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. ......... . .. _, -
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' '
for . . . . . , . . 4:
. and.-. .
All South Afrlcan
I, \ , ,t< ' ,..r
To: President ' :
'' The White OUM ' ,..., . ' ' ', ,'
t I ' I
.r"" ! 1,
Waslun&ton, .C. 20500. . , " '!
. '/_
I 1 'I ' .,.,.;. ' I l
, f-, ,:;.,.- I
. .The crliniDaJ. ci$t governnient of SoUth Africa has deciareci war on those of it$ . .
. citiZenS who for a truly society_ free or the stain of fascist
:,_ ' , I
j ' 1 , ,. 'I ' t I ' , ,.: I '
'NElSON MAND , leader of the African Nation&! Consress of Soutli .
- raca remams 1 rison ifter 'se'iVins sentence. Most.=
rvers agree that M la would be elected President ln a free South Africa.. .
IDNNIE.MA.f:mEIA leader of the AN C. has spent the entire time since 1963'
months from September 1975. through August 1976.-.
linpri$oned or banneU.' She ls w banned and eXiled t0 the. "living grave" of Brand
fort, the area of South AfriCa own to be the most racist and conservative ..
; Freedom fighters Simon: oerane. Jerry. Mosololi, and ,ThabO Motaung,
members of the ANC. were hang by the SOuth African government In June,
They are three in a long list of pris ners of war exeCuted and awaiting eiecution in_
violation oflntemationallaw aDd n decency. :' : . ,. . . .. '
: - ... _. - ' '}- - : : ., .t ., .. _ ;
'We Join with the _United Nailo - the Organization' or Afrlciui Unity. and" I
mlllions or our own people ln calling pr the Immediate. unconditional release or_
Nelson andWbinle Mandela and all th African freedom fighten captured by.:
the Ulegal regime.. . .
.' ::. - -
: >Itt--: '', .1- 'f" - I "' I
Beagan.. we caU upon you demonatlore the full supporl" of our I
govemmenlforlheeedemonck. ' ' .' . "' ..... i , ,: :
r" ' ' '..:.,I 7 _.-- I .-; ..... "'\ ,; f 't 'I I'>
The Agai:nst Racist an Eolitlcal. Repnisslon
has Issued the above petition calling for' om for Ne1son and Winnie .
Mandela and all South Afrlean politieal prl. and an end to
executions. H tot President Reagan_ to monstrate full
our government for theSe demands. Petitions .d- a pamphlet on the Issue
are available from the NAARPR. A ... peoples" gra .. to .Reagan
. igh treason" trials of eight leaders otthe u ited Fr nt of:
' Sou and. dema!'ding 'their Is avallab , . : Write
, -"tot e NAARPR,126 W:119th SL;Ste.101;New Yor 10026. Or phone
'(2t2)866-8600. ,, :. . . J' ' . . ' '
.. :
... .....
... I f . t I , I
JAN 2.2 1985

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