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Marine Structures 9 (1996) 519-544

1996 Elsevier Science Limited
Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved
0 9 5 1 - 8 3 3 9 ( 9 5 ) 0 0 0 0 8 - 9
A Study on the Optimum Structural Design of Surface
Effect Ships
Chang Doo Jang, Seung I1 Seo
Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University,
Seoul, Korea
Sang Keun Kim
Rese~rch Institute of Shipbuilding, Hanjin Heavy Industries Co. Ltd, Busan, Korea
(Received 6 January 1994)
In t.~is study, a method to design hull structures of surface effect ships with
minimum weight is proposed, and computer programs following the method
are also developed. The proposed method considers structural character-
istics inherent to surface effect ships by rational structural analyses, but
adopts a simplified analysis model to enhance computing efficiency during
optimization process. The proposed method uses design loads and strength
criteria suggested by the class rules of DnV, but the interaction effect of
longitudinal girders and transverse web frames are considered by the simple
and accurate grillage analysis method. As design of the midship section is
accomplished through optimum design of partial structures such as stiffened
plates and complex girders and f rame structures, global optimization of all
design variables is avoided and computing efficiency is raised. And also, the
proposed method contains the simple torsional strength and analysis routine
and optimization process of transverse bulkheads against pitch connection
moment. Applying the proposed method to ship design, 20% reduction of
hull weight was confirmed, and it can be shown that hull weight varies with
the change of frame space and there exists optimum f rame space.
Key words: minimum weight design, optimization procedure, stiffened
plate, simplified grillage anal ysi s, t orsi onal strength, rati onal i ty.
520 Chang Doo Jang, Seung I1 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
Surface effect ships are constructed throughout the world for military and
commercial purposes due to merits such as reduction of resistance,
increase of lifting efficiency and wide deck area. However, surface effect
ships have different structural characteristics to other displacement type
vessels which result from twin hull, small length-to-breadth ratio and
dynamic effects due to high speed. In addition, much design and
construction experience is not accumulated. In these circumstances, more
rational structural design methods based on analysis are needed.
As high speed is the most important merit of surface effect ships, every
endeavor to maximize speed should be made. Among the endeavors,
reduction of hull weight to increase propulsion and lifting efficiency at the
same engine power is included. In this study, considering current needs
concerning structural design of surface effect ships, an optimal structural
design method satisfying the needs is proposed and applied to actual design
works. The method pursues rationality and simplicity. In other words, the
proposed method considers structural characteristics inherent to surface
effect ships by rational structural analyses, but adopts a simplified analysis
model to enhance computing efficiency during optimization process.
Most naval vessels are constructed following the design procedure
suggested by the U.S. Navy. 1 In this procedure, structural design is
accomplished by synthesis of individual members satisfying the suggested
strength criteria, and longitudinal strength is the primary design consid-
eration. During synthesis, the procedure uses only simple formulas origi-
nated from structural mechanics, and does not include the concept of
design by analysis. As the result, the procedure can not consider the correct
effect of interaction between longitudinal girders and transverse web frames
in initial design stage. Hughes e t a l . 2 developed an optimal structural design
method which included an efficient finite element method for design
purposes. Although the method adopted efficient elements and algorithms,
solution of simultaneous equations with large degrees-of-freedom is inevi-
table. When the solution process is combined with the optimization proce-
dure, computing time increases rapidly and computing efficiency decreases.
A generalized slope deflection method 3 was proposed for efficient and
rational structural design of tankers. The method used the beam theory
and executed matrix operations resembling the finite element method, but
took account of the effect of variable cross section in one beam element
and enabled reduction of degrees-of-freedom. The method has appro-
priate rationality and simplicity. However, in the application of the
method, the authors separated the optimization process into optimization
for longitudinal members and that for transverse members because 3-
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships 521
dimensional analysis of the whole structure by the generalized slope
deflect:ion met hod was very time consuming. So, the allowable bendi ng
stress requirement in longitudinal girders could not be constraint. In
addition, variation of the primary stress level duri ng design cycle was not
In this study, rational structural analysis met hods are proposed, which
are siraple enough to be applied to the time consumi ng opt i mi zat i on
process, but can take account of the effect of interaction between long-
itudinal members and transverse ones and structural characteristics
i nherent to surface effect ships. Also, a design principle appropriate to
surface effect ships is proposed, in which global optimization of the
midship section is attained by integration of optimized substructures for
the increase of comput i ng efficiency.
Recently, structural design by direct calculation has been applied to real
ship design, but complex hydrodynami c and structural theories and a
lengthy comput i ng time prevent its common utilization. As a more prac-
tical design approach, a lengthy semi-direct design approach which
neglects direct calculation of hydrodynami c loads is preferred because of
its simplicity and reliability. Therefore, the design procedure proposed in
this study is based on the semi-direct design met hod. The detail procedure
is shown in Fig. 1.
