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2014 KGSP Graduate Program FAQ

1. If my country doe not !a"e a #uota for t!e 2014 KGSP graduate $rogram% can I till
a$$ly for a graduate $rogram&
No, you can't. Under our current policies, this is not allowed. The quota for each country will
be decided in the GKS committee on the basis of the mutual cultural or educational
agreements, !Us, !"#, etc. !nly those who hold a citi$enship of the listed countries are
eligible for the program.
2. I am going to fini! my mater' coure in Korea (y Augut 2014. Am I eligi(le for
a$$lication to t!i $rogram&
No, you are not eligible for application to this program. #ccording to the Guideline No. %,
Applicants who have enrolled in or graduated from a university in Korea will be
disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has
previously enrolled in or graduated from an undergraduate program, a master's program,
or a doctoral program including e!change program" anyone who has ever hold #$% visa
in Korea" cannot apply for this program.
&owever, Applicant who has e!perienced an e!change program in Korea only for previous
academic courses graduation, and if it was mandatory for his or her graduation of degree
program' thus could submit official e!planation from the attended institution can apply for
this KGSP program.
And, a KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of
August ()st, %*)+ can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he,she
holds at least -.P/K 0evel + and obtain another recommendation within the allotment
from the Korean 1mbassy of his,her respective country of origin re$application is limited
to one instance".
). I am going to fini! my mater' coure in Augut 2014. *ay I a$$ly for t!e 2014
KGSP P!.+. $rogram&
&f you submit a certificate of e'pected graduation officially issued from the uni(ersity at
which you ha(e enrolled, you can apply for the )*+, KGS-. .owe(er, you cannot apply if
your school does not issue an official certificate of e'pected graduation by the application
deadline. &f you are selected as a final KGS- grantee, you must submit the official certificate
of graduation to N&&/" by #ugust 0+st, )*+,. No submission of the official certificate in time
will cause the cancelation of your scholarship qualification.
4. I am going to get my mater' degree in Se$tem(er 2014. *ay I a$$ly for t!e 2014
P!.+. $rogram&
No, you can't. !nly those who are e'pected to get a master's degree by #ugust 0+st, )*+, are
eligible for the )*+, -h.". program. 1ou may apply for the )*+, -h.". program.
,. I am getting t!e GKS c!olar!i$ for elf-funded tudent of e.cellence. *ay I a$$ly
for t!i $rogram&
No, you can't. !nly KGS- scholars who ha(e at least T!-&K 2e(el , can apply for this
program again if they are re3recommended by the Korean embassy within a quota of that in
their country of origin.
/. *ay I a$$ly for t!e $rogram t!roug! t!e 0II1+ directly&
No, you can't. #--2&4#T&!NS UST 5/ #"/ T6!UG. the +st S/2/4T&!N
-lease refer to the following guidelines7
2//1# and 3oreign embassies in Korea are not )st Selection /nstitutions and do not
accept applications.
2//1# accepts and 4udges only the candidates recommended by the )st Selection
/nstitutions. 2Guideline 113
4. 5!en i t!e deadline for a$$lication&
The e'act deadline will be decided by the +st Selection &nstitutions. &t will be around mid3
arch. 1ou must as8 your respecti(e +st Selection &nstitution regarding its specific deadline
-lease refer to the following guidelines7
#eadline of Submission5 -he date set forth by the )st Selection /nstitutions within
6arch %*)+
#eadline for the recommendation of candidates to 2//1# by the )st Selection
/nstitutions is April ))th, %*)+.
/f the respective )st Selection /nstitutions do not submit their candidates' documents to
2//1# on time, they will be e!cluded from the e!amination of 2//1# Selection
7ommittee, and their quotas will be substituted by the other )st /nstitutions' reserve
candidates. 2Guideline 113
6. 5!ere can I u(mit my a$$lication&
5asically, applicants submit their applications to one of the +st selection institutions. The +st
selection institutions should be o(erseas Korean embassies and designated Korean
uni(ersities. 8efore deciding on your )st selection institution, you have to carefully read the
%*)+ KGSP Graduate Guideline for Application, which is posted in the GKS
websitewww.studyin9orea.go.9r"' it is better to e!amine the Application Guideline first,
and then decide to which institution you will submit your application. 1ou can submit your
application to only one institution.
