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Vol. XV, No. XI The University Community's Feature Paper March 15, 1994

K*11the. 70' StatSesma ..AlvQin Afle^^^

l^^^^page ^ ^^^^page 3 ^^^^Sp3SSe 12^
]Let IF] e.,,. S.lev..entie s.,
By John Schneider dug up from the pst, I'd just as soon forget it. You were sent to a questionable therapist.
can find some nice things going through garbage, but So by now you've guessed I'm a bit unhappy at
I refuse to be a part of Generation X: The twenty- the majority of what you'll find is (surprise) trash. being labeled as part of a generation that I never took
something generation, Slackers, Thirteenth Gen. etc... So many people now seem to have had this sudden part in. But the point to all this is that I'm tired of
I will not see any film just because it has: Winona revelation that they are "children of the seventies." beine nieeon-holed by someone who wants to sell me
Ryder, Johnny Depp, Jennifer something. Particularly when its
Jason Leigh, Canoe Reeves... Nor trapped in nostalgia. Memories are
do I like watching Melrose Hills, wonderful things, and I'm annoyed
or any other story of "savvy young when corporate America tries to pull
people trying to get along in the ny heart strings to get at my purse
Recession". The adman cometh strings. The fact that I'm being sold
and he has found fat Twenty-some- someone else's past is just plain
thing sheep to shear. I'm not one of annoying. The least they could do is
them. So sorry, but bad songs from put some effort in getting my history
the seventies as nostalgic as they straight.
may be are still bad songs. It's Or could it be that I don't have
campy to hear them once but I enough income to warrant that effort.
wouldn't buy the boxed collection After all, the group they've so cleverly
of ABBA under pain of death. earmarked is really on the verge of
Being twenty-three, I have been being thirty (sound at all familiar?)
stuck in this sickly marketing With nice McJobs to help them pay for
scheme and am screaming to get out. more movies and products advertised
For the last time, the Bay City for on television, can't they all afford
Rollers sucked, and so did the Bee the MTV lifestyle?
Gees, anyone who wants to tell me Movies are an interesting way to
otherwise can make like a tree and look at society. Isn't it funny that
get lost. Speaking of trees, I like they've always targeted a generation
recycling as much as any tree-hug- that got money from part time jobs and
ging politically correct person, but Mom and Dad to waste? The twenty
the present attitude of canonizing somethings are still being chased after.
anything that was mass marketed in Let's not forget that if they aren't able
the seventies is pathetic. Apart from to obtain the living standards of our
the Vietnam War, Watergate and the parents, at least they were living under
death of Elvis Presley, I don't hold their roofs before the bottom fell out.
myself accountable for influencing Now that times have gotten worse,
anything at the time, as I was in even that teen age bracket isn't so rosy
grade school through most of it. and we get more pablum aimed at peo-
Neither do I feel any communal p
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this. time
,l.A67,,MAO .....
bond to a group of people because we've watched the Upon reflection, it looks as if these were the same they don't have to create anything new to sell, they
same reruns.. I don't feel any great need to meet with 'people who several years ago were bitching that thpy simply shovel the past our way and we're supposed to
people and gush over Different Strokes nor do I feel missed out, because everything really cool happened treat it as if it were high culture.
I've overlooked the significance of Welcome Back in the sixties. It's scary to think what perverted child- So what is a Generation X'er? Nothing more than a
Kotter in western society. As with much that has been hood memories could be implanted in them if they Yuppie with a bad job. But just as easily exploited.

Top 10 Reasons We Love the New USB Logo:

10. It's cool (huh, huh, mmm, huh.)
9. It was the name used for German U-boat sailors and we want to be just like them
and kiss them all over (really, really).
8. It only cost $25,000.
7. It goes so well with the school colors.
6. It balances the scientific tradition of USB with ignorant superstition. NEVER TOO LATE FOR

5. It's violent. SPRINGBREAKI

4. They're easily killed by the millions by Japanese fishing boats looking for tuna. GREAT RATES TO

3. They don't exist.

2. We hate Little Red Riding Mermaid. JAMAICA
1. It's such a colossal waste of time and energy and resources diverted to something
that has nothing to do with the mission of this college, and it's connected with something
that will probably hurt USB in the long run, and it's super dumb, and it's another
148 West 4th St.
instance of bureaucracy's inability to figure out what a group of people right in front of New York City
them like, and it is coming out of our pockets whether we like it or not, that it just seems 212-254-2525
to fit the USB experience.

The Stony Brook Press page 2

Statesman Approves New By-laws:
Allows Part-time Students to Run the Show
By Catherine Krupski 12 credits, classes not related to being Editor you'll fail In order for the new bylaws to be legitimate,
either as Editor or in your classes or both." theStatesman Editorial Board would have to have
New by-laws of Statesman, loosening restrictions for "For the last 35 years they did [have full-time stu- Cole out of office as Editor, redo the by-laws and then
the positions of Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor, dents working as Editor-in-Chief] and had no prob- re-elect him, according to Polity President Jerry
were approved by its Editorial Board Sunday night. lems," said Joachim. Canada.
Most noticeable among the changes is that the Cole questions, a full-time student in who's eyes? "Do we want a part-time student running the
Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor no longer must "As far as Polity is concerned," said Cole. "I am a paper?" Canada asked. "It's not in the best interests of
be full-time students, just members of the University full-time student because I paid the full-time activity students on campus."
community. fee. I pay $70 optionally. According to Polity's Student Affairs will not react to the situation. "It is
Statesman Editor Richard Cole, who is a part-time Constitution [Amendment XV], those part-time stu- "actionable by Polity, not a violation of University pol-
student, asserts that the changes were necessary dents that opt to pay the full time are considered full- icy," said Fred Preston, Vice President of Student
because the previous bylaws conflicted as to eligibili- time students in the eyes of Polity." Affairs. "It is a violation of Polity funding thereof.
ty for the two positions. "... and the Board was aware that I was a part-time My guess is that when Polity chose to fund
While Article IV, Section VI, A.I., of the original student when I was elected into office," said Cole. Statesman, there was a specific understanding of who
Statesman by-laws, clearly states: "The Editor-in- In compliance with the previous by-laws, Sunday's they were ... If it says they aren't what they should
Chief must be a full-time, matriculated undergraduate meeting was advertised to all Statesman members. be, they can be anything they want."
at Stony Brook." Every person listed in the staff box is a member. Preston went on to say that Administration would
Article IV, Section IX is less restrictively worded: "There has been an announcement on that door not act unless asked by Polity. Otherwise, they would
"The Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor must be [pointing to a door of the main office of Statesman] be "taking power away from students."
matriculated undergraduate students at SUNY at and every staff member, and even non-voting staff "Theoretically, the Editor can do what ever he/she
Stony Brook throughout their term." members have been phone called at least once to alert wants as president," said Joachim, "but is answerable
Cole does not feel that he is in violation of the pre- them," said Cole. "So it's a meeting of the whole to the board, just as Clinton is answerable to the legis-
vious by-laws because of the conflict. "One part says association, not just the editors." lature."
I have to be a full-time student, one part specifically While it may be true that non-voting staff members Waiting for the Statesman's Editorial Board to
says I don't have to be a full-time student," says Cole. were notified, at least one staff member, photographer question Cole may not happen since only one editor
"The bottom line is that you must go with the most for Statesman, Chris Vacirca claims not to have been abstained from approving the new by-laws. Aside
restrictive [interpretation]," says former Statesman notified of the meeting, but just happened to walk in from the Editorial Board, only Polity can question
Editor-in-Chief David Joachim, 'They do not conflict. on it. violations of the old by-laws, if this is the case, he is
Any reasonably thinking person would chose the Other such mistakes could make the new by-laws not legally the Editor. The new by-laws are then
more restrictive guideline." invalid. Cole, who was elected under the previous by- invalid.
In defending the changes, Cole remarked, "The fact laws, will still be answerable to them if there are vio- "Wait until I graduate," said Cole. "Then the
of the matter is being the Editor-in-Chief of Statesman lations noted. If he was in violation of these guide- University will have no control over me and then they
is a full-time job and if you're taking 15 credits or even lines, it will be up to Polity to take action. will feel a thorn in their side."
.r I --· I I