2.1 Basic assumption and simplification
(1) Gl obal behaviors of the surface effect ship subjected to hull girder
loads follow the simple beam theory.
To confirm the beam behavior of the twin hull structure, we carried out
detailed finite element analysis for the simple twin hull as shown in Fig. 2.
Di mensi ons of the structure are 35m x 10m x 5m and geometric
arrangements are similar to the surface effect ship. The twin hull structure
is assumed to be made of plates of the same thickness. To realize the
simple bendi ng state at midship, concent rat ed loads of the same magni-
tude are applied at different positions. To calculate stresses due to the hull
girder bendi ng moment at the mi dshi p section, the structure is divided i nt o
membr ane elements as shown in Fig. 3 and finite el ement analysis is
carried out using the commercial package program ANSYS. Considering
522 Chang Doo .lang, Seung 11 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
I n i t i a l Structural Arrangement J
Data Input I
Calculation of Design Loads I
Assumption of Primary St ress Di st ri but i on
Design of St i f f ened Pl at e Element
Calculation of Hull Girder Section Modulus
I Calculation of New Primary St ress [
[ Design of Transverse Bulkhead agai nst Torsion J
Analysis of Cross Structure subjected to
Transverse Bending Moment
Fig. 1. Procedure of structural design of high speed surface effect ships.
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships 523
C . L
1 2 5 0 1 I U P P E R D K
1 2 5 0 5 ~ Y D K
2 5 0 0 ~ /
( a ) M i d s h i p S e c t i o n
( pl at e t hi c kne s s : 6 rnin )
< - ~ ->1
B-ID ~ 'ID
( b ) S i d e P r o f i l e
Fig. 2. Box-shaped twin hull structure.
/ / / / / q
/ / / / / / 1 1
, / / / / ."I L - d
. . - ' / ' . I
Pig. 3. Fi ni t e el ement model of t he twin hull st ruct ure.
524 Chang Doo Jang, Seung I 1 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
symmetric conditions, only one quart er is modeled. The results are shown
in Figs 4 and 5. Bending stresses of the midship section are also calculated
using the simple beam theory. Accordi ng to Fig. 4, bendi ng stress distri-
but i on is linear at the side shell and the maxi mum difference between the
two met hods is only 5%. Accordi ng to Fig. 5, bending stresses at the
center of the decks show some differences because of shear lag effect.
However, the bendi ng stress of the side is larger t han t hat of the center of
the deck. As design of the deck is carried out based on the maxi mum
pri mary stress of the deck, vari at i on of the pri mary stress along the deck
does not influence det ermi nat i on of the thickness of the deck. Fr om the
calculated results, we can concl ude t hat the global behavi or of the normal
twin hull structures obeys the beam theory.
(2) Pri mary structural members such as longitudinal girders and trans-
verse web frames have negligible t orsi onal rigidity, compar ed wi t h
bendi ng rigidity, as they make thin walled open sections.
(3) Effective resisting members against hull girder torsional moment
are transverse bulkheads; and side hulls of the surface effect ship are
rigid compar ed with the cross structure.
(4) Gl obal optimization of the midship section is at t ai ned by assem-
bling optimized results of the substructures.
Simple beam t heory
. . . . . Finite element analysis
~ 4 0 0 0
N 10o0
i i i i i i i i i i ! 1 1 1 1 , l l l l l r t l l l r l l l l l l l ; l l l l ~ i , 1 , 1 1
- 60 - 40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80
Normal stress (*e-3, N/ram**2)
Fig. 4. Bending stress distribution along the side shell at midship section.
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships 525
.~ 6o-
"~-" 40
Si mpl e beam t heor y
. . . . . Pi ni t e el ement anal ysi s
0 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 ~ l , t , , , , , l l l l l l l l r , ~ , l 1 1 1 1 , f i , l l , , l ~ , , 1 , , I
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Di s t a nc e f r o m t h e c e n t e r l i ne ( mm)
Fi g. 5. Be ndi ng st r ess d i s t n b u t i o n a l ong t he u p p e r deck a t mi d s h i p s ect i on.
In general, summat i on of the optimized results of substructures does
not give the global optimized results. However, when the objective func-
tion of the global structure is the linear sum of the objective functions of
the substructures and the constraint equations of one substructure are also
linearly i ndependent of those of the ot her substructures, summat i on of the
optimized results gives the global optimized results. In the case of optimi-
zation of the midship section, these condi t i ons are generally satisfied,
because the sectional area of the midship section is the linear sum of the
stiffened plates and the strength criteria of each stiffened plate are effec-
tive by themselves, according to our design optimization strategy.
However, constraint for the hull girder bendi ng stress yields the equat i on
which iincludes all design variables, but this constraint is not active. That is
to say, actual hull girder bendi ng stresses of the surface effect ships are
small and, in general, they do not cause any significant design modifica-
2. 2 Ini t i al dat a input
Initial structural arrangement is carried out, referring to General
Arrangement s, and data such as geometric configuration and material
properties are prepared.
