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Name : Mr Foo Chuat Meng
HP : 014-3012873
Time to call - Fridays to Sundays - 8pm to 10 pm
ID : 8253104
PW : Skills
Name : Ms. Jasmine
HP : 012 473 - 6961
By t he end of t hi s uni t , you shoul d be abl e
1. Explain the background and set-up of WOU.
2. Explain the objectives of setting up WOU.
3. Describe the characteristic of traditional learners.
4. Describe the characteristic of open distance learners.
5. Explain the benefits of ODL.
6. Make a comparison between distance and traditional
7. Explain the mental attitudes which an ODL student should
8. Apply the various modes of learning for ODLers.
To develop and enhance a set of attitudes leading to successful and
independent lifelong learning in ODL environment.
To learn effectively
Manage stress and time
prepare for tutorial sessions
Write assignments
Make short oral presentations
Prepare various types of assessments
Manage WawasanLearn in WOU
Use electronic library
Search for information via various sources, resources
Use evaluation criteria to select the most accurate,
relevant and credible data.
By the end of the course, you should be able to:
1. Develop strategies for utilising WOUs website,
learning management system and the digital library.
2. Explain the various modes of open distance learning
3. Apply effective learning and stress management
styles to manage their studies & personal lives
4. Demonstrate skills and strategies they can use
to handle various types of exam questions &
test anxiety.
5. Use appropriate academic writing and oral presentation
(OP) techniques.
By the end of this section, you should be able to:
1. Describe how to access the WOU website.
2. Identify the main features available on the WOU
Access WOU website via Internet.
Internet = a network of networks, linking computer to
Internet = also the transport vehicle for the info stored in
files or documents on another computer.
Services used by computers WWW or Web
Web created in 1989 by European Particle Lab in Geneva,
To access website need a client program Browser
Common Browser Mozilla, Internet Explorer (IE) and
Main purpose of Web = to organise and make available
widely scattered resources within easy reach of the
computer user.
Info on Web organised into web pages
Web pages different kinds of info
Some web pages contain text (chracters) others
graphics ( text & pix or illustrations0
More sophiscated web pages multimedia based, have
animation, sound and video images.
Website = a collection of related web pages, just like a
book that has many pages.
The most outstanding element of Web = have links to other
resources. Called hyperlinks
When hyperlinks are clicked the browser jumped from one
page to another web page or doc in a completely different
Web = library
Millions of websites = the books in a library
You can only visit one website at a time.
Today website disseminate info on just about anything-
making info freely available to anyone and everyone.
Info can be on education, art, music, history or culture.
Even website on jokes
Via Mozilla Firefox click on it
Or click on the start icon, locate All Programs & search for
Mozilla Firefox.
This will take you to WOU Web Portal
Another way is IE & type the WOU url
1. Look at the main page
2. Look at all the icons, links and texts displayed here.
3. Click on My WOU Portal ( bottom right) is the WOU
student Portal the WOU learner.
4. What is a Portal ?
5. Portal = the door to a website to online library, web
search facilities, email, chat rooms, news updates and
links to other websites.
6. Portal= door to a new world of lifelong learning.
1. On t he r i ght , t her e i s a shor t desc r i pt i on of
WOU. What c an you gat her about t he r ol e of
WOU f r om t he desc r i pt i on?
I t says t hat WOU of f er s wor k i ng peopl e a
chanc e t o st udy f ur t her. WOU i s not a pr of i t
mak i ng or gani sat i on. I t emphasi ses qual i t y
educ at i on and i s al so ac t i vel y i nvol ved i n open
di st anc e educ at i on at t he i nt er nat i onal l evel .
2. Whi ch of t he f eat ur es i n t he WOU websi t e t el l s
you about :
a. t he benef i t of bei ng an open di st anc e l ear ner :
ODL What s That ?
b. t he gr adi ng syst em used by WOU f or your
t est s and ex ami nat i ons:
FAQ Ex ami nat i on
C. semest er st r uc t ur e used by WOU :
St udy w i t h us Al l you need t o k now
d. What t he WOU l ogo means:
New s Room Logo r at i onal e
e. Ac c r edi t at i on of t he WOU c our ses:
FAQ Degr ee pr ogr ammes
Web r ef er enc e
ht t p://w w w.l i b.ber kel ngLi b/Gui des.I nt
er net /I nvi si bl ml
I n t hi s sec t i on, you l ear nt how t o ac c ess t he
WOU websi t e. Websi t es pr ovi de ac c ess t o
var i ous ser vi c es and r esour c es and t hey ar e
avai l abl e r ound-t he-cl ock . Si mi l ar l y, t he WOU
websi t e, as desc r i bed i n t hi s sec t i on, i s equi pped
w i t h var i ous r esour c es and ser vi c es t o enabl e
you t o bec ome a mor e ef f i c i ent and suc c essf ul
l ear ner.
