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Hyderabad MNC Intervie Quetions.

{selected Candidate EXPERIENCCE}

1)subset ratio and inor!ation density
")#o$ !any ty%es o users are t#ere or
') #o$ !any users are t#ere (C)*+)
,))ut#orisation-)d!in- country$ise users.
/)0y%es o aut#entication
$indo$s .$e not 1M+&
/)dual() unction
2))rc#itecture o Qli3vie$&
4)$#y des3to% is bac3end and not in ront end&
5)#o$ !any ty%es o tri66ers are t#ere& s#eet
tri66ers are not t#ere&
7)circular loo%&$ays to avoid&
18)9oin ty%es&
11)3ee% and 9oin scenariou&
1")internal stora6e o :vds&
1')$#y t#ree tier arc#itecture&
1,)N;**+ IN 1< )N1 N;**+ IN Q*I=>IE? EQ;)*
@R N@0&
12)0y%es o tri66ers used in ur %ro9ect&
14)eA%alin to tri66ers used in %ro9ect&
15)#o$ !any dedicated users are t#ere&
12)?Hat is t#e adv o %ublis#er&
14))rc#itecture used or ur %ro9ect&
15)+yntetic 3eys&
1)subset ratio and information density
2)how many types of users are there for application?
3) how many users are there (CALS)
4)AuthorisationAdmin countrywise users!
")#ypes of authentication
windows !we not $%S?
")dual() function
&)Architecture of 'li()iew?
*)why des(top is bac(end and not in front end?
+)how many types of tri,,ers are there? sheet tri,,ers are not there?
-)circular loop?ways to a)oid?
1.)/oin types?
11)(eep and /oin scenariou?
12)internal stora,e of 0)ds?
13)why three tier architecture?
14)12LLS 31 $4 A1$ 12LLS 31 'L356378 7'2AL 9: 19#?
1&)#ypes of tri,,ers used in ur pro/ect?
1*)e;palin to tri,,ers used in pro/ect?
1+)how many dedicated users are there?
1&)8<at is the ad) of publisher?
1*)Architecture used for ur pro/ect?
1+)Syntetic (eys?
3nformation density>3nformation density is the number of records that ha)e )alues
(i?e? not 12LL) in this @eld as compared to the total number of records in the table?
3nformation density of the @eld! which indicates the percenta,e of rows that contain
a nonnull )alue

Subset ratio! which shows the percenta,e of all distinct )alues for a @eld in the
table compared to all the distinct )alues for that @eld in the entire data model? 3t is
only rele)ant for (ey @elds since they are present in multiple tables and do not all
share the same )alue?
Subset ratios can be used to easily spot problems in (ey @eld
Aor e;ample! when the combined total of subset ratios for multiple
tables is 1.. percent! this may indicate that there are no matchin, (eys between
these tables?
A 1ull in $atabase is a null in 'li()iew also? Bou can (now whether a )alue is 1ull or
not by usin,

$iCerent types of users in pro/ect?
#hou,h there will be diCerent departments li(e Sales D %ar(etin,! Eroduction! :D$!
Suppliers etc??? they still come under the cate,ories of Admins and 2sers?
would be interistin, to be able to use the strin, representation of a dual?

Such functionnality can permit to sort without writin, an e;pression>

load dual ( strin,!numrep ) as FourSemaine inline
G strin,!numrep
$imanche!& HI
inner /oin load J

i need to write e;pression KLFourSemaineDMMN to be able to sort by te;t

in desi,n ! the numeric or te;t sortin, could be detect by the tab sort?
Bou use dual() when you need both a te;t and a numeric representation of a )alue?
Aor instance! maybe you ha)e a priority @eld?
#hatMs ,reat for display! but not ,ood for sortin,! or ta(in, the ma;(Eriority)! that
(ind of thin,? So we mi,ht instead de@ne it li(e this>
L9A$ dual(#e;t!1umber) as Eriority
31L317 G
1ow! there mi,ht be other and e)en better ways to handle this particular e;ample!
but thatMs (ind of the idea?
$ates 892L$ be a )ery ,ood e;ample if they didnMt ha)e their own format? A date
has a te;t representation li(e M%ay &! 2.1.M! and also a numeric represenation!
4.3.4? 1ormally! you want to see the te;t )ersion! but you often want to sort and
do mathematical manipulation usin, the underlyin, numeric! such as addin, days
to ,et a new date? $ual() ma(es some other sort of @eld beha)e similarly! where the
te;t representation is what is normally displayed! but thereMs still a number in there
that you can sort by and manipulate mathematically?

<i <ardi(!

Bou can use $ual() for this purpose! it is a dual datatype what you ha)e to do is

if(@eldLMAM! $ual(M.2....M! 1)!
if(@eldLMAM! $ual(M2...14....M! 2)!
dual( s ! ; )
Aorced association of an arbitrary strin, representation s with a ,i)en number
representation ;? 3n 'li(6iew! when se)eral data items read into one @eld ha)e
diCerent strin, representations but the same )alid number representation! they will
all share the @rst strin, representation encountered? #he dual function is typically
used early in the script! before other data is read into the @eld concerned! in order
to create that @rst strin, representation! which will be shown in list bo;es etc?
load dual ( strin,!numrep ) as $ay9f8ee( inline
G strin,!numrep
Sunday!& HI
load $ate! wee(day($ate) as $ay9f8ee( from a@le?cs)I
#he script e;ample will ,enerate a @eld $ay9f8ee( with the wee(days written in
clear te;t? 'li(6iew will for all purposes re,ard the @eld as a numeric @eld?

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