526 Chang Doo Jang, Seung II Seo, Sang Keun Kim
2.3 Calculation of design loads
Desi gn l oads are cal cul at ed by t he class of DnV. 4 Local l oads such as
hydrost at i c pressure, st owage weight and sl ammi ng pressure are calcu-
lated. Among local loads, sl ammi ng pressure is t he most severe, whi ch
results f r om dynami c effects accompani ed by hi gh speed. Pr i mar y hull
gi rder l oads are hoggi ng and sagging bendi ng moment s due t o t he differ-
ence of wei ght and buoyancy at off-cushi on state and crest l andi ng and
hol l ow l andi ng at on- cushi on state as shown in Fig. 6. Hul l gi rder l oads
i nher ent to surface effect ships wi t h t wi n hulls are pi t ch connect i on
mome nt and t ransverse bendi ng mome nt as shown in Fig. 6.
2.4 Assumption of primary stress distribution
Longi t udi nal hull gi rder bendi ng mome nt causes compressi ve or tensile
stress in i ndi vi dual members. The compressi ve or tensile stress can be
calculated, on t he condi t i on t hat t he hull gi rder behaves like a beam
subj ect ed t o bendi ng moment . Therefore, pr i mar y stresses, i.e., compres-
sive or tensile stress, in i ndi vi dual member s vary linearly across t he
mi dshi p section. As t he di st ri but i on of pr i mar y stresses is t he f unct i on of
t he sectional pr oper t y of t he mi dshi p section, it changes dur i ng t he desi gn
2.5 Minimum weight design of stiffened plates
Hul l st ruct ure of t he surface effect ship consists of pr i mar y st ruct ural
member s like l ongi t udi nal girders and t ransverse web frames, and stif-
fened pl at es wi t h pl at i ng and stiffeners. I n this st udy, a stiffened pl at e is
defi ned as t he combi ned st ruct ure of pl at e and stiffeners bounded by
pr i mar y st ruct ural member s as shown in Fig. 7. The objective f unct i on for
opt i mal desi gn of t he stiffened pl at e can be expressed as eqn (1), whi ch
represent s relative wei ght of t he stiffened plate.
where b
F = bt + n (hw tw + bf t f )
= br eadt h of t he stiffened pl at e
-- t hi ckness of pl at i ng
= number of stiffeners
= web hei ght of stiffener
= web t hi ckness of stiffener
= flange br eadt h of stiffener
= flange t hi ckness of stiffener.
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships
Bending Moment at Crest Landing
Bending Moment at Hollow Landing
o m' cnt
Pitch Connection Moment
Fig. 6. Hul l gi r der l oads.
Design constraints are imposed using the rules of DnV. Maj or
constraints are as follows.
(1) Thickness requi rement of plating based on allowable bendi ng
t >>. c ~ b l ~ " b S v ~ ( 2 )
528 Chang Doo Jang, Seung 11 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
I b i
L L. / I_ L.
(a) Sectional vi ew of t he stiffened plate
_ _ ~ t
h w I ~ l ~ t f
( b ) Details of a stiffener
Fig. 7. Model for optimization of stiffened plate.
where s =
p =
cpb =
k p b =
stiffener spaci ng
desi gn pressure
al l owabl e bendi ng stress of pl at i ng
f act or dependi ng on bounda r y condi t i ons of pl at e field
cor r ect i on f act or f or aspect r at i o of pl at e field.
(2) Buckl i ng stress r equi r ement of pl at i ng
ap~ >~ aa ( 3 )
( J ael p = k pc E (4)
av ( a y ) % ( 5 ) %c = aelp when aetp < ~- = cry 1 4"-~tp' when aelp > -~-
where apt = buckl i ng stress of pl at i ng
aetp = , elastic buckl i ng stress of pl at i ng
kpc = buckl i ng stress f act or dependi ng on aspect r at i o and
bounda r y condi t i ons
E = modul us of el ast i ci t y
aa = cal cul at ed act ual compressi ve stress
O p t i m u m s t r u c t u r a l d e s i g n o f s u r f a c e e f f e c t s h i p s 529
77 = stability fact or
ay = yield stress of material.
