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Marnel R. Mayor
BS (Chemical Engineering)
Technological Institute of the Philippines - Manila
Summer, S.Y. !"-!"#
My Philosophy of being a Chemial Engineering S!"#en!
The concern of the go$ernment to%a& is to ma'e the
e%ucation s&stem more responsi$e to the nee%s of the countr&. (e
nee% literate people in or%er to %e$elop )or' competence an%
technical pro*cienc& that )ill help the &outh earn li$ing. +ecentl& the
school e,periences are pro$i%e% to %e$elop self-%iscipline, pro%ucti$it&,
an% har%)or'ing citi-ens. That.s )h& pursuing college e%ucation is
$er& important, it is the 'e& to meet our %reams an% goals in life an%
also to ma'e man& /ilipinos more pro%ucti$e in their chosen *el%.
0i'e all other professions, the 1o%& of 'no)le%ge that constitutes
the sphere of engineering continues to gro). The e%ucation of
engineers is thus force% to focus on increasingl& specialise% areas of
'no)le%ge )ith the threat that the greater meaning of engineering is
lost. 2t its heart, engineering is a1out pro%uction. Engineers ta'e
materials from the )orl% a1out them an% reshape them for the
1etterment of man'in%. This re3uires a conscious e4ort an% the
application of logical thought to satisf& a percei$e% nee%.
Chemical engineering in$ol$es the formulation of concepts, the
%esign of solutions an% the creation of ph&sical manifestations of those
solutions. It utilises resources that ma& 1e inert, semi-automate% or
e$en li$ing an% it is %ri$en 1& an instinct for sur$i$al, a nee% for
protection an% %esire to %e$elop.
Chemical Engineering is not free to 1e applie% at )ill to an&
percei$e% nee%, 1ut must )or' )ithin cultural constraints an% a%here
to the moral an% ethical stan%ar%s of the societ& in )hose ser$ice it is
emplo&e%. 5ot)ithstan%ing such limitations, its proponents %o aspire
to achie$e the 1oth artful an% e6cient utilisation of resources an% the
attainment of ultimate truth in the solutions %eri$e% from their e4orts.
Thus, )hate$er training I am suppose% to %eal )ith, there shoul%
1e )illingness, e,tra care, initiati$e an% %e%ication to the tas'
assigne%. So much so that m& e,pectation to m& 7o1 )oul% 1e
challenging an% of course )ith goo% result most especiall& &ou are
han%ling or mi,ing chemicals. (hat I learne% )oul% 1e applie% to real
life situation if in case I )oul% 1e accepte% to an& position I suppose%
to )or' )ith. 8ne of m& outloo' in life is I 'no) ho) to manage m&
time, %e$elope% patience an% perse$erance at the same time, proper
han%ling of the chemicals an% ho) to utili-e it at all times.
In the near future, as a professional engineer I acti$el& in$ol$e%
)ith m& colleague an% communit& lea%ers too. If I am going to as'
m&self this 3uestion9 (hat I can contri1ute to the training so that it )ill
1e a memora1le for me: 8f course I hope to cooperate )ith m&
manager an% follo) the instruction gi$en to me )ithout an& hesitation.
/rom there &ou )ill %e$elop camara%erie )ith the rest of the )or'ers, if
&ou 'no) ho) to ma'e frien%s an% %eal )ith them.
Though I sometimes e,perience 1urnout in m& )or', still I ha$e
to %o some means to loss it 1ecause one of m& aims is to achie$e the
realistic goals an% )ants in m& profession. 2s I 3uote, ;8ur happiness
%epen%s not so much on our futures as on our %isposition.<

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