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Vol. XVII No.

2 The Uiversity's Only Functional Paper September 11,199

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This article appeared in The Stony Brook Press Vol. XVI No. 16, and is declared it constitutionally-protected free speech. Bill Clinton believes in? Or that you believe in? No,
being rerunfor the sake of new students.
This, apparently, does not sway the love-it-or- it isn't, and neither is the flag'which represents it.
leave-it robots, because the activity is being Shit, I'd burn the flag that represents whatever
By John Giuffo
attacked with a new fervor that carries more of a country (or planet) it is Newt Gingrich believes he
threat backed by the rabid dog that is the lives in. Problem is, it's the same flag that repre-
Campaign rhetoric, like Christmas, begins earlier
Republican-controlled Congress. sents the country I believe in.
every year. This especially holds true for presiden-
The issue is not a simple one, and I confess I do I do believe in most of the principles our country
tial election years. Phil Gramm and Bob Dole have
not know whether or not I agree with the activi- was founded on, those of personal freedom and
already started their bickering on the Senate floor
ty itself, although I support the RIGHT to burn a equality (however skewed these principles have
and in the American political arena in their attempts
flag. Those who choose to do so, obviously do it become), and I do love the flag. It is no mistake that
to win the nomination for the Republican presiden-
as a form of protest against the government, and God and Country are often mentioned together;
tial candidate (which resembled nothing so much as they mean very different, very personal things to
whether or not you agree with it, you must
two rapists with their eyes on Miss Liberty, arguing [- UL£ T. I Ir
. *;. --
Uorm oU protes-l. it get-,s every person. I believe in the United States of
over who gets stui America that lets me think and say whatever it is I
ntion. Perhaps protest-
Hampshire has
the activities of a gov- wish, or whatever it is you wish, or whatever it is
already been court-
ernment you don't David Duke wishes (as distasteful as that may
ed by the three
agree with is not seem). People express themselves in a myriad of
major Republican
enough of an excuse to ways, and flag burning is just one of them.
candidates, and
deface the symbol of I remember being in an art class where one of the
that perennial
this country, although other painters in class decided he wanted to paint
favorite target of
enough crimes have the city of New York with a three-inch border of his
the right wing is
been committed in the own shit that he had saved from the previous
once again under
name of the country, Thanksgiving, symbolizing, he said, the way he
attack-the First felt about the city. Did I like the painting? Fuck no,
that the symbol itself
Amendment. it smelled like shit. Would I try to get all shit-bor-
A lnr with ihc
might be inherently
!1]il./1 LS VVIL11 I
• 1o UC.CI
wrong by now. I know that there are many dered paintings banned? No.
such as freedom of speech in electronic media, and
groups of people that believe it is. Different people interpret things differently, and
the attack on Rap music and lyrics, comes the the meaning of the flag is no exception. Laws that
It is the same flag that was flown over the burnt
debate over flag burning. It is an issue that can be attempt to make illegal personal expression are
and broken bodies of the Native Americans, in a
potentially very valuable for those that want to wrong. And so are those that support such laws.
young country's attempt to acquire as many riches
pose as the moral guardians of this country-if ngerous precedents
and as much land as
you support the constitutionally-protected right to are set when such
possible. It is the
burn the flag, then you are easily labeled Anti- attempts at limiting
same flag that was
American. It is a dangerous label to have attached freedom are left
flown on many slave
to you, especially in the wake of the so-called unchecked. Who
ships bringing their
"Republican Revolution." Democrats are tripping knows, pretty soon it
human cargo to these
over their own feet in an attempt to out- may be illegal to paint
shores. It is the same
Republican the Republicans, and right-wing polit- a portrait of Jesse
flag that adorns the
ical mainstays have been getting signed into law in Helms enjoving a
office of many of
record numbers in the Democratic Party's attempt those interested bullwhip up his ass
to keep up with what they see as a change in the more in personal go with a three-inch bor-
political climate of the country. der of human shit
man protecting tne
We have seen the debate over flag burning rage ideals this country was founded on. It is a symbol, saved from the last time you had a really bad stom-
in Washington for over twenty years, except now, though, and symbols can be pliable. It means dif- ach virus given to you from the meat you had in
there is a dangerous chance that legislation will be ferent things to different people, indeed, the coun- that taco from Taco Bell that came from a cow that
passed outlawing the activity of burning the flag, try itself means different things to different people. was raised free of government regulations outside
despite what the Supreme Court says. Is the United States of America that David Duke a combination nuclear power plant/school gymna-
Last time the issue came before the court, they believes in the same United States of America that sium. And that would truly, truly be un-American.
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If you don't want to see us kill this dog (or cow or

whatever it is), please do not handwrite your submis-
sions. They must be typed, handed in on disc or sent to
us at our e-mail address SBPRESS@IC.SUNYSB.EDU.
If you don't want to see this dog's brains splattered all
over the front page of our next issue, be nice and type.
The Stony Brook Press is located in room 060 of The Student
Union. Meetings are every Wednesday at 1:00pm.
IThe Stony
~I --
Brook Press
ý -v- 'Oft-
page 2
By David M. Ewalt perversions. The USENET is primarily divided by sounds. Through a somewhat esoteric process,
a handful of categories, including "sci" (science), computer users can convert pictures into text
Part Two: Sex "rec" (recreation) and "comp" (computers). The codes and then post these text files. Once posted,
largest of these categories is anyone
When the first videocassette recorders came out in the "alt" hierarchy, a across the
the early 1980's, sales were lackluster and interest melange of all the news- globe can
low. Prices on the machines hovered around seven groups that just wont fit retrieve
hundred dollars, and few people saw a need in anywhere else. "Alt" is in and view
their lives that a VCR could fill. At the time, miss- turn broken up into more thousands
ing a TV show was no big deal... you would just categories including of different
catch it when it came back in reruns. The VCR was (fan clubs) (discus- pictures a
on the verge of joining eight tracks in the realm of sion of TV shows), and the day. It's
"good technology, bad idea" when an unknown mammoth collection of worthy to
entrepreneur had a flash of brilliance. Forming groups. The text box note that a
alliances with several of Hollywood's less reputable to the upper right lists just a tremen -
studios, he released a series of pornographic few of the many d o u s
movies in the new videocassette format. Sales were groups- perhaps a tenth of majority of
incredible. Porno movies had always suffered low those available on the net. these files
business because of the embarrassment factor In these altsex groups people have been
involved with going to an adult theater, but now from around the world dis- illegally
that people could satisfy their prurient interestfin cuss some of the foulest and copied
the comfort of their own home, the industry most perverse things known f r o m
exploded... as did sales of VCR's. to mankind; like in porno-
Just as porn fueled early VCR sales, it has also been ries, where unknown authors graphic
the driving force behind the growth of the Internet. post pornographic narratives magazines.
Internet users - involving the M o r e
and providers-
will claim that
R? «
imll l 116 eF.S
1i Mla1ti nn
they use the net Attention net-nerds! The Press is h Lappy to pre- Earlier this year, a Michigan college stu- occurs in one day on the Internet than does in a
to increase pro- sent DIGITAL WASTELAND IONLINE, a dent posted a first person story in decade in the rest of the media.
ductivity and hypertext version of this article, cc )mplete with wherein he brutally raped Even non-sex newsgroups have been inundated
expand hori- links to sites mentioned or allud ed to in the and killed a female classmate. If the by the perverse and deviant. Serious groups like
zons, but most text. To access it, go to Instructional story wasn't perverse enough, the stu- "" and "" have to
users do noth- Computing's web pages and ch eck out the dent used the real name of a female deal with frequent messages advertising phone sex
ing of the sort. Press's web page under the Cdlubs menu. associate... and because of that, he was and kiddie porn.
Sex has been Unfortunately, you can't access the arrested and expelled from school. Hopefully, the deviant nature of the Internet is
and always Instructional Computing pages fr om off cam- The other newsgroups are no less just a phase. If you walk into a video store nowa-
will be the dri- pus, so once you've checked outt our site be deviant... and their individual per- days, porn has been relegated to a few small
ving force sure to mail our campus webmasAter, Andrew versities are easily gleaned from shelves- and the biggest chains, like Blockbuster,
behind the net. Faskowitz (afaskowi@ic.sunysb.eclu), and tell their descriptive names. Even the won't even carry it. If the Internet continues to
The most him to hook us up to the rest of th e world. smallest of these groups receives develop as the VCR did, we may yet see the aid to
sources of libidinous thought on the Internet are
mcm hundreds of messages a week.
Yet another category of "alt" newsgroups pro-
productivity and boon to mankind the critics talk
about... but in the meantime, Internet users will
the USENET newsgroups. Newsgroups are a sort vides a different sort of online sex. The "alt.bina- have to wallow through -or delight in- the filth.
of electronic bathroom wall, where anyone can ries" and "" hierarchies allow the
send a text message to the rest of the world more twisted members of our society to actually
expousing their personal philosophies and/or download pornographic pictures, videos and
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Much to our surprise, Lou
Moran, our flat-assed Copy
Editor, recently summoned up
the cuhungas to ask his long
time girlfriend, Lynda, to
marry him. Lynda once helped
us by typing some stories up
on a production night, so we
really dig her... Lou, on the
other hand, has never been
much more than a pain in the
ass. You're certainly a lucky
man, Lou. And Lynda, you're,
um, not entirely unfortunate.
We wish you the best of luck
and all that stuff. Oh, and if the
two of you decide to repro-
duce, please keep the baby
away from Doug.
- -- -- September 11, 1995 page 3
Editorial I _- L ~- - ---
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Earlier this year, after two years of taking past year and a half is what you would dc
the train, I got my license back, bought a car once you got out from under the dictatori
and began driving again. al rule of your parents- party.
I love driving. And on a college campus there is never e
It doesn't matter where, or for what rea- lack of parties (except on Stony Brook.) Sc
son, I love it. It's the only place I can sing finding some way to whet your thirst in the
out loud without having people screaming at quest of the never ending buzz, you use
me "stop making those horrible noises." things to excess. [Ever hear of the 'freshmar
Whether it be the Go Go's, Steely Dan, or fifteen?'] So what most people do when they
Morphine, I love singing off-key in my car as taste freedom is over do it. Which I did in
I'm driving along; even if it's to school. abundance.
Driving and singing is more fun than I When I returned home from my year away
should be allowed to have. [I also blew my scholarship so I couldn't
There were times when I'd drive for seven afford Hartford anymore], these patterns
consecutive hours, only stopping to put gas continued for the next four years. Weekends
in my car after going 500 miles. Yes, I was starting on Thursday and running through
speeding, do the math. But being on the Monday, drinking until I couldn't see oi
open road with the window down- fuck air walk and waking up the next morning with
conditioning- singing along with "I Knew an odd collection of things. It seems I stole
The Bride When She Used To Rock And Roll" things off of bar counters while I was really
is one of the best things I can thing of, that drunk, things like tips, ashtrays, glass-
I can do alone. get the idea.
The reason I couldn't drive wasn't men- Then one Monday morning I woke up in
tal or physical, it was because of a DWI. the back of a patrol car after driving my car
Now with the stricter laws, a first offense into a pole in Farmingdale; not some back
will get you six months without a license. street, but Fulton and Main in downtown
Even though it was my first offense, they Farmingdale. To this day I have no recollec-
got it on video and basically I was tion of the accident.
screwed. During the two years I was with- It changed my life. It made me realize that
out a license I never released how much I there are still many ways to have a good
missed this pastime. time without turning my senses into a pud-
My drinking problem can be traced back dle of nothingness. The only thing I haven't
to my first semester away at The done sober that I did when blitzed was
University of Hartford. During my first karaoke and I'm working on that.
semester, I got into the habit of drinking Drinking also took away one of my favorite
whenever I wasn't in class, then it was pot. things- driving. And it is a trade-off I wish I
Before the first semester was over I was had never made. So next time someone asks
thrown out of the dorms. Usually the first you if you want to play quarters and use
semester living away from college is the vodka in place of beer, think twice.
roughest. You are a virgin to living on your
own, and all you've thought about for the


