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Example Plan addressing Key Elements for a Data Sharing Plan under NIH Extramural Support

(For questions, contact the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER), Email Sharing@nih.go)
Example Data Sharing Plan for FOA--
!hat data that "ill #e shared$
I !ill share "henot#"ic $ata associate$ !ith the collecte$ sam"les %# $e"ositing these $ata at
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& !hich is an NIH'fun$e$ re"ositor#. (enot#"e $ata !ill %e share$ %# $e"ositing
these $ata at &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&. )$$itional $ata $ocumentation an$ $e'i$entifie$ $ata !ill %e $e"osite$
for sharing along !ith "henot#"ic $ata, !hich inclu$es $emogra"hics, famil# histor# of ******
$isease, an$ $iagnosis, consistent !ith a""lica%le la!s an$ regulations. I !ill com"l# !ith the NIH
(+)S ,olic# an$ the fun$ing I-.s existing "olicies on sharing $ata on ****** $isease genetics to
inclu$e secon$ar# anal#sis of $ata resulting from a genome !i$e association stu$# through the re"ositor#.
/eta'anal#sis $ata an$ associate$ "henot#"ic $ata, along !ith $ata content, format, an$ organi0ation, !ill
%e aaila%le at &&&&&&&&&&&&. Su%mitte$ $ata !ill confirm !ith releant $ata an$ terminolog#
!ho "ill ha%e a&&ess to the data$
I agree that $ata !ill %e $e"osite$ an$ ma$e aaila%le through &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& !hich is an NIH'
fun$e$ re"ositor#, an$ that these $ata !ill %e share$ !ith inestigators !or1ing un$er an institution !ith a
Fe$eral +i$e )ssurance (F+)) an$ coul$ %e use$ for secon$ar# stu$# "ur"oses such as fin$ing genes
that contri%ute to "rocess of ******. I agree that the names an$ Institutions of "ersons either gien or
$enie$ access to the $ata, an$ the %ases for such $ecisions, !ill %e summari0e$ in the annual "rogress
re"ort. /eta'anal#sis $ata an$ associate$ "henot#"ic $ata, along !ith $ata content, format, an$
organi0ation, !ill %e ma$e aaila%le to inestigators through &&&&&&&&&&&&.
!here "ill the data #e a%aila#le$
I agree to $e"osit an$ maintain the "henot#"ic $ata, an$ secon$ar# anal#sis of $ata (if an#) at
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&, !hich is an NIH'fun$e$ re"ositor# an$ that the re"ositor# has $ata access "olicies
an$ "roce$ures consistent !ith NIH $ata sharing "olicies.
!hen "ill the data #e shared$
I agree to $e"osit genetic outcome $ata into &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& re"ositor# as soon as "ossi%le %ut no
later than !ithin one #ear of the com"letion of the fun$e$ "ro2ect "erio$ for the "arent a!ar$ or u"on
acce"tance of the $ata for "u%lication, or "u%lic $isclosure of a su%mitte$ "atent a""lication, !hicheer is
Ho" "ill resear&hers lo&ate and a&&ess the data$
I agree that I !ill i$entif# !here the $ata !ill %e aaila%le an$ ho! to access the $ata in an# "u%lications
an$ "resentations that I author or co'author a%out these $ata, as !ell as ac1no!le$ge the re"ositor# an$
fun$ing source in an# "u%lications an$ "resentations. )s I !ill %e using &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&, !hich is an
NIH'fun$e$ re"ositor#, this re"ositor# has "olicies an$ "roce$ures in "lace that !ill "roi$e $ata access
to qualifie$ researchers, full# consistent !ith NIH $ata sharing "olicies an$ a""lica%le la!s an$
Re. 34544675

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