Available: a career that's Where Do We Draw The Line?

By B.G. Bey attended colleges, joined student groups
*rewarding *fulfilling *beneficial such as fraternities, thus gaining some sort
*professional. *in demand Where do we draw the line? is a popular of identity. Even those that benefited from
phrase used to question actions that may social programs were also heirs to a better
need to be acted upon. Many lines have been standard of living and higher access to
drawn in this calendar year of 1994 for so opportunity (i.e. equal opportunity, affirma-
called 'black leadership." Negroes such as tive action, quotas).
Khalid Muhammad have been put in check After the assassinations of many spokes-
by their own peers, or by said 'others' at a men for black rights, something began to
record pace. I do not need to join in on the happen. These deaths served as a barometer
present rhetoric and condemn these leaders to how far one could go before something
because of their present actions. I will deal happened. Certain issues will not to be
with the causes for their behavior. dwelled upon. Even today, it is fine to repeat
Where did our present leaders come from? the teachings of the man they referred to as
Who voted for who? Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X because it is not the least bit
Khalid Muhammad descended from the original. The black youth of today are for the
Learn more about chiropractic health care- Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad. most part sound biting imitations of past
a career as new as tomorrow. Jesse Jackson and other mainstream black years. Watch television and listen to what an
leaders came from the Christian model of individual says, then associate it to a movie,
Day Date: Wed., March 23 Time: 9:.Oam- such organizations as the Southern Christian book, or music video. The angry black man,
Place: Chiropractic Info. Booth l:00pm Leadership Conference, the National or the systematic opportunist that cooperates
Student Union - Main Lobby Association for the Advancement of Colored with the hassle until he reaches thehigher
People and likewise. Some research into the stations of life. Negroes became aware of
Ifo()u cannot attend, and 1960s will give a better background on the
want to knownmore about how politics worked and that it may be safer
chiropract ic ia. a career. origins of present leadership. My point is to channel their energies in other ways. They
(OIIK(I ***OF F "I()lk-\( i
contact 1-8(X)-"'8233-4 (S). that these people descended from certain became teachers, judges, college professors,
1-8(X)-533-9210((C:AN). Your fiuture is Logan schools of thought from a past decade. and professionals determined to make
Educationally, these individuals probably change within the system.

Meet The Press

Wednesdays at 1 p.m .

Room 060 Student Union.

March 15,1994 page 3
Editorial _

The worst is yet to come

Richard Cole is beginning to eyes, he is a full-time student. and students' money, but that
show his true colors. He wasn't This man finds more loopholes is beside the point.
legitimately elected as the than Ivan Boesky. At least the At its journalistic height,
Editor of Statesman, so he latter did get caught. Statesman was the newspaper to
jumped all over the opportunity If Polity or Student Affairs turn to for news. It has not only
to change the rules to fit his step in, Statesman could be fell through the floor, but is on
agenda and find a loophole to punished. Perhaps there will be its way to the fiery pits of hell.
challenge his student status. no funding or office space for It is obvious that once he
Cole supports the freedom of them next year. But that is next finally does suck the life blood
(his) speech, part of the founda- year, when Cole is gone. from it or graduate, he will just
tion of this country, but he There must be action now, not move on to find more prey. He
doesn't support the foundation of to silence his column, but to get doesn't care about the years of
the organization which he leads. him out the driver's seat. This work that went in to make the
He says there is a conflict action must be taken preferably paper what it was. He doesn't
between the two by-laws. by the Editorial Board. It is care to keep up the tradition of
"Conflict" is an exaggerated amazing to see the Editorial the paper, i.e. news stories. It is
description of the by-laws. Board, group of intelligent stu- good to change things for the
Actually, one defines the dents and student leaders in better. Unfortunately, quite the
requirements for Editor and their own right, actually opposite has happened here. It
another is just more restrictive. approve what this man says has been reduced to a mere bull
He couldn't fit one status, so he and does. horn for his demented thoughts.
assumed the other. Just to fur- If they don't realize how Even if he does graduate, he
ther cover his ass, he paid the screwed over they will be next may not necessarily leave. He
full student activity fee. year, grow a backbone and has threatened that once he
The fact that he can't support dethrone him, what is the point does graduate, the university
the guidelines demonstrates his of Polity or Administration step- will have no control over him
callous disrespect for the publi- ping in? If either of those enti- and will then feel a thorn in
cation. Working for a publica- ties step in and force a change, their side. Usually seniors are
tion is a lot of work that needs a puppet will take charge and dying to get out of Stony Brook.
to be done by many people. Cole will run the paper anyway. This clearly shows a spiteful
Usually the policy is "if it isn't God forbid their advertisers stop and bitter person.
done, then the person who has advertising in the "Ad rag," He has it made to the top and
the time should do it." because then they will have to he will do whatever he can to
Hypothetically, he is free from fill their paper with something stay where he is, even if it
the burden of full-time status. and there are way too many means changing the rules.
He is then able to actually find columns in there already. It's Cole's actions, though silent,
some news for that hurtin' obvious getting a news story is are screaming and that's just
paper. If not a whole news too much to ask. what is on the surface.
story, then at least do some Cole boasts that he was told What's next on Ole King Cole's
research to back his views in by professors that the paper is agenda? Holding an "emergency
his warped column. If not interesting now, but so is road- editorial meeting" and firing
research, then at least proof- kill. Of course it is interesting some one in their absence? Isn't [!ti.1
read his own column. see an obvious flagrant abuse of that how fascism works, behind
He does say that in Polity's editorial powers, campus media closed doors?Stay tuned!
LetterOR V

Our Country, Right or Wrong might not have happened.

