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Alvin Setiawan/XA

Definition: Linguistic Intelligence is the capacity to use language, your native language, and perhaps
other languages, to express what's on your mind and to understand other people.
Usually found in: poets, copywriters, novelists, journalists, scriptwriters, orators, seminar presenters,
politicians, editors, publicists, journalists, speech writers, lawyers
Famous examples: Bill Clinton, J.K.Rowling, Tony Robbins, Winston Churchill

Definition: Logical-Mathematical Intelligence is the capacity to reason, calculate, recognise patterns
and handle logical thinking.
Usually found in: scientists, engineers, mathematicians, computer programmers, doctors, police
investigators, researchers, accountants, economists, lawyers and animal trackers
Famous examples: Bertrand Russell, Marian Diamond, Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Sir Isaac Newton

Definition: Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence is the capacity to use one's hands or body skillfully.
Good body coordination
Can use the body well in sports, acting, building
Able to handle objects well, using fine motor skills and eyehand
Their skills include:
Dancing, physical co-ordination, sports, hands on experimentation, using body
language, crafts, acting, miming, and using their hands to build, and expressing
emotions through the body
Possible career paths: Athletes, physical education teachers, dancers, actors,
firefighters, and artisans
Famous examples: Tiger Woods (golf), David Beckham (soccer), Bruce Lee (martial arts), Michael
Jordan (basketball)

Defination: The ability to compose songs and music, sing and play instruments and appreciate all kinds
of music. Also having a strong sense of universal harmony and awareness of patterns in life
Sensitivity to pitch, rhythm, tone as well as the
emotional power and order of music
Remember melody and beat of tunes
Think in sounds
Their skills include:
Singing, playing musical instruments, composing music, remembering melodies,
understanding the structure and rhythm of music
Possible career paths: Musician, disc jocke
Famous examples: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,Elvis Presley, Elton John, Ravi Shankar y, singer, and

Alvin Setiawan/XA
Defination: Persons with Interpersonal Intelligence are what you would call, people persons. They like to
be around people, whether it be to help them out or to seek help. Individuals with this intelligence are able
to judge peoples emotions and be able to adjust to them. People with Interpersonal Intelligence like to be
around people and like to convince people of their positions. Many politicians have a lot of this kind of
intelligence, as well as linguistic intelligence. One doesnt have to very nice to be have interpersonal
intelligence, one can also be conniving and manipulative, as well as backstabbing. Richard Hatch on
Survivor, thus, also has a lot of this kind of intelligence, as did a good personal friend of his, Machiavelli.
See things from other peoples point of view to
understand how they think and feel
Encourage cooperation
Able to relate well with others and respond to and
work with different types of people. Outgoing.
Their skills include:
Listening, using empathy, understanding other peoples moods and feelings,
counseling, co-operating with groups, noticing peoples moods, building trust
Possible Career paths: Counselor, salesperson, politician, and businessperson
Famous examples: feni rose,Tina talia

Defination: People with this kind of intelligence are very introspective and independent. They would not
mind spend much of their time alone, getting to know their inner self, the whole basis of this intelligence.
A person with this kind of intelligence can judge their own feelings easily and be very self-guiding.
People who are self-employed, theologians, and counselors are often smart in this area.
Understand their inner feelings, dreams
Aware of ones own moods, wishes, problems, fears, and goals
Clear sense of self
Their skills include:
Recognizing their own strengths and weaknesses, reflecting and
analyzing themselves, awareness of their inner feelings, reasoning with themselves
Possible Career Paths: Researchers, theorists, philosophers
Famous example: Freud

Defination: Visual-Spatial intelligence refers to the ancient hunter-gatherer ability to represent the outer
world internally in your mind. It's the ability to hold the world visually in your mind "the way a sailor or
pilot navigates the large spatial world, or the way a chess player or sculptor represents a more
circumscribed spatial world". It gives you the ability to know where you are in space. If you find it easy
to visualise things as though you were an observer taking up different positions, like a fly-on-the-
wall, then you are strong in this intelligence. Spatial intelligence predominates in the arts and in science.
Tend to think in pictures and need to create vivid mental
images to retain information
Enjoy looking at maps, charts, pictures, and movies.
Their skills include:
Puzzle building, reading, writing, and sense of direction, sketching, painting,
and interpreting visual images
Possible career interests: Navigators, sculptures, visual artists, inventors,
architects, interior designers, mechanics, engineers
Famous examples: Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, Frank Lloyd Wright, Steven Spielberg

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