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Available depth of water in berth .. Minimum air draught*
Ship! name
Arrival draught "read/#al#ulated$ . Air draught
%al#ulated departure draught . Air draught

The ma!ter and terminal manager& or their repre!entative!& !hould #omplete the
#he#' li!t (ointly. Advi#e on point! to be #on!idered i! given in the
a##ompanying guideline!. The !afety of operation! re)uire! that all )ue!tion!
!hould be an!wered affirmatively and the bo*e! ti#'ed. +f thi! i! not po!!ible& the
rea!on !hould be given and agreement rea#hed upon pre#aution! to be ta'en
between !hip and terminal. +f a )ue!tion i! #on!idered to be not appli#able write
,-/A,& e*plaining why if appropriate.

T/0M+-A1 m

2. +! the depth of water at the berth& and the air draught& ade)uate
for the #argo operation! to be #ompleted3

4. Are mooring arrangement! ade)uate for all lo#al effe#t! of tide&
#urrent& weather& traffi# and #raft along!ide3

5. +n emergen#y& i! the !hip able to leave the berth at any time3


6. +! their !afe a##e!! between the !hip and the wharf3

Tended by ship/terminal "#ro!! out a! appropriate$ ..


*The term air draught !hould be #on!trued #arefully7 if the !hip i! in a river or an e!tuary& it
u!ually refer! to ma*imum ma!t height for pa!!ing under bridge!& while on the berth it
u!ually refer! to the height available or re)uired under the loader or unloader.

8. +! the agreed !hip terminal #ommuni#ation! !y!tem operative3
Communication method . m
Language ..
Radio channels phone numbers ..

9. Are the liai!on #onta#t per!on! during operation! po!itively identified3
Ship contact persons ..
Shore contact per!on"!$ ..

:. Are ade)uate #rew on board& and ade)uate !taff in the terminal& for

;. .ave any bun'ering operation! been advi!ed and agreed3

<. .ave any intended repair! to wharf or !hip whil!t along!ide been advi!ed
and agreed3

2=. .a! a pro#edure for reporting and re#ording damage from #argo operation!
been agreed3

22. .a! the !hip been provided with #opie! of port and terminal regulation!&
in#luding !afety and pollution re)uirement! and demand! of emergen#y

24. .a! the !hipper provided the ma!ter with the propertie! of the #argo in
a##ordan#e with the re)uirement! of #hapter >+ of S?1AS3

25. +! the atmo!phere !afe in hold! and en#lo!ed !pa#e! to whi#h a##e!! may
be re)uired& have fumigated #argoe! been identified& and ha! the need for
monitoring of atmo!phere been agreed by !hip and terminal3

26. .ave the #argo handling #apa#ity and any limit! of travel for ea#h loader/
unloader been pa!!ed to the !hip/ terminal3
Loader ..
Loader ..
Loader .


28. .a! a #argo loading or unloading plan been #al#ulated for all !tage! of
loading/ deballa!ting or unloading/balla!ting3
Copy lodged with .

29. .ave the hold! to be wor'ed been #learly identified in the loading or
unloading plan& !howing the !e)uen#e of wor'& and the grade and tonnage
of #argo to be tran!ferred ea#h time the hold i! wor'ed3

2:. .a! the need for trimming of #argo in the hold! been di!#u!!ed& and have
the method and e*tent been agreed 3

+ ; . Do both !hip and terminal under!tand and a##ept that if the balla!t
programme be#ome! out of !tep with the #argo operation& it will be
ne#e!!ary to !u!pend #argo operation until the balla!t operation ha! #aught


2<. .ave the intended pro#edure! for removing #argo re!idue! lodged in the
hold! while unloading been e*plained to the !hip and a##epted3


4=. .ave the pro#edure! to ad(u!t the final trim of the loading !hip been
de#ided and agreed 3
Tonnage held by the terminal Conveyor system .


42. .a! the terminal been advi!ed of the time re)uired for the !hip to prepare for
!ea on #ompletion of #argo wor'3



TH! $%&'! H$S %!!# $(R!!)*
Time )ate
+or ship . ,or terminal .
0an' Po!ition/Title .

Guidelines for co!le"in#
T$e s$i!%s$ore s&fe"' c$ec(lis"

The purpo!e of the !hip/!hore !afety #he#'li!t i! to improve wor'ing relation!hip!
between !hip and terminal& and thereby to improve the !afety of operation!.
Mi!under!tanding! o##ur and mi!ta'e! #an be made when !hip! offi#er! do not
under!tand the intention! of the terminal per!onnel& and the !ame applie! when
terminal per!onnel do not under!tand what the !hip #an and #annot !afely do.

