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SECTION [26 24 13.

01] [16430]
A. The contractor shall provide and install dead-front [service entrance] [distribution] integrated
switchboards as herein specified and as shown on related electrical drawings.
1.2 REATE! !OC"#E$TS
A. All of the Contract !oc%&ents' incl%ding (eneral and S%pple&entar) Conditions and !ivision
1 (eneral Re*%ire&ents' appl) to the wor+ of this Section.
,. [Other Specification Sections that directly relate to the wor of this section include! but
are not li"ited to! the followin#$
1. Section [26 2% 16] [16410] & 'olded (ase )reaers
2. Section [26 43 13] [162%*] & Sur#e +rotection ,evices -or .ow/0olta#e 1lectrical
+ower (ircuits
-. Section [26 0* 13] [162*0] & 1lectrical +ower 'onitorin# and (ontrol
.. Section [26 24 13] [16441] / Switchboards
/. Section [26 24 16] [16442] / +anelboards
0. Section [26 22 13] [16461] & .ow/0olta#e ,istribution 2ransfor"ers]
1.- S",#1TTAS
A. Prod%ct !ata2 S%b&it &an%fact%rer3s printed prod%ct data.
,. !rawings2 S%b&it shop drawings for [approval] [record]. 1ncl%de co&ponents with relative
locations in e*%ip&ent' &aterial t)pes' finishes' detailed plan view reflecting re*%ired cond%it
ro%gh-in openings' elevation views' single line diagra&s' sche&atic diagra&s' circ%it sched%le
with na&eplate engravings when re*%ired' bill of &aterial' anchors and accessories.
A. The switchboard shall be designed' &an%fact%red and tested according to the latest applicable
version of the following standards2
1. A$S14$5PA 67 8 $ational Electrical Code 9$EC:
2. $E#A P,2 8 !eadfront !istrib%tion Switchboards
-. " ;<1 8 !eadfront Switchboards
,. ['anufacturer Seis"ic 3ualification$ 2he low volta#e switchboard4s5 shall "eet and be
certified to seis"ic re6uire"ents specified in the [7)( 200* 7nternational )uildin# (ode]
[()( 2010 (alifornia )uildin# (ode] [8S(1 8"erican Society of (ivil 1n#ineers 9/10].
1. 2he low volta#e switchboard4s5 shall be co"pliant with 7)( 200* para"eters$
a. )uildin# Occupancy (ate#ory 4as defined in 2able 1.1 fro" 8S(1 20105$ [7]
[77] [777] [70]
b. Seis"ic ,esi#n (ate#ory$ [8] [)] [(] [,] [1] [-]
c. Site (lass$ [8 & :ard ;oc] [) / ;oc] [( & 0ery dense soil and soft roc] [,
& Stiff soil profile] [1 & Soft Soil +rofile] [- & Soil vulnerable to potential
failure or collapse under seis"ic loadin#] as defined in 7)( 2006 2able
1613.<.2 Site (lass ,efinitions
d. 7p & 7"portance -actor$ [1.< & (o"ponents "ust function after an
earth6uae for life safety purposes 4)uildin# Occupancy (ode 705] [1.2< /
)uildin#s and structures that represent a substantial ha=ard to hu"an life in
the event of failure or that can cause substantial econo"ic i"pact or "ass
disruption of day/to/day civilian life 4)uildin# Occupancy (ode 7775] [1.0 &
>on/essential buildin#s. -unction not life critical. 4)uildin# Occupancy
(ode 7 and 775]
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 1
a. Ss & 'apped Spectral 8ccelerations for Short +eriods at 0.2 seconds &
e. Sds & <@ ,a"ped ,esi#n Spectral ;esponse 8ccelerations for Short
+eriods at 0.2 seconds & 1.49.
f. =Ah & :ei#ht factor ratio$ [BBB] >ote$ ;atio is a calculated value e6ual to the
floor the #ear is installed on divided by 12. 8 6th floor installation is a 0.<
value. 8 base"ent or #round floor installation is a 0.0 value.
2. 16uip"ent shall be desi#ned to be located in a concrete and steel! "o"ent/
resistin# fra"e buildin# not eCceedin# 12 stories in hei#ht with a "ini"u" story
hei#ht of 10 feet.]
1./ >"A1T? ASS"RA$CE
A. #an%fact%rer2 5or e*%ip&ent specified herein' provide an integrated prod%ct which is the
responsibilit) of one &an%fact%rer.
,. Perfor&ance Re*%ire&ents2 Provide switchboards &an%fact%red in accordance with Article .7;
of the latest $ational Electrical Code and applicable portions of the $E#A P,2' " ;<1 and
$5PA 67' the $ational Electrical Code.
1.0 !E1@ER?' STORA(E A$! AA$!1$(
A. !eliver &aterials and prod%cts in factor) labeled pac+ages. Store and handle in strict
co&pliance with &an%fact%rer3s instr%ctions and reco&&endations. Protect fro& da&age fro&
weather' eBcessive te&perat%res and constr%ction operations.
2.1 #A$"5ACT"RERS
A. [+rovide an 7nte#rated +ower Syste"s Switchboard4s5 2ype 7+S and accessories by
Sie"ens or pre/approved e6ual. 8pproved "anufacturers are as follows$
1. Sie"ens
2. .]
,. 5or the e*%ip&ent specified herein' the &an%fact%rer shall be 1SO <777' <771 or <772
C. The &an%fact%rer of this e*%ip&ent shall have prod%ced si&ilar electrical e*%ip&ent for a
&ini&%& of ten 917: )ears.