By the end of this section, you should be able to:
1. Identify the role of the LMS in ODL.
2. Use the main functions in the WOU LMS.
As an ODL you need t he suppor t of var i ous
r esour c es t o hel p you pr ogr ess.
That i s t he LMS.
ODL = a l ear ni ng pr oc ess or syst em i n w hi ch t he
t eac her i s separ at ed geogr aphi c al l y or i n t i me
f r om hi s or her st udent .
Lear ni ng ac hi eved vi a t he i mpl ement at i on of
c omput er and el ec t r oni c t echnol ogy t o c onnec t
t eac her and l ear ner as w hen r equi r ed, i n ei t her
r eal t i me (synchr onous) or del ayed t i me (
async hr onous)
The LMS = a sof t war e pack age t hat al l ow s t he
management and del i ver y of c ont ent and
r esour c es t o st udent s.
The LMS t echnol ogy an i nt egr al par t of t eachi ng
and l ear ni ng i n ODL c os i t i s ex t r emel y f l ex i bl e
i n i t s c ust omi sat i on and i t s abi l i t y t o suppor t
mul t i pl e l ear ni ng envi r onment s.
Most LMS ar e web-based and l ear ner s abl e t o
ac c ess anyt i me and anyw her e
LMS al l ow st udent s sel f -ser vi c e f ac i l i t at i ng
r egi st r at i on f or c our ses & pr ovi di ng ac c ess t o
c our se mat er i al s.
Even c an f i nd vi r t ual l i ve cl asses and r esour c es-
book s & i nst r uc t or s.
Vi a LMS, l ear ner s abl e t o r ead c our se mat er i al s,
c ompl et e assessment s, qui zzes and t est s f r om
t he c onveni enc e of t hei r PC w hi l e c ont r i but i ng t o
l i ve di sc ussi on f or ums and chat sessi ons.
I n ODL, t he LMS pr ovi des a pl ac e:-
1. For l ear ner s ex pr essi on.
2. To c onnec t w i t h ot her l ear ner s.
3. To di al ogue w i t h t he t ut or and Cour se Coor di nat or.
4. To seek ment or i ng and l i ve hel p.
5. For c ont ent i nt er ac t i on among l ear ner s and/or t ut or and Cour se
Coor di nat or. (CC)
The function of the WOU LMS - WawasanLearn
LMS in WOU = WawasanLearn
It stores your course website where all the info
concerning your course is located.
It guides your learning & complements your tutorial
sessions by making available varied and additional
learning opportunities.
wawasanLearn also provides a platform to connect to
the teaching ( tutors & cc) & learning community (
learners from all over the country) at WawasanLearn
help enrich and accelerate your learning experience at
made available forum where you interact with tutors, CC
& course mates. ( not only from your centre but also from
other centres as well)
where you have the opportunity to discuss, collaborate,
and brainstorm with all of them.
provides you with info & resources to help you complete
and/ or submit assignments & quizzes.
Ther e ar e 2 mai n t ypes of f or um:-
(a) Lear ni ng For um
(b) Gener al For um
1. Announc ement f r om CC Thi s f or um on l at est
c our se announc ement s, c our se mat er i al s &
c our se r el at ed i nf o & updat ed by CC.-ver y
essent i al t o your l ear ni ng.
2. Announc ement f r om Tut or :- Thi s f or um on
l at est t ut or i al annouc ement updat ed by t ut or.
Cour se r el at ed i nf o f or t ut or i al cl asses
announc ed her e.
3. Tut or Cont ac t Det ai l s Thi s f or um updat ed by
t ut or. Each t ut or post s hi s/her c ont ac t number &
avai l abl e t i me f or t ut or i ng her e.
