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Chapter 5 : Diode Circuits

Section 5.5 :
Ex. 5.5.2 : For the series clipper shown in Fig. P. 5.5.2(a), draw the output voltage waveforms and the
transfer characteristics. .Page No. 5-17.
(F-1163)Fig. P. 5.5.2(a)
Soln. :
This is the series negative clipper circuit. If we assume that the diode is an ideal diode then the
voltage drop across it will be zero in the ON state. Hence it will conduct for the entire positive half cycle
of the input, as shown in Fig. . !.!."#b$. The negative half cycle will be completely removed. The
waveforms are as shown in Fig. . !.!."#b$.
Transfer characteristics (Ideal Diode) :
%. The transfer characteristics is the graph of &in versus &out of the circuit as shown in
Fig. . !.!."#c$.
". Fig. . !.!."#c$ shows that the output voltage is e'ual to the input voltage for positive input
&o ( &in ... for &in )
*. +nd &o ( ) for negative values of &in
&o ( ) ... for &in , )
(b) (c) Transfer characteristics
(F-255)Fig. P. 5.5.2
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7hap9!.doc 2
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"2 #iode $ircuits
Transfer characteristics (Practical Diode) :
If the diode is a practical silicon diode with &

( ).: & then, the transfer characteristics gets

modified as shown in Fig. . !.!."#d$.
For &in negative or less than ).: &, the output voltage is zero.
&o ( ) ... for &in ).: &
3ut as &in e8ceeds ).: volts, the diode is turned ON and the output voltage is given by,
&o ( &in ; ).: ... for &in < ).: &
For e8ample if &in ( "& then &o ( " ; ).: ( %.* &
&in ( %) & then &o ( %) ; ).: ( =.* &
Table . !.!." lists the input and output voltages.
In!$t %oltage
%oltage (%olt)
%. ; %) & to > ).: & )
". " %.*
*. ? *.*
?. @ !.*
!. A :.*
@. %) =.*
Table P. 5.5.2 (F-255')Fig. P. 5.5.2(d) : Transfer characteristics
for a !ractical silicon diode
Ex. 5.5.3 : For the circuit shown in Fig. P. 5.5.%(a), e&plain wor'ing of the circuit and draw output
waveform for given input signal. (lso draw transfer characteristics. .Page No. 5-17.
(F-1166)Fig. P. 5.5.3(a)
Soln. :
(or)ing of the circ$it :
%. In the positive half cycle of the input, ." will be reverse biased. .% will also be reverse biased as
long as &in is less than or e'ual to > " & #assuming .% and ." to be ideal$ and the output voltage
is zero.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"% #iode $ircuits
(F-256*)Fig. P. 5.5.3(b) : (a%efor+s
". +s soon as &in < > " & , .% is forward biased and acts as a closed switch. The output voltage is
then given by,
&o ( #&in ; "$ ...#%$
*. In the negative half cycle of the input, .% is reverse biased. ." will also be reverse biased as long
as &in is between ) and ; ".! & and output voltage is zero.
&o ( ) ... ; ".! & , &in , ) ...#"$
?. +s soon as &in becomes more negative than ; ".! &, ." is forward biased and acts as a closed
&o ( &in > ".! & ...for &in , ; ".! & ...#*$
The waveforms are as shown in Fig. . !.!.*#b$.
Section 5. :
Ex. 5..1 : #raw the load voltage waveform for the
clipper circuit shown in Fig. P. 5.).*(a).
(ssume that a sinusoidal voltage
+i , *- sin %*. t has /een applied at the
input and the #$ source voltage
+ , 5 +olts. he diode # is an ideal
diode. .Page No. 5-22.
(F-22,1)Fig. P. 5.6.1(a)
Soln. :
Basic Electronics (G!) 5". #iode $ircuits
Befer to the waveforms
shown in Fig. . !.@.%#b$.
(F-2561)Fig. P. 5.6.1(b)
Note that the type of circuit is positive parallel clipper. However the load resistance BC has been
The diode will be on if &+3 !&. +nd &+3 !& if &in !.! &olts.
CooDing at the waveforms shown in Fig. . !.@.%#b$ we understand that the circuit operation can be
divided into three modes.
1. -ode I ( * . t1 ) :
In this mode of operation, the input voltage &i is positive and less than !.! volts. Therefore the
diode is reverse biased and acts as an open switch as shown in the e'uivalent circuit of Fig. . !.@.%#c$.