(3) Section modul us requi rement of stiffeners
ml 2 sp
Z > ~ - -
T sb
where Z = section modul us of the stiffener
m = bendi ng moment fact or
l = stiffener span
ash = allowable bendi ng stress of the stiffener
(4) Buckling strength requi rement of stiffeners
~sc >I aa
aet~ = k ~ E A l 2
where asc =
Uel s =
I A =
A =
buckl i ng stress of the stiffener following
shown in eqn (5)
elastic buckl i ng stress of the stiffener
( 8 )
moment of inertia of the stiffener wi t h effective flange
cross sectional area of the stiffener wi t h effective
bendi ng stress factor dependi ng on boundar y condi-
(5) Torsi onal buckl i ng stress requi rement of stiffeners
Uel t - - _ _
where k
Cl 4
u4EI w
7tc ~ U'--~a (9)
7 r 2 E I w ( k ) 11. (10)
if12 m 2 + - ~ +G- ~e
~t c :
7el t ~ -
m =
I t =
I e =
t orsi onal buckl i ng stress of t he stiffener following the
rule shown in eqn (5)
elastic t orsi onal buckl i ng stress of the stiffener
number of hal f waves
St Venant ' s moment of inertia
pol ar moment of inertia of profile about connect i on of
stiffener to plate
530 Chang Doo Jang, Seung II Seo, Sang Keun Ki m
t >>-tmi,
where lmin = mi ni mum thickness by the class rules.
Detailed optimization schemes are as follows.
( 1 )
( 2 )
( 3 )
I w = warpi ng const ant of profile about connect i on of
stiffener to plate
c = spring stiffness exerted by supporting plate panel.
(6) Mi ni mum thickness requirement of plating, web plate and flange plate
Assumpt i on of stiffener spacing and mi ni mum cross sectional area
of the stiffened plate element.
Selection of the plate and the stiffener among the mat eri al list.
Examination of the selected plate and stiffener satisfying the
constraint equations. I f the selected plate and stiffener do not satisfy
the constraint equation, a new plate and a new stiffener are selected.
(4) Cal cul at i on of sectional area of the stiffened plate element and
compari son with the assumed mi ni mum sectional area. I f the newly
calculated sectional area is less t han the mi ni mum sectional area,
the mi ni mum sectional area are modified.
Wi t hi n the given space range and material list, the above procedure is
repeated and final mi ni mum results are obtained.
2.6 Design of primary structural members
Longi t udi nal girders and transverse web frames bounded by bul kheads
and shell structures are considered as pri mary structural members whi ch
support stiffened plates. As longitudinal girders and transverse web
frames subjected to lateral loads make a complex structure, the behavi or
of each member can be described only by numeri cal met hods such as the
finite element met hod. The complex structure whi ch makes a grillage can
be model ed as an assemblage of beam elements in the plane whi ch has 3
degrees-of-freedom at each node, i.e. vertical t ransl at i on and two rota-
tional component s. As ment i oned before, for structural analysis routines
to be used in the opt i mi zat i on process, they must be rat i onal enough to
secure reasonable accuracy and simple enough to enhance comput i ng
efficiency. In accordance with these needs, in this study, a simplified
analysis met hod to analyze grillages is proposed. I n this met hod, torsional
rigidity of the beam is assumed to be zero, because most pri mary struc-
tural members have shapes of T or L type and t orsi onal rigidity of these
open sections is negligible, compar ed wi t h bendi ng rigidity of the section.
Using this assumption, the effect of i nt eract i on between girders and web
Opt i mum structural design o f surface effect ships 531
/ zz
6 ~ h tf
** br
Fl F2 F3
Fig. 8. Structural model for analysis of the grillage structure.
frames can be included in reaction forces as shown in Fig. 8. Deflections in
the web frames can be calculated by the following equation.
6 i --- - d i k F k + v i (12)
where 6; = deflection of the web at intersection i
dig = influence coefficient of the web frame
532 Chang Doo Jang, Seung 11 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
Fk = reaction force at intersection i
v; = deflection of the web frame at intersection i when only
uniform load is applied.
In eqn (12), influence coefficients by concentrated force and deflection
by uniform load for a simply supported beam can be calculated by
Timoshenko beam theory. 5
Influence coefficients of the beam by a unit concentrated force can be
calculated by the following equations.
In the case where 0 <~ x <~ a p
6( x) = 6~ ( - bx 12 x2 x ( ~ )
+ + b2) + ~ 1- (13)
In the case where a p <~ x <~ l
[ ] x
l a P ( 1 7 )
6 ( x ) - b p _ _ ~ p ( X _ a p ) 3 _ ( f l _ b2p)X + X3 + - ~ . ~
6 - f f l l . -
,(w4w, 3w, ) ,(w, w)
v ( x ) = ~ - ~ +i 5 - 2--? - x +~- Z -Tx+-2 x2
where w = uniform load.
Deflections in the girders can be expressed by the following equation.
3~ = eikFk (16)
where 5; = deflection of the girder at intersection i
eik -- influence coefficient of the girder.
From the compatibility condition at each intersection,
3 i = 6 i (17)
simultaneous equations can be obtained as follows
( e l k + d i k ) F k = V i . (18)
By solving eqn (18), reaction forces and deflections can be calculated,
and internal bending moments and shear forces can also be calculated
where l = length of the beam
I = moment of inertia of the beam section
a p = distance of loading point from the origin
A,. = effective shear area of the beam
b , = t - a t .
