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Linnaeus University

Programme: Master of Information systems Date of delivery: 2013-10-31
Title: Final Exam - Essay
IT as means for communication
Author(s)/ Pnr: Claudia Halas 760924-5282
E-mails: h222m!"stud#nt$lnu$s#
Course: 4IK003
Teacher / tutor: Christina Mrter! / Thomas I"arsson
IT# as means for communication
$eo%le li"e or!ani&e' in !rou%s as (e are social human ein!s an' (e nee' to feel that
(e elon! to a !rou%) a !rou% is asically characteri&e' y certain social %re-estalishe' rules#
see*in! common interests an' see*in! the accom%lishment of s%ecific# 'efine' !oals+
,s technolo!y a'"ances# the society a'"ances as (ell) %olitical staility reinforces # arriers are
ro*en # limits are challen!e' - (e see oursel"es li"in! in a more 'ynamic (orl' e"er (here
the ma.or challen!e is a ne( society ase' on communication+ In this ne( (orl' Information
/ystems an' the Information science see*s its i'entity+
The Information science or information stu'ies# as a multi'isci%linary science refers %rimarily to
the analyses# stora!e# mo"ement or sharin! of information+ In its roa' meanin!# the fiel' stu'y
inclu'es the Information Technolo!y fiel'+ The IT# as a rather recent stu'y concerns the
con"er!ence of au'io-"isual# tele%hone net(or*in! (ith the fiel' of com%uter science+ The
'e"elo%ment of the IT technolo!y o"er the %ast 01 years has in fact .ust recently starte' to ma*e
the o.ect for 'eates as transformations ha"e een notice' an' also as in re!ar' to the future to
e sha%e'+
The use of com%uters at the "ery e!innin! (as more relate' to military use (here
com%uters not only seeme' to e chea%er an' more reliale than human %erformin! ut also
com%uters coul' e use' for more com%lex an' lar!e com%utational tas*s+ 2nly in the mi''le of
the 34506s (ere the com%uters intro'uce' for home use as (ell so that e"entually they ha"e
ecome of a commercial success an' use (ith a focus mainly on communication at all le"els+
Inter%retations an' s%eculations follo(e' as (ell an' the main stren!ths of com%uter use
remaine' the technolo!y+
,s Information Technolo!y concerns more an' more the society the shift in cultural %erce%tion
entails three main a%%roaches# as in re!ar' to - construction# e"olution# an' inter"ention - (here
the role of cyers%ace ser"es as a ne( arena for human interaction throu!h automate'
a'ministrati"e (or*+
In the 3470s I/ (as mainly seen in connection to its use (ithin the usiness area an' on
!o"ernment or!ani&ations+ , fe( years later# thou!h# the ICT ecomes in"ol"e' in se"eral ma.or
areas (here it sometimes came as an im%ro"ement an' other times as a necessity+ It in"ol"es in
fact almost all the 'e%artments as almost e"eryo'y uses ICT an' internet ut the focus is set on
sectors that are seen to e the ones that coul' enefit the most from the chan!es an'
im%ro"ements# an o%en 'iscussion tale (here 'ifferent actors .oin to!ether for a etter %ur%ose+
,t the %o&#rnm#ntal le"el authorities (ere a%%ointe' for the a'ministrati"e 'ecisions# %olicies
or rules to e follo(e' for a etter control an' to %ro"i'e the necessary le!islati"e or the
infrastructural frame(or*+ The ases for the 8'i!ital (orl'9 are set (ith re!ar' to the ol'#
alrea'y existin! la(s an' in re!ar' to the %rinci%le of re-use of 'ocuments an' s%ecial a!encies
an' authorities are name' to ensure the correct im%lementation of these fun'aments+ The ICT
sector is seen a ri'!e et(een the %ri"ate an' the %ulic sector as it %ro"i'es the fun'ament for
a etter an' faster !ro(th# su%%ort for trainin! an' e'ucation# mo'erni&ation# cultural exchan!e
or sector re!ulation+ :o"ernment curriculum an' syllauses# as (ell as %lanne' actions sho( the
interest in 'i!itali&ation an' the nee' for 'i!ital s*ills+
The #duation sector# is one of the main focus of the 'i!ital re"olution# (here chil'ren start
usin! more an' more efficiently the com%uter or the mo'ern technolo!y+ ;i!ital s*ills are "ery
im%ortant for .o see*ers an' for creatin! a more sim%lifie' (or*in! s%ace+ <i!h-'eman'in!
