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First United Methodist Church of Mexico Beach, Florida

Jerry Arhelger, Pastor

Psalms 107:29 He makes the storms calm, so that The Waves are at peace and still.
Volume 2 Issue 3
July 2014

Editors: Gayle Gavorcik
Jeanne Davis
G. Brinkley

Ralph & Cathey Parker-
The Wave
A Word from Pastor Jerry.

Special Greetings in the Love and Joy of the Lord Jesus!

The Summer is here! Our family in the north has gone back and we miss them and look forward to their
soon return. People who were complaining about it being so cold a few months ago are now talking about
the heat and flying insect attackers. The rotation of life and changes continues with new visitors enjoying
the beach and the travel of love ones. This has been the pattern of beach life and ministry for many years.
Though the climates change and the distance of friends and family differ, one thing remains constant. It is
the mission to lift Jesus up and share His glorious Gospel in all seasons and places. The Word tells us
that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Though everything around us might change He
remains the same. He is and always will be the Way, the Truth and the Life.
In a world filled with positioning, bureaucracy, and political ambition, conversation is streaming with talk
of limited terms of service. Humanity is fragile, sin driven and lost without Jesus. Our life is often time
conscious and driven by schedule. We are rushing in this current vapor of physical existence to accom-
plish and enjoy as much as we possibly can in these short years of human life. We should in the Lords
wisdom know when to start and when to finish our task. There is a time our bodies tell us that we no
longer can play sports or do quality work like we used to. In the flesh we are weak and limited.
Jesus was not voted in by popular vote. He is eternal. In the beginning of all things we are taught by
the Word that He created all things and that without Him was not anything made that was made. We need
to constantly be reminded that His plan is sure and forever. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords For-
ever! There is No limit to His Kingdom. In Him we are given the blessing of sharing in Eternity.
We can find comfort in knowing that He is the firm, sure and constant rock to stand upon. There is no
better place to abide but under the shadow of His eternal love.
We live in a world of abounding sin. There is great comfort in knowing that there will Never be a
shift of balance in which there will be more sin in the world than there is Grace. We also need to
remind ourselves that when we are dirty we take action to make ourselves clean by bathing. So it is with
sin and Grace. The Word teaches us that, if We confess our sins, that He is faithful to forgive us of
our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Continue to stay clean before the Lord. Stay washed in the Blood and Redeemed by His Love.
Special love and thanks always to Gayle and others for their labors of love. Through the Wave, they bring
us the news of the actions and movement of our fellowship and family in Jesus here at Mexico Beach. We
are the Body of Christ! The Word is Working Mightily in Us! It is all done for the glory, honor and
praise of Our Heavenly Father, the Lord Jesus and the precious Holy Spirit.
Keep Looking up! Jesus is Coming!
Love you all greatly in Jesus! Hurry back home to see us soon.
Pastor Jerry

In This Issue:
A Word from Pastor
Bible Study
Mission Trip to Slidell,
Ministries in search of
Stay In Touch
New Ministries
Cook Books for Sale
Gods Pathlight

Did You Get Your Cook Book?

The cook books, which are dedicated to our Pastor, are priced at $10.00 each and make great gifts
for everyone!
The cover art is done by our sister, Jean Davis.
Proceeds will go to support our Emergency Response Team and missions of Women of Hope

To get your copy contact Lori Butler.


Are You Aware?

We have 2 Telephone Prayer Chains?

One is a 24 hour call for any prayer concerns we receive
The second is from 8:00am CST to 8:00pm CST

For more information or to join one of the prayer chains
Contact Cathi Rigdon 850-628-9049
In order to reserve our time slot we are setting a cut-off date of July 15.
We will have a meeting shortly after that date.

