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Answer on a separate sheet of paper. Then check your answers. Follow the examples.
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('
Omit the relative pronouns where possible.
The CD that I bought last week is great.
The CD I bought last week is great.
+y fa,orite time of the ay is when - take a nap.
A hospital is a place where octors work.
- really like the "ook that you lent me.
The "oy who we met yesteray works with my
The music which - listen to all the time is .a//.
- on0t know what she wants$ "ut -0ll fin out.
Join the sentences using relatives.
I have a new CD. Its great.
I have a new CD which / that is great.
1minem is a famous sin#er. 2e has some ,ery
shockin# lyrics.
2ell +oney comes from China. -t was use to help
the ea in the afterlife.
3uatemalan 4orry Dolls are mae from scrap
materials. They help people to sol,e pro"lems.
+e/u/ah is a small case. 5ou0ll fin it on 6ewish
homes as a reminer of 3o0s presence.
A sta#e is a place. -t0s where "ans perform.
4hat o you think7 -0 like to know.
1l,is is one of the most famous sin#ers in the
worl. 2e ie when he was 8&.
Make defnitions from the prompts
using the relatives.
Hospital / place / octors / work.
A hospital is a place where octors work.
Fish 9 animals 9 li,e 9 sea.
!ens 9 o".ects 9 we 9 use 9 write.
!oet 9 person 9 write 9 poems.
Restaurant 9 place 9 people 9 eat.
:3oo mornin#; 9 expression 9 e,ery"oy 9 say 9
they 9 wake up.
<ai-"ack 9 a.ecti,e 9 mean 9 relaxe.
Summer 9 season 9 many people 9 "e 9 ,acations.
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('
Rewrite the sentences from the
prompts using may, might, could,
must & cant. More than one modal
may be possible.
!erhaps hes Italian" but Im not sure.
He coul / might / ma# be Italian..
- suppose he0s a octor. 2e works in a hospital.
2e > .
- on0t think that0s true. 2e0s always lyin#.
That > .
6ohn was pro"a"ly sick yesteray "ecause he in0t
#o to school.
6ohn > .
-0m likely to #o to %ene/uela next summer$ "ut -
on0t know yet.
- > .
Sorry$ he0s not in. 2e0s suppose to "e workin# at
this time.
Sorry$ he0s not in. 2e > .
Choose the right modal.
He must / can know $panish. He lives in !eru.
2e must / coul "e American$ "ut he looks
She cant 9 coul "e sa. -t0s her wein# ay@
- can0t unerstan why you0re #oin# out with such
a youn# man. 2e coul / must "e your son.
2e might / can "e here tomorrow$ "ut we on0t
know yet.
- almost ha an accient this mornin#. - might / can
ha,e "een kille@
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('
MUSIC )A.= points*
Match the types of music and the bands or singers.
reggae 9 country B western 9 classical 9 new a#e 9 folk 9 soul 9 electronic 9 hea,y metal 9 #run#e 9 "lues 9 chill
reggae % &ob 'arle#
Ctis Rein#
Depeche +oe
6ohnny Cash
The Chieftains
6ohn <ee 2ooker
ut the ad!ectives in the right column.
nice 9 successful 9 shockin# 9 outstanin# 9 catchy 9 out-of-ate 9 out-of-this-worl 9 contro,ersial 9 offensi,e 9
scanalous 9 out-of-tune
Negatie !"#itie
Complete with the right words.
bands 9 commercial 9 charts 9 lyrics 9 on sta#e 9 masterpieces 9 al"um 9 rhythms 9 lea sin#er 9 "ack#roun 9
+anE is one of <atin rock0s most famous

bans. 4ith the release of (evoluci)n e Amor )&''&*$ they hit the
> an sol millions of copies. -n (FFG$ they appeare
>in H& US cities. 4ith their +T% Unplu##e
they "lene Afro-Cu"an
> with their ori#inal rock-re##ae music an the uniIue ,oice of the
>. They
ha,e won four 3rammies. Some of their son#s are consiere
> "y music fans worlwie. They also ha,e
stron# political
> . -n (FF= they foune $elva Negra$ an D3C that aims to impro,e the li,in# conitions
of the ini#enous communities of Chiapas an which is in,ol,e in many other humanitarian an ecolo#ical
issues an D3Cs. Their
> #o "eyon their +exican
> an sen a uni,ersal messa#e of freeom$ lo,e
an .ustice far from the typically con,entional an
> trens of moern music inustry.
)Aapte from*
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('
Replace the underlined verbs with phrasal verbs from the bo" in the right form.
work out 9 check out 9 chill out 9 come out 9 fin out 9 pick out 9 point out 9 sort out 9 turn out 9 work out 9 rop
out of
I cant calculate the cost o* the trip.
