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12-11-16 5:52 PM Teaching with the iPod Touch - ETEC 510

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lod 1ouch
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01-2 3!34 567
AuLhored by Sheena Abboud (lebruary 2011)
1he &,-. !-/$% ls a porLable, mulLlmedla devlce wlLh a mulLl Louch dlsplay
and wlreless capablllLles. 1he lod 1ouch ls currenLly one of many handheld
(hLLp:// , or ersonally Cwned
uevlces (Cu's), as named by uavld 1russ (2009)
, belng used ln k-12 classrooms. 1hese devlces are used Lo
supporL 8lended Learnlng envlronmenLs (hLLp:// , knowledge
8ulldlng CommunlLles (hLLp:// , as well as Lhe unlversal ueslgn
for Learnlng (hLLp:// model as ouLllned by uavld P. 8ose and
Anne Meyer (2002).
12-11-16 5:52 PM Teaching with the iPod Touch - ETEC 510
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1 1he uevlce
1.1 Pardware and SofLware
1.2 Apps
2 1he ersonallzaLlon of Learnlng
3 Moblle Learnlng
4 Affordances of Lhe lod 1ouch
3 LxLernal Llnks
6 looLnoLes
7 8eferences
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1he lod 1ouch ls a Lhln recLangular shaped handheld, porLable devlce LhaL measures 4.4 lnches ln helghL, 2.3
lnches wlde and 0.28 lnches deep.
Welghlng a mere 3.36 ounces and wlLh lLs Wlll moblle plaLform, Lhe lod
1ouch ls ldeal for porLablllLy and anywhere, anyLlme accesslblllLy Lo lnformaLlon. 1he glass, wldescreen, mulLl-
Louch and mulLldlrecLlonal dlsplay allows for dlrecL lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe devlce and easy maneuverablllLy of
lnformaLlon dlsplayed.
1he lod 1ouch ls fabrlcaLed by Apple lnc. (hLLp:// and lLs currenL model, Lhe 4Lh
generaLlon, was released on SepLember 8Lh, 2010.
1he 2nd generaLlon and laLer models are all compaLlble
Lo run on Lhe mosL currenL Apple operaLlng sysLem, lCS 4 (hLLp:// , whlch
allow Lhe devlces Lo access Lhe newesL Lools offered, such as mulLl-language keyboards and volce ConLrol,
mulLlLasklng, volceCver screen and access Lo Lhe App SLore (hLLp://
sLore.hLml) .
1he 4Lh generaLlon lod 1ouch ls unlque from Lhe prevlous models ln LhaL lL ls equlpped wlLh 2
cameras allowlng use of Lhe lace1lme appllcaLlon (hLLp://
WhaL seLs Lhe lod 1ouch aparL from oLher moblle devlces and educaLlonal Lechnologles
(hLLp:// ls lLs access Lo and compaLlblllLy wlLh over 330 000 apps and games
1hese apps and games cover counLless Loplcs and funcLlons, many of whlch can be easlly applled Lo an
educaLlonal seLLlng. Many of Lhese apps are free of charge or are avallable for a relaLlvely low cosL. 1hanks Lo
Lhe new App volume urchase rogram (hLLp:// , educaLors are able Lo
synchronlze slngle apps Lo mulLlple devlces
. 1he llsL of educaLlonally slgnlflcanL apps ls consLanLly changlng
and expandlng as new apps are developed. Pere are buL a few examples:
@-&$" 2"2-8 #'. '-+" +#A&'(B
12-11-16 5:52 PM Teaching with the iPod Touch - ETEC 510
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volce Memos
9&$+&-'#1&"8 #'. C01"'$%D E#'(/#(" 1"="1"'$"8B
Larousse lranals
Le 8escherelle
,1-F"$+ $1"#+&-'B
ln A World
,%-+-(1#?%G #'. HEE/8+1#+&-'B
CLher greaL ldeas of apps and uses for Lhe lod 1ouch can be found here
(hLLps://[d[vfnuMyZuhlCC4yd24&hl=en&pll=1) .
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ln hls Lheory of MulLlple lnLelllgences, Poward Cardner (2006) sLaLes LhaL people learn and work ln a varleLy of
ways. lL ls a plurallsLlc vlew of mlnd, recognlzlng many dlfferenL and dlscreLe faceLs of cognlLlon,
acknowledglng LhaL people have dlfferenL cognlLlve sLrengLhs and conLrasLlng cognlLlve sLyles." (Cardner,
2006, p. 3) 1hls Lheory gave way Lo Lhe ldea of lndlvldual-cenLered school"
and 8ose and Meyer's (2002)
unlversal ueslgn for Learnlng (hLLp:// . ln boLh educaLlonal
plaLforms, an educaLor's pedagogy focuses on drawlng on a sLudenL's lndlvldual sLrengLhs and lnLeresLs.
Worklng wlLh Lhe lod 1ouch enables sLudenLs Lo explore and uLlllze Lhe apps LhaL besL sulL Lhelr learnlng
K-L&E" J"#1'&'(
Moblle devlces brlng Lhe real world lnLo Lhe classroom, and Lhey brlng Lhe classroom lnLo Lhe real world."
(Shuler, 2009, p.19) ln her reporL, lockets of loteotlol
, Carly Shuler presenLs Lhe followlng 3 key
opporLunlLles and 3 key challenges ln moblle learnlng.
