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Risat I:

RISAT 1 is Indias frst radar imaging satellite

It can scan the earth surface during both day
and night under all weather condition.
It will help in paddy monitoring and
management of natural disaster like ood and
!aunched using "S!#$%1&.
Microwave Remote sensing satellite
"olar sun synchronous) solar powered.
Sun Synchronous satellites are those which
follow solar time i.e you can fnd the satellite o*er
one country at same local time e*ery day) follows
the clock of sun essentially to harness the solar
Such satellites are used mainly for remote
sensing) spy satellites.
"olar satellite launch *ehicle$ normally carries a
payload of 1+,,kg.
"uts satellites in sun synchronous orbits of
+-,km abo*e earths surface.
PSLV-XL a variant of PSLV was used to launch Chandrayaan-I.
normally eo synchronous launch vehicles!SLV" are used for
such missions".
Ad*antage of "S!#s
they are economic compared to .S!#s) but
payload of "S!#s is around 1+,,kg) while .S!#
has a payload capacity of -/,,kg.
What is ICBM:
I%01 2 Inter$%ontinental 0allistic 1issile a range
of missiles tra*eling a distance more than 3/,,
4m and attacking specifed Targets.
0allistic missiles are those following a parabolic
They mainly rely on using the gra*itational force
during their downward ight.
%ruise missiles on the other hand are guided
throughout their tra*el path to attack targets
e6ecti*ely and accurately.
0ut ballistic missiles compact and less

Mars Mission:
India planning a mars mission similar to %uriosity
mission of 8ASA) to be launched by 8o*ember
'ne correction 9 1angalyaan is an orbiter mission : it
will only orbit 1ars and not land; while %uriosity is a
ro*er lander mission.
A big di6erence in terms of technological e7pertise)
cost etc.
What is Blue Moon?
0lue moon is the second full moon in appearing
in the same month.
0y the way <0lue 1oon= is 5ust a term used to
describe the second moon) otherwise) the date of
a full moon) all by itself) doesn>t a6ect the moon>s
So) second moon in the same month) will be
pearly$gray) as usual and not of blue color.
Why Blue Moon?
The 1oon is not actually blue.
?owe*er) greenish$ and bluish$tinted 1oons are
sometimes obser*ed 5ust before sunrise or 5ust
after sunset when large @uantities of dust or
smoke particles are concentrated high in the
atmosphere) fltering out the longer wa*elengths
of colours such as red and yellow.
Smoke from forest fres and *olcano eruption can
cause blue moons.
Why in news?
0ecause In the month of August -,1-) The frst
full moon was seen on -
August and second full
moon was seen on 3,
August -,1-.
8e7t 0lue 1oon will be sighted in -,1/.
'n a*erage) a blue moon occurs once e*ery 33
Afre and forget anti$tank missile.
can destroy enemy tanks four km away
8ag 1issile %arrier
It is a *ehicle to carry and launch 8A. missles.
the helicopter$fred *ersion of 8ag.
?elina 2?elicopter B 8ag
theatre$le*el readiness and operational e7ercise
conducted by the Indian 8a*y
To test new platforms) weapons sensors)
communication systems and tactics in order to
optimise the network combat power of the eet.
Co you recall DI1EFG If not go
Shoor Veer
%ombat e7ercise in the Thar Cesert in -,1- byArmy
and IAH
To test Armys operational readiness to undertake
swift multiple thrusts across the border.
National Large Solar Telescope (NLST
worlds largest solar telescope
set up by the Cepartment of Science and
Technology) in !adakh.
aims to study the suns microscopic structure
IS!"#s 100
Ising "S!#$%-1 rocket) ISR' launched two
foreign satellites
SP"# $( Hrench satellite
Proiteres( Dapanese micro satellite
Hrom Satish Chawan Space %entre) Sriharikota in
Andhra "radesh
%ro&ect Glass

RJC program by .oogle.
resembles a pair of normal eyeglasses
"ro5ect .lass is a wearable computer that pro*ides
information not through a screen) but rather
through your <eyes.=
It gi*es you data about your surroundings
Hor e7ample) if you go into a bookstore) .oogle
.lass will be able to pro*ide you with an indoor map
of the place) and lead you to your desired book.