Post World War II, the U.S. has courted and placated
they have turned, and their voice is the other way. What
caused the change? Merely a politician's trick-a high-
Japan, as it is one of the few "stable" (capitalistic and sounding phrase, a blood-stirring phrase which turned
Dear Stony Brook Press: unlikely to undergo significant political upheaval) their uncritical heads: Our Country, right or wrong! An
I recently noticed a viewpoint on U.S.-Japanese trade countries in East Asia and the U.S. needs a stable place empty phrase, a silly phrase. It was shouted by every
relations in the Press. While I'm sure that there's much for its military bases and installations. newspaper, it was thundered from the pulpit, the
validity in the charge of unfairness in Japanese trade And of course, there's always the unsavory behavior Superintendent of Public Instruction placarded it in
policies, I wonder how many people know the history of U.S. companies in Latin America, the Middle East every schoolhouse in the land, the War Department
of trade between the two countries. and other Third World nations, often reinforced with inscribed it upon the flag. And every man who failed to
Before the mid-nineteenth century, Japan was a feu- CIA and/or military power. shout it or who was silent, was proclaimed a traitor-
dal society, closed to the outside world. It neither It's ironic how misdeeds can backfire on those who none but those others were patriots. To be a patriot, one
admitted foreigners nor allowed its own people out. An perpetrate them. Certainly the trade imbalance is only had to say, and keep on saying, "Our Country, right or
expansionist U.S., just fresh out of Manifest Destiny on one example. Racial tensions, environmental crisis and wrong," and urge on the little war. Have you not per-
this continent, sought new markets. The government rotting of the infrastructure are some of the other bitter ceived that that phrase is an insult to the nation?"
sent one Admiral Perry to "open" Japan for trade. He fruits of imperialism. Who knows what others are yet to
did this in true American fashion, by sailing into Tokyo blossom?
Bay with navy ships and telling the Emperor (in the
politest terms possible, I'm sure) that if trade weren't
allowed, he'd be back with more ships, a vanguard of
The Press
Chris Sorochin
the famous "gunboat diplomacy" employed by the U.S. welcomes your viewpoints and let-
mainly in this hemisphere. I believe Perry also visited P.S. I have also enclosed a brief piece from a collec- ters.
China and the Philippines on this voyage, with the same.. tion of Mark Twain's unpublished writings called
mission of extending U.S. "interests". Letters from the Earth in which Twain criticizes
After the visit of what's known in Japanese history as Theodore Roosevelt's invasion of the Philippines. Its Submissions should be no longer than
the "Black Ship," Japan changed. The Meiji emperor sentiment, unfortunately, still applies today. 1000 and 500 words, respectively.
saw that if Japan were to avoid being carved up and "I pray you to pause and consider. Against our tradi-
subjugated as China was, they had to westernize, i.e., to tions we are now entering upon an unjust and trivial
industrialize and become an aggressive, expansionist Handwritten submissions will sit in
war, a war against a helpless people, and for a base
state, just like the western powers. Indeed, without object-robbery. At first our citizens spoke out against the hall with the rest of our "recycled"
Perry's visit, it's conceivable that there'd have been no this thing, by an impulse natural to their training. Today materials.
Japanese Empire and at least part of World War it

The Stony Brook Press page 4

- I I I i · I III Id ·- · I Viewpoints

I _ _ - _ - I - I- - -I
Part one of a two-part series physical appearance or behavior. ety. For those who exercise power of effective control
By Dr. Manning Marable Identities are always multiple: we are all defined by within a society, their images or identities are highly
more than one factor. A woman's identity may be praised and valued. Their cultural symbols or images
In recent years, a debate has erupted in political and expressed simultaneously through the prism of her gen- are represented everywhere, from the engravings on
academic circles over the question of "identity." For der, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity, lan- their money to the artworks in their museums, from the
example, a central factor in the appeal of Louis guage, class background, and political beliefs-just to photographs in newspapers and textbooks to the spiritu-
Farrakhan to many African-Americans is his emphasis name a short list of factors. All of us are many things al symbols placed above the altars in our churches. For
on self-respect, racial pride and cultural awareness. As simultaneously. To be lesbian and gay or heterosexual, a those without power, and for those whose labor power is
reported in Time magazine last month, two-thirds of all person within a spiritual or faith community vs. an athe- exploited, their identities are denigrated, ignored or
blacks polled viewed Farrakhan favorably; 63 percent ist, a radical or a conservative-are distinctions devalued. In Brazil, they use the expression, "Money
stated that he "speaks the truth," with more than half which are subtle rather than absolute. lightens the skin." "Blackness" is in this context not a
declaring that he is an effective and positive "role model Identity is always conjunctural, situational and contex- function of color, genetics or biological heritage, but
for black youth." By contrast, only 34 percent of all tual. A person with a particular set of political beliefs, in instead, is primarily defined by one's access to money,
African-Americans polled termed Farrakhan "a bigot one situation will behave very differently in another property, and power.
and a racist," with barely one-fifth calling the Muslim place and time. African-Americans in the rural South in In the U.S., "blackness" should be understood not as
leader "an anti-Semite." Whites and especially the early 1950s, for example, were described as cultural- an absolute condition but a relative term. Clarence
American Jews who look at these opinion poll figures ly conservative and content with the status quo of Jim Thomas is racially black, in terms of his physical
are amazed and outraged, and charge that the black Crow segregation. They were non-radical and non- appearance. But in terms of his political ideology, his
community's search for a positive identity and self- threatening. Then Rosa Parks refused to budge from her opposition to affirmative action and civil rights, his cul-
respect has descended down the slippery slope of hatred seat on a Montgomery bus, and Dr. King rose to chal- tural backwardness and slavish loyalty to white power,
and bigotry. lenge the inhumanity of racial segregation. The suppos- he is arguably the "whitest" man in America.
Before we can discuss the cultural and economic edly "conservative" black working class and poor peo- Conversely, John Brown, the radical white abolitionist
factors behind Farrakhan's resurgent popularity and ple of yesterday had become the "militants" of today. In of the nineteenth century, or radical historian Herbert
the rise of what I would term "black racial fundamen- South Africa, the political personality of the black mass- Aptheker, were and are "blacker" than Clarence Thomas
talism" in the 1990s, we need to explore in general the es under apartheid was supposedly docile and subdued will ever be. The challenge of the oppressed is to project
complex relationship between "identities" and social after the repression of the Sharpeville Massacre and the a positive, constructive identity of themselves, in order
change. By "identity," I mean the manner in which we outlawing of the African National Congress three to build the human foundations essential for resistance.
come to understand who we are as human beings with- decades black trade union militancy in the 1980s, and
in any society, and how we are perceived by others. finally, political victory and democracy in the 1990s. Dr. Manning Marable is professor of History and
Our "identity" announces to the world who we are, The spirit of resistance may be nourished within the PoliticalScience, and Director of the African American
and what we seek to become. And in this sense, identi- soul of a people, even under the most difficult times. Studies Institute at Columbia University, New York City.
ty is simultaneously "self-constructed" from within, Identities are related to the structure of power, privi- "Along the Color Line" appearsin over 250 publications
and "defined from without" or imposed on us by our lege, status and the patterns of ownership within a soci- and is broadcast by 75 radio stations internationally.
- L I I I I --