(or* %laces are 'eman'in! s*ills that nee' to e safe!uar'e' ut also 'e"elo%e'+ <i!her
e'ucation an' a'ult e'ucation offer these e'ucation s*ills an' also the sim%lification of choice
throu!h the use of ICT an' internet+
,s (ell as the %ri"ate sector the usiness sector also 'eman's ICT ex%ertise# an' often %ractical
ex%erience (here is not only for the enefit of the or!ani&ations ut also for the society to see
that it can assimilate an' conser"e such man%o(er+ Moreo"er# the 'i!ital (orl' %ro"i'es
com%anies (ith the necessary arena for oost of !ro(th# com%etiti"eness an' tra'e for
usinesses+ The %ossily for ne( %ro.ect im%lementation# a roa'er choice (here !o"ernment6s
main role is to estalish a stan'ar'i&ation an' secure %latform for entre%reneurshi% as (ell as for
inno"ation+ The !loali&ation %rocess also concerne' (ith the creation of a sin!le mar*et
ecomes a reality (ith the use of electronic commerce (here this mar*et is a 'i!ital sin!le
The national #-h#alth 'e"elo%ments are focusin! mainly to(ar's three tar!et !rou%s: te
individual! ealt care and social services "ersonnel and decision-ma#ers in te ealt and
social services$% =ICT for E"eryone# 0033> ,ccent is set on the creation of a secure e-health
system# accessile an' more %ersonali&e'# a etter focali&ation an' easier coor'ination+
The d#morati'ation is follo(e' closely y the same %rocess (here ICT may e of a me'iator
et(een these channels+ $eo%le are !i"en more im%ortant role# e"eryone can e an actor# the
o%en citi&en 'ialo!ue contriutes to(ar's a etter 8*no(le'!e# social en!a!ement# insi!ht an'
influence+9 The use of ICT see*s to the re'uction of %o"erty an' the res%ect for human ri!hts as
(ell+ The metho's use' 'e%en' a lot on the metho' 'e"elo%ment use' an' in res%ect to ca%acity
aime'# as (ell on the national as on the international le"el# on the collaoration et(een the ne(
or the alrea'y existin! actors+
The (ay (e a'"ance in the use of ICT 'e%en's a !reat 'eal also of the ?uality of the %ro'uct
offere'+ The aim in /(e'en is that all the househol's an' usinesses to ha"e the o%%ortunity to
use the internet at the est ?uality of roa'an' connecti"ity of 300 M% y 0000+ , !oo'
strate!y an' a (ell-su%%orte' "ision (ith clear !oals an' (ell-'efine' actions must also inclu'e
a secure# accessile an' roust infrastructure# a fun'ament for "ulneraility or to 'isru%tions+
(#urit) matters are share' et(een users# mar*et %layers an' the !o"ernment sector (here each
one %lays an im%ortant role for the reinsurin! an' staility in the ICT systems+ /tartin! from
malicious or harmful %ro!rams that can harm the user6s com%uters or collect %ri"ate information
from it# to %rotectin! chil'ren6s inte!rity the !o"ernment has %ut in %lace online secure me'ia or
@ast# ut not least the !en'er issue is "ery concerne' (ith the ICT use# %ro"i'in! e?ually
o%%ortunity em%loyment for oth !en'ers an' stu'ies on uni"ersity %ro!rammes focuse' on ICT
(here (omen ha"e sho(n more an' more interest in the recent years+
/trate!ies foreseen for the health sector
The e<ealth system came as a nee' for information in the health 'e%artment as (here a