"PLEA" communication life becomes suffocating.
Death row has to be the ultimate of
Editor, loneliness an despair for anyone to con-
This-letter will likely be one of the most ceive even in a mere thought. To share
unusual you've read. I sincerely hope it does- views and opinions with others can cast
* . -L

n't offend or repulse you. great light where now there is nothing
This is more of an urgency plea than ques- but darkness and gloom.
tion or request as my community ties are vir- Would you please consider placing this in
tually none. I am an inmate on death row at your campus paper as it may result in corre-
Arizona State Prison. spondence or pen pal? I don't know what else
I've been on death row for ten years fight- to say other than would you please consider
ing for a new trial for a%crime that I was my "PLEA".
convicted of that I did not commit. I know
that everybody says that they did not do it I THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND
regardless if they did or not and I guess that UNDERSTANDING
makes it heard for those that are truly inno-
cent. BERNARD SMITH 349340
I have been studying law since I got here ARIZONA STATE PRISON
simply because I can't see myself sitting here P.O. BOX 8600
hoping someone else will look ingo my inno- FLORENCE, ARIZONA
cence. 85232
Law study is also how I occupy my mind
but even then without some sort of free world
The Stony Brook Press page 4
By Heather Rosenow and Anne Ruggiero and Gertrude Mongella. The women had very against the Chinese Government by lashing out
specific reasons for welcoming this haven of against the long practiced tradition of female
The Fourth Conference on Women, sponsored by human rights violators for the conference setting. infanticide. "It is a violation of human rights
the U.N., was welcomed to Beijing, China when babies are denied food, or
with hostility which was furthered by the drowned, or suffocated, or their spines
unwelcoming and many times confronta- broken simply because they are born
tional attitude of the Chinese Government. girls." Hillary Rodham Clinton was
Despite repeated attempts of sabotage, the back in fine form, unapolegetically
conference marched on determined to offending her host country by exposing
expose the Chinese government for what a long list of crimes against humanity
it really is. China is an equal opportunity practiced within the Chinese borders.
saboteur however. In addition to giving China also drew negative attention
the U.N. sponsored conference trouble, the against itself by its repeated attempts to
Chinese government found the time to sabotage the conference. In addition to
give the Non governmental Organization the harassment of the security forces,
for Women's conference some trouble as maps and information signs erected for
well. The Non governmental Conference the conference were mysteriously torn
threatened to cancel its forum due to down, and hundreds of women were
repeated harassment by the Chinese secu- prevented from attending the confer-
rity forces. The conference rallied on, how- ence because the Chinese Government
ever, despite the continued harassment denied them visas which the UN. had
which included video surveillance of the already approved. In addition, 15 pro-
delegates. China's intolerance of any for- testers were captured and executed in
eign presence was exposed by this persis- Beijing in the "interest of protecting the
tent harassment. conference". Uh-huh, sure. Whatever.
The tens of thousands of women from Inspite of the Chinese interference, the
across the globe who met in China over- women persevered and the conference
looked these violations in order to was declared a success. As Gertrude
demand their rights not only as women Mongella said in her speech, "Women are
but as human beings. The ceremony not guests on this planet. A revolution has
opened with an impassioned speech by begun." We have rights and feelings, and
Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto the ability to express our demands. lust
and continued into the week with speeches given Essentially, it was to expose China's marred like men, if you kick us down it hurts. But we will
by Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Madeleine Albright, human rights record. Bhutto gave a direct hit stand up again all the same.

shooting told the any other man.

shot first and on the night of the
By Boyd McCamish

question need-
Cook? The biggest
Where is Billy
different man.
shooter was a totally
police that the

was where are Billy Cook and

that the shooter ed to be answered
addition he told a police captain

of the Volkswagen? Without them

an hour later Chobert the occupants
"ran away." Remarkably, half
but around the world. Jamal is a journalist
here on campus

the eye-witnesses? It
It is impor- how can anyone dispute
retracted his story at the oolice station.
is convicted of fatally shooting offi-
m Philadelphia who

cer Daniel Faulkner on the morning of December 9th, 1981. would seem only reasonable that if the world is to
The controversy surrounding the case involves police believe Jamal these men must come forward. The
wrong doing, and the possibility that Jamal was a marked incident at the vehicle is the foundation of all the
man due to his radical activities. Jamal was a Black Panther acquisitions and unless someonbe refutes them
from the age of fifteen and spoke out robustly against police their merit will grow with each passing day.
brutality. The bullet: the most striking piece of evidence
As with any legal case there are literally mountains comes not from the eye-witnesses or Jamal's
of paperwork to review and review again. Since I am attorney, but from the medical examiner. The bul-
a "coffee shop" attorney, I was able to extract and let that killed Office Faulkner was a .44 caliber
review one legal document "The Petition for Post- round, the gun that Jamal had on his person was a
Conviction Relief." This document is sent to the judge .38 caliber weapon. At no time have the police
of the court to review in the hopes that it will persuade claimed that Office Faulker was shot by his own
him or her to retry the case. Below are some of the weapon. Also pathologist John A. Hayes Jr.
questions of the case. agreed with the defence that the shooting as
The initial events leading up to the murder are undis- described by the police was medically impossible.
puted. On the morning of December 9th, Jamal, There are numerous other instances of
employed as a cab-driver, observed a Volkswagen being questionable characters and of less than
pulled over on Locust St. in Philadelphia. One of the objective police work. Through all of this
occupants of that vehicle was Billy Cook, Jamal's broth- one thing comes to mind, what if Jamal had
er. Another occupant got out and struggled with the offi- not been a journalist, what if he had not
cer. Jamal ran to the scene. At this point there is a void in enjoyed considerable notoriety in
the description as to what Jamal did or did not do, all that Philadelphia? Would we be speaking of him
we are sure of is that soon after both Officer Faulkner and today? If not, is his case unique? How many
Jamal lay in pools of blood. laypeople are convicted in similar circum-
The witnePs*- the nro.rceitinn nre•sented three, e wit- stances and never heard from? This has noth-
nesses, who say they saw Jamal shoot Officer Faulker. tant to note that Chobert was Photo By Jennifer Beach ing to do with Jamal and everything to do
Cynthia White, a thirty-eight time convicted prostitute, on probation for attempted arson and quickly with the rights of citizens. If law enforcement
claims she was on the comer of 13th and Locust while implicated Jamal at the station. The third prosecu- and the justice system become selective as to
Dessie Hightower said she saw her half a block west. tion witness was admittedly drunk at the time and who is entitled to due process of the law then
White was the only witness who claimed to have seen conceded he could not positively identify Jamal as it would appear that this republic has made
Jamal with the weapon in his hand. Shortly after her tes- the shooter. In any event both sides agree that the only marginal gains over the evil it has
timony, White received police protection and was seen only lighting available was that of the police car damned for many years. I believe that this
working the street with plain clothes police officers flashers, so let us assume in fairness that none of case is an exception to a rule, but when we
guarding her. Robert Chobert confirmed that Jamal was the witnesses could identify the shooter as Jamal or deal in justice we must deal in absolutes.