!. 1ntent2 1n the following specifications' prod%cts of Sie&ens are %sed to provide a standard of
*%alit) and perfor&ance for the wor+ of this section.
2.2 (E$ERA RE>"1RE#E$TS
A. Constr%ction
1. 1ntegrated switchboard shall be of the &od%lar t)pe constr%ction' constr%cted in
accordance with the latest $E#A P,-2 and " ;<1 standards' with the re*%ired n%&ber
of vertical sections bolted together to for& one &etal enclosed rigid integrated
switchboard. The sides' top and rear shall be covered with re&ovable screw-on code
ga%ge steel plates. 1ntegrated switchboard shall incl%de all protective devices and
e*%ip&ent as listed on drawings with necessar) interconnections' instr%&entation and
control wiring. All gro%ps of control wires leaving the integrated switchboard shall be
provided with ter&inal bloc+s with s%itable n%&bering strips. Service entrance
integrated switchboard shall be s%itable onl) for %se as service e*%ip&ent and be
labeled in accordance with " re*%ire&ents. S)ste& voltage' a&perage and
interr%pting capacit) shall be as indicated on the drawings. Enclos%re constr%ction shall
be [>1'8 1 indoor] [>1'8 3; outdoor].
,. ,%s Re*%ire&ents
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 2
1. 2he bus shall be [of sufficient si=e to li"it the te"perature rise to 6< de#ree (!
based on D. tests] [9<08 A s6/in for alu"inu"] [10008 A s6/in for copper] and
[shall be tapered per D. standards] [shall be fully rated the entire len#th of the
inte#rated switchboard]. The b%s shall be braced and s%pported to withstand
&echanical forces eBerted d%ring a short circ%it fro& a power so%rce having the
available short circ%it c%rrent as indicated on the drawings. Provide a f%ll capacit)
ne%tral where a ne%tral is indicated on the drawings. The thro%gh b%s on the end section
shall be eBtended and pre-drilled to allow the addition of f%t%re sections. (ro%nd b%s
and gro%nding cond%ctor l%g shall be f%rnished. (ro%nd b%s shall eBtend the entire
length of the switchboard and shall be fir&l) sec%red to each vertical section. )us
"aterial shall be [tin plated alu"inu"] [silver/plated copper].
C. 1nco&ing Service [NOTE: Select Undergr!nd r O"er#e$d %er"&ce' I( O"er#e$d) t#en
%elect *et+een c$*le r *!%,
1. [Dnder#round Service
a. 2o isolate inco"in# under#round service conductors! an under#round
cable pull or auCiliary section shall be used when shown on the drawin#s.
2his section shall be of the [non/bussed] [bussed] type and shall be
sealable per local utility re6uire"ents! when re6uired. ]
2. [Overhead Service$
a. [(able entry$ Ehere necessary! provide top cable pull boC and provide
construction that shall be sealable per local utility re6uire"ents! when
b. [)usway 1ntry$ 7nte#rated switchboard to be fed by Sie"ens Sentron
[BBBBBB] a"pere [copper] [alu"inu"] busway! as detailed on drawin#s [and
other sections of this specification]. 2he inte#rated switchboard
"anufacturer shall be responsible for coordination! proper phasin# and
internal bussin# to the inco"in# busway.]]
-. Service Section2 The service section shall be designed for the s)ste& para&eters
indicated and shall have [a "eterin# co"part"ent per utility re6uire"ents] [user
"eterin# as indicated] and shall have a &ain protective device indicated.
.. [Screw/type "echanical lu#s] [(o"pression lu#sC to ter&inate [alu"inu"]
[copper] cable shall be provided as detailed on the drawings.
!. [-ire +u"p 2ap
1. 2he fire pu"p tap section shall be on the line side of the service disconnect4s5
and contain only throu#h bus and tap lu#s to feed the fire pu"p.]
E. [Dtility 'eterin#
1. 2he utility "eterin# section shall be built in accordance with re6uire"ents and
codes of the local utility.]
5. ['ain .u#s Only [Select e&t#er t#&% -$&n L!g% Onl. %ect&n r -$&n Prtect&"e De"&ce
%ect&n *el+' Delete t#e %ect&n t#$t de% nt $//l. &n &t% ent&ret.',
1. 2he switchboard shall be "ain lu#s only. Switchboards used for service entrance
shall be li"ited to siC disconnects.]
(. ['ain +rotective ,evice [NOTE: Select ne ( t#e (&"e t./e% (r0 t#e l&%t *el+,
1. ['olded (ase (ircuit )reaer
a. 'olded case circuit breaer shall be of the 6uic/"ae! 6uic/brea! trip/
free! [ther"al "a#netic] [solid state] type. Ehen solid state breaers are
used! the continuous current ratin# shall be ad?ustable fro" 20 to 100@
without the need for a ratin# plu#. Solid state breaers shall be Sie"ens
Sensitrip 777 or Sie"ens 0. or e6uivalent desi#n. Solid state breaer trip
functions shall include ad?ust"ents for continuous a"pera#e! lon# ti"e
picup and delay! instantaneous [short ti"e picup and delay!] [#round
fault picup and delay] [=one selective interlocin# for short ti"e and
#round fault]. )reaer ratin#s shall be as shown on the drawin#s. ]
2. [-usible Switch
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 -
a. [-usible switch$ -usible switch shall be of the 6uic/"ae! 6uic/brea! trip/
free type. Switch shall be Sie"ens 0acu/brea desi#n or e6uivalent. Switch
ratin#s and options shall be shown on the drawin#s.]
b. [:i#h contact pressure switch$ :i#h contact pressure switch shall be 6uic/
"ae! 6uic/brea! trip/free type. Switch shall be Sie"ens :(+ type or
e6uivalent. Switch ratin#s and options shall be as shown on the drawin#s.