Accelerate' Technolog( Assess$ent an'
Co$$erciali)ation (ATAC
Under this program, three organizations have came together
1. :CRC';)
-. 0ASIF 9 a Social Enterprise .roup)
3. Hederation of Indian %hamber of %ommerce and
Industry :HI%%I;
to collaborate to develop models for commercialization of the
It is e-governance project of Ministry of Corporate affairs
through which all corporate related services are being
provided on the online platform with a liberal procedures.
Se*otta$ Mo'el+
This is the initiati*e of the go*ernment towards
the %itiKen %entric Adminsitration and pro*iding
the @uality ser*ices to the %itiKens.
It includes IS' certifcation of the ser*ice
pro*ider) %itiKen %harters) E$go*ernance) e6ecti*e
implementation of the RTI to enhance
"V! SagarNi'hi
This is an Ice$class research *essel re@uired for
oceanographic research. can accommodate 3,
scientists with endurance of L/ days.
C,riosit( ro*er
Much touted news of recent time. verybody !nows.
TA!A#s expe'ition
"#$# was the group of scientist, an %&', based in (rance,
later absorbed in U%.
"his group of scientists voyage across all seas around the
globe and study about the plan!tons.
"hey have enumerated various types of phytoplan!ton and
studied their role in the marine ecology.
(There was a good coverage in National Geo
Magazine in March/April. The question in the prelims
on planton was inspired !rom this."
NASA#s -epler Mission
)epler mission is designed to find the earth li!e objects in
the universe which are revolving around the sun li!e star.
$ecently )epler has confirmed earth li!e object which it has
named )epler **b.
Sector..- an i"S application /ro$ NASA+
"his is an #pple application developed by %#+# which is
intended to teach aircraft flying s!ills to students including
the signaling and other necessary s!ills.
Voager1 an' Voager2
"hese are the oldest unmanned space crafts launched by
%#+# under aegis of ,oager Mission in -./0. In *0-* these
space craft have moved out of our own gala1y 2Mil!y way3
and still communicating with the earth.
N-, star telescope+
8uSTAR :the 8uclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array;
is a space$based F$ray telescope that uses a
Molter telescope to focus high energy F$rays from
astrophysical sources) especially for nuclear
spectroscopy) and operates in the range of / to
N, ke#.
This is the frst space$based direct$imaging F$ray
telescope at energies beyond those of the
%handra F$ray 'bser*atory and F11$8ewton.
The launch was successfully conducted in Dune
I!V0-. 1( NASA
Inatable Reentry #ehicle E7periment :IR#E$3;
team that is working to de*elop an inatable heat
The technology could be used to protect
spacecraft when entering a planets atmosphere
or returning here to Earth.
2ire 2l( C,1esat satellite 1( NASA+
It is a small satellite designed by 8ASA aimed to
capture the details of the lightening that happens
in deep space.
The satellite is also called as Hirey which will be
launched in the year of -,13. Hirey is designed
to help sol*e the mystery of a phenomenon thats
linked with lightning( terrestrial gamma rays) or
0ursts of gamma rays usually occur far out in space)
near black holes and other high$energy cosmic
Scientists were surprised when) in the mid$1&&,s)
they found powerful gamma$ray ashes
happening in the skies o*er Earth.
High !esol,tion Coronal i$ager (Hi-C telescope+
This is the telescope launched by 8ASA in Dune
-,1- which will take sharper image of the Suns
corona. In recent times) the %1Es ha*e been
intensifed and scientists are looking forward the
detail images of the suns surface for analysis.
The telescope focused on a large acti*e region
on the sun with some images re*ealing the
dynamic structure of the solar atmosphere in fne
detail. These images were taken in the e7treme
ultra*iolet wa*elength.
This higher energy wa*elength of light is optimal
for *iewing the hot solar corona.
Launch Vehicle
"olar satellite launch *ehicle .eosynchronous satellite launch *ehicle
%an carry upto 1+,, kg satellite -/,,kg
1o1O1angalyaan2 frst Indian spacecraft to cross
Earths escape *elocity of 11.- km per second.
1angalyaan will tra*el for almost 3,, days) co*ering
+N, million kilometres) and reach 1artian orbit in
September -,1L.
I+$' used 4+5, 65 2C*73 launch vehicle to launch the
Mangalyaan 2Mars spacecraft3. 8hy9
1. .S!# tests are not yet successful. !ast time they
tried .S!# to launch .SAT$1L satellite and failed
because of fuel leak. :Aug -,13;
-. 1angalyaan weighs P13,, kg. "S!# can easily
carry this weight.
