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... through Bertha Dudde

Process of creation
and apostasy of the beings....
Beliee !e" # $ill gladly instruct you $hen # recognise your longing
for truthful %no$ledge" because # only e&anate light and this light
per&eates the dar%ness.... 'o$eer" you are still in an area of
dar%ness $here light has to be sent to you until you are so filled by
it that you can also pass it on again yourseles....
But you are receptie for !y ray of light as soon as you desire
clarification about regions $hich are still in dar%ness to you.... (hen
# can illu&inate you" # can once again gradually return you to the
state of enlighten&ent and introduce you to %no$ledge $hich $ill
&a%e you happy.
)nd there shall be light in you" you shall %no$ $here you ca&e
fro& and your final goal on earth.... *ou can only receie this
%no$ledge fro& !e !yself" Who created you for !y pleasure....
*ou ca&e forth fro& !e !yself.... !y strength of loe e+ternalised
liing creations $ho $ere li%e !e !yself" $ho $ere independent
beings.... created by !e as &iniatures of !yself. # gae life to these
creations" i.e. they $ere able to create and $or% li%e !e" they $ere
also able to hear !y oice and therefore %ne$ of !e !yself as their
God and ,reator" and they $ere faithfully deoted to !e and
tre&endously happy....
But you hu&ans %no$ little or nothing about the %ingdo& of these
once blissful spirits.... (his %ingdo& $as originally created $hen #
$anted to recognise !yself in i&ages of !yself" $hen # created
essels into $hich # could pour !y loe..... # created spiritual beings
because !y infinite loe $anted to gie itself" it $anted to flo$ into
si&ilar beings $hose perfection gae !e uni&aginable bliss....
# created a spiritual $orld $ith liing inhabitants for !y delight" #
populated it $ith creations of the &ost &agnificent %ind and
re-oiced in the beings. bliss" to $ho& # gae such happiness
because loe" $hich $as and re&ains !y funda&ental nature"
&otiated !e to do so....
(his spiritual $orld e+isted for an infinitely long ti&e in har&ony
and &ost inti&ate unity of all beings $ith !e" their ,reator and
Proider.... For an infinitely long ti&e these beings. $ill and loe
concurred $ith !ine.... Because the first created being" $hich #
!yself had e+ternalised in co&plete perfection" loed !e deeply
and deotedly. #t found unli&ited bliss by constantly creating ne$
beings brought to life through his $ill and the use of !y strength....
$hich corresponded to !y $ill"
because the loe this being felt for !e resulted in the sa&e $ill.
,onse/uently" there $as no discord in the spiritual $orld" nothing
contradicted My $ill" it $as a $orld of unli&ited happiness because
all spiritual beings $ere tee&ing $ith light and strength and $ere
able to create by using their o$n $ill.... $hich $as also My $ill as
long as the strength of !y loe per&eated all !y liing creations....
But this perfect state did not last.... For # did not constrain the
spiritual beings by !y $ill" # gae free will to eery single being as
a sign of its diinity.... (he first created being.... 0ucifer.... also had
this free $ill.... and he &isused it....
'o$eer" 0ucifer oluntarily could hae $anted the sa&e as #
!yself and he $ould hae been infinitely happy and re&ained so
foreer.... But he &isused his freedo& of $ill and directed it
$rongly" $hich resulted in a spiritual rebellion the conse/uences of
$hich you hu&ans cannot possibly understand. 1eertheless" you
hu&ans are the products of this past spiritual rebellion....
0ucifer" the first created being" $ith $ho& # $as in constant contact
through the Word" $as able to thin%" as $ere all created beings"
and therefore he $as also able to infer a $rong &eaning to !y
Word.... 'e had free $ill and could therefore also change the
direction of his &ind. 'e $as able to leae the la$ of eternal order
and set up co&pletely $rong concepts and" by doing so" caused
&ental confusion in hi&self as $ell as in the beings $ho follo$ed
hi&" $hich resulted in &o&entous conse/uences.... 'e also
transferred his $rong thoughts to the beings brought to life by his
$ill and the use of !y strength....
) general opposition to !e ensued" the beings resisted !e" they no
longer accepted !y illu&ination of loe unreseredly and thereby
gre$ $ea%er and dar%er.... (hey reolted against the la$ of eternal
order" their thoughts &ade their o$n $ay.... (his resulted in an
incredible chaos in the host of the first created spirits $ho then had
to decide whom they should follo$.... $hich resulted in the
desertion of countless beings fro& !e.
'o$eer" # did not put to a stop to it" # only sa$ in it a &eans
$hich $ould lead to een greater bliss than # could gie the
2created. beings.... $ho certainly had e&anated fro& !e in all
perfection but $ho neertheless $ere al$ays -ust !y 2$or%.....
1o$" after the apostasy fro& !e" they had the opportunity to
return again as 2children. $hich $ould heighten their bliss by far"
because the return to !e as a 2child. has to be achieed entirely
voluntarily but then the being is co&pletely independent fro& !e"
!y po$er and !y $ill" yet it $ill e+ist totally $ithin !y $ill since"
due to its perfection" it has totally accepted !y $ill....
*ou hu&ans are on this $ay of return to !e $hile you lie on this
earth" and if you are of good $ill !y eternal light of loe can
per&eate you once again" and all the %no$ledge you once
possessed but oluntarily surrendered can be regained by you....
)nd # %no$ of no greater bliss than to gie you this %no$ledge"
than to offer you !y i&&ense loe and to change your state of
dar%ness and ignorance" so that you $ill beco&e as you $ere in the
beginning" so that you $ill achiee unli&ited happiness again" so
that you $ill reach your goal and return as true children to !e" your
Father of eternity" Whose loe is and eternally $ill be for you $ho
once ca&e forth fro& 'is loe....
Published by friends of ne$ reelations of God 3#nfor&ation"
do$nload of all translated reelations" the&e4boo%lets at5


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