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The Computer Graphics course prepares students for activities involving the design,

development, and testing of modeling, rendering, and animation solutions to a broad

variety of problems found in entertainment, sciences, and engineering.
Students learn:
(1) How to develop interactive programs that use effectively the graphics
functionalities available in contemporary personal computers
(2) The fundamental principles and technologies upon which these functionalities,
and possibly their future evolutions, are based, and the skills for designing and
implementing practical graphic solutions to challenging problems in different
application domains.
The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to the theory and practice of computer graphics

This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to computer
graphics leading to the ability to understand contemporary terminology,
progress, issues, and trends.
A thorough introduction to computer graphics techniques, focusing on 3D
modeling, image synthesis, and rendering. Topics cover: geometric
transformations, geometric algorithms, software systems (OpenGL, shaders),
3D object models (surface, volume and implicit), visible surface algorithms,
image synthesis, shading and mapping, ray tracing, radiosity, global
illumination, sampling, Monte Carlo path tracing, photon mapping, and anti-
The interdisciplinary nature of computer graphics is emphasized in the wide
variety of examples and applications.
Students will have an appreciation of the history and evolution of computer
graphics, both hardware and software. Assessed by written homework
Students will have an understanding of 2D graphics and algorithms including:
line drawing, polygon filling, clipping, and transformations. They will be able
to implement these. Assessed by tests and programming assignments.
Students will understand the concepts of and techniques used in 3D computer
graphics, including viewing transformations, hierarchical modeling, color,
lighting and texture mapping. Students will be exposed to current computer
graphics research areas. Assessed by tests, homework and programming
Students will be able to use a current graphics API (OpenGL). Assessed by
programming assignments.
Students will be introduced to algorithms and techniques fundamental to 3D
computer graphics and will understand the relationship between the 2D and 3D
versions of such algorithms. Students will be able to reason about and apply
these algorithms and techniques in new situations. Assessed by tests and
programming assignments.

1. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics leading to the
ability to understand contemporary terminology, progress, issues, and trends.
2. A thorough introduction to computer graphics techniques, focusing on 3D modeling, image synthesis,
and rendering.
3. Topics cover: geometric transformations, geometric algorithms, software systems (OpenGL, shaders),
3D object models (surface, volume and implicit), visible surface algorithms, image synthesis.
4. Shading and mapping, ray tracing, radiosity, global illumination, Monte Carlo path tracing, photon
mapping, and anti-aliasing.
5. The interdisciplinary nature of computer graphics is emphasized in the wide variety of examples and
6. Aiming at conducting Tutorial,seminars and remedial classes.

Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to
1.Students will demonstrate an understanding of contemporary graphics hardware.
2. Students will create interactive graphics applications in C++ using one or more graphics application
programming interfaces.
3. Students will write program functions to implement graphics primitives.
4. Students will write programs that demonstrate geometrical transformations
.5. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the use of object hierarchy in graphics applications.
6. Students will write program functions to implement visibility detection.
7. Students will write programs that demonstrate computer graphics animation.
8. Students will write programs that demonstrate 2D image processing techniques.

A successful student will:
1. Know and be able to describe the general software architecture of programs
that use 3D computer graphics.
2. Know and be able to discuss hardware system architecture for computer
graphics. This includes, but is not limited to: graphics pipeline, frame buffers,
and graphic accelerators/co-processors.
3. Know and be able to use a current 3D graphics API (e.g., OpenGL or DirectX).
4. Know and be able to use the underlying algorithms, mathematical concepts,
supporting computer graphics. These include but are not limited to:
Composite 3D homogeneous matrices for translation, rotation, and
scaling transformations.
Plane, surface normals, cross and dot products.
Hidden surface detection / removal.
Scene graphs, display lists.
5. Know and be able to select among models for lighting/shading: Color, ambient
light; distant and light with sources; Phong reflection model; and shading (flat,
smooth, Gourand, Phong).
6. Know and be able to use and select among current models for surfaces (e.g.,
geometric; polygonal; hierarchical; mesh; curves, splines, and NURBS;
7. Know and be able to design and implement model and viewing
transformations, the graphics pipeline and an interactive render loop with a 3D
graphics API.
8. Be able to design and implement models of surfaces, lights, sounds, and
textures (with texture transformations) using a 3D graphics API.
9. Be able to discuss the application of computer graphics concepts in the
development of computer games, information visualization, and business
10. Be able to discuss future trends in computer graphics and quickly learn future
computer graphics concepts and APIs.

At the end of this course students should:
Have a basic understanding of the core concepts of computer graphics.
Be capable of using OpenGL to create interactive computer graphics.
Understand a typical graphics pipeline.
Have made pictures with their computer.

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