Where Youll Serve
Epworth Project will connect you with those in the community with the
greatest need of your assistance

In Waiting For A New Sunday School Teacher
Judy Schloerb continues to carry on with the Sunday School classes as we wait for The
Lord to send a new leader.
Are you being led to teach our precious children?
Please contact Pastor Jerry
According to the UMC guidelines a background check is required for anyone working
with children

Women of Hope

The Women of Hope are prayerfully anticipating The Lord sending a new leader.
If your heart is leading you to become involved and lead this ministry please contact one
of the following members:

Ardie Schrek
Carol Bonanno
Wanda Walker
Lori Butler

The next meeting is schedule for September
By Wanda Walker
While waiting for The Lord to send a piano player our way the church is enjoying special
music periodically. For those of you with talent of voice, instrument or both please
share with us by doing a special song.
Know of someone you feel led to have come in to share?
Please contact Pastor Jerry or Wanda Walker


First United Methodist Church Mexico Beach FL
By Lori Butler

As you know Hurricane season is here. The Early Response Team would like to encourage everyone
in the Church and our community to be prepared. You can find useful information for setting up your
emergency kit on the website
Also be sure to have an evacuation plan keeping in mind special needs, medications and pets. There
are still a few "bug out bags" available at the Church.
The ERT Team leaders are working with other agencies in the area to better serve the community. If
you are interested in joining the effort please contact Carol Bonanno or Lori Butler. Training and
certification is done around the area and you can find information on our district website: http://
Ministry Through Technology
By Lori Butler
First United Methodist Church of Mexico Beach
What a blessing to be able to use technology to keep us close and to lift each other
up in prayer. Let's use every means available to take the Gospel to the world. If you are new to
Facebook or the Internet in general, please contact Lori or Bo Butler for assistance.

on Facebook
Like" our page and
keep up with what's
going on with your
church family no
matter where you are.
Please post and let us
know what you're up

If you
would like to
receive the prayer
list and the
newsletter by email,
please make sure we
have your email

Find us online at
Be sure and check it out!

We have a
prayer chain that works
in conjunction with the
telephone prayer chain.
Please post your prayer
requests and your praise

Exciting New Ministries Coming!!!
The Word is working MIGHTILY in us!

Celebrate Recovery
By Jeannie Davis
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical program based on eight principals from the Beatitudes and the
actual words of Jesus. It is a Christ centered recovery program that has been proven effective
in helping people change. It first began over 20 years ago and is now being used in over
20,000 churches nationwide. In the forward to the first participant's guide Rick Warren quotes
the expression, "Time heals all wounds" and makes the comment, "Unfortunately, it isn't true". The truth is that
when things are not dealt with they fester and cause us more problems. Everyone has some kind of hurt, habit or
hang-up so we can all benefit from Celebrate Recovery. It is very exciting to be part of this program and to see
what happens as we take this walk with Jesus, toward healing and recovery from past hurts and freedom from
anything that holds us in bondage.

Gifted Blessings

by Gayle Gavorcik

The Lord is leading in a new ministry called Gifted Blessings .
Gifted Blessings is a ministry of FUMCMB serving to support each of our ministries in one location by making
available all items being offered as fund raisers for our ministries and church family.
We also will offer information and resources, special order items and much more.
The name Gifted Blessings refers to the gifted Christian creators using their God given talents then in return the
gifts and blessings continue as items are purchased to pass along to others or to enjoy yourself.
Among the items we offer are:
Paintings by artists within our church family
Vinyl removable decals
Mugs and water bottles
Special order bakery items for your special events.
Each item we offer will indicate the ministry being supported.

**Our mission is to support our church ministries as they minister hand in hand to our community and
globally by using the blessings of God given gifts and talents for His Glory.

1 Peter 4:10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of Gods varied grace


By Cathi Rigdon

I believe every day that passes brings us closer to the day of our Lord Jesus final triumphant return, and
I feel there are many things we need to be doing to be prepared. As Pastor Jerry shared in part in his
sermon last Sunday, some major prophesiers of today have seen many horrors ahead for our country. I
believe before the end of time, the church will come under extreme and unimaginable persecution. The
only hope and defense against what is to come is strong, unified, continuous intercessory prayer. In
Ephesians 6, beginning in verse 10, Paul talks about the spiritual armor of God that we need to put on
to stand against Satan in this world-class battle. He concludes with verse 18, And pray in the Spirit on
all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on
praying for all the saints.

In keeping in line with Pauls exhortation and along with our desire to continue building stronger,
deeper and more personal relationships within the fellowship of our particular church body here at
FUMC of MB, we are offering a new program, to you: prayer partners. This program is based on
building deeper relationships through commitment to each other. It will allow older saints to minister to
younger ones and vice versa and will give each partner a chance to really get to know each other while
building not only each other up, but the church fellowship as a whole. There are a few final details that
need to be worked out, but be on the lookout in the next couple of weeks for a special bulletin insert
with more information on how to begin participating in this new program of the Prayer Ministry of our
Keep on praying always!!!

