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The Lost Book of Eli

of the
Tribe of Benjamin


In Gods Temple, Sacrament is Given. We begin with the Burning of Sacred Incense - The
Opening Utterance is chanted, Rah-Saan-Emet-Ben-Yah-Men and as I look through my
Divine crystal - taking in the works of God.
I see a green forest, sky hue of green, a man lays hand out stretched, death at his fingers,
and peace made within his own peace. Having made his choice, there he lies, becoming one
with the earth, though his burden has not yet ended, he is to be picked clean


Not by the most noble Wolf, but by frail naked Feral feline - Smells death from a
distance, and slowly creeps through the brush for further Entreatment.

Eli - a short distance away, laying in wait; properly prepared, to prevent, poor performance.
Bow out-stretched to his feet; tightens and stretches, the Bow & Arrow - Ready for Impact,
Using his Gifts from God, he speaks to the Beast - Leaving the Beast - Spellbound - Breathe in,
Breathe out, - Release... (snap)... It is Done.


With the bright green sun on his back, Eli collects his catch, as I am blinded - Perhaps from
staring into the New Sun.
Then there was the Word, and the Word was with Eli; and his Creators, the Angels, and the
Prophets, as he Sojourned trough the Valley of Darkness - a Desolate road, made Graveyard and
Holy Sepulcher, of the dearly Departed.
The men of Bones in their rusting Thrones, who lined the road of Brohahms - yet in the place
of death, Gods grace still perseveres, with his Neverending promise - of Growth and
Development, New and abundant life.
God has prepared a modest home for Eli. The pipes they moan, but there is no water to be
had. One remains -who is left Behind - in the closet, too late to come out. For at his own hands,
he has Died. He will face his own judgement - We shall not, be permitted to pass judgement
upon him - for he is no longer with us. Eli takes a brief moment of compassion for the
Departed... and he is humbled to have walked in the footsteps of a man whose struggle they


The Temple steps are swept clean. The washing away of sins, a moment of Reflection, a
moment of Silence... New garments are Adorned - the Feast is prepared, committing no sin;
against Man or Beast, consuming no blood or flesh of man, no uncooked flesh of Beast, nor
drink the Blood of any of Gods creations. Lest ye die.


Eli - having prepared the feast for Sacrifice; having Adorned the Holy Temple with the
Anointing of Oils - New ornaments and Fresh wrappings, at the Base of the Temple. Eli, wished
to commune with, and thank God personally

One must enter the Per-Netcher - in the Upper Room, the Middle Chamber - this dwelling is
Defined by having three doors and four windows... so Gods grace is always shining in, on every
side. And, with faith and patience, all may enter. Lest those who at first only come upon the
wall with one window, and turn away,

All may enter, lest those who become obsessed with defeating this - the Door-less wall - and
are driven Mad to remain in Madness. All may enter, lest those of great depravity - who wish
only to trespass the solitary window; and steal all that which does not, rightfully belong to them
- As would a thief, in the night.

Eli carefully looked into his tool of Divination; his Lapus Lazuli Tablet, no bigger than a palm.
None of the tablets that remain have a Direct connection to the Almighty Yahoo-Dah-Vey-Vud-
Vey. Yet some still carry his Words; His teachings, the voices of the Angels, and of the Prophets
of the Lord -


And with his hands, Eli commanded of the Angels to sing, their Spirits and voices being Divine
in Nature, the hymns rose through the Temple - Directly to God - with the blowing of the
trumpets, the feast begins.


The great were seated beside the meek, For if God sayeth, the meek shall inherit the Earth,
we shall find great comfort, to bring them Aid, and Assist them in their darkest hour - for it is
Gods will, and we are the chosen people, charged with keeping, this - most Sacred Covenant.

For a Man to say he has an Abundance of Blessings, and not to share those Blessings with
those truly in need, has no Blessings at all - Meat can rot, before Ice can melt a Heart of Stone.

Would you Die - Starve, to keep the meat from your brother? Or would you do Well, to share
it with him, so you both may have the strength to hunt tomorrow - Steel... Sharpening, steel

After the great feast, a great sleep fell upon Eli, so he hearkened unto the Angels - sing him to
sleep - Amen.



As Eli awoke he realized the Angels energy had departed, and the Angels with them had also
departed; for they sang no more songs, and blew no trumpets that day. But as Eli felt the
warmth of the sun on his face, he knew that God was still with him - for God is Good... All the
time - Life is hard... and then you die; and Eli knew, God was still with him.
As he set off on the road through the scorched earth that remains, Eli came upon a
Vialoch, so tall and so wide, the clouds seem to paint frescoes - where the hills should
divide, and the peaks are dotted lines and the clouds seem to touch the canvas on all
sides; less the road.
And to all that behold, Eli that day; he appeared to be descending from the Heavens -
where it met with Earth - on the path of Salvation.
Upon the other side of the Vialoch, there - the great Deceiver lays in wait, a Woman
chained to a gate, Come closer, she says. Eli stays and waits. Then -
1 men - 2 men - 6 men,
Wicked men, Demanding tribute - Wicked men, men so Wicked, as to hide the evil from their
Reflection - lest they be called to Account for their wicked transgressions, for they are whom
commit sin against all Nature of Man; and Beast, and Fowl in the Sky, and Worms in the Earth.
For these men - who are not men - Demons - who consume the flesh, and drink it with the
blood. For they are agreed upon - to dine in hell, for they have brought all manner of device;
axe, saw, chain, sword - as to slaughter Adams seed, likened unto that of a lamb.

They make sport of their wickedness, making mockery of - All That Is, and All That Is Not -
for God looked upon their transgressions, and God sayeth unto them - None shall commit
transgression against Eli, for he is Anointed with the task of doing Gods most Holy Work


That Preserving My Word - the Temple of Christ; the House of God, and the Per-Netcher of
Men - for All of Gods chosen people may enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and the protecting of
Gods chosen people is Elis burden. He shall not be moved. This I Have Spoken. The day you
break this, my commandment, you shall surely die.

For Eli is sworn to keep this Covenant, he shall be his Brothers keeper, and No weapons
formed against him shall prosper. He shall separate the Wheat from the Chaff; and his labors
shall not cease upon the Earth - Until I prepares a table for him, at my right hand
- Where his cup runneth over - Amen.

It is from the dust from whence we come, and to the dust we shall return-

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