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End User License

I. This software package including the user manual and any associated documentation ("the
Licensed Software") is supplied under licence from !eki Informatics Ltd" #iola u. $%&$'()"
)udapest *&+%,'" *ungary ("-E.I")" upon the following terms and conditions which you
are deemed to ha/e accepted 0y installing the Licensed Software" there0y 0ecoming the
Licensee of the Licensed Software.
II. 1ll copyrights" title and other intellectual property rights in the Licensed Software are
owned 0y -E.I and its licensors. -E.I is authorised to permit the Licensee to load the
Licensed Software onto a computer and use the Licensed Software su02ect to the terms and
conditions set out 0elow.
+. 7ou may8
a. use the Licensed Software in connection with the computer system and for the num0er of
users and purpose specified 0y -E.I or the Licensed Software supplier.
0. make 0ack&up copies of the Licensed Software (0ut not the user manual or associated
documentation) solely for 0ack&up purposes pro/ided that you reproduce all copyright
notices" trade marks" legends and logos on the 0ack&up copies and maintain an accurate record
of the location of the 0ack&up copies.
$. 7ou may not8
a. permit the use of the Licensed Software 0y more than the specified num0er of users.
0. make copies of the Licensed Software e9cept for security 0ack&up purposes.
c. make copies of the user manual or associated documentation.
d. distri0ute" transfer" loan" rent" assign" lease or su0&license the Licensed Software or any
copy or any part of it to anyone else.
e. alter or adapt the Licensed Software 0y re/erse engineering" decompiling or disassem0ling
it or otherwise.
f. remo/e any copyright notice" trade mark" legend" logo or product identification from the
Licensed Software or the 0ack&up copies.
:. Educational Licensees may only use the Licensed Software as a teaching aid or in
connection with students; course work or <esearch which is not funded commercially or 0y
go/ernment organi!ations.
'. =ersonal Use Licensees may only use the Licensed Software for personal non&commercial
non&go/ernmental purposes.
>. If the Licensed Software is pro/ided for E/aluation or 5emonstration purposes then it may
not 0e used for any purpose other than to e/aluate or demonstrate its functionality.
?. If the Licensed Software is pro/ided to Educational or =ersonal Use Licensees or pro/ided
for E/aluation or 5emonstration purposes then it may not 0e used in connection with any
commercial or go/ernmental acti/ity including 0ut not limited to production of software or
other products or ser/ices which could possi0ly directly or indirectly generate re/enue or
which are to 0e made widely a/aila0le.
I#. TE<@
+. The Licence 1greement 0ecomes effecti/e when you first install the Licensed Software.
$. The Licence 1greement will terminate8
a. if you notify -E.I" or the Licensed Software supplier" that you wish to terminate the
0. automatically if you are in 0reach of or fail to comply with any term or condition herein.
c. after the time period" if any" specified 0y -E.I or the Licensed Software supplier.
d. Upon any termination you must destroy all copies of the Licensed Software and certify to
-E.I that it has 0een so destroyed. Upon termination you will not 0e entitled to any refund
of money or other consideration paid 0y you.
#. LI@ITE5 ,% 517 A1<<14T7
+. 6or a period of ninety (,%) days from the date on which you recei/e the Licensed Software"
-E.I or the Licensed Software supplier will" if you disco/er and notify -E.I or the
Licensed Software supplier of any material physical defect in the media on which the
Licensed Software is recorded" replace the defecti/e media free of charge pro/ided that you
return (post&paid) to -E.I or the Licensed Software supplier the defecti/e media stating
your name and address and enclosing your dated proof of purchase of the Licensed Software
(for e9ample the in/oice).
$. The ,% day warranty shall not apply in the e/ent that the Licensed Software media is lost or
stolen or has 0een damaged 0y accident" misuse" neglect or unauthorised use or modification.
:. 7our sole remedy in the e/ent of any defects in the Licensed Software media is limited to
replacement of the media under this ,% day warranty unless -E.I or the Licensed Software
supplier is una0le to deli/er a replacement within :% days of its return in which case you may
terminate the Licence 1greement 0y destroying and certifying to -E.I or the Licensed
Software supplier destruction of all copies of the Licensed Software and your License 6ee
will 0e refunded.