4. Publ i c For um Thi s f or um c an be post ed by
anyone enr ol l ed i n t he c our se f or di sc ussi on on
gener al i ssues. Not t o use t o ask f or spec i f i c
det ai l s about TMA or c our se c ont ent . Use cl ass
t ut or i al f or um.
5. Tut or i al For um A f or um t hat st udent s & t ut or
c an use t o post /c ommuni c at e w i t h each ot her t o
di sc uss t ut or i al spec i f i c i ssues such as quer i es on
TMA. I t al so f or seek i nganswer s or cl ar i f i c at i on t o
i ssues, doubt s or any quest i ons r el at ed t o c our se
c ont ent as wel l .
As a new l ear ner, you may have quest i ons or
doubt s t hat you woul d l i ke t o shar e w i t h your
t ut or i al mat es. Wr i t e dow n quest i ons or doubt s on
t he ar eas w hi c h you woul d l i ke f eedbac k on i n t he
l ear ni ng f or um.
Sampl e quest i on : Some of you may even wor k on
Sat ur days and Sundays, so how ar e you goi ng t o
f i nd t i me t o st udy?
There may be questions or issues that you may want to
get more info on or discuss with your course mates from
the other Regional Office. Write down one question or
topic that you would like feedback on.
Sample question : Do you think 21 weeks is enough to
cover all the materials?
You ar e r equi r ed t o c ompl et e 2 t ut or -mar ked
assi gnment s (TMAs)
WawasanLear n i s one avenue t o submi t t hese
You must submi t TMAs onl i ne.
Feedback on gr ades or c omment s w i l l be gi ven
l at er.
I f you have any quest i ons or c omment s on t he
TMAs, you c an al ways post on t he cl ass t ut or i al
f or um.
Ther e i s al ways a deadl i ne f or submi t t i ng TMAs
& w i l l be st at ed i n t he c our se websi t e.
You c an answer qui zzes di r ec t l y on t he c our se
websi t e onc e or mor e.
WawasanLear n al so pr ovi des you suppor t i n
t er ms of r esour c es you need t o easi l y vi ew t he
c our se mat er i al s. E.g Ac r obat r eader
Anot her r esour c e ar e t he l i nk s t o ex t er nal web
r ef er enc es.
I n t hi s sec t i on, you l ear nt about t he
f unc t i ons of t he LMS. At WOU, t he LMS
w hi ch i s k now n as WawasanLear n makes
avai l abl e var i ous r esour c es t hat al l ow you
t o f ur t her suppl ement and i mpr ove your
ODL ex per i enc e. I t al so host s your c our se
websi t es t hr ough w hi ch you c an get i nf o
on ever yt hi ng r el at ed t o your c our se.
1. In your own words, explain what a
learning management system or
LMS is
It is a software that helps to
manage various learning
resources and distribute information
to students
2. Desc r i be t hr ee ways t he LMSc an hel p
you as an open di st anc e l ear ner.
a. Communi c at e w i t h t ut or i al /c our se mat es,
t ut or s and Cour se Coor di nat or s.
b. Submi t assi gnment s.
c . Get t he l at est c our se r el at ed i nf or mat i on.
3. Name one difference between the
discussion board and the public forum.
a. Discussion board communicate with
tutorial mates.
b. Public forum communicate with
course mates from other Regional
4. You have a doubt c onc er ni ng one of t he
sel f -t est quest i ons i n a Lear ni ng Sk i l l s uni t .
Desc r i be how you c an use t he LMS t o hel p
you t o cl ear t hi s doubt .
You c an post your doubt ei t her i n t he
Di sc ussi on Boar d or Publ i c For um. Emai l
t he t ut or or Cour se Coor di nat or t o
cl ar i f y t he quest i on.
Obj ec t i ves:
By t he end of t hi s sec t i on, you shoul d be abl e t o:
1. Di sc uss t he i mpor t anc e of di gi t al l i br ar i es i n
open di st anc e l ear ni ng.
2. Appl y var i ous st r at egi es f or usi ng t he WOU
Di gi t al Li br ar y.
1. Traditional libraries buildings books, journals &
printed materials & you need to move from shelves to
2. Digital Libraries( DL) = the libraries in the
3. DL defined as a collection of texts, images etc
encoded to enable it to be stored, retrieved & read by
you thru your computer.
4. Within WOUs portal you will gain access to several
DL opened round-the-clock.