7. I am a Korean ado$tee 8!o !a a foreign nationality. 5!ere can I u(mit my
a$$lication for t!e KGSP graduate $rogram&
9irst, you ha(e to chec8 whether your country is allotted the adoptee quota in the #pplication
Guideline. &f you country is allotted the adoptee quota, you can submit your application only
to the Korean /mbassy in your country. There is a special portion of scholarship support
reser(ed for Korean adoptees :total ); grantees in )*+,<.
10. S!ould I u(mit t!e certificate of language $roficiency 21ngli! or Korean3 8!en I
a$$ly for t!e KGSP&
The certificate of /nglish proficiency :T!/92 or &/2TS< or Korean proficiency :T!-&K< is
optional for the KGS-. That is to say, you can apply for the KGS- whether you ha(e it or not,
but you may be preferred in the selection if you submit it or your +st selection institution may
as8 you to submit it to re(iew. &n addition, when you apply for admission to your desired
uni(ersities after passing the )nd selection round :the N&&/" =udging committee<, you might
be requested to submit a certificate of language proficiency to the specific department to
which you applied. &n that case, the language certificate is a required document for the
admission to your degree program.
11. 5!at !ould I fill out in t!e -ranscript section of Peronal +ata &
1ou can fill out only your G-# which you obtained each semester or term. &f you completed
three terms in one year, you can fill out each G-# in the respecti(e three blan8s : > <. 1our
G-# will be posted in the front of slash :9<, and the full G-# will be posted in the rear of slash
:>3. -lease refer to the e'ample7
year 2
year 3
year 4

Term 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Bachelor 3.5/
/ 3.5/
/ 3.5/
/ 3.5/
/ 3.5/4.0 90/100
aster / / / / / / / / / / / /
12. :o8 many recommendation letter !ould I u(mit&
!nly one for most applicants. &t should be requested and recei(ed from one of the professors
in your pre(iously attended academic institution. .owe(er, you might submit an additional
recommendation letter if your applying uni(ersity department requires two recommendation
letters. &n that case, you can submit all the recommendation letters to your +st institution. &f
you apply for this program (ia a Korean embassy and pass the )nd selection round, N&&/"
will send all your documents to your applying uni(ersities.
1). S!ould I 8rite do8n a $ecific $ro$oal in t!e tudy $lan&
&f you ha(e concrete ideas, it's much better you can ma8e a proposal in the study plan. &f you
don't ma8e a specific proposal, instead, you'd better state your goal, study plan, your future
direction, etc.
14. According to t!e Guideline% I !a"e to u(mit one original document $ac;age and
t!ree $!otoco$ied document $ac;age. :o8 can I $!otoco$y my trancri$t and
recommendation letter& <!ey are already ealed (y t!e iuing c!ool and t!e
1ou ha(e only to submit only the original document without the photocopied ones if a
specific document is ealed (y t!e iuing intitution or indi"idual.
The +
Selection institution is supposed to ma8e 0 photocopies of the sealed document and
send them to N&&/" after the +st selection. &f not, you must submit one original copy and
three photocopies, which must be certified to be the same as the original copy by the issuing
institution, the selection institution, or notary's offices.
-lease refer to the following guidelines7
/n case of submitting photocopied documents, applicants must submit the original to the
)st Selection /nstitution and have the original one and the photocopied one collated. -he
confirmation of collation should be indicated in the photocopied documents.
1,. If my document are not 8ritten in 1ngli! or in Korean% !o8 !ould I u(mit t!em&
KGS- requires that all documents must be translated into Korean or /nglish, and then be
authenticated by the issuing institution or by a notary's office. &f your country has =oined the
apostille system, your documents can be apostilled.
