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Copyright 2014 Revolution Analytics. All rights reserved.

Revolution R, Revolution R Enterprise, RPE,

RevoScaleR, DeployR, RevoTreeView, and Revolution Analytics are trademarks of Revolution Analytics.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
Revolution R Enterprise 7.1 README
Revolution R Enterprise 7.1 for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and 64-bit Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x
and 6.x and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.x) features updated releases of the bundled RevoScaleR big
data package and the optional RevoDeployR package.
Download and installation instructions are provided in your welcome e-mail.

Whats New in Revolution R Enterprise 7.1
Updated Math Kernel Library
The included version of the Intel Math Kernel Library has been updated to Version
Updated Recommended Packages
The included versions of the following recommended packages have been updated:
o The foreign package is now version 0.8-59
o The lattice package is now version 0.20-27
o The Matrix package is now version 1.1-2
o The mgcv package is now version 1.7-28
o The rpart package is now version 4.1-3
o The survival package is now version 2.37-7
Updated Parallel Computing Packages
The included version of the doParallel backend for foreach has been updated to version
Deprecating 32-bit Windows Support
32-bit Windows support has long been limited to desktop operation; no distributed
computing platform supported 32-bit operation. 32-bit Windows desktops are
supported in Revolution R Enterprise 7.1.0, but their use is deprecated.

In-Teradata Compute Context
With the RxInTeradata compute context, you can perform scalable, distributed computations in-
database. Both High-Performance Analytics functions (such as rxSummary, rxLinMod, and
rxLogit) and High-Performance Computing with rxExec are supported. Complete details for
getting started with RevoScaleR in Teradata can be found in an additional guide, RevoScaleR
Teradata Getting Started Guide.
Complete instructions for configuring your Teradata data warehouse to work with Revolution R
Enterprise are included in the Revolution R Enterprise 7 Installation Guide for Teradata

Copyright 2014 Revolution Analytics. All rights reserved. Revolution R, Revolution R Enterprise, RPE,
RevoScaleR, DeployR, RevoTreeView, and Revolution Analytics are trademarks of Revolution Analytics.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
RxTeradata Data Source
The RxTeradata data source now supports writing to Teradata via the Teradata Parallel
RxHadoopMR Compute Context
The RxHadoopMR compute context now supports Hadoop systems configured in run-as-user
mode. This support required a change in the RxHadoopMR constructor, so jobs created with
earlier versions of the RxHadoopMR constructor will not be compatible with Revolution R
Enterprise 7.1--delete any leftover jobs in your shared directories.
The RxHadoopMR compute context no longer uses ssh when running directly on a cluster or
edge node.
Data Sources Now Support Specification of Low and High Variable Values
You can now specify low and high values for variables with a data sources colInfo
New Argument quotedDelimiters for RxTextData Data Source
The RxTextData data source has a new argument quotedDelimiters; if TRUE, delimiters
within quoted strings are ignored.
RxAzureBurst is Now Defunct

Known Issues
Known Issues in Revolution R Enterprise 7.1

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