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Mark Allen D.

Bo Productions and
Operations Management
IV Marketing Management Ms.
Milagros R. Ricanor
Productivity is about the effective and efficient use of all resources. Resources include
time, people, knowledge, information, finance, equipment, space, energy, materials.
For the country:
Productivity enables the government to do more for the people and the economy:
Ugrading the infrastructure
Cleaning up the environment
Providing more and better social services
Providing better care for the poor, disabled and others.

For orgn!"t!on":
Creating employment and advancement opportunities
nvesting in advanced technology
Providing better pay and working environments for employees
ncreasing contributions to society with a higher ta! quantum
"nhancing support for social causes
For !n#!$!#u%":
#ob security
$etter opportunities
$etter wages
%reater social mobility
$etter quality of life
&o not waste scarce resources
o 'i! leaking taps
o (urn off lights
Productivity can never be left to chance
Plan your day
Capitalism and productivity works hand in hand. )ook at the distant cousin of
communism who abandoned productivity* indirectly discarded away the principle,
fundamental patience of value creation, and socially accountable to individual +
Mark Allen D. Bo Productions and
Operations Management
IV Marketing Management Ms.
Milagros R. Ricanor
-owever, capitalism in modern conte!t of quarterly R. has been eroded to
personal greeds in the not so recent financial melt down in finance sectors and
countries at large. $y reflecting the short history of productivity and the future of value/
added society activities , from sweat shop era to intellectual properties0 services era, we
see the relevance to the vitality of Capitalism in many years to come.
12 is workplace organi,ation methodology developed in #apan and primarily used in
)ean manufacturing. (he name comes from a list of five #apanese words starting with
the letter 324.
2eiri 5 2orting.
2eiton 5 2et everything in order.
2eisi 5 2hining or cleaning.
2eiketsu 5 2tandardi,e.
2hitsuke 5 2ustain.
'irst things need to be as first. 6ou don7t want to improve something that is not
needed into your daily working routine. 8s a first you need to start with the Se!r!' sort
everything around you in your workplace. 2orting means to find everything around you
and eliminate everything that you don7t need in your work.
(hen you eliminate everything that you don7t need, and you know how important a
specific item that you need is, you can start making order (Se!ton)* 9ake a place for
everything and everything should be in its own place ensuring easy availability when
you need specific items.
:ow, when you eliminate everything that you don7t need, everything has their own
place, and everything is in its own place you have much better workplace around you.
:e!t thing that you will need is cleaning routine (Se!"!)* Clean work environment is
much more productive than disorgani,ed and dirty workplace.
(hen you know what you need, where it needs to be placed and how to keep things
organi,ed and clean you need to standardi,e that work practices (Se!+et"u)* (his
methodology is not one/time show that you will implement and forget. 6ou need to
standardi,e practices from the first three 2 into your working daily routine. n such a
way, you can easily and quickly improve your workplace to be more productive.
.nce, when the first four 2 is established and implemented as something normal in
your daily working routine, you will need to check and review the process to find the
better ways to organi,e stuff around you (Sh!t"u+e)* 'ind what7s the best time to review
your standard procedures to maintain and improve your workplace.
Mark Allen D. Bo Productions and
Operations Management
IV Marketing Management Ms.
Milagros R. Ricanor

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