more technical health care system that aims 'irectly at the in'i"i'ual (oul' e of a more secure
an' efficient means of information sharin! in the entire health care system+ Much of the
automation (as rou!ht to all the %ulic sectors ut the health sector is the one concerne' the
most as it re!ar's 'irectly the in'i"i'ual+
The e<ealth systems concerns all the %artici%ants from the system: the in'i"i'ual# the health care
staff an' the 'ecision-ma*er officials (here %ractical chan!es (ere set for im%ro"ements to e
notice' easier+ The chan!es follo(e' in rin!in! more %ersonal e-ser"ices to the in'i"i'ual#
increasin! an' easin! a'ministration coor'ination et(een 'ifferent munici%alities an' a closer
interaction (ith the national an' international enter%rises+ Aot all the countries ha"e the same
le"el of 'ecentrali&ation# not all the countries ha"e the same %riorities yet (here ste%s ha"e
alrea'y een 'one the strate!ies are no( follo(in! the otainin! results in healthcare research#
inno"ations# *no(le'!e mana!ement# learnin!# care of el'erly or im%ro"e' en"ironments for the
rehailitation %rocess+
,s oser"e' from literature stu'y cases# most of the countries# es%ecially the Euro%ean countries#
are seein! the e<ealth e"olution as one of the main %oints an' they ha"e (ell 'esi!ne' strate!ies
an' a "ision for the future in this 'omain+ The o%%ortunities !i"en y the ICT ease an' sim%lify
also the intero%eraility et(een other concerne' sectors (here com%etition is less stron!# in a
common concern for 'e"elo%ment of ne( ser"ices an' utilities an' for a etter an' !reater
mar*et access+ Bsin! a secure system online# the ma.or chan!es rou!ht to the health
a'ministration (ere the im%lementation in most countries of a 'ecentrali&e' a'ministration
system# (ith online <eath Cecor' oo**ee%in!# online health care a!encies or or!ani&ations+
Dith %atient6s a!reement the me'ical staff is !i"en the authority to ra%i'ly access the %atient6s
me'ical history "erifyin! the rele"ant %atient information usin! the electronic %atient recor's+ ,
ste% for(ar' not only for !reater %atient moility ut also for easier mani%ulation of international
e<ealth ser"ices+
,s it concerns the 'ecision ma*ers from the healthcare 'e%artment the health care an' social
ser"ices use the a'"anta!e of the ICT ser"ices for a faster# more secure (ay for allocatin! of
resources# etter %lannin! an' control+ The inter"ention on the health care an' social ser"ices
sectors inter"enes on oth the re!ional an' the local le"el (here they can %artici%ate oth
?ualitati"ely an' effecti"ely# (ith safe!uar' of %ersonal inte!rity at the same time+ , cohesion
can e im%lemente' et(een the social care sector an' the heath sector (ith the use of ICT
(here the 'efinition of e<ealth care system ex%an's from the notion of health re!ar'in! mainly
the in'i"i'ual to a more !eneral# interconnecte' chan!e %rocess (here ICT is the %otential
catalyst for reform+ The information su%%ly is etter share' in this case an' also etter re!ional
coo%eration ser"es as a %rere?uisite for efficient communication et(een the munici%alities an'
the county councils+
This is .ust the e!innin! for somethin! that has such a short history# 'ecision ma*in!