1. You c an ac c ess i t w henever you ar e
2. Ever yone has ac c ess t o t he DLs.
3. The r esour c es ar e avai l abl e al l t he t i me.
4. Resour c es ar e avai l abl e synchr onousl y or
async hr onousl y.
5. I t pr ovi des a st r uc t ur ed appr oach t o l oc at i ng
i nf o.
6. I t enabl es easy r et r i eval of i nf o.
7. The book s ar e al ways wel l -pr eser ved.
8. You c an c r eat e your ow n vi r t ual book shel f.
9. You c an net wor k .
The WOU DL MyDi gi t aLi br ar y c ont ai ns vai ous
el ec t r oni c r esour c es e.g. el ec t r oni c dat abases,
j our nal s and book s subc r i bed by t he l i br ar y &
el ec t r oni c r esour c es i n t he I nt er net .
MyDi gi t aLi br ar y pr ovi des l i nk s t o:
1. El ec t r oni c r esour c es
2. Vi r t ual r ef er enc e r esour c es
3. Di gi t al c ont ent
4. Li br ar y r esear c h gui de
5. Subj ec t gui des
6. Pl agi ar i sm and usi ng Tur ni t i n.c om
7. Ci t at i on gui des Chi c ago Manual of St yl e
8. Pat r on r ec or d sec t i on of t he Li br ar y c at al ogue
enabl e r egi st er ed WOU st udent s & st af f t o chec k
t hei r bor r ow i ng & f i l es r ec or d.
What do we mean by el ec t r oni c r esour c es ?
- I nt er net -based or onl i ne ver si ons of pr i nt ed
j our nal s, new spaper s, book s & ot her mat er i al s.
- a l ot of advant ages be r ead anyw her e, no
mi ssi ng or t or n pages.
- Di sadvant ages? Compr ehensi veness
el ec t r oni c r esour c es do not dat e as f ar back as
pr i nt ed mat er i al s.
- To make e-r esour c es wor k f or you, you need t o
k now t he best way t o use t hem.
- Shoul d ex pl or e ot her I nt er net r esour c es &
t r adi t i onal c ol l ec t i ons at WOU Li br ar y t o
suppl ement your sear ch.
MyDi gi t aLi br ar y c an ac c ess f r om any c omput er
w i t h I nt er net 24 X 7 r egar dl ess of your l oc at i on.
1. ACM Di gi t al Li br ar y (e-j our nal )
2. Book s 24 x 7 ( e-book )
3. Ebr ar y (e-book )
4. Ebc ohost (e-book and e-j our nal )
5. Emer al d Management (e-j our nal )\
6. J STOR Ar t & Sc i enc es Col l ec t i ons (e-j our nal )
7. NSTP New s & I mage Bank
8. Ox f or d Educ at i on Di c t i onar y (e-r ef er enc e)
9. Ox f or d Ref er enc e Onl i ne (e-r ef er enc e)
10. Pr oQuest Educ at i on Jour nal s (e-j our nal )
11. Pr oQuest Theses & Di sser t at i ons (e-t heses)
(For mor e-
ht t p://woul i br ar i br ar y/f i ndi ng_mydi
gi t al l i br ar y.aspx )
MyDigitaLibrary makes available e-journals.
Journals = periodicals presenting articles on a particular
subject such as Mathematics, business studies or info
You need to go to A-Z listing of electronic journals to find
the list subscribed by the Library.
You gain access you need WOU authentication.
Some articles in PDF format.
Now that you are an open distance learner, describe how you plan
to use the DL for:
1. doing your TMAs
Getting additional information from reference materials.
Checking information that I already have.
2. Preparing for your tutorials
Reading up on the topic or getting additional reading
materials on the topic.
3. doing your revision
Trying exercises or self-tests that may be found in the
reference books in the library.
This section discussed the role of DLs in ODL. As a learner
pursuing a university degree via ODL, you need various
resources and these are made available via DL. To help you
further, this section also explained the strategies for using the
By the end of this section, you should be able to:
1. Define what a search strategy is.
2. Describe the three main search strategies.
When you ask others for info to
find what you need, you are
actually employing a very simple
form of search strategy.
A strategy = a plan of action to be used to achieve a
certain goal
An important goal = to search for info.
