gilfl:; conr.J.enteu that this was plus the
bulk llotmmt. v: hiGh i:J i."'ldeiinite in amount . The i.nteri...m t.eble
-which Genercl. HcNcughtou c..s to oper .te is not us large as
the <!.llotw.:nt .. hich wa:s picked up .hen -;,ns
(}A...nerc..l Li11daay _?ointed out that the princip..U reason .f'or
was that under the.t bulk lillotmcnt to co.Gle people Gtneru Parker
.,..,ill end up 11:i t,h s.s J..irForlliaPac. Anc! Gener:.:.l Spc;..atz saici USAST.AF
would drop the re3ervc for .tirForM.idPe.c.
A discussion was held about not being to promotiona
in the Provisional Head .uarters of lirFo.rMidPac t.nd it Ytc..S the
consensus of opinion t:.hat under the Ua.ming Table under
General Parker l'ii.ll operate thet promotions could be mad.e . If
AirForlfidP::c is to operate under T/0 & E, approvcl. woulu. hsve to
be gotten from i'!a.shjnt:ton and this 1110ul:i toke quite long t'!hile,
poaeibly several months . General Pioirker pointed out thL.t he was
pla:m:Lng to u ee the '.tanning Table being cira-wn up in Or&gniz.ationi.l.
Control to oper..J. te AirForMidPac. Colonel 'ilhitney askea. Generd
Parker if he had an idea of tho strength he '? oulci wa.ntmd Gener.:U
said be wa.s r:orning on 70 or 80 offic(ns and JOO or 400 en-
listed :nen.
General .McUaugb to.1.1 as (f_Ueried abou"t. the numbE:r o! officers
to be left here as a rear echelon of USASTAF, inas:::ruc11 as about
80 had been m.01.tioned previouGly. Gener"l .lcNi!Uehton said 115 wc.s
the tulk allotm'-nt for the logistical staff for Oahu, nart of them
to support logistics people, a t111c:lll per"on.nel s.nC\ AG
General Giles asked GenerW. Ps.rxer if llrForiliclPa.c couloo' t service
this rear echelon as far a!! AG service concerned. If they are
z.ttached to Aiz-Forili.dPac, General P .... rKer stated, :for c.<hinistr<-tion,
then AirFo:ri.lid Pac cnn eervice them. Gener..J. Spaatz felt th"-t. only
a staff was needed an a rear echelon felt General
McNaughton ' s plc;...! nc.s rather generous. '!he supply people had not
been by Gener. 1 bout. t.h "d .,. l"c>mJ1T-P>nPnt.... A"
he hac prepared a brief of wnat. .n.U. the problems v10uld be and
would. turn the brief over to Gener;.l Spaatz' staff' for discussion.
Gmerc..l Spaatz saiu thut he and Gener ... l Lindsay could this
on the way to Guam.. However, he told l t .o cut.
the sta.f.f do\,n to hat is cJ:..solutely esscntL..l . Gat1er .-1 Giles
concurred a large staff in and in Guam as well not
needed. Colonel \ihitney mentioned thr,t the stc..ff in
the rear echelon should be c:.ttached to AirFor.AlidPac. lt was
Generd.l ?arker
5 opinion t.he:.t in c.on.<,ia'.ering t.his cut- in
the res.:r echelon that TrLnsportc.tion ah0ula .:tc::.y here. However,
Gener::.l McNaughton
s plan only had nine 5et up for the Tr ans-
General Spaatz a.sked v,herG a decision made on shipping
allocations, ;c:nd General Pc.r:{er toJ.d hi.':! the decisions were made
for Guam
at Pearl Hart:or - Navy headqucrte:r-s Sh.ip'Jing/is controlled
through Pearl Hnrbo.e. Okina-wa o.nd t>rea come under .Macarthur.
Gcnerc.l Parker pointea out thLt. USASTAF would h. ve to bt.l set up in a
duplicate 2ection :L1 M.a.uil.a and Oahu both. :Eighth Air Force units ..
will be o.ffected by th:..t Their service comm.c,nd can send
a representc;.tive section to Manila to Ttork with CINCAFPAC headquarters.
They C-.Jl handle trCi.ll.Sportc.tion for Okinc,:r.a. through this section but