Prayer Partner



A Sunday school teacher
asked, Johnny, do you
think Noah did a lot of
fishing when he was on
the Ark ?
No, replied David.
How could he, with just
two worms?

Suggested Book of The
By Melody Meschino
Each month Melody chooses a book to
suggest for reading. Check for the new title
as you enter the church each month
Gods Pathlight
By Fred Meschino
Studies and Lessons leading you to a deeper
relationship with our Heavenly Father. The focus
is in helping you in your everyday walk
accompanied by the guidance and help of our
Heavenly Father. The lessons are developed with
the Word Of God and the leading of the Holy
Spirit as I study, meditate and research the depth
of the meaning and define how to relate it to
everyday life. Every lesson has a practical ap-
plication that can readily be used in our walk. I
strive to make sure it is relevant to today's
timeframe and today's problems one might
Adult Bible Study
Frank Healy
9:45 am Sunday
Now studying Leviticus
A Holy God Explains How To Worship Him
Join us as we dig deeper into Gods Word
Line dancing will resume
in the fall
For further information contact
Ardie Schreck
Womens Small Group
Will return the first
Thursday after Labor Day
more information contact
Lindy Harrison

Ann Laluzerne has invited anyone
interested to join her in praying through
the neighborhood as she walks in the
For further information please contact
Ann after 5:30pm at (850) 227-4900

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

By Cathi Rigdon
The Lord is at work in the prayer ministry of First Methodist Church of Mexico Beach! While we have
both the FaceBook and Telephone Prayer Chains working to pray about the immediate needs that arise,
God has laid upon the hearts of our leaders the need to form an Intercessory Prayer Team to pray for
the more specific needs of and events happening within our church.
The Bible tells us to pray; therefore, it is the responsibility of every Christian to pray. But then, there
are those who are called to be intercessors
PLEASE PRAY about the Intercessory Prayer Team. It will begin with myself and three other people
chosen by the Lord. This position will require your time, commitment and all else that comes with be-
ing an intercessor. If, after praying and careful consideration, you feel you may be one of the called,
please contact me so we can talk and pray.
In HIs Service and For His Glory Always

By Pam Martin

In addition to her duties as Victim Advocate for the Salvation Army, and board member for the Gulf
County Domestic Violence Task Force, Pam Martin teaches, through her faith based prison
ministry, a victims awareness class at Gulf Correctional Institute (GCI) and Calhoun Correctional
Institute (CCI).
Calhoun Correctional Institute class has jumped from about 15 to 37. This class is not mandatory.
The Gulf Correctional Institute class is a new one just started with 27 and it is mandatory
The attendees will receive a certificate of completion. The class covers crimes of all varieties to in-
clude domestic violence, violent crime, sexual assault, murder, child abuse, sexual abuse, drunk driv-
ing, and drugs and society. Discussions address the impact of these crimes on the victims; the perpe-
trators do not consider the overall impact on the victim and their family and friends. Pam forces them
to think about the victims view of the crimes committed against them. Those participating enjoy the
class and it gives them a voice.
God surely blessed Pam with a unique talent and she in turn blesses those whose lives she touches.
Lets continue to pray and support Pams efforts for the Lord Jesus. Contact Pam at (850) 769-7989.


The Lord is blessing our new church library
Due to a large donaton of faith based books our library is in
need of additonal shelving. Once new shelving is received
Ardie will need help organizing the library . If you can help
with this contact Ardie at the number below.
When you use the library please remember to sign your
name and add the requested informaton when you sign
books out.
Donatons of Christan books are happily accepted especially
for Christan children's books.
For more informaton please contact
Ardie Schreck at 648-2248

