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CIV1501 ENGINEERING STATICS Semester 2, 2002

Week 4 Lecture Content

1. Free Body Di!rm A FBD is a sketch of a particle or body isolated from
its surroundings. All forces and moments acting on the particle or body are
then sketched in position and labelled with magnitude and direction if
known or with representatie letters or symbols if unknown.
!. "ods " most loads that structures are sub#ected to in real life can be
simplified to one of the following three types.
$1% #oi$t "od or Co$%e$trted "od the force is applied oer a
relatiely small area relatie to the dimensions of the structure& e.g.
wheel loads& column or post loads& etc.
'ost 15 kN
!.( m !.( m
Col ! V1 V2
Co& 1
Free Body Diagram
)eal Body
$!% '$i(orm&y Distri)*ted "od +'D"% acts oer a specific surface
at a uniform intensity& eg& the self weight of a steel beam& self weight
of a concrete slab& etc. *ind force is usually assumed to be a +DL.
,o are occupancy loads $e.g the design occupancy load of a
classroom is specified in the Aust Loading Code A, 11-. to be / k0
per s1uare metre of floor area so draw a FBD of a beam supporting
the row or seats you are sitting in.%
Consider the platform supported on a log beam on two posts as
below. Draw FBD of log beam if platform is ( m s1uare and the
self weight and design load together e1ual 2 k03m
4. k0 per m
(.. m
51 5!
Free Body Diagram
)eal ,ituation
$/% '$i(orm&y Vryi$! "od , ,uch loads may be caused by the
weight of water against a pool wall& earth behind a retaining wall& a
shared load where two beams meet& and so on.
1! k03m
4 k03m
6.. m /.. m
2 k03m
/. S*--ort ty-es For !"D problems& supports will always simplify to one of
the three types below.
$1% Ro&&er S*--ort or S.ort "i$k such supports proide one reaction
component in a known direction.
78amples of such a support would include a tall& unbraced column&
an e8pansion #oint& etc. ,uch #oints will be shown on FBD9s as
:r simply
5 )esists force only in both
directions perp to surface
$!% Smoot. #i$ or /i$!e such supports proide two reaction
components& usually two forces at right angles to one another.
;ncludes most bolted connections. Can resist force but has
negligible resistance to moment& i.e. door hinge can resist moement
in any direction& but allows rotation of the door as soon as any
moment is applied. *ill be shown on FBD9s as follows<
5 )esists ertical and hori>ontal
forces in both directions
$/% Fi8ed support this proides complete restraint against moment&
hori>ontal moement and ertical moement& e.g. one end of a
cantileer beam built into a concrete wall
)esists ertical& hori>ontal and
5 rotational tendencies.
40 E1*i&i)ri*m o( Ri!id Body
+se the conditions of e1uilibrium i.e. F8 @ .& Fy @ .& ?> @ .
0ote that for !"D e8amples we must hae no more than / unknowns or
else the problem cannot be soled by statics alone as we only hae three e1uations of
'roblems where there are more than three unknown components are called
stti%&&y i$determi$te. *e will look at such problems briefly towards the end of
the course.
As a procedure for problems& it is a good idea to always begin by taking
moments about some point where two of the unknowns cancel out.
Ded "od essentially the self weight of the structure remains constant thru the
life of the structure. Can usually be determined accurately.
"i4e "od ;ncludes occupancy loads& wind loads& earth1uake forces& ehicle loads&
dynamic loads of machinery& etc will ary considerably during the life of the
3%%*-$%y &ods can often be estimated fairly accurately& but c an also ary
widely if the intended use of the structure changes. Comprise forces caused by
people& machines and moable ob#ects and e1uipment. ,AA Loading Code A,11-.&
'art 1 gies what are considered to be conseratie alues for occupancy loads.
=oweer& if the designed has some reason to think they may be higher& he3she has a
responsibility to use higher alues.
e.g. Classrooms / k03m! plus !.-k0 point load at worst position
Assembly halls 4k03m! plus !.- k0 point load
,tage -.( k03m! plus 4.( point load at worst position
)es building !.. k03m! plus 1.2 k0 point load
Library /./ k03m for each clear m of room height
Wi$d &ods e8ert pressure or suction on e8posed surfaces. Fre1uency and
distribution highly ariable. *ind Code $A,11-.& 'art !% allows calculation of
e1uialent static pressure using 1 @ ..6 5!. where 1 is the dynamic pressure in
'ascals $03m!% and 5 @ dynamic wind elocity in m3s.
Domestic structures in ,7 Ald tend to be designed to *// $i.e. 5@//m3s
which is 1!. kph% thus 1 @ ..6( k03m!.
=ouses in e8posed areas are designed to *4! $1(. kph%& 1 @ 1.1 k03m!
'ublic buildings tend to be designed for *(. $12. kph%& 1 @ 1.( k03m!
Bhese are fairly strong winds as the following table shows<
At ! m3s $- kph% leaes rustle& feel bree>e on face
4 m3s $1( kph% " flags flutter
6 m3s $!! kph% " dust raised& small branches sway& loose paper blown
1! m3s $4/ kph% trees sway& wires whistle& umbrella hard to open.
!. m3s $-! kph% branches break& hard to walk
!( m3s $C. kph% guests will upset balance
;n ,7 Ald preailing winds tend to be from ,* in winter from high pressure in 0,*&
and from the 7 and ,7 in summer from low pressure in the Coral ,ea.
Local pressure and suction can be greater around edges and corners and are usually
increased by factor of 1.( to !.. for edge fastenings.
Bhe wind Code also gies reduction factors for walls and roofs depending of the
structure9s dimensions and roof slope and the wall permeabiulity.
Braffic Loads )oad Authorities specify minimum design loads for arious
types of road use. Bhe usual design load for rural roads in Australia is
For a8le with single wheels " a8le load @ (.4 B $say (4 k0%
For a8le with single duels " a8le load @ 2.( B
For a8le with duel tandems " a8le load @ 1( B
Bhe ma8imum legal weight for any ehicle is actually 4. t $about 4.. k0%& but
oerloaded ehicles hae been detected& especially in remote areas& with oer three
times the legal limit.

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