3. "S!# is tried and tested technology.
I+$':s Mangalyaan wants to gather data about Mar:s +#M
2+urface ; #tmosphere ; Minerals3 using five
Study 1ars S$E$A "ayload detail
%olor %amera
1ars %olor camera.
Study surface) dust storms etc.
also taking photos of 1ars
satellites( "hobos and Ceimos.
-. Spectromete
Thermal Infrared Imaging
spectrometer :TIS;. To study
mineral resources of 1ars
and to help I"S% update its
1ains .S1 syllabus( Cistribution
of key natural resources across
the Earth A8C 1ars.
II. :"article;&n*iron
#. 1E8%A.andhi1ars E7ospheric 8eutral
%omposition AnalyKer.To study
neutral gas atoms in the 1artian
III. 'tmosphere
L. 1ethane
1ethane Sensor for 1ars :1S1;.If
methane B water detected2possible
that at some point of time) 1ars had
supported life form.
/. "hotometer
!yman Alpha "hotometer :!A";.
1easure hydrogen and
deuterium.Ceuterium 2 hea*ier than
Mater made from hea*y hydrogen is
hea*ier and hence it e*aporates
4nowing ?ydrogen ( Ceuterium ratio
will help answer how did water
*anish from 1arsG
"he combined weight of these five instruments >just ?()
ISR' Telemetry) Tracking J %ommand 8etwork
"re*iously tracked and commanded
8ow doing the same for 1ars orbiter.
Do we need Mars Mission?
2for &roup @iscussion &@<Interview3
1. %rores of rupee wasted$ could be used to feed
millions of hungry people in India. 1illions of
children su6ering from malnutrition) half the 5unta
doesnt ha*e toilets. 0etter get those thousands
of ISR' scientists and engineers to comeup with
new technology to f7 malnutrition and
-. ISR's budget is better spent to meet Indias
communication needs and bring down digital
3. E*en Airtel has sued ISR' for not meeting its
contract obligations. So) ISR' better focus on
present rather than doing some mars research
whose benefts can materialiKe may be after 1,,$
-,, years.
L. ISR' has installed a fancy methane detector in
this spacecraft. 0ut 8ASAs curiosity ro*er data
has already concluded that Mars en+ironment
doesn,t !ontain methane. ISR' is only
doing gaddha ma#oori :donkey labour;. %ounter
argument( 8ASAs %uriosity ro*er measured
presence of methane in a small area. 0ut ISR' will
scan entire 1artian en*ironment to detect
/. .S!# testing has not gi*ing positi*e result yet.
?ad they waited for .S!# testing to fnish$ 1ars
1ission could be done in -,1+. :E*en
%handrayan$- pro5ect is stalled due to this .S!#
problem;. 0ut it seems ISR' chairman wants
media publicity before retiring) so made he all the
haste to launch 1ars 1ission in -,13 using "S!#
:instead of .S!#;.
+. !ess of a scientifc pursuit and more of a space
race with %hina$ Ame too going on 1ars. Hirst
India should o*ertake %hina in terms of .C" and
po*erty remo*al.
R. 0ritain) Dapan) Morld 0ank etc. reduce the
donation to India thinking <since India has lot of
money of run such 1ars ad*entures) they must
ha*e money to take care of their poors as well.=
2to drag the argument further non-seriously3
N. This is 5ust publicity stunt to di*ert attention
from real issues. Earlier %handryaan found traces
of water on 1oon) then Aa5$tak etc. ?indi channels
ran -LOR reports for weeks2 in the meantime
go*ernment can go scot free with bigger scams.
&. And most importantly) the youngsters ha*e to
mugup one more stupid topic for the competiti*e
e7ams. The fnancial cost of combined man$hours
wasted in studying such topics2 alone worth 13S
of .C".
!" cash will #e reco$ered
#t the core of A#ntiB arguments> CaCD that I+$' has
wasted in this Mars project. Eut in reality it:s
an investment that will be recovered within a few decades,
1. 1any countries in Asia) Africa and !atin America
are seeing good economic growth. 0ut they lack
skilled manpower) technology and budget to
setup their own launch *ehicles and premier
space agencies.
-. 0ut they too need satellites for communication
and military. So) they outsource the satellite
launchOsur*ey work to established players.
