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Energy Medicine Tips For Adrenal Fatigue
By Shift Doctors
The Shift Doctors good friend and colleague Melanie Smith is co-owner of ell ithin !atural
"edicine# $nc.# Doctor of %riental "edicine# &cupuncture 'hysician# (den (nergy "edicine &d)anced
'ractitioner and Senior *aculty "em+er of Donna (den,s (nergy "edicine -ertification 'rogram. ell ithin
!atural "edicine# $nc.,s o)erall mission is to .T/&!S*%/" 0$1(S T2/%342 (!(/45 "(D$-$!(.6
*or more information a+out "elanie or to order items from her (nergy "edicine Store# chec7 out her we+site.
$n this article# "elanie shares information a+out Adrenal Fatigue. -lic7 here to )isit ell ithin !atural
"edicine# $nc
Adrenal Fatigue by Melanie Smith, O.M.D.
Adrenal fatigue happens when the adrenal glands wear out due to continual production of the stress hormone
cortisol affecting the thyroid gland and thus creating many other hormone imbalances.
The inner medulla triggers the instinctual fight or flight response which then secretes adrenaline hormones that
increase +lood sugar le)els# +lood pressure and heart rate in response to stress. %)er time chronic eleated
stress leels can lead to weight gain, decreased resistance to infections, fatigue, muscle aches and low blood
During menopause# for women the workload of the adrenals increases as these glands become the primary
source for creating estrogen and other sex hormones.
!hat are the Adrenal "lands8
The adrenal glands are the wor7horse of the +ody dri)ing the endocrine system. They regulate the +ody,s
response to stress and are made of two separate organs com+ined into one location 9 the outer portion called the
adrenal corte: and the inner portion called the adrenal medulla.
The adrenal corte# serves primarily a hormonal function 9 including regulation of mineral meta+olism
;sodium# potassium# chloride<# water +alance# meta+olism ;utili=ation and distri+ution of protein# car+ohydrates#
and fat<# allergic and immune reactions ;autoimmune diseases# hypersensiti)ity# and allergies#<# and production
of the male and female hormones ;progesterone# testosterone# estrogens# D2(&# etc.<.
The corte: also secretes corticosteroids in response to stress. These hormones help us to cope with long-term
stressors +y con)erting protein to energy. 0ong after the fight or flight response mechanism su+sides# the energy
still remains a)aila+le.
The upside is that adrenal dysfunction can be healed. -reating a healthy endocrine system that continues to
+alance your hormones and incorporating stress reduction techni>ues will slow the aging process and 7eep you
)i+rant and healthy as you age.
Energy Medicine $uic% Tips for Adrenal Support
&. Daily Energy &outine
To learn the Daily (nergy /outine 4et the *ree (-Boo7
B. Triple !armer Triangle 9 use to balance Thyroid# to reduce hot flashes# to calm and de-stress. 2old ?1 at
the @ugular notch with your thum+# inde: and middle fingers of one hand. ith your other hand use the same A
fingers to hold ?& at the temple for A-B minutes. Switch and repeat on the other side.
Adrenal 'oints 9 3sing the A-*inger !otch descri+ed a+o)e# hold & 9 Triple armer !euro)ascular on one
side of temple and with the other hand hold 1C a+o)e and 1C out from na)el on +oth sides with thum+ and
middle finger for A-B minutes. Switch hands and repeat on other side. &n alternate )ersion is to hold a A-*inger
notch at the ?1 Thyroid 'oint while simultaneously holding the &drenal 'oints a+o)e the na)el.
-. (ortisol 'oints 9 3sing the A-*inger !otch descri+ed a+o)e# hold & 9 Triple armer !euro)ascular on one
side of temple and with the other hand hold ?12 9 -ortisol 'oints 1C +elow and 1C out from na)el on +oth sides
with thum+ and middle finger for A-B minutes. Switch hands and repeat on other side.
&n alternate )ersion is to hold a A-*inger notch at the ?1 Thyroid 'oint ;a+o)e< while simultaneously holding
the -ortisol 'oints.
Aoid these Dietary Stressors for "ood Adrenal )ealth
D/efined sugar or artificial sugar su+stitutes that contain aspartame.
D*oods rich in 'otassium li7e +ananas# melons# dried figs# raisins# dates# grapes# oranges# and grapefruit as they
may ma7e your adrenal fatigue worse.
DSimple or refined car+ohydrates li7e pasta# white +read# crac7ers# ca7es# coo7ies# etc.
