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For the academic journal in computer

science, see Performance Evaluation.
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& performance appraisal 3P&4, also referred to as a performance revie5,
performance evaluation,678 3career4 development discussion,698 or employee
appraisal6:8 is a method y 5hich the jo performance of an employee is
documented and evaluated. Performance appraisals are a part of career
development and consist of regular revie5s of employee performance 5ithin
'ontents 6hide8
7 +ain features
9 &pplications of results
9.7 Potential ene$ts
9.9 Potential complications
9.: .mprovements
9.; !pposition
: <ho conducts them
; <hen are they conducted
= +ethods of collecting data
=.7 !jective production
=.7.7 "appy>productive 5orker hypothesis
=.9 Personnel
=.: ?udgmental evaluation
=.; Peer and self assessments
@ !rgani/ational citi/enship ehavior
A .ntervie5s
B Employee reactions
C 0egal implications
7D 'ross>cultural implications
77 (evelopments in information technology
79 1ater errors
7: #ee also
7; 1eferences
+ain features6edit8
& performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process that assesses an
individual employeeEs jo performance and productivity in relation to certain pre>
estalished criteria and organi/ational ojectives.6;86=8 !ther aspects of individual
employees are considered as 5ell, such as organi/ational citi/enship ehavior,
accomplishments, potential for future improvement, strengths and 5eaknesses, etc.
To collect P& data, there are three main methodsF ojective production, personnel,
and judgmental evaluation. ?udgmental evaluations are the most commonly used
5ith a large variety of evaluation methods.678 "istorically, P& has een conducted
annually 3long>cycle appraisals4G ho5ever, many companies are moving to5ards
shorter cycles 3every si* months, every Huarter4, and some have een moving into
short>cycle 35eekly, i>5eekly4 P& .6B86C8 The intervie5 could function as Iproviding
feedack to employees, counseling and developing employees, and conveying and
discussing compensation, jo status, or disciplinary decisionsJ.6B8 P& is often
included in performance management systems. P& helps the suordinate ans5er
t5o key HuestionsF $rst, "<hat are your e*pectations of meK" second, ""o5 am .
doing to meet your e*pectationsK" 67D8
Performance management systems are employed Ito manage and align" all of an
organi/ation's resources in order to achieve highest possile performance.678 I"o5
performance is managed in an organi/ation determines to a large e*tent the
success or failure of the organi/ation. Therefore, improving P& for everyone should
e among the highest priorities of contemporaryJ organi/ations.6778
#ome applications of P& are compensation, performance improvement, promotions,
termination, test validation, and more.6798 <hile there are many potential ene$ts
of P&, there are also some potential dra5acks. For e*ample, P& can help facilitate
management>employee communicationG ho5ever, P& may result in legal issues if
not e*ecuted appropriately, as many employees tend to e unsatis$ed 5ith the P&
process.67867:867;8 P&s created in and determined as useful in the Lnited #tates are
not necessarily ale to e transferale cross>culturally.67=8
& study 5as conducted in .ndia title "PE1F!1+&,'E &PP1&.#&0F& '&#E #TL(M !F
'PP 0&0NL&,", sho5s that more than half of the sample of sta) persons are
ene$ted and improving their kno5ledge and skills through performance appraisal
techniHues 678.67@8

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