%ompleting the #he#'li!t together i! intended to help !hip and terminal per!onnel
to re#ogni@e potential problem! and to be better prepared for them.

2. 2. +! the depth of water at the berth& and the air draught&
ade)uate for the #argo operation! to be #ompleted3

The depth of water !hould be determined over the entire area the !hip will
o##upy& and the terminal !hould be aware of the !hip! ma*imum air draught and
water draught re)uirement! during operation!. Ahere the loaded draught mean!
a !mall under'eel #learan#e at departure& the Ma!ter !hould #on!ult and #onfirm
that the propo!ed departure draught i! !afe and !uitable.
The !hip !hould be provided with all available information about den!ity and
#ontaminate! of the water at the berth

4. 4. Are mooring arrangement! ade)uate for all lo#al effe#t! of
tide& #urrent& weather& traffi# and #raft along!ide3

Due regard !hould be given to the need for ade)uate fendering arrangement!.
Ship! !hould remain well !e#ured in their mooring!. Along!ide pier! or )uay!&
ranging of the !hip !hould be prevented by 'eeping mooring line! tautB attention
!hould be given to the movement of the !hip #au!ed by tide!& #urrent! or pa!!ing
!hip! and by the operation in progre!!.

Aire rope! and fibre rope! !hould not be u!ed together in the !ame dire#tion
be#au!e of differen#e! in their ela!ti# propertie!.

5. 5. +n emergen#y& i! the !hip able to leave the berth at any

The !hip !hould normally be able to move under it! own power at !hort noti#e&
unle!! agreement to immobili@e the !hip ha! been rea#hed with the
repre!entative& and the port authority where appli#able.
+n an emergen#y a !hip may be prevented from leaving the berth at !hort noti#e
by a number of fa#tor!. The!e in#lude low tide& e*#e!!ive trim or draught& la#' of
tug!& no navigation po!!ible at night& main engine immobili@ed& et#. Coth the
!hip and the terminal !hould be aware if any of the!e fa#tor! apply& !o that e*tra
pre#aution! #an be ta'en if need be.

The method to be u!ed for any emergen#y unberthing operation !hould be
agreed ta'ing into a##ount the po!!ible ri!'! involved. +f emergen#y towingDoff
wire! are re)uired& agreement !hould be rea#hed on their po!ition and method!
of !e#uring.

6. 6. +! their !afe a##e!! between the !hip and the wharf3

The mean! of a##e!! between the !hip and the wharf mu!t be !afe and legal&
and may be provided by either !hip or terminal . +t !hould #on!i!t of an
appropriate gangway or a##omodation ladder with a properly fa!tened !afety net
underneath it. A##e!! e)uipment mu!t be tended& !in#e it #an be damaged a! a
re!ult of #hanging height! and draught!B per!on! re!pon!ible for tending it mu!t
be agreed between the !hip and terminal& and re#orded in the #he#'li!t.

The gangway !hould be po!itioned !o that it i! not underneath the path of #argo
being loaded or unloaded. +t !hould be well illuminated during dar'ne!!. A
lifebuoy with a heaving line !hould be available on board the !hip near the
gangway or a##omodation ladder.

8. +! the agreed !hip terminal #ommuni#ation! !y!tem operative3

%ommuni#ation !hould be maintained in the mo!t effi#ient way between the
re!pon!ible offi#er on duty on the !hip and the re!pon!ible per!on a!hore. The
!ele#ted !y!tem of #ommuni#ation and the language to be u!ed together with
the ne#e!!ary telephone number! and/or radio #hannel!& !hould be re#orded in
the #he#'li!t.

9. Are the liai!on #onta#t per!on! during operation! po!itively identified3

The #ontrolling per!onnel on !hip and terminal mu!t maintain an effe#tive
#ommuni#ation with ea#h other and their re!pe#tive !upervi!or!. Their name!&
and if appropriate where they #an be #onta#ted& !hould be re#orded in the

The aim !hould be to prevent development of ha@ardou! !ituation& but if !u#h a
!ituation doe! ari!e& good #ommuni#ation and 'nowing who ha! proper authority
#an be in!trumental in dealing with it.

:. :. Are ade)uate #rew on board and ade)uate !taff in the terminal&
for emergen#y3

+t i! not po!!ible or de!irable to !pe#ify all #ondition!& but it i! important that a
!uffi#ient number of per!onnel !hould be on board the !hip& and in the terminal
throughout the !hip! !tay& to deal with an emergen#y.