D-affeine# alcohol# sweetened fruit @uices# and car+onated soft drin7s.
D 'rocessed foods that use sodium nitrates as a preser)ati)e such as hot dogs# lunch meats# and +acon.
D heat products that contain gluten found in +reads# crac7ers# pastas# etc.
D &ll fermented foods such as wine and cheese.
D"onosodium glutamate ;"S4< used in many processed foods.
DStimulant drugs# and nicotine
Endocrine System* +nderstanding Adrenal Fatigue
The endocrine system is responsi+le for hormonal functions in the +ody and produces o)er si:ty distinct
hormones each of which has a )ery specific @o+ to do. This system controls your physical growth, mood, stress
response, reproduction, mental functionality, and immune system. hen not wor7ing properly you +ecome more
suscepti+le to disease and your a+ility to fight off infection is wea7ened. (ndocrine glands and their function
impact e)ery area of your health. The 7eystone of (nergy "edicine has always +een awa7ening the +ody,s
natural intelligence to heal itself and restore +alance to all nine energy systems. The acupuncture meridians are
energy pathways that crisscross the +ody communicating with organs and endocrine glands. hen your +ody,s
energies +ecome depleted# you can suffer from fatigue# hot flashes# en)ironmental sensiti)ities# an:iety# weight
gain# @oint pain# irrita+ility# depression# digesti)e pro+lems# di==iness upon rising# poor concentration# infertility#
insomnia and much more.
!hat are the endocrine glands and ,hat do they do-
The ma@or endocrine glands include the adrenals# pineal# pituitary# hypothalamus# thyroid# pancreas# testes and
o)aries. 0ets +egin our focus on your adrenals. They are a+out the si=e of a walnut sitting on top of and
controlling the Eidneys. Between li)ing in a stressful en)ironment# ma7ing poor food choices# and not getting
enough sleep our adrenals operate from a place of e:haustion. There is not a single function in the +ody that
doesn,t occur without your adrenals playing some 7ey role. /our Adrenals
The endocrine system pro)ides regulation of the +ody through hormonal secretions. -ulti)ating your endocrine
health com+ined with proper nutrition and diet can +oost energy# reduce insomnia# relie)e depression# impro)e
circulation# impro)e appetite# relie)e muscle aches and assist in reco)ering from endocrine disorders. %ne of
the easiest ways to create a healthy endocrine system is to eat nutritious meals and ha)e a well +alanced diet.
A fe, basic steps you can ta%e to improe your oerall adrenal health are:
Meals 9 hen you eat is @ust as important as how you eat. (ating a nutritious# protein rich +rea7fast within an
hour of wa7ing rather you are hungry or not will pro)ide energetic +enefits throughout your day. (at slowly
and don,t rush through your meals. &llowing your +ody time to properly digest food reduces after-meal fatigue#
+oosts your immune system# and ena+les your endocrine system to properly process nutritional inta7e. (ating
regular meals and snac7s throughout your day will support your adrenal glands and will +alance your +lood
sugar and cortisol le)els too.
E#ercise 9 /egular e:ercise +oosts the immune system# impro)es cardio)ascular health# muscle mass# and
pre)ents +one loss. Stress reducing e:ercises such as the Daily (nergy "edicine /outine# yoga# >igong# or tai
chi can also +e +eneficial for stress-reduction. (n@oying a wal7 in nature or along the +each helps us to stay
healthy and happy. See the +eauty of nature all around you. atch a sunset# listen to the wind +low# smell the
flowers# en@oy the +irds.
Manage /our Stress 9 &nother important part of maintaining a healthy endocrine system is stress
management. 2a)ing a lot of stress in your life can cause the o)erproduction of hormones especially cortisol
that can lead to hormonal im+alances. %ur (nergy "edicine for Stress /elief Super -om+o offers many tools
and techni>ues that can +e integrated into your life to 7eep stress in chec7 and allow you to en@oy a more
peaceful life.
&est 9 Ta7e a day out of the wee7 for rest and re@u)enation allowing your mind and +ody reco)ery time. 5ou
will +e more producti)e the rest of the wee7. (n@oying an afternoon siesta is also a great way to restore your
Sleep 9 $t is important to +e asleep +efore 11pm as Triple armer energy is at its pea7 +etween F and 11pm.
