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Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080

Course: Human Resources Manaement
Introduction of cas stud!
Learning Objective:
To learn about some of the practical and ethical issues involved in termination decisions and also other optional
actions that can also e considered instead of termination:
Problem Statement and Solution Analysis
Problem Alternatives for wide decision making
mplementation Plan for case study
Suggested Solution for solving and problem analysis
!onclusion if the solution is implemented
"eferences and Links of sources used
"ro#$% Stat%nt and So$ution Ana$!sis
!" #romotion $rom %ead to Manaer
#$#$ Situation: She joined the company as lead after si% months she was promoted as Program &anager$ "achel
in software team was preferred and was given hope by the management to be Program &anager$ Old
employees preferred "achel but technical focused employees were sure that she will be promoted$
#$'$ Opportunity !lash: At the meanwhile "achel was thinking that she will get promoted but in fact it did not
happen as she was not at all technical$ Staff in the team preferred her not to be as Program &anager
because of her not being technical and that wont help the team growth in skills development or problem
solving during software development$
#$($ Promotion ) *mployee Pushed Out: +owever, it must be an employee previously e%perienced must be given
opportunity ) objective she or he would like to get promoted must adopt the skills that-s lacking$
2" Manaement &ssues
'$#$ Situation: About the ideas of the &anagement performance report regarding an employee they don-t
influence their direct opinion whether poor, fair, or e%cellent performance of an employee during their
Appraisal or PP$ Program &anager is talented and possesses the ability to communicate directly, team
objectives and rating clear outcomes from her team$
'$'$ *mployee &otivation . /e0motivation: n a !ompany employee motivation is great success for achieving the
targets or goals set$ n case if the employees are not motivated also not appreciated for the efforts inputted it
is certain that their performance scale decreases in an une%pected level$
'$($ Setting Objectives and /iscussion: 1hile a /epartment in a !ompany sets its objectives in relation to
!ompany achievements it-s necessary to meet with their team and have a group discussion for brainstorming
for setting S&A"T objectives$ 2nfortunately there is lack of such interaction in this !ompany$
'$3$ *%ecution of Objectives and *mployee Outcomes: As discussed above e%ecution of objectives is very
important to help the !ompany grow and obtain profitable running business with its Software products and
Case Study: Two Tough Calls (A) Problem Analysis, Harvard Business School Page o! "
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Human Resources Manaement
services rendered$ /epartment &anager can never do alone without further discussions on achievements of
'" #roblems and Causes o$ (err)
($#$ Situation: Terry was selected from pool of candidates even though was not 4ualified for the post assigned$
($'$ Selection Process: Terry was selected upon recommendation but was not placed or recruited right$
($($ +iring Process: 2sually in Organi5ations recommended candidate is hired only in areas related to his or her
field in order to avoid employee turn over, termination or other failure to do tasks process$
($3$ "e4uirement Process and Training: Terry possessed skills in writing description of software-s which is very
difficult for technical employee to write in:
2ser 6riendly 7ersion
Simple *nglish
Less Technical Terms
*ven though he used times of others but can be valuable asset to the company if utili5ed$
($8$ Performance mprovement Plan &eeting: nstead of placing him poor performance or satisfactory by our
Program &anager can place Terry in another challenging position for developing Software &anuals and 9rief
/escriptions for online browsers$
4" #roblems and Causes o$ #hil
3$#$ Situation: Phil was not motivated by company from the beginning by placing in *mployment at 1ill$ t-s
always stated that 6irst mpression is the Last mpression so Phil had the idea of this !ontract that he signed
that his job was not secured and they are keeping him as they cannot get rid of him as they already bought
the !ompany$
3$'$ *mployee :ob /escription and Objectives: 1hen there is selling of products or services there are always
clients and customers calling in4uiring regarding soft goods$ 9eing professionally !all !entre &anager it-s
not always right to place employees in core department only related to products and services production$
These areas are also important as well as production$ This could have been solved if he was given :ob
/escription and Objectives sated or either opening new area of !ustomer Service as !all !entre$
3$($ Performance mprovement Plan &eeting: Organi5ing discussion with Phil, regarding performance or allowing
Phil continuing in the same post for developing their business in4uiry tracking or effective !"&
"ro#$% A$trnati&s
Manaement *rani+ational *b,ecti-es:
- ;oals met or not met
- *mployee satisfaction or dissatisfaction
De-elo.ment o$ #rocedures:
Case Study: Two Tough Calls (A) Problem Analysis, Harvard Business School Page # o! "
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Human Resources Manaement
/ob Descri.tion and SMAR( *b,ecti-es
Strict Selection and #lacement .rocess
(rainin and De-elo.ment #rorams:
- On0the0job training
:ob rotation, !oaching, &entoring, and &odeling
- Off0the0job training
&anagement /evelopment
#&# *b,ecti-es:
- Performance mprovement and Performance Standards Practice
#&# Ratins:
Rate each indi-idual res.onsibilit) 0uantitati-el) or 0ualitati-el):
*%ceeds and &eets *%pectations
9etween &eets and *%ceeds <eeds mprovement
A$ter 1-aluation Meetin
6inali5e 6orm 0 Add your comments and signature
;ive to employee for comments and signature
;ive copy to supervisor for review
;ive copy to employee
Send signed original to +uman "esources for employee file
#er$ormance & #lans
1hen Positive "einforcement isn-t enough to bring about needed change in an employee-s performance$
To provide the employee with the structure, tools and feedback from appropriate individuals that will enable the
employee to improve performance and to better contribute to the goals of the university.