Nob ody' s Innocent

By Joseph Perry thing that resembled the U.S. existed. By looking at answer is in the name, genius.
Egyptian art one can tell those great people were black, no Where were the whites prior to the tenth century?
I'm writing in response to Armon S. Cumming's article doubt. By looking at The Culture of Ancient Egypt, by Simple, among many Greeks that settled in Egypt between
that appeared in the Thursday March 3, 1994 edition of F.G. Kay that, "... many Hebrews were taken as captive 262 BC and 249 BC, Kleon the Greek engineer developed
Statesman. Armon, your article is not "The Remedy for slaves, most of them were carried off to work on the and improved the irrigation systems of the Nile. It would
Racial Propaganda," (which was the titleof your piecmighty monuments, under the rule of the Pharaohs Seti I also be good to note that in the latter half of the third cen-
on the contrary it is propaganda. and Ramses II. tury documents show offspring of mixed marriages bear-
Is "the white man" solely responsible for the large scale When Cummings stated that "white men throughout his- ing two names, one Greek and one Egyptian. The phenom-
slavery that was in America? Sorry, Charlie. Yes, in the tory have acted like uncivilized children," did he mean to enon of mixed marriages between Greeks and Egyptians is
14th century Henry the Navigator went to the west coast include Frederick Douglass' mentor, Lloyd Garrison? the wide spread thereafter. (Greeks in Ptolemaic Egypt,
of Africa and raped, pillaged and captured dozens of group of men that followed John Brown's raid on Harper's Lewis, PG. 28)
Africans, but by the 1600's Africans were selling their Ferry, that was made of both black and white men? (The Why aren't we taught about the Edomites, etc.? Well
own race of people for slavery. Consider this passage from AmericanNation, pg. 405.) how come we are not taught about the African Zimba
Black Man's Burden by E.D. Morel, "... kidnapping raids Also in Cumming's article, it was stated, "The white Tribe? or men like Lloyd Garrison?
conducted by whitemen in the immediate neighborhood of race has killed ... Jews, Christians and other Europeans Why do white people sun tan and at the same time dis-
the coastline were quite insufficient.... Tribe was bribed in enormous quantities." If Jews, Christians and Europeans like people who have natural color? Usually when I see
to fight tribe, community to raid community. To every are not "The White Race" Cummings is speaking of, then members of the K.K.K. or the Neo-Nazis on Geraldo or
Native chief, as to every one of his subjects, was held out WHO IS THE "WHITE MAN" according to Cummings? Rikki Lake, they are not well tanned. Myself, I get a tan
the prospect gain at the expense of his neighbor." This proves that slavery, just like war and disease does not because I was told I look cute with one, and see Mr.
Black men, for the love of money, captured other discriminate. Just as the "white race" has killed Europeans Cummings, I hate no one.
Africans in "regions where the face of the white man was and enslaved blacks, the Zimbas killed 30% of the Why do so many rock groups use the symbols and lyrics
never seen." The "news of the attractive merchandise from Africans they captured and the black empire of Egypt of Satan? Well, why do so many rap groups use the sym-
Europe and the wealth being amassed by the tribes on the enslaved Hebrews. bols of violence and crime? For instance P.E.'s symbol of
west coast filtered back to the interior of the continent. In At this point I would like to answer the questions that a policeman in a target of a gun? Every other Rap artist is
the 16th century a powerful nation, the Zimbas, began Cummings proposed at the end of his piece. a "gansta" who talks down to women. For instance Dr.
moving westward from central Africa. They were war- Why should African Americans pledge allegiance to the Dre's "Bitches ain't shit but ho's and trix..."
riors, and easily conquered the people on the coast from flag? Because one is not pledging to the confederate flag, Finally I can answer the last question Cummings pro-
Ghana to Cameroon... The transport of the captives of one is pledging to the principle, that All Men Are Equal. posed, When Armageddon starts, who is going to repre-
tribes like the Zimbas was an incessant system of shackled Just because TJ. (as Professor Nelson likes to call him) sent the righteous? I'll tell you who, the ones who will
prisoners, over distances extending hundreds of miles ... was an insane hypocrite does not mean that the concept of represent the righteous are the good Samaritans, the good
It was estimated that 30% of the captives perished before "All Men are Created Equal" lacks truth. Consider when citizens who pay their taxes and who contribute to the
reaching the coast, where exhausted and emaciated sur- Frederick Douglass said, in the late 1840s: "To establish community, the people who abide by social and legal laws
vivors were crowded like cattle..." justice, insure domestic Tranquillity...and secure the will represent the righteous.
Slavery in America was, compared to previous examples Blessings of Liberty," as its preamble states, "could not I advise you, Armon, to check for yourself (the refer-
around the world, the most inhumane. But is any slavery well have been designed at the same time to maintain and ences are included for that purpose.) I would also like to
humane? Africans were the first people on the planet and perpetuate a system of rapine and murder like slavery." give a shout out to Black World and say if "keep whitey
had civilizations before and greater than any white culture. (The American Nation, pg. 301.) out" is slang for "do good on your exams," then "keep
By the same token, they owned white slaves before any- What does the Statue of Liberty represent? Clue: the blackie out" is slang for do good on your term papers.

March 15, 1994 page 5

Spring is almost here...

I can smell the delicate crocuses, the fresh mud waiting to burst out into green
grass, the nascent cherry blossoms-
and the ripe armpits of the fat kid who did not use deodorant all winter.

Yes, there is always something to inspire a person-act on your impulses!

Can you smell new love, or a relationship gone sour?

Can you see with your third eye?

Can you hear the music no one else can hear?

Can you feel the hand of God on your shoulder?

Can you taste the excitement and idealism of youth, the blood of revolution?

Then maybe you have schizophrenic delusions OR you should consider writing for


We accept all poetry, short stories, one act plays, artwork and photographs.
Deadline is April 28th.

Please send all work to

The Stony Brook Press
Suite 060-061
Student Union
SUNY@Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794


- I rr r -· I · · ·I I
NE · I I: ~n

Prolog ue
By Michelle Busse of a
No coward soul is mine,
No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere;
I see Heaven's glories shine
And Faith shines equal arming me from fear...