must get their allocc.tion of shippir.t.g from. Jlacarthur c:nd therefore
must have a sect1on in llanil. Ge1.1er:1l Booth stid this responsibillt,- :"::".
" \__i
could be delegated uoNn to the 8th Air Force, that the 20th .Air Foree iiJ
- It was pointed ou-r. by General Giles
woula not conflict with the 8th.
thu.t there will possibly be a COfu-"J..ict in that the tlaV:'" will compete :c:
\'fith ship 'ing .for the 20th Air Force. It mentioned by Generlll.
Lindsay tnt.t from o. stGndpoi.J.1t of' tives should be
from USAST.AF reoresenting..--Gerler;;l Tfi . of
s .
:umi.cation should be .. for the Tra.u:Jportation sections
llc.U.r..ughton .)()inted out "th..t these section:J -. ill c:,lso de-
1-.i' in fig.Llting out J.o.,.:iiug yriorl.Lies vd. tt Com."lSUder ...
The al.r Uft 'Hill be here, Ge. ervl P ... r.ter said, .!>nd
not in Gu.C!:!4 General Cpaatz :scitJ ths. t t.!!e in
t.he rJ, for 'the lir Force, shoulc. fight t.he Isl.:md Com.-
..w.mier on loaai.n.; priori t.i.eB only r:hen they r;erc doing Y:bct h
felt tne;{ 3hould do, th..-:n ti'!c voul d brought to
At this point. tiener.:;J_

sr...i.d he .rtj-O.f to get to

t: Or!{ en the plaiH'I_, t 1t.:.. he felt hac t.. foundniion UlC. t.bat
it was tlot a question of 1.orking uul. tho
rJ.!ltU!"e .... .ud l:e:re none. lia st.attd :but he .. -s going

sul.t of r .... d u:..I.cus:seC.. Other Jllt\'ttcra c:.mld be d
mr::>ute to Guam .ith Gener.U Giles &nc! :JLher ccmber::o of the pa.I"t7.
He tun:1ed over to 1; eo. !)c.;.:i}E-r reference the Air -
Depot which he .brttt!d to u.i::cW!::s lli t.h h.i.e to rtich rc:,1
Ceucr Booth asked if Generu Spaat2. br::m.ght out :i.e: [)&per of

OeHerul on 1-ocistic ... l su;:>port., but G ner,Q Spi..4tz 5t .. ted he
and then out to V<!ri")U:J ngencie5 .for diccus:si.on.
wlng activar..icn of ac!ditionc.l. st;uadrons had arisen :n.any ti!
rece ... ', tl!l ezcbange of radio.:., ;md fucu.:Jsion of o.ntivation of
a;;l additional sc;uedrcn for tho rlngs . Apparently by tha act.:!.va-
tion of a will not four squaarons as scheduled
days, nat to pbot,o f;l..uadron:s activc.ted
1:ait. until h.f!' c011ld ai:.a up tho ?hotocrt.:>hic nituation to see ldlether
io ecu>U1.'! on to do t,hc job. Geiter :1.1. G-ilus saia thil.t Generd
LQ;.y oat d ci.o nsvc eu!ficient eC!u.e.ctrone to d.o the job ;;it.hout eny
ec!ill.ticmul, but that he -uas not. t:\C e o.f :it. He had not.
obttined the:.Z. ro::.:::.ct .. or.'- loeld, c.nd felt thr't. Gener :.1. Uacartbur 1rould
G-.-nor<:!.l Sp.::atz felt Lhht decision .ehould be ui.thhe.ld un'til
he cou.ld .; a Jt.uc!y of the t:.:..tter. It "tlas !)!Ji.tltcd out t.y General
the: t l Aut.u:.::t ie thu ti "':c tha AG ia going to and
act.iv<lt.e tbe::;e squadron:::. He further .::.U:t.ed th .... t. he felt. ttmt it
'joule ;1ot do :...:J.y aur.n to TAG to hold up puhlic.:!.t.ion a de-
ci:li.on coulC. be :made. If Tf.G comes out rith reciesigr..ati(JU cnd it tlll'De.
out later :.hc.t t!le present coulc uo t.he job, 'thtn the
il1S <::Jolla not b.: gotten out 'Jf, the ilcNoughton ex-
pl::dnec! that thcrr; four VHB drons :.o be denieoated in Augu.t
to .four sque.drot.!t !or the 58!-h f!r:u?. (Thie ia 58tll, not