September 11, 1995 page 5

BALKING INTHE BALKANS By Heather Irene Rosenow
By Anne Ruggiero on its threat and began shelling earlier this week.
So far, the Bosnian people seem relieved that the It's wonderful to know that our representatives
You've read about it in the papers. You've seen it Allies are taking action, although it could still turn in government are working for our benefit.
on television. You've heard the news correspon- out to be a mis-marked plan. Never would they do anything or create a situa-
dents on the radio. The major global crisis of the Serbian chief-of-staff Gen. Manojlo Milutinovic tion where we would be left at a disadvantage
decade has been the eternal situation in the has released a statement that his troops have suf- which would effect us for the rest of our lives.
Balkans. No kidding-as if we didn't know. The fered only "minor losses" from the bombings, and Yeah. In an ideal world perhaps, but as of yet no
worldwide media has only been stalemated on this that NATO attacks intended for military targets such idealistic realm exists. According to a top
issue for the past three and a half years, waiting for have killed up to one hundred civilians. (Nice official, our hard working Governor George
the west to decide whether they are in or out. Well, going, guys.) In addition, a spokesman for Mladic Pataki apparently has a hell of a lot to do with
the wait is over. After several chickenshit protests said that there is no reason for the attacks, since the the huge increase in the retirement of SUNY
barely more audible than a mouse fart, NATO has Serbs have already accepted Allied demands, hav- employees. More than thirteen hundred to be
taken its balls out Serbia's pocket and has given an ing reopened airports and ended the sieges on exact. Lets take a quick inventory shall we? Out
answer: they
T.TX T -r_ I
U.N. sate havens. of 43 thousand employees, one thousand three
are definitely in. NATO denies that hundred and twelve of them have accepted early
Oh really? Are the Serbians have retirement. My, my, what wonderful timing Mr.
we sure this made any attempt Pataki. I guess that he decided that the budget
time? Maybe to cooperate, cuts just didn't do enough damage. At a time
not. But after claiming that they when the SUNY system has become more imper-
several failed rearranged their sonal than any of us could have predicted, this
peace confer- artillery in order new blow just alienates those who deal with it
ences, U.N. to feign the daily even more than before.
imposed no-fly removal of tanks. William Scheuerman, the president of the
zones, and Okay, so who to United University Professions, the union repre-
countless indi- believe? Mentally senting the SUNY faculty and staff, says the
vidual warn- disturbed, ethno- University is losing a lot of experienced people.
ings. The west- centric, militarist Many of these people will not be replaced. Can
ern leaders assholes or the the nation's largest University System afford cut
have finally world's largest backs of any form that will alienate those who
united in a congregation of should be benefiting the most from it? Pataki has
direct hit against the Bosnian Serbs. delusional chickenshits? What a choice. apparently been talking tough about the produc-
NATO pulled its thumb out of its ass last week NATO claims that its primary focus in this tivity of the SUNY faculty. His administration's
when a disastrous mortar attack in Sarajevo killed offensive is only to channel the Serbs into attend- commitment to funding higher education has
thirty-eight Bosnian civilians. Top western military ing more peace conferences. Whatever NATO's made a great many faculty members anxious
officials demanded that Serbian leader Gen. Ratko purpose is, the underlying fact remains that they about the long term stability of their jobs.
Mladic withdraw heavy artillery from a twelve-mile finally responded actively to the eternal mess in Scheuerman has said many saw early retirement
radius of the Bosnian capital, and U.N. officials now Eastern Europe. But is that good or bad? Do we as a last ditch opportunity to get out. Lets look at
hope for yet another peace talk, this time under the really want to get involved with people who the rough facts shall we? According to SUNY,
supervision of U.S. Assistant Secretary of State have been fighting amongst themselves for the almost half of those eligible for the early retire-
Richard Holbrooke. Serbian officials have so far past seventeen hundred years? Who knows. ment benefit took advantage of it. At SUNY
refused the ultimatum, stating that removing their Maybe it's just another chance for our power- Oneonta, 91 percent of the Professional staff eligi-
weapons will leave their troops open to attack. tripping leaders to fuck up. ble for this type of benefit took advantage of it.
Surprisingly enough, NATO actually made good It should interest all you students here at
-- -- -
-- I ~ --- - Stonybrook that out of all the SUNY schools, we
lost the most. Our already bread and water faculty
has lost 137 more employees. The campus center at
Buffalo was close behind with a loss of 132
If Franz Kafka were employees. The union William Scheuerman repre-
alive today and living sents has been working without a contract since
in Stony Brook, he'd July. Do the rest of you feel as uneasy as I do about
doubtless be writing for our unstable learning environment? I thought you
would. I would also think that during unsure
The Press. Our office times like these, more emphasis would be put on
bears more than a pass- the importance of establishing a stable future
ing /resemblance to through education. Apparently our self serving
"The Castle", Polity government doesn't agree.

would no doubt remind

him of "The Trial", and
our Music Editor,
Lowell, is more than
slightly reminiscent of
Gregor Samsa.

If we're good enough

for Kafka, we're good
enough for you. We are
now accepting submis-
sions for our Fall
Literary Supplement.
All stories, poems, pic-
tures and such are due
by October 10th.

- - i - -- -- ------------- -- -------- ----------------- I-.l~ll--~~l~-"--~Y-~08~0 ~P

The Stony Brook Press page 6

WUSB: Long Island's First Station In the Nineties
By Staff the station has since its inception June 7, 1977, but nothing but 90.1 FM on their TV's.
it has increased the net coverage 94.5%, to almost "I remember going to a house across Nicolls
On Friday September 8th, 1995 after almost 14 400 square miles. Road and hearing 90.1FM on channels 5, 6 and 7,"
years of politicking, the WUSB transmitter finally Most of these problems revolved around the fact Prusslin remembers.
found a new home. Once on the Graduate
Ch _:ko B i;ldi
e.-Imlistriy UUlIInIILn, It Ilas
nA 4-r
movILVU LU d iLC
that a 4000 watt transmitter was located in the
P-ec;n cxc 1r nnrn
"It also messed up most of the equipment in the
UIlluiLng, nrussnll says, iLmlLIny of
Farmingville seven miles away. them were picking up the station, even when
The offical ceremony was held in Room 237 of they weren't on."
the Student Union, across the hall from the WUSB These problems continued until Dr.
studios. Emcee Norm Prusslin, General Manager Marburger announced that in 1981 that WUSB
of WUSB 90.1FM, began the ceremony at 5:00 pm was to find an alternative location for the
by breaking away from "The Drive-In Show." transmitter. For the next eight years the station
He thanked everyone involved with the tried to find an off-campus site.
move, from Steven Adams, the Polity Then in December of 1989, the relocation ran
Lawyer, to the incoming and outgoing WUSB into a problem. Sacred Heart University filed
Program Director, Michael DiLaurenzo and for 89.9FM, which, if granted would block the
Christina Biglin. WUSB transmitter from ever moving, effective-
Prusslin also thanked Frank Burgert, Chief ly blocking the station in its current location.
Engineer, "without whom none of this could Then came four years of legal battling
have been possible." with Sacred Heart and other applicants
Univeristy President Shirley Strum Kenny for the 89.9 FM slot, with the result
and Polity President Annette Hicks mad being in favor of WUSB. The station was
speeches. During her speech, President Kenny granted the site change. Now all that
said, "University Presidents should get nervous had to be done was to install the yet to
once in a while if the programming is what it be ordered equipment.
truly should be." On August 10th, the transmitter was
When Prusslin went back on the air at 5:20 he installed, at the highest spot on the tower and
asked Burgurt to switch the transmitter from the testing began. A month later, a new chapter in
Chemistry Building to the new tower. With little WUSB history began, almost 15 years after the
fanfare it was done, and 90.1 FM was being initial move was proposed.
broadcast from the Farmingville tower, 580 feet WUSB 90.1FM is a volunteer run radio sta-
above sea level, compared to the 223 feet it stood at middle on the campus. When it was installed in tion that operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week,
when on campus. 1977 there was no cable TV, so many of the people with its best show coming on at 3am on Monday

T:ý;U-.ý -. SC
Completing this move finally resolved problems who lived in close proximity of the campus got mornings. So listen.