-lease refer to the following guidelines7
#ocuments should be presented in their original form. #ocuments not in 1nglish or
Korean must be accompanied by a complete 1nglish or Korean translation authenticated
by the issuing institution. :Guideline ++<
1/. I am =a$anee (ut I am 8or;ing in >ietnam. *ay I a$$ly for t!e $rogram t!roug!
t!e Korean 1m(ay in >ietnam&
Sorry, but you can't. 1ou should apply for the program through the Korean /mbassy in ?apan.
&n addition, the Korean diplomatic missions of the countries where scholarships are not
a(ailable are not empowered for selection of the candidates of the program.
14. I !a"e t!e ?!inee citi@en!i$. According to t!e Guideline% t!ere are only t!e
uni"erity #uota in ?!ina. <!erefore% !ould I a$$ly for t!e $rogram "ia t!e Korea
According to t!e mutual agreement (et8een Korea and ?!ina% ?!inee a$$licant
!ould u(mit t!eir a$$lication to ?!ina Sc!olar!i$ ?ouncil 2?S?3 affiliated with
inistry of /ducation in 4hina. 1ou can contact the person in charge in 4S4. :5ei=ing<.
?@ec! a$$licant !ould alo u(mit t!e a$$lication to t!eir *initry of 1ducation
according to t!e mutual agreement.
16. I am American li"ing in Ao Angele% Bnited State. I am going to a$$ly for t!e
$rogram "ia t!e Korea 1m(ay. :o8 !ould I u(mit my a$$lication to t!e 1m(ay in
5a!ington. +.?.&
Under the discussion between N&&/" and the /mbassy, you can submit your application to
your nearest Korea 4onsulate. &n case of you, you can submit it to the Korea 4onsulate in 2#.
/mbassy in @ashington and regional 4onsulates in the United States will cooperate to select
the prospecti(e candidates. &t's a(ailable only in the United States.
<Bni"erity Admiion>
17. 5!en I a$$ly for a mater' or doctoral $rogram% may I c!ooe any field of tudy in
my deired $rogram&
5asically, you can choose a field of study only listed in :niversity /nformation, and it should
be the same ma=or as your pre(ious degree course. 9or e'ample, it is recommended that you
apply for the economics program for your master's course if you ma=ored in economics in
your undergraduate course. &f you apply for a program that is totally different from the ma=or
field of study in your pre(ious degree course, you may not get admission to the program to
which you apply under the KGS-. @e strongly recommend that you ma8e inquiries to your
desired uni(ersity of the ma=or in ad(ance.
20. :o8 many maCor and uni"eritie can I a$$ly for admiion&
Dou !a"e to a$$ly for only one maCor in a uni"erity if you a$$ly "ia a dometic
uni"erity. En t!e ot!er !and% you !a"e to a$$ly for u$ to t!ree uni"eritie 2one maCor
for eac! uni"erity3 if you a$$ly for "ia a Korean em(ay.
-lease refer to these guidelines7
1ligible :niversities5 -he ;* listed universities or institutions" as designated by 2//1#.
Applicants including Korean adoptees" who apply for this program via Korean 1mbassies
must choose ( desired universities out of the ;* universities listed below.
Applicants who apply for this program via the designated universities may choose only )
desired university out of the ;* universities.
Available 3ields of Study5 Applicants must choose their desired fields of study from the