[Switch shall include #round fault protection and indication.]]
-. [)olted +ressure Switch
a. )olted pressure switch shall be true bolted contact load brea type with
provisions for (lass . fuses. Switches shall have an interruptin# ratin# of
12 ti"es the continuous ratin# and capable of carryin# 100@ of rated
current. :i#h pressure contact switches do not "eet the intent of this
re6uire"ent. [Switch shall include #round fault protection and
indication.] ]
.. [E. 7nsulated (ase )reaer! -iCed 'ount 'ain]
a. (ircuit breaers shall co"ply with the re6uire"ents of D.4%*. )reaers
shall be three/pole! 100@ rated type or approved e6ual.
1.: (ircuit beaer ele"ent shall have sprin# char#edAdischar#ed
indicators and circuit breaer open or closed and ready to close
indicators all of which shall be visible to the operator with the
co"part"ent door closed.
2.: +rovide interlocs to prevent racin# the circuit breaer unless the
breaer is open
b. ;atin#s$ 7nterruptin# up to 100 8 at 4%00 without fuses. Short ti"e current
ratin#s for each circuit breaer shall be as indicated on the drawin#s or data
tables. (ircuit breaers shall be 600/volt class.
c. Operatin# 'echanis"$ 'echanically and electrically trip/free! stored/ener#y
operatin# "echanis" with the followin# features$
1.: >or"al (losin# Speed$ independent of both control and operator
2.: [1lectrical operator! field installable with "anual char#in#]
-.: [Operations counter]
d. 1ach low volta#e circuit breaer shall be e6uipped with self/powered!
"icroprocessor/based trip/device to sense overload and short circuit
conditions. 2he device shall "easure true ;'S current. 2he trippin#
syste" shall consist of hi#h accuracy 4F1@5 ;o#owsi coil sensors on each
phase! a release "echanis" and the followin# features$
1.: -ield 7nstallable and interchan#eable front "ounted trip units. 2rip
units can be up#raded for future eCpansion in functionality! such as
2.: -unctions$ .on# ti"e! short ti"e and eCtended instantaneous
protection function shall be provided 417+5 to allow the breaer to be
applied at the withstand ratin# of the breaer with "inus 0@ tolerance
so that there is no instantaneous override whatsoever. 2his feature
shall further"ore allow the circuit breaer to be applied up to the full
instantaneous ratin# of the breaer on syste"s where the available
fault current eCceeds the breaers withstand ratin#. 1ach shall have
an ad?ustable pic/up settin#. 7n addition! lon# ti"e and short ti"e
bands shall each have ad?ustable ti"e delay. Short ti"e function
shall include a switchable 72t ra"p and optionally 74t to i"prove
coordination with fuses or inverse relays.
-.: 8 software pro#ra" shall be "ade available free of char#e to support
syste" coordination studies. 2he software will allow ti"e current
curves to be #enerated for the chosen settin#s.
..: 7ndividual .1,Gs shall indicate an overcurrent! short circuit or #round
fault trip condition.
/.: 2i"e/current characteristics shall be field ad?ustable locally or
optionally re"otely via a bus syste" ['od)us] [+rofibus] [1thernet].
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 .
0.: (urrent 8d?ustability shall be acco"plished by use of [dial settin#s]
[eypad] and ratin# plu#s on trip units. 2he ratin# plu# shall be front
"ounted and up#radeable. Dp#rades to the ratin# plu#s shall not
re6uire chan#es to the (2.
6.: +icup +oints$ 10 .on# 2i"e Settin#s.
;.: [-ield 7nstallable Hround/fault protection with at least three ti"e/delay
bands and an ad?ustable current picup and an 72t ra"p.] 8rran#e to
provide protection for [three/wire] [four/wire] service.
<.: [-ield installable =one selective interlocin#$ (onnections will be
"ade between "ain! tie and feeder circuit breaers to ensure that the
circuit breaer closest to the fault trips for short ti"e and #round fault
17.: [-ield 7nstallable (o""unications and "eterin# functions shall be
provided per schedule]
11.: [8 .(, display shall be available to si"plify settin#s I viewin# data
12.: 2he option to re"otely switch protection settin#s shall be provided
whenever a #enerator is part of the power distribution syste".
1-.: -ield installable confi#urable [analo#]! [di#ital] output relays shall be
available to connect directly to the trip unit
1..: [Eavefor" capture and display shall be acco"plished on the trip
units .(, display. ETU112 nl.]
e. 2er"inal )loc (onnections! shall be front "ounted and utili=e [Screw 2ype
2er"inals]! [;in# 2on#ue 2er"inals]! [2ension Sprin# 2er"inals]
f. [(ontrol Switch$ One for each electrically operated circuit breaer.]
g. [Jey 7nterlocs$ 'ountin#s and hardware are included where future
installation of ey/interloc devices is indicated.] 8 total of 14 different
interlocin# devices shall be available.
h. [Dndervolta#e 2rip & field installable]$ [7nstantaneous] [8d?ustable ti"e/
i. [Shunt/2rip & field installable]
D. [7ndicatin# .i#hts$ 2o indicate circuit breaer is open or closed! for
electrically operated circuit breaers.]