+. -E.I 145 T*E LI3E4SE5 S6TA1<E SU==LIE<" 5IST<I)UT<S 145
5E1LE<S @1.E 4 <E=<ESE4T1TI4S < A1<<14TIES A*ET*E< EB=<ESS
< I@=LIE5 ()7 ST1TUTE < T*E<AISE) <EL1TI4C T T*E =E<6<@143E"
DU1LIT7" @E<3*14T1)ILIT7 < 6IT4ESS 6< 1 =1<TI3UL1< =U<=SE 6
T*E S6TA1<E < T*E<AISE 145 1LL SU3* <E=<ESE4T1TI4S 145
A1<<14TIES 1<E *E<E)7 S=E3I6I31LL7 5IS3L1I@E5 145 EB3LU5E5.
$. 7U 1L4E 1<E 1)LE T 5ETE<@I4E A*ET*E< T*E S6TA1<E AILL @EET
7U< <EDUI<E@E4TS 145 T*E E4TI<E <IS. 1S T ITS =E<6<@143E IS
AIT* 7U 145" EB3E=T T T*E EBTE4T =<#I5E5 I4 SE3TI4 > 1)#E"
S*UL5 T*E S6TA1<E =<#E 5E6E3TI#E 7U 1L4E @UST 1SSU@E T*E
E4TI<E 3ST 6 1LL 4E3ESS1<7 SE<#I3I4C" <E=1I< < 3<<E3TI4 145
147 I43I5E4T1L < 34SEDUE4TI1L EB=E4SES. I4 4 E#E4T AILL -E.I"
ITS LI3E4SE5 S6TA1<E SU==LIE<S < 5IST<I)UT<S )E LI1)LE 6< (+)
5I<E3T" ($) I45I<E3T" (:) S=E3I1L" (') I43I5E4T1L < (>) 34SEDUE4TI1L
51@1CES (I43LU5I4C LSS 6 =<6ITS < )USI4ESS) <ESULTI4C 6<@ 147
5E6E3T 145(< USE 6 T*E LI3E4SE5 S6TA1<E" E#E4 I6 -E.I *1S )EE4
15#ISE5 6 T*E =SSI)ILIT7 6 SU3* 51@1CE" A*ET*E< 5UE T -E.I;S
4ECLICE43E" )<E13* 6 34T<13T" @IS<E=<ESE4T1TI4 < T*E<AISE.
:. 4TAIT*ST145I4C T*E 1)#E" I6 T*E<E S*UL5 1<ISE 147 LI1)ILIT7
4 T*E =1<T 6 -E.I )7 <E1S4 6 T*E LI3E4SI4C < USE 6 T*E
4ECLICE43E" )<E13* 6 34T<13T" @IS<E=<ESE4T1TI4 < T*E<AISE
SU3* LI1)ILIT7 S*1LL U45E< 4 3I<3U@ST143ES EB3EE5 T*E =<I3E =1I5
)7 7U 6< T*E LI3E4SE T USE T*E S6TA1<E < 1T T*E ELE3TI4 6
-E.I T*E 3ST 6 <E=1I< < <E=L13E@E4T 6 T*E 5E6E3TI#E S6TA1<E
)7 -E.I.
'. 7ou shall indemnify -E.I" its Licensors and the Licensed Software supplier against all
claims 0y third parties (other than claims alleging 0reach 0y the Licensed Software" as
supplied" of a third party;s copyright" patent or other intellectual property rights) arising from
the possession or use of the software 0y you or anyone using it with your consent.
#II. CE4E<1L
+. This Licence 1greement is go/erned 0y and interpreted in accordance with the laws of
*ungary and you agree to su0mit to the non&e9clusi/e 2urisdiction of the *ungarian courts.
$. )y installing the Licensed Software you acknowledge that you ha/e read this 1greement"
understand it and agree to 0e 0ound 0y its terms and conditions.
:. 1ny representations" modifications or amendments to this 1greement shall 0e of no force
unless contained in a written memorandum from -E.I and signed 0y a duly authorised
officer of -E.I.
'. 1ny party;s failure or delay in enforcing any pro/ision hereof will not wai/e that party;s
>. If any pro/ision of this 1greement is found in/alid or unenforcea0le pursuant to any
2udicial decree or otherwise the remainder of this 1greement shall remain /alid and
enforcea0le according to its terms.
?. -E.I may assign or transfer its rights and o0ligations under this 1greement without your
prior consent.
-E.I Informatics Ltd

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