Deflection of the beam by uniform load can be calculated by the
following equation
Opt i mum st ruct ural design o f surface ef f ect ships 533
using the equilibrium condition. Calculated results shown in Table 1
support the validity of the proposed simplified analysis method.
The objective function of the grillage for optimization can be expressed
by the following equation.
F - - ( b e l t + lwl hwl + b j l t y l ) n l a + ( b e 2 t + tw2hw2 + b f 2 t f 2 ) n 2 b (19)
where r/1
~/2 -~
twl =
,t, f l
A~w2 ----
it, w2
b f 2 =
i X =
b e l , be2 =
number of girders
number of web frames
length of girders
length of frames
web height of girders
web thickness of girders
flange breadth of girders
flange thickness of girders
web height of frames
web thickness of frames
flange breadth of frames
flange thickness of frames
effective breadth of plating.
Major constraints which must be imposed in scantling are as follows.
(1) Allowable bending and shear stress criteria
I:a all members, bending and shear stresses which can be calculated
T A B L E 1
Calculated Results by Simplified Grillage Analysis and Finite
Element Analysis Code ANSYS 6 for the Grillage Shown in
Fig. 8 (Length = 4 m, Breadth = 4 m, Thickness of Plating =
10 mm, Effective Flange = 650ram, Size of Girder and Frame
= 150 8 + 80 10, Uniform Load = 10N/mm)
Deflection by simp. Deflection by
analysis ( mm) A N S Y S
6.247 6.026 3.5%
8.665 8.384 3.2%
6.247 6.026 3.5%
8.709 8.430 3.2%
12.11 11.76 2.9%
8-709 8.430 3.2%
6.709 6.026 3.5%
8.665 8.384 3.2%
6.247 6.026 3.5%
534 Chang Doo Jang, Seung 11 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
from the above ment i oned met hod shoul d not exceed allowable
limit by the class rules.
(2) Torsi onal buckling stress requi rement
Pri mary stresses of the girders shoul d not exceed t orsi onal buckling
stress given as eqn (10).
(3) Mi ni mum thickness requi rement
Detailed optimization procedures using Hooke & Jeeves' direct search
met hod 7 are as follows.
(1) Initial assumpt i on of design variables shown in eqn (19) and their
increments for direct search.
(2) Local search for finding decreasing direction of the objective func-
tion which includes the penal t y functions to represent the const rai nt
(3) Pat t ern move of the design variables for global move.
(4) Exami nat i on of convergence of the design variables. I f convergence
is not attained, local search and pat t ern move is repeated.
2. 7 Cal cul ati on o f hull girder secti on modul us and new distribution of
primary stresses
After det ermi ni ng all structural members of the midship section, pri mary
stresses and section modul us for the new midship section are calculated.
2. 8 Test for convergence o f primary stresses
Newl y calculated pri mary stresses are compar ed with the assumed pri mary
stresses, and the differences are also calculated. I f the differences are
within the allowable limit, following design step is carried out. Otherwise,
new pri mary stresses are assumed to be initial values and the design
process is repeated.
2. 9 Des i gn o f transverse bul kheads agai nst torsi onal moment
Pitch connect i on moment causes torsion in the cross structures. As effective
resisting structures against torsional moment are transverse bul kheads, the
transverse bul kheads are designed to wi t hst and the t orsi onal moment .
Shear stresses in the transverse bul kheads resulting from the t orsi onal
moment are calculated by the rat i onal l y simplified model .
Based on the assumpt i on t hat side hulls are rigid compar ed wi t h the
cross structures, the cross structures can be model ed as Fig. 9. Vertical
deformat i ons of the transverse bul kheads are assumed to be varied line-
Optimum structural design o f surface effect ships 535
. . . . . \ \
Fig. 9. Model for torsional strength analysis.
arly al ong t he shi p l engt h. Shear forces at t he end of t he cross t ransverse
bul kheads can be expressed as follows.
Vi : - k i ui
ui : - k i [Tn (Un - - Ul ) + Ul ]
where Vi =
ll i =
1i =
ki =
( 2 0 )
shear force at t he end of t he cross t ransverse bul khead i
relative end def or mat i on at t he t ransverse bul khead i
di st ance of t he t ransverse bul khead i f r om t he ori gi n
spri ng const ant of t he t ransverse bul khead i.
The rules of BV 8 r ecommend t he expressi on of spri ng const ant s of cross
st ruct ures by t he beam t heory, but t he expressi on by BV does not i ncl ude
t he effect of shear def or mat i on. As in shor t beams wi t h large dept h, shear
def or mat i on c a n not be neglected, spri ng const ant s of t he cross t ransverse
bul kheads are modi f i ed as in t he fol l owi ng equat i on i ncl udi ng t he effect of
shear def or mat i on.
k i = LS i L i (22)
- - q .