I cant work out the cost o* the trip.
2a,e you trie the new -talian restaurant7
The CD prove to "e a success in the en.
2e0s "een selecte for the post of mana#er.
She0s e+ercising in the #ym.
2e le*t colle#e "efore #rauatin#.
(ela+ an ha,e funL it0s Friay ni#ht.
5ou0ll ne,er iscover who "roke the winow.
-0 like to unerline the a,anta#es of a healthy iet.
2a,e you classi*ie the stamps yet7
4hen will his new CD appear7
Match the e"pressions and their meanings.
It might / ma# / cant / must,
-t makes me think of>
-t remins me of>
-t0s suppose>
To tell you the truth$ >
There0s no ou"t>
- #uess>
This looks as if>
To "e honest$ >
- suppose>
-t sym"oli/es>
Deuction M It might / ma# / cant / must,
Correct the wrong meanings.
I think,% interpretation opinion
!ersonally$ - fin it> M interpretation
-t0s efinitely> M euction
-0 say that> M certainty
-0m sure it0s> M euction
-t means> M opinion
Chances are that> M interpretation
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('
-t0s pro"a"ly> M certainty
-f you ask me$ > M euction
-t seems to "e> M certainty
-t represents> M opinion
ERROR ANALYSIS )&.= points*
#ind and correct the mistakes.
It cant to be true.
The school which you stuy is excellent.
The people repair cars are calle mechanics.
2e mustn0t "e a lawyer. 2e works in a "ar.
2e remins me to a frien - met some time a#o.
That0s the person who - lo,e the most.
TOTAL !OINTS: (((((((( ) *+
$ ( +y fa,orite time of the ay is when - take a nap.
& A hospital is a place where octors work.
H - really like the "ook you lent me.
8 The "oy we met yesteray works with my "rother.
= The music - listen to all the time is .a//.
J - on0t know what she wants$ "ut -0ll fin out.
, ( 1minem is a famous sin#er who has some ,ery shockin# lyrics.
& 2ell +oney$ which comes from China$ was use to help the ea in the afterlife.
H 3uatemalan 4orry Dolls$ which are mae from scrap materials$ help people to sol,e pro"lems.
8 +e/u/ah is a small case which9that you0ll fin on 6ewish homes as a reminer of 3o0s presence.
= A sta#e is a place where "ans perform.
J -0 like to know what you think.
A 1l,is$ who is one of the most famous sin#ers in the worl$ ie when he was 8&.
% ( Fish are animals which 9 that li,e in the sea.
& !ens are o".ects which 9 that we use to write 9 for writin#.
H A poet is a person who 9 that writes poems.
8 A restaurant is a place where people eat.
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('
= :3oo mornin#; is an expression which 9 that e,ery"oy says when they wake up.
J <ai-"ack is an a.ecti,e which 9 that means relaxe.
A Summer is a season when many people are on ,acation.
& ( 2e must "e a octor.
& That can0t "e true.
H 6ohn mi#ht ha,e "een sick yesteray.
8 - mi#ht 9 may 9 coul #o to %ene/uela next summer.
= Sorry$ he0s not in. 2e must "e workin# at this time.
' ( coul & can0t H coul 8 mi#ht = mi#ht
$ ( soul & electronic H country B western 8 chill out = hea,y metal J folk A "lues G classical F new a#e
(' #run#e
( Negative- shockin#$ out-of-ate$ contro,ersial$ offensi,e$ scanalous$ out-of-tune.
!ositive- successful$ outstanin#$ catchy$ out-of-this-worl.
% ( charts & on sta#e H al"um 8 rhythms = lea sin#er J masterpieces A commitments G lyrics F "ack#roun
(' commercial
& ( checke out & turne out H picke out 8 workin# out = roppe out of J chill out A fin out G point out
F sorte out (' come out
' Deuction- -t0s suppose>$ - #uess>$ This looks as if>
.pinion- To tell you the truth$>$ To "e honest$ >$ - suppose>
Interpretation- -t makes me think of>$ -t remins me of>$ -t sym"oli/es>
Certaint#- There0s no ou"t>
) ( opinion & certainty H euction 8 certainty = interpretation J euction A euction G opinion F euction
(' interpretation
( The school where you stuy is excellent.
& The people that 9 who repair cars are calle mechanics.
H 2e can0t "e a lawyer. 2e works in a "ar.
8 2e remins me of a frien - met some time a#o.
= That0s the person who - lo,e the most.
New American Framework Self-Check Unit Tests D.R. Richmon !u"lishin#$ S.A. e C.%.$ &'('

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