By Andy Preston So, they don't do allergy shots. Okay, I could

handle that for a few minutes until I left reading
So, we have a "Student Health Center" on cam- one of their brochures. I lost it since then, but in
pus, right? Well, what do they do? I'm not quite part, it read something like, "You should be cov-
sure. According to their pamphlets, they take care ered by some type of medical insurance in case
of all the minor things that ail you while you're we need to perform tests which must be sent to
here. Okay, so that would imply that they would private labs, such as biopsies, blood tests, and
give you a cough drop if you have a sore throat, a other such tests."
"plastic adhesive bandage" if you have a little cut, Whoa! Wait a minute. They can take blood out?
or other minor things like that. They can take SKIN out? But they can't put 10 cc's
Well, I came to Stony Brook all messed up. I of allergy medication in? What the hell? Biopsies
recently injured myself, requiring stitches and (when I had one) are classified as minor, outpatient
physical therapy. Also, I needed allergy shots for surgery. They perform surgery, but can't put in
my continuous sneezing, wheezing, etc. allergy medicine? C'mon. What a crock.
So, I go to the Health Center and ask them what So, therefore, I say that we should revolt. The med-
I could do for these ailments. They tell me that ical care here sucks.
they can't do physical therapy (which I CAN Oh, but there's even more. The Health Center
understand) and they can't do allergy shots performs ANNUAL pap smears, and other gyne-
(which I CAN'T understand). cological tests for the females. So, they stick a cot-
Allergy shots require a nurse "supervised" by a ton swab into a female's vagina, possibly infecting
doctor (there has to be a doctor there to get sued if her and therefore sterilizing her, and they can't do
somebody screws up) to push a small needle into allergy shots? This is fucked up.
a person's arm and then squirt 10 cc's of allergy So, again, I say we should revolt. This medical
medication into that person. Doesn't sound that care sucks.
difficult, does it? There's a doctor and a nurse all
right there. All it takes is two minutes of their
time, and I feel better for 3 more weeks. Sounds
like a good deal to me.
~--~---^1~~---n,1~^l~,-~------~,, -·ar~s-r~·arr~-,~nn,=rs~rrr~ 71,

"Belief can be manipulated;

only knowledge is dangerous."
-Frank Herbert

September 11,1995 page 7

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The Stony Brook Press page 8
Dear Oceansize, Dear Freak,
Every weekend 9 spend countless hours working Dear Loser, Good kick.Justremember not to fuck the VCR
You are even more helpless than Lowell. The while you're watchirg your wedding video. It usu-
my wrists. Not in the way you'd think. 9m an
only thg you can do Is learn to stomach rap ally ruins the VCR and it stains the tape beyond
internet junkie. 9 have no life anymore. 9 sit at
music and go to The Nlo-Loot Jams that cover any further use, trust me, I know.Another hint
home and spend my time pulling files off of this campus, because your chance of see/r a Is not to break Into a chorus of 'Deutschland, and printing them out on my real band on campus is almost nil. Due to lorng Uber Alles" durirg the wedding ceremony. An
new Hewlett-Packard Color jet 500. Please help standkin campus restrictions, bands who play alternative would be to were kilts or somethit.
me. music that people can mosh to are not allowed to
perform here. As for the orgy part, that Is a Dear Oceansize,
Run Raw common misconception about college. It Is fok- 9 am an upper level Administrator and have
lore that is passed down from older brothers to recently become enamored with my immediate
their yourger brothers. You must be part of a
Dear Lowell, boss. 9 walk by her in the hall and drop pencils
socially acceptable group to have a chance at
You are a loser. Get a life. There is alot more to
sex. Whether this be a frat or a sports team, just so 9 can ask her to pick them up for me. Her
the Internet than the pornography and the pur-
but the down side to this Is that all the women tits and ass get me so hard that 9 can't stand up
suit of sexual deviancy...there is, well, waltrg
who travel Inthese circles are usuallya bunch of and must sit behind my desk for 10 minutes until
and.well that's about it. Sorry, you're on your
disease ridden tramps, basicallyyour are play- 9 go flaccid again. A/lso due to cutbacks 9 am not
Irg Russlan Roulette withyour testicles. allowed as many boxes of tissues 9 once was, and
Oceansize, now the brown towels in the bathroom chafe too
Dear Oceansize, much. 9 need to find a new receptacle for my man-
9 thought when you went away to college you
9 am planning to get marriedto my girlfriend.9t seed. Please help me.
were supposed to have a good time. 5ut it seems
seems that now that 9 am a paranoid middle-
the only good times that are to be had are at
aged,flat-assed bag packer it is my duty to join Roderick P. Treston
places that play rap music. 9 still haven't had a
the ranks of the marriedpeople. 9 know thatonly
good time on campus yet. And 9 don't even want
50% of all marriages these days succeed, but Dear furher,
to get into the part of not being able to get laid. 9
since 9 blew so much on the ring 9 have to make it Hall your secretary, and make her wear a
thought college was a large orgy with a few class-
succeed or 9'm out $5,000 and half of all the cowboy hat and yell In a southern drawl.
es thrown in to give you a chance to recover to
money 9 will make for the rest of my life. How can
your electrolytes. ut 9 can't even get a girl's num-
9 make this a successful marriage?
ber, and it's only 4 digits long. Please help me. All letters can be sent to:
Medium /ss-ffoy RdOm 060
Disgruntled freshman Student Union

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September 11 1995 page 9

By Vic Alferi forced to take that lap around the stadium and it was recently traded to the New York Rangers. After
one of the most amazing scenes in all of sports. There spending the past five years as a teammate of
In this day and age, the professional athlete is are very few athletes like him left in sports today. Mario Lemieux, he was quoted as saying, "I know
constantly in the news for matters that are not per- Compare that to Rickey Henderson, who recent- exactly where Mario Lemieux's back hurts and
tinent to their respective sport. Whether it is ly could not play because his "heart wasn't in it". that is where I'll be hitting him." Alvin Harper
Warren Moon being charged for beating his wife or He had heard trade rumors involong him and was after winning two Super Bowl rings with the
Brian Blades being charged with manslaughter, the depressed. So he did the professional thing and Cowboys, decided to sign with the Tampa Bay
image of the athlete in the 90's has been tarnished. told his coach he couldn't play. For the amount of Bucaneers for more money. Considering the
As values and morals are continuously lowered in money he makes, he should be out there regardless amount of money he was already making, one
this country, these athletes have done little to help of whether his heart is in it or not. would wonder why he would opt for more money
matters. Regardless of Why is it that every time some- with a really bad team.
whether they want to body does something right in foot- Children constantly idolize athletes that are con-
be role models or not, ball, they have to take off their hel- tinuously in trouble. They try to replicate what
these athletes have met so the whole world can see they see on TV. It's no wonder that people think
become just that. Most them. In the opening night of the younger generations are nothing but trouble.
brush off the responsi- Monday Night Football, Emmitt When people like Dennis Rodman are your idols, it
bility, but there are Smith felt it necessary to take his is only a matter of time before trouble is knocking
some that have taken helmet off after each of his four on your door.
their role seriously. touchdowns and shove his face
In a world where the into the closest camera. Every foot-
professional athlete is ball fan in the world already
constantly selling him- knows what he looks like, so why
self out to the highest does he have to show himself off?
bidder, it was a plea- When Deion Sanders released
sure to watch Cal his single "Must be the Money," it
Ripken break a record was exactly that. Because if you
that was thought to be heard the song, you would know
unbreakable. To play in that it wasn't for the talent.
2,131 games consecu- Sanders is the epitome of the mer-
fit•el iv. nn , tPv-,. ri i ~ Ci nf) U
cenarial atmnete of me 90u s.It start-
nary feat. But to do it as a shortstop, is truly amaz- ed when he was drafted by the Yankees. Even
ing. Consider this, in the time it took Ripken to set though he was batting .189 in Double-A baseball,
the record, the other 27 teams used 522 shortstops. he wanted a multi-million dollar contract and a
For a student to do what Ripken just did, he or she guarantee that he would start in centerfield and
would have to go to school every day from the sec- lead off in the batting order. When the organization
ond grade until graduation. would not go for that, he signed with the Braves
To Ripken, he wasn't doing anything special. He and played part time. Now, every year he sells
was going to work. To some of us, even that is a task. himself to the highest bidder in the NFL. This year
He became overwhelmed by the response of the his circus will pull into Dallas.
fans. After ten minutes of standing ovations, he The word "loyalty" is not in the vocabulary of
wanted to go back to work and play ball. He was the present day athlete. Take Ulf Samuellson