The Food Pantry is in Need of Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Canned Meats, Juices, Toiletries
If you would like more information, have donations or know of someone in need please contact
Carol Dow 850-227-6831
Local and Snowbird Crafters will return in January 2015 . contact Sue Nilsen 850-648-5127
Cant be at church with us year around?
Would you like to receive Pastor Jerrys
sermons, studies, videos and other sharing of
Gods Word?
Pastor Jerry has envisioned a way of sharing
with you when you are unable to physically be
in church services or present for actvites .
All by email, online, facebook or CD
If you would like to partcipate please com-
plete your contact informaton and which
method you prefer to use to partcipate.
For further informaton contact Gayle Gavorcik at or 330-204-8839
Join Us For Breakfast!
Come Fellowship!
On the 3rd Sunday each month
between services in the fellow-
ship hall
Gary Schloerb, Frank Healy, Jim Chambers
and Bob Ingram
Thank you for your hard work each month
5th Sunday Combined Service and
Pot Luck Dinner
In each month with a 5th Sunday we will
have a combined service followed by a
potluck dinner. Plan to join us for a wonderful time of
worship followed by great food and fellowship.


Heavenly Hammers
By Tom Gavorcik

While I am away for the summer Ron Rakestraw and Fred Meschino are on board to evaluate any projects
coming up.
Thank you for making our ministry a success and helping us to minister to the beaches hand in hand as
representatives of our church and our Lord.
If you are interested in joining our ministry or know of someone who needs our help to remain safely in
their home please contact
Tom Gavorcik at or 330-204-8839

Stay tuned for upcoming projects!
Our View From The North
By Gayle Gavorcik

Blessings flow as I continue to work with our church family at the beach while we are in Ohio.
Such a privilege to stay connected from a distance. As the church works to create new ministries to
keep us connected lets pray for each one to be successful and to work in the light of The Lord.
The next issue of The Wave will bring new writers for Our View From The North as
Dave and Lynda Ferguson have graciously accepted the opportunity to write for us from Canada.
We look forward to seeing what The Lord has in store as Dave and Lynda share their thoughts with


Homeless Identification Program
By Ronda Lynch
I am so happy to announce a wonderful praise report for the Homeless Identifica-
tion Program HIP. Through the funding from FUMC and the love donations
from the congregation, we have been able to continue helping the homeless indi-
viduals and the at risk individuals gain their identification needs to help them move forward with their
lives. In the process, we have managed to let these individuals know about the Lord, and the Lords
moving in their lives. There have been three individuals in particular that we were able to re-establish
asking the Lord to come into their lives and one of them was a first time soul saying the prayer of salva-
tion. Praise the Lord! This is surely the Lords mission, and He has exploded this mission with great
success. I have two cards from individuals that just wanted to thank us for the helpthose cards belong
to you; they belong to the Lord. Needless to say, it warms my heart to see the smiles and relief that we
are able to accomplish with your help. Since the idea became a reality, we have successfully obtained
41 birth certificates, 63 state identification cards, 4 drivers licenses, and 3 marriage certificates. We
have 28 individuals that are currently in the process of getting all of their documents in order, 28 appli-
cants who are waiting to be seen, and 74 absolutely completed goals for individuals that had no way of
accomplishing this on their own. We take the opportunity to talk about the Lord when we see these indi-
viduals, and if we save just one life, it is all worth it. Thank you for being a part of this mission that was
laid upon my heart like a lightning bolt back in January. To God be the glory!!

by Carol Bonanno
Our church family continues to visit, minister to, supply food and transportation for
members of our church family and our community
Some volunteers expressed the concern that they would not be able to physically visit
ill parishioners but they would be able to phone them or send a card.
A list of people sick, in the hospital, nursing homes, recovering from an illness or just
needing a wellness check is being compiled.
Anyone wishing to volunteer to be a part of the team, please contact Carol Bonanno at

Fellowship Breakfast
Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 7:30 AM CST Fellowship Hall

The men if valor had another enjoyable breakfast with Special Guest Speaker Mike Nelson Commis-
sioner District 1 Bay County. Mike has lived in this area all his life. He gave us a good overview of
what he duties are as Commissioner and what he feels is needed to make Bay County better. He ad-
dressed the Spring Break issues that the county and city face each year and how to make it safer and
more enjoyable for tourist.

After Mike spoke we were also honored to have Monroe Bell, Bobby Pollocks grandson, bring an
inspiring devotional. The next Men of Valor breakfast will be Aug. 9th, 2014 so put this on your
calendar. We will have another great time of fellowship and praising the Lord.

