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Step 1: Choose a Race and Class

Half Elf
Half Orc
Halfing (Hobbits)
Aasimar (Descendants of Celestial Beings)
Changeling (Always female Hybid Child)
Dhampir (Half!"ampie)
Drow (Da# $l%es)
Fetchling (H&mans fom the Shadow 'lane(
)ight*Da# dichotomy)
Gillmen (+A,&aman-)
Grippli (Shot .og /an)
Hogolin (0alle 1oblins)
!frit (Descendant of .ie $lemental)
"itsune (.o2 'eople)
$aga%i (Sna#e 'eople)
Oread (Descendants of $ath $lementals( Stony
Samsaran (Reincanated Beings( H&man!li#e
with pale bl&e s#in)
Stri& (Hapy)
Suli (Descendants of a 1enie)
S'lph (Descendants of Ai $lementals)
(engu (Bid 'eople)
(iefing (H&man*.iend Hybid( Half!Demon)
)ndine (Descendant of 3ate $lemental)
*anara (/on#ey 'eople)
*ishkan'a (+'oison!4%y- altho&gh not e2plicitly
+a'ang (Descendants of Shadow beings( Small)
+hite $ecromancer
(1ood 5ecomance 6life7)
(inker (/a#es little
Gearhead ($nginees
Step 8: Detemine Ability Scoes
Strength /eas&es m&scle and physical powe9 Helps yo& deal moe damage in
combat with melee weapons9 Helps with Climb: Swim: and othe Stength chec#s
(li#e bea#ing down doos)9 Also detemines yo& caying capacity9
De&terit' /eas&es agility: e;e2es: and balance9 Helps hit with anged weapons
and also helps cetain chaactes hit in melee9 /a#es yo& hade to hit: inceasing
yo& AC (Amo Class) and yo& Re;e2 bon&s (fo dodging po<ectiles and othe
things)9 Applies to a n&mbe of agility oiented s#ills9
Constitution Repesents yo& chaacte=s health and stamina9 4nceases yo& Hit
'oints and a>ects yo& .otit&de sa%es (applies to poisons and the li#e)9
!ntelligence Detemines how well yo& chaacte leans and easons9 Detemines
how many e2ta lang&ages yo& chaacte #nows at the stat of the game9 Also
inceases the n&mbe of s#ill points yo& gain each le%el9 3i?ads gain bon&s spells
based on his 4ntelligence scoe9
+isdom Descibes a chaacte=s willpowe: common sense: awaeness: and
int&ition9 A>ects yo& 3ill sa%ing thow which aids against mind a>ecting spells9
Also impo%es %aio&s s#ills9 Cleics: D&ids: and Ranges gain bon&s spells based on
thei 3isdom scoe9
Charisma /eas&es a chaacte=s pesonality: pesonal magnetism: ability to
lead: and appeaance9 Aids with a n&mbe of intepesonal s#ills: especially those
that in%ol%e in;&encing othes9 Bads: paladins: and socees gain a n&mbe of
bon&s spells based on thei Chaisma scoe9
Distriuting .oints
All chaactes ha%e a base scoe of 1@ fo each ability9 $%ey playe will ha%e
1A ability points to modify thei chaactes= abilities9 Cons&lt the following
table when detemining yo& ability scoes9
Scoe 'oints Ability /odiBe
C D !8
E 8 !1
F 1 !1
1@ @ @
11 1 @
18 8 G1
1H H G1
1D A G8
1A C G8
1I 1@ GH
1C 1H GH
1E 1C GD
Step H: Assign S#ill Ran#s
S#ills ae most often &sed fo %aio&s +chec#s- that yo& chaacte m&st pass in
ode to accomplish a cetain tas# (4=ll go into moe detail)9 Jo& ae ganted a cetain
n&mbe of s#ill an#s to stat o> with based on the class yo& chose in Step 1 and
the 4ntelligence scoe (speciBcally the Ability /odiBe associated with yo& 4nt scoe)
yo& chaacte possesses9 $ach of these an#s ae &sed to p&t a an# into a
patic&la s#ill9 Jo& cannot ha%e moe an#s in a s#ill than yo& ha%e HD (which is 1
at le%el 1)9 0hee ae a lage n&mbe of s#ills to choose fom and some ae bette
s&ited fo cetain classes than othes9 /any classes will gant bon&ses to cetain
s#ills: and it is often a good idea to p&t an#s into these s#ills Bst9
Step D: Choose yo& .eat(s)
0hese ae essentially special ,&alities that gi%e yo& chaacte cetain bon&ses9
0hese can be combat bon&ses: defensi%e bon&ses: abilities to ceate items: and
%aio&s othe things9 0hee do?ens &pon do?ens of feats: b&t yo& do not ha%e
access to all of them at the beginning of the game9 3e will disc&ss this moe when
we ai%e at this step9
Step A: '&chase $,&ipment
Step I: .ill in the Blan#s
3e=e almost BnishedK 5ow yo& <&st need to go tho&gh and Bll in the est of yo&
chaacte sheet9 0hee ae a n&mbe of blan# Belds that as# yo& to inp&t the
appopiate ability modiBe o e,&ipment bon&s9 At this point: yo& sho&ld decide on
a name fo yo& chaacte and maybe wo# on his*he bac# stoy9 4t is also %ey
impotant that yo& decide on yo& chaacte=s alignment (see ne2t section) and
pesonality taits9 Deciding on this ealy will help yo& when tying to ole!play yo&
chaacte +popely-9
.o chaactes that ha%e spells: Jo& will also need to detemine the spells yo& want
to lean9 4 will help yo& with this pat9
Allignments (we will disc&ss this moe when we get to it)
,awful Good
$eutral Good
Chaotic Good
,awful $eutral
Chaotic $eutral
,awful E0il
$eutral E0il
Chaotic E0il

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