The load voltage is given by,
&o ( ( ).= &i
(c) /0$i%alent circ$it for +ode I (d) /0$i%alent circ$it for +ode II
(F-2562)Fig. P. 5.6.1
2. -ode II ( t1 . t2 ) :
In this mode, the positive input voltage &i is higher than !.! &. This will turn ON the diode
because then
&o ( ).= &i
hence &o < ! & and the diode is forward biased. The dc source get connected across the load as shown in
Fig. . !.@.%#d$. Thus the output voltage is e'ual to > ! &.
3. -ode III (t2 . 2 ) :
From the instant Et"F onwards, the input voltage is less than & and between EF to E"F it is
negative. The diode remains OFF during this interval. Hence the load voltage is given by,
&o (
The .7 source is isolated from the output as shown in the e'uivalent circuit of Fig. . !.@.%#e$.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"5 #iode $ircuits
(F-2563)Fig. P. 5.6.1(e) : /0$i%alent circ$it for +ode III
The transfer characteristics of the given circuit is as shown in Fig. . !.@.%#f$. The slope of the
transfer characteristics is e'ual to ).= for &in , !.! & and it is e'ual to ) for &in !.! &.
(F-256,)Fig. P. 5.6.1(f) : Transfer characteristics
Ex. 5..2 : (nal01e the circuit shown in Fig. P. 5.).2(a) and draw
the output voltage waveform for the same, if a
triangular wave is applied at the input with a pea'
voltage of *- +olts. (ssume that the diode is a
nonideal silicon diode. .Page No. 5-22.
(F-2565)Fig. P. 5.6.2(a)
Soln. :
%. The output voltage is e'ual to input voltage when the diode is not conducting, i.e. in the positive
half cycle of the input voltage.
&o ( > &i ...when . is OFF ...#%$
". +nd the output voltage is negative and e'ual to one diode drop when the diode is on i.e. in the
negative half cycle of the input voltage.
&o ( ; ).: volts ...when . is ON ...#"$
The waveforms are as shown in Fig. . !.@."#b$.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5") #iode $ircuits
(F-2566)Fig. P. 5.6.2(b) : (a%efor+s for the cli!!er sho1n in Fig. P. 5.6.2(a)
Section 5.7 :
Ex. 5.7.1 : he diodes in the circuit shown in Fig. P. 5.2.*(a) are ideal. 3'etch the transfer
characteristics for 4 2- + +* 2- +. 5f the diode #2 is reversed, s'etch the resulting
characteristics for 4 2- + +* 2- +. .Page No. 5-27.
(F-22,2)Fig. P. 5.2.1(a)
Soln. :
3ase I : 7onsidering the circuit shown in Fig. . !.:.%#a$.
1. &!eration for . 2* 41 * 4olts :
6hen the input voltage &% is negative, upto ; ") volts, .% is reverse biased and ." also is reverse
biased. 3oth the diodes act as open switches hence the output voltage is e'ual to zero.
&" ( ) &olts for ; ") & &% , ) ...#%$
2. &!eration for * 41 2* 4 :
Cet us calculate the magnitude of &ab re'uired to turn ON diode .". 6hen diode ." is turned ON
the output voltage &" is e'ual to battery voltage.
&" ( %) &olts when ." is ON ...#"$
&" ( %)& ( &ab (
&% ( (
&% ( %! &olts ...#*$
Thus ." will conduct for &% %! &olts. +nd when ) &% , %! &olts the output voltage is
given by,
&" ( &ab ( ( ( ).@@ &% ...#?$
Table . !.:.%#a$ summarizes the results and Fig. . !.:.%#b$ shows the transfer characteristics
for case I.
&% &% , ) &% , %! & &% %! &
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"2 #iode $ircuits
&" ) &" ( ).@@ &% &" ( %) &
Table P. 5.2.1(a)
(F-2566(a))Fig. P. 5.2.1(b) : Transfer characteristics for case I
3ase II : If ." in Fig. . !.:.%#a$ is reversed in direction -
6ith ." reversed the circuit is as shown in Fig. . !.:.%#c$.
(F-2566(b))Fig. P. 5.2.1(c) : D2 re%ersed Fig. P. 5.2.1(d) : Transfer characteristics for case II
Here diode ." will remain on as long as &% is less than %! &olts and &ab is less than %) &olts.
&" ( %) &olts for ; ") &% , %! ...#!$
+s soon as &% ( %! &, &ab ( %) & and ." is reverse biased. The output is given by,
&" ( &ab ( ( ).@@@ &%, for &% %! & ...#@$
The transfer characteristics for case II is as shown in Fig. . !.:.%#d$.