You make use of search strategy which are techniques
or methods for getting the info you want as fast as
There are three main sources of info available online:
2. DLs
3. Internet
What i s a l i br ar y c at al ogue?
a sear ch & di sc over y t ool t hat hel ps you l oc at e
t he Li br ar ys onl i ne & pr i nt c ol l ec t i ons i n a si ngl e
sear c h.
al so pr ovi des l i nk s t o a f ul l -t ex t of book s &
ot her e-r esour c es pur chased by t he l i br ar y.
c an be used t o check your bor r ow i ng r ec or d or
t o r eser ve book s w hi ch ar e out on l oan.
WOU Li br ar y c at al ogue i s k now n as
MyCat al ogue . Wher e i s i t l oc at ed?
Usi ng Myc at al ogue t o l oc at e l i bar ar y mat er i al s
To k now t he ex ac t l oc at i on of l i br ar y mat er i al s,
you w i l l need t o k now t he f ol l ow i ng:
how t o use MyCat al ogue ef f ec t i vel y
how t o mani pul at e t he r esul t s
how t o i nt er pr et t he r ec or ds
Remember t hat f i ndi ng t he r i ght mat er i al s w i l l be easy onc e
you k now how.
Bel ow a sampl e of a WOU l i br ar y book r ec or d af t er a
sear ch.
Yousearched WOU Library Catalogue Title:business law
Total Requests 0 Unsatisfied Request 0
Call Number KD1629 K26 2005
I SBN 0582893976
Author Keenan, Denis J
Title Business law/ Dennis J keenan and Sarah
Publication Harlow : Pearson/ Longman, 2005
Edition 7
Material I nformation xxx,604p:I I I : 25cm
Added Author Sara Riches
Subject Business law
Subject Business law- Wales
When sear chi ng t he MyCat al ogue , t her e ar e
t hr ee sear ch met hods.
The basi c sear ch i s show n on t he WOU Li br ar y
web page (l ook t o t he r i ght of t he web page).
To ac c ess t he Advanc ed Sear ch and Ex per t , cl i c k
on MyCat al ogue ( l ook t o t he l ef t of t he web
The f i r st sear ch we w i l l l ook at i s Basi c
sear ch. An ex ampl e of Basi c sear ch f or t he
aut hor Ronal d W. Fr y.
Key i n t he wor d Fr y, Ronal d i n t he Sear ch
Ter ms c ol umn. Sel ec t t he l i br ar y l oc at i on.
I f you w i sh t o f i l t er by l oc at i on, Then cl i ck
t he wor d Sear ch.
The following is the results for the above search.
Usi ng t he basi c sear ch met hod, l oc at e t i t l es f or :
1. St udy sk i l l s
St udy Sk i l l St r at egi es by Uel ai ne Langef el d
2. Wor d pr oc essi ng
Det ai l s! Det ai l s! Tai l or i ng Mac ( and ot her ) Wor d
Pr oc essi ng Out put by Beck y Wr i ght
The second method is Expert Search. In the
second column, key in the word
management drury as follows:
1. Here you learn how to conduct an advanced search
using boolean operators.
2. Operators are commands used to combine keywords
to broaden or narrow the results of a search.
3. Combining terms using operators is sometimes called
Boolean searching.
4. A Boolean operators broadens a search by synonyms
or alternate terms
5. Boolean operators are words AND, OR, NOT , which
are used to connect search terms
AND : nar r ow s a sear ch by r equi r i ng t hat bot h
t er ms be pr esent .
OR : br oadens a sear ch by i nc or por at i ng
synonyms or al t er nat e t er ms
NOT: nar r ow s a sear ch by excl udi ng t er ms.
Quest i on mar k : Use a quest i on mar k (?) t o
desi gnat e a si ngl e char ac t er. Use t wo quest i on
mar k s t o desi gnat e t wo char ac t er s, and so f or t h.
Ho? Wi l l r et r i eve hop, hog, hot , et c
P?st - past , pest , post et c
W??en women, woven, w i den, et c
Ast er i sk : Use an ast er i sk (* ) t o desi gnat e a si ngl e
char ac t er. Use t wo quest i on mar k s t o desi gnat e
t wo c har ac t er s.
I f you t ype Mar w i t h an ast er i sk l i ke t hi s Mar * you
w i l l r et r i eve mar ket , mar ket i ng, mar ket pl ac e,
mar gi n, mar at hon, et c .