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WHERE: StallerPit
WHEN: September 13, 1995

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V. sute
NW United States Student Association
5to/Washington K St.Ne5/hgD

Fraternity &Sorority Fair

W12 /01STATE 393-586
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OF NEW YORKax(202)

9 7404 7t aet 9 ll 1eoe' See...

of the Union did not pass through the new pair of silver-bladed shears.
By P. Milare Ovis
Governor's budget. Each tree costs about $1,500 a The biggest problem is the trees' natural enemy.
You may have noticed that around the new union, piece. Where as normal oak trees only cost about $200. The Silver-Spotted Nut-Breasted Throat Warbler.
there are trees. These trees are apparently growing But, of course, there are drawbacks. This bird is the bane to all of the Davis-Schmel
out of bare red rock. I guess grass is part of the These trees must be watered constantly. So you Oak farmers in the country The bird is about 6
phase two which got killed by Governor Pataki. may walk by and see sprinklers watering the rocks. inches high, weighs 8 ounces and has silver and
So I did a little research. It seems that these Also, they require a weekly pruning. But these brown feathers with a bright blue beak. This bird
trees are not normal trees. eats the small unripe
They are a strain of oak budding leaves of the
tree that grow only in tree, which it needs to
Burkina Faso. There they live. Without these
grow out of the side of leaves the trees grow
buildings, on the sidewalk brittle and eventually
even out of statues. It explode, shooting
seems they have adapted shards of wood out in
to growing in the red rocks a 50 foot radius, peni-
that dominate the country. trating even steel.
These trees have become Thankfully, these
the major export of this West birds are native only
African country. Once domi- to South-East Asia
nated by rubber exporting, and West Africa. If
the small country has taken they do gain a
to growing the trees all over foothold on the North
to maximize their profits. Shore then these birds
The official name for the are almost impossible
tree is the Davis-Schmel to exterminate. To kill
Oak. It is dominated by its one of these birds you
leafless branches and pur- need to drive a glass
plish-black bark. The wood cross through its skull.
is tough, splintery and Again we should
resiliant to heat.
Expensive, you bet. prunings can only be done at night. So, again you congratulate Stony Brook on their choice of flora.
Expensive, you bet. But nothing but the best for the might see people walking around the trees with a
SUNY system. This is one of the reasons that phase 2

September 11, 1995 page 11

'_I• ,,'1III

BOOK REVIEW: Beach Music By: Pat Conroy I found the strongest characters of the novel to be alcoholic, child abusing man and lover of nature.
By Katherine Zafiris the women. Ledare, the southern belle who was She is both the smartest woman in the book and the
Jack's first girlfriend and who falls in love with least educated. She picked her self up from her rural
Very rarely in the course of reading what the pub- him through the course of the novel. His mother- three-room shotgun house to be the belle of
lishing industry calls "summer reading" do I come in-law Ruth Fox, a woman who married a man Waterford, South Carolina. She is the strength and
across a novel that totally engrosses me to the point who never could love her and who survived the weakness for everyone in the book and is able to
that I am unable to put it down. Beach Music by bring life and death to the minds of every-
Pat Conroy was exactly this kind of novel. one who is around her.
Pat Conroy is the author of five books, The It is this town of Waterford, South
Boo, The Water is Wide, The Great Santini, The Carolina that holds for all the charac-
Lords of Discipline, and The Prince of Tides. ters the demons of their past. For Ruth
The last four you may know more as movies and George Fox, it holds the images of
than books. I can almost predict that Conroy's the Holocaust and lost family. For
latest venture will most definitely be made into Ledare, it holds the images of what
a top grossing movie. being from the South meant. For
Set in the small southern town style of South Jordan Elliot, a priest and old class-
Carolina, Conroy brings a small town boy mate who went underground during
home from the all encompassing European the Vietnam war, it holds the images of
style of Italy and Rome; to try and find peace a barbaric father whose idea of child-
with his dysfunctional family, the trauma of rearing was to drive him to a crime he
his wife's manic depression and suicide. In the could never runaway from.
middle of all this soul searching he becomes For Jack and Shyla, it holds the images
involved in the search for the mistakes he and of parents mistakes, childhood night-
his childhood friends made during the mares, and a love that would not die with
Vietnam war. The novel makes an expansive a leap off a bridge. Yet, it is this leap that
trek through past and present South Carolina surrounds the novel. This leap that pro-
and Europe. It brings to question the ideals pels everyone in the book to search for
and actions of parents in the fifties and how ii answers. In the end, it is the truth, both
has affected the lives of their children; whose shocking and liberating that provides the
children, marriages, and occupations become answers. The truth that spans almost fifty
the dysfunctional products of their childhood. years of past. Only through this search-
The novel revolves around Shyla McCall's sui- ing does the truth come to light by one
cide. Shyla was the daughter of two Holocaust step off a bridge.
survivors and wife of Jack McCall, the novel's Pat Conroy has filled another book
second main character and narrator. Everything with deep feeling and humor. He has
in Jack's life fell apart from the moment his wife once again taken family secrets and pro-
jumped from a bridge and her life. vided a rostrum for his stories. Part
The novel begins with a prologue. It is Jaci autobiographical, part fiction Conroy
McCall's account of his fleeing to Rome aftei has developed the South into another
Shvla's suicide and a custody court case grand masterpiece.
where his in-laws were fighting to take his Beach Music is available in hard-cover
child away. Conroy tells this in an eloquently by Doubleday. His other books are also
and harrowing way. He sets the mysterious s in paperback. I suggest the The Great
r _ _ L _ - - - - - r 1 -
JI_'l - -. 1 - - 1 41 1 A..

ror the rest o mthe novel and the haunting events By tar, the strongest woman in the book is Lucy Santini and The Prince of Tides.
that surround the leap from the bridge. McCall. Mother of Jack and four sons, ex-wife of an

L p Serv c e
By Vic Alfieri title of toughest man at the conference. *I will be the first to admit that a tear came to my
*Senator Bob Dole is single-handedly trying to eye as Cal Ripken took his "Victory Lap" after he
Welcome back to the world of books, papers and stop the world of hip-hop. The chances of that hap- set the record. There are still true athletes out there.
professors that don't make any sense. They say pening are the same of there being a donut left in *A tear also came to my eye while watching the
that our generation has sustained-attention disor- Rush Limbaugh's dressing room after each show. MTV Music Awards. Apparently they hired the
der. If that is the case, then this column won't be *As if the French weren't bad enough, they have writers from "Saturday Night Live" for their jokes.
too much for anybody to handle. Even the frater- started testing nuclear weapons. After continuous Watching the presenters continuously humiliate
nities will be able to keep up if they could find embarrassments on the battlefield, they've decided themselves by reading the horrible lines is like
somebody to read this article to them. This column to get tougn. But how could anybody look tough going through root canal without Novocain.
is for the focus-impaired. Short statements, com- when they are wearing one of those queer berets. *I think that Bon Jovi would look better in a dress
ments or opinions put together in a brainstorming *Hugh Grant's business partner, Divine Brown, than Patrick Swayze.
kind of way. If you read something you don't like, was sentenced to six months in jail and fined *So would Dennis Rodman.
pick up a pen and write back. Not only will the $1,350 for her exploits with the British actor. Those *Courtney Love looked like she had just spent the
paper run your comments, but I will personally six months are three months longer than Grant has last twelve hours working West 42nd Street.
answer them in the next issue of The Press. Now left to his career. In his next movie, he co-stars with *Janet Jackson and Drew Barrymore looked good.
that the rules are out of the way, let's play. the pig from "Babe." *So did Liv Tyler.
*I think that Mark Fuhrman should be dropped "Babe" made more money than "Nine Months." *Madonna looked like Marsha Brady after she
off in front of the Apollo Theater. I want to test his Now you know who gets the bigger trailer. broke her nose.
survival skills. *Joey Buttafuoco is going back to jail. His free- *Listening to Dennis Miller tell jokes is like per-
*It is truly amazing how police officers can com- dom is like Peter McNeely's stardom; going, going, sonally lancing the hemorrhoids off your own ass.
plain of the lack of respect they receive from the gone. *I could care less which side of the plate Michael
general public. After the N.Y.P.D. episode in *The Yankees will go down to the wire, but will Stipe swings from, but he still looks like an AIDS
Washington D.C. and the Fuhrman tapes, the word not make the playoffs. Don't you wish you could patient.
"respect" doesn't quite come to mind. turn back the clock to last year. That's it for now. If anybody wants to play, you
*I think Senator Packwood would have been the *Why did the Yanks sign Darryl Strawberry? know where to find me. If not, then...GAME
perfect speaker at the Woman's Conference. He *I think it will be a long season for football fans in this OVER.
and Hillary could have gone twelve rounds for the area. Combined, the two teams will not win 10 games.