12 E l i GAs i
wher e L i =
L =
msi ~-
l engt h of t he cross t ransverse bul khead i
sect i onal mo me n t of i nert i a of t he cross t ransverse bul khead i
effective shear area of t he cross t ransverse bul khead i.
Fr om t he force and mome nt equi l i bri um condi t i ons, t he fol l owi ng
si mul t aneous equat i ons can be derived.
536 Chang Doo Jang, Seung I1 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
~ - ' ~ ( l i ) ~ - ~ l i
Ul ki 1 - ~n + Un ki ~ = 0
i =1 i =1
Ul ki l i 1 - ~ + un ki ~ = Alp (24)
i =1 i =1
where Mp = pitch connect i on moment
Ul,Un = relative end deformat i on of the first and the last
transverse bul khead, respectively
l, = distance of the last transverse bul khead from the origin.
By solving the above equations and substituting the results i nt o eqns
(20) and (21), shear forces at the end of the transverse bul kheads can be
calculated and shear stresses can also be calculated by the following
"C i = - - (25)
where T i ~--- shear stress at the transverse bul khead i.
The objective function for optimization of the transverse bul kheads is
the same as t hat of stiffened plates, but design variables are plate thickness
and size of stiffeners, assuming t hat spacing of stiffeners are det ermi ned
by t hat of deck longitudinal stiffeners. Const rai nt s are as follows.
(1) Thickness requi rement of plating based on allowable bendi ng stress.
(2) Section modul us requi rement of stiffeners.
(3) Shear buckl i ng stress requi rement of plating.
~c 1> ~ (26)
"E el p : k t c E s (27)
"~c = Zelp w h e n "~elp < ~
where Zc =
Tel p :
k t =
"/Ty =
= Zy 1 - zy when Zelp > ~ (28)
shear buckling stress of plating
elastic shear buckling stress of plating
shear buckling stress factor dependi ng on aspect ratio
and boundar y condi t i ons
calculated actual shear stress by eqn (11)
shear yield stress of material.
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships 537
SI ~' l l
F i g . 10. Longitudinal section of surface effect ship.
(4) Al l owabl e shear stress r equi r ement for pr event i ng yielding.
(5) Mi ni mum t hi ckness r equi r ement s for all members.
Opt i mum combi nat i on of pl at e and stiffeners is f ound among t he
mat eri al list by repeat ed compar i son.
2 . 1 0 An a l y s i s o f cros s s t ruct ures s ubj ect ed t o t rans vers e bendi ng mo me n t
Cross st ruct ures bet ween side hulls shown in Fig. 10 under go t ransverse
compressi ve or tensile stresses by t ransverse bendi ng moment . The cross
st ruct ures under a gl obal bendi ng mome nt will behave as one st ruct ure.
So, gl obal behavi or of t he cross st ruct ures can be descri bed appr oxi mat el y
by t he beam t heor y - - like l ongi t udi nal st rengt h analysis. Sect i on modul us
for mai n cross st ruct ures across t he l ongi t udi nal sect i on of t he shi p is
calculal:ed and compressi ve or tensile stresses by t he t ransverse bendi ng
mome nt are cal cul at ed usi ng t he fol l owi ng equat i on.
o',,t = - - (29)
where 17at = t ransverse compressi ve or tensile stress of cross st ruct ure
Mt = t ransverse bendi ng mome nt
~t = sect i on modul us of mai n cross st ruct ures about l ongi t udi nal
neut ral axis.
3. 1 Re s ul t s o f o pt i mum des i gn o f s t i f f e ne d pl at e s
When t he l oadi ng condi t i on and di mensi ons of t he stiffened pl at e are
given, var i at i on of opt i mum pl at e t hi ckness, sect i onal area of a stiffener
and t he stiffened pl at e is shown in Fig. 11, accor di ng t o t he number of
stiffeners. Di scret e var i at i on in Fig. 11 is due t o selection of pl at es and
538 Chang Doo Jang, Seung I1 Seo, Sang Keun Kim
_ C C C C C C C
~ o Q
- ~ z 0
o. ~ccc Pl at e T h i c k n e s s
or.v== Se c t i ona l Ar ea of St i f f e ne r
~ T o t a l S e c t i o n a l A r e a ( * l O )
0 i i 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ i i i i l l l ~ l l l l l l F i i
0 5 10 15
Nu mb e r of S t i f f e n e r
11. Results of opt i mum design of stiffened pl at e (length = 2m, br eadt h = l m,
compressi ve stress = 40 N/ mm 2, al l owabl e bendi ng stress = 90 N/mm2).
stiffeners among t he mat eri al list. Resul t s shown in Fig. 11 can be
expl ai ned as follows.
