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International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)

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Volume 3, Issue 3, May June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 65

Abstract: Data mining is the process of analyzing data from
different forms or patterns and summarizing it into valuable
information. We can know Data mining as knowledge
discovery. Data mining techniques are used to find the hidden
or new patterns to store the data. We know that data mining
can use every sector like business, agriculture, marketing etc .
. In this paper we are describe many classification and
clustering techniques which are apply on education sector to
improve the growth of eduction sector.. We know that
number of student are taking admission in different-2
courses in every college or university. Than According to
their admission details they collect information from students
students and store the same in computers. This study cab be
help to the learner and teaching community to increase its
performance and valuability. Clustering is used to defined
the the data into groups or regions according to their
specification or collected data and these groups are called
clustered. Classification techniques are used to predefine the
classification of data These techniques can also be used With
many other specific discovery tchnques or algorithms.. This
paper describe the various approaches and techniques of data
mining which can be applied on Educational data to build up
a new environment to improve performance of existing data
and help to create the new predictions on the data. In this
paper we describe the comparative study of classification
techniques are Bayes net, naive net and decision tree etc And
clustering techniques are k-mean, hierarchal, OPTICS and

Keywords:- Data mining, Classification, Clustering
,Classification methods and Clustering algorithms , Data
Mining Application etc.

Data mining having an ability to find exiting relationship
and pattern. Data mining consists itself with machine
learning, statistics and visualization techniques to
discover and extract knowledge.

Figure1.1 Data mining applications in the education
sector [2]
Application of data mining in education sector is an
emerging trend . The data mining terms, tasks,
techniques and application can be used to developing data
mining in education sector.[1].Clustering and
classification both are very useful to improve the
performance on education sector.

S. Anupama Kumar and M. N. Vijayalakshm [3]
illustrate that various data mining techniques like
classification; clustering are apply on the students data
base. This study can be used to enable the learner and
teaching community increase the performance. These
techniques can also be combined with other specific
discovery model to increase the capacity of the model. In
this paper explain the many techniques of data mining
according to Educational data to design a new
environment Result of this paper is that edducation
system can inhanced their performance by using data
mining techniques. In this paper shows that every method
have its own key area in which it perform accurate.
Umamaheswari and S. Niraimathi [4] present the
various techniques of data mining which is used to
analysis the student records in order to categorize the
students into grade order in all their education studies and
it helps in interview situation. It examines that which
factors helps to categorize students in rank order to
arrange for the recruitment process. Due to this, we can
easily discover the eligible student and it also reduces the
short listings. The result of this paper is that data mining
techniques are efficiently used to manage the performance
level of students. Classification is one of the data mining
techniques which is used to accurately classifies the data
for categorizing student based on the levels. Clustering is
an important function of data mining to analysis discover
data sources distribution of information and , the cluster
analysis is an important research topic. This goes a long
way to help how define the recruitment process in an
easier manner.
Dr. Mohd Maqsood Ali [5] presents the roll of data
mining in education sector. We know that every
university either public or private and its colleges enroll
thousands of students into various courses or programs
every year. They collect information from students at the
time of admissions and store the same in computers.
Before using the data we must understands the nature of
A Comparative Study on Role of Data Mining
Techniques in Education: A Review

, Mrs.Pooja Mittal

Student of Masters of Technology, Department of Computer Science and Application
M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana, India

Assistant Professor, Department of ComputerScience and Application
M.D. University, Rohtak, Haryana, India
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 3, May June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 66

data because data can be used for classifying and
predicting the students behavior, performance, dropouts
as well as teachers performance. The outcomes of this
paper explain the application of data mining in education
sector. Thus we can use the various techniques of data
mining in education field like as we are using the data
mining in industry or business. Data mining can be
applied for classifying and clustering students
characteristics based on demographic, psychographic and
behavioral variables. Data mining can also be applied by
using if-then rule. In addition, it can define the profile of
successful and unsuccessful students based of GPA
achieved during the semesters.
M. Sukanya, S. Biruntha, Dr. S. Karthik and T.
Kalaikumaran [6] they represent that the performance
can be improved in education sector by using
classification and clustering .So that data mining
techniques have ability to predict the performance of
student in education environment. students academic
performance is based upon diverse factors like personal,
social, Psychological and other environmental variables.
Data mining techniques is process which is used to find
the hidden information patterns and relationships of large
amount of data, which is very much helpful in decision
making. Which helps the education sector to capture and
compile low cost information for this information and
communication technology are used in educational
database is increased rapidly because of the large amount
of data stored in it. Data mining approach creates useful
information from existing student to manage
relationships with upcoming students. This helps the
teacher to improve the performance of students. Those
students needed special attention for reducing falling ratio
for taking action at right time. Bayesian classification
method can be apply on student database to getting the
students division on the basis of previous year database.
Data mining is a powerful analytical tool that enables
educational institutions to better allocate resources and
staff, and proactively manage student outcomes. Student
performance in university courses is of great concern to
the higher education managements where several factors
may affect the performance. Data mining extracts hidden
information with the help different mining technique.
Richard A. Huebner Norwich University [7] represents
a survey of educational data mining research .Educational
data mining is an emerging techniques that apply on
educational data. The discipline focuses on analyzing
educational data to develop models for improving
learning experiences and improving institutional
effectiveness. Educational data mining (EDM) is an area
full of exciting opportunities for researchers and
practitioners. This field assists higher educational
institutions with efficient ways to improve institutional
effectiveness and student learning. Data mining is a
significant tool for helping organizations enhance
decision making and analyzing new patterns and
relationships among a large amount of data.