concernin! information sharin! throu!h online resources# !loal stan'ar's that are to e a%%lie'
for the technical infrastructure# focus on security# 'ata %rotection or inte!rity# are some of the
concerns for fun'aments for the future an' for %olicyma*in!# for a frien'lier healthcare system
an' etter societal ser"ices+ Enalin! health ser"ices to(ar's a more sim%lifie' a'ministrati"e
%rocess the !o"ernments mo"e to creatin! national e<ealth strate!ies+
Ce%orts are sho(in! the im%ortance of ICT use an' a'ministration (here monitorin!# share of
information# faster re%ort of 'ru! ause# unnecessary "isits to the 'octor6s office =es%ecially for
se"erely ill %atients> or the use of the existin! technolo!y to its full %otential# (oul' e some
exam%les (here ICT coul' inter"ene+ Easier 'ata collection# etter collaoration# faster an'
easier fee'ac*# the access to the %atient6s health recor' y the other family memer or the focus
in securin! the system (ith res%ect to its inte!rity# also re!ar'in! the easier use of technolo!y for
the other citi&ens are some main 'e"elo%ments in relation to the recent chan!es (ithin the
e<ealth system+
The use of metho'olo!ies of system thin*in!
, characteristic of the /can'ina"ian %artici%atory 'esi!n is the fact that the mo'els that
are to e use' nee' to e %ut in %ractice in or'er to !et a critical o%inion# fee'ac*# to e ale to
notice other %eo%le6s thou!hts efore a %ro.ect can e consi'ere'+ In or'er to im%lement
'ecisions or %olicies at the local le"el there is sometimes the nee' for usin! metho's or
metho'olo!ies that coul' con"ince e"en the o%%osin! %arties to %artici%ate in such chan!es# this
thin*in! is calle' 8'i"er!ent 'esi!n thin*in!9+ =@(!ren an' /tolterman# 0001>+
/uch a %artici%ati"e metho' is the carto!ra%hic ma%%in!s as it is an a'ministrati"e metho' that is
nee'e' for the notin! of the 3
'imension in a stories of ma%%in! to!ether human an' non-
human actors+ These metho' exercises are excellent ecause they ta*e %lace (ithin our usual
(or*in! %lace an' as they are a "ery economic mean for the analy&in! of a certain chan!e as it
mainly re?uires fe( a'ministrati"e %ro'ucts an' it can e use' for 'ifferent cases such as the
reali&ation of e-ser"ices+
The exercise ta*es %lace at the usual (or*in! %laces# the %artici%ants are !i"en to 'escrie a
certain *no(n situation in ima!es an' thin!s that connect e"erythin!# or as much as %ossile
to!ether into a sin!le i! %icture) the exercise may last for a fe( (ee*s) (hen the exercise is
o"er the %artici%ants are as*e' to note all the chan!es that they ha"e note'# the lessons leane'+
This exercise is enefit as it can e use' also y the ICT 'esi!ners an' users in the 'e"elo%in!
countries (ho ha"e to face all *in's of strate!ies that are emer!in!+
2ther exam%les for sol"in! %rolematic situations may e the //M# the soft system
metho'olo!y+ The %rocess im%lies that the %rolematic situation that see*s solution is %ut into
ima!es# (here the %resente' situation !athers the %ersecti"es an' un'erstan'in! of the other
%artici%ants concerne' y the %rocess+ The //M techni?ue is mainly use' for otainin!