Increase in t he number of stiffeners accompani es t he decrease of br eadt h
of each panel and stiffener spacing, and causes reduct i on of pl at e t hi ckness
and size of stiffener. However, furt her increase of stiffeners makes t he
sectional area of t he stiffened pl at e increase, because pl at e t hi ckness and size
of stiffener can not decrease bel ow a cert ai n limit, by mi ni mum requi rement ,
and an increase in t he number of stiffeners causes an increase in t he sectional
area of t he stiffened plate. As a result, an opt i mum number of stiffeners
exists. As nor mal pressure increases, t he sectional area of t he stiffened pl at e
t ends to decrease monot onous l y wi t h t he increase of stiffeners, as shown in
Fig. 12. I n this case, pl at e t hi ckness and size of stiffener is not governed by
mi ni mum requi rement s, and t he effect of an increase of sectional area due t o
an increase of t he number of stiffeners is over come by t he effect of a decrease
of sectional area due t o a decrease of stiffener spacing.
3. 2 Minimum weight design of grillages
When l oadi ng condi t i ons, di mensi ons of t he grillage and t he number of
l ongi t udi nal girders are given, t he var i at i on of vol ume of t he grillage wi t h
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships 539
~ 3 0 0 -
~ 1 5 0
c e c c e N o r m a l P r e s s u r e = I 0 k N / m ~
~ N o r m a l P r e s s u r e = 5 0 k N / . m ~
~ - 6 - A N o r m a l P r e s s u r e = 1 0 0 k n / m a
0 7" 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 5 10 15
Number of St i f f ener
Fig. 12. Variation of sectional area of stiffened plate with the change of number of stif-
feners and normal pressure.
increase of the number of transverse web frames is shown in Fig. 13. As
the number of web frames increases, loads support ed by each girder and
web frame are reduced and the size of each member decreases. However,
the decrease of size of web frames becomes less due to mi ni mum require-
ments. So, the total vol ume of the grillage increase with increase of the
number of web frames is as shown in Fig. 14.
3.3 Modeling of midship section and results of optimum design
Lengt h of the design ship is 38 m and design speed is 45 knots. The ship is
const ruct ed out of al umi num. As the positions of bul kheads and decks
were det ermi ned by general arrangement s, the positions of l ongi t udi nal
girders are det ermi ned accordingly. Nodes are t aken at the intersection
points of longitudinal bulkheads, shell plates, decks and l ongi t udi nal
gi r der s Plates and stiffeners surrounded by pri mary structural members,
bul kheads or side shells are model ed as stiffened plates, and pri mary
st ruct ural members such as longitudinal girders and transverse web frames
between transverse bul kheads and side shells or l ongi t udi nal bul kheads
are model ed as grillages. Curved web frames are model ed as 2-dimen-
sional frame structures. In grillage or frame analysis, the stiffened plates
540 Chang Doo Jang, Seung 1l Seo, Sang Keun Kim
m 14
= = = = - - Girder
~ c c c c Trans. Web
i l r l + r l l t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r l l ~ l l l l I I I I I I I l ~ l l l l l l l l l r l l l l l l I I 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 I
2 3 4 5 6 7
N u m b e r o f T r a n s . W e b F r a m e
F i g . 13. Var i at i on o f ar ea of l ongi t udi nal gi r der and t r ansver se web f r ame ( l engt h = 3 m,
br eadt h = 5m, pr essur e = 1 0 k N/ m 2, compr essi ve stress = 3 0 N/ mm 2, al l owabl e bendi ng
stress = 90 N/ mm2) .
are included as effective flanges of the pri mary members. The stiffened
plates and longitudinal girders whi ch cont ri but e longitudinal strength are
included in the calculation of hull girder section modul us and pri mary
stress distribution. Model i ng results are shown in Fig. 15.
3.4 Optimized results and discussion
Opt i mi zed results for the design ship are summari zed in Table 2.
Compar ed results were det ermi ned at the initial design stage by the
usual manual calculation. Accordi ng to Table 2, most optimized
results show tendencies t hat plate thickness and stiffener spacing
become less, compar ed wi t h the results of initial design. These
tendencies are similar to those of Fig. 11. On the ot her hand, sizes of
transverse web frames are different, accordi ng to t he length of span
and design loads. These results are mai nl y due to vari at i on of bendi ng
moment and stresses.
