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Matthew Noah Smith (October 2013)

Matthew Noah Smith

Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds
G10 Michael Sadler Building
University of Leeds, oodhouse Lane
Leeds LS! "#$
Email% m&smith'leeds&ac&u(
Phone: )**+,-.+/--+1-0!
Webpage% http%00111&matthe1noahsmith&net
Ph&D&, Philosophy, University of 2orth 3arolina at 3hapel 4ill, May !00*
Dissertation% 5Property 6ights, Social 2orms and the La17 8committee%
Gerald Postema 8director9, $homas 4ill, #r&, Geo:rey Sayre+Mc3ord,
#esse Prin;, Michael 3orrado9
B&<&, 8Summa 3um Laude9 Gree( 3lassics and Philosophy, Bro1n University,
May 1"".
=cto>er !01! ? Present%
<ssociate Professor0Senior Lecturer
Director, Program in Philosophy, Politics and @conomics
Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds
Summer !01! ? Septem>er !01!% <ssistant Professor
Department of Philosophy, University of Leeds
Summer !010 ? Summer !01!% <ssociate Professor 1ith term
Department of Philosophy, Aale University
Program in @thics, Politics and @conomics, Aale University
Summer !00* ? Summer !010% <ssistant Professor
Department of Philosophy, Aale University
Program in @thics, Politics and @conomics, Aale University
Summer !00/ ? Summer !00" ? Bisiting Scholar, 2AU Cnstitute for Pu>lic
Spring !00, ? Lecturer in La1, Aale La1 School
Moral and Political Philosophy
Philosophy of La1, Philosophy of <ction, Meta+@thics
Matthew Noah Smith (October 2013)
1& 5$he Cmportance of hat $hey 3are <>out,7 1.- Philosophical St!ies
8!01E9% !", ? E1*&
!& 5Political =>ligation and the Self,7 /. Philosoph" an! Phenomenological
#esearch 8!01E9% E*, ? E,-&
E& 5$errorism as @thical Singularity,7 !* Pblic $%airs &arterl" E 8!0109% !!"
? !*.&
*& 5Practical Cmagination and Cts Limits,7 10 Philosophers' (mprint E 8!0109% 1
? 1"&
-& 56eliance,7 ** No)s 1 8!0109% 1E- ? 1-,&
.& 5Legal $ruths and Falsities,7 !! #atio *ris 1 8!00"9% "- ? 10"&
,& 5Cdeas of #ustice% Positive,7 in +aw an! ,manities% $n (ntro!ction, <ustin
Sarat, editor 83am>ridge University Press, !00"9% 1.1 ? 1/,&
/& 56ethin(ing Sovereignty, 6ethin(ing 6evolution,7 * Philosoph" an! Pblic
$%airs E. 8!00/9% *0- ? **0&
"& 5$errorism, Shared 6ules and $rust,7 1. *ornal o- Political Philosoph" !
8!00/9% !01 ? !1"&
6eprinted as 5$he Moral SigniGcance of $errorism,7 in Philosoph" o-
+aw, /
@dition, #ules 3oleman and #oel Fein>erg, eds& 8ads1orth,
!00"9% *-. ? *,0&
10&5$he La1 as a Social Practice% <re Shared <ctivities at the Foundations of
La1H7 1! +egal .heor" 8!00.9% !.- ? !"!&
6eprinted in +egal .heor" an! the Social Sciences, Bolume !/
Ma(symilian Del Mar and Michael Guidice, eds& 8<shgate, !0109%
E0- ? EE*&
1& 56evie1 of Sharon Lloyd, Moralit" in the Philosoph" o- .homas ,obbes:
0ases in the +aw o- Natre,7 2otre Dame Philosophical 6evie1 82ov& 1,
!010% http%00ndpr&nd&edu0revie1&cfmHidI!1"/"9
!& 56evie1 of Daniel Shapiro, (s the Wel-are State *sti1e!27 2otre Dame
Philosophical 6evie1 8Fe>& 1,, !00/% http%00ndpr&nd&edu0revie1&cfmH
E& 56evie1 of Simon 3aney, *stice 3e"on! 3or!ers: $ 4lobal Political
.heor",7 E *ornal o- Moral .heor" 8!00.9 1% 100 ? !&
1& 5=Jcials and Su>Kects in GardnerLs +aw as +eap o- 5aith7 8Under revie19
Matthew Noah Smith (October 2013)
!& 56easons From the Basty Deep% Bootstrapping and $he <uthority of
Cntentions7 8Under revie19
E& 5Cmpermissi>le 6eliance and 6esponsi>ility7 8Under revie19
*& 5Cdeology and Property in 4o>>es and Loc(e7 8Cn draft9
-& 53onsent and the <uthority of Cntentions7 8Cn draft9
1& 56eliance and 6esponsi>ility,7 6oc(y Mountain @thics 3ongress, <ugust
!& 5=Jcials and Su>Kects in GardnerLs +aw as +eap o- 5aith,7 University of
@din>urgh, May !01E
E& 5Cdeology and Property in 4o>>es and Loc(e,7 University of SheJeld,
Fe>ruary !01E
*& 56eliance and 6esponsi>ility,7 University of @din>urgh, Fe>ruary !01E
-& 5hen Cs Political Cnnovation #ustiGedH7 M<23@P$, University of
Manchester, Septem>er !01!
