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A New Nation Conceived In North America

a declaration

Governments do not owe their conception to God if they do not owe their
allegiance to His Will. By might and deception they have been established, and by the
same they may be overturned. All sovereignty and power rightfully rests with the
people. From them, therefore, government derives its authority. In this manner it is
empowered, and by their morals it is anointed. All other reasoning is just so much
Those who persist in their fatalistic views on such matters deserve the violence
of their convictions. Likewise, those who demand that all obedience be rendered in
submission to the divine right of rulers ought to be set aflame upon a pile of their
theologies. A hundred times over, we would rather the innovating fires of anarchy to
the stupefying and degrading order of tyranny, that Pax Romana of the wasteland
which Tacitus described nearly two millennia ago.
If power is not used to protect life, rightful properties, healthy environments,
liberties, and equal justice for all, it is of no purpose except to an elite group which
should be overthrown and its rules abolished. Law that favors is no law. Law that
cheapens life and reduces its citizens to servitude and slavery is dictatorship. Law that
will not recognize longstanding human rights as inalienable is abomination. Such have
been the nature of laws in the United States since 1787 at that stolen convention that
drew up our present Constitution. It was and remains fraudulent and of no effect
because its main purpose was not to represent all the people and to rule them justly,
but to secure the elitism of White landowners in a federal authority over the people
and states who allowed this deceit to happen.
At the insistence of such dignitaries as George Washington, Alexander Hamilton,
James Madison, Benjamin Franklin and othersall land speculators, all white males, all
wealthy, many slave ownersnot only were following generations ensured an
increasingly centralized government, but such manipulations as deemed advantageous
to international banks, corporations, and other institutes of avarice. Slavery itself was
upheld! The Bill of Rights, to which the majority of Americans still cling, was added
only as an afterthought and begrudgingly at that. It was the radicals, led by Thomas
Jefferson, Patrick Henry, George Mason, Melancton Smith, John DeWitt, and other
notables, who sounded the alarm against a strong federal government that would give
rise to burdensome taxes, conscription (draft), and sensational political campaigns.
The vox populi was guaranteed to be squelched by the commercial ambitions of an
American aristocracy in the senate and executive offices. How far those radical
admonitions have materialized is only too apparent in this century.
The next step in this insidious path to despotism was to introduce an
independent and international bank which could print paper money, inflate or deflate
the currency at will, and create bank panics and depressions as witnessed throughout
our history. By further contrivances and deceptions, the entire economy of the United
States has been co-opted by a Federal Reserve system which is neither federal nor a
reserve. Our money has become fiat, worth only the paper its printed on and the
investors trust in the governments (i.e. taxpayers) ability to produce and make good
on loans. Complex economies, jabberwocky, and intricate maneuvers have convinced
the people that we are incapable of understanding the complicated processes of
finance when, in fact, the only principles we need understand are that money is not
wealth and that banks and their ilk, like individuals, should not lend what they do not
have, fractional or otherwise.
Further exacerbating the current demise of our once-thriving economy is the
pernicious practice of interest charges. In years past, merchants and banks were
forbidden to lend money to make money. Such a subtractive policy only benefited the
financial echelon at the top of the pyramid. This is called, usury. Even when banks pay
their customers interest on their deposits, it is a trifling percentage of the return to the
banks. Add the government (taxpayer) backed insurance programs for all the large
banks and their mortgage and loan companies (e.g. FDIC, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, AIG,
the Federal Reserve), and the present deterioration of the dollar becomes easily
comprehendible. The now-customary bail out has ruined our housing industry, merged
banking behemoths while reducing competition, lowered personal responsibility and
ethics, driven up costs and taxes, and depressed the morale of an entire nation.
America has built and maintains over 760 military bases around the planet.
Constant brush wars, over dirty energy primarily, have seriously depleted our
resources, needlessly killed tens of thousands of soldiers and millions of innocent
civilians, and brought resentment and ignominy upon all Americans. Instruments of
espionage and war are being deployed in our own country! It is as though the citizenry
which gave birth to this monstrous triumvirate of international banks, their
corporations, and fawning politicians has devolved into a potential enemy of its own
state. The people, therefore, must be reduced to peonage and kept there. We have
witnessed this in manifold forms and instances. When we ask what is happening,
either we are diverted to less substantial topics or entertained by the most incredible
prevarications imaginable. When this happens over a course of decades, it is no
wonder the people grow to distrust the entire mechanism of governance.
Police have become paramilitary forces under the monolith of federal
children increasingly are seen as wards of state;
land, food, and even fresh water have become commodities rather than the
rights of all mankind;
the environment has been poisoned and degraded, and the climate fluctuates
wildly as never before in memory or recent record;
constitutional rights are stripped from employees at the entrances to
workplaces with the approval of our Supreme Court;
our Congress, executive advisors, even our supreme justices, have vested
interests in corporations which are rigorously defended despite the wishes of
the voters or the rulings of lower courts;
terms like crony capitalism and revolving-door politics have flooded
ordinary speech along with toxic-loan bundling, derivatives, Ponzi schemes,
psywar, black ops, police actions, too big to fail, domestic terrorism, spin
doctors, plausible denial, cooking the books, cherry sheets, conspiracy theories,
hostile takeover, capital growth, urban sprawl, and similar jargon attesting to
the murky undercurrents of business as usual in America;
unemployment, penury, homelessness, and crime riddle our country while our
cities and highways decay;
our population divides daily into the haves and have-nots with the reduction of
the middle class;
the wealthiest one percent are awarded every tax loophole conceivable while the
rest of the citizenry is taxed unfairly and mocked by the super-rich;
our industries have emigrated to foreign lands because of the insatiable greed
of corporations;
the courts become more subservient than ever to moneyed interests while
ignoring the pleas of commoners;
questionable goals and legislation have incarcerated over two million of our
fellow citizens making the U.S. a leader in public and private prisons costing
taxpayers a fortune in construction and maintenance along with lost labor and
broken homes;
numerous federal agencies have been foisted upon the public burdening us with
yet more fees and taxes, yet failing the very reasons for their existence;
larger metropolises must run twenty-four hour courts to process all the cases
brought before them;
swift justice is impossible, court fees and legal costs are prohibitive to most
states are allowed to continue the barbaric death sentence though well over a
hundred convicts on death row have been exonerated by modern technologies,
and overwhelming evidence illustrates the futility of such a medieval penalty;
human fetuses are denied personhood while the same status is attributed to
corporations along with full rights and privileges under the U.S. Constitution;
and a thousand other grievances plague us to varying degrees, yet with no
opportunity of meaningful redress. Repeatedly, the responses bear only the
same wretched fruit. We the people are left few options.
The time has come when disobedience to government not only is a civic duty,
but a moral obligation. So help us, we shall have a new Constitution or another
revolution. Our present government and its constitution hereby are declared defunct
and void.

Stravo Lukos, Washington
[Copy and sign here, then send to your representatives in state and Congress. Youll be blacklistedcount on
it. Congratulations! Youre now a member of the Cincinnatus Club.]

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