3. ISR's commercial Arm A8TRIF makes annual
proft of P1,, crore rupees from such
Aoutsourced contracts.
L. ISR' spent only L/, crore rupees. 8ASA has
spent billions of dollars on 1ars. This 1akes ISR'
world$famous as a prudent cost sa*ing space
agency2 more clients *ia its commercial arm
A8TRIF 2 more money incoming.
+o, we can see this Mars mission as I+$':s F70 crore
rupees advertisement < 4$ campaign- to impress those
potential Gclients: and get more contracts>H money will be
recovered and profit will be made.
%" So&t Power
#s I+$' establishes reputation, gets more contracts from
third world- it can be used as a tool to e1ercise soft power.
gi*e take
personnel Otechnology
e7change programs with
de*eloping countries
gi*ing discounts on their space
their support for Indias claim to
"ermanent seat in I8S%
their *otes in our fa*our whene*er
4ashmirOArunachal issues popup in I8
.eneral Assembly
'il$gas e7ploration contracts in their
territory Tand so on.
In short, there is more to international relations than what
meets the eyes. F70 crore is a very petty amount to
accomplish many diplomatic victories- Icompared to the
thousands of crore rupees we:ve given to Eangladesh,
Myanmar, %epal and Ehutan via AsoftB loans so they don:t
shelter terrorists and secessionists on their soil.J
'" Did not steal &rom (oor)s month
1. .o*ernment spends barely P,.3/S of budget on
space programs. And e*en out of that P,.3/S
allocation) ISR' spent only NS on 1ars 1issions.
There are plenty of go*ernment schemes with
way bigger budgetary allotments for poor people.
So its not like go*ernment stoppedOreduced
e7penditure on some 7yK scheme for poors to
fund ISR's 1ars ad*enture.
-. Agreed) po*erty should be remo*ed) and
e*eryone must get food security. 0ut the
proposed food security bill will need P1$- lakh
crores rupees e*ery year. E*en If ISR' didnt
spend L/, crores on 1ars) the money thus sa*ed$
wont make a big contribution to food security
*" Ma+ing ,istory
So far only three agencies ha*e succeeded in
1ars 1ission
1. European Space Agency :ESA; of European
-. 8ational Aeronautics and Space
Administration :8ASA; of the IS
3. Roscosmos of Russia
E*en ISA) Dapan and %hina failed to reach mars
in their frst attempt.
So) if ISR's 1ars mission succeeds in frst
attempt :that too without coaching;) itd be a
milestone in the history of space e7plorations.
-" Misc.
1. Mill attract talented desi scientistOengineers to
5oin ISR'2braindrain pre*ented.
-. Cata gathered from ISR's mission) can be used
to send manned mission :astronauts; on 1ars
later) with collaboration of 8ASA etc.
3. The technology used in this mission has
potential application in weather forecast)
computer tech) health$medicine etc. in future.
L. Space research is not waste of time. 1&&,
'disha cyclone killed U1,,,, people. 0ut -,13
cyclone "halin killed *ery few) because Indian
satellite ga*e accurate weather prediction about
where and when the storm would hit. Space
research has gi*en immense benefts to
Agriculture) education) fsheries and defense.
:%ounter argument( then send more
weatherOeducation satellites$ not spacecrafts to
1oon and 1arsV;
ISR",s MoM -'S',s Ma+en
1ars 'rbitor 1ission
1ars Atmosphere and #olatile E*olution
1ission :1A#E8;
launch *ehicle2"S!# Atlas # rockets. :more powerful than "S!#;
launched on /
8o* -,13 1N
8o* -,13
from Sriharikota) Andhra from %ape %ana*eral in Hlorida) IS.
Rs.L/, crore W+R1 million
P1)3/, kg GG
will enter 1ars 'rbit PSept.
-L) -,1L
will enter 1ars 'rbit PSept. --) -,1L
Coing three studies(
1. Sur.a!e/geology( using
camera and spectrometer.
-. /Parti!le0 &n+ironment(
using 1E8%A
3. 'tmoshere: using
"hotometer and 1ethane
'nly study 1artian :upper; atmosphere.
based on that data( Itll gi*e clues about
martian climate) geologic) and geochemical
conditions o*er time
Mill fnd the answer( Cid 1ars e*er had
suitable en*ironment to support lifeG
has f*e instrumentsOpayloads
has eight instrument$ spectrograph)
magnetometer) ion analyKer etc.