.& 5$he Cmportance of hat $hey 3are <>out,7 Birginia $ech, #anuary !01!
,& 5Bootstrapping and the <uthority of Cntentions,7 Leeds University, =cto>er
/& 5$he Cmportance of hat $hey 3are <>out,7 2e1castle University,
=cto>er !011
"& 5Bootstrapping and the <uthority of Cntentions,7 =Mford University,
=cto>er !011
10&5$he Cmportance of hat $hey 3are <>out,7 University of $oronto,
Septem>er !011
11&5Political =>ligation and the Self,7 6oc(y Mountain @thics 3ongress,
<ugust !011
1!&5#ustiGcatory Cndependence,7 2e1 Boices in Legal $heory 6oundta>le, St&
Louis University La1 School, <pril !010
1E&5$errorism as @thical Singularity,7 <merican Philosophical <ssociation,
@astern Division, Decem>er !00"
1*&5$eaching Loc(eLs Secon! .reatise/7 3olum>ia University, Decem>er !00"
1-&5@thical Singularities,7 Bassar 3ollege, 2ovem>er !00"
1.&5$he #ustiGcatory Cndependence of 2orms of ar,7 <merican Political
Science <ssociation, Septem>er !00"
1,&5$he Fact Sensitivity of Political Principles,7 6oc(y Mountain @thics
3ongress, <ugust !00"
1/&5$he Cmportance of hat $hey 3are <>out,7 Bellingham Summer
Philosophy 3onference, <ugust !00"
1"&5$he Cmportance of hat $hey 3are <>out,7 3onnecticut 3ollege, <pril
!0&5<ltruism and Pro+Social Behavior in Primates and 4uman Morality,7 $he
@volution of Social Psychology, Aale University, 2ovem>er !00/
!1&5#ustiGcatory Cndependence,7 at Aale CSPS Political $heory 3olloNuium,
2ovem>er !00/
!!& 5Legal $ruths and Falsities,7 University of Bologna 3ollege of
#urisprudence, May !00/
Matthew Noah Smith (October 2013)
!E& 5$errorism, Shared 6ules and $rust% < Moral Frame1or( for an <merican
6esponse to $errorism,7 <merican University of Beirut, Beirut, Le>anon,
=cto>er !00.
!*&5$he Greatest Unity <longside the Greatest <>straction% 4o1 Legal
Cnstitutions are Social Practices,7 !00. <nalytic Legal Philosophy
3onference, U3L< La1 School, <pril !00.
!-&5$he Moral SigniGcance of $errorism,7 $1ilight of Sovereignty Lecture
Series, Aale University, <pril !00.