&% ; ") &% , %! &% %! &
&" &" ( %) & #." ON$ &" ( ).@@@ &%
Table P. 5.2.1(b)
Ex. 5.7.2 : he diodes are ideal, plot +o against +i indicating all intercepts, slopes and voltage levels for
Fig. P. 5.2.2(a) 3'etch +o if +i , .- sin t. .Page No. 5-27.
(F-22,)Fig. P. 5.2.2(a)
Soln. : This e8ample is similar to 48. !.:.%.
&o ( ) for &i , ) ...#%$
6hen ." is turned on, &o ( %) & and ." is turned on when &ab ( %) &.
&o ( &ab ( %) (
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"6 #iode $ircuits
&i ( ") & ...#"$
Thus ." turns on when &i ( ") &olts
&o ( %) & for &i ") &olts ...#*$
For ) &i , ")&, ." will be OFF and .% ON
&o ( &ab ( ( ).! &i ...#?$
(b) Transfer characteristics (c) In!$t and o$t!$t %oltages
(F-2562)Fig. P. 5.2.2
Table . !.:." summarizes the circuit operation, Fig. . !.:."#c$ shows the input and output
voltages and Fig. . !.:."#b$ gives the transfer characteristics.
&i &i , ) ) &i ") &i < ")
&o &o ( ) &o ( ).! &i &o ( %) &
Table P. 5.2.2
Ex. 5.7.3 : 5n the diode clipping circuits shown in Fig. P. 5.2.%, +i , 2- sin t, 7 , * ' and +7 , *- +.
his reference voltage is o/tained from a tap on a *- ' divider connected to a *-- +
source. 8eglect all capacitances. (ssume the diode forward resistance 5- with +o , - and
reverse resistance , . 3'etch the input and output waveforms to scale in /oth the cases.
.Page No. 5-27.
(a) 3ase I (b) 3ase II
(F-22,')Fig. P. 5.2.3
Soln. :
Case ! :
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"9 #iode $ircuits
"te! 1 : Cet us first obtain the e'uivalent of the dc source &B. &B has been obtained from a %) D
divider connected to %)) & source as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#c$. Thus &B is a %) & source with
a Thevenin e'uivalent resistance of # % D GG = D $ i.e. =)) as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#d$.
(c) (d)
(F-256)Fig. P. 5.2.3
"te! 2 : Cet us replace the source &B in the original circuit by its e'uivalent shown in Fig. . !.:.*#d$
to redraw the circuit as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#e$.
(F-256')Fig. P. 5.2.3(e) : -odified circ$it for case I
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*- #iode $ircuits
"nal#sis :
%. For &i , ) i.e. when the input is negative diode . will not conduct. The e'uivalent circuit is as
shown in Fig. . !.:.*#f$ and the output voltage is e'ual to input voltage.
&o ( &i for &i , ) ...#%$
(f) (g)
(F-252*)Fig. P. 5.2.3
". For ) &i %) & the diode still remains OFF as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#g$ and output voltage is
e'ual to input voltage.
&o ( &i for ) &i %) & ...#"$
*. For &i < %) &, the diode is turned ON and the e'uivalent circuit is as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#h$.
I ( ...#*$
+nd &o ( &B > #I =))$ ...#?$
I (
+nd &o (
&o ( %) > =.?: sin t ; ?.:*
&o ( !."@ > =.?: sin t ... for # H @ t ! H @$ ...#!$
+t t ( H "
&o ( !."@ > =.?:
( %?.:* &olts
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"** #iode $ircuits
The input output voltage waveforms are as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#i$.
(h) (i) : In!$t and o$t!$t 1a%efor+s for case I
(F-2521)Fig. P. 5.2.3
Case !! :
(F-2522)Fig. P. 5.2.3(5) Fig. P. 5.2.3()) : In!$t and o$t!$t %oltage
1a%efor+s for case II
The given circuit for case II is redrawn by taDing into account the e'uivalent circuit of &B. This is
as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#1$.
%. For ; ") &i %) &, the diode . will be OFF and the output voltage is e'ual to &B i.e. %) &.
". For &i < %) & the diode will conduct and the output voltage is e'ual to,
&o ( %) & > &oltage across %.= D resistor
( %) & > #I %.= D$
where, I (
&o ( ( %) & > ).=:? #&i ; %) $ ...#@$
The input and output voltage waveforms are as shown in Fig. . !.:.*#D$.