The !ignal! to be u!ed in the event of an emergen#y ari!ing a!hore or on board
!hould be #learly under!tood by all per!onnel involved in #argo operation!.

;. .ave any bun'ering operation! been advi!ed and agreed3

The per!on on board in #harge of bun'ering mu!t be identified& together with the
time& method of delivery "ho!e from !hore& bun'er barge& et#.$ and the lo#ation of
the bun'er point on board. 1oading of bun'er! !hould be #oDordinated with the
#argo operation. The terminal !hould #onfirm agreement to the pro#edure.

<. .ave any intended repair! to wharf or !hip whil!t along!ide been advi!ed
and agreed3

.ot wor'& involving welding& burning or u!e of na'ed flame& whether on the !hip
or the wharf may re)uire a hot wor' permit. Aor' on de#' whi#h #ould interfere
with #argo wor' will need to be #oDordinated.

+n the #a!e of #ombination #arrier a ga! free #ertifi#ate " in#luding for pipeline!
and pump!$ will be ne#e!!arily i!!ued by a !hore #hemi!t approved by the
terminal or port authority.

2=. .a! a pro#edure for reporting and re#ording damage from #argo operation!
been agreed3

?perational damage #an be e*pe#ted in a har!h trade. To avoid #onfli#t& a
pro#edure mu!t be agreed& before #argo operation! #ommen#e& to re#ord !u#h
damage. An a##umulation of !mall item! of damage to !teel wor' #an #au!e
!ignifi#ant lo!! of !trength for the !hip& !o it i! e!!ential that damage i! noted& to
allow prompt repair.

22. .a! the !hip been provided with #opie! of port and terminal regulation!&
in#luding !afety and pollution re)uirement! and demand! of emergen#y

Although mu#h information will normally be provided by a !hip! agent& a fa#t
!heet #ontaining thi! information !hould be pa!!ed to the !hip on and !hould
in#lude any lo#al regulation! #ontrolling the di!#harge of balla!t water and hold

24. 24. .a! the !hipper provided the ma!ter with the propertie! of the #argo in
a##ordan#e with the re)uirement! of #hapter >+ of S?1AS3

The !hipper !hould pa!! to the ma!ter & for e*ample & the grade of #argo&
parti#le !i@e& )uantity to be loaded and #argo moi!ture #ontent. The +M? C%
%ode give! guidan#e on thi!.

The !hip !hould be advi!ed of any material whi#h may #ontaminate or rea#t with
the planned #argo and the !hip !hould en!ure that the hold! are free of !u#h

25. +! the atmo!phere !afe in hold! and en#lo!ed !pa#e! to whi#h a##e!! may
be re)uired& have fumigated #argoe! been identified& and ha! the need for
monitoring of atmo!phere been agreed by !hip and terminal3

0u!ting of !teelwor' or the #hara#teri!ti#! of a #argo may #au!e a ha@ardou!
atmo!phere to develop. %on!ideration !hould be given to7 o*ygen depletion in
hold!B the effe#t of fumigation either of #argo to be di!#harged& or of #argo in a
!ilo before loading from where ga! #an be !wept on board along with the #argo
with no warning to the !hipB and lea'age of ga!e! & whether poi!onou! or
e*plo!ive& from ad(a#ent hold! or other !pa#e!.

26. .ave the #argo handling #apa#ity and any limit! of travel for ea#h loader/
unloader been pa!!ed to the !hip terminal3

The number of loader! or unloader! to be u!ed !hould be agreed and their
#apabilitie! under!tood by both partie!. The agreed ma*imum tran!fer rate for
ea#h loader/unloader !hould be re#orded in the #he#'li!t.

1imit! of travel of loading or unloading e)uipment !hould be indi#ated. Thi! i!
e!!ential information when planning #argo operation! in berth! where a !hip
mu!t be !hifted from one po!ition to another due to loading. Eear !hould alway!
be #he#'ed for fault! and that it i! #lear of #ontaminant! from previou! #argoe!.
The a##ura#y of weighing devi#e! !hould be a!#ertained fre)uently.

28. 28. .a! a #argo loading or unloading plan been #al#ulated for all !tage! of
loading/ deballa!ting or unloading/balla!ting3

Ahere po!!ible the !hip !hould prepare the plan before arrival. To permit her to
do !o the terminal !hould provide whatever information the !hip re)ue!t! for
planning purpo!e!. ?n !hip! whi#h re)uire longitudinal !trength #al#ulation!& the
plan !hould ta'e a##ount of any permi!!ible ma*ima for bending moment! and
!hear for#e!.