When the transverse web frame space is varied, the change of vol ume
per uni t length amidships is shown in Fig. 16. Sizes of l ongi t udi nal stif-
feners and transverse web frames become smaller with the decrease of
frame space, because spans of stiffeners become short er and loads
Optimum structural design of surface effect ships 5 4 1
4 0 0 -
, ~ 3 0 0 -
1 0 0 -
No r ma l P r e s s u r e = 10 k N/ m ~
No r ma l P r e s s u r e 5 0 k N~ m ~
- ' ~- ' - ' - " No r ma l P r e s s u r e = 1 0 0 k N/ m B
I I I I l l l l l l l l ~ l l l l l l l I t I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I l l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
2 3 4 5 6 7
Nu mb e r o f T r a n s . We b F r a me
Fig. 14. Variation of minimum volume of grillage with the change of number of frame and
normal pressure.
sust ai ned by each web frame become smaller. However, decrease of sizes
of web frames has a cert ai n limit due to mi ni mum design r equi r ement s
and t he effect of increase of vol ume due t o increase of t he number of web
frames overcomes t he effect of decrease of vol ume of stiffeners due t o
decrea,;e of span. As a result, bel ow a cert ai n frame space, t he t ot al
vol ume starts to increase. Thi s expl anat i on can be verified by Fig. 12,
whi ch shows t he decrease of sect i onal area wi t h decrease of frame space.
Opt i mum t ransverse frame space can be det er mi ned by compr omi s i ng
confl i ct i ng factors, i.e., smaller sizes of l ongi t udi nal member s and l arger
vol ume of t ransverse web frames wi t h decrease of web frame space.
Fi nal results show a 20% r educt i on of vol ume per uni t l engt h and 19%
of sect i onal area of t he mi dshi p section, compar ed wi t h t he initial desi gn
I n this st udy, a me t hod to desi gn hull st ruct ures of surface effect ships
wi t h mi ni mum wei ght was pr oposed, and comput er pr ogr ams fol l owi ng
t he me t hod were also devel oped. Appl yi ng t he pr opos ed me t hod t o ship
542 Chang Doo Jang, Seung 1l Seo, Sang Keun Kim
17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26
11 12 DrYl3Deck 14 15
3 7
N I [ ]
o i
[ ] Stiffened Plates [ ]
@ @ @ @ @
3 4 5 6
Girder and Transverse Web Frame
Fi g. 15. Mode l i ng of mi ds hi p sect i on f or opt i mi zat i on.

Optimum structural design of surface effect ships
Co mp a r i s o n o f Opt i mi z e d Res ul t s wi t h I ni t i al De s i gn ( Un i t mm)
Location Des i gn Plate Size of Space of Size of tran. Size of girder
stage thick, longi, longi, web frame
Si de I ni t i al 8 65 x 65 x 6 285 210 x 6 + 100 x 8
Shel l Op t i mu m 5 40 x 40 x 4 235 4 3 9 x 4 + 181 x 7
We t I ni t i al 6 65 x 65 x 6 300 210 x 6 + 100 x 8
De c k Op t i mu m 6 40 x 40 x 4 235 233 x 4 + 58 x 5
Dr y I ni t i al 4 50 x 50 x 6 300 210 x 6 + 100 x 8 210 x 6 + 100 x 8
De c k Op t i mu m 4 4 0 x 4 0 x 4 300 1 2 0 x 4 + 3 4 x 5 1 6 5 x 4 + 3 4 x 4
Up p e r I ni t i al 6 50 x 50 x 6 300 210 x 6 + 100 x 8 210 x 6 + 100 x 8
De c k Op t i mu m 5 4 0 x 4 0 x 6 240 1 2 0 x 4 + 3 4 x 5 1 2 0 x 4 + 3 4 x 5
Tr a n s I ni t i al 6 50 x 50 x 6 300
Bh d Op t i mu m 4 40 x 40 x 6 235
Su mma r i z e d Res ul t s
Initial Optimum Reduction
Sect i on ar ea, c m 2 3510 2860 19%
Vo l u me / u n i t l engt h, c m 2 4360 3480 2 0 %
We b f r a me space, mm 900 1000
design, a 20% reduction of hull weight was confirmed. The proposed
method uses design loads and strength criteria suggested by the class rules
of DnV, but interaction effects of longitudinal girders and transverse web
frames are considered by the simple and accurate-grillage analysis method
developed in this study. As design of the midship section is accomplished
through optimum design of partial structures such as stiffened plates and
complex girder and frame structures, global optimization of all design
variables is avoided and computing efficiency is raised. Also, the proposed
method contains the simple torsional strength analysis routine and opti-
mization process of transverse bulkheads against pitch connection
mo me n t .
The optimization method proposed in this study is said to have ration-
ality which can describe structural behavior inherent to surface effect ships
with twin hulls, and efficiency which is necessary in repeated calculation
proces,;es. Also, the proposed method can be used in other ships similar to
surface effect ships such as catamarans. From the optimized results, it can
be shown that hull weight varies with the change of frame space and there
exists optimum frame space.
544 Chang Doo Jang, Seung II Seo, Sang Keun Kim
"~3600 1
3 4 o o
z z c c c Vol ume pe r Le ngt h
= = = = = Se c t i ona l Ar e a
~ 2 8 0 0
2 6 0 0 . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . .
600 1000 1400
Fr a me Space ( r am)
Fig. 16. Variation ofvol ume wi t ht hechangeof ~ames pace.
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