Ex. 5.7.$ : For the circuit shown in Fig. P. 5.2..(a) :
*. he diodes are ideal, write the transfer characteristic e;uations.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*2 #iode $ircuits
2. Plot +o against +i, indicating all the intercepts, slopes and voltage levels.
((ssume, +i , %- sin t). .Page No. 5-27.
(F-11'*)Fig. P. 5.2.,(a)
Soln. :
(b) /0$i%alent circ$it for !ositi%e half c6cle (c) /0$i%alent circ$it for the negati%e half c6cle
(F-2523)Fig. P. 5.2.,
In the positive half cycle of the input, diode .% is reverse biased and acts liDe an open switch while
diode ." is forward biased and acts liDe a closed switch as shown in Fig. . !.:.?#b$. Therefore
the output voltage is given by,
&o ( ( ...#%$
In the negative half cycle of the input, diode .% is forward biased and acts liDe a closed switch
while ." acts as an open switch as shown in Fig. . !.:.?#c$. Therefore the output voltage is given
&o ( ( ...#"$
Thus in both the half cycles of input, the instantaneous output voltage is e'ual to half the
instantaneous input voltage.
&o ( ...#*$
The input and output voltage waveforms and plot of &o against &i are shown in Fig. . !.:.?#d$.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*% #iode $ircuits
(F-252,)Fig. P. 5.2.,(d) : In!$t o$t!$t %oltage 1a%efor+s and transfer characteristics
Ex. 5.7.5 : 3'etch 57 and +o w.r.t time for the networ' shown in Fig. P. 5.2.5(a), for the input +i shown in
the same figure. .Page No. 5-2%.
(F-225*)Fig. P. 5.2.5(a)
(ssume that /oth diodes are silicon t0pe with 7f , - and 7r , with +f , -.2 +.
Soln. : The waveforms are as shown in Fig. . !.:.!#b$
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*. #iode $ircuits
(F-2525)Fig. P. 5.2.5(b)
Ex. 5.7. : For the circuit shown in Fig. P. 5.2.), assuming ideal diodes :
*. Plot transfer characteristics showing all intercepts, slopes and voltage levels.
2. 5f an input +i , .- sin t is applied to the circuit, find the values of t at which diode #2
starts and stops conducting for one c0cle of ($ input. .Page No. 5-2%.
(F-2526)Fig. P. 5.2.6
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*5 #iode $ircuits
Soln. : This e8ample is e8actly identical to 48. !.:.".
Part !! :
The diode ." starts conducting when &i ( ") &.
") ( ?) sin t
sin t ( ).!
t ( sin
; %
).! ( *)

Section 5.& :
Ex. 5.&.2 : ( voltage + , %-- cos*--t is applied to a half wave rectifier with 7< , 5 '. he rectifier
ma0 /e represented /0 an ideal diode in series with a resistance of * '. $alculate :
*. 5m 2. #$ power
%. ($ power .. 7ectifier efficienc0
5. 7ipple factor. .Page No. 5-$.
Soln. :
From the e8pression for the input voltage, we can see that &m ( *)) &. +s the diode is e'uivalent
to an ideal diode in series with a % D resistor, we can assume that BF ( % D. +s transformer is not used
BI ( ) .
%. eaD load current, Im (
( ( !) m+ ...7ns.
". .7 power C dc (
( BC
( ( %."@@! 6 ...7ns.
*. +7 input power (
( ( J ).)! H " K
@ %)

ac ( *.:! 6 ...7ns.
?. Bectifier efficiency ( ( ( **.:: L ...7ns.
!. Bipple factor r (
3ut IC rms ( ( "! m+ and IC dc ( ( %!.=% m+
r ( ( %"%.%* L ...7ns.
Note : (s shown in the e&pression for =r> we can calculate =r> from the rms and average values of load
current instead of using the rms and average values of load voltage.
Section 5.1' :
Ex. 5.1'.3 : 5n a centre"tapped full"wave rectifier, the rms half"secondar0 voltage is 9 +. (ssuming ideal
diodes and load resistance. 7< , * ', find :
*. Pea' current 2. #$ load voltage
%. 7?3 current .. 7ipple factor
5. Efficienc0 .Page No. 5-5%.
Soln. :
8i%en : &I rms ( = &, BC ( % D, BF ( BI ( ).
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*) #iode $ircuits
1. Pea) c$rrent : Im ( ( &m (
Im ( ( %".:" m+ ...7ns.
2. D3 load %oltage ( 49 dc ) :
&C dc ( IC dc BC
( ( A.%& ...7ns.