Bharat Chaudhari, Manan Parikh [8] represents
comparative study of clustering algorithms Using weka
tools. Clustering is a process in which data is divided into
different clusters according their functionality. Data of
one cluster is different to another cluster but within that
cluster data is homogenous. In this paper they compare
the performance of clustering algorithm in term of class
wise cluster building ability of algorithm. The outcomes
of this paper is that k mean is better than other clustering
algorithm(Hierarchical Clustering algorithm, Density
based clustering algorithm) but is produce quality when
we use large amount of data.
Sharaf Ansari, Sailendra Chetlur, Srikanth Prabhu,
N. anagement system. Student performance in
university courses provide an overview of clustering
algorithms used in data mining. They represent an
important role in our life because we need much
information (data) and we know that data mining is a
process to extracting data and recognize the patterns. In
this paper they provide an overview of some clustering
analysis techniques such as DBSCAN, OPTICS, STING
Narendra Sharma , Aman Bajpai and Mr. Ratnesh
Litoriya [10] represents the comparison between various
clustering algorithm using weka tool .Tthere are various
tools in data mining which are used to analysis the data
.They allow the users to analysis the data in different
dimension or angles, categorize it, and summarize the
relationships identified .Weka is also an data mining tool
which is used for analysis the data. The main objective is
to show the comparison of the different- different
clustering algorithms of weka and to find out which
algorithm will be most suitable for the users. Every
algorithmhas their own importance and we use them on
the behavior of the data, but on the basis of this research
we found that k-means clustering algorithm is simplest
algorithm as compared to other algorithms.
Bakar, A. A., Kefli, Z., Abdullah, S., Sahani. M [11]
represented a paper on Predictive Models for Dengue
Outbreak Using Multiple Rule base Classifier. The main
aims to develop the predictive models for dengue
outbreak detection using Multiple Rule Based Classifiers.
The rule based classifiers used are the Decision Tree,
Rough Set Classifier, Naive ayes, and Associative
Classifier. Dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic
fever (DHF) have been continuously becoming a public
health related issues in Malaysia and growing pandemic
as reported by World Health Organization (WHO).. The
purpose of the classification modeling is to build a
predictive model for predicting the dengue outbreak.
There is no research uses this data for predictive
modeling, several classifiers are investigated to study the
performance of various rule based classifiers individually
and the combination of the classifiers.
Johns, S., Santos, M.V [12] represents a paper .on the
Evolution of Neural Networks for Pair wise Classification
Using Gene Expression Programming. Neural networks
are a common choice for solving classification problems,
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 3, May June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 67