The Stony Brook Press page 12

he Re Paa Wor Id
friends would fit into if they were to appear on TV.
By Ted Swedalla they had to pick people who have some defiencies,
or they couldn't have called the show "The Real This category could be divided into two sub-cate-
For the fourth consecutive year MTV has tried to World." gories if you really want to get technical. The
force a show called "The Real World" down our Dominick (RW3) is an alcoholic, Becky (RW1) Annoying Untalented Musician, and The
throats. The Real World? Nothing could be farther is untalented and Mike, from this years show is Generally Annoying Person. Becky (RW1), Glen
from the truth, this so-called 'real life' documen- an American. Usually not a problem, but since it (RW2), Beth S (RW2), Mohammad (RW3), Rachel
tary is just a bunch of hand-picked individuals that is from London, they had to get an American (RW3), Jo (RW3), Lars (RW4) and Mike (RW4).
MTV wants you to believe actually exist in 'the real with a closed mind to spout racial comments If you haven't figured out which two "Real
world.' But it is damn good TV. about the Europeans. Worlder" do not fit into any of these groups are
Sounds odd, doesn't it. The show is built on The defiencies in the show are played out to their Irene (RW2), she was too clean cut to fit into any of
garbage principles and MTV is knowingly putting fullest extent, and the basic blueprint of the origi- these decrepit stereotypes. The other is Judd
out a product that they know isn't what it claims to nal seven members of each household has (RW3), he was just to plain boring to be anything
be, but people, like me, are obsessed with the remained the same. but a big blah.
show. I can name all 31 people who've appeared There are seven general stereotypes for "The Real But I do watch. More faithfully than I've watched
on the show and most of their occupations. World." Only two of the 31 people who have Seinfeld or The Simpsons for the past four years.
Sickening isn't it. appeared in the show do not fall into one of these Why have I spent the past four years of my life tun-
What makes the show so entrancing, isn't the category. Your quest is to figure out which two. In ing into MTV to catch a glimpse of Dominick passed
well written scripts. I know you're thinking that no particular order they are: out in the sand, or Norman and Becky in a bath tub,
there are no script for a show that is supposedly 1- The Angry Black Man - The smallest of all the or Puck wiping a booger on a piece of furniture?
'real life,' but how many times have you and your stereotypes, but the one that causes the most trou- Why, because most of our 'real worlds' are less
roommates found tickets to Mexico in your incred- ble in the house hold. Kevin (RW1) and David exciting than MTVs, and they know how to pack-
ibly well-furnished house on Lombard Street. My (RW2). [Mohammad (RW3) was not angry, he has age a show called "The Real World,", when it's
guess is zero. It's the people. lots of money.] obvoiusly not, and make it seem like it is.
The people are fake, hand-picked and thrown 2- The Token Non-Caucasian Woman - I know How do they do this? How do they apparently
into situations that most of us have never heard that this is racist, but then I'm not MTV and setting suspend the laws of physics, to make us forget
about in folklorish tales of living with people. Soap the stereotypes. Heather B (RW1), Tammy (RW2), about how unreal it all is?
box derbies, bands showcasing themselves, study- Pam (RW3) and Sharon (RW4). They do this by giving us what we want, while
ing to pass their medical boards, all things normal 3- The Model- A straight-forward category with holding back the real commercial aspect that they
people usually don't have to deal with from room- a couple of entries. Eric (RW1), Aaron (RW2) and could be giving us. Dirt. Plain and simple, without
mates. But not on MTVs "The Real World." It's a Jacinda (RW4). any of the whiny shit that we would get if the
cornucopia of fakeness. 4- The Hick - These are the people who had no show was full of princesses.
Do you really think that Rachel, from RW3, was idea of what they were getting into and it seemed I thank MTV for not going overboard on their
the best looking and smartest Republican wanna- who had never been out of their ZIP code ever. selection of who is going to be on the show. On the
be they could find? Probably not. So, they picked a Julie (RW1), Jon (RW2), Cory (RW3) and Cat other hand I curse them for not choosing more nor-
bug-eyed, whiny bimbo who was enthralled by a (RW4). mal people, like accountants or fat ugly girls or
man with digusting personal habits. Was Tammy 5- The Homosexual or The Sexual Deviant - teenagers with really bad acne.
the most talented singer, and biggest tramp, they Another MTV must. It seems MTV chose sicker But I can't have both and neither can MTV, so
could find. Again, probably not. But they chose and sicker people until they finally killed one. The they chose the more profitable of the ways and
these people over the people they could have cho- sexual deviant is Jay from the new show, he's dat- have been hiding the fact that "The Real World" is
sen just for being MTV. Which would include the ing a 14 year old. Norman (RW1), Beth A (RW2), not as real as it could be. MTV doesn't push this
lower eschelon of the Hollywood scene, like the Pedro (RW3) and Jay (RW4). show too hard as real life, and it's a good thing. It
other Baldwin brother, Bruce; or the rich sons and 6- The Obnoxious Substance Abuser - The stereo- is one of the least realistic of the shows that are cur-
daughters of bad television producers.. type that has given us the most quality time, and rently on TV, but it some ways it is the most realis-
We could have seen hordes of perfect bodies, the biggest laughs. Andre (RW1), Dominic (RW2), tic, because there are rarely happy sitcom endings
with perfect jobs and people fighting over things Puck (RW3) and Neil (RW4). or dreary drama ending. It's like watching a fami-
that were real to them. Who's got more gold cards, 7- The Annoying Untalented Person - The largest ly reunion where the family barely tolerated each
of all stereotypes, this is basically the group that other...but they all end up crying in the end.
who drives a better car and who's got riccher par-
ents. But then what fun would they have been. No, most of these people fall into, and most of your

__ - '1 44 * ~~e -^ _ _ -41

11, 1995
By Chris Cartusciello least get the ZIP code right." Eric Stoltz does very Kids in The Hall". Also, Masse must have seen a
well with the limited part he is given and Elias condensed version of this film. The one I saw ran
It is a little known fact that there exists addition- Koteas gives the standard cop caught in the middle 2:58, a whole 13 minutes longer Masse's.
al text to the Bible that was not printed and take. Virginia Madsen, as a schoolteacher trying to The real crime came a week later in the June 28th
released to the general readership. To be specific, a protect the girl, plays it tough and is believable. edition of The Statesman. David Chow wrote a
23rd chapter to the book of Revelation which tells The part of Lucifer is given a rather bland treat- review of Batman Forever that is one of the sloppi-
of a second angel war in heaven. This is the ment by Viggo Mortensen. This is not the perform- est pieces of journalism this reviewer has ever had
premise that Gregory Widen's film The Prophecy ers fault but rather the lackluster portrait of the the misfortune of reading.
builds on. devil within the script. The prince of darkness First, Chow refers to the director of the film as Bill
As this film would have us believe, this war start- should be bigger and more powerful than shown Shoemocker. Who is this? As far as I know Joel
ed on the day that God gave human's souls, and has here. A very good performance is given by Steven Schumacher is the man responsible for the traves-
never ended. The angels are split into two factions: Hytner as a coroner left to examine one of the dead ty known as Batman Forever. Spelling his last narie
the side which still give their allegiance to God and angels. Hytner is one of those actors whose face is bad enough but where did that first name come
the rebels who oppose the fact that God cares for will look familiar but name will elude you. First from? Chow also continuously misspells Jim
these mortals so much. The latter group is led by time writer/director Widen gives us a film that is Carrey's surname leaving out one "r". The "e" is
Christopher Walken as the angel Gabriel. Gabriel is enjoyable and disturbing and could very well left off of Nicole Kidman's first name but I'll give
searching for the one soul that could help win the offend some. the benefit of the doubt that it was a typing error.
war. That of a, just deceased, sadistic army general. Real people's names aren't the only thing that
What he doesn't know is that Simon (one of the Chow misspells. He also can't seem to get a char-
"good" angels played by Eric Stoltz) has stolen the Movie Review Angst acter's name correct as he, on several occasions,
soul and put it in the body of a little girl. Elias spells Dick Grayson's name without the "y". These
Koteas plays Thomas, a would be priest turned cop, It is not my policy to take other people's work to mistakes are just plain lazy. All of these facts could
who stumbles into the middle of all this. task as I know mine is not perfect, but when I find have been easily checked out, many of them in the
The entire film has an ominous presence about it, mistakes as blatant as some of these I feel it is my ad which accompanied the review itself.
at times making the viewer squirm in their seat. responsibility to bring them to light. Another problem is Chow referring to the various
The thought that angels, who we were taught were In the June 19th issue of The Statesman there Batman movies as Batman 1, 2 and 3. This is just
protectors through out childhood, could be capa- appeared a "review for Mel Gibson's film wrong. To call the films the first, second and third
ble of such violence and destruction is somewhat Braveheart by Thomas Masse. I generally agreed Batman film is acceptable but not changing the
disconcerting. The scenes of the war, with the with this review as it truly was a spectacular names just to suit the writers prerogative.
remains of angels impaled on stakes and hanging movie. Much of the article was a history lesson on Even though these articles appeared in the sum-
in air, are few and far between. This visual image is William Wallace's life, the subject of the film. As mer issues of the paper when not many people
a welcome change since we are told so much about much as I believe that this should have been a sep- were on campus, it is no excuse to lower the qual-
the war but are really never shown anything but a arate article from the review, that is the writer's ity of the reporting. I realize that many people
few wayward angels battling on earth in human style and I have no objection. On of my problems don't consider movie criticism real journalism but
form. It is said that the eyes are the windows to the is Masse's description of Peter Hanly as "...con- I take great pride in my work. It hurts the entire
soul and, with rather graphic effects, we are shown vincing in playing a deceiving role: his marriage to profession, and especially the reputation of the
that these creatures have neither. Their almost Isabelle is pre-arranged, but he apparently has the school's papers, when articles as poorly written as
black blood flows freely too. hots for a young English noble." Deceiving? these are allowed to be run. For, what is supposed-
Walken is as campy and enjoyable as he always Hanly's depiction of the homosexual future king ly, the university's main paper to allow this is care-
is. When told to go to hell he replies, "Heaven. At was about as subtle as Scott Thompson from "The less at best and sickening at worst.
b~e~l~B~eb·ia~8~wPrrsP---sP~as~~ - -- -- --- ~