I f you t ype St * s w i l l r et r i eve st at i st i c s, st at es,
st at ement s, et c
1. Do a Bool ean sear ch on t he f ol l ow i ng
t opi c s and w r i t e dow n t he r esul t s of your
sear ch i n t he spac e pr ovi ded.
a. Wr i t i ng and sk i l l
Col l ege Wr i t i ng w i t h r eadi ngs by John
b. st udy sk i l l s or l ear ni ng sk i l l s
St udy Sk i l l s f or Open Di st anc e Lear ni ng by
Open Uni ver si t y of Hong Kong
c . Resear ch met hods not st at i st i c s
Busi ness Resear ch Met hods by Donal d R.
Cooper and Pamel a S. Schi ndl er
2. Now t r y doi ng a sear ch f or t he f ol l ow i ng:
a. Co?t
Cost Cost Ac c ount i ng
b. Psy *
Psychol ogy Educ at i onal Psychol ogy
c . G?i on
Gl obal i sat i on- Et hi c s of Gl obal i sat i on
Apar t f r om t he DL, t her e ar e al so t wo addi t i onal
l i br ar i es you c an use as a l ear ner at WOU.
The f i r st i s t he mai n l i br ar y l oc at ed at WOU
headquar t er s.
The sec ond i s i n your Regi onal Cent r es.
When viewing individual records in the library catalogue, you will find a
Location Call number Barcode Status
HQLibrary HD30.28.D245 2003 0000004135 Available
RC Ipoh KPG856L477 0000011464 Due 9/12/2014
RCJ B KPG856 A135 2005 0000013656 Available
RCKL HD70 M4 8976 2012 0000021322 Available
RCKC HF5415.12AB L38 2007 0000006146 Due 4/28/2014
To l oc at e t he di spl ayed i t em i n t he l i br ar y:
1. Check w het her t he i t em st at us i s avai l abl e.
2. Copy t he Cal l Number i nf or mat i on.
3. Loc at e t he book on t he shel f. The c al l number i s gener al l y
t aped t o t he bot t om of t he spi ne of each book or i n t he c ase
of t hi n book , at t he bot t om l ef t hand c or ner of t he book .
The l i br ar y uses t he Li br ar y of
Congr ess Cl assi f i c at i on Scheme t o
assi gn c al l number t o al l book s and
ot her l i br ar y mat er i al s. Exc ept f or
WOU c our se mat er i al s and ver t i c al
f i l e c ol l ec t i on.
A call number is a sequence of letters and
numbers used to identify the subject matter of a
particular item.
It is used to determine the location of an item on
the shelves.
How to read call numbers?
When reading Call Numbers, take note of the
Book Ti t l e: Li near al gebr a; a moder n i nt r oduc t i o
Aut hor : Davi d Pool e
Cal l Number : QA184.2.P821 2006
QA ---- The f i r st l i ne c onsi st s of l et t er s t hat
r epr esent t he gener al subj ec t of t he i t em
184.2 The sec ond l i ne i s al ways a w hol e number
f r om 1-9,999 and t hese number s r epr esent t he
spec i f i c t opi c of t he i t em. The number s 184.2
r epr esent al gebr a, l i near.
P821 The t hi r d l i ne r epr esent s t he c ut t er number
assi gned t o t he aut hor of t he book .
2006 The f our t h l i ne may be a year of publ i c at i on
or vol ume number. I n t hi s c ase 2006 r epr esent
t he year t he book was publ i shed.
Book s ar e shel ved al phabet i c al l y ac c or di ng t o t he
l et t er on t he f i r st l i ne
When book s have mor e t han one l et t er, t he si ngl e
l et t er ed book s ar e f i r st on t he shel f (t o t he l ef t )
f ol l owed by t hose w i t h doubl e l et t er s. E.g. i n t he H
sec t i on, t he or der woul d be H, HB, HF, HV et c .
The Library of Congress (LC) classification
system organises books and other
materials by subject, to make it easier for
you to browse the shelves for materials on
a specific topic.
For more info:
A DL houses el ec t r oni c book s e-book s
You c an dow nl oad & save t hem on your
c omput er
You need st r at egi es t o l oc at e t hem.
You must l ear n t he c or r ec t way of sear c hi ng t he
el ec t r oni c r esour c es t o i mpr ove t he ef f i c i ency of
your sear ches.
