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Newtons second law of motion was given after 48 years of Newtons death
Fundamental Physics Society. His Mercy Enclave Post Box 107 GPO Shimla 171001 HP
ndia Email a!ay."#rs$
Source of information
Mathematical &ssociation o' &merica ( )ashin%ton( *S& htt"+,,---.maa.or%,
S"eci'ic .in/ htt"+,,eulerarchive.maa.or%,
0he Euler Society ( )ashin%ton ( htt"+,,---.eulersociety.or%,
The theme of discussion
t tau%ht ri%ht since school level in all countries o' -orld that 1e-ton has discovered 1e-ton2s
Second la- o' motion( F3ma . But is not true( even s"ecialist scientists -ho have studied this
"articular as"ect( 4elieve 1e-ton never discovered Second la- o' motion.
t can 4e read research !ournals and mono%ra"hs.
Who discovered Second Law of Motion: S-iss Mathematician .eonhard Euler 5 1707617789
discovered it (4ut he has %iven di''erent e#uations o' 'orce 5 F 3ma,: in 178; ( F 3:ma in 17<0 (
F 3ma in 177<9. So he did not %ive one e#uation o' Second la- o' Motion ( F3ma -hich no-
Who gifted F ma to Newton!"#4$%"&$&'( )hen F3ma -as %i'ted to 1e-ton = )ho %i'ted F
3ma to 1e-ton= )hy F3ma -as %i'ted to 1e-ton F3ma= )hy Princi"ia2s Second .a- o'
Motion is distorted 4y un/no-n scientists. t is not clear. t needs investi%ations=
)art *
What is contri+ution of Newton,
1e-ton had "u4lished 4oo/ >Mathematical Princi"les o' 1atural Philoso"hy> 5Princi"ia9 ( in the
.atin ?..0he Princi"ia in 1;77. Further its second and third editions -ere "u4lished in 1718
and 17:;.
0he Princi"ia translated 'rom the .atin to En%lish 4y &ndre- Motte in 17:E. 0he second la- is
stated as
The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made
in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.
1e-ton de'ined Fmotion2 at "a%e 10 o' the Princi"ia and de'ined F@uantity o' Motion2 as
GEF10O1 at "a%e :. 0hus mathematical e#uation 4ased on second la- o' motion is
F 3/5v6u9 519
n the existin% literature e#uation 'or second la- o' motion is
F 3 m5v6u9, 506t93 ma 5:9
t never 'ollo-s statement o' 1e-ton2s second o' motion. 1e-ton never derived it.
)art **
-ow .uler discovered Second Law of Motion F ma
S-iss Mathematician .eonhard Euler has -ritten a4out 7<0 research and scholarly articles and
many 4oo/s in his "roli'ic career. 0he articles -ere un revie-ed. Even Einstein2s Annus
mirabilis "a"ers "u4lished in 1E0< -ere also un revie-ed. 0he list o' "u4lication is readily
availa4le at -e4site o' Mathematical /ssociation of /merica and The .uler Society( 0he
-e4 lin/ is
5i9 Hear 178; E*.EIJS Mechanica sive motus scientia analytice exposita
n 178;( Euler -rote e#uation o' "otentia 5"9 meanin% 'orce -hich has resem4lance -ith
dc3"dt 5 %iven 4y Aaco4 Hermann in 171;9(
dc 3
3n"dt,m or F 3 ma ,n 589
-here m is mass( c is velocity( F is 'orce ( t is time and -here n is constant and de"ends
u"on unity o' measure . By unity o' measure -e mean( unit o' measurement. Euler used t-o
"rimary or 'undamental units . 5len%th9 and F5'orce9( thus coe''icient,constant o'
"ro"ortionality is :. 1o- co6e''icients are determined ex"erimentally. 0he systems o'
"rimary units . 5len%th96F5'orce9 K050ime 9 and . 5len%th96M5mass9 K050ime 9 -ere
introduced in the 'ollo-in% century.
5ii9 Giscovery O' & 1e- Princi"le O' Mechanics
4y .eonhard Euler
&rticle 177 in EnestrLomJs index
MMemoires de lJacademie des sciences de Berlin N;O 517<09( 17<:( "". 17<P:17
NO"era Omnia( <( 71P107O
0ranslated 'rom the French 4y Stacy G. .an%ton( *niversity o' San Gie%o( :008
n Mechanica( ho-ever( Euler used an intrinsic coordinates system. He decom"osed s"eeds and
'orces accordin% to directions that de"ended u"on the intrinsic nature o' the "ro4lem. n these
"a"ers( Euler used an extrinsic re'erences 'rames 5a system o' three ortho%onal Qartesian axes9
and 'ormulated the second la- o' motion in this -ay +
( 5R9
or F3:ma
-here M is the mass and P( !( and # the com"onents o' the 'orce on the axis 5the coe''icient :
de"ended on the unity o' measure ( and Euler has chosen t-o "rimary units 9.
n vie- o' it 5de"endence u"on unity o' measure9 coe''icient( n is : in e#.5;9.
5iii9 $ovi %ommentarii academiae scientiarum Petropolitanae :0( 177;( "". :076:87
&pera &mnia+ Series :( Solume E( "". EE K 1:<
Ie"rinted in Theoria motus corporum rigidorum( ed. nova( 17E0( "". R;06R71 NER7EaO
n 177<( he com"leted the construction o' %eneral e#uations o' dynamics 4y 'ormulatin% a
system o' six e#uations determinin% the motion o' any 4ody( -hich 5exce"t 'or an additional
coe''icient9 he -rote in this -ay.
F 3 Ma 5<9
)art **
*s it scientific to give wrong education to children,
5i9 t is clear 1e-ton did not discover F 3ma. t is a%reed 4y ex"ert scientists in the history o'
science. But even then 1e-ton is re%arded as discoverer o' second la- o' motion.
So it the rarest misunderstandin% or mista/e that scientists are committin% and %ivin% 'alse
in'ormation to children. 0hen -hat is di''erence science and su"erstition.
5ii9 Secondly( it 4elieved that .eonhard Euler has %iven F 3ma ( in 'act it is s"eculated 4y him.
Practically at di''erent times Euler has %iven three e#uations o' 'orce.
F 3ma( F3:ma ( and F 3 ma,:
5a9 0o o4tain the rest mass ener%y F3ma is used and e#uation E
is o4tained .
' e#uation F 3:ma is used then rest ener%y o4tained is E
' e#uation F 3ma,: is used then rest mass ener%y is E
Qonse#uently( under these conditions -e %et three e#uations o' rest mass ener%y(
( E
( and E
0hus there has to uni#ue e#uation 'or 'orce i.e. F3ma
Hence all literature o' Euler must 4e s"eci'ically reinvesti%ated to dra- 'inal conclusion.
549 &nother im"ortant as"ect in this re%ard in that F3ma -as discovered a'ter R7 5 177<617:79
years o' death o' 1e-ton . 0hen ho- and -hy F3ma -as credited to 1e-ton= )ho %i'ted
second la- o motion to 1e-ton= Gid other did not o4!ect= )hy 1e-ton2s second la- o' the
Princi"ia -as altered= )as it a mista/e or serious cons"iracy to li4el science.
5c9 0he scientists must %ive ans-er these #uestions. Or science -ould 4e re%arded as
su"erstition. &ll learned have -ron%ly 4elieved that Sun revolves around the earth 'or :(000
years. Similar situation is here.
*s it scientific to give wrong education to children,
/1ay Sharma .mail a1ay(23rs4gmail(com Mo+ile 556" 64"84 75866

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