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FC Path(SA) Anat Part I


Incorporated Association not for gain
Reg No 1955/000003/08

Part I Examination for the Fellowship of the
College of Pathologists of South Africa - Anatomical

6 September 2011

1 Paper only (3 hours)

All questions are to be answered. Each question to be answered in a separate book (or books if more than one
is required for the answer)
Al die vrae moet beantwoord word. Elke vraag moet in n aparte boek (of boeke indien meer as een nodig is vir
n vraag) geskryf word

1 Write short notes on
a) Columnar cell change in the breast. (5)
b) Type 2 neurofibromatosis. (5)
c) Meckels diverticulum. (5)
d) The adenomatous polyposis coli -catenin pathway. (10)
1 Skryf kort aantekening oor
a) Kolomvormige sel verandering in die bors. (5)
b) Tipe 2 neurofibromatose. (5)
c) Meckel se divertikulum. (5)
d) Die adenomateuse polypose coli -catenin pad. (10)

2 a) Describe the method of examining a full term placenta, including what sections
should be submitted. Give reasons for why these sections should be chosen.
What is the expected weight of the placenta and length of the umbilical cord?
b) Describe the different rosettes that occur in histopathology. In which tumours
does each occur? (12)

2 a) Beskryf die metode van ondersoek van n volterm nageboorte, insluitende
watter seksies behoort voor te l word. Gee redes hoekom die seksies behoort
gekies te word. Wat is die verwagte gewig van die nageboorte en die lengte
van die naelstring? (13)
b) Beskryf die verskillende rosette wat in histopatologie voorkom. In watter
tumore kom elkeen voor? (12)

3 Write short notes on
a) Acute disruption of an atheromatous plaque. (7)
b) Erythema multiforme. (8)
c) Smoking-related interstitial lung diseases. (10)

3 Skryf kort aantekening oor
a) Akute uiteenskeuring van n ateroomagtige plaket. (7)
b) Veelvuldige eriteem. (8)
c) Rook-verbonde interstitile long siektes. (10)

4 Write short notes on
a) Pigments that occur in histopathology. (5)
b) Malakoplakia. (5)
c) The aetioIogy of intracerebral haemorrhage in an adult. (15)

4 Skryf kort aantekeninge oor
a) Pigmente wat in histopatologie voorkom. (5)
b) Malakoplakie. (5)
c) Die etiologie van intraserebrale bloeding in n volwassene. (15)

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