3. r+s load c$rrent : IC rms ( ( ( A.==? m+ ...7ns.
,. :i!!le factor : r ( (
( ( ).?A": or ?A.": L ...7ns.
5. /fficienc6 : ( ... JBeferring to 4'uation #!.%).%)$K
( ( ( ).A%)! or A%.)! L ...7ns.
Ex. 5.1'.$ : ( full wave rectifier uses a diode with forward resistance of * . he transformer secondar0
is centre tapped with output *-"-"*- +rms and has resistance of 5 for each half section.
$alculate :
*. 8o"load dc voltage
2. #$ output voltage at *-- m(
%. @ regulation at *-- m(. .Page No. 5-5%.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*2 #iode $ircuits
Soln. : 8i%en : BMI secondary voltage &I rms ( %)&,
Iecondary resistance BI ( ! ,
Forward resistance of diode BF ( %
1. #o-load dc %oltage :
&C dc ( ( ( ( = &olts ...7ns.
2. D3 o$t!$t %oltage at I9 ; 1** +7 :
&C dc #at %)) m+$ ( &C dc #N.C$ ; IC # BI > BF $
( = ; ).% #! > %$ ( A.? &olts. ...7ns.
3. < reg$lation at 1** +7 :
L regulation ( ( ( :.%?" L ...7ns.
Ex. 5.1'.5 : Ahat is the necessar0 ac input power from the transformer secondar0 used in a half rectifier
to deliver 5-- A of dc power to the load B Ahat would /e the ac input power for the same
load in a full wave rectifier B .Page No. 5-5%.
Soln. :
8i%en : C dc ( !)) 6
Pac for =(: :
Bectifier efficiency (
ac ( ...#%$
For a H6B, ( ).? ac ( ( %"!) 6 ...7ns.
Pac for F(: :
For a F6B, ( ).A%"
ac (
( @%!.:@ 6 ...7ns.
Section 5.11 :
Ex. 5.11.2 : ( /ridge rectifier is applied with input from a step down transformer having turns ratio 6:*
and input 2%- +, 5- C1. 5f the diode forward resistance is * , secondar0 resistance is *-
and load resistance connected is 2 ' find :
*. #$ power output 2. P5+ across each diode
%. @ efficienc0 .. @ regulation at full load .Page No. 5-3.
Soln. :
8i%en : N - NI ( A - %, BI ( %) , BF ( % , BC ( " D
%. BMI secondary voltage, &I rms ( ( "A.:! & ...#%$
". eaD secondary voltage,
&m ( ( ( ?).@! & ...#"$
*. eaD load current, Im ( ( ( ")." m+ ...#*$
?. ..7. load current, IC dc ( ( ( %".A@ m+ ...#?$
#a$ ..7. load power, C dc ( ( #%".A@ %)
; *
" %)
( **% m6 ...7ns.
#b$ I& across each diode ( &m ( ?).@! & ...7ns.
#c$ +7 input power, ac ( (
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*6 #iode $ircuits
ac ( ( ?%) m6 ...#!$
L efficiency ( ( ( A).@* L ...7ns.
#d$ L regulation (
&NC ( ( ( "!.A: & ...#@$
&FC ( IC dc BC ( %".A@ %)
; *
" %)
( "!.:" & ...#:$
L regulation ( ( ).!A*" L ...7ns.
Ex. 5.11.3 : #etermine the rms value of secondar0 voltage of a transformer which provides 9 + dc
output voltage when connected to a /ridge rectifier. 5f the secondar0 winding resistance is
% and diode forward resistance is * what will /e the output voltage when 9- load is
connected to the power suppl0 B .Page No. 5-3.
Soln. : 8i%en : &C dc ( = &, BI ( * , BF ( % , BC ( =)
1. To calc$late r+s secondar6 %oltage 4" r+s :
8i%en : &C dc ( =&
+ssuming that no load was connected, the e8pression for average load voltage is,
&C dc ( , where &m ( eaD secondary voltage
( =
&m ( ( %?.%? &olt
&I rms ( ( %) & ...7ns.
This is the rms value of the secondary voltage of the transformer.
2. To calc$late D.3. o$t!$t %oltage ( 49 dc ) :
8i%en : &m ( %?.%? &, BC ( =) , BI ( * , BF ( %
eaD load current, Im( ( ( %?A.A m+
.7 load current, IC dc ( ( =?.:! m+
.7 load voltage, &C dc ( IC dc BC ( =?.:! %)
; *
=) ( A.!"A & ...7ns.