!.&5Property Cnstitutions and 6egulative Cdeals,7 Aale La1 School Seminar on
Philosophy of La1, Aale La1 School, 2ovem>er !00-
!,&53onventions and the La1,7 2orth 3arolina Philosophical Society,
Davidson, 23, Fe>ruary !00E
16 3o+=rgani;er 81ith David Belleman9, Mid+<tlantic 6egion Group on @thics
8M<6G@9, Summer !00, ? Spring !011&
26 3o+=rgani;er, !010 or(shop on Utopia in Moral and Political Philosophy,
<pril !010, University of Pennsylvania
36 3o+=rgani;er, !00" or(shop on Cmagination, Mind and Morality, <pril
!00", Aale University&
76 3o+=rgani;er, !00/ or(shop on 2arrative and the 3onstruction of the
Self, <pril !00/, University of Pennsylvania&
86 3o+=rgani;er, !00, or(shop on the Philosophy of $rust and $estimony,
<pril !00,, Aale University&
96 6eferee, Philosophers' (mprint/ Philosoph" an! Phenomenological
#esearch/ Min!/ Philosophical St!ies/ Ethical .heor" an! Practice/ +egal
.heor"/ Ethics an! (nternational $%airs, *ornal o- Political Philosoph",
#atio *ris/ +aw/ 0ltre an! the ,manities/ *ornal o- Social Philosoph"
:ale ;ni<ersit"%
1& Program in @thics, Politics and @conomics University <dvisory 3ommittee,
!00- ? !00., !010 ? !011
!& Program in @thics, Politics and @conomics <dmissions 3ommittee, !00* ?
E& Freshman <dvisor, Fall !00- ? Fall !00"
*& Sophomore <dvisor, Fall !00. ? Summer !01!
:ale =epartment o- Philosoph":
1& Diversity 3oordinator for Graduate <dmissions 3ommittee, !00- ? !00.,
!00, ? !00/
!& Graduate <dmissions 3ommittee, !00* ? !00-, !00, ? !00/
E& 3olloNuium 3ommittee, !00, ? !00/
*& 3oordinator, Department of Philosophy Faculty 3olloNuia Series, !00. +
#esearch 5ellowships:
Bisiting Scholar, 2AU Cnstitute for Pu>lic Dno1ledge 8#une !00/ ? <ugust
Matthew Noah Smith (October 2013)
4ra!ate 5ellowships%
Lovic( P& 3orn Dissertation Fello1ship 8university 1ide fello1ship a1arded >y
U23 Graduate School to students 1ith most promising dissertations9, !00E ?
Graham Deene Dissertation Fello1ship 8a1arded >y U23 Department of
Philosophy9, !00E&
4orace illiams Fello1ship 8a1arded >y U23 Department of Philosophy9,
1""/ ? !00E&
4ra!ate ,onors%
Mem>er, 6oyster Society of Fello1s 8a1arded >y U23 Graduate School to
most promising graduate students9, !00E ? !00*&
Student Undergraduate $eaching <1ard 8a1arded >y U23 undergraduate
student >ody9, !000&
O6ecognition 810 Stephen Dar1all9 8F 119
@thics of Peace, ar and Defense 8F 0*9
Meta+@thics 8F 0*, OF 0,, OS 1!9
Cntroduction to Political Philosophy 8S 0-, F 0., S 0/, F 0", F 119
OProperty 6ights 8S 0-9
Directed Studies 8F 0-, S 0,, S 0/, S 10, S 1!9
ODavid 4umeLs .reatise o- ,man Natre, Boo(s ! P E 8F 0-9
Foundational $eMts of Darl MarM 8S 0-9
OGlo>al #ustice 8S 0-9
Cntroduction to @thics 8F 0-9
O$he @thics of $rust 8S 0,9
O4o>>es, Loc(e, 6ousseau 8F 0,, F 0"9
ODissertation Seminar 8S 109
Cndependent Study% Moral 6ealism 8S 0"9, 2ormative Cnterests 8S 109
OCssues in Glo>al #ustice% Sovereignty, Distri>utive #ustice and 4uman 6ights
8S 0,9
Philosophy of Biology 8F 1E9
Cntroduction to Political Philosophy 8F 1!, F 1E9
<dvanced $opics in Balue $heory 8F 1!9
Political Philosophy 8S 1E9
Seyla Benha>i>, Aale Department of Political Science, Aale Department of
David @noch, 4e>re1 University La1 School, 4e>re1 University Department of
$amar Gendler, Aale University Department of Philosophy
Gerald Postema, University of 2orth 3arolina Department of Philosophy
Matthew Noah Smith (October 2013)
#& David Belleman, 2AU Department of Philosophy
#ules 3oleman, 2AU =Jce of the Provost

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