Wide wide-embracing love Showered by threads of despair

Thy spirit animates eternal years, a lone woman is left;
Pervades and broods above, Inheritor of a world marred,
Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates and rears... Defaced by contests of power only
She could shake her head in disdain at.
Though Earth and moon were gone
And sun and universes ceased to be Visualize...
And thou were left alone Alas an island becomes a realm
Every existence would exist in thee.
where a woman has become oneself,
Fulfilled of a desire,
Emily Bronte
Will and power to fabricate others
As individuals sans fault.
Allow me to intervene upon the usual strenuous flow of the calendar to engage in one awareness towards the hoisted
podium one sex is standing proudly upon this month. However, I am left pondering, even now, why only the month of Vivid...
March is solely devoted to Women's History. Are we not to celebrate the transcendence of gender barriers every day of Life was once an insubstantial pageant,
the year? It may seem that while our campus community is ritualizing the concept of individual diversity, we are setting containing an aura of dreams within an
aside the honoring of the vitality, spirit and endurance of the woman's soul and being. Evolving aura of blackness--going nowhere;
When Emily Bronte wrote "No Coward Soul Is Mine," she set out to deliver a message to a society that was indis- Wisdom, once thought only within a man,
posed to give credit to the female gender. Victorian society set out to confine a woman by defining a limited role for her Becomes unleashed, disengaged of vengeance,
well-being and virtual existence. Although she was given a limited vision of opportunity, her security was considered a Redirected towards the voice of a woman.
favorable circumstance. And who better to provide this than a man within the sanctuary of matrimony? A few resource-
ful women chose poetry as an outlet. Emily Bronte saw her words as an evolution of "change" to: "sustain" the dignity Empowered...
of women, "dissolve" their preconceived images of men, vanity and selfishness, "create" a stronger ideal of indepen- Alongside the thundering voice of the
dence, and "rear" a sex to solely vanquish and surpass the decadent standards of dominance fostered through ignorance. Imaginative unknown,
For Emily Bronte, a woman's existence rests within herself: a mutual dependence between that visualized life within A woman sets out to unearth ourselves where
herself and a source of power to be drawn upon when needed. The mind was felt to be capable of apprehending what No man is within his own facet of existence.
was considered outside one's perception--mainly, "Fear." To believe in the individual power of the female mind and Human-kind redeemed, the jewel once petrified
the insight a woman could perceive allowed her to transcend the apprehensions blinding her vision on the road to virtu-
Becomes the jewel of the world.
al "Existence."
In 1852 G.H. Lewes wrote "of all departments of literature, fiction is the one to which, by nature and by circum- A daughter, we set our eyes upon as a symbol
stance, women are best adapted... the domestic experience ... finds an appropriate form in novels." Personally, of original virtue-One to mend the work of
although he wrote this 142 years ago, I would traverse the limitations of time to encounter Mr. Lewes and recant the Destruction she has witnessed;
tribulations women, as a unified coalition, have achieved. In a sense, I have envisioned a woman crying on the shoulder Beyond, she is one to rejuvenate a further
of another woman at the presence of indignities in our world yesterday, today and tomorrow. Nonetheless, their oppo- order of life,
site shoulders are aligned with another woman's to form a comradeship of concern and a voice to overcome what was Bequeathed through an eradication of the past.
once considered the subservient being. Alas the scheme becomes one of regeneration as
I consider the potential of a united effort to be more powerful than ever. We are educated women, women who are the tragic errors capitulate.
born leaders and not followers. We celebrate an array of diverse cultures that allow us to initiate change in all societies The flaw rests in not being able to
of the world. Although tradition may prevent some women from experiencing a "rebirth" of existence, every day we Recognize the worth of a woman's existence;
enter their lives, sometimes in ways which seem trivial to us. There is no telling how great of an impact a woman doc- For time, when not allowed to ripen,
tor can have on a young girl in a remote African nation or a woman teacher can have upon a young peasant girl strug- Can only create, rather than unfold,
gling to aspire in Guatemala. The hopes of these two women and countless others are similar: they strive to provide Error.
models of determination, envisioned within themselves, to illuminate the isolated regions of existence that endure in
our age. True...
As women, we will take no recourse within
I am tired of hearing the debates and ensuing arguments that all evil and mischiefs can be traced to the lineage of Eve,
your absence;
the illusionary instigator of vice and betrayal in our world today. Let us all remember that a woman fosters the breath of
Our dreams remain intact-like myths of
life. Her milk is life-a source of nourishment and sustenance for children born every day. Her milk is the current, the
Gods beneath an underworld sea,
stream of life, the strehgth that many of us worship as the sole resource of vitality and new beginnings.
Remaining buried within an abyss of shelter.
At times, being a woman feels like retaining a concealed secret-an enigmatical leap into regions untested. In my
photography class, for example, one of our assignments was to submit slides depicting "The World I Live In." One of Existence...
my classmates, Tina, shared personal insight into an indomitable mind I feel is like many around me, though undis- One beheld that poetry itself holds,
closed. The picture depicted a woman outdoors, sternly posed, glancing off to the side, with a stick positioned at her In its very reserve, its stillness,
side to retain balance. Beside her, kneeling, was a bound and gagged man. His facial expressions displayed surprise and A Myriad of radiation;
anxiety. The student explained the significance of the context of the picture. In her opinion, men had caused the state of Upon this a manipulation of dreams may exist,
deterioration encompassing this country, both politically and morally. It was now up to the influence and pressure of In which a conveyance for true moral
women to transpose and temper the conditions of our country. I will never forget this image; perhaps because I have Existence is duly pressed.
immortalized the scene as one of possible substance and not a fleeting illusion. Man and woman do not become their
I wish to celebrate womanhood and the ideals of femininity. I am not attacking the male gender but instead isolating True selves through the art of Nature alone,
the female gender to invoke a celebration of "Existence," something we have strove to verify and substantiate. When I But through the Art of Nurturing.
asked my friend Doug what being a woman might mean to him, he responded by telling me that he envisioned a sense
of "strength, because of everything they have had to overcome and continue to surmount and overcome." Even though Heed...
the woman's voice has become audible to a wider range of society and, at times, more blatant and ostentatious, this
becomes demanded because society dictates this sort of response or conduct. As Doug put it simply, "a voice continues "I cannot be Mine own, nor anything to any, if I be
to be needed because a woman confronts an obstacle every day of her life." In my eyes, he is correct and has fostered not thine"
an attitude many have simply not confronted honestly nor cultivated within their minds. Perhaps it takes a personal
experience to gain this attitude. However, why must some of us wait for this to happen? One must simply initiate a
change in their own thinking---one that will "change, sustain, dissolve, create and rear."
Let us not become victims of the misdirected
It is a cherished opportunity for me to celebrate my womanhood and that of women past, present and future this course of consequence...
month. Every woman must remember that they behold no soul of cowardice but instead retain as insight to draw
strength from within themselves. We have hardened to meet head on the identity of who exactly we must and should
be. Let us hope that we will be able, one day, to decide for ourselves, without interference of "Fear," our own -Michelle Busse
"Existence" as it "Exist in Thee." Lk
The Stony Brook Press page 7
I · II··,,, · I I - I ·

<vear Azazel, tef by on ou•stic stenograpler. Z can't Z also ca't 6tere

believe is rei 1 y
I am sitting in purgatory atoning for my sins believe •tha wih al! tMe stimulating issues someone out there dumb enotugh to solicit
as I write this letter to you. I have realized that I will .** : •
advice from me as to how they can get to
not go to heaven if I do not stop mistreating women heaven. No wonder yov•re hlaving prob-
during sexual intercourse. After beating myself in the
lems, Einstein. Check my pichlte again;
head repeatedly I have decided to make a concentrated
effort to change my behavior. However, I am not quite see those pointy tiings atop my head?
sure how to go about it. I think that regular exercise thley,'re called orns. DO yot know what
will control and discipline my body. Physical activity, they mean? They mean Z'm no gutardian
like social dance or martial arts, will train me to
become conscious about my movements and how to
express my passion appropriately. I think this is essen- 3 know there are wmany who assmwte that
tial to proper love-making so that both parties can enjoy ZI write these leiters myself bt6+Z assure
themselves while giving pleasure and creating art. you, ZJ do not. On fact, ZJ am dependent
What do you think?
upon you, he readers, to continually sup-
-A Sensitive Artist ply me with usable material. JUndeed, Zi
now implore you: give mee egood shAf I
Z7 don't wisk to tell you what to write, but
send the sex literature somewhere where
lhey can print pictures with it.
Sthink you shoAuld go back to beating
yourselfin the head. Who the hell do you
people think Z am, Dr. Ruh? Z don't
mind answering a few relationslip orienvt-
ed letters, but Z7 don't like the recent trend
youtr sWubmissions have taken. ZJfZ wantto
breaking all over campus 3 get letters Please send all correspondence to
read about sexual dysfuncfion 'Yturn u to oozing with a philosophical 9gkre Z7 The Stony Brook Press
Anne R ice. The above mentions passion
thought reserved to Beavis and Buthe•ad. Room 060 & 061 Student Union
and expression but reads like it was writ- Stony Brook New York 11794-2790