+. ['odular co""unication and relayin# accessories are to be available for
retrofittin# by the clients chosen en#ineer. 7t shall not be necessary for the
"anufacturerGs personnel to retrofit accessories. ]
l. 8ccessories shall be front "ounted.
&. +ortable liftin# yoe for drawout circuit breaers.
n. -ield interchan#eable accessories shall include (2Gs! trip units! racin#
"echanis" and all internal I eCternal accessories.
o. [2he "ain breaer shall have a ,yna"ic 8rc -lash Sentry. 2he "ain breaer
shall have a dual protective settin# capability with #raphic wavefor"
display! si"ilar to the Sie"ens E. breaers 12D996 trip unit. 2he "ain
breaer will allow the installer to set two different trip curves into one
breaer. One curve will be set for standard operatin# "ode and the second
curve! with instantaneous protection shall be set for arc flash "ode. 2he
switchboard shall be outfitted with a 24 0,( power supply! (ubicle)us
di#ital input "odule! annunciator panel with flashin# li#ht and a D+S power
supply. 2he arc flash "ode shall be actuated by a [Si#uard "otion sensor
set to the arc flash boundary] [eyed switch]. [8 li#ht curtain shall be
installed behind the #ear to sense open doors on the bac of the panel.]]
/. [E. 7nsulated (ase )reaer! ,rawout]
a. (ircuit breaers shall co"ply with the re6uire"ents of D.4%* and D.1066.
)reaers shall be three/pole! 100@ rated type or approved e6ual.
1.: (ircuit beaer ele"ent shall have connected! test and disconnected
position indicators! sprin# char#edAdischar#ed indicators and circuit
breaer open or closed and ready to close indicators all of which shall
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 /
be visible to the operator with the co"part"ent door closed. 7t shall
be possible to rac the circuit breaer ele"ent fro" the connected to
the disconnected position with the co"part"ent door closed!
otherwise nown as Kthrou#h the door drawoutL.
2.: +rovide interlocs to prevent racin# the circuit breaer unless the
breaer is open
b. ;atin#s$ 7nterruptin# up to 100 8 at 4%00 without fuses. Short ti"e current
ratin#s for each circuit breaer shall be as indicated on the drawin#s or data
tables. (ircuit breaers shall be 600/volt class.
c. Operatin# 'echanis"$ 'echanically and electrically trip/free! stored/ener#y
operatin# "echanis" with the followin# features$
1.: >or"al (losin# Speed$ independent of both control and operator
2.: [1lectrical operator! field installable with "anual char#in#]
-.: [Operations counter]
d. 1ach low volta#e circuit breaer shall be e6uipped with self/powered!
"icroprocessor/based trip/device to sense overload and short circuit
conditions. 2he device shall "easure true ;'S current. 2he trippin#
syste" shall consist of hi#h accuracy 4F1@5 ;o#owsi coil sensors on each
phase! a release "echanis" and the followin# features$
1.: -ield 7nstallable and interchan#eable front "ounted trip units. 2rip
units can be up#raded for future eCpansion in functionality! such as
2.: -unctions$ .on# ti"e! short ti"e and eCtended instantaneous
protection function shall be provided 417+5 to allow the breaer to be
applied at the withstand ratin# of the breaer with "inus 0@ tolerance
so that there is no instantaneous override whatsoever. 2his feature
shall further"ore allow the circuit breaer to be applied up to the full
instantaneous ratin# of the breaer on syste"s where the available
fault current eCceeds the breaers withstand ratin#. 1ach shall have
an ad?ustable pic/up settin#. 7n addition! lon# ti"e and short ti"e
bands shall each have ad?ustable ti"e delay. Short ti"e function
shall include a switchable 72t ra"p and optionally 74t to i"prove
coordination with fuses or inverse relays.
-.: 8 software pro#ra" shall be "ade available free of char#e to support
syste" coordination studies. 2he software will allow ti"e current
curves to be #enerated for the chosen settin#s.
..: 7ndividual .1,Gs shall indicate an overcurrent! short circuit or #round
fault trip condition.
/.: 2i"e/current characteristics shall be field ad?ustable locally or
optionally re"otely via a bus syste" ['od)us] [+rofibus] [1thernet].
0.: (urrent 8d?ustability shall be acco"plished by use of [dial settin#s]
[eypad] and ratin# plu#s on trip units. 2he ratin# plu# shall be front
"ounted and up#radeable. Dp#rades to the ratin# plu#s shall not
re6uire chan#es to the (2.
6.: +icup +oints$ 10 .on# 2i"e Settin#s.
;.: [-ield 7nstallable Hround/fault protection with at least three ti"e/delay
bands and an ad?ustable current picup and an 72t ra"p.] 8rran#e to
provide protection for [three/wire] [four/wire] service.
<.: [-ield installable =one selective interlocin#$ (onnections will be
"ade between "ain! tie and feeder circuit breaers to ensure that the
circuit breaer closest to the fault trips for short ti"e and #round fault
17.: [-ield 7nstallable (o""unications and "eterin# functions shall be
provided per schedule]
11.: [8 .(, display shall be available to si"plify settin#s I viewin# data
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 0
12.: 2he option to re"otely switch protection settin#s shall be provided
whenever a #enerator is part of the power distribution syste".