information aout a %rolematic situation# for 'efinin! the actions to e ta*en# it is useful for
!eneratin! (orl'"ie(s an' i'eas aout the situation an' for !eneratin! i'eas that nee' to e
In or'er to consi'er the as%ects an' im%lications of im%lementin! ne( ICT %olicies (e can use
the hel% of the ty%olo!y of e"aluation mo'els+ The use of %ro!ramme theory mo'el is mostly
use' in connection to the or!ani&ation e"aluation mo'el for e"aluatin! 'esi!n# as they com%lete
each other# the first mo'el ser"es as a ase for im%ro"ement of social con'itions an' the secon'
mo'el is mostly use' for the im%ro"ement of the or!ani&ation6s efficacy+
:enerally four other theory mo'els are use' for 'esi!n e"aluation+ The result mo'els# are similar
to the ex%lanatory %rocess mo'el as they focus on results (here the ex%lanatory mo'el has a
more roa' aim+ The %rocess mo'els focus on the on!oin! %rocesses an' efforts) the system an'
the economic mo'el are oth (ith focus on system %ers%ecti"es (ith main settin!s on structure#
%rocess# analyses an' results an' (here the economic mo'el also ta*es in consi'erence the
o.ect of e"aluation+ The actor mo'el are ase' u%on the criteria of the author/e"aluan'+
/o# consi'erin! the name' e"aluation mo'els# (e can in fact note that for such com%lex
situations# the literature recommen's 'ifferent reasonin! an' thin*in! (hen choosin! an
e"aluation 'esi!n+ /ome authors consi'er that the situations shoul' e sol"e' usin! criteria of the
e"aluate' o.ects# others ar!ue on the necessity that the situations shoul' e use' in terms of
their %ur%ose an' other see the solution mo'el to e use' accor'in! to the %rolem that the o.ect
is to sol"e+ 2"erall the solutions seem to e "arious an' com%lex# the est choice (oul' e to
choice of an e"aluation mo'el accor'in! to the nee's) one coul' ar!ue on the nee' for a ne(
lo!ic of thin*in! ut also that the e"aluation metho's ha"e not een %ut in %ractice yet# so that
em%irical analyses of the 'ifferent 'esi!n %rocesses relate' to e"aluation are nee'e'+
The 'e"elo%ment of ne( an' etter ser"ices o"er the %ast years encoura!es also the use
of 'i!ital channels+ ,s economy sho(s# the use of ICT has im%ro"e' %ro'ucti"ity an' has
su%%orte' to ma*in! estalishe' sectors an' or!ani&ations more efficient ut in the same time
ICT contriutes to im%ro"in! an' ma*in! our e"ery'ay life sim%ler+ Ae( creati"e i'eas#
mo'erni&ations# inno"ations an' usiness mo'els are emer!in! an' nonetheless is the
!o"ernment in"ol"e' in these chan!es as it a''resses acti"ely some of the main sectors of
The 'iscussion concernin! alrea'y existin! infrastructure 'oes not sto% here# %resent
infrastructure or alrea'y ne( estalishe' i'entities re?uire the nee' for metho'olo!ies# mo'els
an' clear "isions for future e"entual re%lacement or for %resent staili&ation+ The
inter'isci%linary characteristic of the information system fiel' is har' to limit to certain s%ecific
metho's or a%%roaches# yet the com%etition an' the uncertainty of such a ne( mar*et are
'eman'in! us to e %roacti"e (ith concern to the e"olution of the ICT+ There is a consensus that
y roa'enin! our a!en'a into a more future-orientate' a!en'a# inclu'in! a%%roaches relate' to
ethical !oals or critical a%%roaches# or to (elcomin! ne( 'isci%lines (ith o%en arms# (e coul'
see to (i'enin! our fiel' of stu'y are create fun'aments for a more certain future+ Ey usin! non-
tra'itional settin!s outsi'e the usiness or !o"ernment (e coul' a''ress ne( a%%roaches an'
see* ne( 'e%loyments+
, certain a!en'a for the future of ICT is the ICT4; an acronym for information an'
communication technolo!y for 'e"elo%ment# that alrea'y is ein! use' an' (hich has as main
a'"anta!e the fact that it is ?uintessentially multi'isci%linary ut it seems that this is limite' to a
more restrict !rou% of %rofessionals# ma*in! it almost inaccessile to %oor %eo%le+ Fet this
a%%roach ser"es as a critical %oint (here (e can see the ethical issue of main im%ortance+ Ey
focusin! on ne( areas of interest for ICT such as su&sistence agriculture! fising! systems of