----- - -- - ------- ·----- ---- -- -- - ---------- ----------- ·-- --- -- ----- - ---- ----- · -
By Patricia Ann Hyland By Heather Irene Rosenow good two and a half feet into the earth and had
just barely missed being cut open by a ragged
A more interesting group of young men have yet The other day I was almost permanently sharp stick which was on the inside of the hole. I
to be seen when you compare them to Primary maimed by a parking lot. Not by anyone in the only avoided a bloody mess because I was lucky
Colors, who played at The Spot this past Friday. parking lot, but by the parking lot itself. Do you enough to have been wearing jeans. Someone else
Talented isn't the word, in fact I don't think there is know where this happened? Right under our had not been so lucky. I was unable to attain a
one word to describe what I saw the other night. To University's collective nose. I am not the only name, but apparently another young girl ran into
say they are good isn't enough. I suggest you see for person who has been affected by the disrepair trouble in the South Commuter Parking lot. She
yourself at The Spot on Thursday, September 21. I'm that South-P has fallen into. For all you non-com- may not have fallen into a ditch, but she did trip
sure you'd like to know who's who and what's muters, South-P is a commuter parking lot kept over an ignored tree stump and break her ankle.
what, so on with the list. Michael 4 Liu, vocals, Ei out in the middle of nowhere by our illustrious Thanks to some campus police who happened to
Kato, guitar and vocals, Ritchie Santiago, drums University. On the aforementioned day, I had just be near by, she had her leg splinted and was able
and voclas, Yoshi Makita, bass; they form what is stepped off the lovely commuter contraption to attain immediate medical attention. I shudder
known as Primary Colors. They do songs by Hootie, some like to refer to as a bus. As I waved off the to think what would have happened to that poor
Green Day, Nirvana, and some classics like the smoke produced by the gas eating monster, I creature had there been no one to help her, or if
Beatles and Elvis. In fact they did one of my person- bopped happily along looking forward to reach- this incident had happened at night when not
al favorites, " I can't help falling in love". They sped ing my peaceful little home. As a rule, while many people venture to South-P. I'm sure that
it up a bit but they did a fair job with it, okay it was walking, I always look where I am going. Yet incidents like these could be prevented by simple
more than fair. The group is a wonderfully talented nothing could have prepared me for the Viet procedures to insure that the students utilizing
bunch of young men and I'm not saying this to be Cong jungle trap lying in the middle of a grassy the University's properties are safe from harm.
nice. But they could change a few things, such as a knoll right here in the sleepy town of Stony We have put up with the cement jungle formed by
little more lights (I really don't know what could be Brook. Suddenly, mid-bop, I was thrust forward endless construction, but how much are we
done about that), and turning the bass and the vol- and down by some unknown force. As I fell to the expected to take? Simple actions like walking to
ume down a bit could help. Hey, it' s a suggestion ground, exclaiming various obscenities as I went, one's car have become dangerous. In my opinion,
and it could be a plus (trust me on this one). The I came to the terrible realization that I was falling the existence of such situations is ludicrous,
loudness just overpowers the vocals and it seems into a hole. Well, part of me was at least. My right unnecessary, and a waste of our money. Let this
that you're trying to hide something. There is leg had been sucked into a mini-well of sorts. I sat be a lesson to our University. There are always
always room for improvement. You decide, come on the ground where I had fallen, surrounded by people around to notice when something goes
see for yourselves at The Spot, Thursday, September the books that had been strewn around by the wrong. They're just lucky that neither I nor the
21. Must be 21 or over to get in...but they are so good unusual incident, and tried to figure out what the unnamed girl are a part of America's lawsuit-
it's worth it. By the way, do you guys do requests? hell had just happened to me. My leg had fallen a happy majority.
~i~ ~ ~ ~

The Stony Brook Press pare 14

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LGao n Guylandish
By Steven Tomello speak that is so ridiculous and so like Long Now, you must endear yourself to words such as
Island that one noted sociologist was quoted as "like", "something", and, of course, "whatever."
Simpsons Interlude: While preparing for her saying, "What we experience here in Long Island When speaking, substitute them liberally without
upcoming role as Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar is confined to only Long Island and cannot be respect to the rules of grammar. Remember, those
Named Desire, Marge Simpson decided to stay in used outside it's boundaries without full separa- rules of grammar are burning away quicker than
character, so she spoke in a Creole accent. To help tion from that society." the asbestos is in our lungs. Put those words wher-
her acclimate batter, Lisa also spoke in a Creole Before we study this language, we must first ever you want. It's okay. Do it. Now, disregard peri-
accent, but the wiseacre Bart followed with an explore it's history. As Long Island was being set- ods and commas. Every Long Islander has been
Oliver Twist/British accent. Upon hearing these tled by the British during the seventeenth century, working on a run-on sentence since birth. Also, end
different accents, Homer, in a fit of confusion, the little talked about but very influential tribe conversations abruptly if you are confused or if you
yelped, "I'm living in a cuckoo clock!" called the LikeWhatevers decided that since their want to talk about yourself or about something not
main source of armaments were twigs and peb- related to the previous conversation.
And Stony Brook is a veritable cuckoo clock in bles, they would be friendly towards these foreign Let me illustrate. Let us take a classic in American
reference to the many different languages we can strangers. A noted historian once described the oratory, "Who's on First," by Bud Abbott and Lou
overhear in just the short walk from the Bookstore LikeWhatevers as being "an odd lot, much like the Costello.
to the Union. Japanese, Chinese, Russian, people nowadays who do Elvis impersonations, Costello: What's the guy's name on first base?
Spanish, and a cavalcade of other native tongues except minus the velvet jumpsuits and sideburns." Abbott: Who.
have become commonplace to even English-hear- They called on their High Cheif AsIf and his able- Costello: The guy's name on first base.
ing ears. However, one language barrier has yet bodied band of diplomats and toilet attendants to Abbott: Who.
to be destroyed. One language still lingers around not only begin trade but to also assimilate them- Costello: What's the guy's name on first base?
like the heinous odor of a specialty dish made at sleves in this unique European culture. The British Abbott: What's the guy's name on second base.
any cafeteria on campus. One language is still were immediately thrown back by these natives Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.
developing and amorphing to the point where it's and their weird talk. Their high pitched song of Abbott: Who's on first.
embryonic beginnings are all but nonexistant. "Like Whatever or Something Mall Mall Mall" Costello: I don't know.
Even a New Yorker like myself cannot compre- pierced the air throughout the night and even into Abbott: Third base.
hend this phonetic phenomena I like to call the early light of the morning. This catchy tune And now, the Lawn Guylandish version:
"Lawn Guylandish." was ingrained in heads of the British and it even- Costello: Like what's his name, the guy on first
Once you cross the Queens-Nassau County bor- tually bred a lifeblood of it's own. And once a base or something?
der, you not only cross over from city to suburbia, "superlanguage" was formed, the British and the Abbott: Like, who.
but from English as we know it to a language that LikeWhatevers lived in harmony until the Great Costello: The guy on like first base.
one noted linguist deemed to be "a giant shitstain Alcohol Squabble of the the eighteenth century. Abbott: Whatever. Did you like lose weight or
on the English speaking underwear." The differ- Once more English settlers arrived, the something?
ences are vast and plentiful, and they stick out like LikeWhatevers eventually were bartered off to the
a toupee on a Hare Krishna. Dutch in exchange for a good parking spot for Lawn Guylandish is distinctly Long Island. It is
Listen, I've got to level with you. I live less than their horses outside what was the beginning of the the official language of the area which has pro-
an hour away from Long Island. Being a city boy SmithHaven Mall. However, their influence was duced the likes of Joey Buttafuoco and Joel Rifkin.
(albeit Staten Island is as much of a city as still present, and the basis for "Lawn Guylandish" It's something that takes years of total immersion
Croatia is a profitbale vacationing spot), I've was already a staple of the area. to fully reap it's repercussions of vernacular sui-
heard, experienced, and, yes, even talked with a Let us now explicate "Lawn Guylandish." To fully cide. It is the Stony Brook language, and it helps
certain New Yawk accent. But no accent is so immerse yourself in this vernacular, one must mere- make Stony Brook the cuckoo clock of the world.
extreme where total incomprehension is antici- ly set foot inside one of the many malls you can find
pated. Lawn Guylanders have an accent which is on every block in Long Island. Once that has hap-
somewhat similar to what we speak here in the pened, you must now burn every book of grammar
city. So it's not how they speak, it's what they you have ever read, written in, or even heard of.
J - - =
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The Statesman sucks.
LAST SEEN: AUGUST 26, 1995, IN THE PRESS OFFICES We have cool stuff in our office.
We probably won't ridicule you in print.
Have you seen this
We definitely won't pay you, but you do get to
man? Dan Healy, one of play our computer games.
our staff members, has
been missing in action Wednesdays at 1:00 in room 060 of the Union.
ever since he made a Or call us at (516) 632-6451.
brief appearance in our
office the weekend
before school started.
He hasn't been seen
since. We suspect his
disapearance may be
the result of foul play or
personal abuse: Dan has
been known to use his
penis to stop electric
fans. If you see Dan,
please tell him to check
in with us.
(516) 632-6451.
,, --. T--------------~-----------YP~E~P~.~~ T _ T
September 11, 1995 page 15
A - 8 -- A -