1-.: -ield installable confi#urable [analo#]! [di#ital] output relays shall be
available to connect directly to the trip unit
1..: [Eavefor" capture and display shall be acco"plished on the trip
units .(, display. ETU112 nl.]
1/.: 8 visible pin shall indicate wear. [7n addition to the visible pin
indicator! esti"ated contact wear shall be calculated in the trip unit
and be [capable of bein#] co""unicated re"otely.]
e. [7nclude a 'O( 4'echanis" Operated (ell switch5 operated by the circuit
breaer operatin# "echanis"]
f. 2er"inal )loc (onnections! shall be front "ounted and utili=e [Screw 2ype
2er"inals]! [;in# 2on#ue 2er"inals]! [2ension Sprin# 2er"inals]
g. +adlocin# +rovisions shall be included to install at least three padlocs on
each circuit breaer to prevent "ove"ent of the drawout "echanis".
h. Operatin# :andle shall be an inte#ral part of the breaer. >o eCternal tools
shall be re6uired to rac the breaer
i. [(ontrol Switch$ One for each electrically operated circuit breaer.]
D. [Jey 7nterlocs$ 'ountin#s and hardware are included where future
installation of ey/interloc devices is indicated.] 8 total of 14 different
interlocin# devices shall be available.
+. [Dndervolta#e 2rip & field installable]$ [7nstantaneous] [8d?ustable ti"e/
l. [Shunt/2rip & field installable]
&. [7ndicatin# .i#hts$ 2o indicate circuit breaer is open or closed! for
electrically operated circuit breaers.]
n. ['odular co""unication and relayin# accessories are to be available for
retrofittin# by the clients chosen en#ineer. 7t shall not be necessary for the
"anufacturerGs personnel to retrofit accessories. ]
o. 8ccessories shall be front "ounted. 'odular co""unications and relayin#
accessories are to be available for retrofittin# by the clients chosen
en#ineer. 7t shall not be necessary for the "anufacturerGs personnel to
retrofit accessories.
p. +ortable liftin# yoe for drawout circuit breaers.
*. -ield interchan#eable accessories shall include (2Gs! trip units! racin#
"echanis" and all internal I eCternal accessories.
r. [2he "ain breaer shall have a ,yna"ic 8rc -lash Sentry. 2he "ain breaer
shall have a dual protective settin# capability with #raphic wavefor"
display! si"ilar to the Sie"ens E. breaers 12D996 trip unit. 2he "ain
breaer will allow the installer to set two different trip curves into one
breaer. One curve will be set for standard operatin# "ode and the second
curve! with instantaneous protection shall be set for arc flash "ode. 2he
switchboard shall be outfitted with a 24 0,( power supply! (ubicle)us
di#ital input "odule! annunciator panel with flashin# li#ht and a D+S power
supply. 2he arc flash "ode shall be actuated by a [Si#uard "otion sensor
set to the arc flash boundary] [eyed switch]. [8 li#ht curtain shall be
installed behind the #ear to sense open doors on the bac of the panel.]]
A. !istrib%tion Sections
1. Panel-#o%nted' 5ront Accessible
a. 1ndivid%al sections shall be front accessible' not less than 27E deep and the rear of
all sections shall align. 1nco&ing line ter&ination' &ain device connection and all
bolts %sed to Doin c%rrent-carr)ing parts shall be installed so as to per&it servicing
fro& the front onl) so that no rear access is re*%ired. The branch devices shall be
front re&ovable and panel &o%nted with line and load side connections front
accessible. The interior shall be capable of accepting panel &o%nted &olded
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 6
case circ%it brea+ers or f%sible switches %p to 1277 A rating. Constr%ction shall be
Sie&ens S, t)pe' or approved e*%al.
1. !istrib%tion Section ,ranch Protective !evices [Select (r0 t#e l&%t *el+,
1. ['olded (ase (ircuit )reaers
a. 'olded case circuit breaers shall be of 6uic/"ae! 6uic/brea! trip/free
[ther"al "a#netic] [solid/state & 1<0 a"p fra"e! 30 a"p trip and above]
type with fra"e! trip and volta#e ratin#s! as indicated on the drawin#s. 2he
switchboard shall have space or fully e6uipped provisions for future units
as shown on the drawin#s.]
2. [-usible Switches
a. -usible switch$ -usible switch shall be of the 6uic/"ae! 6uic/brea! trip/
free type. Switch shall be Sie"ens 0acu/brea desi#n or e6uivalent. Switch
ratin#s and options shall be shown on the drawin#s.
b. :i#h contact pressure switch$ :i#h contact pressure switch shall be 6uic/
"ae! 6uic/brea! trip/free type. Switch shall be Sie"ens :(+ type or
e6uivalent. Switch ratin#s and options shall be shown on the drawin#s.]
-. [7nsulated (ase (ircuit )reaers
a. 1ach insulated case circuit breaer shall be [drawout] [stationary] fra"e!
stored ener#y type! trip free! ["anually operated] [electrically operated] with
solid/state trip device. -ra"e si=es and trip ratin#s to be as shown on the
drawin#s. 8ll breaers to have an interruptin# capacity as indicated on the
drawin#s. 2rip functions shall include ad?ust"ents for lon# ti"e picup and
delay! [short ti"e picup and delay!] [instantaneous!] [#round fault picup
and delay!] [=one selective interlocin# for short ti"e and #round fault!] and
shall have an inte#ral test function to test the trip unit electronics. -ault
indication shall be provided on the trip unit for overload! short ti"e! short
circuit and #round fault trip conditions. )reaers shall be Sie"ens 2ype E.