12-11-16 5:52 PM Teaching with the iPod Touch - ETEC 510
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lockets of loteotlol by Carly
Carly Shuler's Classroom
Affordances of Pandheld
Camlng SysLem
M"G -??-1+/'&+&"8B
Lncourage "anywhere, anyLlme" learnlng
8each underserved chlldren
lmprove 21sL-cenLury soclal lnLeracLlons
llL wlLh learnlng envlronmenLs
Lnable personallzed learnlng experlmenLs
M"G $%#EE"'("8B
negaLlve aspecLs of moblle learnlng
CulLural norms and aLLlLudes
no moblle Lheory of learnlng
ulfferenLlaLed access and Lechnology
LlmlLlng physlcal aLLrlbuLes
(Shuler, 2009, p.16-27)
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Llke Shuler's (2009) dlagram of Lhe affordances of a porLable gamlng sysLem,
Lhe lod 1ouch offers many opporLunlLles Lo Lhe 21sL-cenLury learner.
1he lod 1ouch ls conslderably smaller Lhan a lapLop LhaL mlghL be used ln a
classroom. 1hls makes carrylng Lhe devlce much less cumbersome Lherefore
granLlng sLudenLs easler access ouLslde of Lhe classroom.
H'+"1'"+ #$$"88
WlLh lLs Wlll moblle plaLform, sLudenLs can access web browsers, onllne
resources ln 8lended Learnlng envlronmenL and Lhe App SLore. SLudenLs can
also collaboraLe ln a knowledge-bulldlng communlLy by parLlclpaLlng ln onllne
dlscusslon forums and collaboraLlve apps.
1he lod 1ouch ls low ln cosL compared Lo a lapLop or deskLop C maklng lL
more accesslble Lo more sLudenLs.
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varlous noLe Laklng apps allow for sLudenLs Lo record lnformaLlon and save conLenL Lo Lhelr devlce.
>/.&- #'. :&8/#E ?1-./$+&-'
12-11-16 5:52 PM Teaching with the iPod Touch - ETEC 510
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1he bullL ln speaker and cameras, and Lhe mlcrophone aLLachmenLs offer a varleLy of ways Lo record and
playback volce memos and vldeo cllps.
4-'+"'+ 41"#+&-'
1he mulLlmedla componenLs and Lhe varleLy of apps allow for sLudenLs Lo creaLe, and collaboraLe on, school-
based pro[ecLs.
<%#1&'( #'. +1#'8="11&'( .#+#
uslng an avallable wlreless lnLerneL connecLlon, sLudenLs can easlly share and Lransfer daLa or work sLored on
Lhelr lod 1ouch.
H'+"1#$+ *&+% $-'+"'+
1he mulLl Louch screen allows for sLudenLs Lo lnLeracL and manoeuvre conLenL dlsplayed.
K/E+&E&'(/#E 8/??-1+
8unnlng on Apple's lCS 4 operaLlng sysLem allows for conLenL Lo be accessed and creaLed ln varlous languages.
numerous languages are also recognlzed ln order Lo supporL 1exL-Lo-volce and volce-Lo-1exL programs by
uslng Lhe speaker and mlcrophone componenLs of Lhe devlce.
3O+"1'#E J&'A8
1be lOu's Ate comloq - presenLaLlon by uavld 1russ (hLLp://www.slldeshare.neL/daLruss/Lhe-pods-are-
Classroom lod 1ouch-uos and uon'Ls (hLLp://
Jocotloq tbe Moblle Ceoetotloo - fllm serles (hLLp://
Carly Shuler's reporL lockets of loteotlol
8logLalk wlLh Carly Shuler (auLhor of lockets of loteotlol)
uavld P. 8ose and Anne Meyer's 1eocbloq vety 5toJeot lo tbe ulqltol Aqe. uolvetsol ueslqo fot leotoloq
lnLeresLlng Ways Lo use lod 1ouch ln Lhe Classroom (hLLps://
12-11-16 5:52 PM Teaching with the iPod Touch - ETEC 510
Page 6 of 6
1. ^ hLLp://
2. ^ hLLp://
3. ^ hLLp://
4. ^ hLLp://
3. ^ hLLp://
6. ^ hLLp://
7. ^ Cardner, P. (2006) MulLlple lnLelllgences: new horlzons. new ?ork, n?: 8aslc 8ooks
8. ^ hLLp://www.[
9. ^ hLLp://www.[
Apple lnc. (2011). lloJ 1oocb. 8eLrleved lebruary 26, 2011 from hLLp://
lod 1ouch (n.d). ln Wlklpedla, Lhe free encyclopedla. 8eLrleved lebruary 26, 2011 from
Cardner, P. (2006) Moltlple lotelllqeoces. New botlzoos. new ?ork, n?: 8aslc 8ooks
8ose, u. P., & Meyer, A. (2002) 1eocbloq vety 5toJeots lo tbe ulqltol Aqe. uolvetsol ueslqo fot leotoloq.
Alexandrla, vA: AssoclaLlon for Supervlslon and Currlculum uevelopmenL. 8eLrleved from
Shuler, C. (2009). lockets of loteotlol. usloq Moblle 1ecbooloqles to ltomote cbllJteos leotoloq. new ?ork:
1he !oan Canz Cooney CenLer aL Sesame Workshop. 8eLrleved from
1russ, u. (producer). (2009, !uly 23). "lottoJoctloo, lOus lo tbe closstoom" - 5ooyo wolosbeo lOus lotetvlew
lott 1. 8eLrleved from hLLp://!z-Slx_g
1russ, u. (2009). 1be lOu's ote comloq [owerolnL slldes]. 8eLrleved from
8eLrleved from "hLLp://"
1hls page was lasL modlfled on 11 March 2011, aL 13:36.

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