The spacecraft may also pro*ide
communications relay support for future
1ars landers and ro*ers.
Meather satellite :meteorology;) search and
rescue operations.
At present Indias meteorological obser*ation is
done by two satellites 4alpana$1 and I8SAT 3A.
This I8SAT 3C is more powerful and ad*anced.
it can detect signals from distressed fshing
boats) aeroplanes etc. and help in search and
rescue missions) with help of coast guard) na*y
!aunched in late August -,13.
e7piry date2 after se*en years in -,-,
RH 200 &
Thumba E@uatorial Rocket !aunching Station :TER!S;)
4erala) under ISR'
1&+3( #ikarm Sarabhai and team had launched an American
rocket 8ike$Apachefrom here.
-,13( completed /, years. R? -,, rocket was launched.
R? -,, is a Rohini series ad*anced sounding rocket. can
carry 1, kg payload.
to study the upper atmosphere.
Indias frst full$edged military communications satellite
8a*y will use it for ship$to$ship and ship$to$shore
!aunched from Hrench .uiana in late August -,13.
this communication satellite was to be launched Pmid$
August -,13) from Sriharikota) Andhra
but XE"I%HAI! because launch *ehicle .S!#$C/ de*eloped a
leak2 ISR' had to cancel.
8ASAs 1ars Ro*er %uriosity$ ga*e two new fndings
1. 1artian meteoritesYreally are from the 1ars "lanet.
-. Hound two isotops of argon gas ( Argon$3+ and Argon$3N9by
the Sample Analysis at 1ars :SA1; instrument on %uriosity.
Chandra 0-ray 1#ser$atory
belongs to 8ASA
allows scientists from around the world to obtain
F$ray images$ to understand uni*erses structure
and e*olution
It recently found a black hole Qthe center of
milky way a producing high energy particles.
?igh energy particles 2 produced by young stars
and blackholes.
They play important role regulating the rate of
formation of new stars.
1lym(ic torch in S(ace
-,1Ls winter 'lympics will be held in Sochi)
Russia during Hebruary.
Hrom 4aKakhstan) rocket was launched to carry
'lympic torch to the international space station.
Astronauts will carry out a spacewalk with this
'lympic torch. That way we can brag 'lympic
torch has e*en been to space.
This torch has also been through(
$. Morlds deepest lake( Bai*al
%. ?ighest mountain in Russia and
Europe( Mt.&l1rus
from ?aryana.Selected in 8ASAs three year astronaut training
3e/ense relate'
!" I/S Vi+ramaditya
1&NR I8S #irat$ Aircraft carrier inducted.
India starts negotiating with Russia to get their aircraft carrier
called Admiral Gorshov :to be added as I8S #ikramaditya;
-,,L formal deal signed
I8S #ikrant( Indias frst e*er indigenously built aircraft carrier
launched Q4ochi.
Hinally Russia handed o*er the ship to Indian 8a*y) after almost &
years wait. Total cost( U1-,,, cr. rupees.
'! but why is it so special9
I8S #irat is soon to retire. #ikrants testing is still
ongoing. So) Me needed a new aircraft carrier.
*ikramaditya will makes us only the third
country in the world after the IS and Italy to own
more than air craft one carrier. :#ikramaB#ikrant;
E*en %hina has only one aircraft carrier( !iaoning
I8S #ikramaditya can carry
3, aircraft including 1i. -&4) Sea ?arrier[
Chru*) %hetak helicopters.
1+,, personnel
Its radar has a range of /,,kms.
(234 has 1een a se!ial year .or Indian -a+y
.or .ollowing reasons:
1. got 0oeing "N I long range maritime
reconnaissance planes
-. got ?awk 5ets to train na*y pilots.
3. got full edged communication satellite .SAT$R
L. frst 1i.$-&4 s@uadron was commissioned
/. I8S #ikrant( frst indigenous aircraft carrier) was
launched at 4ochi.
+. I8S Arihant$ Indias frst home grown nuclear
submarine( Its nuke reactor went Acritical in
August month.
R. and fnally got this I8S #ikramaditya
%" /a(alm
incendiary weapon) designed by American
chemists during MM-
"rinciple( fuel B thickening agent2 fuel burns
longer) gi*es higher temperature2 more damage
if poured on an enemy bunkerO*ehicleOsoldier.