)reaer desi#n or e6uivalent.]
.. ['otor Starter Dnits
a. 'otor starter units shall be #roup "ounted with >1'8 7(S 3! (lass 1 2ype
[18] [1)] wirin#.
b. Short circuit protection shall be 127 instantaneous/trip circuit breaers si=ed
based on the horsepower indicated on the drawin#s.
c. 'otor starters shall be of traditional >1'8 construction! D. listed and (S8
certified! with replaceable contacts on all si=es. 8ll starters shall be
electrically held and wired to provide low volta#e protection and release.
d. Overload protection shall be provided by a Sie"ens 1S+100 (lass 20 solid
state overload relay that is close coupled to the contactor. 2he overload
relay shall be self/powered re6uirin# no additional wirin#. 1ach overload
shall be ad?ustable over a "ini"u" 2$1 -.8 ad?ust"ent ran#e with a 4$1
ran#e standard below 10 a"peres. 2he overload should not re6uire loopin#
to obtain a "ini"u" a"pere ran#e of 0.2< a"peres. 2he overload "ust
have a M/2@ trip repeatability over its entire operatin# ran#e and "ust be
unaffected by a"bient conditions. 8 ta"per resistant cover or re"ovable
dial shall be provided to discoura#e the unauthori=ed ad?ust"ent of the
e. 2he overload shall provide phase loss protection by trippin# in 3 seconds
or less under a phase loss condition in the branch circuit and shall protect
the "otor in a startin#! full load! or li#htly loaded condition a#ainst sin#le
phase da"a#e. 2he overload and phase loss protection shall not be able to
be defeated by any chan#es to the settin# of the overload.
f. 2he overload shall be a"bient insensitive and able to operate in a
te"perature ran#e of /22 N- to M1<* N-. 7t shall have a trip free nor"ally
closed contact rated >1'8 8600 with a visible trip indication. Optional >O
or >( isolated alar" contacts shall be available for the overload relay. 7t
shall have a "ethod of bein# "anually tripped for test purposes. 2he
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 ;
circuit board for the overload shall be confor"ally coated for protection
a#ainst "oisture.]
=. Other 1ntegrated E*%ip&ent
1. 1ntegrated Panelboard
a. The panelboards indicated on the drawings shall be integrated into the integrated
switchboard. The panelboard shall be Sie&ens Sentron P-series in co&pliance
with specification Section [26 24 16] [16442].
b. [.i#htin# +anelboards shall be supplied with a tri" with hin#ed locable
door! securely fastened to switchboard fra"e. ,oor ed#es shall be free of all
sharp ed#es.] [.i#htin# panelboards shall be supplied with a hin#ed
deadfront co"plete with a hin#ed locable door over panel. Screws used to
secure hin#ed deadfront shall be captive. 2ri" door shall be free of all sharp
c. 1ntegrated panelboards shall be [pre/wired] [wired by contractor] fro& the
associated feeder device located within the switchboard distrib%tion section.
Fhere pre-wiring is perfor&ed b) the &an%fact%rer' panelboards served b) circ%it
protective devices within separate shipping splits shall have cond%ctors
ter&inated to the circ%it protective device and coiled within the shipping split with
the circ%it protective device and sec%red for ship&ent. Ade*%ate cable lengths
and cable s%pports shall be provided for ease of installation b) the installation
d. Fhere co&pression wire connectors are %sed' the installation contractor shall be
responsible for ter&inating co&pression wire connectors.
e. 1ntegral power cond%ctors are installed within the integrated switchboard
cond%ctors shall be siGed in accordance with the contract drawings' specifications
and applicable " and $ational Electrical Code re*%ire&ents.
f. Fhere the panelboard is served b) an eBternal so%rce provide ade*%ate p%ll and
wire bending space and s%fficient cond%it openings for installation of eBternal
so%rce cond%ctors.
g. Sections and4or panelboard co&part&ents served b) an eBternall) s%pplied power
so%rce' internal transfor&er' or adDacent distrib%tion section shall be isolated fro&
adDacent sections and4or co&part&ents b) internal gro%nded &etal barriers or
ins%lated barriers.
2. !r)-T)pe Transfor&er
a. The transfor&ers indicated on the contract drawings shall be integrated into the
switchboard. The transfor&ers shall be Sie&ens Sentron series in co&pliance
with specification Section [26 22 13.01] [16461]. 1nstallation of transfor&ers shall
in no wa) red%ce the integrit) of the vertical switchboard section.
b. Ade*%ate ventilation shall be provided s%ch that the switchboard str%ct%ral
te&perat%re is &aintained per " ;<1' section -1.
c. The pri&ar) ter&inations of the integrated transfor&ers shall be [pre/wired]
[wired by contractor] fro& the associated feeder device located within the
switchboard distrib%tion section. Fhere pre-wiring is perfor&ed b) the
&an%fact%rer' transfor&ers served b) circ%it protective devices within separate
shipping splits shall have cond%ctors ter&inated to the circ%it protective device
and coiled within the shipping split with the circ%it protective device and sec%red
for ship&ent. Ade*%ate cable lengths and cable s%pports shall be provided for
ease of installation b) the installation contractor. Transfor&ers feed b) an eBternal
so%rce is the responsibilit) of the electrical contractor.