Steps alternatives suggested or flow of PIP other than terminating an employee:
Step - 1) Performance Improvement Objectives and Meetings
Step - 2) Re-Interview and Transfer: Sifting peop!e between positions witin te organi"ation#
Step - $) Training and %areer &eve!opment
Step - ') Promotion
Step - () &emotion of Stat)s or Sa!ar*
Step - +) Retirement
Step - ,) Termination: !ast decision after a!! steps not app!icab!e
I%'$%ntation "$an and Su((std so$ution
#er$ormance & #lan 2 (err):
#= "e0/esign :ob /escription
a$ Software &anual /eveloper
Case Study: Two Tough Calls (A) Problem Analysis, Harvard Business School Page $ o! "
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Human Resources Manaement
b$ n4uiry Tracker
c$ Provide /etails of Software>s in simple language and not technical
d$ &eeting with Program &anager before software publishing
'= !hange :ob Status before PP
(= Observation of Assigned Task
3= Target achievement
8= !ustomer feedback on manuals and written descriptions
?= Training and /evelopment of Skills lacking to adopt this new opportunity
@= ncentive or 9onus on positive feedback
#$ Opportunity to mprove Performance
'$ Supervisory Assistance and /ocumentation /uring the Opportunity Period
($ mprovement to an Acceptable Level
3$ /eciding 1hat to do About 2nacceptable Performance
8$ Proposal to /emote."educe in ;rade or "emove
?$ /ecision to /emote."educe in ;rade or "emove
#er$ormance & #lan 2 #hil:
#= "e0/esign :ob /escription as !all !entre &anager and Software P"
'= !hange :ob Status PP
(= On the :ob Training for developing further skills
i$ Training, on :ob "e4uirements
ii$ Training, on *mployee "elations /evelopment
3= *mployee &otivation and Performance Status &eeting before PP
8= Phil Promoted to !all !entre and P" Administrator ASoftware=
The Program Manager must be independent and firm enough to discuss the above with the
Management instead of satisfactory grading. An employee with poor performance is also an important
asset to a company. As an employee leaving the company lacking skills still represents the same
company and affects the reputation of the company. It is not an effective Manager who stays
observing and confirming of poor performance with no proper actions taken or implemented.
The Program Manager requires areas for development such as:
I) -ffective Management S.i!!s
II) -mp!o*ee Re!ation and Performance Improvement
Case Study: Two Tough Calls (A) Problem Analysis, Harvard Business School Page % o! "
Student Name: Zubaidah Abdul Rehman Al Din, 20042080
Course: Human Resources Manaement
III)%oacing and Mentoring
The poor performance of both the employees was due to improper placement of assigned jobs that they were not
talented of$ This will of course lead to employee termination rather than objectives and tasks achievement$
9y implementing the steps above it will also secure other staff members of the company$ f an employee has bad
relation with management then the employee must be either transferred to a position were don-t have to interact with
the manager or train an employee to develop relationships between management$ *very employee poor performance
is not the solution to placed in PP and terminate but instead retain the employee and fit in the right post$
+"& !hapters:
!hapter (, Organi5ational . ndividual "elations and "etention
!hapter ?, :obs and :ob Analysis
!hapter B, Selecting +uman "esources
!hapter C, Training +uman "esources
!hapter ##, Performance &anagement and Appraisal
Training !ourses and !ertifications &aterials "eferences:
/iploma in *ffective Training and /evelopment, 'DD?
!ertificate in +" Practices: Appraisal Systems ) !areer /evelopment Training, 'DD8
!ertificate in +" Practices: :ob Analysis, /escriptions ) *valuation, 'DD8
!ertificate in +" Practices: !oordination Skills, Staff !omplaints ) 6ollow0up, 'DD8
!ertificate in *ffective Teamwork0ncrease your productivity ) manage time, 'DD3
!ertificate in +" 0 Objectives, Staff Task and ;oals, 'DD3
nternet Links
Case Study: Two Tough Calls (A) Problem Analysis, Harvard Business School Page " o! "

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