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Yap, Francis George S.

Belinda Tanedo vs CA & Ricardo Tanedo

- On October 20, 1962, Lazardo Taedo
eec!ted a deed o" sa#e regarding $is future
inheritance in "a%or o" $is e#dest brot$er,
&icardo Taedo.
- On Febr!ar' 2(, 19(0, Lazardo)s"at$er died
and $e *ade a Affidavit of Conformity to t$e
1962 sa#e.
- On +an!ar' 1,, 19(1, Lazardo eec!ted
another deed of sale in "a%or o" &icardo
regarding t$e sa*e #ot in 1962.
--n Febr!ar' 19(1, &icardo #earned t$at
Lazaro sold the same property to his
children .petitioners/ t$ro!g$ a deed o" sa#e
dated 0ece*ber 29, 19(0.
- On +!ne 1, 19(2, &icardo registered t$e deed
o" sa#e. 2etitioners t$en "i#ed "or recission and
da*ages presenting doc!*ents "ro* t$e
*atias .Fat$er/ and Lazardo s$o3ing t$at t$e
in$eritance 3as to be gi%ing to t$e*.
- &icardo presented a 40eed o" &e%ocation o"
a 0eed o" Sa#e4 dated 5arc$ 12, 19(1,
3$erein Lazaro re%o6ed t$e sa#e in "a%or o"
petitioners. Later Lazaro iss!ed a s3orn
state*ent den'ing t$e deed o" re%ocation, b!t
#ater testi"ied t$at $e so#d t$e propert' to
&icardo and t$at a #a3'er #ater ind!ced $i* to
se## $is propert' to $is c$i#dren.
1/-s t$e sa#e o" a "!t!re in$eritance %a#id8
2/-s t$e +an!ar' 12, 19(1 sa#e %a#id8
1/ 9rt.1,:1 4no contract *a' be entered into
!pon a "!t!re in$eritance ecept in cases
epress#' a!t$orized b' #a3.4 t$e 1962
contract is %oid. But the 1981 sale is valid as
not using future inheritance
2/9rt.1;:: i" i**o%ab#e propert' is so#d to
di""erent b!'ers, o3ners$ip s$a## be#ong to t$e
person ac<!iring it 3$o in good "ait$ "irst
recorded it in t$e &egistr' o" 2ropert'.
!etitioners failed to sho" #ad faith on
Ricardo$s part Tria# =o!rt)s "indings on
e%idence a""ir*ed in "a%or o" &icardo.

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