Crash Testing God Shuffled His Feet

"So what did you think about it?" sound like Chris Cornell. It's a vocal vibrator, like Sunday after a long Saturday hangover, or while
"I don't know, I think I liked it." leaning against a washing machine when it's running, studying EGL 206.
How many times have you heard that response to very exciting. T: Sort of Beatle-esque or Rod Stewart with a penis
the question of "What did you think of the new blank S: Yeah, I've heard people have reached orgasm and a brain.
album." We've heard it too many times, so we decid- when he sings while sitting on the speakers. S: Also they are the most unsexual lyrics I've ever
ed to do a review together, and answer all those T: Unfortunately, his voice doesn't go with his body. heard.
questions you want to ask the reviewer. So for the No one in the band even looks like they belong in a T: Not one reference to the horizontal hokey-pokey,
rest of the review (which was conducted over the band, they look like a bunch of philosophy T.A.'s. or any sort of phallic symbolism whatsoever.
phone), what I say will be headed with a T, and what S: He looks like a cross between Frank Zappa and Usually music this good is conducive to good sex,
Scott will say will be headed by an S (extremely sci- Jiminy Cricket, without the goatee and the umbrella. but not this album, I've tried.
entific, huh?) T: Also part Anthony Keidis (from Red Hot Chili T: It's not like a good Prince album, where he wrote
T: What did you think of the Crash Test Dummies Peppers) and Stevie Ray Vaughan, without the tat- the songs while having sex and worked out the funky
God Shuffled His Feet? toos and the cowboy hat. lick on her buttocks.
S: It was good. That guy has the deepest voice in S: Why did they ask all those questions? Like 'how S: No nothing even close to that. But still a great
the world. does a duck know'? album that gets better and better after each listen. It
T: He does. It's so deep he makes Barry White T: I think it has something to do with their looking ends even stronger than it begins with "When I Go
like philosophy students. All those stupid ques- Out With Artists," "The Psychic" and "Two Knights
tions that you really don't want answers to any- and a Maiden."
way. The rest of the lyrics are messed up too. T: Unfortunately that's the only part we disagree
This album contains the word 'pajamas' more on. I think the album starts very strong with "God
often than any Dr. Seuss book. Shuffled His Feet," "Afternoons & Coffeespoons" and
S: Plus he manages to throw in a 'nomencla- "MMM MMM MMM MMM" (one of the best song titles
ture', 'Sartre' and even 'lurch', not the guy from ever), but never again hits that high, but stays strong
the Addams' family, but the verb. throughout.
T: All the lyrics on the album can be summed S: So we give 4 1/2 stars out of five?
up in something that he sings on the first song, T: Not stars, that's too blas6.
the title track. 'Is that a parable or a very subtle S: OK. 4 1/2 tequila juiced philosophy majors.
joke?' T: That's better. So next week Soundgarden's
S: That's it exactly. This guy has too much free Superunknown?
time on his hands. Either that, or he is drunk all S: OK. Oh, today inclass I saw the best ass...
the time. T: So, I saw the greatest legs in the library...
T: Probably on tequila or ouzo. These lyrics ...the rest of the conversation was about the indige-
aren't a vodka or a whiskey drunk. nous wildlife on campus and doesn't pertain to the
S: No then the lyrics would be more like Motley review. If you think this review was exciting, wait till
Crue or Warrant. the next time we will do the review in Morse code, or
T: Yeech, I don't think the world is ready for maybe even semaphore.
'Cherry Pie Part Two'.
S: It's the kind of music you'd listen to on -Ted Swedalla and Scott J. Lusby

The Stony Brook Press page 8

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March 15, 1994 page 9
Sherlock Holmes Missing Even Deeper:
Presumed Dead! 20,000 Leagues RestoredandUncut
By Joseph-Peter Savitski By Joseph-Peter Savitski

The Canary Trainer 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea:

By Nicholas Meyer The Restored and Uncut Edition
By Jules Verne
In The Canary Trainer, Retranslated by Walter James Miller and Frederick Paul Walter
Nicholas Meyer poses an
interesting question: What if For over a century, English readers have known only a sad imitation of Jules
Sherlock Holmes undertook a Verne's classic novel. Originally published in French, it was woefully mistrans-
case in which his adversary lated into English by Louis Mercer in 1873 leading to many plot and scientific
was the Phantom of the inaccuracies in the English text. Even worse, Mercer edited out over a quarter
Opera? The answer to this is of Verne's story line, so readers were presented with only 75% of the original
even more intriguing and deft- plot.
ly delivered by Meyer. Fortunately, the restored novel retranslated by Walter James Miller and
The story line takes place Frederick Paul Walter corrects these errors and gives readers a chance to
shortly after Holmes' climactic experience the novel as Jules Verne had intended. The hundreds of inaccura-
battle with his arch enemy, cies that formerly plagued the English text are corrected, and display the fore-
Professor Moriarity, a duel in sight of the author who with uncanny accuracy predicted modern developments
which Moriarity was killed and that have occurred in space travel and underwater research. More importantly,
Holmes was presumed dead. the recovered material originally excised gives added depth to the characters,
Traveling incognito, he arrives most notably in Captain Nemo, who is shown more as a romantic hero and less
in Paris and is employed by of a revenge craving madman.
the Paris Opera House as an Those who enjoyed the novel in it's previous format will undoubtedly wish to
orchestra violinist. He soon read the corrected version, and may find themselves feeling as if they are read-
discovers the Opera House is ing the work for the first time. Readers who have not yet encountered the novel
home not only to beautiful may wish to read the new version and become acquainted with a worthy rendi-
music, but a demented genius tion of a classic science fiction tale.
with an obsession for a talented young singer named Christine Daee. When the
obsession turns deadly, Holmes begins an investigation to protect Christine and
uncovers a nefarious plot to not only possess Christine forever, but to destroy
the Opera House and bring death to those in it.
Nicholas Meyer is best known for The Seven Per Cent Solution, another
Sherlock Holmes mystery, and displays a better grasp of the character than in
his previous effort. He is also clever enough to portray the Phantom as his cre-
ator Gaston Leroux had envisioned, not as a tormented young man but a per-
son driven dangerously insane by disfigurement and unrequited love. Although
the idea of Sherlock Holmes matching wits with the Phantom of the Opera
could sell the novel, Meyer is talented enough to deftly deliver a smoothly
paced and well written story to accompany his concept. Also contributing to the
enjoyable plot is the appearance of Irene Alder, a mysterious beauty from
Holmes' past and much his equal who assists him in tracking down the
The Canary Trainer is a novel tailor-made to be enjoyed by Sherlock Holmes
aficionados, but any reader who enjoys a good mystery can appreciate the
novel's fine qualities. Nicholas Meyer is reportedly planning a third Sherlock
Holmes novel, so readers can look forward to another excellent tale featuring
literature's greatest detective.