Thickening agent used was( -aphthenate B
aluminium almitate. :hence called 8apalm;
was widely used during 4orean and #ietnam Mar.
I8 con*ention prohibits the use of 8apalm
against ci*ilians.
Why in -ews? +yrian #ir force dropped %apalm bombs
over schoolchildren. 2EEC report.3
'" 2MP 3om#
E1"2electromagnetic pulse
8uclear bomb blast 2U gamma radiation.
Atom is made up of( proton B neutron B
but this gamma radiation throws electrons out of
the atom.
all those free electrons are then deected by
earths magnetic feld. And thus an E1" blast is
An E1" blast can disable all type of electronic
e@uipment. 0ut it wont damage physical
structures$ like bridgesObuildings) It cant kill
people directly.
Solar ares also create E1"$ damage satellites
and communication network.
ok but why in newsG 0ecause 8orth 4orea has
:allegedly; bought E1" bombs from Russia 2
South 4orea is worried.
!" Tree Lea$es to detect gold
.old mining companies spend billions of dollars
to search new deposits of gold.
0ut Australian researcher came with a cheaper
method2 5ust study the tree lea*es.
Acacias and eucalypts treet roots go *ery deep
in the earth and while they suck water and
minerals$ they also suck gold particles.
0ut these trees treat the gold as to7ic) and store
it away in their lea*es for shedding later.2 by
studying the chemical contents of the tree lea*es)
we can make a preliminary assessment about
gold deposits in the area.
Syn!hrotron 2particle accelerator machine in
Australia. it was use for testing this tree$lea*es$
gold theory.
%" Candle &lame $s 4ra$ity
Mhen we light a candle) why does the ame go
against the gra*ity :up;G
0urning candle2 nearby air gets hot2mo*es
And the cold air from abo*e comes downward.
Soon) this cold air also gets hot and mo*es
This continuous cycle of air mo*ement pushes
the ame upwards and gi*es the teardrop O
elongated shape.
If there is no gra*ity) then candle ame will be
in sheri!al shae. :0ecause there is no up
direction for the warm air to rise.;
Moc5 6,estions
1. Mhich among the following used .S!# launch
1. .SATR
-. .SAT1L
3. 1ars 'rbitor 1ission
L. 8one of Abo*e
-. Mhich of the following is not associated with
Indian 8a*y
1. ?awk Det Trainer
-. 0oeing "N
3. .SAT$R
L. Samudra "aheredar
-. Hind the correct statement about 8epalm
1. 8apalm is used in synethsis of Agent 'range
-. 8apalm can be used as fuel in bomber 5ets.
3. I8 con*ention forbids the use of 8apalm
against enemy soldiers during war.
L. 8one of Abo*e
-. Hind incorrect statements
1. an E1" blast cannot damage mechanical
instruments stored in a bunker
-. an E1" blast cannot kill soldiers hiding in a
3. an E1" blast cannot damage electronics stored
in a bunker
L. 8one of abo*e
5). Consider .ollowing statements a1out ISR"
Mars Mission
1. 1angalyaan was launched using "S!# because
"S!# can carry hea*ier weight and longer 5ourney
than .S!#
-. 1angalyaan has a Spectrometer to determine
hydrogen and Ceuterium le*els in 1artian
3. 1angalyaan has a "hotometer to study mineral
composition of 1artian soil
Correct statements are=
1. 'nly 1 and -
-. 'nly - and 3
3. 'nly 1 and 3
L. 8one
5$. Consider .ollowing airs
1. 1angalyaan2frst Indian spacecraft to cross
Earths escape *elocity of 11.- km per second.
-. I8S #irat2 Indias frst e*er indigenously built
aircraft carrier
3. .SAT$R2 Indias frst full$edged 1ilitary
communication satellite.
Correct pairs are
1. 'nly 1 and -
-. 'nly - and 3
3. 'nly 1 and 3
L. 8one
56. Whi!h o. the .ollowing do not 1elong to
1. %handra F$ray 'bser*atory
-. R?$-,,
3. 1ars E7ospheric 8eutral %omposition AnalyKer
L. Sample Analysis at 1ars
'nswer !hoi!e
1. 'nly 1 and -
-. 'nly -) 3 and L
3. 'nly - and L
L. 'nly 1 and L
) mar*s
1. "ayloads on ISR's 1ars orbital mission
-. 1E8%A
/. .SAT$R
+. .SAT$1L
2la$e an' St,xnet+
"hese are male ware programs designed for the cyber espionage
purposes which are being detected by the $ussian #ntivirus +oftware
company 2)aspers!y lab3. It is believed that the two maleware
programs had been developed to spy the data of the centrifuges
which are operational in the %uclear research facilities in Iran.