The plan !hould be agreed with the terminal and a #opy pa!!ed over for u!e by
terminal !taff. All wat#h offi#er! on board and terminal !upervi!or! !hould have
a##e!! to a #opy. -o deviation from the plan !hould be allowed without
agreement of the ma!ter.

A##ording to S?1AS regulation >+/:& it i! re)uired to lodge a #opy of the plan with
the appropriate authority of the port State. The per!on re#eiving the plan !hould
be re#orded in the #he#'li!t.

29. .ave the hold! to be wor'ed been #learly identified in the loading or
unloading plan& !howing the !e)uen#e of wor'& and the grade and tonnage
#argo to be tran!ferred ea#h time the hold i! wor'ed3

The ne#e!!ary information !hould be provided in the form a! !et out in appendi*
4 of thi! %ode. *

2:. .a! the need for trimming of #argo in the hold! been di!#u!!ed& and have
the method and e*tent been agreed 3

A wellD'nown method i! !pout trimming and thi! #an u!ually a#hieve a
!ati!fa#tory re!ult. ?ther method! u!e bulldo@er!& frontDend loader!& defle#tor
blade!& trimming ma#hine! or even manual trimming. The e*tent of trimming will
depend upon the nature of the #argo& and mu!t be in a##ordan#e with the C%

* Clu %ode Appendi* 4 7 e*ample of loading/unloading plan with e!!ential information in heavy
line bo*e!.

+ ; . Do both !hip and terminal under!tand and a##ept that if the balla!t
programme be#ome! out of !tep with the #argo operation& it will be
ne#e!!ary to !u!pend #argo operation until the balla!t operation ha! #aught

All partie! will prefer to load or di!#harge the #argo without !top! if po!!ible.
.owever& if the #argo or balla!t programme! are out of !tep a !top to #argo
handling mu!t be ordered by the ma!ter and a##epted by the terminal to avoid
the po!!ibility of inadvertently over!tre!!ing the !hip! !tru#ture.

A #argo operation! plan will often indi#ate #argo #he#' point!& when #ondition!
will al!o allow #onfirmation that the #argo and boat handling operation! are in

+f the ma*imum rate at whi#h the !hip #an !afely a##ept the #argo i! le!! than
the #argo handling #apa#ity of the terminal& it may be ne#e!!ary to negotiate
pau!e! in the #argo tran!fer programme or for the terminal to operate e)uipment
at le!! than the ma*imum #apa#ity.

+n area! where e*tremely #old weather i! li'ely& the potential for fro@en balla!t or
balla!t line! !hould be re#ogni@ed.

2<. 2<. .ave the intended pro#edure! for removing #argo re!idue! lodged in the
hold! while unloading been e*plained to the !hip and a##epted3

The u!e of bulldo@er!& frontDend loader! or pneumati#/ hydrauli# hammer! to
!ha'e material loo!e !hould be underta'en with #are& a! wrong pro#edure! #an
damage or di!tort !hip! !teel wor'. Prior agreement to the need and method
intended& together with ade)uate !upervi!ion of operator!& will avoid !ub!e)uent
#laim! or wea'ening of the !hip! !tru#ture.

4=. .ave the pro#edure! to ad(u!t the final trim of the loading !hip been
de#ided arid agreed3

Any tonnage! propo!ed at the #ommen#ement of loading for ad(u!ting the trim of
the !hip #an only be provi!ional& and too mu#h importan#e !hould not be
atta#hed to them. The !ignifi#an#e lie! in en!uring that the re)uirement i! not
overloo'ed or ignored. The a#tual )uantitie! and po!ition! to be u!ed to a#hieve
final !hip! trim will depend upon the draft reading! ta'en immediately
beforehand. The !hip !hould be informed of the
Tonnage of the #onveyor !y!tem !in#e that )uantity may be large and mu!t !till
be loaded when the order ,!top loading, i! given. Thi! figure !hould be re#orded
in the #he#'li!t.

42. .a! the terminal been advi!ed of the time re)uired for the !hip to prepare for
!ea on #ompletion of #argo wor'3

The pro#edure of !e#uring for !ea remain! a! important a! it ever wa!& and
!hould not be !'imped. .at#he! !hould be progre!!ively !e#ured on #ompletion
!o that only one or two remain to be #lo!ed after #argo wor' i! fini!hed.

Modern deepDwater terminal! for large !hip! may have very !hort pa!!age!
before the open !ea i! en#ountered. The time needed to !e#ure& therefore& may
vary between day or night& !ummer or winter& fine weather or foul weather.
/arly advi#e mu!t be given to the terminal if any e*ten!ion of time i! ne#e!!ary.

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