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Environmental protection or preservation is a practice of protecting the natural

environment on individual, organizational or governmental levels, for the benefit of both

the natural environment and humans. Due to the pressures of population and technology,
the biophysical environment is being degraded, sometimes permanently. This has been
recognized, and governments have begun placing restraints on activities that cause
environmental degradation. Since the 196s, activity of environmental movements has
created a!areness of the various environmental issues. There is no agreement on the
e"tent of the environmental impact of human activity, and protection measures are
occasionally criticized.
Since the problem of environmental degradation is global, a concerted effort needs to be
launched to infuse #environment$consciousness# among all and sundry before it gets too
late to mend the matters.
%ith the onslaught of industrialization, nature has been through a rapid e"ploitation
leading to pollution and depletion of its resources. This destructive trend can be slo!ed
doing, if not completely reversed, if collective care and concern for environment$
consciousness is created through different media, education, visual and performing arts.
Science and technology glitter and glamour, speed and success these are some of the
telling traits of human condition today, at the cost of degraded ecosystem, near e"tinction
of some forms of life, global !arming, and the li&e. 'n order to feel secure, !ithout
having a clear conscience of the environment, is li&e !al&ing !ay!ardly on a land mine.
The impression that conservation of the environment is an elitist concern of some
individuals and groups should be dispelled through every possible means.
(any people ta&e nature for granted and do not realize that they cannot )ust reap from it.
The Earth needs to be nourished in return, so it can catch up !ith the people*s
re+uirements. Everyone should assist in preserving nature because someday it may start
to vanish.
Everyone can help save the nature around us by acting out in many different !ays.%hat
is needed most is commitment and dedication to the cause of protection, preservation and
conservation of environment. %hile many people recognise that environmental pollution
is an e"tremely urgent problem but !hen placed in the conte"t of seemingly more
immediate problems such as poverty, crime, corruption and religious and social conflicts,
the environment often loses. The inter$relationship bet!een environmental degradation
and many of 'ndia#s serious problems is often over$loo&ed. 't is necessary to stress on the
relationship bet!een destruction of environment on one hand and social as !ell as health
problems on the other. 't is especially the poor and the illiterate !ho are most e"posed to
environmental pollution. 't is necessary to enlighten them of the lin& bet!een social and
environmental problems. This realization can propel environmentalism to the top of
national agenda. ,rint (edia and Television also play a dramatic role in spreading
a!areness about various environmental problems and also in arousing people#s interest
and their sense of duty to!ards preservation ofthe environment. School education can
significantly promote environmental a!areness. Environmental education became an
integral component of the -ational ,olicy on Education in 19.6. 't !as declared that
there is a need to create consciousness of the environment !hich must permeate all ages
and all sections of the society beginning !ith the child. Environmental consciousness
should inform teaching in schools and colleges and should be integrated in the entire
education process.
(any people )ust let the !ater run !hen they are brushing their teeth or having a bath.
/hildren should be taught to turn off the tap !hen soaping or brushing. ,arents and
teachers should also practice this as it !ill sho! that they too are trying your best to ma&e
a difference. Do not let !ater run !hile sho!ering and brushing teeth. 0nother thing
children can do is ta&e shorter sho!ers. 'n the same !ay, same must be taught to save
!ater !hile using sin&s and in the garden./hildren should be taught to s!itch off lights,
fans and other electronic devices !hen not in use. (any a times,they leave the fans and
lights s!itched on !hen they leave a room !hich results in a lot of !astage of electricity.
Since, children especially younger ones are not yet completely a!are and informed about
environmental problems, they do not &no! the conse+uences. They should be taught not
to !aste electricity. 0s a parent one should also try to buy fluorescent bulbs instead of
normal light bulbs because they save three times more energy than the regular light
bulbs./hildren can ma&e an organization that plants trees in the community. ,articipating
in planting trees is a great !ay to help the environment. 'f you have a garden, teach your
children to participate in the gardening, by gro!ing plants and !atering them everyday. 'f
you do not have a garden, you can have small pot plants in the balcony of your
home.0l!ays teach them to save paper. Try to avoid using paper cups and plates
!henever possible,as& your children to use cloth to!els and rags instead of paper to!els
and nap&ins. 0s a parent and a teacher one should also, try to do more !or& online and
store your data on the computer and emails rather than ta&e print outs using paper. ,rint
on both sides of the paper !henever possible. /utting do!n on use of paper !herever
possible !ill help to save more trees. /hoose to receive printed statements rather than
print outs on paper. 1se recycled paper. %henever possible as& your &ids to use old
magazines, phone boo&s and old ne!spapers for craft and art !or&./hildren should also
be encouraged to indulge in and practice composting not only at home but in schools
as!ell. They should also have proper &no!ledge about garbage and !aste disposal.
2ecycling, planting, using eco$friendly products, being more conservative !ith products
and bringing a!areness to this horrid matter are )ust a fe! simple acts that can cure the
Earth. The greatest change that could be made !ould be to get a!ay from the usage of
gasoline. This need pollutes the air !hich can cause harmful effects on plants and
-ature has al!ays been important to everyone and everything in the !orld. 't provides
nourishment and beauty for life. Simple changes can be made to better (other Earth, so
start ta&ing responsibility to ma&e a difference or else it may descend into nothing.

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