Prayers For Pastor Jerry
Prayer for Faithfulness
Dear Lord, your word says many things about faithfulness, I pray now for our pastor that he will continue to be
faithful to You and to Your church. Help him to always seek Your direction in his life and the life of Your
church. I pray that he is faithful in all that he does, faithful to his commitments, faithful to his wife and family,
faithful to his staff, but most of all I pray that he is always faithful to You in what you would have for him to do
to accomplish Your plan for his life. Lord help him to be faithful to proclaim your name in all the earth. I praise
you for this time that I have to offer up my prayer for faithfulness Lord and ask that you grant it in the name of
Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Quiet Time to Study the Word
Dear Lord, I am praying for Pastor Jerry. I ask that You give him the time that he needs to be in Your word. I
pray that You help us to remember why deacons were first elected in the church; so that the preachers might have
time to be ministers of Your word. Help us to remember that we can do the things that need to be done that do not
require the assistance of the preacher. Help us to give of our time and talent and to encourage others to do the
same. I pray through Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Rest & Good Health
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask for your blessing upon Pastor Jerry hat he might receive the rest that he needs from
his long hours of work. Help me to remember that I can help my pastor by offering to volunteer my time and
talents to do the things that God has gifted me to do so my pastor does not have to take on that task. Help me to
remember to let him know how much I appreciate the time and energy that he puts into each and every thing that
he does. I pray that he is able to eat right and get proper exercise so that he can remain healthy for Your work. I
raise up this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Provision
Dear God in Heaven, we love you and know that your promises in the Bible are true. Please hold our pastor in the
palm of your hands as he continually walks by faith, knowing that you will provide for his every need as well as
the needs of his family. Please help him to remember what Jesus said about your generosity and loving kindness.
Help him to know that you know every hair on his head and that he is much more than any sparrow. I praise you
for all that you have already done for my pastor and pray that you will continue to bless him with everything that
he needs. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for Wisdom & Direction
Dear God, I want to lift Pastor Jerry up to you in prayer. He needs Your wisdom and direction for Your church.
Please keep him humble and always relying upon You to give him the perfect wisdom and direction that he
needs. Help him to consider information offered by others and also to come to You in prayer as he evaluates
things. Remind him of Your servant Solomon who when he was to become king prayed only for Your wisdom
and because of his humility You granted even more than wisdom. I pray this in Jesus name, Amen
Prayer for Fellowship & Good Godly Friends
Dear Father in Heaven, I pray that You will provide good and godly friends for my pastor. Friendships that will
allow him to just be himself and will allow him to be held accountable as a brother in Christ. God he needs time
away from the ministry to enjoy the fruit of his labor, I pray that You will provide good friends that will be his for
a lifetime so that he may dwell together with them in unity. I pray that he is able to talk about the things of the
Lord and that they may be able to encourage each other on how to remain faithful, committed and loving men of
God. I pray these things by the power of Jesus name, Amen. Revised from

8:30 am Worship Service
Breakfast every 3
9:45 am Bible Study
11:05am Contemporary Worship
Childrens service
Childrens Church
Communion 1st Sunday
Pot luck dinner 5th Sunday
6:00 pm Worship Comm. Meeting

10:00 am Council on Aging
1st and 3rd Mon.
6:00 pm Trustees Meeting 1st


9:15 am Womens Group Power Thoughts
6:30 pm Bible Study
Menss Breakfast 1st Saturday
7:30-9:00 am

Pastor Jerry Arhelger......................(850) 509-8308
Church Office..(850) 648-8820
Trustees Chairperson, Carol Woolley...(850) 537-2399
Admin Board Chairman, Frank Healy.(850) 647-8028
Prayer Ministry, Cathi Rigdon..(850) 628-9049
Weekly Church Calendar
Watch the weekly bulletin for special events!

First United Methodist Church of Mexico Beach
PO Box 13652
Mexico Beach, FL 32410
First United Methodist Church
Of Mexico Beach, FL
111 N. 22nd Street
Mexico Beach, Fl 32456
(850) 648-8820
Jerry Arhelger, Pastor

Sunday Worship:
Traditional 8:30am CT
Contemporary 11:05am CT
First United Methodist Of Mexico Beach

Pastor Jerry Arhelger

Ministering to the beaches hand in hand

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