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Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului si Sportului

Centrul National de Evaluare si Examinare


Anul scolar 2011-2012
Limba engleza


Numele si prenumele elevului:
Data sustinerii testului:

Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerintelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se
acord 90
de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
PARTEA I (60 puncte)

1. Read the text below. For questions 1-5, choose the answer A, B, C or D.
(30 puncte)

All the fat from the cheese and chips that fast food chains serve, nestle in your body and most of
it is seen deposited around the midriff. These fats live in the place of the essential nutrients that
home cooking might have provided. From a theoretical point of view, everyone agrees that fast
food delicacies are deadly concoctions that our bodies do no need. People do grow nostalgic now
and then about home cooking recipes and smells that wafted from grandmothers kitchen, but
somehow they go back to their fast food eateries, like an addict going back to his bottle. People
have to be de-addicted from it and giving them free recipes is one way of attracting people back
to cooking wholesome food at home.
A balance diet is the ultimate requirement for staying healthy, and one way rather the only way
in which this can be managed, is by home cooking. There are plenty of home cooking recipes
at that, Which make the dishes tasty and provide the necessary nutrition. Tasty dishes are a
perfect way to make mealtimes a pleasure and the best way to make family members bond with
each other. In short, home cooked food and the dinner table can become the factor that knits the
family together.
1. Fats from fast food products
A. are an important part of a health diet.
B. Should account for 30% of our daily calorie intake.
C. Replace vital nutrient substances.
D. Are necessary for our brain and nervous system.

2. Everyone agrees fast food is
A. beneficial for our bodies.
B. cheaper than home cooked food.
C. tastier than fruit and vegetables.
D. a harmful combination for our health.

3.People can be encouraged to cook at home
A. by closing down all fast food restaurants.
B. By providing them with free recipes.
C. by reminding them of their grandmothers kitchen
D. by giving them fresh vegetables.

4. A balanced diet
A. means eating a wide variety of foods.
B. is an important step towards good health.
C. contains all the six groups of nutrients.
D. provides the nutrients for body needs.

5. Sitting down for a home cooked meal
A. has great benefits for children.
B. makes us healthier and happier.
C. enables family members to form better relationships.
D. doesnt mean we eat right.

2. Choose the right answer: (30 puncte)
1.Nobody failed their final exams,_________?
a. didnt they b. do they c. did they d. have they
2. In America, you__________ be over twenty-one to drink alcohol.
a. mustnt b. dont have to c. should d. have to
3.As soon as I________ home, I will call you to tell you the latest news.
a. reach b. will reach c. will have reached d. reached
4.Theres the man_______ dog bit me.
a. whose b. who c. which d. what
5.Im not really fond______ animals.
a. on b. in c. of d. at

PARTEA a II-a (30puncte)
Write a short letter to your pen friend telling him/her news about a typical week day in
your life. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

Ministerul Educatiei, Cercetrii, Tineretului si Sportului
Centrul National de Evaluare si Examinare


Anul scolar 2011-2012
Limba engleza



Se puncteaz oricare alte formulri/ modalitti de rezolvare corect a cerintelor.
Nu se acord punctaje intermediare, altele dect cele precizate explicit prin barem. Nu se acord
fractiuni de punct.
Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota final se calculeaz prin mprtirea punctajului
total acordat pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 puncte)

1. 5 sentences x 6p=30 points
1 c, 2 d, 3 b, 4 b, 5 c.

2. 5 sentences x 6p=30 points
1-c, 2-d, 3-a, 4-a, 5-c

PARTEA a II-a (30 puncte)
4 points for using the right terms for a descriptive text
6 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
10 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content, conclusion)
2 points for the general impression

Matricea de specificatie

Limba engleza - Clasa a XI-a
corespunztoare \
nivelurilor taxonomice
Teme/ \ Coninuturi/\
Concepte-cheieX Uniti
tematice \
1.2 Identificarea, prin citire
rapid, de informaii /
detalii specifice dintr-un
text mai lung, n vederea
rezolvrii unei sarcini de
2.3 Prezentarea, oral / n scris,
de descrieri clare i detaliate
pe subiecte legate de domenii
de interes propriu i de
domeniul de specializare
1.1 Selectarea, din texte
orale i/sau scrise referitoare
la domeniul de specializare,
de informaii i opinii
relevante pentru a rezolva o
sarcin de lucru
(educaie, stil
de via,
social, strategii
de studiu,
opiuni pentru
carier, hobby-


Aspecte din
strategii de
utilizare a


timpuri verbale
perfecte; diateza
pasiv direct
i indirect;
verbe modale;
construcii cu
infinitivul i cu
funcii sintactice
ale participiul

30 30 30

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