but require experimental to adjustments of the topology
are effective.
Oyelade, O. J, Oladipupo, O. O, Obagbuwa, I. C [13]
they describe the application of k- mean clustering
algorithm to provide the result of students academic
performance. The main aim is to analysis the students
performance by using k mean implementation in
clustering. In this paper they combined the k mean
model with the deterministic model to analyze the
students results of a private Institution in Nigeria which
is a good benchmark to monitor the progression of
academic performance of students in higher Institution
for the purpose of making an effective decision by the
academic planners. they simply compare the predictive
power of clustering algorithm and the Euclidean distance
as a measure of similarity distance. they provide better
result compare the earliest model of k-mean.
Madhuri V. Joseph, Lipsa Sadath and Vanaja
Rajan[14] they represent comparison on various
techniques in data mining. In data mining having various
techniques which are used to exploring the important data
from bulk amount of data and they can deal with different
data type. In this paper they explain and compare some
common techniques of data mining which are mainly
used in our daily life and business environment. Every
data mining techniques is an important role in the
business environment according to its functionality so
there is no any one model which play all the roll in
business environment.
Aastha Joshi, Rajneet Kaur[15] they represent that
clustering is a process in which we find the a structure of
un label data. In this paper they provide the reviews of
six types of clustering techniques- k-Means Clustering,
Hierarchical Clustering, DBSCAN clustering, OPTICS,
STING. The result of this comparison is that k mean is
better for large data set means it can increase the
performance with increasing clusters. Hierarchical
algorithm is useful in categorical data. Density based
methods OPTICS, DBSCAN are designed to find clusters
of arbitrary shape whereas partitioning and hierarchical
methods are designed to find the spherical shaped clusters
Shiv Pratap Singh Kushwah, Keshav Rawat, Pradeep
Gupta [16] In this paper presents the comparison of data
mining algorithms for clustering. In this paper cover
classification, clustering techniques. Data mining is used
in every field for the analysis of large volumes of data.
The K mean approach is use to predict the solution less
sensitive to initialization and provides results at multiple
resolutions, and K-mean algorithm is also sensitive to the
presence of outliers. KNN classification is an easy to
understand and easy to implement classification

Data mining methods like prediction, clustering and
relationship mining are mostly used in the field of
marketing ,agriculture and finance etc . These methods
can be efficiently applied on educational data .Data
mning having many type of techniues like
cluastering,classification,neural netwok etc but in this
paper we are conisider only two techniques .
Clustering techniques
Classification techniques
Association rule
Neural networks
Decision Trees
Nearest Neighbor Method

Figure 3.1: Data mining techniques[3]

Clustering is used to store the data into groups according
to their values, characteristics, similarities and
dissimilates In this approach same type data are store in
same groups and these groups are known as clusters but
data is heterogeneous between two clusters. Clusters can
be apply on group of some schools to investigate the
similarities and differences between these schools,
students can be clustered together to study the differences
in their behavior etc [3]. There many types of algorithm
are available:-

o K-mean method
o K- Medoids method
o Agglomerative
o Divisive

Fig 4.1 clustering techniques.
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 3, May June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 68

In educational data mining, clustering is play very
important role . It is used to provide group the students
according to their behavior e.g. clustering define clusters
according to active student from non-active student
according to their performance in activities

Fig 4.2: Clustering Students Based On Performance

Classification is a simple process to finding a model that
describes and distinguishes data classes of test.It is both
types supervised learning and unsupervised..It consists
of two steps:
Model construction.
Model usage
Classification is classified into different models, these are
Types of classification models:-
Classification by decision tree induction
Bayesian Classification
Neural Networks
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Classification Based on Associations

Model construction: It consists of set of predefined
classes. We assume that each tuple /sample is belong
to a predefined class. The set of tuple used for model
construction is known as training set. These model can
be represented as classification rules, decision trees. In
this fig5.1 show the methmetics mmodel.

Figure 5.1: model construction[3]
Model usage: This model is used for defining future or
unknown objects. It is used unsupervised learning rule.

In educational data mining, classification provide result
of a student, according to his/her final grade .The
decision tree is used to represent logical rules of student
final grade.

Fig 5.2: Student Classifications

Educational data mining offers several more advantages,
as compare to traditional educational research paradigms,
such as labs experiments, , and design research etc. there
are many application are available for education sector
some applications are describe below:

Aksenova et al. (2006) develop a predictive
algorithm for fresher, existing and returned students
for all level education level. This model is developed
according to population, unemployment rates of
population, institutional fees, household income,
enrolment past data of institutions.
Kovacic, J. Zlatko (2010) define the students success
according to students enrolment data (socio-
demographic and environment variables)by using
the data mining techniques such as CART . They
concluded that by use of pre-enrolment information
can identify students at-risk of dropping the course
and advising to make them success..
Mardikyan and Badur (2012) identified some factors
that affect instructor teaching performance in
university or college or any institute with stepwise
regression and decision tree of data mining techniques.

Data mining is a broad area that integrates with several
fields including machine learning, statistics, pattern
recognition, artificial intelligence, and to analysis of
large volumes of data etc. This paper examines
International Journal of EmergingTrends & Technology in Computer Science(IJETTCS)
Web Site: Email:
Volume 3, Issue 3, May June 2014 ISSN 2278-6856

Volume 3, Issue 3 May June 2014 Page 69

techniques of data mining in education section. Data
mining can also be applied by using if-then rule for find
performance, and students complaint etc.

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