&fter 11pm# the +ody +egins to run on adrenal reser)es. &llow si: to eight hours of sleep per night in order to
reduce stress and 7eep hormones +alanced. The com+ination of stress and a lac7 of sleep may cause some of the
glands to malfunction. $f you are e:periencing difficulties sleeping# energy medicine and acupuncture are
e:cellent for treating a )ariety of sleep pro+lems.
"ratitude 9 2a)ing a daily practice of gratitude# forgi)eness# deep +reathing# prayer or meditation will reduce
stress# +alance hormones# and +ring more @oy into your life. Smile and laugh as often as possi+le. 'urge and
release all negati)e emotions and @ust say !% when you ha)e too much to do. Belie)e in yourself and a)oid
negati)e self-tal7. 0o)e your family and friends. Do the things you lo)e and en@oyG
0utritional Support for Adrenal )ealth
(ating meals and snac7s that are made of fresh whole foods# prefera+ly organic or locally grown# without
colors# dyes# chemicals# preser)ati)es or added hormones are +est. $ncluding protein in all your meals and
snac7s are part of any healthy diet. To directly affect your endocrine system# ma7e sure your diet includes these
Salmon pro)ides your +ody with %mega-A essential fatty acids as does ground *la:# +oth directly affect
cogniti)e function# cellular function and 7idney function.
'rotein 9 eating lightly coo7ed animal and )egeta+le proteins li7e meat# fish# poultry# eggs# and legumes are
important A-B times a day.
1egetables 9 eat plenty of )egeta+les and )egeta+le @uices li7e spinach# chard# dar7 leafy greens# celery#
=ucchini# peppers# 7elp# sprouts# green and +lac7 oli)es. 'ut a little =ing in your coo7ing and eat all of the
+rightly colored ones ;green# red# orange# yellow# or purple<
Fruits 9 papaya# mango# plums# pears# 7iwi# apples# cherries# and +erries are preferred. $f you are dealing with
adrenal fatigue and +lood sugar pro+lems# it is +est to a)oid fruits in the morning.
Sprouted 0uts and Seeds
0ow-glycemic car+ohydrates 9 +rown rice# sprouted grains and winter s>uash.
E#tra 1irgin Organic (oconut Oil 9 is a +eneficial saturated fat that can help sta+ili=e +lood sugar le)els.
Salts 9 many people with adrenal im+alances often cra)e salt and will tend to ha)e low +lood pressure.
(lectrical function of the heart+eat re>uires salt to ma7e hydrochloric acid in the stomach and for fluid around
the cells. Sodium is the main fluid outside of a cell and is important in proper function of all cells including
ner)e cells of the +rain# which impacts all of our emotions too. Don,t deny your cra)ing# adding a good >uality
sea salt to your diet will help.
"arlic 9 4arlic +oosts your immunity# increasing your a+ility to fight off infection. $t also helps regulate +lood
sugar le)els. -oo7ing with one or two clo)es of garlic a day is recommended.
(alcium 9 -alcium 7eeps ner)es healthy and ensures their a+ility to communicate effecti)ely. "il7# cottage
cheese# cheese# leafy greens# dried +eans and yogurt are all rich in calcium. 8
1itamin 2s 9 Directly influence the ner)ous system,s proper functioning and health and one,s physical and
mental performance concerning the ner)ous system. *ound in chic7en# fish# eggs# whole grains# +eans and nuts.
1itamin ( 9 &drenal glands ha)e a )ery high content of ascor+ic acid ;)itamin -<. This )itamin helps
stimulate adrenal glands into producing more of the disease fighting hormone cortin. & continued stressful
en)ironment depletes )itamin - reser)es and increases the tendency for infection and disease. 4ood sources of
)itamin - include apricots# straw+erries# +erries# green )eggies# sweet peppers# and tomatoes
!ater 9 drin7 one-half your +ody weight in ounces per day of good >uality filtered water.
e hope this helpsG
Be ell ithin#
Melanie Smith# %.".D. with The Shift Doctors ;Tracy 3at., M.D. 4 Marion &oss, 'h.D.<
D -lic7 here to )isit ell ithin !atural "edicine# $nc and to find out more a+out Melanie Smith
DDThe Shift Doctors ;Tracy 3at., M.D. 4 Marion &oss, 'h.D.< are a)aila+le for 7eynote tal7s# classes# e)ents
or for seminars ;1/2 day or up to 2 day< on personal transformation# team-+uilding# moti)ation# anger
management# intuiti)e de)elopment# or colla+oration for pri)ate groups# conferences# corporations or corporate
e)ents. -ontact them at or find out more a+out them
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