GrouP) . 'I"his liW is !::J.r behina promoti{)ns beca.use it izs up.
One squadron is t.o ---
car ry the big bombs from Tinian, General. Gile:5 stated, if anotner
cne redesigH.u.teci. to v:..te o. sqU<lciron :for the 43d , -.llich is
not fully thc-r will try to get i t to Okincn.a l'lhilh
be supporte<l by the 316th Gener::..l feels it r:ill not
get tb.ere :i.l t.i!r.e. He ,.1ants VHB squadronn to come as such and not be
redesignateci. Gil6s be t o
The .k.jutant General stating the :::.atter shoula be hel d in abeyanc e,
for <:!. tevr C.ayn, so to. definite an::wer could be given on t..'le subj e ct .
Gener al Spuatz W!ked if this would delE.y the s v,Uct.dron couliilL out and
Ge.ner - l Giles =-aiC. it not . Generd Spaatz concurred in sending
the :; ;,;.nd Giles a.sked General llcNaughtvn t.o take care
of sending the radio to TAG.
General Spo.atz tol.:;. Gener:ll Giles that he hed severcl ether
matters tb:.t he wollld di cuss with hi:n later, one being corrasponaence
with admiral cooraination of operations , another
refercace co::ilid.t c!'e\"Jt! wherein a d.eci;:.ion .-.:as ::n.ade to increase t.he
air llit. i.l::;o l etter on battle participo.tio;I CtUeetion that vr&.s
rl.ised e:.rHl a letter from. General which \.'ill clarify the
situation. .Ba.t't.le p<.:.rticipet.lon honors can be given by ser-
vice units to a comb t unit . Genere.l Linasay asked if that meant at-
t.aching tnt::m. t,,) a wing or group, anci he w""s informed. thet it :an ex-
plt:.iiletl i:1 - just utt,c.ching then \.0 li comb:...t unit.l I t.
was S_9<' s op:L>icn thc::.t this ne-,; JCS di.J.ect.ive s tc..teB
"caafer.:K!'lt. r)f all 'fi"D decorations excer>t the Coltt;ressio,tal :Ledal of
Honor ..u-.d the i:::tinguiched Service Mew as authur'ized in .AR-6 45,
inclu .Lit to t-attle p rtici
)ntiOli honors" covers the
clet.r ly.
Genel'al. llcNaughton askea if USAST.IT going t o be considered
a theiter agency i t. can C.e.;ignate of!( nsivea, Ge .erG.l. Giles
e.11pr essed t.1e oplnion thc:..t v.ould tni!i.k the directive stated tnc.t
u1;thority. Gener...l i't:Ut th .... t US.ltS'rAF shouJ..u co1J.!or.m 11hen
p: rticipating rith grounc. forces to their decisions. Strategic air
l ar over .Jc:..p...n i s JUst one bc:.ttle. Colo.ntl Clinch st,_tea that L 1 any
eve>nt ,. o\.lld reco.i!'.rr.end. to the Depurt:nent a Cill.i.pb.ign

oe de .. ignated b!..t thnt.. the l' must <..nd publish them
c:.s such.
Gener l Gil es rei:iur.Kea. felt L1e logi..:tic.r.r.l people
should check with Genernl Rich .. rdson' s staff on
tefore going .for-ac.rc.. LumbE-r, buil . materials am.t a number of
get pl.:tnn"'rs \,orkin.:::; on to have shipped ut once to do
conctruction neeaed i:nmettiatcly. He suggested thc..t shii) loaa of
lumber probubl;; Jo job, st.:.ti.I'.g that c..ll lunbor on Cuc.m i s
Genert.l Spc...atz dis.i:li.sseci the .... t 1145.
1 !!>

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