0~ - - - CIO,

By Professor Lowell Yaeger (graduate Sum Cum Disease. They are aware of this, and unable to den underdog, is a reflection of a Jesus complex,
Loudly, Suffolk Community College) fight its dreaded progress, they take their anger the first symptom seen in the development of
out on the rest of the show, compelled to criticze spontaneous schizophrenia. Another blue-colored
A recent project revolving around an analysis of anything and everything they see. The Swedish anthropomorph is Cookie Monster, a profoundly
children's television yielded a surprising result for Chef, a cook known to speak only in retarded creature whose vocabulary is limited to
my coworkers and I: Jim Henson, the creator of the Scandinavian, is not, indeed, speaking in any rec- one word ("Cookie") and a chorus of mono-syllab-
Muppets and Sesame Street (not to mention numer- ognizable Eastern European dialect, according to ic grunts whose frequency is dependent upon the
ous other projects, including the ground-breaking Doctor Andy Preston of the Linguistics proximity of sugar. A hypoglycemic sugar defi-
1980s hallucinogenic allegory, Fraggle Rock), is a Department at SUNY Brockport, but is rather suf- ciency and a compulsive overeating disorder make
clear example of an artist stricken with severe emo- fering from a rather common form of Tourette's life especially bad for his tragic figure.
tional problems, frantically seeking an outlet for Syndrome, a neurological disorder characterized Big Bird, besides being an androgyn clearly out
his dementia in his work. by a compulsion to talk in a strange, sing-song of touch with his own sexuality, is also delusion-
Let us begin the exploration of this deceased language only the speaker can understand. al, hallucinating the existence of a wooly mam-
puppeteer's mind with an analysis of the pup- Miss Piggy is an obsessive type whose need to moth named Snuffaluffagus. This delusion is so
pets found on his late 1970s send-up of variety mate with an animal of another species (namely a pervasive that it extends to the other residents of
shows, The Muppet Show. The show is hosted by frog) is rooted in her own inability to come to Sesame Street, a mass psychological disorder on
Kermit, one of the few puppets to appear in more terms with her weight, which far exceeds the the level of that which affected the Manson fam-
than one place (he also appears in the children's ily. Snuffaluffagus, on the other hand, is not free
educational show and PBS mainstay Sesame Street of psychological disorders, but instead is a
- see below for a more complete description of severe depressive prone to long, black periods of
the subconscious carnival rides found in that par- moroseness and morbidity. Ernie and Bert are
ticular text), a frog with a severe self-esteem NOT gay, as one might assume; however, Ernie
problem and a tendency to be over-anxious about is a regressive, as seen in his bathtub behavior
things, two symptoms of a childhood fraught with an inflatable child's toy ("Rubber Duckie,
with trauma and possible sexual abuse. His you're the one"), and Bert is anal retentive, as
esteem problem manifests itself in songs like "It seen in his explosive reaction to Ernie's con-
Ain't Easy Being Green" and his over-anxiety is sumption of cookies in Bert's bed. Bert also has
clear at just about every turn of the show. possible bestial tendencies, apparent in his
Furthermore, his desire to uncover these locked, obsession with pigeons.
hidden memories of the past are presented in his Oscar the Grouch is obsessed with filth, as seen
career as a newspaper reporter, a role in society by his choice of abode - namely, a garbage can.
whose traditional job is to uncover hidden truths This, perhaps, stems back to a preoccupation with
and bring them to light. masturbation, and the social stigma that accompa-
Other cast members with mental disorders nies this activity, perhaps making him feel unclean
include Scooter and his sister Skeeter, both of and dirty and compelling him to immerse himself
whom spend entirely too much time with one norm. Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant Beaker within the object of his anxiety.
another backstage, suggesting a possible are engaged in a sadomasochistic homosexual rela- As a matter of fact, the only puppets free of stig-
sexual/incestual relationship. Fozzie Bear, a griz- tionship, with Bunsen as the dominatrix. The rela- ma are those that appear only periodically, those
zly comedian with a repertoire of poor jokes, has tionship appears to be entirely against Beaker's that have little bearing on the theme of the show,
ADD, better known as attention-deficit disorder, will, as seen by his continuous anxiety and fear and a few select individuals like Rowlf, the piano
which may stem back to a childhood in which he when he is in his master's company. Last but not playing dog, and Elmo, who really isn't anything
was neglected by his parents - not a great sur- least, the orchestra that plays the music for the more than a cutesy money-making scheme anyway.
prise, since after all, Fozzie is a bear, and most show is a company of drug addicts. Mr. Teeth is on So in summary, let us review the possible problems
bears spend at least half the year asleep. Fozzie just about every drug known to man; Zoot, the sax- Jim Henson has sublimated into his creations: filth-
also has a large variety of hat tricks, which may ophone player, can attribute his large nose to fre- fixation, anal retention, bestiality, regression, delu-
indicate his desire to pull something else out of a quent cocaine use. Janice is a pothead, and Animal sions, depression, overeating disorder, retardation,
hidden spot, perhaps himself out of the closet. Is is a full-blown angel dust addict. mania, a Jesus complex, drug addiction, repressed
Fozzie gay? Gonzo, besides being afflicted with a Exploring another vein, the more mature but no homosexuality, obsession, Tourette's Syndrome,
schizoid personality that compels him to be as less problematic Sesame Street is fraught with a Alzheimer's Disease, schizoid personality, ADD,
bizarre as possible, is also into bestiality, as seen by variety of characters possessing equally severe low self-esteem, and over-anxiety. It is hard for this
his tender care and numerous sexual double enten- personality disorders. The hyperactive Grover is professor to believe that a talented puppeteer such
dres towards his chicken, Camilla. manic-depressive; as if this were not enough, his as Mr. Henson found time to sublimate his demen-
Waldorf and Statler, the two elder statesman tendency to dress up in post-World War II mytho- tia at all, possessed as he was with such a motley
perched upon the theater's balcony, are both logical superhuman garb and refer to himself as crew of mental disorders.
afflicted with the beginning stages of Alzheimer's Super Grover, an invincible hero of the downtrod-

This week's contest is not, technically, legal. We are con-
vinced, however, that Bil Keane is such a cool guy he would
never sue a couple of struggling college students.... right, Bil?

The object of this week's contest is to write your own caption

for the "Family Circus" cartoon at left. Write as many as you
like, and then drop them off or shove them under the door of
our office, room 060 in the Student Union. You computer folks
can even e-mail your entries to

The most entertaining entry will get an eighth of a page in our

next issue to print whatever they want. May we suggest, how-
ever, that you might want to print just what a great guy Bil
Keane is? I mean, this guy is amazing... a real voice of sanity
and good old fashioned moral values in an increasingly
depraved world. I'll bet he doesn't even have a lawyer.

The Stony Brook Press page 16

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