Some points to bear in mind
Computers searches best when you have very specific
Remember a successful computer search of databases
depends on your familiarity with the:
search topic
contents and format of the database.
search and display commands
Internet search startegies differs from OPAC search
strategies and DL search techniques.
OPAC and DL search strategies are more strictured since
we searching for the specific titles.
There are two important steps in a successful search
1. Know your topic
2. Know your Internet Search Tools the various search
tools you need. There are search engines, meta search
engines and subject directories.
If you know the web address you go
directly there.
Just type the URL address, press enter,
and you are directly linked to the site.
Browse thru the various pages of the
website. Select the links, click on them &
you are taken to other pages and topics.
Some of t he most popul ar sear ch engi nes ar e
Googl e (w w w.googl e.c om), Yahoo, Ex al ead, et c .
In a meta-search engine, you submit keywords in its search
box, and it transmit your search simultaneously to several
individual search engines and their data bases of web
Within a few seconds, you get back results. E,g kartoo
(www . and Dogpile (
are organised into categories with each
category containing links to various other sub-
An invaluable strategy in open distance
learning to source for information.
is a collection of data arranged for ease
and speed of search and retrieval.
There are lots of free databases of
reference material on specialised topics.
A newsgroup is an area on a computer
network, especially topic, for example :
read messages posted on newsgroup that
discuss latest mobile phones.
Some search engines provide a service
called Ask a Question.
Yahoo for e.g. has Ask Yahoo service
The Oxford Dictionary of English, 2
(revised) 2005 defines a blog as a personal
website on which an individual records
opinion, links to other sites, etc.
Blogs offer alternative viewpoints on news
and other subjects.
Now go back to the topic you chose earlier.
Choose any three tools (meta search engine, DLs
or blogs) discussed above and locate info on the
topic Open Distance Education. Write down the
tools you used in the left-handed column and the
info in the right-hand column. Once you have
cmpleted your search, compare the results you
obtained with your course mates who used the
same tools.
Tools I nformation
For further info on the topic you have just read,
you may refer to the following websites:
The three main sources of info online
are OPAC, DLs & the Internet. Each of
these sources requires different search
strategies. This section discussed the
search strategies related to these three
online info sources.
In this unit of Learning Skills, you learnt all about
the WOU website, where important resources to
assist you in this distance learning programme
are housed.
These include WawasanLearn and
Apart from knowing what resources there are, you
also learnt appropriate strategies such as OPAC
and internet search that will enable you to retrieve
info or materials more easily for your learning.
As an open distance learner, it is important
that you learn how to carry out the different
types of search discussed in this unit.
They will be very useful especially when you
read up for tutorials, complete assignments or
do your revision.
1. Has 2 questions. Q1 requires you to reflect on the
topic while Q2 is taken from Unit 1 WOUs website
and basic search.
2. Q1 an essay of about 350 words. Q2 answering a
question based on Unit 1 in about 600 words. Both
answers must be double spaced, using Times New
Roman and Font 12.
3. An individual assignment. Do not plagiarise.
4. Submit using OAS system correctly and in timely
5. TMA 1 deadline = Friday, 6
Sept 2014
2400 hours.
6. TMA 1 = 20 % towards the total course
7. Submit to Turnitin to generate an
Originality Report you can refer. A
similarity index of 30 % and above
may justify you to review your TMA.
8. Before you submit, zip TMA in Microsoft Word
format. You do not have to attach Turnitin indexs
Question 1 (40%)
Write an essay on the factors you had to consider
before deciding to join WOU and the challenges
you anticipate as a person who is working and
studying at the same time.
In your essay, include three factors you had to
consider before joining as well as three challenges
you anticipate as a person who is working and
studying at the same time.
Discuss the benefits of digital libraries in Open Distance
Learning (ODL).
Your answers to both Q1 and Q2 must have an
introduction and a conclusion.
Is important for you to cite and quote appropriately.
Remember to list your sources on the reference Page at
the end of your essay. You must at least have 2 sources
for Q1 and 4 sources for Q2. You should use these
references when you do in-text citations in your essay.
Use the Chicago Style of referencing.
For further info on how to do proper
referencing, please refer to the first page
of WawasanLearn of this course. A power
point file on how to write referencs by Mr.
Pan Kok keong has been uploaded there.
The WOU library site also has a detailed
write up on how to do citations and

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