listed programs in the :niversity /nformation . :Guideline 0<
21. I am going to a$$ly for t!e $rogram "ia t!e Korea 1m(ay in my country.
A$$lication guideline ay t!at a$$licant !ould c!ooe u$ to ) $referred uni"eritie
and de$artment 2or maCor3. I !a"e no idea !o8 to c!ooe t!em. ?ould you gi"e me any
good ti$ for c!ooing my ) uni"eritie&
9or information on the uni(ersities a(ailable for )*+, KGS- scholars, you must refer to the
attachments named 'Guideline for 2014 KGSP Bni"erity Admiion' and '2014 KGSP
Bni"erity Information'. #fter reading them through, please contact and get consultation
from uni(ersity staff in charge of admissions. &t is ad(isable to choose uni(ersities suitable for
your abilities and disposition. Some uni"eritie are "ery com$etiti"e and many
candidate do not get admiion from t!oe uni"eritie. It i trongly recommended t!at
you !ould c!ooe t!ree different le"el of uni"eritie to a"oid not getting admiion
from any uni"erity. 9or reference, more than 0* graduate program candidates in )*+0 were
not accepted to our KGS- scholarship grantee finally due to the failure of getting admission.
<Korean Aanguage ?oure>
22. I it mandatory for all KGSP grantee to $a at leat Ae"el ) in <EPIK after one
year of Korean Aanguage ?oure&
<es, it is and this is mandatory. /f a grantee does not attain at least 0evel ( in -.P/K -est
of Proficiency in Korean" after one year of language course, he,she cannot start his,her
degree course and must ta9e an additional ; months' language course. /f he,she does not
get at least 0evel ( in -.P/K after the additional ; months' course, his,her scholarship will
be cancelled.
/n addition, the placement of Korean language institution is up to 2//1# with 2//1#'s
rules and standards . Scholars are supposed to stay at the dorm with a roommate during
Korean language learning period, and they are not allowed to change their Korean
language institution. -hus, scholars are not supposed to bring family members for their
language learning period.
2). ?an I (e e.em$ted from t!e Korean Aanguage ?oure&
&f you ha(e attained at 2e(el ; or 2e(el A in T!-&K, you can be e'empted from the language
course and you must start your degree course in the immediately coming semester under the
permission of N&&/" . 1ou can also recei(e +**,*** won as an additional scholarship e(ery
month only after starting your degree course.
<+egree ?oure>
24. *ay I c!ange my final c!oice of a uni"erity for a graduate degree during t!e
$reliminary Korean language coure&
No way. !nce the announcement of the final successful candidates has been made, changing
please pay attention and caution when choosing preferred uni(ersities and filling out the
application forms in which you should state your choice.
-lease refer to these guidelines7
<ranferring to a different uni"erity after confirming t!e !ot uni"erity i not
$ermitted in any cae. &n regards to changing ma=ors, it would be permitted only under
the mutual agreement of the departments concerned only within the same uni(ersity, with
the scholarship period unchanged. :) years of aster's, or 0 years of doctoral, in total<.
.owe(er, quitting a program and applying for a new one is not permitted. :Guideline ++<
2,. I it $oi(le to e.tend my c!olar!i$ for my diertation com$oition e"en after my
c!olar!i$ $eriod i terminated.
0o. Dou may not. Since )*+) :definitely )*+, KGS- graduate scholars<, all KGS- graduate
scholars cannot e'tend your scholarship after the termination of scholarship period :) years of
aster's, or 0 years of doctoral, e'cept the Korean language period<.
2014 GKS FAQ
< >
1. 2014 KGSP !" # $ %&'( ?
. GKS ! "#$% &'( )
*+, -./0, 1"#, 23$, "4$, !567$, MOU8-, ODA&9:; <= >?@ A
. B CD EFGH @ I 5J K L MNO PQ/0, F( RS 2014D KT ?5
U5J V/ W8 880XY.
2. )* + / ,+ -'. %/ 0'- . KGSP ,+ / 1+ # $ %&'( ?
#$ &'- . 23 )* 4 5 6/ 78) +9: %-; ( < => , D2 ?@
A BC@/ #D ) E FGHI #$ &'- .
Z[ , "\5J ]^ ]_ , Z != ?5 (?5 ) `aO b!=cdO ef @g
hi efj( klm ]_i @gn .
B , KGSP U5J lo ]_ , TOPIK 4 p = qr, s= !t uvO w ?:& uv
O w/x Z y&O zhi m { .
3. ,+: 2014 J 8 K L/M 2014 KGSP 1+ # $ %&'( ?