d. The secondar) ter&inations of the integrated transfor&ers shall be [pre/wired]
[wired by contractor] to the associated integrated load device or panelboard
located within the integrated switchboard. Fhere pre-wiring is perfor&ed b) the
&an%fact%rer' transfor&ers served b) circ%it protective devices within separate
shipping splits shall have cond%ctors ter&inated to the transfor&er and coiled
within the shipping split with the transfor&er and sec%red for ship&ent. Ade*%ate
cable lengths and cable s%pports shall be provided for ease of installation b) the
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 <
installation contractor. Secondar) connections eBternal to the integrated
switchboard shall be the responsibilit) of the electrical contractor.
e. Fhere co&pression wire connectors are %sed' the installation contractor shall be
responsible for ter&inating co&pression wire connectors.
f. 1ntegral power cond%ctors installed within the integrated switchboard shall be siGed
in accordance with the contract drawings' specifications and applicable " and
$ational Electrical Code re*%ire&ents.
g. Fhere the transfor&er is served b) an eBternal so%rce provide ade*%ate p%ll and
wire bending space and s%fficient cond%it openings for installation of eBternal
so%rce cond%ctors.
h. Transfor&er sections and4or co&part&ents shall be isolated fro& adDacent
sections and4or co&part&ents b) internal gro%nded &etal barriers or ins%lated
-. 1ntegrated ighting Control
a. The lighting control s)ste& indicated on the contract drawings shall be integrated
into the switchboard. [2he li#htin# control unit shall be Sie"ens type i/3.]
b. The lighting control %nit shall be provided with a deadfront tri& and hinged
loc+able access door rigidl) attached to switchboard fra&e. !eadfront shall be one
piece easil) re&ovable for access to lighting control co&ponents.
c. Control power for lighting control %nit shall be provided b) [Sie"ens i/3]
[eCternal by others]. Fhen control power is provided b) &an%fact%rer wiring
between the control power so%rce and the lighting control %nit shall be [pre/wired
by "anufacturer] [wired by contractor]. Fhen control power is s%pplied b)
others' control power wiring to the lighting control %nit shall be b) the electrical
.. 1ntegrated A%to&atic Transfer Switches
a. A%to&atic Transfer switches shown on the contract drawings shall be integrated
into the switchboard and shall be &an%fact%red b) ASCO' R%sselectric or e*%al.
b. Fhere indicated on the drawings' &an%fact%rer shall provide inner connectivit) to
nor&al side of a%to&atic transfer switch.
c. Fhere indicated on the drawings' &an%fact%rer shall provide inner connectivit) to
load side of a%to&atic transfer switch.
d. E&ergenc) so%rce connectivit)' %nless otherwise indicated on the drawings' shall
be provided b) the electrical contractor.
/. A%Biliar) Sections and4or Co&part&ents
a. A%Biliar) co&part&ent shall be provided for a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent designated on the
drawings to either be factor) installed or field installed within the integrated
switchboard. EBa&ples of possible a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent are b%ilding a%to&ation
panels' contactors' PCHs' &etering' c%sto&er s%pplied e*%ip&ent and4or others
as designated. 5actor) drawings shall clearl) denote all a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent
installed within the 1ntegrated switchboard incl%ding interconnecting wiring.
b. Ainged &etal doors shall be installed on a%Biliar) co&part&ents to allow wor+ing
access to a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent. !oors shall be loc+able either with a b%ilt in
t%&bler and +e) or b) padloc+ing provisions.
c. Fhere a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent is indicated on the drawings to be installed within the
switchboard b) the &an%fact%rer' the e*%ip&ent shall be installed to &eet all
applicable codes and standards while &aintaining the " listing of the
d. E*%ip&ent space designated for field installed e*%ip&ent shall be provided with
gro%nded &etal bac+-plate for &o%nting a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent.
e. A%Biliar) sections and4or co&part&ents shall be isolated fro& adDacent sections
and4or co&part&ents and internal b%ssing b) gro%nded &etal barriers or ins%lated
f. All factor) installed a%Biliar) e*%ip&ent shall be " isted and labeled.
g. Fhere indicated on the drawings provide power o%tlets and lighting within
a%Biliar) co&part&ent.
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 17
I. (ro%nd 5a%lt Protection
1. 5%rnish and install in the service e*%ip&ent and4or switchboard gro%nd fa%lt protection
and indication e*%ip&ent as specified herein and as shown on drawings in accordance
with $EC 2-7-</. All parts of the s)ste&s specified shall be " isted. All new gro%nd
fa%lt protection and indication e*%ip&ent shall be factor) installed' wired and tested b)
the switchboard &an%fact%rer.
. #etering E*%ip&ent
1. Provide a &%lti-f%nction' high acc%rac) digital power &etering instr%&entation &od%le
e*%ipped with C! displa). The power &etering &od%le shall provide si&%ltaneo%s
&eas%re&ents for c%rrent' voltage and power para&eters. Power &eter shall be
Sie&ens t)pe [+8( 3100] [+8( 3200] [+8(4200] [*340] [*360] [*<10] [*<10
8,;A;2D] [*610] e*%ipped with a co&&%nications port for standard RS-.;/
connection. Refer to Section [26 0* 13.CC] [162*0] for additional detailed power
&onitoring specifications.
#. 5inish
1. The co&plete switchboard shall be phosphatiGed and finished with A$S1 01 light gra)
pol)ester powder paint.