:ws [From 2he Shelf

By Joseph-Peter Savitski

Ann Rice fans have much to look forward to this year. Not only are
three of her best selling novels; Interview with the Vampire, The
Witching Hour, and Exit to Eden, being turned into big-budget films,
but a new Vampire Chronicles novel is now being readied for publica-
tion. The fifth book in the enormously popular series, entitled A Dark
and Secret Place, is scheduled for release in late October.

Channel 13 viewers will have to wait to view the latest installment of

the Inspector Morse series, based on the mystery novels by Colin
Dexter. The shows were to have originally aired in March and were
expected to finally provide answers to Morse's mysterious past, but
the station has delayed airing the series until summer. But mystery
lovers will have plenty to occupy themselves until then. Sue Grafton's
latest mystery K is for Killer will arrive in stores in May, as will Mary
Higgins Clark's new thriller Remember Me. Regan Reilly returns in
Carol Higgins Clark's third novel Iced, and Playing With Ashes, by
Elizabeth George is set to be released in August.

The Chamber, John Grisham's highly anticipated courtroom thriller

is now scheduled for a Memorial Day release. Those who wish to get
a glimpse of the film adaptation, directed by Ron Howard, can see
the coming attractions playing before another adaptation of a
Grisham novel, The Client, due to be released theatrically in June.

The Stony Brook Press page 10

Ib = - ~- L --- I ~ II~ LL I - · - - · · t1 I ~ ~- III L~---I -- L - II -_I lls I - - LI LL · - --

By Rachel S. Wexelbaum The water will flood the art galleries!" Unlike the other wolves, von Wolfenhausen had
for those who think globally and act locally Fox lived underneath the galleries. If the galleries developed a taste for human flesh. He saw humans
flooded, it meant that his burrow would be destroyed! as weak, stupid and cowardly, which justified their
Once again in Holland, a dam was nearly bursting. Not only that but the flood would destroy the lives of elimination. The other wolves did not hold these
This time, unfortunately, there was no good little many artists as well, and they would have to leave. species-supremacist attitudes and excommunicated
Dutch boy around to plug up the That would mean von Wolfenhausen from the global pack. Now a true
leak with his thumb. All of the that there would lone wolf, he decided to wander Europe looking for
children were either in school or not he an artifst'.s defenseless, unorganized humans to prey upon.
f rainnaro in-tha
bantinn uri
IV UJJ IV[W II 10 111ILIIV district in the He found the small Dutch town in a state of emer-
streets, too preoccupied to small town any- gency, and his mouth watered. Von Wolfenhausen
remember their civic duty. more and it would distracted the militia, crawled under the police barri-
So who remembers the right revert back to an ers and ran straight to the scene of the action.
thing to do in times of emer- inconsequential, Hundreds of townspeople were working side by side
gency? provincial trying to hold back the dam, and they were far too
That's right-the animals! Those cheese-making busy to notice the grizzled gray wolf. Von
creatures with no morals or village. Humans Wolfenhausen, however, noticed one citizen with a
responsibilities whatsoever will would return to bushy red tail sticking out of his trenchcoat...
save the day every time. When it their old habits- Mane bristling, von Wolfenhausen stalked Fox and
comes to danger, animals often like hunting began to question him. "Traitor!" he spat. "Skulking
have more common sense than foxes-because sneak! How could you help the humans who have
their human neighbors and will " there would be no hunted your people mercilessly for centuries?"
help themselves-or at least try to more outspoken "I live under their homes," he said simply. "My bur-
find someone who can help them. bohemians laugh- row will be flooded before theirs ifthe dam bursts."
Wild foxes now thrive as rat- ing at their neigh- "Live with me," swore the wolf, "and you shall never
catchers and scavengers in bors' barbaric tra- have to lower yourself to depend on humans again."
many European cities. Few ditions. For these "Thank you, Brother Wolf, but there is nothing you
humans ever see them, for the reasons (as well can offer me that I do not have right here," refused
foxes are shy and secretive as his love for the Fox politely. "I have lived here all my life, and this is
about their ways. Ifa human' arts) Fox decided my home. Now, if you are not willing to grab some
ever sees a fox inthe city under to help the mud and help patch up the little holes I suggest you
a full moon, and their eyes meet, humans mend leave and not make trouble."
the fox must give up his three the dam. Von Wolfenhausen began to limp away, then turned
most treasured secrets to the human. Tradition dic- Wolves have a nasty reputation in Europe for invad- around and pounced upon Fox, ripping off his trench-
tates that afterward, he must leave vulpine society ing small towns when catastrophe strikes. Although coat. "Look, everyone!" he shouted. "A fox is in our
forever as he has shamed his people by allowing wolves have not pillaged a village since the Industrial midst! How rare his red-skinned folk are nowadays!"
himself to be seen. Foxes have been known to jump Revolution, a handful of senior citizens reminisce Of course, all everyone saw was the wolf. Fox kept
in gas furnaces to escape their burning shame. Then every year at the International Wolves' Convention in his eyes shut tight to maintain the honor of foxes
their bodies will never be seen again, and all will right Berlin. One wolf named Adolphe von Wolfenhausen while the police bludgeoned Adolphe von
itself inthe afterlife. suggested to his comrades that they plan one last Wolfenhausen over the head for attacking an inno-
This is why city foxes wear dark glasses and black attack on an isolated village, for old time's sake. His cent citizen.
trenchcoats no matter where they go... comrades vehemently refused. "We did not attack
One morning a fox was slinking down the main those humans for fun!" they shouted angrily. "Itwas in
avenue of town, contemplating the purchase of a the days when everyone was starving and we had to
brownie. He rustled through his pocket for a few live as we could. Now game is plentiful-why risk get-
guilders and snuck into a bakery. When Fox came ting shot in our old age? Why should our grandchildren
out with a bag full of warm steaming baked goods he suffer for what we have done?"
decided to eat them in the park. It was perfect weath- "It is an ancient struggle between man and nature,"
er for foxes-clear skies and clean, crisp autumn air. von Wolfenhausen explained. "Humans think they
As Fox delicately nibbled his brownies he saw are strong with their guns, their technology. Without
humans running pell-mell in and out of the park. At those things they are our inferiors, and the balance of
first he thought it was due to the mild hallucinogenic power must be maintained. We cannot let them think
properties of his breakfast. Then he heard, "Hurry! that they have wonl"
- -

The Alternative Cinema Spring 1994:

On Narrative Fragmentation and its Multiple Forms
Inaddition, before selected films there will be several Warner which finds no equal inworld cinema.
Brothers cartoons (to be announced). 1975, 106 minutes, color/b/w, U.S.S.R. Russian with English
March 15 La vie de boheme
Shot inglorious black & white, La vie de boheme isa series of April 5 Delicatessen
beautifully composed shots which reveal small details inthe life Set in dreary tenement in post-apocalyptic Paris, Delicatessen
of a band of luckless Parisian bohemians. Based on the 19th chronicles the attempt of a desperate local butcher to satisfy his
century novel, Sc6nes de la vie de boh6me, that inspired the carnivorous customers. Complete with Rude Goldberg contrap-
exquisite Puccini opera, thisfilm isKaurismaki's most ambitious tions, retro-futuristic sets and clever gadgets, itdepicts a bizarre
and accessible production to date. world where brutal practicality and fragile humanity are constant-
1992, 100 min., b/w, Finland/France. French with English subtitles. ly at odds.
Cast: Marie-Laure Dougnac, Dominique Pignon, Karin Viard,
March 22 Mirror Jean Claude Dreyfus.
Inthis successor to his science fiction classic Solaris, the late 1991,95 minutes, color, France. French with English subtitles.
Andrei Tarkovsky turns autobiographical. The film juxtaposes
nostalgic visions of the director's childhood inwar-torn exile with April 12 The Conformist
stunning slow-motion dream sequences and stark WWII news- April 19 Poison
personal approach April 22 The Last Picture Show
treels, inan oblique, keenly-poetic and highly
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March 15, 1994 pagell
Review I I L I · I -- - · I · L~ I L· I I I I·· IIII I I II I

Alvin Ai Dances at Staller

By Aaron Swartz ties who separately form the whole. leaps, and high kicks. One of the piece's highlights, a
The evening flew by as good things usually do. "The passionate pas de deux, confirmed that half the fun is
Have you ever met a person buzzing with such a Winter in Lisbon" had elegant spice as the dancers the process of seduction. When she blows him a kiss
joyful noise that you start buzzing too? This was the slithered across the stage, enticing each other into at the end of their dance, and he catches it, both part-
situation at Saturday night's Alvin Ailey American fiery ensemble work full of shimmying torsos, split ners know they'll meet again because the game has
Dance Theater performance just begun.
when the intensity of the Ailey "Dance at the Gym" was a
dancers broke free of their bod- feverish battle between the
ies and came crashing past the sexes danced to hypnotic syn-
proscenium, injecting itself into thesized sounds. The men ver-
the body of the audience. sus women theme which ended
The 31-member company is in a harmonious pairing off of
currently on their 35th anniver- couples seemed to say that
sary tour, making stops all unity and separation walk hand
across the United States, in hand, there can't be one
including a sold-out perfor- without the other.
mance at the University at The evening climaxed with
Stony Brook. The evening Mr. Ailey's "Revelations,"
began with two new works by danced to traditional African-
guest choreographers, "The American spirituals. Through
Winter in Lisbon," a tribute to "Revelations," the Alvin Ailey
jazz great Dizzy Gillespie, dancers exploded into the style
choreographed by Billy Wilson of moving that can only be
and "Dance at the Gym," described as "pure Ailey."
choreographed by Donald Every muscle and limb vibrates
Byrd, and closed with the time- and moves, undulating, stretch-
less work, "Revelations," chore- ing and twisting through space.
ographed by Alvin Ailey. The impact "Revelations" had
In the nurturing hands of on the house was truly intense.
Judith Jamison, Artistic It was when the relatively quiet
Director and former Alvin Alley audience was whipped into a
member, the company looked frenzy of applause and cheers
tight, polished and disciplined. that I realized what a gift we
Yet, the uniformity and collec- were given that night: The Alvin
tive artistry didn't come at the Ailey dancers enabled us to
cost of maintaining each feel the heart-pounding, hand-
dancer's individuality. Instead, clapping excitement of move-
Al,,#.. A:AI., :. . ......... •%

n ivlA

is a company

and personali.

Toni Pierce of the Alvin Ailey American Dance


What an unforgettable

Head Down to the Superunknown

By Scott J. Lusby ments; starting with a "free" psychedelia, then pound- talent that Suoerunknown succeeds.
ing you with a dark, constricted chorus. Further evi- What finally pushes Superunknown over the top into
Recently, I had an interesting conversation with one dence of the album's ambiguity can be found in the ultimate success is its ambiguity; there is something
of my roommates regarding Soundgarden. When told title cut, "Superunknown." Here, lead vocalist Chris for everyone on it. Whether you are a Beatles fan, a
that I was going to be reviewing their new release, Cornell croons, "Ifthis isn't what you see/it doesn't Led Zeppelin freak or a Black Sabbath worshipper,
Superunknown. he asked, "Why don't you just listen make you blind/If this doesn't make you feel/it doesn't there is something to your liking on Superunknown.
to Black Sabbath? It's all the same music." mean you've died." These lyrics parallel the gray, Even my father, "Mr. Doo-op Shop" himself, may even
Given that my roommate is a musician (and pre- undefinable area that is Soundgarden's music. enjoy a track or two (he does like the Stones, after
sumably has some expertise regarding musical mat- Cornell continues to do the bulk of the writing, both all).
ters), I began to ponder this question. Soundgarden is lyrics and music. He is at his best on Superunknown; For myself, I enjoyed every song; the versatility of
probably my favorite band around today; Black his dark, foreboding lyrics and music in topics from the album appeals to me. This CD will immediately
Sabbath was one of my early favorites. What's the dif- nuclear devastation in "4th of July" to environmental fall into heavy rotation in my musical library.
ference? All of the old criticisms of Soundgarden, that davastatinn in "Fall On Rlack Dav. " YVt
they are just "a more intelligent heavy metal band" (a even in these depressing compositions,
la Queensryche) came rushing back into my thoughts. no feeling of finality is felt; Cornell's
I knew there was a difference; I just had to pinpoint it. lyrics, no matter how dark, still contain
The difference can be found in SueWrunknown. It some gray areas. His message isn't
manifests itself in the album's ambiguity. Throughout "these things are going to happen," but
the 15-track, 70+ minute LP, the listener is taken from rather, "if we're not careful, these things
one end of the musical spectrum to the other. There will happen."
are the heavy, droning, beat-you-into-submission Superunknown is chock full of fantastic
songs that made Soundgarden an underground music. The album's high point is "Fell On
household name, such as "Let Me Drown" and "4th of Black Days," with "Kickstart" (which has
July." There is a ballad in the flavor of the Beatles, 'get down boogie' written all over it),
entitled "Black Hole Sun." There are swirling, psyche- "Mailman" and "Let Me Drown" following
delic numbers such as "My Wave." And there are closely. Drummer Matt Cameron Shows
songs with a funky-type of groove to them, such as his mastery of syncopation in
the single "Spoonman." Indeed, with all of these dif- "Spoonman," and even pitches in with
ferent styles contained in one album, it becomes hard some writing on "Fresh Thorns." Bassist
to define Soundgarden as belonging to any particular Ben Shepherd contributes "Head Down"
musical category. and "Half" to the album's repertoire. Yet
This ambiguity is not only apparent in it is Cornell's song's, complemented by
Superunknown's diversity of style, but within the Kim Thayil's versatile guitar work, that
songs themselves; "My Wave" speaks of "sharing" are SuDerunknown's strongest efforts.
while at the same time, in its own chorus, orders the Cornell has the uncanny knack for
listener to "keep off of my wave." The musical compo- extracting powerful emotions from the
sition on this track reflects these conflicting senti- listener, and it is, in part, because of this
- I J~ I

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