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Atonement Truth

By Dee Burgess
(Copyright 2003)

I want to address the purpose of Christ's life and death on earth as it an

essential foundation for man's progression into the light and oneness with
the eternal Creator's love. My views and credentials are simply the result of
my research and experience, which is the highest form of authority in any
avenue of life. This path has taken me out and away from the various
traditional beliefs of mortal man and back again to identify with many
disciplines which hold fast to the very truths of my own personal discovery.
In saying this, I want to establish God's pure and perfect design of equality
for all mankind in his individual search for love and truth. I don't wish to
debate beliefs but only to share my vision as a witness to truth. Scripture
references can be found through personal search.
It is important to understand why Christ's life, death, ministry and purpose
to man was necessary. It is a simple gospel once understood as a whole
picture. This revelation would take us back to the very beginnings of our
created existence, unremembered (but felt) by most, and then forward to our
present reality. The evidence of this memory still lies in our very current
existence...the drama still continues, taking on many forms.
Before this mortal existence came into being; all creations existed
spiritually, harmoniously together as one body or family. Concepts of
control, division, possession, inequality, etc. were non-existent in our
innocence. In that day, 'God' was not even a word in our vocabulary, or a
belief or a debate in our consciousness; undefined as even our Creator. God
was pleased and fulfilled only to be described as the spirit/feeling which
drew, with love (never compel, manipulate or force), all of His precious
children closer to His light and love. I use the word 'His' not to define
gender but to suggest a loving presence beyond the word 'it'. God's reality is
neither and both gender purpose, for lack of better description at this point.
It's important to note also that 'love' was, but neither defined. To continue;
this 'drawing' was eventually realized as something...somewhat different
than oneself, but within nevertheless. It began to be qualified, unfortunately,
as a source...a goal by some. I say unfortunately when referring to this
identification because it was the beginning seeds of division. As God's spirit
became more defined, it's intelligence, power and teaching properties
became realized also.
Progression into this light was the understandings and essence of pure love's
principles. It took only one cell, one thought of self, one design to attempt to
improve upon perfection to introduce the separation which was the prelude
to death; something which was alien and unnatural in Creator's design. This
revealment is not to place blame on an individual but more importantly to
exemplify the power of 'one' kill or to heal. When a close walk to the
Creator became pride within the heart rather than joy, it began to breakdown
the fiber of perfection and peace woven within life. To make a long story
short, I will mention the basic aspects of this transgression which led souls
astray from her Creator. As I stated before, the evidence exists within man's
history books, spiritual doctrines and present reality because this mortal
realm is a mirror, a reflection of our past and present spiritual reality
(individually and collectively) created for the purpose and benefit of all life.
One heart designated itself as an authority on this progression into the light
as he boasted experience beyond many others. Although it was not entirely
true, who can argue what they haven't yet experienced. This variation of
understanding/experience was in no way an expression of inequality in
God's children: it is the very nature of God reflected throughout His
creation. It is the beautiful created quality of colorful variation and
dimension which was intended as enhancement and enlightenment to life
rather than the segregation, discrimination and inequality which only a
prideful heart can invent. There exists a great need for each individual to
seek out and understand God's nature in order to more fully appreciate the
various, expansive aspects of His creation; and thus each other's
distinctiveness, attributes and equality through His eyes.
Once one set himself above another as a guide, the way to God; what
followed was a evolution of disaster and disease. One defiled principle
created another until individuality and equality became a lost and forgotten
purpose. These adopted designs sent souls further away from love and into a
graduating, cold darkness...away from the warmth of God's presence; His
spirit, His voice. The dominant voice promised it's following the power of
God through it's own devices which were ignorantly deceitful because, you
must remember, at this time these ideas had never before been imagined nor
tried. They were, at best, a very incomplete interpolations of God (half-
baked concoctions). Power, though grossly misunderstood, became a new
word in the vocabulary of innocence. Souls unknowingly gave up their God-
given rights to His presence by submission to follow, to wait in line, to
sacrifice their place; believing in a 'new order' from an apparently educated
source - one who proclaimed to know more than them. This was the
beginning of original sin; separation from Creator, the 'fall of man' so to
speak. Sin is no more or less than the separation from God, creating the void
between life and death; God is literally 'life' (the life force of all creation)
and absence of life is obviously death. Death and degeneration became a
reality and 'sin' the definition thereof. As this absence of life soon came to
be realized, the greater struggle to return created even more strife among
souls through fear. Jealousy, rivalry, greed, lust, deceit, and all manner of
selfishness is the child of fear - the product of a lie. Turning desperately to
each other for fulfillment of life, in all capacities, is the key offense; the lie
of eternity - it is murder of innocense.
Not all were subject to the unknown rebellion. There were many others who
continued on to love and light to learn of the greater knowledge God
offered. But this wrinkle in life's fabric began to effect all life negatively
and the natural progression of life became inhibited. One, in particular, grew