$. #ar+ings
1. Each switchboard section shall have a label per&anentl) affiBed to it' listing the following
infor&ation2 $a&e of &an%fact%rer' s)ste& voltage' a&pacit)' t)pe' &an%fact%rer3s shop
order n%&ber and date.
2. Each section of switchboard shall bear a " listing &ar+' where *%alified and a short
circ%it rating label.
-. 5ront' side' rear and top of each switchboard section will have a !A$(ER label in
accordance with $E#A Standard P,-2.
O. [Optional 7te"s]$
2. [+rovide Sur#e +rotection ,evice for .ow 0olta#e (ircuits per specification
Section [26 43 13 CC] [162%*]].
-. [+rovide 1lectrical +ower 'onitorin# and (ontrol per specification Section [26 0*
13.CC] [162*0]].
-. [+rovide hin#ed wire way covers for front connected distribution sections.]
.. [+rovide ey interlocs as indicated on associated electrical drawin#s.]
/. [8ll control wire shall be type S7S.]
0. NOTE: I( t#&% %/ec&(&c$t&n &% (r $ NE-A 1 %+&tc#*$rd) t#en t#e %/$ce #e$ter)
#!0&d&%t$t $nd t#er0%t$t $re $ll /t&n%' I( t#&% %/ec&(&c$t&n &% (r $ NE-A 3R
%+&tc#*$rd) t#en $ %/$ce #e$ter &% &ncl!ded $% %t$nd$rd' T#e t#er0%t$t r
#!0&d&%t$t &% /t&n$l' [Space heaters and a [ther"ostat] [hu"idistat] shall be
included in the switchboard. Space heater shall be si=ed to prevent
condensation. 2he 120/ volt power shall be derived fro" [a factory supplied (+2
of the appropriate si=e for the space heater] [a custo"er supplied source].
1. [8pply in the field! the factory supplied arc flash warnin# label to all switchboards
that are in other than dwellin# occupancies and are liely to re6uire eCa"ination!
ad?ust"ent! servicin#! or "aintenance while ener#i=ed to warn 6ualified persons
of potential electrical arc flash ha=ards.]
2. [+rovide a co"plete arc flash study of the entire electrical syste" fro" the point
of inco"in# service to all panelboards. .abels shall include the arc flash
boundary in feet! ha=ard cate#ory and a list of appropriate ++1.]]
P. [;e"ote ;acin#
1. 8 re"ote racin# device shall be supplied to allow 6ualified personnel to rac
Sie"ens 2ype E. breaers into (onnect! 2est and ,isconnect positions fro" up
to 30 feet away fro" the breaer and outside the arc flash ha=ard boundary.
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 11
2. 2he re"ote racin# device shall support utili=ation on any -ra"e Si=e 2 or -ra"e
Si=e 3 E. breaer 4includin# fuse carria#e on fused -ra"e Si=e 3 E. breaer5.
-. 2he re"ote racin# device shall be portable and wei#h less than 30 pounds
4eCcludin# cables and re"ote control panel5.
.. 2he re"ote racin# device shall have inte#ral tor6ue overload sensin# to prevent
da"a#e to the breaer racin# "echanis".
/. 2he re"ote racin# device shall allow breaer to be raced to any position
4disconnect! test! connect5 re#ardless of the startin# position of the breaer and
without the need for user input as to the startin# position.
0. 2he re"ote racin# device shall support field retrofit on 2ype E. .ow 0olta#e
-.1 1$STAAT1O$
O. EBa&ine s%bstrates and conditions in which %nits will be installed. Chec+ for clearance that will
be re*%ired before' d%ring and after e*%ip&ent installation. !o not proceed with installation
%ntil %nsatisfactor) conditions are corrected.
P. Strictl) co&pl) with &an%fact%rer3s instr%ctions and reco&&endations and $E#A P, 2.1.
Coordinate installation with adDacent wor+ to ens%re proper se*%ence of constr%ction'
clearances and s%pport.
>. 1nstall %nits pl%&b' level and rigid witho%t distortion to the switchboard c%bicle9s:.
R. Fhere integral factor) power wiring is provided' the !ivision [26] [16] contractor shall install
power wiring connections between shipping splits per integrated switchboard &an%fact%rerHs
drawings. Fhere interconnecting power wiring is re*%ired between devices and e*%ip&ent
within the integrated switchboard and is not indicated as provided b) the switchboard
&an%fact%rer on the &an%fact%rerHs drawings' provide and install power wiring as indicated on
the drawings and as re*%ired to provide a co&plete and operating s)ste&.
-.2 A!="ST1$( A$! CEA$1$(
O. Clean eBposed s%rfaces %sing &an%fact%rer reco&&ended &aterials and &ethods.
P. To%ch-%p da&aged coatings and finishes %sing non-abrasive &aterials and &ethods
reco&&ended b) &an%fact%rer. Eli&inate all visible evidence of repair.
-.- TEST1$(
O. Perfor& factor) and installation tests in accordance with applicable $EC' $E#A and "
-.. FARRA$T?
O. E*%ip&ent &an%fact%rer warrants that all goods s%pplied are free of non-confor&ities in
wor+&anship and &aterials for one )ear fro& date of initial operation' or %p to eighteen &onths
fro& date of ship&ent.
=%l) 1/' 271. [+ro?ect >a"e]
1ntegrated Switchboards [26 24 13.01] [16430]8 12

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