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Apacsale Moblle Apps uevelopmenL and 8elease rocess

- 1hls documenL ls requlred readlng for all members of Lhe moblle apps developmenL
Leam and sLrlcL compllance Lo each lLem lald ouL ln Lhls documenL musL be observed aL all

- 1hls documenL conLalns guldellnes Lo Lhe proper developmenL and release
procedures LhaL musL be followed Lo ensure Lhe quallLy and sLablllLy of each moblle app

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- llrsL release, auLhor: !C velasquez

upon recelvlng Lhe green llghL Lo sLarL a new pro[ecL, Lhe followlng sLeps shall be

1. A spr|nt owner ls ldenLlfled wlLhln Lhe developmenL Leam. 1he sprlnL owner shall be
responslble for Lhe Llmely accompllshmenL of all developmenL-relaLed dellverables.

2. A sprlnL plan, conLalnlng (a) general lnformaLlon abouL Lhe sprlnL (l.e scope, rlsk,
eLc.), (b) a hlgh-level overvlew of Lhe deve|opment p|an and/or archlLecLure of Lhe
modules Lo be developed, and (c) a test p|an conLalnlng addlLlonal relevanL LesL-
cases, shall be dellvered Lo, and duly approved by, Lhe deve|opment manager.

3. A spr|nt fo|der ls creaLed on Cn1|me, and, based on Lhe approved sprlnL plan,
features and tasks wlLh accuraLe esLlmaLes shall be added on Lhe sald sprlnL folder.
Any slngle feaLure whlch shall exceed an esLlmaLe of 8 hours musL be broken down
lnLo mulLlple feaLures/sub-feaLures unLll all lndlvldual enLrles on Cn1lme are below 8

4. 1he LoLal esLlmaLe, as well as Lhe lndlvldual feaLures, shall be revlewed by Lhe
developmenL manager. Any dlscrepancy or amblgulLy beLween Lhe pro[ecL canvas
and Lhe esLlmaLes musL be lmmedlaLely escalaLed Lo Lhe program manager for
arblLraLlon unLll a sulLable soluLlon ls agreed upon.

3. A code branch from Lhe laLesL tagged re|ease shall be made, whereln acLual codlng
for Lhe sprlnL shall Lake place. 1he developers/ sprlnL owner may apply lndlvldual
dlscreLlon ln creaLlng sub-branches for complex feaLures and bugs.

6. All feaLures musL be closed wlLhln Lhe esLlmaLed Llme frame and any problems or
expecLed dlscrepancles musL be escalaLed Lo Lhe sen|or deve|oper or deve|opment
manager (ln LhaL order) afLer 1S m|nutes of nu|| progress on the |ssue (also known
as Lhe "1S-m|nute ru|e").

7. All feaLures flnlshed wlLhln Lhe day musL be commlLLed Lo Lhe code reposlLory. 1he
repos|tory code must be bu||dab|e after each code comm|t, and especlally aL Lhe
end of each day. Speclal conslderaLlon musL be made for Lhe posslblllLy LhaL an
lnLermedlaLe bulld may be requesLed aL any Llme by pro[ect stakeho|ders, lncludlng
buL noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe developmenL manager, Lhe program manager, other teams
wlLh dependenc|es on Lhe sprlnL, and Apacsa|e sen|or management.

8. upon compleLlon of all feaLures, any sprlnL sub-branch musL be merged and a sprlnL-
level bulld ls deployed Lo Lhe LesLlng Leam for smoke test|ng or any addlLlonal LesLlng
requlred by Lhe qua||ty assurance manager and Lhe LesLlng Leam aL Lhelr dlscreLlon.
1hls ls known as spr|nt-|eve| test|ng or spr|nt test|ng.

9. upon compleLlon of Lhe sprlnL-level LesLlng, Lhe sprlnL branch shall be merged Lo
trunk (also known as ma|n, ma|n ||ne, or master).

10. A re|ease fo|der ls creaLed whlch shall lnclude on or more sprlnLs LhaL have passed
sprlnL-level LesLlng. All oLher sprlnLs ldenLlfled by Lhe release manager Lo be
packaged lnLo Lhe nexL release shall be merged Lo Lrunk, and Lhose sprlnLs ln Cn1lme
are added as sub-folders of Lhe release folder.

11. 1runk ls bullL and deployed Lo Lhe LesLlng Leam for a more Lhorough LesLlng, whlch
shall cover core funcLlonallLy, perlpheral funcLlonallLy, and regresslon LesLlng. 1hls ls
known as pre-re|ease test|ng.

12. Any new (sprlnL-relaLed) bug found durlng pre-release LesLlng musL be flxed ln Lhe
sprlnL branch lL orlglnaLed from. Any regresslve bug found due Lo a confllcL ln Lhe
lnLegraLlon of a sprlnL or due Lo a merglng lssue musL be flxed ln a new branch from
Lrunk and trunk must be reverted to the |atest stab|e vers|on. AfLer flxlng Lhe bugs
ln Lhe respecLlve branches, Lhe branches are commlLLed and Lhe code ls agaln
merged Lo Lrunk and a new bulld ls deployed for anoLher round of pre-re|ease
test|ng. 012345!657 63 83906: 1;<5 =)=4 904=85>? 388;4 36 54;6@.

13. upon compleLlon of pre-release LesLlng, Lrunk ls commlLLed and a Lagged copy ls
creaLed for deploymenL Lo cusLomers. A code freeze musL be sLrlcLly observed durlng
Lhls perlod (l.e. sLrlcLly, no oLher code changes musL be applled). IMCk1AN1: Any
|ssue found after tagg|ng must be cons|dered, for a|| |ntents and purposes, a post-
re|ease |ssue and must be |mmed|ate|y esca|ated to the deve|opment manager and
program manager for exam|nat|on. lf Lhe program manager decldes LhaL Lhe lssue
deserves lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon, a branch from Lhe Lagged release ls creaLed whereln
Lhe code flxes shall Lake place and sLep #12 ls repeaLed.

14. uurlng app submlsslon, Lhe developer/ sprlnL owner musL compleLe all sLeps a
separaLe plaLform-speclflc subm|ss|on check||st document. 1he same bulld
submlLLed musL be deployed Lo Lhe LesLlng Leam for post-re|ease test|ng, whlch shall
lnclude LesLlng sLeps and LesL-cases aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe quallLy assurance

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