in truth, perfection and love through communications with God. I know him
as Michael, though many names he's carried throughout time and eternity.
Though his special properties were designed of an divine order known only
by God, his character, growth and development were never set above
another. Our historical biblical testaments reveal this eternal saga through
time, along with many others, through stories of Joseph and other identities.
But his knowledge of God inclined him to the very nature of it's source. He
could not commit to the same aggressive voice that unknowingly was
becoming an enemy to life. However, his experience, knowledge and very
countenance, reflected his allegiance to the original source of life that all
had once known. He learned to move in perfect harmony with the will and
desire of only God, ie. perfect love and truth. The need for healing to the
body became evident as he came to know and understand the pain of
creation and Creator through his connection to the true source. He could
identify the source of violation as his prior brother's pathways became
obviously divided in goals and motives from his own. His attempts to regain
peace and harmony among souls in the name of God, were regarded as a
kind of mutiny to the majority and choosing sides for the first time was the
tragic result and demand of life's first dictator.
As a result, an eternal plan of salvation and restoration was then set into
motion and this earth is the stage in which this drama/dilemma could be
acted out and all truths proven to all souls. We will continue to participate
until each soul has made an educated decision of their chosen alliances.
God's nature could never 'require' sacrifice for salvation; this statement in
itself is a contradiction. Christ of his own free will, offered his life as a
demonstration... a living exemplification of past, present and future
potential to recover the lost. God revealed the 'Son's' purpose, appearance
and death to prove that life did exist beyond this flesh, within and through
the power, love and light of God; the eternal Creator and true source of all
life. Thus, resurrection is his glory, not death. In the truest reality, Michael
could not truly die as he eternally alive in the truth. This act had to be
permitted through the power and love of the Father as it is in defiance of the
laws of eternal truth of Christ's existence. This allowance in itself was a
pain which the Father endured beyond any mortal comprehension and which
will probably never be known to any soul. It should be noted here that the
Father's love for all his lost children is not less than his love for Christ.
Michael's endless love, devotion and relationship to the Father demonstrates
the potential for all souls and invitation to this eternally fulfilling pursuit.
Christ's reenactment demonstrated in a tangible manner, the past reality of
what had actually occurred in Heaven (eternity past) to God, Michael and
each other. Murder of innocence in every aspect of Christ's passion was the
theme of his debut; but an act it was not. This crime was very real and final
judgment is a choice every individual will make before this purpose
completes and fulfills it's intended course. Accountability can only be
established through knowledge and that is the purpose of this mortal
existence; to experience the realities of all our choices, good and bad. The
truth must be known.
Christ's intervention also accomplished the means to put mankind's feet
back on the original pathway of individual communication and connection
to God, via His spirit. As his authority established him as rabbi; a teacher, he
set this truth into motion when he departed. He directed his followers back
to the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the voice of God: God's
presence. Had he not departed, he would have committed the same error as
his fallen brother; glorifying himself in his brother's eyes. His departure set
men free; He acted in the stead of God. The symbolism of His blood is the
very essence of his existence; God's spirit. His presence and departure
reintroduced equality and individuality; breaking through the prison walls
of institution and domination of man over man. His actions demonstrated
and invoked truth in perfection; he never allowed any man to worship him
or even call him good. He always referred his followers back to the
perfections of God the Father, the Spirit of life. If he is glorified of the
Father, it is not of his own designs. All of these attributes are essential to
salvation and progression back into the flow of the life force. Many
responsive souls have come and still come throughout time, but Christ's
purpose is most important because he established an antithesis to the lie.
And above all the most vital of all principles which he established was
teaching mankind how to receive. This most basic nature within all souls
was defiled and corrupted. The childlike nature Jesus described as necessary
to restoration of the kingdom involves the receiving qualities of a child from
a parent. He ushered the light back into the separated darkness upon the
earth and established it within his followers to remain and grow until the
end of times. This light is no more or less than God's spirit/presence which
is always offered and available to guide, perfect, fulfill all who will receive
it. No man possesses it or controls it or issues it; no institution owns it.
Freedom is the basis of this message. This gospel is simple and need not be
complicated beyond average comprehension. Christ did not leave man alone
but quite deliberately left him in the very capable hands of God via His
spirit. His commandments are about individual connection back to the only
true source - never allowing a soul to get in line behind him. Male, female,
young, old, Jew, Gentile, rich, poor...all are capable of receiving God's love
individually. Love him, love God, love each other, but don't worship. I
sincerely hope modern day Christians will not reject their Messiah when He
returns because of the blinding traditions that have since evolved from His
ministry in days past. If we hold fast to the basic principles of truth and
errors past, and above all God's spirit as our guide, we will know Him when
He comes again and continue into the promised feast of light, truth and
salvation: Love.

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