5 | ?5 U5J 6 } ~:5 `aFeX( w klx @g n
. Z[ `aFeX( kl U5J n : 2014D 8 31 y `ae
X( NIIED kl , Z[ m ]_ U5J = qA.

4. N5 ,+O -'. %/M , 2014 J 9 K ,+4P QO R0'- . 1+ #$ %
S ?
m . !! 2 H y ~:5( 8 31 w
x :! m . = ]_/ 2015D :! m {.
5. N5 GKS @?TUG )V + -'. %&'- . W XY B ,+ #$
%S ?
m . GKS _5J ?= .
6. NIIED G #*P ZG [\]" ^'( ?
. / 1 KT6& (y& KGSP 5?5 )+, klh n .
_`Sa bc :
NIIED y& kl@ ( 11;)
7. #* [\ de3: f[0'( ?
6 1 KT6& 2014D 3 | H ( n. Z[,
6O 6 h ( kl m h 1 KT6& - 2h n.
&9 Guidei!e }" #kl6" 2014D 3 @ y& I }?5 /
6 k"4 uv(#H) " 2014.4.11 ( 11;)
8. #*/ !gG [\h; ^'( ?
R 1 KT6& O h n. $1 KT6&= h ?:& B/ } ?5Y
. R ( klm 1 KT6&O -6 W ijk l2014 KGSP Graduat Gu!d"!#$ O
@mn o!pq r'- . Gu!d"!# Y GKS st:# (%%%.&tud'!#()ra.*).(r) .S {. H
. #* [\Y uv ) wO x]*2 yr'- .
9. zV ) 0{Y !g *|P [\r'( ?
h Y H KT {+, Y s @@ Y O w
, Z ?:&O zh ox A. Y W8 KT 25X KTn
10. f!y} ~* (! , )! )/ [\]q r'( ?
MSg%^ eX(TOE%&, IE&TS) Sg%^ eX(TOPIK)/ KGSP K:;=
:;= . Z[, Sg%eX =H @gn. Z[ kl / KT _K
KT+, ., 1 uv6&/ Sg% eX( U5J uvO h m H {.
, 2 n ?5 5O h Y5 @( om H 5!/ H, S5 g%O m
H {.
11. #* l Pr&)#a" Data$ V z (+ra#&,r!-t) / O w5r'( ?
h56 s GPA B/ ( 6x A. i 5E!O 4D 856, `a
x 856 GPA B/ ( ( ' ) 6x A. '/ s GPA B/
(, '/ i GPA B/ ( 6n.
F) 3.5'4.5 B/ 85'100
12. */ P [\]q r'( ?
#@/ wEzUG 1V *P [\r'-. Z uv/ =W 5 5" "+,E
w/ . Z0 3 ?5Y5W ?5+,E u@, uv( m Z ?5
u@ uv( klm H {.

13. 8 * z 8 (-r)-)&a") O =>]q r'( ?
F, 8 5a' H ?8 5a' kh n. , 5a
', Z 5a ' <O kx A.
14. # *| [\ k E 1 +E 3 P [\h" ! %/M , z~* */
! +h [\r'( ?
Tpw # | # (eX I uv < )/ s 1 Ei klx A . Z[x 1 KT
6& U5J ( KT , Z KT #( 3E H :h NIIED, E m
Y. Z . #/ s= 3E : s! klh n. Z
:s s! O eX/ s? eXO 1 KT6& B/ ye: w n

15. *| ! 6/ )!G ! %# Y B/ ! [\r'( ?
#@ MS B/ S, .S { ]_/ O h , s= s!
O eX/ yeO y& B/ ye:( zh w n. 23 ] l=T
(a$otille3 $ 0; =T ~ ~O Qq r'- .

&9 Guidei!e }" # #/ MS S, .S { ]_ B/ M2 yes
O kl ( 11;)
16. W/ 3E z:#2 N5 * h. %&'- . #*P + [\]" ^'( ?
@gn. y&O zh m ]_ {/ ?:& h n. x,
o @ ?:& U5J = . x, Z ?:& U5J KT= .