local infrastructure suc as ealt% =Dalsham# :+ =0030> (e shoul' not for!et the ethical issue
of %oor countries (here ICT4; coul' clearly contriute usin! alrea'y existin! technolo!y#
remainin! flexile for ne( a%%roaches or y a'a%tin! to the local culture+ Exam%les of
successful use of ICT in 'e"elo%in! countries is the use of the moile %hone or %ulic forums#
systems of money transfers or the use of its su%%ort for (oman em%o(erment+
ICT an' the internet are y far the most eneficial resources for inno"ation an' !loali&ation#
e"en share of strate!ies et(een the international actors an' also the national actors concerne'
y the %rocess+ ICT is !enerally seen as easy an' safe to e use'# ser"ices sho( to create enefit
from the use of it# for its nee' for infrastructure an' its role for societal 'e"elo%ment+
The use the Internet an' social me'ia as communication tools ha"e the enefit of tar!etin! more
!rou%s# of encoura!in! citi&ens for initiati"e# it sho(s consensus et(een central actors on the
national le"el# it su%%orts issues relate' to research or %ulication Gsuch as s%eciali&e' eHournals
an' other eCesources -# it ma*es society more trans%arent an' information flo(s more coherent G
such as le!itimate 'iscourses+ The information is more reliale# sources are real cases# thin!s
that ma*e sense to reality an' therey easier an' more certain for ima!inin!# 'esi!nin!# an'
'e"elo%in! ne( information technolo!ies+ ,nother oser"ation that is "ery much reflecte' y the
ICT system are the e"i'ent (ays sho(n to us for or!ani&ational forms# e"ery'ay %ro.ects or
technolo!ical systems+
The fiel' of information systems has ex%erience' clear chan!es 'urin! the %ast fe(
'eca'es (hich are reasons for analyses an' concern in re!ar' to its future 'e"elo%ment+ In this
%a%er (e can see its roa' im%lications as throu!h the use an' chan!es rou!ht y ICT in
'ifferent areas such as: health# e'ucation# 'emocrati&ation or culture# in the %ulic an' usiness
sector or (ith concern to its use as a stu'y su.ect in schools+ The su.ect (as "ery interestin!
for a close in"esti!ation 'ue to the 'ifferent an' multitu'e of use of the I/ an' ICT+
In"itin! !o"ernment actors into the 'i!itali&e' arena are of a "ital im%ortance for the
im%lementin! of a ne( inno"ation strate!y# for a more oun'e' inno"ation %rocess across the
(orl'+ $eo%le6s free'om of ex%ression hel% to the %ro!ress of 'i!itali&ation# it inserts ne(
"alues# ne( realities y o"erlayin! the ol' ones+ Free internet access in %ulic %laces an' mainly
in schools# focus on sustainale 'e"elo%ment (hile tryin! to see to oostin! the economy are at
the same time .ust some exam%les of a ne( 'i!itali&ation society all in res%ect to the human
Mill# H+ /+ 000I+ The Dealth of Aet(or*s: <o( /ocial $ro'uction Transforms Mar*ets an'
Free'om G Cha%ter 0 htt%://cyer+la(+har"ar'+e'u/(ealthJofJnet(or*s/MainJ$a!e
Chec*l+ 0033+ ,utoio!ra%hical retros%ecti"es: @earnin! your (ay to Kaction to im%ro"e6--the
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Cress(ell# K+ M+# Dorth# ,+ an' /hei*h# ,+ 0030+ Com%arati"e case stu'y in"esti!atin!
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;ahlom# E+ 344I+ The ne( informatics+ )candinavian 'ournal of Information )ystems# 7 %%+
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I-/ for .veryone 0 , Digital ,genda for )1eden (overnment 2ffices of )1eden# 0033
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n+'+ RonlineS ,"ailale at: htt%://(((+s(e'en+!o"+se/content/3/cI/3I/54/71/7'4eI3I3+%'f
R,ccesse': 00 Han 0034S+
/uchman# @+ ,+ 0000+ $ractice-ase' 'esi!n of information systems: Aotes from the
hy%er'e"elo%e' (orl'+ /e information society# 37 =0># %%+ 334--344+ ,"ailale at:
htt%://'x+'oi+or!/30+3070/034500400400510II R,ccesse': 00 Han 0034S+
Dalsham# :+ 0030+ ,re (e ma*in! a etter (orl' (ith ICTsN Ceflections on a future a!en'a for
the I/ fiel'+ 'ournal of Information /ecnology# 05 =0># %%+ 75--43+

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