Ex. 5.11.$ : ( full wave /ridge rectifier is supplied from 2%- +, 5- C1 and uses a transformer of turns
ratio of *5 : *. 5t uses load resistance of 5- . $alculate load voltage and ripple voltage.
(ssume ideal diode and transformer. (ssume standard value of ripple factor for full wave
rectifier. .Page No. 5-3.
Soln. :
8i%en : %.N - NI ( %! - %
". BC ( !)
*. BI ( ) and BF ( )
BMI secondary voltage, &I rms ( ( ( %!.** & ...#%$
eaD secondary voltage, &m ( ( ( "%.@A & ...#"$
eaD load current, Im ( ( ( ).?**@ + N#*$
.7 load current, IC dc ( ( ).":@ + or ":@ m+ ...#?$
%. .7 output voltage, &C dc ( IC dc BC ( ).":@ !) ( %*.A & ...7ns.
". Bipple voltage ( Bipple factor &C dc
The standard value of ripple factor is ).?A" for the bridge rectifier.
Bipple voltage ( ).?A" %*.A ( @.@!? &olt ...7ns.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"*9 #iode $ircuits
Section 5.13 :
Ex. 5.13.2 : ( full wave rectifier circuit uses a capacitor input filter with 5- F capacitor and provides a
load current of 2-- m( at 6@ ripple. $alculate :
*. #$ voltage across the filter capacitor
2. he pea' rectified voltage o/tained from the 5- C1 suppl0. .Page No. 5-7$.
Soln. :
1. D3 %oltage across the filter ca!acitor ( 49 dc ) :
The dc voltage across the filter capacitor is nothing but the dc voltage across the load i.e. &C dc.
Bipple factor (
r (
&C dc (
&C dc (
( %?.?* &olts ...7ns.
2. Pea) rectified %oltage ( 4+ ) :
6e Dnow that the average load voltage with capacitor input filter is given by,
&C dc (
&m (
&m ( %@.?* &olts ...7ns.
Ex. 5.13.3 : #raw the circuit diagram of FA$ rectifier with capacitor shunt filter. 5f input of the rectifier
is sine wave, draw the nature of the output waveforms for the following :
*. Filter capacitance onl0 without load resistance.
2. $apacitor filter with load resistance.
%. 7ectifier without filter. .Page No. 5-75.
Soln. :
F67T means full wave rectifier with center tapped transformer. For the circuit diagram of
F67T rectifier with capacitor shunt filter, refer to Fig. . !.%*.*. The waveforms are as follows -
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"2- #iode $ircuits
(F-2522)Fig. P. 5.13.3
Ex. 5.13.$ : ( /ridge rectifier with capacitor filter is fed from 2%- + to 5- + step down transformer. 5f
average dc current in load is * (mp. and capacitor filter of *--- F. $alculate the load
regulation and ripple factor.
(ssume : Power line fre;uenc0 of 5- C1. 8eglect diode forward resistance and dc
resistance of secondar0 of transformer. .Page No. 5-77.
Soln. : 0iven - 7 ( %))) F, &I rms ( !) &olt, IC dc ( % +mp.
f ( !) Hz, BF ( ), BI ( ).
1. 9oad reg$lation : Coad regulation ( ...#%$
For a bridge rectifier with capacitor filter,
No load voltage ( &m (
&NC ( ( :).: &olts ....#"$
Full load voltage, &FC (
( ( @!.:% &olts ....#*$
Iubstituting 4'uations #"$ and #*$ into 4'uation #%$ we get,
Coad regulation ( ( :.!= L ...7ns.
2. :i!!le factor :
Bipple factor (
BF ( ...#?$
6e do not Dnow BC in this e'uation, so let us find it out first.
BC ( ( ( @!.:% ...#!$
Iubstitute this value into 4'uation #?$ to get,
Bipple factor ( ( ).)?*=* ...7ns.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"2* #iode $ircuits
Section 5.15 :
Ex. 5.15.2 : 3'etch the outputs to the scale for the circuits shown in Fig. P. 5.*5.2 and name the circuits.
.Page No. 5-%3.
(F-22*)Fig. P. 5.15.2
Ex. 5.15.3 : E&plain the performance of the circuit in Fig. P. 5.*5.%(a) for the following situations :
*. #iode is connected at ( 2. #iode is connected at B %. #iode is connected at $
.Page No. 5-%3.
Basic Electronics (G!) 5"22 #iode $ircuits
(F-22*(a))Fig. P. 5.15.3(a)
Soln. :
(F-252')Fig. P. 5.15.3

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