17. W/ zV #@0'- . V B/ 2 %/M , H %/ )+ #
O r'( ?
. | ! $ h | "4E #( - 1 KTH .S {.
Z[, #@Y <V Tw4 (./!#a S,/)"ar&/!- .)u#,!", ( B )),
h n. " 3h <* 1 O hG <G *|P [\]q
r'- .
18. W/ - 01 h. %/ -#@0'- . O x] : FGHI #h. YM , # *
|P V )+ [\]q r'( ?
P ]_/ t@ 6 2 6 {/ M:& #( klx A
. {/ ?:& M:&! $ #( m Y.
19. ,+ 1+ # $ ! q# # $ %&'( ?
NIIED st:#(/tt-://%%%.&tud'!#()ra.*).(r) 5) l2#!3r&!t' I#4)r5at!)#$ [
*2 #$ %&'-. 5!/ s 5! Wy! WyO n. F( R
S, 5E ]k5O yE ]_ ~:! ]k5O K n. Z +x ?5+,E Y
5@( w m @ {. Wy K ?h/ / ?5 5! O
20. 0O 4h V # $ %&'( ?
} ?5O zh / / ( kl/ ?5! Z ?5 ky/ Wyi
Km {. y&O zh / / U!i(e)*i+, I!-.)/0+i.!1 {/ ?5 | 3 ?
5 ., ?5, Wyi Km {. } d Guidei!eO 6
@g ?5 " k"4 (= NIIED )= K 20 ?5
y&(Y )O zh / / 3 ?5O K 6 kl, 2
(NIIED :) n Z 3 ?5 Y5:( w/.
?5O zh / / ?5 | 1 ?5i K Z ?5 ( kl, 2
(NIIED :) n Z ?5 Y5= .
" 20 ?5 EU5J W 52,, / GKS
=(333.*+ud,i!4.)e0.5..4)) U!i(e)*i+, I!-.)/0+i.! O 6 ). /
U!i(e)*i+, I!-.)/0+i.! < ?5R! Z ?5R 5!i h
( 3;)
21. W/ O x]* : FGHI #h. r'- . : O 3 (# O ]q h/M , !
h/ : O(S ?
y&O z / / ?5 K ( h n. KGSP U5J 2 W n
?5 Y5@( h/ . Y5 n 406H PQ n. Z[,
?5i K/ ^n. 2013D ]_ ?5i @ Y
5@( w h U5J 5JH = {. Z ?5 | WyY
. s= & {/ ?5 =( 2t ?5 - Wy ? Q(
d ?5O K6 ).
22. KGSP Y )! ijk +6PIK 3 A :O ]q r'( ?
b:;Y. i 1D S H TOPIK(Te*+ .- P).-i7ie!7, i! K.)e0!) 3pO qr
m / 5! 5m +, 2 u@ S( w n. 2 u@ S
H TOPIK 3 p =O qr x U5J= qA .
B, )!wY 12 V w , NIIED h , )!wY B$
&'- . )!w / `z )!P 4] iO #h , w
V w+ O UG r'- .

23. )!P ;[QO %S ?
# k :- +6PIK 5A Y 6AO ) B/ )! P ;[ Q. ZG 9K kh/
4O k]q2 r'-.
B, S | TOPIK 5p =O qr DH 3E S( xkwO {.
S( xkw/ ]_ NIIED @( S ), 5! 5h n. 6) 4
+6PIK 5 A : @/ 100,000 V O QO %&'- .
24. 2014 J" UG 4 O B$ %&'( ?
B$ &'- . 5! ?5 U5J+, n j ? ]m . , 5!
/ ?5 } =W5! o5! 1 ?5 @( O ]_i ]m {
25. 4 O 4h wO $ %&'( ?
(2012DH) 2012DH ?5U5JE 5! j U56 UO m
. (20145DH ?5U5J 8U56U@)

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