2o,n'ation 7812 (Near earth "1&ects
It is a well known fact that there are asteroids in the
space which are threat to life onto the earth. 8ASA itself
has identifed such 1/,, dangerous asteroids which it
termed as 8E' :8ear Earth 'b5ect;.
Therefore) it has become important to keep eye on such
dangerous 8E's. Interestingly) the IS based 8.' has
come up with the mission that it is wanted to launch its
own satellite for the same purpose.
The 8.' name is Houndation 0+1-.
NASA#s Cassini spacecra/t
Hor studying Saturn and its moons.
8ame of lunar probe launch of %hina.
frst in -,,R
%hange - in -,1,
both named for the %hinese goddess of the moon.
spacecraft became %hinas longest$e*er space
mission and was notable for including the nations
frst woman astronaut.
was the frst communications satellite) launched in
-,1- marks the half centuary of its launch.
8ASAs program on 1ars e7ploration
!aunched in -,11
test the soil samples to see if there are signs of life
in the history of 1ars.
determine 1ars geological conditions and changes)
and if there are any microorganisms present on the
%uriosity will test the 1ars soil only with its own
e@uipment after it lands on the planet in August -,1-
but future missions will bring samples back to Earth
for more study)
%uriosity will help pa*e the way for future manned
1ars missions
%uriosity also will take *ideo images for the frst
time and send them back to Earth
The ro*er also will be the frst to use nuclear power
will enable %uriosity to operate for at least a full
1ars year :+NR Earth days) or 1.& Earth years;.
will tra*el almost 3/- million miles :/+R million km;
to reach 1ars
Solar stor$s
Solar storms occur when the sun hurls large clouds
of electrically charged particles into space and these
strike the earth. The solar cycle takes around 11
years to complete.
can o*erload electricity networks causing
breakdowns) cause satellites to fail) and endanger
astronauts and people in aircraft
A solar storm in mid$1arch 1&N& did in fact disrupt
power supplies to millions of %anadians for se*eral
hours and cut contact with around 1)+,, satellites.
Since then many electricity networks ha*e
impro*ed their e@uipment) but preparations need to
be made) not only for e*ents similar to those in the
past) but also for the e7treme e*ents that might arise
only once in a thousand years.
the cycle will rise in strength to a peak in -,13.
."S aided geo augmented na*igation :gagan;) a 5oint
e6ort by the indian space research organisation and the
airports authority of india.
To help pilots land their aircraft in bad weather and poor
*isibility) se*eral airports in the country are e@uipped
with ground$based instrument landing systems :ils;.
Mhen two strains of bird u infect the same host) they
can readily swap genes) a process known as
reassortment. The -,,& h1n1 pandemic *irus was itself a
triple reassortant) with its genes drawn from bird) human
and animal strains.
This mi7 of genes created a *irus that readily infected
humans) was easily transmitted from one person to
another) and to which most people had no immunity.
Nasa#s glor( spacecra/t
Cata from the glory mission will allow scientists to
better understand how the sun and tiny atmospheric
particles called aerosols a6ect earths climate.
The taurus 7l also carries the frst of nasas educational
launch of nanosatellite missions. This au7iliary payload
contains three small satellites called cubesats) which
were designed and created by uni*ersity and college
China space progra$
%hinese astronauts remained in space so far was 11/./
hours) or nearly f*e days) during the mission of
ShenKhou #I in -,,/.
%hina will build a space station in 1, years and will
probably carry out manned e7plorations of deep space in
the future
In'ia#s %olar Satellite La,nch Vehicle (%SLV-C1:
It put four satellites in orbit) The satellites were( 1egha$
Tropi@ues) an Indo$Hrench mission to study the weather
and climate in the tropical regions of the world[ srmsat)
built by students of SR1 Ini*ersity) near %hennai[ Dugnu)
put together by Indian Institute of Technology) 4anpur
students[ and *esselsat from !u7embourg.
#ikram Sarabhai Space %entre) Thiru*ananthapuram

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